Category: CPNYS NEWS


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 24, 2022

Brooklyn. NY – “Roe v. Wade was a constitutionally flawed decision that never should have been issued. Scholars have known that for decades. Today’s Supreme Court ruling simply returns abortion laws to state’s, which always should have maintained purview over this issue.

“Today’s decision is a great victory for those who value unborn life. It’s been 50 years in the making, and the New York State Conservative Party could not be more pleased.”


Just how much would the federal gas tax holiday actually save you?

President Biden’s Nobel Peace Prize?

The Conservative Party has for years been disappointed in some of the SOTUS decision that were based more on judicial activism than on what the US Constitution actually stated.  This week, we are pleased that the two decisions released were actually based on our US Constitution.  We have noted many times that elections have consequences, some right and some not so right, however the election of Donald J. Trump in 2016 was good for this still young nation, in that his appointments of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court seem to be returning SCOTUS to interpreting the US Constitution to what was written, not what progressive justices want it to be.

The Supreme Court Stands Up For the Right to Self-Defense.

Biden ‘deeply disappointed’ with Supreme Court gun ruling: ‘Lives are on the line’.  I wonder if he ever considers how many lives have been saved by responsible people with their own guns protecting innocent people from out-of-control madmen or their own lives?

Another 6-3 decision handed down today:  Supreme Court rules out suing police for Miranda violations.  Of course, the same Justices voted it down as they did in the other decisions of this week, Justice’s Breyer, Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

On Eve of Roe v. Wade Reversal, Poll Shows Americans Want to Protect Unborn.

Joe Biden lowering gas prices is as likely as a purple cow on the moon.

Gas prices have gone up about $3.00 per gallon since Joe Biden became president, so, how does saving $0.18 per gallon help?  The answer is:  it doesn’t really help much.  Let’s look at the math:  an average small car holds about 12 gallons, to fill it when the average price is $5.01 (today’s date 06/23/22) I will cost $60.12 if Biden gets his “gas tax holiday” of 18 cents off, it will cost you $57.96 a savings of $2.16.  A gallon of milk costs, on average, $3.31; one is $1.15 short for a gallon of milk.   Not a lot of savings for the consumer, but would be a huge loss to the federal government’s Highway Trust Fund, the major source of federal funding for highways, roads and bridges, leaving a gap in funding.  What will happen then?  Print more money?  Diesel gas creates the same problems in addition to driving up the cost of delivering the goods needed in stores.  The plan doesn’t seem to have the support it needs:  Gas tax holiday likely to land on empty amid Democratic opposition.

A Look at Who’s on Biden’s Parents Council.

Asian Americans to Democrats: See Ya!

We Have More Brutal Evidence That Exposes Kamala Harris’ Extreme Unpopularity.

Jeff Minick writes another great column!  Joe Biden’s Secret Unification Plan for America.



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 23, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “Today’s Supreme Court decision is a step in the right direction for millions of Americans who’ve been arbitrarily denied their Constitutional right to self-protection for decades. This ruling will give law-abiding New Yorkers the option of protecting themselves with a firearm in a state with significant crime issues. Violent criminals have never hesitated to carry guns illegally obtained. Maybe they’ll think twice now before committing additional crimes.”




Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 21, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “Government religious discrimination, which for decades has denied school funding to students attending parochial, yeshivas, and other non-public schools, is just that — government sanctioned religious discrimination. Today’s long overdue 6-3 Supreme Court decision finally makes right an egregious wrong that has prevented countless lower-income students from getting the education they need to compete in the 21st Century. That will now thankfully change. The Conservative Party loudly applauds today’s decision.”


In a 6-3 (Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor) ruling, SCOTUS scores for students.

Republican could pull off victory in New York governor’s race, says NY Post columnist.

Supreme Court rules Maine tuition program violates First Amendment for excluding religious schools. Maybe, just maybe, New York will pass legislation for an Education Tax Credit now.  Oh, I forgot, the Teacher’s Union is opposed to it and the Democrats controlling the NYS Legislature will not pass it.

Libs Have Full Blown Meltdown After SCOTUS School Choice Ruling.

