Category: CPNYS NEWS

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses President Biden’s address to Congress; Gov. Cuomo’s coverup, NY losing a Congressional Seat and our May 26th event in Tappan, NY.

Biden Delivers First Address

 President Joe Biden delivered his speech to Congress and the Nation Wednesday night. It was the least watched address in recent memory failing to crack 27 million viewers.

Biden went months in office without holding a press conference, his address marks only the second time he has made public comments since taking the oath of office on January 20th.

Americans are learning it is expensive for them when Biden talks as it is clear his priorities are massive tax hikes.  One specifically large increase is to the capital gains tax which would see New Yorker’s taxed at more than 50%.

“When you add in the state capital gains rate, you’re looking at a 54.3 percent top capital gains rate. New York City also has a separate local tax on capital gains. So you’re looking at about a 58.1 percent tax rate,” Garret Watson, a senior policy analysist with the Tax Foundation, said to NY1.

While Biden was eager to talk about a massive tax increase, he conveniently shied away from discussing the crisis at our southern border, refusing to acknowledge the humanitarian and national security crisis his administration has created.

Republican Senator Tim Scott delivered a thoughtful rebuttal to President Biden’s speech, but the liberal left has chosen to ignore Senator Scott’s unifying message in order to launch personal attacks based on race.

“Intolerance so often comes from the left with words like ‘Uncle Tim’ and the ‘n-word’ being used against me,” Scott said. “And last night what was trending in social media was ‘Uncle Tim,’ they doubled down on this concept of liberal oppression. It is stunning in 2021 that those who speak about ending discrimination want to end it by more discrimination” said Scott.

The Biden administration and its allies have shown no desire to do anything other than tax and spend on far-left, progressive programs while pursuing D.C. statehood, which passed the House on a party line vote, and packing the Supreme Court to ensure a Venezuelan style decline in America.

Cuomo’s Coverup

 Details on Governor Cuomo’s corrupt coverup continue to come to light as we learned this week that the Governor and his staff hid the true number of COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes for nearly half a year.

Top aide to Cuomo, Melissa DeRosa, emailed New York State health officials admitting the administration was “anxious” in regard to the pending DOH nursing home report. The administration then worked to downplay their roll in admitting COVID-19 positive patients as they lied about the destruction stemming from that decision.

The DOH report stated the number of nursing home deaths was close to 10,000, far more than the administration had reported. Cuomo’s decision, the report found, ultimately led to 35% of the states total COVID-19 deaths.

While the Governor was involved in one coverup scheme, he also had a side hustle going. While thousands of New Yorker’s died in nursing homes, Cuomo lined his pockets. It is reported he enriched himself to the tune of $4 million dollars with his book, praising himself for his response to the pandemic.

The Governor was given a lucrative book contract because of his carefully constructed image as a leader in the early days of the pandemic. Had the real numbers been released, that image would have been shattered. Denials from his administration that the book had no relevance simply don’t pass the smell test.

By following the money, the truth is revealing itself.

New York to Lose Congressional Seat

New York’s decline in population will lead to yet another House of Representatives district disappearing thus leaving the state with less representation.

The aggressive tax and spend, progressive defund the police, and regressive public safety laws implemented by Mayor de Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and the Democratic State Legislature have led to an out migration pattern that is not soon to be addressed.

New York was once represented by 45 members in Congress.  Since 1952, that number has shrunk to 26. In fact, the only handful of years we did not see a decline in Congressional seats are the years that Governor George Pataki presided over the state.

The outmigration continues to plague New York, not only in the loss of revenue, but now the loss of representation in our nation’s Capital.

We now wait as district lines will be redrawn and announced sometime this coming fall. It is too early to speculate on exactly what the landscape will be later this year; but the census numbers have confirmed that our state is shrinking in population and influence while less taxed states continue to grow.

Spring Reception

  As a reminder we will be gathering in Tappan, New York on May 26th for an in-person reception.

I am happy to announce Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis will be our speaker. The Congresswoman has taken on a leading role in Washington D.C. on behalf of New York’s 11th congressional district. She has been an outspoken critic on the Democrats attempt to pack the court, and most recently has been the leading voice on calling for the DOJ to release documents related to Saudi Arabia’s role in the September 11, 2001 atrocities.

