Category: CPNYS NEWS


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 7, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “The fire-bombing of an upstate pregnancy center by pro-abortion extremists on Tuesday is a deeply concerning sign of the times. Americans have had powerful disagreements on issues since the dawn of our republic, and we’ve largely managed to settle them with debate and elections rather than with violence. This incident is a worrisome outlier, and we are hopeful that its perpetrators will be caught and prosecuted under domestic terrorism laws. There is no place for political terrorism in this country.”




Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 3, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “The New York State Conservative Party thanks Congressman Chris Jacobs for his long service to the people of New York State. We were perplexed, however, by his recent stance on Second Amendment rights, a position well outside the mainstream of the Republican Party, the Conservative Party, and the voters of NY 23. We agree that it’s the best interest of all three — and of Congressman Jacobs himself — that he forgoes a run for reelection and returns to civilian life. We wish him only the best in his future endeavors.”



Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the after effects of reapportionment, the Legislative Session and Biden’s latest terrible idea.

Reapportionment After Effects

The new maps for Congress and State Senate not only change the political landscape in a

manner that will provide the Conservative Party with fair opportunities for the next ten years, it also created open seats in which candidates are now petitioning, some which will lead to primaries.

New energized candidates filling open seats and the possibility of those primaries are all part of a healthy political process and very much welcome by the Party. It certainly is not what the Democratic Party wanted to happen, but we believe in Democracy not one party control creating less competitive seats around the state, leaving voters with no choices.

We stopped the steal, now we need to fight back on the streets, in the mailboxes, on social media, digital and on the air with TV & radio. This year has become our best opportunity in a very long time to win elections and bring about positive change in New York.

Support the party and our candidates with time and if within your ability, financial support as well.

Albany Wraps Up Session

 The Democrats in the legislature outdid themselves. Name the issue and you will find that they passed some of the worst legislation we have ever seen. Anti-second amendment, pro-abortion, unnecessary and expensive election changes just to name a few of the things that  happened.

Then there is, of course, what did not happen such as pro law enforcement and public safety measures that our endorsed members proposed, as well as common sense measures to reduce the burden of out-of-control inflation that has hit New Yorkers hard at the pump, at the grocery store and while paying their rent.

One area that we did see success was our push back against a sneaky attempt by the Democrats to change the year of local elections without public hearings. We called foul, rightly claiming it was another Democratic effort to silence our voices. Together, with the GOP, our shouts were loud enough and our arguments sound to cause a Democratic retreat from this bad idea.

Biden’s Latest Terrible Idea

Since taking office, the Biden Administration has canceled $25 billion in total of student debt. Just this past week almost $6 billion was added as the Corinthian Colleges fraud was added into the mix. Any one of these former students who took economics 101 knows there is “No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.”  Someone is paying the bill, and that someone is you, the taxpayer.

I certainly acknowledge there is a problem with college costs and for that matter medical costs, or really just about every cost these days. However, the massive forgiving of student debt, even in the case of Corinthian schools in misleading students and parents, cannot be the best answer.

It is unfair to taxpayers and the millions who properly paid back their debt to burden the costs of others, especially now as every aspect of our life continues to get more expensive as wages are not rising fast enough to offset inflation.

Even college graduates don’t support a student debt bailout, new poll finds

Gas prices on the road to $5 nationwide very soon

Small Businesses Getting Crushed, ADP Jobs Report Shows

Biden is sleepwalking into a summer energy crisis


/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the after effects of reapportionment, the Legislative Session and Biden’s latest terrible idea.

We all know that bullying is not-acceptable…yet, government engages in bullying when it wants something.

Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Ongoing Assault on the United States

Iran Not Waiting for Nuclear Weapons to Destabilize the Middle East

Nuclear Iran NOT an “Acceptable Risk”

NBC News Described the Biden White House With One Word…And It’s Not Good

Gaffe-prone blowhard Biden is no Churchill: Rarely have so few had to clarify so much

Biden Administration Implements a Racial Spoils System

Evidence Is In, Rep. Mark Green Says: Democrats’ Control of Presidency, Congress ‘Very Bad for America’

2 million new faces in 16 months: The Biden era’s foreign-born boom

Biden admin to cancel $5.8B in school loans for former Corinthian College students

Biden’s Pitch to Voters: You’re Wrong About the Economy, Stupid

Mr. President, if we are so wrong about the economy why didn’t business create the expected 300,000 new jobs? US companies added just 128,000 jobs in May, lowest in two years: ADP

How many advertisements and lectures have you heard about bullying and how harmful bullying is? So why is really over-the-top bullying adopted by government to get what they want?  This is outrageous!!! No Free Lunch: Biden Admin Will Pull Meal Funding for Schools That Don’t Comply With Its LGBT Agenda

Stop Lying about the Historical Understanding of Gun Rights

Gun Laws Won’t Fix a Problem of Culture and Spirit

Has Anyone Highlighted This Key Detail About the Texas Shooter’s Background Check?

