“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
The Institutional Breakdown Behind Gun Violence. It really is shameful that those who are so bent on changing the 2nd Amendment do not loot at the root causes of the violence that is rampant. Those bent on violence do not respect, honor, or obey and laws or the lives they inevitably take.
I did a google search for “Joe Biden voicemail knew of Hunters China dealings” to see if the main street media was covering this revealing tape. Try it yourself. Let me know if you find any legitimate news source, other than the NY Post, that is reporting about it.
Contact: Shaun Marie
June 28, 2022
Brooklyn, NY – “Congressman Lee Zeldin’s clear victory tonight gives him a tremendous head of steam leading into November’s general election. With the Republican and Conservative parties united behind Lee, we’re well on our way toward retiring Governor Kathy Hochul and her failed ‘woke’ progressivism.
“The Conservative Party was the first to support Congressman Zeldin for governor, and we will continue campaigning with him in every corner of New York State. Change is long overdue in New York, and tonight’s win is the first step toward a larger victory in November.”
NY Post editorial: Today is the last day for New Yorkers to cast their vote in the primary election for governor — and the last chance for Republicans to choose someone who’ll finally put a stop to the state’s dizzying decline. If Republicans want to save New York, they should be sure to vote for Lee Zeldin for governor. There is no Conservative Party Primary as Lee Zeldin is the Conservative Party’s candidate. Get your Republican friends out to vote for the only candidate who has the knowledge, experience and backbone to Save our State.
Hillary Clinton rips Clarence Thomas: ‘He’s been a person of grievance’. Desperate to stay in the spotlight, Hillary describes her former law school classmate, Justice Clarence Thomas, as a man full of “resentment, grievance, [and] anger”. Hillary’s description of Justice Thomas’ being a man of is actually only a reflection of herself. Hillary’s longing to be the first female president are enhanced when there are articles like this The whispers of Hillary Clinton 2024 are starting to make their rounds on the internet.
Rich Lowry writes in today’s NY Post: No, conservative justices didn’t lie about Roe at their confirmation hearings. Of course, Squad leader, AOC, thinks impeachment should be in play, reminding the rest of us that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez previous job as a bartender certainly did not prepare her for her current job as a congresswoman. But that is okay, the main street media like her; keeping her in the spotlight lets us know she is in over her head.
Last week ended on a great note for those of us who cherish our US Constitution and the rule of law. For almost 50 years, the Conservative Party, worked to have the decision that granted women the right to abort their babies reversed as we believed there was nothing in the US Constitution that mentioned, let alone allowed, an abortion. Six US Justices agreed on Friday! What saddens me personally is the women marching in the streets with hangers…are they that out of touch with the real world? They shout out, my body, my right…yes you control your body; perhaps a little more controlling of your body would prevent your conceiving another totally separate body who has a right to life. In 2022, there is absolutely no reason for a woman to become pregnant, unless they are too irresponsible to prevent it knowing they can abort a precious unborn life.
Six Supreme Court Justices also acknowledged, last week, that New York’s archaic concealed weapons was also not supportive of our US Constitution; another common-sense decision by those who acknowledge that the US Constitution was written by men who valued the lives of those who were forming a government like no other: one that guaranteed its people life, liberty and freedom, and made its people responsible for maintaining their vision and values.
Lately, too many of the descendants of the visionaries who wrote our Constitution, are failing to understand the responsibilities it bestows on us. They throw temper tantrums when reminded we are a Republic and we solve our differences at the polls; not by destroying property, threatening those who they do not agree with or refusing to debate ideas as an adult. Our Founding Fathers believed that government exists to perform only those services that the people cannot provide for themselves; my how that has changed with progressives at the helm. But we can, and must, reverse course beginning right now. Tomorrow is primary day in NYS. Republicans (and Democrats) have a choice; Conservatives already cast their lot with the Zeldin/Esposito ticket (we are urging Republicans to do the same) because they understand the role of government.
