Category: CPNYS NEWS

President Biden makes no pretense of being a sheep any longer; the wolf is on full display.

We can, must and will change this negative aura on November 8, 2022:  Laws for sale: How the Democrats run Albany.

What happens when a 16 year old, with 3 gun busts in 4 months, is given a low bail ($10,000) by a lenient judge?   Alberto Ramirez, 16, was arrested Monday in the slaying of Eric Velasquez, 34, who was struck by a stray bullet that the teen allegedly shot blindly into a crowd while on a rival gang’s turf.  We must end this soft-on-crime mentality that is pervasive in the democratic-controlled legislature.  November 8, 2022 is 516 days from today; the question is, how many senseless deaths will be the result of the progressive movement that demanded the criminal justice changes that are responsible for the current crime wave?

Heather MacDonald writes in City-Journal:  Is Eric Adams New York’s Best Mayoral Hope?  Cops, in particular, are wary of the supposed law-and-order candidate.

Amid Federal Inaction, Texans Push for Control of Own Border.

New York’s Vaccine Passport Could Cost Taxpayers $17 Million.  This is a must read article, not only because of the cost of the vaccine passport; it also explains what information the “Excelsior Pass” plans to add in the future.  One should think twice before downloading the pass.  People should wonder how they will bypass the HIPPA rules; then again by downloading and using the App you give government implied permission.  With the rash of current ransomware attacks on corporations (and government) are you sure you want your driver’s license and health records on the “Excelsior Pass?”

Emails Reveal How Influential Articles That Established COVID-19 Natural Origins Theory Were Formed.

The Truth About Fauci.

The Poisonous Fruit of Appeasing Iran’s Mullahs.

Victor Davis Hanson writes that this isn’t your father’s left-wing revolution.

Keystone XL Pipeline Developer Nixes Project.

Gatestone Institution asks the question:  Is the Biden Administration Helping Iran to Achieve Its Nuclear Dream?

From Fox Business News:  Consumer prices surge 5% annually, most since August 2008.  From National Review:  Consumer Price Surge Breaks 13-Year Record as Inflation Threat Looms.  Of course, any one who has been in any store lately did not need to be told that consumer prices are surging.

Brace Yourselves: The ATF proposes to turn 40 million Americans into felons.

Biden warns climate change is ‘greatest threat’ to US security: ‘This is not a joke’  President Joe Biden seriously believes that climate change is the greatest threat to our security; I wonder what he thinks about cybersecurity and companies who pay ransomware when hacked?  Does he really believe that those collecting the ransomware want to make the world a better place?  Did his son Hunter convince him that China is our friend?  That they do not steal our technology, sell inferior products, infected the world with COVID-19 with their silence, that they do not want to rule the world?  Obviously, his appeasing Iran tells us that he doesn’t believe Iran’s goal of achieving a nuclear weapon is a threat to US Security.  The crisis at our border – allowing all into our country – is his creation, so no threat to our security there. Does he really think that diminishing our energy independence and protecting Russia’s, safeguards our security? President Joe Biden needs a reality check – from those who truly care about the security of the one nation that has lifted so many others.  While his focus is on climate change, our enemies focus on destroying the United States of America.  Shame on him especially saying this while addressing our service men and women who have taken an oath to keep our country safe from enemies and sacrifice so much in our all-volunteer military.

Harris gets tough reviews over border on first foreign trip…and they are from her side of the aisle.

She Won Her School Board Race by Opposing Critical Race Theory.  Need help on how to oppose Critical Race Theory?  Click here for Russ Vought’s Center for Renewing America guidance.   Click here for the 33 page handbook.  (Scroll down for the handbook.)

What a joyous sound at the NY Islander Hockey game last night:  NY Islanders’ Fans United and Did Something That Should Give You Chills…And It Probably Triggered Libs.

VP Kamala Harris gives reporters cookies … that look like her.

This is our Vice President; a woman who told NBC anchor, Lester Holt that she “didn’t understand the point” when pressed as to she hadn’t gone to the Mexican border.  Seriously, Kamala Harris, are you that out of touch with reality that you “didn’t understand the point?”  Should we presume that it is more important to give reporters cookies that resemble you (some might say a smidgeon narcissistic – remember this?) than to see the chaos the Biden Administration and you have created?  There is no way this woman is ready to assume the responsibilities of the presidency should anything happen to Joe Biden. (I wonder if the Secret Service code name for you is “Cookie Monster?”)