In Albany This Week, First Do No Harm

Hochul Blames Utilities for Costs of State Climate Policies

ICYMI: The 2022 Albany Power 100/The political leaders at the dawn of the Hochul era.

The New York Times Explains Why Mask Mandates Don’t Work

Mindboggling! Empowering Addiction/New York subway-ad campaigns on fentanyl and pot endorse destructive social norms.

Laughter, the Bane of Tyrants

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on We all know that bullying is not-acceptable…yet, government engages in bullying when it wants something.



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 2, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “The proposed John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act in Albany is unnecessary, unmanageable, and overly expensive. The New York State Conservative Party strongly opposes its passage.

“Voting in New York has never been easier or more inclusive. Ballots are printed in multiple languages; early voting takes place for a full 10 days prior to an election, and diverse slates of candidates are elected to public office every year under the current system. There is no need to add new, bureaucratic and redundant layers to a voting process that already works.

“This proposal seeks to resolve a problem that doesn’t exist at enormous cost to taxpayers. It should be added to the growing pile of bad ideas out of Albany.”


President Biden believes he isn’t getting enough credit for all he has done for us…

Clinton Lawyer Michael Sussmann Found Not Guilty in Politically Charged Trial

Jurors ignored evidence to acquit ex-Clinton lawyer of lying to the shameful FBI

Why, for the UN, Is One Mosque Massacre So Much Worse than Countless Church Massacres?

Biden Admin’s Iran Nuclear Policy is Disastrous, Misinformed and Dangerous

This is a Wall Street Journal (subscription required) Op-Ed by Joe Biden: My Plan for Fighting Inflation/I won’t meddle with the Fed, but I will tackle high prices while guiding the economy’s transition to stable and steady growth.  In all honesty, I had trouble reading past the second sentence “Energy markets are in turmoil.”  What else would he expect when on the very first day of his administration, he ends the Keystone Pipeline.  Biden is glossing over all his errors, and quite frankly, I am surprised that the Wall Street Journal printed it.  I am curious how many Pinocchio’s it will earn from the Washington Post…or will they give President Joe Biden a pass?

Guy Benson writes: NBC News: Biden ‘Rattled’ By Polling, Angry He’s Not Getting Enough Credit

Biden tax increases would harm jobs and wages, study shows.

A Gallon of Gas Now Costs More Than the Federal Minimum Wage in These Cities.

Progressive policy experiments hurt the people they claim to help.

America might finally be waking up to ‘wokeness’

No Kidding, Doc: Medical Experts Tell Us What We Already Know About Lia Thomas.

What Is Section 230 and How Is It Different Than the First Amendment?

Bureaucracy Doesn’t Allow Courage

The Pandemic ‘Treaty’ About to Land on Our Doorstep

Europe: Demography Governs Democracy

Russia: Lone Wolf of the Steppes

Newsday (subscription required) writes: High court ruling in NY concealed carry case could loosen gun laws

The UK’s Single-Payer Healthcare System Has Become a State Religion—and It’s Failing

NY Democrats’ next dirty trick?

NY Democrats are whining about the mess they made by trying to defy the voters.

The Heritage Foundation writes about School Safety Initiative; Facts, Issues and Solutions.

This is one of those articles truly worth the read.  Kurt Mahlburg, the author of this article, is an Australian with conservative values and close family ties to the United States, he finds mass shootings like the recent unspeakable tragedy in Texas every shade of confusing.  The right to bear arms is “child sacrifice” — and abortion is not?

Memorial Day 2022

Happy Memorial Day

This Memorial Day, Americans across the country will gather with family and friends for cookouts, parties and parades. All fun and rewarding experiences with those you love most in your life. However, it remains important that we take time to remember what the weekend is really about—celebrating the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice defending our country.

As President Ronald Reagan once quoted freedom is not free. Our veterans are one of the many symbols that make our country great. As we are enjoying our long weekend, keep in mind that every American flag you see flying, flies because of the sacrifice made by the members of our United States Armed Forces both past and present.

Lifeline for Vets

Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency

National League of POW/MIA Families

Help the National POW/MIA Memorial and Museum by donating.

EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Call On Biden To Withdraw From World Health Organization.


Who can do a better job of ending the current wave of mind-numbing violence, government or society?

Why Democrats’ Domestic Terrorism Bill Actually Goes After Political Opponents

Biden Takes Blind Sheikh’s Terror Group Off Terror List

National Security Crisis: Russia’s and China’s Nuclear Threats

Whoopi Goldberg ripped into Republicans after several senators expressed their thoughts and prayers in response to the elementary school shooting in Texas on Tuesday. “Why are we always at square one with this? And I swear to God if I hear another Republican senator talk about their heart being broken, I’m gonna punch somebody. I can’t take any thoughts and prayers,” said Goldberg on Wednesday’s episode of The View.  Has it ever occurred to Ms. Goldberg, that guns are inanimate objects and that it is an individual who controls what it does?  And I wonder if it has ever occurred to Ms. Goldberg that for the last 49 years women (and men) have been extremely vocal about a woman’s right to abortion?  (Including Ms. Goldberg herself, albeit who noted it is a difficult decision to make, at 14 and pre Roe v Wade it really was difficult.  And there are many, many women who have had post Roe v Wade abortions that, to this day, regret having one.) Abortion has become the rallying cry for progressives and some want abortion legal up until birth.  For 49 years our youth has been exposed to women’s demand to take the life of their unborn child…and no one makes the connection that by demanding the right to abortion, one is also saying life has no value.  Society has to examine what it is saying about the value of life.  It isn’t only mass shootings of innocent children in a classroom, or people buying groceries, it is the cold- blooded murder of Daniel Enriquez on the Q Train, Christina Yuna Lee’s brutal murder in her apartment, Kyhara Tay, an 11-year-old Bronx girl killed by a stray bullet while the 15- year-old killer aimed at a 13-year- old boy.  It isn’t only mass shootings, Ms. Goldberg, look at the stats in NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles and almost any other area… and it isn’t only guns; knives are being used more often than ever. And Ms. Goldberg, your language that “I’m gonna punch somebody” only adds to the culture of violence you abhor.  Every single one of us should be making every effort to value every life…those born and those still unborn; maybe then we will see a decline in horrendous, senseless, cold-blooded murders.

Christopher F. Rufo writes in City-Journal: Laying Siege to the Institutions/Why conservatives must go on the offensive against the elite-supported, toxic ideologies undermining American life.

Calling Us Terrorists Wasn’t Enough: NSBA Wanted Military to Crack Down on Concerned Parents.

Left-Wing Prosecutors Prepare Plan B on Roe.

Nine Ways to Raise Fearful, Unhappy, and Woke Kids (Without Really Trying)

‘We’re Literally Experimenting on Children’: Bill Maher Challenges Transgender Craze

NBA Star Jonathan Isaac Shares How Christ Inspired Him to Stand Tall Amid BLM Protests

Neil Patel writes:  I’m Indian American. What I Think When Republicans Are Accused of Racism.

Everybody except Democrats sees inflation as the big issue.

Tracking the increased outflow of NY taxpayers in 2019-20.

‘Political Vendetta’: Sen. Grassley Slams FBI’s Role in Trump-Russia Collusion Narrative.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Who can do a better job of ending the current wave of mind-numbing violence, government or society?

President Biden’s “incredible transition” has been his goal from the very beginning.

President Biden seems to praise high gas prices as ‘incredible transition’ Americans must go through.  We said on day one when he cancelled the Keystone Pipeline this was his plan…he has no concept of the burden he is placing on American citizens, nor does he really care.  Absolutely shameful, that President Biden continues to cater to the far-left progressives in the Democrat Party, while oblivious to the pain that struggling families are facing.

Diana Furchtgott-Roth has this to say in City-Journal:  Fight Inflation with Energy/If President Biden wants to tackle higher prices, he should forget about more tax hikes and instead reverse his policies on domestic oil and natural gas production.

Government Greed Caused Inflation, For the Record.

It’s not just spending — Biden’s record regulations are driving inflation too.

Laura Ingraham lays out Biden’s Plan to Destroy America.

One knows Biden has a serious problem when even MSNBC is blasting the Biden Administration over its response to formula shortage.  (MSNBC should be letting their viewers know all the other Biden Administration’s errors in judgement.)

Heather MacDonald writes in City-Journal: Using Tragedy for Racial Propaganda/After the horror in Buffalo, President Biden and others peddle an entirely false charge: that whites are the biggest source of hate crime and interracial violence in the U.S.