Additionally, I am excited to award Bob Smith, an original founder of the party, with the J. Daniel Mahoney award. Bob is the President and Founder of Smith Affiliated Capital and has been active for decades. Bob is more than deserving and I look forward to honoring him.

Finally, we will present Senators Ortt, Borrello, Helming, O’Mara and Assemblyman DiPietro with our top legislative rating awards for their commitment to supporting and voting for good causes throughout New York State.

The venue is a truly special place and piece of New York history. The Old ’76 House is America’s oldest restaurant and is listed as a National Landmark.

For more information and to register click here. 

Biden contends Trump administration failed to plan for migrant ‘overflow’

Taxpayer costs soaring for Biden border surge, contracts show

Progressives take credit for Biden’s huge spending plan: ‘We are setting the agenda for the Democratic Party’

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses President Biden’s address to Congress; Gov. Cuomo’s coverup, NY losing a Congressional Seat and our May 26th event in Tappan, NY.

The wolf in sheep’s clothing was on full display in the House’s Chamber last night.

The Andrew Cuomo nursing home scandal gets worse and worse.

Cuomo admin buried scientific paper on nursing home COVID deaths: report

Embattled Cuomo pursues strategy for survival.

Gov. Cuomo mocks de Blasio’s July reopening plan in feisty news conference.

Peter Schweizer writes in Gatestone Institute about Hunter Biden’s Laptop.

Communist China’s Quest for Dominance in Antarctica.

It is a shallow, self-absorbed person who takes credit for accomplishments others have achieved.   Joe Biden has a long history of plagiarism (Echoes of Biden’s 1987 plagiarism scandal continue to reverberate; Joe Biden’s Plagiarism Problem) so the reality of his taking credit for the successful COVID-19 vaccine should not shock anyone.  It does however, remind us that President Joe Biden puts himself before every American who appreciates what America has accomplished in her short 245 year history.  It also reminds us that President Joe Biden’s call for unity on January 20, 2021 was an empty ploy designed for headlines that the fawning mainstream media could not wait to shout from the roof tops.

Biden’s One Hundred Days of Hubris.

Biden’s Dishonest Sales Pitch.

Biden’s first big speech to Congress bombs on all counts.

Fact-Checking 7 of Biden’s Claims in His Address to Congress.

Biden’s latest multitrillion-dollar plan to reward Dem allies — and balloon government.

Biden’s bold new era of big government is a colossal mistake.

The mendacity of Joe Biden’s address to Congress.

By the way, let us be perfectly clear, the proposed American Families Plan is nothing more than a strategy to indoctrinate your children at the youngest age possible while lying to the public when it says free college – their children and grandchildren will be paying for their college bill.

The Heritage Foundation put together a video with President Biden’s biggest blunders in last night’s address.

Message to the Squad et al. who ignore certain historical facts:  How Roman Central Planners Destroyed Their Economy.

Democrats face big headaches on Biden’s $4T spending plan

New York’s total capital gains tax rate could top 50% under Biden plan.

From City Journal:  Stick It to the Rich/The Biden administration’s plans to double the tax rate on capital gains will prove costly to all Americans, not just the wealthy.

Sen. Tim Scott became the epitome of how to give a response.  Scott Outshines Biden, Enrages Libs With Inspiring Tale of Overcoming Adversity; and the progressive left losses their minds when they rush to their favorite social media site and Twitter’s hypocrisy was on full display:   ‘Uncle Tim’ trends on Twitter after Tim Scott’s Biden address rebuttal.

Media Desperately Tries to Debunk Tim Scott’s Belief America Isn’t a Racist Country.

The media and the Left’s response to Sen. Scott prove what phonies they really are.  Tim Scott responds to ‘stunning’ assault from the left: ‘They’re literally attacking the color of my skin’

Guy Benson:  The Best Lines from Tim Scott’s Excellent Speech.  Sen. Scott’s full speech is here.

Unusual Supreme Court vote rules illegal immigrant can avoid deportation on technicality.  Interesting case, interesting 6-3 split-decision and it certainly should remind all of us how important it is to be precise in what we do.

Bill Hammond provides Ten reasons to oppose ‘Albanycare’.