Denmark gets it right:  Denmark Cracks Down on Mass Migration/”The Current Asylum System Has Failed”

Prosecutors Subpoena Cuomo Book Material in Investigation of Nursing-Home COVID Deaths.  “In addition to a scandal involving sexual harassment in the work place, Cuomo now confronts four federal inquiries.”  Governor Cuomo should have had Lord Acton’s prophetic words inscribed to be reviewed daily; “”Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”   To indicate how serious these investigations are, the Denver Gazette picked up the article.

Charles W. Cook asks a great question:  What Use Is Chris Cuomo to CNN?

“As anti-police animus sweeps the country, driven in part by the self-identified “trained Marxists” of the Black Lives Matter movement, more and more examples crop up of bills purporting to address law enforcement malfeasance that actually appear aimed at achieving law enforcement frailty.”  Read more here:  Beware Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing Hunting Our Sheepdogs.

Justice Department Unveils Proposed Gun Restriction Rule.

Dinesh D’Souza writes about An Orchestrated Hoax “The massive public campaign to convince and even compel the world to accept the idea that SARS-CoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19, arose naturally from a meat market in Wuhan was a hoax.”

A lesson leaks out for the censorious Left: Embrace open debate, because sometimes you’re wrong.

In case you missed Michael Goodwin’s June 5 column in the NY Post; Fox News thought it was important to run it again.  Michael Goodwin: UNC clash over NY Times writer shows us what’s at stake for journalism’s future.

Eli Steele: Interracial couple fights critical race theory in one of America’s most integrated towns

Yellen Admits Inflation Is About to Surge but Says It Will Be ‘Plus for Society’s Point of View’.

All states should end federal unemployment bonus benefits.

Great common-sense editorial in today’s Jamestown’s Post Journal:   After Passage Of Bill, It May Be Hard To Take New York State Lawmakers Seriously.

Nathan Lewin writes in The Federalist:  Even If Congress Pretends H.R. 1 Is Constitutional, The Supreme Court Can’t.

Katie Pavlich revels that A Scandal is Brewing at the IRS.

Dennis Prager lets us know the Single Best Thing Americans Can Do to Retake America.  And if what he suggests isn’t possible, then parents must learn from their children what they were taught every day no matter their age.

And your statement, Mara Gay is disturbing to the 74 million Americas who voted for Donald J. Trump. NYT, MSNBC’s Mara Gay: ‘Disturbing’ to see ‘dozens of American flags’ on trucks on Long Island.  What flag would you prefer?  Russia’s?  China’s?  Cuba’s?  Venezuela’s?  Is it any wonder why America is so divided, when a woman of her accomplishments – in AMERICA – state that it is “disturbing to see dozens of American flags” on trucks in Long Island.

Governor Cuomo knows his poll numbers are plunging…so he is said he would lift the restrictions once 70% of the population is vaccinated.

Brendan J. Lyons reports in the Albany Times Union:  Nursing home mortality remains focus of FBI’s Cuomo probe.  Andrew Cuomo is under investigation by the FBI, the NY State Attorney General, and the NYS Legislature…all being paid for by taxpayers.  If all three investigations find that Governor Cuomo mislead the public, used staff to help write is book, and sexually harassed staff members, will he be liable for the cost to the taxpayers?  If the Legislature does one good thing this session, it should unanimously pass (so they could override a potential veto) a bill that would require Andrew Cuomo to personally reimburse the families who lost relatives and the taxpayers who must foot the bills for the investigations…that would be putting the $5.1 million he received to good use.  We can only hope for a miracle.

Setting the Record Straight on Liberal Fascism.

Biden’s Proposed Funding of Critical Race Theory Puts US on a ‘Very Dark Path’: Inez Stepman

Jason L. Riley opines in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required): Liberals Choose Racial Catharsis Over Progress for Blacks.

How Biden is raising the minimum wage by the back door.

Biden Defense Budget Gives China Upper Hand, Republican Hawks Say.

More on Biden’s boarder crisis:  10,864 Venezuelans Pour Into Texas Border Region, Up from 135 Last Year.

‘We Have the Support of the President.’ For These Americans, Human Trafficking at the Border Is a Form of Political Activism.

President Biden please note this UNANIMOUS decision by SCOTUS:  Supreme Court Rules Against Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants with Temporary Protected Status.

President Biden should read Sen. Manchin’s Op-Ed:  Why I’m voting against the For the People Act, if he reads it, he would have to admit the For the People Act is one of the worst pieces of legislation ever promoted for passage in the name of voting rights.

Unbelievable.  Facebook has no problem silencing anything they believe to be execrable, yet they take money for these ads?  Smugglers Openly Advertise Illegal Border Crossings on Facebook.  Mr. Zuckerberg where is your loyalty to the US Constitution that created the nation that let you, no encouraged you, to become one of the richest men in the world?