Nicole Russell writes in Intellectual Takeout: Courts to Determine If Schools Can Hide Information From Parents About Their Kids

‘A Drag Queen in Every School’ Is Modern Left’s ‘Chicken in Every Pot’

Betsy DeVos: Biden Plans to Radically Change Title IX to Let Biological Men Play Women’s Sports

History that needs teaching:  New Museum Bears Witness to Communism’s Horrors, Honors Its Victims

Check yourself: Gov. Hochul reminds voters who provided them a rebate.  “Gov. Hochul and the New York State Legislature are providing you this Homeowner Tax Rebate check that you can use to help pay your property taxes.”  Governor Hochul, it is OUR MONEY; Government only has the money it confiscates from those who live in New York.

Knee-Jerk reactions, those not given much thought, never solve the obvious intent:  NY’s new restriction on body vests touted by Hochul hardly bullet-proof, sometimes it even has an unwelcome effect by restricting items that can save lives.

We Now Know What’s Delaying the Gun Control Bill.

Alvin Bragg’s latest concession on fighting crime still isn’t enough

E. J. McMahon writes in the NY Post: Bear market spells big trouble for NY state and city budgets

Victor Davis Hanson opines about What the January 6 Committee Might Have Been.

Twitter board unanimously recommends Musk’s takeover bid.  I wonder how many employees will quit, or users leave, when he takes over.

The most heartbreaking headline ever written:  Uvalde Commander ‘Put the Lives of Officers Before the Lives of Children,’ Texas Official Says.  Please keep praying for the families, now more than ever.  As we learn more details my mind cannot comprehend the heart wrenching pain every family is experiencing each time more damning, horrid errors are released.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on In a 6-3 (Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor) ruling, SCOTUS scores for students.

First the Easter Bunny, then his wife, now his daughter and granddaughter are stopping reporters from asking President Biden questions…what are they afraid of?

NY Dem voters can’t gripe about voting choices — or the direction the state heads in.

We need to restore serious policing to stop the slaughter

After the Guns Were Removed, the Killing Fields Began.

Why Juneteenth is as important as the Fourth of July

Deroy Murdock opines about Juneteenth: A perfect day to cheer Black success in the Washington Times.

Federal ruling on skirts could put some of our best schools — charters — at grave risk

Michael Goodwin opines in the NY Post that Joe Biden has nothing to offer

Maybe that is the reason Biden’s Family Members Stop Reporters From Asking Him Questions.

The big flaw in Biden’s plan to fight inflation _ The Hill.

John Miltimore writes in FEE (Foundation for Economic Education)  The Problem With Those Jimmy Carter-Joe Biden Comparisons

A Permanent Shortage of Everything/ Globalists were wrong. The world isn’t flat.

Iran’s Nuclear Program: Where Is the Biden Administration’s Plan B?

From Gatestone Institute:  A War That Could Change the World.

From City-Journal:  Climate McCarthyism/ White House official asks tech companies to settle normative questions surrounding climate change

A Blight on the Presidency and the Nation.

Puberty Blockers, Cross-Sex Hormones, and Youth Suicide.

‘I literally lost organs:’ Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders.

File this under A Good Beginning—but more still needs to be done! Lia Thomas banned as FINA votes to restrict transgender women from competitions.

A little late but still good advice:  One of the Best Pieces of Advice a Father Can Give His Child.

Pregnant people’ and the left’s linguistic lunacy

Ok, so it didn’t happen in the United States, but, one has to admit, if it weren’t so “woke” and if people didn’t desperately need blood, this would be a funny headline:  Man denied giving blood after refusing to answer if he was pregnant.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on First the Easter Bunny, then his wife, now his daughter and granddaughter are stopping reporters from asking President Biden questions…what are they afraid of?

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the GOP gubernatorial debate, big night for conservatives and Feds raising the interest rate. 

GOP Gubernatorial Debate

The four GOP candidates for Governor faced off in a televised debate earlier this week in which

there was a clear winner – our endorsed candidate Lee Zeldin. The other candidates on stage used their time to attack the front runner looking for their moment to shine, which Lee never gave.

With Primary Day less than two weeks away, and early voting beginning this weekend (June 18,) most credible polls show Zeldin with a solid lead but nothing can be taken for granted. If you are a Republican make a plan to vote. If you are a Conservative Party member speak with your Republican friends. Lee Zeldin provides us with the best opportunity to win in November. We cannot afford to gift Governor Hochul with an opponent who is not ready for primetime.

If you would like a Zeldin lawn sign, feel free to contact the Conservative Party at 718-921-2158 or the Zeldin campaign.

Big Night for Conservatives

The many solid conservative GOP candidates who won their primaries for Congress this past

week continues to set the stage for a successful midterm in which the Republicans appear ready to take what could be a significant majority in the United States House of Representatives.