As NY Loses Congressional Seat, Gubernatorial Hopeful Lee Zeldin Offers a Different Path to ‘Restore Glory’

Politics Is Not the Only Game in Town.

In case you missed this; Christopher F. Rufo opines on The Courage of Our Convictions/How to fight critical race theory.

Statement from New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Sen. Scott’s GOP Response

For Immediate Release
April 29, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Brooklyn, NY — “President Biden’s address Wednesday night made it clear that America can’t afford the Democratic Party. His proposals, while nice sounding to some, would constitute an assault on our younger generations which have to bear the brunt of our already unmanageable debt.  It’s easy to propose new spending; it’s quite another thing to govern responsibly.

“Senator Tim Scott, in his GOP response, described the America we all embrace; an America that fosters the American Dream knowing that America’s vision from its inception has always relied on a responsible approach to governance.  He spoke to the common sense in each of us and it was a breath of fresh air.”


Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

For Immediate Release
April 28. 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys
Statement by New York State Conservative Party                            Chairman Gerard Kassar 

Brooklyn, NY — “Andrew Cuomo looks crooked to the core in his multi-million-dollar Covid-19 book scheme. It is impossible to believe that proceeds from the book — reported to be in the range of $4 million — had no bearing on his administration’s hiding of the Covid nursing home death data during the weeks in which his book advance was being negotiated with a publisher.

“Today’s startling New York Times exposé, revealing that top Cuomo staff members and Department of Health employees conspired to conceal accurate death data for a period of five months, leaves little doubt that something cynical, well beyond politics, was afoot.

“Governor Cuomo was given a lucrative book contract because of his carefully constructed image as a leader in the early days of the pandemic. Had the real numbers been released, that image would have been shattered. Denials from his administration that the book had no relevance simply don’t pass the smell test.

“By following the money, the truth is revealing itself.”



Governor Cuomo’s arrogance on full display…

Unbelievable!  The Emperor’s arrogance knows no bounds.  Cuomo says accusers ‘want attention’ in first press conference in months.  To quote Queen Gertrude: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”

The NY Post notes in today’s editorial:  Cuomo signals that nothing will get him to resign.  “This was Cuomo unmasked — no more Mr. Nice Gov. Having decided he couldn’t dodge the press forever; he decided to slander his accusers and make it clear that nothing would get him out of office.”

Nursing home families still in the dark after Gov. Cuomo’s COVID disaster.

New York’s ethics’ overhaul on a slow path to reform, but will it get there?  Better question, will a fox ever be capable of truly watching the henhouse?

Parents, we send our children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated!  Here is more information to stop the indoctrination:  Critical Race Theory: The Enemy of Reason, Evidence, and Open Debate.

Today’s Wall Street Journal editorial: (subscription required) Gun Rights Return to the Supreme Court/The Justices might finally stop lower-court judges from hollowing out the landmark Heller ruling.   Our friends, Tom King executive director of the NYS Rifle and Pistol Assn., filed the case along with the NRA to hopefully “correct the lower-court judges who are trying to make the Second Amendment an empty right that ends at the gun owner’s front door.”

Another case the US Supreme Court will hear this year is: US Supreme Court weighs conservative groups’ bid to conceal donors.

Gordon G. Chang continues in expose on China in Gatestone Institute:  China Is Extending Its Totalitarian Controls to the Rest of the World.

Mr. President and Members of Congress, read this:  Infrastructure Bill Should Benefit America—Not China.

Let’s hope his backbone has strengthen since the last time he indicated he was with his constituents, before the progressives really put the pressure on him:  Manchin pumps brakes on Biden infrastructure plans

Obviously, President Biden’s inability to read the country is his Achille’s Heel:  The Memo: Biden bets ‘big government’ is back.

John Kerry is skirting the line of treason with Iran.

Dave Bossie opines on HR 1 and how election integrity will suffer.

Biden cuts off press questions: ‘I’m really gonna be in trouble’ if I keep answering.  I could say a multitude of things about President Biden’s “I’m really gonna be in trouble; if I keep answering” but I will only say this:  Why were you not as honest prior to your election??

The Cuomo legacy continues; New York official losses a congressional district.

Biden plan to double capital-gains taxes will hurt economy to fuel giveaways to Dem special interest.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):  The Dumbest Tax Increase

Democrats bent on creating more Intrusive IRS.