Twitter declares access to its platform a ‘human right’ amid censorship of conservatives.  I wonder how we should take his declaration since we were shut down for months 3 different times during a crucial election year?  Jack Dorsey, you are a control freak who believes that you are a godlike creature who has the right to silence people you don’t agree with and praise those you do; your arrogance will be your downfall eventually.

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times:  The left’s chutzpah knows no bounds.

Why is this NY psychiatrist allowed to be free and not committed to a psychiatric hospital?  Who will be responsible if she acts on her “aggressive feelings?”  What is completely unusual is that the psychiatrist wanted her lecture promoted, one must ask why? This is a conundrum…an obviously unstable person who cannot be retained because she was lecturing on her feelings, not acting on them.  Yale lecturer: ‘I had fantasies of unloading a revolver’ into ‘any White person that got in my way’

US Gave More Money to Chinese Lab for Bat Research Than Fauci Claimed: Documents

Fibbing Fauci Shows He’s Just Another Crisis-Loving Intellectual.

Is China being hit with another wave of COVID-19?  Massive Testing, Partial Lockdown in China’s Guangzhou City as COVID-19 Surges

Former Democrat Explains Why He Joined the Republican Party.

California’s Assault Weapons Ban Violates Second Amendment: Judge.

Local Republicans, Conservatives gather to meet candidates, hear platforms.

Kay C. James, President of the Heritage Foundation lets you know the Seven Steps to Surviving Cancel Culture

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Governor Cuomo knows his poll numbers are plunging…so he is said he would lift the restrictions once 70% of the population is vaccinated.

Statement by NYS Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

For Immediate Release
June 7, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

Statement by NYS Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

 Brooklyn, NY – The New York State Conservative Party fully supports Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt and Assembly Republican Leader Will Barclay in their efforts to end the state of emergency declared in March of last year.  (See their press release here.)

With the end of Session rapidly approaching, the fact that both democratic controlled houses of the Legislature have failed to rescind Governor Cuomo’s egregious power to rule New York State by his Executive Orders is an indication that they have no intention of resuming their responsibility as elected officials.   Initially Chapter 23 of the Laws of 2020 was passed to expand the Governor’s emergency powers by authorizing him to issue directives related to the pandemic, in addition to his existing authority to suspend laws and regulations during emergencies, and was set to expire on April 30, 2021.   Instead of allowing the bill to expire, they extended it and passed another bill – Chapter 71, Laws of 2021 – prohibiting new directives related to the pandemic, however, it preserves much of the Governor’s power by allowing him to extend and modify previously issued directives, subject to some additional procedural safeguards.

The people of New York State deserve better; they deserve a legislature that accepts the responsibility they swore to uphold.  The members of the NYS Legislature have a moral responsibility to revoke the authority they handed Governor Cuomo when they relinquished their accountability as elected officials.

Gov. Cuomo stated today that “Once 70% of adult New Yorkers have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, most remaining restrictions will be lifted.”  Lifting the restrictions are necessary as is rescinding his authority to continue and all executive orders.

# # #

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the Stars and Stripes Act, the need for restoring order by adopting the GOP anti-crime initiatives and an update on Congressman Lee Zeldin’s gubernatorial run.

Stars and Stripes

Last week, Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis introduced the Stars and Stripes Act of 2021; legislation that directs the Secretary of State to restrict the display of certain political flags or banners at diplomatic and consular posts around the world. The bill was immediately Co-Sponsored by House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik and supported by numerous other Members of Congress.

The bill is in response to Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s order authorizing and encouraging all U.S. embassies overseas to display ‘Black Lives Matter’ flags and banners.

“It is inappropriate for President Biden and Secretary Blinken to authorize and encourage the display of inherently political flags that are in no way affiliated with the U.S. Government over American embassies overseas,” Malliotakis said. “The American flag is a beacon of freedom and hope for oppressed peoples around the world; it should be the primary flag flown above our embassies and that is what my legislation seeks to accomplish. The Administration’s directive is an insult to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our flag and our nation – especially as we head into Memorial Day weekend – and it is absolutely ridiculous that legislation is needed to correct this issue.”

While the White House believes our flag is just a prop to be used on Government buildings, it is beyond me why something that represents rioters, looters, and the destruction of so many cities flies with our nations flag. The Red, White, and Blue of the United States is a symbol of prosperity, freedom, ambition and hope. Other political flags have no place in representing America anywhere in the world.

Restore Order Anti-Crime Initiative

As Democrats in Albany continue to push legislation to release dangerous felons back out on the street, Republicans in the State Senate and Assembly are introducing a bill to help combat the recent rise in violent crime across the state.