In a political earthquake, Mayra Flores won the special election in Texas’s 34th Congressional District, a district Joe Biden won by 13% less than 2 years ago. This is a significant win as a Republican hasn’t represented this section of the Rio Grande Valley in over 100 years.

Right here in New York we have two upcoming Special Elections that are both rated “Lean Republican” one seat most recently represented by a Democrat. This is further indication that the climate that Democrats are heading into November is not friendly. This should come as no surprise as inflation is crippling middle class families all over the country as they struggle to buy groceries, gas, and pay bills.

Feds Raise Interest Rates

 Imagine your car is racing down a hill when you apply the break and nothing happens. Your next move is to hit the emergency break, but you only begin to slowdown. At that point you need to depend on your skills of navigating to safely reach the bottom.

Think of America, the Biden Administration and the Federal Reserve. Inflation is actually picking

up steam and traditional methods of slowing it down have been mostly ineffective. Additionally, rate increases resulting in tighter money often have their own built-in downside. For some time, it has been apparent that a variety of failed Biden policies ranging from supply chain inadequacies to energy policies, foreign trade and even war spending have had a major negative impact on inflation.

The Federal Reserve will not solve the problem of inflation. The Biden Administration must and they are failing miserably.

‘What Are You Afraid Of?’: Reporter Asks Biden Why He Won’t Answer Questions From The Press

Liz Cheney given 10% chance of winning reelection: CNN

Republican Rep.-Elect Mayra Flores Issues Stark Warning to Democrats

Larry Kudlow: A different plan to crush inflation.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the GOP gubernatorial debate, big night for conservatives and Feds raising the interest rate. 

Will voters be able to change America’s current course when voting in 145 days?

Note to those who will be voting in the Republican primary, it is important to read the following:  GOP Candidate for NY Governor Harry Wilson Walks Back Claim Zeldin Asked to Team Up.

From James E. Hanley writing for the Empire Center:  NYISO: New York Electric Grid Remains at Risk

Biden’s New Policy Funds China’s Military, Supports Slavery, Achieves Nothing.

Why the government’s astronomical inflation measure is still likely an underestimate.

Here’s what’s driving high gas prices — and why they’re not going away.

Jean-Pierre on drilling more in the US: ‘We don’t need to do that’

May retail sales unexpectedly decline as sizzling hot inflation weighs on spending.

Mexican-Born Texas Republican Flips House Seat in Special Election.

Biden DOJ Tossed Case Against Man Who Tried to Torch NYPD Cruiser.

Pelosi Was Asked to Condemn Attacks on Pro-Life Groups. This Is What She Said Instead.  (Note to Nancy Pelosi: The year is 2022; unlike when you were growing up {Pelosi’s birthdate is 03/26/1940}, a woman has various ways to prevent becoming pregnant and can do so without her parents’ permission.)

There are two articles in today’s daily update that show the evil hatred that is permeating our country: ‘Irreplaceable’ $2 million tabernacle stolen from Catholic church in Brooklyn, police say and ‘Open Season’: Pro-Abortion Terrorist Group Vows to Ramp Up Violence against Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers. Anyone or group that would desecrate a tabernacle, decapitate the statutes of Angeles and throw the Holy Eucharist housed inside the tabernacle all over the altar is lacking a moral compass and is more interested in destroying God than stealing a valuable object.  The pro-abortion terrorist group, Jane’s Revenge, is also more interested in destroying a sanctuary of hope that helps in preventing the taking of innocent unborn children than keeping abortion available for themselves.  Just two stark examples of the unadulterated evil that people who respect life, at every level, are enduring along with the killing of police, innocent school children and people just buying food for their families.

‘The Leash Is Off’: Abortion Activists Behind Attacks on Pro-Lifers Issue New Threats, Urge Others to ‘Burn’.

American Medical Association Calls Pro-Life Laws a ‘Violation of Human Rights’.  When did doctors stop taking the Hippocratic Oath?

As long as the radical left is allowed to continue without any penalties, unjustified evil will continue. And, for that matter, if the radical right is guilty of such atrocities, they also deserve penalties.  Evil is evil and it must end.  Our Military have not sacrificed so much for America’s values to have America destroy herself from within.

John Minick writes about Looking for God in All the Wrong Places.

America’s call of duty on young men and gun violence.

In case you missed this article:  Parents’ Guide to Children’s Rights Aims to Save America’s Schools From CRT.

