“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
April 27, 2022
Brooklyn, NY - “Today’s court victory against Kathy Hochul’s and the Democratic state legislators’ attempted gerrymandering of New York senate and congressional lines will be heard all across America. Mrs. Hochul and her Democrat colleagues blatantly attempted to subvert the will of voters, who expressly passed a referendum to create a nonpartisan redistricting commission just a few years ago. Today, the Governor and Democratic Party leaders had their hats handed to them.
“This decision legally validates what Conservatives, Republicans, editorial boards, and good government groups have been saying for months: the court-rejected lines were right out of the Tammany Hall playbook. This is a good day for democracy in New York.”
Musk buying Twitter alarms Democrats. Of course, it does, they won’t be as able to silent dissenting voices; @cpnys spent months banished in Twitter’s dark confinement.
An interesting article by James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley in City-Journal: Dazed and Confused/Remote learning has created a population of college students in dire need of remedial education. The article notes that “If the past is any guide, colleges will try to accommodate struggling students by requiring less work from them. They will lower expectations in the name of saving students from the stress and anxiety of failing. They will offer higher grades in the name of equity. Some of the professors interviewed for the Chronicle story said that they would do more “hands on” or experiential learning because those kinds of classes get students more “engaged.” But these approaches merely pass students along, without addressing the underlying problem.” Stating this, isn’t it obvious why some, not all, students are dazed and confused since their whole educational life they have been coddled; never receiving red marks on their papers and certainly not allowing students to fail.
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
April 26, 2022
Brooklyn, NY – “Try as she might, Governor Kathy Hochul can’t fool New Yorkers, but it’s not from lack of trying. Ever since joining disgraced ex-governor Andrew Cuomo in the Executive Chamber, Mrs. Hochul has been working to mislead us on everything from bail reform to nursing home deaths to ridiculous stadium deals. Now, she’s pushing legislators to pass a bill that would only benefit her personally by getting her criminally indicted Lt. Governor off the ballot. New Yorkers see this for what it is: another blatantly self-serving political ploy from a governor looking out only for herself. The time for change is now.”
Randi Weingarten says parental rights bills are ‘the way in which wars start.‘ This woman is so hooked on the perceived power of being president of the American Federation of Teachers, that Ms. Weingarten seems to believe that the American Federation of Teachers has replaced the responsibility parents have in raising their children. A word of advice to Ms. Weingarten: Keep up the good work, the more you keep preaching that you know more than parents do about raising their children, the more parents will become involved to save their children from the nonsense you put forth.
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
April 21, 2022
Brooklyn, NY – “The New York State Conservative Party applauds today’s decision on the Democratic Party’s gerrymandered New York congressional lines by the Appellate Division, Fourth Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of The State Of New York. Governor Kathy Hochul and the Democratic Party clearly drew district lines unconstitutionally to benefit themselves in this November’s congressional elections. We wish that today’s decision included State Senate and Assembly lines, which were cynically drawn by the Democrats as well.
“We are also pleased that a Special Master is working on an independent set of lines while the State Legislature is given one last chance to fix its wrong. It is our understanding that the New York State Court of Appeals has agreed to hear this case.”
Thomas Hogan writes in City Journal: More Progressive Prosecutors On the Way?/A new wave of left-wing advocates aims to take over district attorney’s offices in small cities.
From Mercator.net, a review of the book: 100 Years of Identity Crisis: Culture War over Socialisation by Frank Furedi, De Gruyter, 2021, 259 pp, Mapping identity politics in the culture war. From the article: “In the words of anthropologist, Weston LaBarre, “the single, most important thing in human behaviour is literally and specifically, the way we bring up our children”. They “play a critical role in the realisation of social change”, as educationalist John Dewey observed. For political and social ideologues, their malleable minds can absorb novel ideas, provided they can control their education and formation.”
Corbin K. Barthold writes in City Journal how Musk Makes the Mask Slip/The Tesla CEO’s bid to buy Twitter has prompted many prominent figures to admit bluntly that they oppose free speech.
As we enter into the holy days for Jews and Christians, it is important to reflect on their meaning especially this year with Ukraine feeling the brunt of Putin’s drive to depose its government. These are perilous times; the threat of another world war is not implausible and each decision our leaders make is critical. Passover and Easter are a time for reflection.
Passover celebrates the Exodus – the liberation of Israelites from slavery in Egypt, after 430 years, when the angel of God passed over the houses of Israelites and saved them. Their faith sustained them throughout their bondage and each year during Passover they remember that it was the angel of God who saved them.
Easter celebrates the risen Christ – who suffered and died nailed to a cross on Good Friday to atone for our sins. Jesus, was born in our likeness, lived on earth as we do, suffered and ultimately gave His life for us, to let us know that He loves us and no matter how dark the world may be, He will not abandon us.
This is the message of Passover and Easter; remembering the goodness of God and doing our best to reflect His goodness, doing so will make the world a better and safer place.
As Ronald Reagan said “If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under.”
Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter and Passover.
This carnage must end; please God, help us end this senseless violence. Praying for all involved, the victims and their families and for the first responders who far too often have to rush to similar scenes.