According to the Police Benevolent Association of New York State, 20 cop killers have been released since 2017. Under new Democratic proposals such as “Elder Parole” and the “Fair and Timely Parole Act,” even more cop killers will become eligible for release. Additionally, notorious killers such as David Berkowitz, better known as Son of Sam, who murdered 6 people during his terror spree and Joel Rifkin who murdered 9 women, but is believed to have killed 17 in total, could be released under the new legislation.

Herman BellAnthony BottomRichard Rivera. The list of cop-killers released by Andrew Cuomo’s out-of-control Parole Board in the past few years goes on and on. As if that weren’t bad enough, radicals in the One-Party-ruled Legislature are now planning to spring New York’s most dangerous criminals loose with their latest “reforms.” Spree killers. Serial killers. Child killers. Even the Son of Sam and Mark David Chapman could be eligible to be released under Democrats’ dangerous proposals. To be clear, their proposals aren’t reform — they are utter madness, especially at a time when crime rates in major metro areas across the state are on the rise. It’s time for our colleagues on the other side of the aisle to reject this unsafe path, and join us in our efforts to restore common sense and public safety in New York,” said Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt.

Since gaining control of the State Senate in 2018, state Democrats have put the interests of those most willing to commit crimes above the interests of those who wish to exist peacefully, support a family, and feel safe in their communities. Their mandate and rhetoric have caused a spike in unnecessary violence all over the Empire State that shows no sign of slowing down as we head into summer.

Zeldin at 76% of Party’s Weighted Vote

 As many of you know in our Party’s quest to run the most viable, philosophically aligned candidate for Governor many months ago I urged Congressman Lee Zeldin to consider a run.

During these past months as Lee made his decision to run and embarked on his extensive travels to meet with our leaders and the citizens in all parts of the state, I was pleased with the level of support he was receiving from within the Party.

County after county, leader after leader endorsed Lee. Excitement was clearly building with many party activists reaching out to me indicating they felt good about our chances of taking back the State next year.

The bottom line being that Congressman Lee Zeldin was quickly gaining momentum within the Party.

The official Party endorsements are done by a weighted vote of the State Committee at a convention early next year. The County organizations and our senior leaders select these State Committee members thus a County and/or leader endorsement is an excellent indication where the Party is going.

Congressman Zeldin is receiving overwhelming support within the Party.

A few weeks back with the endorsement of the Broome County Conservative Party

Congressman Zeldin surpassed 50% of the weighted vote of the Party. In my view that made Lee the pre-emptive candidate of our Party.

This past week with the endorsement of the St. Lawrence County Conservative Party Lee hit the 76% mark which in my view now makes him the presumptive candidate of the Party.

His support continues to grow with new County endorsements expected to follow based on calls I have received in the past three days. As our presumptive nominee, I will move from being a longtime personal supporter to leading the Party on his behalf as we plan for a November 2022 victory.

More details and announcements to follow in the coming days.

Jobs report misses estimates with 559,000 jobs added, unemployment rate falls to 5.8%

BREAKING: Trump slams Fauci in new statement: ‘What did Dr. Fauci know … and when did he know it?’

REPORT: US Government Officials Encouraged COVID-19 Origin Cover-Up

Google Removes Top ‘Diversity’ Exec After Antisemitic Comments Exposed

Former CDC director received death threats from fellow scientists over lab leak theory.


/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the Stars and Stripes Act, the need for restoring order by adopting the GOP anti-crime initiatives and an update on Congressman Lee Zeldin’s gubernatorial run.

Dr. Anthony Fauci…his house of cards collapses…but the media still gives him a pass.

Cuomo’s latest outrages on his scandalous book deal.

Chairman Kassar is quoted in this article written by Joe Mahoney:  In choppy waters, Cuomo casts net for campaign cash.

Albany GOP blames Gov. Andrew Cuomo for spike in crime.

Zeldin, candidate for governor: New Yorkers “feel like this is the last stand”

The Dirty Secret of ‘Clean’ Energy.

China’s US apologists: Goodwin.

The Woke Takeover of the U.S. Military Endangers Us All.

James R. Copland opines on Runaway Justice/The Supreme Court has an opportunity to constrain anti-federalist state courts.

Wilfred M. McClay writes in the City Journal about Civic Education, Rightly Understood/To become responsible citizens, young Americans need a full, accurate, and responsible account of their own country.

How Southlake, Texas, Won Its Battle against Critical Race Theory.

Great idea, unfortunately, in NYS the School Board elections are in May, however, there is always next year.  To Stop Critical Race Theory, Fight to Control School Boards.