New York preparing to roll out welcome mat for out-of-state abortion seekers. “State Attorney General Letitia James promised last month to set aside $50 million to help women seeking abortions. Part of those funds will be used for women arriving in New York from other states where the procedures are illegal. ´ “Mayor Eric Adams welcomed women seeking abortions to New York City, where the city has budgeted $250,000 a year for abortions since 2019.” “On Friday, after the decision was announced, Gov. Kathy Hochul declared the state “a safe harbor” for women seeking abortions. Hochul announced an advertising campaign and new additions to a website that would help women in New York and throughout the country obtain information about abortions.” “This is repulsive at every level,” Hochul said. New York has no income other than the taxes people pay; payroll taxes, sales taxes, real estate taxes, gasoline taxes, and a myriad of other taxes. New York’s government is making you pay for people to come to New York to have an abortion, if their home state has chosen to save the innocent unborn life. Is this what you want your tax dollars to pay for? The current administration obviously wants to make New York the abortion capitol of the United States, but we should be able to prevent our hard-earned dollars from being used. What if the company they work for is paying for their travel etc., will any effort be made to prevent “double-dipping” or will this just be another government boondoggle that rips taxpayers’ money from their wallets?
Gov. Hochul calls for Extraordinary Session to thwart the US Supreme Court’s decision on NY’s concealed weapon ruling. The Democrats who control New York stuck their collective thumb in the eyes of their constituents, when the redistricting process refused to adhere to the NY Constitution after voters chose to have an Independent Body draw the new legislative lines. On Thursday, Gov. Hochul and her cohorts plan on passing legislation to override the Supreme Court 6-3 decision on what is now the unconstitutional concealed weapon ban in New York state. The one-party rule in New York State proves Lord Acton’s famous quote is correct: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” How busy could New York lawmakers get responding to court rulings?
Today is only Monday and New Yorkers have two cases that are a win for the Conservative Cause. Supreme Court Lets High-School Football Coach Kneel in Prayer. Religious freedom continues to ring loudly! Like last week, the same three Justices were dissenter’s: Justices Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayer.
The other win New Yorkers had in court is also a huge win for our republic: New York judge rules law allowing non-citizens to vote is unconstitutional. Passed by the NY City Council last December, but not signed into law by either former Mayor de Blasio or current Mayor Adams, it would have allowed up to 1 million non-citizens the right to vote in NYC elections. “The city’s law department, which could challenge the ruling in a higher state court, said the city was evaluating its options.” As the Judge noted in his decision, “the law violated the state constitution, which says that “[e]very citizen” is entitled to vote.” Read Chairman Kassar’s statement here.
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 27, 2022
Brooklyn, NY – “As a plaintiff in this case, and as Chairman of the New York State Conservative Party, I congratulate the New York State Supreme Court on today’s wise decision. Voting in this country is a right logically reserved for citizens.
“This decision puts a check on a radical New York City Council that had hoped to establish a precedent for non-citizen voting across New York State. Such an action would have undermined the power of citizens to elect representatives of their choosing.
“In its decision, the Court applied common sense, something New York progressive Democrats have long forgotten how to use. This is a major victory for New York voters of all parties. It’s a victory for reason over a woke ideology that is damaging our state.”
“Roe v. Wade was a constitutionally flawed decision that never should have been issued.” And today it was overturned. The Conservative Party has been seeking this decision since the day it became the law, January 22, 1973. We applaud Justice Alito, Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Thomas, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Coney Barrett who upheld the United States Constitution with today’s historic decision. Read my full statement here.
Former VP Pence Wows Conservative Party
Former Vice-President Mike Pence returned to a Conservative Party event on Wednesday evening and the crowed room responded to his remarks with thunderous applause, especially when he restated his strong support for the next Governor of New York State, Lee Zeldin. Mr. Pence reminded those in the room how America, under the Biden Administration, has lost some of her standing in the free world, due to the erroneous mistakes of the current administration from our embarrassing exodus from Afghanistan to the disastrous flooding of ill-legal immigrants on our southern border and record high inflation. His remarks stressed the importance of taking back the House and Senate in the upcoming November elections in an effort to end the progressive hold on the White House and noted that it is up to the voters across our great nation that only they can retake control in November and reminded us that while endorsements, editorial support and social media are all important for candidates, the most important conveyor of support is word of mouth…so call, text or email your family and let them know who you support. Thank you for all you do to support the Conservative Party of New York State.
