“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Removal of Jefferson Statue at New York City Hall
October 18, 2021
“Mayor de Blasio and the New York City Council want to drag from City Hall a statue of one of America’s most celebrated presidents and founding fathers that has stood in its chambers for almost a century and a quarter. If that doesn’t tell you the state of this city, nothing will.
“As crime skyrockets, potholes deepen, and public confidence in city government plummets, erasing history was their priority today.
“The genius of our founders lay in their understanding of human fallibility. The nation they envisioned was fixed upon ideals rather than individuals exactly for this reason. We celebrate Jefferson not because he was perfect — no man or woman is — but because he blazed a path for human dignity and freedom that we aspire to achieve every day.
“This is a shameful day for New York City. Its leaders have abandoned all perspective other than their own. It is the stuff of tyrants.”
Between now and Election Day the Conservative Party will be working overtime to defeat Ballot Propositions 1, 3 and 4. The propositions will appear on the backside of your ballot. When you receive your ballot, please make sure you do not miss these important votes. Below is a short summary of what the propositions are and the issues they will cause.
Proposition 1 gives the Democratic Party even more power in drawing new legislative lines, a tool they will certainly use to their advantage to purge Conservative/Republican representation.
Proposition 3 would allow for Election Day enrollment and voting. Same day enrollment would mean zero time to ensure the registered voter is indeed eligible to vote in the State of New York. Clearly this will lead to fraud
Proposition 4 will replace absentee ballots with universal paper ballots. Just like Proposition 3, there is no voter ID required. This will increase fraud through ballot harvesting which is another way of saying stuffing the ballot box.
We have yard signs, literature, and speakers available. If you would like a yard sign, call us at 718-921-2158 or 518-356-7882.
The Grinch That Stole an Economy
Give credit where credit is due. In less than nine months the Biden Administration has given us high inflation on all fronts, and has even managed to foul up the supply side of just about everything that travels by ship.
Get your Christmas shopping done early, very early, or Christmas may come in February.
With consumer prices up and inflation rising faster than wages, it comes as no surprise that the hashtag #EmptyShelvesJoe was trending nationally as social media users take to the platforms of their choice to voice their displeasure with prices at the pump, grocery stores and overall lack of products available.
President Biden has the worse poll numbers of any president in American history at this point in time during their presidency. As we near the 9 month mark, there is no telling what the next three years may hold.
The Biden/Harris Administration has given us high gas prices, high inflation, COVID mandates, a humanitarian and health crisis at our Southern Border, handed Afghanistan back to the Taliban, and overall has made our nation less safe and secure. It’s hard to imagine that he could do more harm, but with three years remaining, the sky is the limit for colossal Biden failures.
Zeldin Launches Lt. Gov. Search Committee
I was pleased to be asked by our presumptive nominee for Governor, Lee Zeldin, to serve on his Lt. Governor Search Committee.
Joining me on the committee will be Livingston County Chairman Jason McGuire. The committee will be chaired by Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis.
The Conservative Party continues to play a significant role statewide and we thank Lee Zeldin and his team for recognizing the road to victory includes our membership and our votes. In 2018 Marc Molinaro and Julie Killian received 253,624 votes on our party line. We look forward to delivering more in 2022.
I had the pleasure of introducing Congressman, and future Governor, Lee Zeldin at the grand opening of his New York City campaign headquarters.
Lee continues to crisscross the state while raising money at an impressive clip. His campaign has worked tirelessly since day 1 and shows no signs of slowing down. Lee Zeldin is the right guy at the right time to restore New York and clean up the mess left behind by disgraced former Governor Cuomo and Governor Hochul who covered up his wrong doings for personal gain.
While the Democrats continue fighting amongst themselves, appearing to be heading towards a very divisive primary that could include NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, AG Tish James and NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams. It is imperative we get involved often and early to elect Lee Zeldin as our next Governor.
To get involved stop on by Lee’s NYC HQ located at 158 West 29th Street, NY, NY.
JCOPE Approves Inquiry into Cuomo Book Deal
For nearly a year the Conservative Party has called for an investigation into the various unseemly aspects of the Cuomo COVID book deal. For months, the corrupt Governor and his Senior Staff were able to squash any investigation Republican’s sought. Now, with Cuomo’s team of lap dogs gone, the questionable book deal which earned Cuomo millions will now go under formal investigation.