Charles Payne:  Another Sign of Runaway Inflation.

Republican lawmakers blast Fauci after thousands of emails released.  From the Daily Signal:  11 Takeaways from Fauci’s Emails About COVID-19Fauci was warned that COVID-19 may have been ‘engineered,’ emails show.  Really, This Is What Shows ‘The True Mark’ of Anthony Fauci?  Meanwhile, White House Brushes Off Fauci’s Emails as Irrelevant, Old News.  How gullible does Jen Psaki think the Americans are?  News flash, Jen Psaki, we are not gullible!

Khaled Abu Toameh writes in Gatestone Institute:  The Middle East: An Alarm Bell to the Biden Administration.

Biden’s American Families Plan will hurt families.

Larry Kudlow opines on two topics in the NY Sun:  Biden’s Radical Executive Order on Global Warming Gives Government Power To Do Almost Anything and Biden Budget Puts America on a Course for a ‘Growth Recession’.

Liz Peek: Biden’s China problem – president won’t dare confront Beijing over COVID origins. Here’s why

From National Review:  Dems Can Only Sidestep GOP on One More Bill This Session, Senate Parliamentarian Rules.

Jonathan Turley: Supreme Court’s recent unanimous 9-0 decisions – are justices sending a message?

Seriously?  George Soros Gets a COVID Loan.  Government is so generous when it come to our hard-earned money.  Drain the Swamp!!

The only way to resolve this ongoing problem:  Let Trans Athletes Have Their Own Sport Competitions.

‘One Of the Worst Race Hoaxes’: Horace Cooper Compares Biden’s Tulsa Race Massacre Speech to Jussie Smollett.

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Gov. Cuomo’s Stonewalling of the Media on $5.1 Million Book Deal

For Immediate Release
June 2, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Gov. Cuomo’s Stonewalling of the Media on $5.1 Million Book Deal 

Brooklyn, NY – “Legislative leaders in Albany can’t allow Gov. Andrew Cuomo to get away with stonewalling the news media in its legal attempts to obtain documents related to Mr. Cuomo’s controversial $5.1 million book contract with Crown Publishing.

“Mr. Cuomo’s book deal stinks to high heaven, and everybody knows it. Let’s count the ways:

  1. “The book contract was negotiated at the same time Mr. Cuomo was hiding data on the number of nursing home deaths in New York, a clear possible motive for his malfeasance;
  2. “Taxpayer-paid state workers were used to help Mr. Cuomo write the book, at a minimum an ethics violation, and
  3. “The hefty advance on Mr. Cuomo’s book, ‘American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic,’ was way out of proportion with industry norms.

“Now, Mr. Cuomo is refusing to release documents about the book deal with the ridiculous argument that relinquishing the information could interfere with other inquiries into the deal. He further suggests that his own, handpicked ethics commission — which authorized the sale of the book — has the right to keep its deliberations secret.

“At least 120 Democrat state legislators did the right thing in calling on Gov. Cuomo to resign following multiple sexual harassment allegations levied against him. Those same legislators cannot remain silent over Mr. Cuomo’s latest abuse of power. The public has a right to know what went on with the Cuomo book deal. He is our employee, and his shenanigans must be called out forcefully.”


We have a refresher course on the sacrifices our military have made defending America for VP Harris who seems to have forgotten the many lives who have died to protect our nation.

Memorial Day is a somber holiday and the weekend weather had a hand in reminding us of how important it is to reflect on the lives America has lost while protecting all good that America stands for. We were reminded of the sacrifices young men and women have made so all Americans can partake in the vision our Founding Fathers foresaw when they declared freedom and formed the greatest nation ever.  A nation where people still strive to live in, a nation that has the wherewithal to correct her missteps and a nation that wants to achieve the dream that all men are created equal. Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech, in his opening monologue on Monday’s Fox News Primetime, gave us all a renewed passion as to why America is the greatest nation ever created and how very blessed we are to live here where young men and woman are still willing to sacrifice their lives to keep it safe.  We are forever grateful and will live up to your expectations.

Veterans Speak About Memorial Day: ‘It’s Not About Us’

One of the most heart-wrenching reflections from a surviving Afghanistan veteran who soldiers on.

Watch Ronald Reagan commemorate Memorial Day

This Memorial Day, a New Birth of Freedom.

A Soldier Fights So That Others Might Live.

Never Forget That US and UK Saved World from Tyranny

What does ‘woke’ mean?

Americans must join hands to stop the 1619 Project’s poisonous slanders.

Articles from Gatestone Institute:  A Sinking Ship of State Drowns EveryoneComing Soon: China’s Navy Patrolling Off New York;  and Biden Administration Rewards Terrorists: Abbas and Hamas.