Tuesday, June 28 is Primary Day
The first step in Saving our State begins on Tuesday, when Republicans vote for Lee Zeldin in the Republican Primary. (The Conservative Party does not have a primary and is proud to support Lee Zeldin, Allison Esposito, Lt. Gov. candidate, Michael Henry for Attorney General, Paul Rodriquez for NYS Comptroller and Joe Pinion for US Senate.) It is important that you use Mr. Pence’s advice about word of mouth being the best way to show support for Lee Zeldin. A united Republican-Conservative candidate is the best chance of defeating the progressive hold the current administration has on New Yorkers. Lee Zeldin will fire DA Alvin Bragg on day one and has committed to making New York safe again. The New York Post editorial of June 16, 2022 said it best: Lee Zeldin is the best bet for governor to save New York. Take the first step on Tuesday to help make this happen.
SCOTUS Strikes Down NY’s Archaic Concealed Carry Gun Law
The National Review writes that “the Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that New York’s “proper-cause” requirement to obtain a concealed-carry license is unconstitutional as it violates ordinary citizens’ Second Amendment rights.” The 6-3 decision was written by Justice Clarence Thomas who used the 2nd and 14th Amendments and the decision in District of Columbia vs Heller as a basis to reject New York’s 1913 law that limited carrying concealed guns outside the home. Justice Thomas noted “We know of no other constitutional right that an individual may exercise only after demonstrating to government officers some special need.” Kudos to Justice Thomas, Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Alito, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Coney Barrett. You can read my statement here.
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 24, 2022
Brooklyn. NY – “Roe v. Wade was a constitutionally flawed decision that never should have been issued. Scholars have known that for decades. Today’s Supreme Court ruling simply returns abortion laws to state’s, which always should have maintained purview over this issue.
“Today’s decision is a great victory for those who value unborn life. It’s been 50 years in the making, and the New York State Conservative Party could not be more pleased.”
The Conservative Party has for years been disappointed in some of the SOTUS decision that were based more on judicial activism than on what the US Constitution actually stated. This week, we are pleased that the two decisions released were actually based on our US Constitution. We have noted many times that elections have consequences, some right and some not so right, however the election of Donald J. Trump in 2016 was good for this still young nation, in that his appointments of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court seem to be returning SCOTUS to interpreting the US Constitution to what was written, not what progressive justices want it to be.
Another 6-3 decision handed down today: Supreme Court rules out suing police for Miranda violations. Of course, the same Justices voted it down as they did in the other decisions of this week, Justice’s Breyer, Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.
Gas prices have gone up about $3.00 per gallon since Joe Biden became president, so, how does saving $0.18 per gallon help? The answer is: it doesn’t really help much. Let’s look at the math: an average small car holds about 12 gallons, to fill it when the average price is $5.01 (today’s date 06/23/22) I will cost $60.12 if Biden gets his “gas tax holiday” of 18 cents off, it will cost you $57.96 a savings of $2.16. A gallon of milk costs, on average, $3.31; one is $1.15 short for a gallon of milk. Not a lot of savings for the consumer, but would be a huge loss to the federal government’s Highway Trust Fund, the major source of federal funding for highways, roads and bridges, leaving a gap in funding. What will happen then? Print more money? Diesel gas creates the same problems in addition to driving up the cost of delivering the goods needed in stores. The plan doesn’t seem to have the support it needs: Gas tax holiday likely to land on empty amid Democratic opposition.
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 23, 2022
Brooklyn, NY – “Today’s Supreme Court decision is a step in the right direction for millions of Americans who’ve been arbitrarily denied their Constitutional right to self-protection for decades. This ruling will give law-abiding New Yorkers the option of protecting themselves with a firearm in a state with significant crime issues. Violent criminals have never hesitated to carry guns illegally obtained. Maybe they’ll think twice now before committing additional crimes.”
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 21, 2022
Brooklyn, NY – “Government religious discrimination, which for decades has denied school funding to students attending parochial, yeshivas, and other non-public schools, is just that — government sanctioned religious discrimination. Today’s long overdue 6-3 Supreme Court decision finally makes right an egregious wrong that has prevented countless lower-income students from getting the education they need to compete in the 21st Century. That will now thankfully change. The Conservative Party loudly applauds today’s decision.”
Check yourself: Gov. Hochul reminds voters who provided them a rebate. “Gov. Hochul and the New York State Legislature are providing you this Homeowner Tax Rebate check that you can use to help pay your property taxes.” Governor Hochul, it is OUR MONEY; Government only has the money it confiscates from those who live in New York.