Please God, Bless America today and every day. 

We Salute Our Treasured Flag.

Gordon G. Chang writes about Solar Panels: Biden’s ‘Buy China’ Plan in Gatestone Institute.

Biden’s DHS dubs border security advocates as ‘domestic violent extremists’.

Rich Lowry opines in the NY Post that Dems fool themselves on Biden’s aging because the alternative — Kamala Harris — is even worse.

Squad Member Threatens ‘Civil War’ If GOP Takes House.

Inflation Is Here to Stay.

Blake Smith writing for the City-Journal: Attention Counteracting Ambition/Today’s governing elites possess a narcissistic desire for popularity, not a Caesarian thirst for power.

The Woke are waking up the Sleeping Giant: NSBA’s ‘domestic terrorism’ letter to Biden admin prompts Wisconsin school board group to cut ties/Wisconsin’s association of school boards criticizes national group for ‘inflaming partisan tensions’

It is good to know that New York’s Court of Appeals ruled 5-2 that Happy, the elephant who has lived in the Bronx Zoo for the last 45 years, is not a person.  My question is why was it a 5-2 decision?  Two judges, Rowan Wilson and Jenny Rivera, wrote separate, sharply worded dissents saying the fact that Happy is an animal does not prevent her from having legal rights. Rivera wrote that Happy is being held in “an environment that is unnatural to her and that does not allow her to live her life.”  Happy the elephant seems pretty content at the Bronx Zoo where food is plentiful and has lots of room to roam.

Did you watch the Republican gubernatorial debate last night?  If not, you can watch it here.  Our candidate, is ready, willing and completely able to Save Our State.  Join his effort to Save Our State here.

Brendan Patrick Purdy opines in City Journal about Lockdown Damage/Empirical evidence demonstrates that shutting down economies and schools brought little benefit and much harm.

The Problem With ‘Gun Control’/People think they can eliminate original sin.

‘What is a Woman?’: a provocative look at the transgender debate.

Study Connects Jump in Youth Suicide With Transgender Treatments, Lack of Parental Consent

‘SkyFall’: How fears about the future limit the life we live.

God Bless America

Instead of the British are coming…be grateful the elections are coming in 148 days!

So, is this how the democrats show how tolerant they are? Democrats: Biden must drop the word ‘rational’ when talking about Republicans

Fmr NYPD Commish Kelly: Crime Is Up but Don’t Vote for Dems to Change It

Bad news for the Biden Administration; worse news for Americans:  Stock Market Plunges 600 Points, Entering Bear Territory

Here’s What Senators Came Up With for a Deal on New Gun Laws

Albany’s latest gift to the teachers union will shackle NYC schools — and their budgets

Did you know  that The State Police Sent You a Friend Request

Police the Streets, Not the Tweets/The new chief inspector of constabulary for England and Wales pledges to focus on crime and resist “thought policing.”

DA Alvin Bragg’s greatest hits: If Hochul won’t fire him, NYers should fire her

Americans fed up with crime and other commentary

Kudos to Loudoun Co. Circuit Court Judge James Plowman!  Local VA Judge Pulls a Move That Most Legal Observers Say Never Happens

Mass Incarceration Hysteria/Those alleging that the United States imprisons too many people rely on faulty history and bad facts.

The Era of Free-Lunch Economics Is Over/Reality intrudes on the fantasy of cost- and consequence-free deficit spending.

Pro-Lifers Grapple with Mail-Order Abortion Pill Loopholes as Roe Decision Looms

Finding Hope as Gas Prices Rise and Society Tanks

How “A Bug’s Life” Revealed the Immorality of Socialism.

G.K. Chesterton on the Family

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the January 6 Select Committee’s first public hearing, soaring inflation, Boudin’s recall and our upcoming Summer Reception.

The Made for TV January 6 Select Committee’s First Public Hearing

The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol aired its first public hearing on June 9, 2022. The Select Committee hired James Goldston (the former president of ABC News) to produce the six planned TV hearings and make them compelling to watch.  If last night’s broadcast was any indication, the Select Committee, comprised of nine members (7 Democrats, Rep. Bennie Thompson, MS, Chairman, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, CA, Rep. Elaine Luria, VA, Rep. Adam Schiff, CA, Rep. Pete Aguilar, CA, Rep. Stephanie Murphy, FL and Rep. Jamie Raskin, MD and 2 Republicans, Rep. Liz Cheney, WY, Co-Chair and Rep. Adam Kinzinger, IL.) will not change anyone’s mind about the events of January 6, 2021.  While the Select Committee is theoretically bi-partisan, every member has an agenda and is pushing their agenda rather than actually investigating every aspect and every questionable action by those who could/should have had enough security prior to Donald J. Trump’s remarks at Washington’s Ellipse where the former president spoke.  The Select Committee did not tantalize viewers to watch the rest of the hearing with new information or a smoking gun. And it is also important to remember that every agency in charge of the security at the Capitol could have prevented the fateful event, but we doubt that will be included in the final findings of the Select Committee.