E. J. McMahon writes in the Empire Center that New York has an added problem. Empire Downward: Pandemic policy responses are hindering NY’s recovery

America, wake up!  Get set for dangerous Critical Race Theory in every school in America.  Where are the parents who spoke out against common core?  Fortunately, some are beginning to speak out.  Inside the growing underground network of parents fighting ‘anti-racism’ in NYC schools.

Robert Knight, writing in the Washington Times, lets us know of other indoctrination going on in schools also at a very young age.

Courage Is Worth the Risk

Parents:  Do you know what your children are doing?  New Instagram for kids under 13 would create a child predator’s paradise.

Florida and Texas Gain House Seats as People Flee New York and California.  Read Chairman Kassar’s statement here.

Governor, why not ask the families if it would be an “invasion of personal privacy?” Cuomo blocks release of COVID nursing home data sent to feds.

3 Studies That Show Lockdowns Are Ineffective at Slowing COVID-19.

This is rich: the emperor of playing politics accuses Senator Stewart-Cousins of playing politics.  Stewart-Cousins again calls for Cuomo’s head as he accuses her of playing politics.

Gov. Cuomo refuses to address sexual harassment claims, calls to resign.

Well said, James Coll: Lawmakers gave up during crisis.

Crime rates spike, as social warriors take charge.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) After a stint at the Obama Energy Department, Steven Koonin reclaims the science of a warming planet from the propaganda peddlers.

Fox News Poll: Three times as many say border security worse under Biden.

John McWhorter: ‘Hyper Woke’ People Are Just Racists Hiding Behind Language.

I don’t know which surprises me more, the fact that Bill Maher trashes young people or the fact that the audience cheered:  Bill Maher’s Audience Cheers as He Trashes Young People with Far-Left Views: ‘Your Ideas Are Stupid’

Supreme Court Agrees to Take Up Major Second Amendment Case.

Gatestone Institute asks the question:  Will Communist China Dominate the Middle East?

We need more people with the courage of this man Wiley On LeBron Claiming System Is Broken: It ‘Allowed You To Become A Billionaire And Never Get Arrested’ and these women Tulsi Gabbard Blasts the ‘Racialization’ of Everything; The One Democrat Who Says Columbus Officer Who Shot Ma’Khia Bryant Was In the Right.

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Losing a Congressional Seat

For Immediate Release
April 26, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys
Statement by New York State Conservative Party  Chairman Gerard Kassar on Losing a Congressional Seat

Brooklyn, NY — “New York’s loss of yet another congressional seat shows what more than a half century of unbridled liberalism, with few bright spots, will do to a former political and economic powerhouse. And progressives in Albany, under single-party rule, are only getting started — if common-sense New Yorkers don’t stop them first.

“In 1951, boasting 45 representatives in Congress and an economy that was the envy of the nation, ‘The Empire State’ nickname was confidently affixed to all New York license plates for the first time. How should our license plates read now that we’re down to 26 — ‘The Dwindling State?’ ‘The Dopey State?’ It’s a legitimate question.

“New York’s continuing loss of political representation — clout — in Washington doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It has serious consequences for struggling New York families. Is it any wonder, for example, that New York finds itself the largest donor state to Washington in 2021, with a negative balance of nearly $23 billion? Is it any wonder we’ve had to beg Washington for infrastructure loans as our roads and bridges crumble? This is what happens when a state doesn’t matter as much as it once did because its people and jobs have been chased away.

“This loss is the direct result of seventy years of mostly bad policy making in Albany, shortsighted policies that have sent countless families and businesses to other parts of the country. More than a million New Yorkers have left the state under Governor Andrew Cuomo’s tenure alone. Meanwhile, other states such as Florida and Texas, which have enacted conservative economic policies, continue to prosper politically and economically.

“The New York State Conservative Party has been unwavering in its advocacy for smarter policy making since 1962. We continue to remind New Yorkers that they have a choice to make: Keep doing the same things and watch our state continue to atrophy, or get back in the game with new, forward-looking, common sense leaders in Albany. The choice is clear. What we have now simply isn’t working.”


Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses voting rights for parolees, VP Harris MIA at border and our May 26 Spring Reception.