China toying with Biden administration at every turn.

In case you missed this bombshell: Fauci Said Risk of Manipulating Bat Viruses Was Worth a Potential Pandemic.

Google’s New Deal with Hospital Chain Raises Concerns Over Big Tech’s Data Collection.

‘Location Off Should Mean Location Off’: Google Lawsuit Over Data Collection.

European Parliament Freezes Ratification of China Investment Treaty.

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times that Colonial Williamsburg wakes up to wokeness.

Is this really want Americans want from their health-care system:  Decade-Long Backlog in U.K.’s National Health Service.

Free speech under attack: Goodwin.

Schumer to Force Senate Vote on Sweeping Election Reform Bill.

Thank you, Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis and all the Co-Sponsors who signed onto this common sense legislation the Conservative Party fully supports: GOP Bill Aims to Ban Black Lives Matter, ‘Political’ Flags from Embassies.

Lee Zeldin, GOP and Conservative front runner for governor in 2022, stops in Orleans

From the Right: New York’s Silly Season has arrived.

Albany’s latest plot to screw gig workers — and the public.

Dems in Albany eyeing yet another $15B tax hike — to be hidden in fuel costs.

Even the impeachment of Gov. Cuomo is just grist for corruption.

Rich Lowry:  Yes, Democrats Should Fear the Crime Wave.

Hunter Biden’s laptop keeps damning Joe, but most media just ignore it

Biden Can’t Stop Quoting History’s Greatest Murderer, But the Media Are Silent About It.

When you disregard the tenets of your religious beliefs, how do you stand strong for the United States Constitution?  Biden’s Proposed Budget Lifts Ban on Federal Funding of Abortions.

Biden’s $6T budget will radically reshape and bankrupt America

What Makes Biden and Yellen’s “Global Minimum Tax” Push So Hypocritical.

BREAKING:  Biden Administration to Suspend Oil Leases in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Report

Does Kamala Harris Even Know What Memorial Day Weekend is All About?

Charles Hurt states the obvious:  Memorial Day lost on the likes of Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris’s Navy.

Time Magazine Takes Chinese Cash to Promote Controversial Drone Business.

File this under good news:  Man, Mows Lawns Free of Charge for Elderly and Vets—Then Hundreds Join in ‘50 Yard Challenge’

Newt Gingrich: The woke left and media allies are on the attack but Americans of all races remain patriotic.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on We have a refresher course on the sacrifices our military have made defending America for VP Harris who seems to have forgotten the many lives who have died to protect our nation.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Memorial Day and our 2021 Spring Reception.

Happy Memorial Day

On behalf of the Conservative Party, I want to wish the men and women of the United States Armed forces, both past and present, a happy Memorial Day.

We are grateful now and forever to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our great nation.

Last year’s challenges have given us even more reason to cherish our freedoms and family more than usual. I hope your weekend is filled with celebration and gratitude for the ideals that make the United States the greatest country on earth.

Spring Reception

I was happy and humbled to see a great number of you at our spring reception. As our community emerges stronger and more resilient from our challenging times, seeing you all reminded me that despite the challenge we still face, the support of one another only makes the Conservative Party stronger.

There are many people to thank for making the evening memorable including Congressman Lee Zeldin and former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino who gave us insight in their quest to replace Governor Cuomo, something we can all get behind. It was a pleasure to bring Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay to the podium to talk about the amazing work the Assembly Republican Conference is doing.

Additionally, I want to thank Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis for being our keynote speaker. Nicole is a longtime friend of the party and founder of the Congressional Freedom Force. She has been an outspoken critic of the far left who tout socialism, vowing to fight their radical agenda.

Congratulations to Senators Ortt, Helming, O’Mara, Borrello, as well as Assemblyman DiPietro for being awarded with the state Conservative Party’s highest legislative rating.  Senate Minority Leader Ortt, like his Assembly colleague Will Barclay, has conservatives proud with his stellar leadership.

Finally, a big congratulations to Bob Smith our J. Daniel Mahoney award winner. It was an honor to bestow the award named after a great conservative to another great conservative who has played such a large role in our party.