Inflation Hits Another Record High.

To no one’s surprise, inflation soared 8.6%, the worst since December, 1981.  We did not need the latest CPI report to tell us.  Every trip to buy groceries or purchase gas hurts the consumer and effects every other aspect of our everyday lives.  There are even areas in the United States where police departments have used their allotted budget for gas and are unable to respond to emergencies.

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo admitted Tuesday that the Biden administration is running out of options as it scrambles to bring down gas prices that have surged to record highs across the nation in recent weeks.  Supposedly President Biden is looking for anything possible to combat the costs; how about resuming the policies that gave us affordable gasoline and made us energy independent?  The Biden Administration is giving Americans “lip-service” about the cost of gasoline as this was his plan from his first day in office when he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline.

Good News from San Francisco

Voters from every political spectrum spoke loud and clear on Tuesday when they voted to recall DA Chesa Boudin – the son of Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, members of the Weather Underground and convicted murderers of Sgt. Edward Grady, Officer Waverly “Chipper” Brown, and Brinks guard Peter Paige, during the infamous Brinks Armored Robbery on October 20. 1981 in Nyack, NY.  Chesa was raised by leftist radicals, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohm, here in Hyde Park, New York.  Thankfully, the voters in San Francisco recalled him and his biased beliefs that he incorporated as the District Attorney.  It was actually comical that he blamed ‘right-wing billionaires and police officers’ for his loss when his election was supported by George Soros who is dedicated to electing leftist district attorneys.

Former Vice President Mike Pence to headline our 2022 Summer Reception. 

We are proud to announce that former Vice-President, Mike Pence, will be our featured speaker at our 2022 Summer Reception, on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 in New York City.  Along with VP Mike Pence, our statewide candidates, Lee Zeldin for Governor, Allison Esposito, Lt. Gov. candidate, Michael Henry for Attorney General, Paul Rodriquez for Comptroller and Joe Pinion for US Senator, will be attending as well as numerous congressional and legislative candidates.   For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the January 6 Select Committee’s first public hearing, soaring inflation, Boudin’s recall and our upcoming Summer Reception.

President Biden fiddles with Kimmel while America struggles with inflation.

From the NY Post editorial page:  Time for Joe Biden to be the Great Uniter he promised to be.  But sadly, it will never happen as he is too beholden to those who do not have the best interests of the United States of America at their forefront as his advisors.

Seriously?  Biden complained to reporters about negative coverage of his administration: Politico.  Can’t help but wonder what his definition of negative coverage is.

GOP Senators Release Documents Showing Biden Admin Lied About Disinfo Board

Schumer Under Pressure to Address Past Comments After Man Tried Killing Kavanaugh; don’t hold your breath as Senator Schumer will never, ever acknowledge that his words “pay the price” meant anything other than having the person who nominated them being voted out of office.

Federal law enforcement the real threat to our republic/Unequal and unfair application of justice

Voters vs. Soros revolutionaries

Soros-Backed Media Consortium Is Buying, to Censor, Conservative Radio Stations.

How Amazon Engages in Sanctioned Trade With Iran/Retail giant facilitates sale of computer hardware to subsidiary of Iranian government, documents show.

Biden’s Energy Secretary Reacts to Record Gas Prices with a Warning.

High Gas Prices Are About to Cause Another Public Safety Crisis.

Yes, the Products You’re Buying Are Getting Smaller—Even Though Prices Are Not.

Victor Davis Hanson writes about The Subordinate Citizen

Progressives see signs of hope fade after disappointing night.   (They may see signs of hope fade, but it was a great night for those of us who believe in the rule of law and respect for it.)

Bob McManus writes in the NYP: After Boudin ouster, New York lefties face their own ‘Bay’ of Reckoning.

Jan. 6 hearings? Americans have much more serious concerns

Annie Holmquist writes that Equality Is Holding Us Back.