New York Legislator Moves to Restore Voting Rights for Parolees

A bill passed earlier this year by the state Senate was also adopted by the Assembly this week paving the way to grant voting rights to every parolee in the state.

New York now becomes one of few states in the nation that allows parolees to vote and requires Department of Corrections employees to provide those individuals with a voter registration form.

When you commit felonies, you owe a debt to society and that debt is not paid in full until the convict has served their time and finished their parole obligations.

The Democratic-controlled state legislature makes it no secret that they are not interested in protecting the millions of residents and visitors who are law abiding members of society. Instead, they continue to place votes over paying the full debt to society.

They continue to empower those most willing to do harm to property and individuals, sending the message that their actions have very little consequences.

The only thing that remains for Democrats to do is add voting sites outside of our state prisons.

Vice President Harris MIA

Where is Vice President Harris, has been a question that has popped up over the last few weeks. Well, I can tell you where she is not, the Southern Border.

On March 24, President Joe Biden tasked VP Harris with leading the administrations response to the growing crisis at our border, but Harris has yet to visit Texas, Arizona, or New Mexico where illegal crossings have hit an all-time high.

The Vice President did announce her intentions to travel to Latin America last week, but continues to dodge questions regarding the humanitarian catastrophe, health risks, and the national security crisis our nation is facing.

Perhaps Congresswoman Claudia Tenney is correct when saying the Vice President is having trouble finding the border? Several members of our New York delegation have spent time visiting the border with law enforcement and seeing the issues up close. I am sure Congressmembers Garbarino, Malliotakis, Tenney, Jacobs or Katko would be more than willing to escort Vice President Harris to Donna, Texas.

2021 Spring Reception

I am very excited to have our first in-person Spring Reception May 26th in Tappan, New York.

It has been far too long since we have gathered to visit with one another and this event will give us the opportunity to do so while celebrating some very deserving honorees and their contributions.

I am happy to announce Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis will be our speaker. The Congresswoman has taken on a leading roll in Washington D.C. on behalf of New York’s 11th congressional district. She has been an outspoken critic on the Democrats attempt to pack the court, and most recently has been the leading voice on calling for the DOJ to release documents related to Saudi Arabia’s role in the September 11, 2001 atrocities.

Additionally, I am excited to award Bob Smith, an original founder of the party, with the J. Daniel Mahoney award. Bob is the President and Founder of Smith Affiliated Capital and has been active for decades. Bob is more than deserving and I look forward to honoring him.

Finally, we will present Senators Ortt, Borrello, Helming, O’Mara and Assemblyman DiPietro with our top legislative rating awards for their commitment to supporting and voting for good causes throughout New York State.

The venue is a truly special place and piece of New York history. The Old ’76 House is America’s oldest restaurant and is listed as a National Landmark.

For more information and to register click here. 

Twitter says it can’t evaluate LeBron James’s tweet targeting police officer due to deletion

Another Democrat-Controlled City Is Having Problems Recruiting People to Join Its Police Force.

Justice Thomas Calls Out Supreme Court’s Hypocrisy in Talking About Abortion.

Senate Republicans, Democrats Meet to Discuss Amnesty for Illegal Aliens.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses voting rights for parolees, VP Harris MIA at border and our May 26 Spring Reception.

Lately, Gov. Cuomo does his best to avoid the Press and when he can’t he hangs up on them.

Andrew Cuomo Earned $225,000 Last Year and Is Highest Paid Governor in American History.  Your tax dollars pay his salary.  California pays Newsome $201,680, while Florida’s DeSantis earns $130,273. A complete list of what governors earn (as of 2018) is here. (By the way, Florida has not increased the governor’s salary since 2010 according to the chart; is it any wonder why people are moving to Florida in droves?)

Hmmm, even with his excessive salary (and no mortgage),  and who just a few months ago was jovial with scarcely a care, seems to lack patience these days when it comes to answering legitimate questions from the press:  Gov. Cuomo hangs up on reporter who asked if he’d resign over sexual harassment.

What to watch for as the Assembly discusses Cuomo impeachment probe.

Over 200 tips, 70 people interviewed so far in Cuomo impeachment investigation.

Why more taxes could be on the horizon in Albany.

New York small business owners face looming hike on unemployment premiums.