Veteran’s Resources

China toying with Biden administration at every turn

‘Reagan Would Not Be Happy’: Trump Sprays Insults At Paul Ryan, RINOs, Reagan Library And More

Poll: Joe Biden’s $4 Trillion Spending Plan Unpopular with Swing Democrat District Voters

Russian spy ship parks near Hawaii, reportedly thwarting US missile test

President Biden forced to cave on Wuhan inquiry…

Since Governor Cuomo created JCOPE in his first term, isn’t it obvious this is exactly what he wanted?  Remember the Moreland CommissionCuomo calls state watchdog ethics panel JCOPE ‘meaningless.’ The Emperor is invincible in his own eyes.  His passion is to do something his father, Mario, couldn’t do — win a fourth term.  The emperor, who has done everything possible to blind us with a perfect aura around his warts, will deservedly fail and his legacy will be the same as the meaningless commissions he created to fool the public.  The people who have not fled New York’s high taxes, out-of-control crime, failing public schools, a Legislature that abdicated its responsibility, and other major problems that vitiate our quality of live, will speak loud and clear to save our state on November 8, 2022.  New Yorkers have a message to Governor Andrew Cuomo:  fool me once shame on you fool, me twice shame on me.

America’s public enemy No. 1 — crime: Goodwin.

Victor Davis Hanson asks the question will the madness of 2020 last?

Conservative Black intellectuals battle 1619 Project, ‘race-grievance onslaught’

Critical Race Theory Is Worse Than Marxism.

Where does NY stand in how much the average American will pay in a lifetime? Life of Tax: What Americans Will Pay in Taxes Over a Lifetime.

Democrats are getting increasingly nervous about ‘woke’ culture, analysts say.

How Zuckerberg Millions Paid for Progressives to Work With 2020 Vote Officials Nationwide.

Cognitive Dissonance Is the Glue of the Democratic Party.

Nigel Farage Has a Message for the Democratic Party in America.

REVEALED: Biden’s India Ambassador Pick, Eric Garcetti, Praised China’s Xi As ‘Extraordinary’ And Privately Messaged Communist Influence Chiefs.

WATCH: Senate Chamber Erupts in Cheers After Passing Sen. Paul’s Amendment to Ban Funding Chinese Gain-Of-Function Research.

Fauci Says It Would Have Been a ‘Dereliction of Our Duty’ Not to Work with China on Coronavirus Research; to which I say, Dr. Fauci, it is a dereliction of duty to collaborate with Chinese scientists who are beholden to the communist government determined to destroy the United States of America.  You are a disgrace to your profession, in fact, you are a disgrace to humanity if you truly believe that collaborating with the Chinese scientists was the right action to take.  China’s goal is to rule the world…and what we have seen is terrifying.

Dr. Fauci is addicted to publicity and probably cannot help him self when he makes outlandish statement like this: “Fauci can’t say whether WHO is infected by China’s political influence but can say that New York, the COVID mecca of the US with the most deaths and infections, handled the crisis right.”  If New York handled it right, who handled it wrong – Vermont the least number in the contiguous states?

Chinese Propaganda Outlet Paid Millions to American Newspapers and Magazines, Records Show.

Jason Chaffetz: Biden’s COVID relief – here’s how you can track the waste, fraud and abuse, in US and abroad.

Biden shut down Wuhan inquiry out of spite — and is now forced to reverse course.

The Biden White House has made 4 big economic mistakes in just 4 months; at this rate, with 44 months left in his administration, it will take two, maybe three, fiscal conservative administrations to dig us out of the deficit he continues to create.

Biden keeps scrapping the bottom of the barrel:  Biden’s ATF Nominee Says He Wants to Ban AR-15s

Biden’s Palestinian Mission is Doomed to Fail.

Some public figures should learn that silence is golden.

Memorial Day 2021: Greater Meaning This Year Than Ever Before.

Governor Cuomo Directs Flags to Half-Staff and State Landmarks Lit in Honor of Essential Workers Who Lost Their Lives to COVID-19.  While our essential workers are heroic, Memorial Day is when “Americans honor those who sacrificed their lives in military service, it wasn’t just to defend the United States, it was also to uphold the natural rights and transcendent values associated with the nation’s founding that was understood to provide inspiration for others worldwide.”  With all due respect to Governor Cuomo, and those who sacrificed so much during the pandemic, Memorial Day should remain a day to commemorate those who served in our Military.

Licensed to Death: NY, CT among worst states when it comes to barriers for businesses.

The Fallout from ‘Progressive’ Budgets in New York.

New York Legislators Unhappy with Pace of Cuomo Impeachment.

Society is failing and it is government’s fault.  Police Bust 7 Suspected Drug Dealers Operating Out of Senior Citizen Retirement Center on Long Island.

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s true legacy:  A spate of shootings underscores Albany’s sad decline into mayhem.

Dinesh D’Souza opines about New York’s Two-Tiered Justice System.

Not sure if it will stand up in the judicial system, but is certainly a way get the attention of Big Tech companies.  Florida Gov. DeSantis signs law to hold Big Tech companies accountable for content moderation practices.