Here’s the Dems’ New 2022 Midterm Nightmare.

And then there is this:  Biden’s National Security Advisor Was Fully Briefed on Hillary’s Russia Scam.

Abort and import: Democrats replace the missing millions with immigrants.

Guy Benson on Ms. Abrams rigged world.  Stacey Abrams: Massively Increased Voter Participation Can Still Be ‘Suppression,’ You Know.

From ‘the rights of women’ to ‘abortion rights’: the loss of a moral vision.

The Letdown That Is Women’s Lib

Brain tumors, lethal drugs, and the art of dying.

Pro-Abortion Activists Pledge ‘Summer of Rage’

3 Life Inspirations for George Orwell’s 1984.

When things are bleak, it pays to have some humor mixed into a serious message:  Family’s Inflation Parody of Meatloaf Hit “I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)” Goes Viral.

Did you know that NYS has a Domestic Terrorism Task Force?

China Starting Next Global Crisis By Gobbling Up Sri Lanka.

Another Way the US Government Is Threatening National Security.

San Francisco Archbishop Bars Pelosi from Receiving Communion over Abortion Stance

NY ‘red flag’ law didn’t flag Buffalo shooter. Why? (Editorial Board Opinion)

Agenda-driven judge’ who cut teen rapper C Blu loose is partially responsible for NYC crime surge: source.  Question for Governor Hochul:  How do you overcome an agenda-driver judge with all the “solutions” you are prosing in your Executive Orders issued after the horrendous shootings in Buffalo, NY?

States like New York are trying to create government watchdogs to prevent another radicalized youth from killing those they profess to hate, however, as this article notes, it is not only a state issue, it is international. The US is letting its people be radicalized through social media.  In fact, New York has a Domestic Terrorism Task Force, however, it hasn’t met since it was created two years ago.  But because of the outrageous mass killing in Buffalo, Gov. Hochul is planning on bulking it up now. We need a Governor to take the initiative, not govern with knee-jerk reactions.

IMPORTANT: Homeland Security’s Rebooted Disinformation Plan Is No Better Than the First

Stop New York’s climate madness before it drives electric rates into orbit.

In a 6-3 decision the Supreme Court sides with Arizona against death row inmates.

Kudos to Consumer Reports:  State Farm accused of pushing LGBTQ+ books on kids, Consumers’ Research launches ‘Like a Creepy Neighbor’

Transsexual pioneer criticizes modern trans activists, says they’re indoctrinating kids: ‘This isn’t a game’

Seven books that show NYC is pushing transgenderism, LGBTQ+ curriculum to kids as young as kindergarten.

Bill Maher Notices Something Odd About These Transgender Kids.

From the Daily Signal:  We Hear You: Tampons in Men’s Rooms, Marxists in Classrooms, and Abortions for ‘Persons’.

Churchill: The election mess Democrats deserve

Have I Been Redistricted? Search Your Redrawn Political Districts in New York  (only good for NYC).


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 23, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “The senseless murder of Daniel Enriquez on a Q Train this weekend — in broad daylight — strikes fear in the hearts of even the most hardened New Yorkers. 

“It’s the latest infuriating example of how far New York City has fallen since the de Blasio Administration and Democrat-led state legislature began dismantling the effective, conservative crime fighting strategies of Governor George Pataki and Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Mike Bloomberg. 

“This is what happens when Broken Windows policing is abandoned; when police presence is reduced; when no-cash-bail is enacted, and when undercover officers are outlawed. This is what happens when criminals are given priority over crime victims. 

“Mayor Eric Adams has pledged to put more police officers on subway platforms and moving trains, but we wonder, frankly, whether he has enough officers at this point to pull that off.  He must lead the effort to return the NYPD to effective personnel levels. 

“We also need to elect a Republican governor this year who can stand up to a State Legislature that’s been infected by the dangerous academic movement called wokeism. It doesn’t work. All wokeism does is give us more crime victims to memorialize. We mourn Mr. Enriquez and his family, and pray that his murder does not go unanswered. The current situation has to change.” 


Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Official Redistricting Lines

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 21, 2022

Brooklyn, NY - “The New York State Conservative Party is pleased that lines have been finalized for 2022 state and federal races. What we wanted — and the courts agreed — was a fair and competitive set of districts that offer voters a real choice in November. With crime rising, inflation skyrocketing, and taxes remaining the highest in the nation, voters must be given viable alternatives at the voting booth.  That’s the foundation of democracy, and we celebrate it today. 

“This is a victory for healthy political competition, and a historic defeat for corrupt, Tammany Hall governance.” 