How Cuomo’s Pandemic Response Eroded the Public Trust.

This erodes public trust even more:  New York’s bail laws keep putting criminals back out on the street.

Parents you really have to step up the plate and end this insanity:  Max Eden opines in City-Journal on Taking Off the Mask/The Department of Education just made it clear that it will promote critical race theory.

Rebooting NYC schools means dropping ideology and embracing choice

Bill Hammond explains that New York’s ‘Single Payer’ Health Plan Would Disrupt Coverage for Out-of-State Commuters, Too.

Surprise, surprise (not really):  Restaurant’s dangle bonuses amid labor shortage — and workers aren’t biting.  If people are getting paid to stay home, why would they work when they can get the same or larger check for staying home?

Larry Kudlow writes in the New York Sun: Guess Who Gets Sudden Stimulus from Biden’s Economy.

Caving to the controlling left again!  Biden Admin Announces ‘Strong Support’ For DC Statehood Bill, Says 51st State ‘Long Overdue’.  This issue is complicated and like many, I believe that in order to become a state, a Constitutional Amendment would be required.  Read what the Heritage Foundation wrote in 2007 about The Constitution and the District of Columbia.   The Hill reports that today the House approves bill to make DC a state along a party line vote.

How Many of H.R. 1’s Provisions Are Unconstitutional?

Biden’s infrastructure plan could endanger oil jobs and economic recovery.

Biden is not done spending yet:  Biden preparing to unveil $1T ‘families plan’ spending proposal this month.

What the Left/Progressives fail to tell you:  George Floyd Riots Caused Record-Setting $2 Billion in Damage, New Report Says. Here’s Why the True Cost Is Even Higher.

Heather MacDonald opines in City-Journal:  The pervasive sense that cities would burn if Derek Chauvin were not convicted raises questions about whether the jury’s verdict was reached dispassionately.

No, Mr. President, the ‘soul of America’ isn’t racist.

Matt Vespa gives credit to CNN’s Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo for their commentary on the latest police involved shooting in Columbus, Ohio.

Ben Domenech: Fighting Communist China Is Part Of Winning The Culture War.

China’s Fishing Fleet Is Vacuuming the Oceans.


House Democrats’ court packing bill much worse than Roosevelt’s 1937 attempt.

Raising a Strong Family Requires a Strong Vision.

Robert Weissberg explains in Intellectual Takeout why corporations have suddenly awoken:   The Rise of Woke Capitalism.

Despite what they tell you New York’s oligarchies do not need, want or support ethics.

So out of touch with reality!  Sanders and AOC unveil ‘Green New Deal’ proposal to overhaul public housing.  Have either of them ever studied, or just looked at the history of other major powers?  (copy and past in your browser, as this is a power point presentation:

Why America’s Founders Didn’t Want a Democracy.

How Stalin Canceled ‘Hamlet’ in the Soviet Union—and What It Can Teach Us about Cancel Culture.

Debunking the Left’s Big Lie on Election Integrity.

Kay C. James, President of Heritage Foundation, writes:  I Was a Black Teen in the ’60s. Don’t Believe Left’s Lies About ‘Jim Crow’ Election Reforms.

How Biden Administration Redefines Words, Reshapes Facts to Serve Its Purpose.

Parents are you sure you know what your children are being taught?  From the Daily Signal:  Biden Administration Wants Schools to Teach Prejudice. Here’s What Parents Should Know.  “This week, the U.S. Department of Education announced that officials are preparing to use taxpayer money for K-12 schools to advocate the idea that America is systemically racist, and anyone who thinks differently, children included, are part of the problem—whether students know it or not.”

Here in NY:  Private School Head Admits ‘Anti-racist’ Curriculum Is ‘Demonizing White People for Being Born’

Biden Says He’s Praying for ‘Right Verdict’ in Chauvin Trial, Claims ‘Evidence Is Overwhelming.’   “Evidence is overwhelming?”  Was he a juror or is President Biden relying on what has been reported by a press who interprets it for readers or reporters?  Unless you are glued to cable watching every minute of the broadcast, one really should not say the “evidence is overwhelming.”  Like President Biden, many people (including me) believe the video tape that has portrayed a very disturbing death, believe George Floyd’s death should not have happened; however, we also do not know the complete set of circumstances.  Mr. Floyd is dead and Mr. Chauvin must live with that fact for the rest of his life.