Russell Brand slams censorship of Post Hunter Biden exposé.

17,000 tweet ‘Hitler was right,’ and Big Tech barely reacts.

Rep. Carlos Gimenez (Cuban born) calls for a return to bipartisan support for Israel.

Don’t say you weren’t warned, President Biden:  Even with a Deal, the Mullahs Will Pursue Nukes.

With Policies Failing, Democrats Turn to Trump-Hate.

The ‘Woke’ Are Sleeping on China.

Why Inflation Matters/It hurts workers and retirees, disrupts investment, and can be hard to control.

Isn’t it time to retire, Randi?  Randi Weingarten Endorses Debunked Rebekah Jones Claim That Florida Manipulated COVID Data.

This snowflake is an embarrassment:  AOC Gets Wrecked for Making a Ridiculous Claim About ‘Serving in War’

For This Immigrant, the American Dream Came True.

Jason Riley Examines ‘Maverick’ Who Is Thomas Sowell.

Former Congressman Allen Bernard West opines in the Washington Times about the good, the bad and the ugly Democrats: Race in America.

America beware; the oligarchs are getting closer to taking control.

NY lawmakers’ ‘clean-slate’ proposal is a gift to career criminals.

As his scandals grow ever worse, Andrew Cuomo offers only lies and rage.

With all of Governor Cuomo’s warts, only 41% want him to resign; 5% points higher than April’s results.  What shocks me most about the Siena Poll is that those polled support Cuomo handling of the pandemic 58% to 35% even though 67% thought he only did a fair or poor job making public the nursing home COIVD-19 related deaths (doing so would have damaged his $5.1 million book deal).  I do not understand how the responders think he did a good (58%) job when 67% of the same responders believe the reporting of the data of COVID-19 nursing homes deaths was poor.  How can they absolve Andrew Cuomo’s sending nursing home patients back to their nursing home knowing his responsibility was protecting the elderly and also knowing COVID-19 was akin to “fire through dry grass.”

Bob McManus opines in the NY Post:  Teachers unions are desperate to deflect blame over closed schools.

Are ‘woke warriors’ running a protection racket?

A Brief History of Corporate Social Responsibility—and Why It Must Stop

Say hello to the newest enemy of Woke, Inc.

Today’s religion of Wokeism ignores logic, science and reason.

Heather MacDonald writes in City-Journal how The Revolution Comes to Juilliard/Racial hysteria is consuming the school; unchecked, it will consume the arts.

Christopher F. Rufo writes this in the City-Journal (unfortunately, it isn’t only in Portland):  The Child Soldiers of Portland/Public schools are training children to become race-conscious revolutionaries.

Deroy Murdock describes how Democrat Left’s Critical Race Theory Preaches Black Failure.

Robert Knight has his say on Critical Race Theory in the Washington Times: Parents must push back against progressives’ doublethink.

The Daily Signal explains the 5 Things You Need to Know About Biden’s $1.8 Trillion American Families Plan.

Larry Kudlow: Uncle Sam Gets Set to Dig into Your Bank Account.

Iran: 10 Characters in Search of a Protector.

Gordon G. Change writes in Gatestone Institute what he believes is Biden’s Worst Move Yet: Giving U.S. Vaccine Tech to China.

The ‘Wuhan lab leak’ theory looks more credible than ever.

Researchers at Wuhan Institute of Virology Hospitalized in November 2019: Report.

Fauci Says He’s ‘Not Convinced’ COVID-19 Developed Naturally, Calls for Further Investigation.

Biden’s Border Policy Is an Economic Boon for Cartels, Assault on American Communities.

White House Dodges Questions About Rising Violent Crime by Serving Up a Talking Point on Guns.

Inflation on the rise in most every area of our economy:  Severe Supply Bottlenecks Add to Inflation Pressures.

This triple-edge sword really gets under my skin:  Insurance giant CNA Financial reportedly paid hackers $40M in ransom, 1) good organizations do not demand a ransom; obviously, the ransom money will only be used against us, 2) it encourages more terrorist groups to attack more businesses, and 3) no company will absorb the cost resulting in higher costs/premiums to consumers.  Companies have a moral and fiscal obligation to protect their companies and hire people to end the possibility of being hacked.

Out of gas: what does the Colonial Pipeline shutdown say about US defense readiness?

The Democrats have a way of not dealing with  election results; they bully all until they get what they want.  For example, this is their latest rant — Democrats: Roe v. Wade blow would fuel expanding Supreme Court.

Kelly Shackelford: Biden’s secret court-packing commission – here’s what first meeting tells of Dems’ plans.

Ordinary Things, Extraordinary Genius.