Jose Nieves, new chairman of the Joint Commission on Public Ethics, announced after a closed-door session on Tuesday that outside counsel would be retained to investigate “the legal and procedural operations of the commission.”
The former governor was paid $5 million for the book, titled “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic,” after the commission’s top staff approved Cuomo’s request to receive the outside income. It is believed Governor Cuomo abused tax payer dollars by using state employees to conduct research, write and edit the book.
Happy Columbus Day
Columbus Day is not just celebrated to honor one man, instead it is a day to celebrate a brave and daring voyage across unchartered waters that launched hundreds of years’ worth of immigration, innovation, and exceptionalism.
Christopher Columbus represents the idea that you can indeed accomplish more than you think. You can have a dream and through perseverance, hard work, and sacrifice achieve those dreams.
We have lost sight of what it means to take chances, to be brave, and work hard. What we have instead found is a generation hell bent on re-writing history, failing to include context and expecting generations and generations of a changing world to think and act exactly as those with the loudest voice do at this very moment.
By today’s standards, it is easy to condemn anyone. Cancel culture is toxic, it is fundamentally about shaming, and it is about trying to ruin someone or something that may have momentarily made a mistake.
The phenomenon of cancel culture does not but create an environment of hostility and division. Cancel culture is believed to create a sense of accountability for those who say or do controversial things. Instead, it creates an environment where harassment and bullying are not only accepted—it is embraced.
Cancel culture is not activism. It is not brave. As a society, we should work towards more understanding each other better. Understanding where we came from, the times different people lived through, where we are, and where we want to go. Christopher Columbus did just that. He dared to do the unthinkable and paved the way for us to do the same.
What this administration is attempting to do is outrageous; they defend their actions by saying that “all” public officials, i.e., school board members, can not be admonished when they are indoctrinating our children. Free speech is revered in America; even when we disagree with it. The members of the National School Boards Association – NSBA – are not given the right to squelch the parents who disagree with their agenda; they put their pants on just like every other person. IF the Biden Administration is not stopped and US Attorney General Garland does not withdraw his attempt to protect the snowflakes running the NSBA, the chief enforcement officer of the US will be subverting the US Constitution. If there is violence at any meeting, there are current laws to protect both sides. What the Biden/Garland team is attempting to do is to stifle free speech and punish people/parents prior to any discussion; another action that is completely against all that America is. If they succeed in this, what is next? Having Child Protective Services remove your children from your home? Think about how far they will try to go, if Biden/Garland is allowed to suppress your rights.
China continues to build its might, while Biden and his minions ignore the mounting problems: China’s Growing Maritime Empire.
From the WSJ (subscription required) The IRS Wants to Look at Your Bank Account. Why aren’t the banks fighting back? (Rhetorical question.) And why aren’t they alerting their customers that this could happen so we can fight back?
More required reading for your college students being indoctrinated by liberal professors (note it is a 2018 article but still relevant): 5 Myths about Income Inequality Debunked.
China Flies 52 Military Planes into Taiwanese Airspace in Largest Incursion Ever. “The Chinese military on Monday sent 52 military planes into Taiwan’s air defense zone — the most ever in a single day — one day after the U.S. issued a warning to Beijing over similar flights it conducted in recent days.” China continues to taunt the US knowing that “under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, the U.S. must support Taiwan’s defense capabilities against China.”
Ominous signs from Harvard and other prestigious American institutions of higher learning. There was a time when a Harvard degree was worthy of its price tag; but today, professors and “…students alike are scared to defy a rising campus orthodoxy and are self-censoring on campus. The damper on free speech clearly goes against the university’s supposed mission, which is to educate by fostering knowledge.”
The Heritage Foundation has created the Budget Reconciliation Tracker for us to better understand what President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats in Congress are desperately trying to get over the finish line.
“It is absolutely something I’ve thought about and I’m considering,” those are the words of Governor Kathy Hochul when discussing legalizing sex work in New York State. “I’m discussing it with many advocates and people who have strong opinions on this.”
Decriminalizing sex work will create havoc in urban communities and cause more stress that our communities simply can not afford. In a climate in which criminals are walking free due to cash bail reform, this new progressive agenda item can only further erode our society.
In the New York State Senate two bills have been introduced, one that would completely decriminalize sex work and the other would still make it illegal to pay for sex from.
Decriminalizing promotes sex trafficking and is a gift to the men who are running them for a profit. Listen to the comments from Erie Chairman Ralph Lorigo here.