Dems have abandoned all principle by telegraphing approval of some rioting.

Why would an American President even think of doing this?  Critical piece of Sept. 11 history set to be sold to Indonesia.  President Biden you should be ashamed of yourself for considering this disrespectful act.

Gordan C Chang opines in Gatestone Institute on China and Russia: The Guns of April.

Headlines you won’t see in the mainstream media:  Stanford study quietly published at proves face masks are absolutely worthless against Covid.  Well worth reading.

The deadly side effects of unproven COVID interventions.

Comptroller DiNapoli requests AG James investigate Cuomo’s book deal.

This is the most imaginative headline in decades: There’s Appetite for an Ethics Overhaul in Albany and It Could Start This Year, Top Lawmaker Says.  How many times in the last 30 or so years has the public been told that the strongest ethics oversight has just been created…only to realize they all protect themselves until one gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar?  Need we remind you about Governor Cuomo’s Moreland Commission?   And how Preet Bharara noted (whitewashed??) that there was not enough evidence to bring a criminal case to court against him.

The NY Post editorial:  Andrew Cuomo just keeps the lies coming.

Subtle (?) preaching of ideology/indoctrination of young impressionable minds:  Cuomo’s Legacy as New York Governor.  Note the publication that ran this article.

George J. Marlin writes From the Right: Gov. Cuomo surrenders to radical left.

For Immediate Release
April 20, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882    @cpnys

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn, NY  “It’s a simple question, Governor Cuomo. How much did you make on the book?”

# # #


Governor Cuomo, who loves the camera, is suddenly very about shy about press at press conferences.

The Post-Journal raises the flag on what the democratic-controlled legislature wants to do next.  We Can’t Afford State Gov’t Taking More Money from Our Wallets; this is in addition to what they passed in the NYS Budget.

Tom Precious wrote on Friday: Under siege, Cuomo adopts a new strategy: ‘closed press’.

Speak up now or forever pay the price by continuing to live under the current laissez-faire conditions:  Campaign for parole law changes in New York gains steam.

Undermining Justice/Progressive politicians’ anti-police statements will hurt most the very groups they claim to defend.

Outrage of the war on cops: Devine

Northern border security concerns emerge as agents shifted to southern posts.

Victor Davis Hanson opines in Center for Individual Freedom on How to Start a War.

At least they admitted to “confusion”: Psaki Now Says Biden to Raise Refugee Cap by May 15, Cites ‘Confusion’ over Directive.  They should have admitted to “no backbone.”

Anthony Fauci Has Worn Out His Welcome.

Drug Overdose Deaths Skyrocketed to Record Levels Amid Pandemic Lockdowns, New CDC Data Show.

Chris Farrell writes in Gatestone Institute about The Apogee of Social Media.

ICYMI: These 107 Corporations Signal Opposition to Election Integrity.

What AOC Just Got Wrong About the Supreme Court and Separation of Powers.

Why Republicans must stand up to Democrats’ court-packing power grab.

The Supreme Thuggery of Democrats’ Court-Packing Scheme.

‘A Pure Political Ploy’: Sen. Rubio Accuses Democrats of Trying to Pack Courts for Their Own Agenda.

Joe Biden’s flavors of the weak: Goodwin.

The $8 trillion (and growing) Biden wants to spend on changing America forever.

It is disgraceful President Biden that would have her in your administration.  From the WSJ (subscription required) The Ambassador of Blame America First.

And why is the woman allowed to incite hate and insurrection?  Maxine Waters Incites the Mob.

How Congress is pushing for our schools to teach racialist anti-Americanism.

The Daily Signal explains Why Biden’s China Strategy Is Destined for Failure.

Parents, no matter where your child wants to go to college, investigate what they will be taught:  Profs argue that LGBTQ-inclusive sex education should begin early, before ‘cisnormative values’ become ‘more deeply ingrained’.

There are some great professors:  The Case for Black Patriotism/An African-American professor looks at the United States and sees the greatest force for human liberty on the planet.

A glimmer of hope:  Court’s College Pronoun Ruling Is Win for Right to Affirm Reality, Speak Freely

From the City-Journal:  Let’s Talk About Free Speech.