Tenney Introduces Bill to Stop Government Mandates
Congressmembers Claudia Tenney sand Jim Banks, Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, introduced the Health Freedom For All Act on Wednesday to prevent the Biden Administration from enacting vaccine mandates on the American people. The bill would clarify that under existing law the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have the authority to implement rules requiring Americans to undergo COVID-19 vaccinations or testing.
President Biden announced that he would impose a mandatory vaccine requirement on US businesses employing more than 100 workers or require weekly testing for those who remain unvaccinated. This decision is in contrast of previous assurances made by President Biden that he would not impose such mandates on American’s, instead prioritize voluntary vaccination efforts.
New York began firing individuals working in the medical field or education system if they are not in compliance with the state’s mandatory vaccination requirement on Tuesday which immediately led to urgent cares in Albany being closed due to lack of healthcare workers available.
Nurses were yesterday’s hero’s and today’s villains. They deserve better and our citizens deserve their individual liberties.
Annual Reception
Our annual reception returns October 28th to Westchester County. This year’s honoree is Ron Robinson, former President of Young America’s Foundation. For years the foundation has been committed to ensuring young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values.
As a principal outreach organization of the conservative movement, the Foundation introduces thousands of young Americans to these principles.
Young America’s Foundation stepped forward to save President Reagan’s Western White House, Rancho del Cielo, in the spring of 1998 to preserve it as a living monument to Ronald Reagan to pass on his ideas to future generations. President Reagan committed himself to reaching young people with his ideals—a goal that is also central to the Foundation’s mission.
Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin will be a special guest and we expect to announce more guest shortly.
State Vice-Chairman Ralph C. Lorigo (Erie County Chair) appeared on NBC’s WGRZ’s Town Hall on Tuesday evening to discuss Gov. Hochul support of decriminalizing prostitution. You can watch it here. Note how strongly Mr. Lorigo supports women.
Biden Democrats have declared war on American small biz. “Americans don’t deserve to bear the brunt of policies pushed by people in Washington who will never feel the effects of them, and who will receive a healthy paycheck each month no matter what.”
Seth Barron writes how activists care more about teen killers than the teens they kill. While the activists are blind to the overall effects of the message they are sending, one must ask, where are their parents? The government’s involvement in providing shelter, food, money has destroyed the family unit and has help create the moral morass that allows a 15 year-old to believe crime has little to no consequences and have no respect for the life of another young man. Henry G. Bohn’s, A Hand-book of Proverbs is credited with the 1831 quote in a newspaper, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” sadly today’s society has proved his ominous statement to be accurate.
Speaking of a decline in society, here is a must read article: Hochul agrees to consider decriminalizing prostitution. Assemblyman Richard Gottfried recalls how when he was a freshman member — nearly 50 years ago — how “some senior colleagues openly discussing how lobbyists arranged trysts with prostitutes for them.” Now he is championing one of the bills looking to decriminalize prostitution. State Chairman Jerry Kassar reacted was: “There is nothing to study here,” Kassar said. “It’s an awful idea. It will create havoc in urban areas and stress throughout the state. You cannot decriminalize sex workers and not have a negative outcome.”
When one first reads the headline one wonders how long they will remain “top generals;” as you read the article one understands that they, in all likelihood, are telling the truth, and the Commander-in-Chief tuned them out because 1) he was determined to end the war on his terms and 2) he doesn’t have the attention span of a gnat.
Preacher Houchl says: ‘God wants you to be vaccinated’. NEWS FLASH for Preacher/Governor Houchl: God does not want you to abort innocent unborn children.
The White House Is ‘A Little Tired’ of People Pointing Out Biden’s Border Crisis. Did it ever occur to the WH, that Americans are a devastated by the crisis on the border; that America is being raided by those who have no respect for our laws and encouraged to do so by the Biden Administration. The WH is tired of being told the truth…how arrogant.
An apology is knowing you did something wrong; asking for forgiveness is acknowledging what you did was unconscionable. According to the article, Hinckley “apologies” doesn’t ask for forgiveness for what he did in 1981. “He apologizes to the Reagan family,” his lawyer added. “The president was a man of generous spirit and magnanimity. He apologizes to the family of Jim and Sarah Brady, whose lives were altered by what he did. He apologizes to the families of Secret Service Special Agent Tim McCarthy and Metropolitan Police Department Officer Thomas Delahanty.” If he no longer suffers from the mental illness that caused the horrendous act, shouldn’t he be asking for forgiveness?