Category: CPNYS NEWS

Government makes far too many errors …are they really errors or a way to keep lemmings controlled?

How much will this cost taxpayers? Biden won’t restock oil reserves until late 2023 but wants to make repurchase deals now.

Biden’s energy devolution.

White House announces sale of additional 20 million barrels of oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if, at the very least, one person would present the “other” side? Fossil fuels: essential to human flourishing

Is anyone shocked by this? Whistleblowers: FBI/DOJ Deep State Working Overtime to Protect Hunter Biden

ICE developing program to give ID cards to illegal immigrants, as border crisis rages

Why Some Votes Count More Than Others

It doesn’t matter to Congress…it isn’t their money being used, it is ours:  Congress’ Vote on Delphi Pensions Bailout Shows Problem With Putting Unions Above Law

File this under Revising the Facts:  Fauci: ‘I Didn’t Recommend Locking Anything Down’ During COVID

Dennis Prager:  Why My Friends and I Had More Wisdom When We Were 12 Than College Students and Faculty Have Today

Government should be more concerned about addiction problems than collecting tax dollars to feed there self-serving programs designed to keep them in office. Marijuana consumers worldwide becoming addicted due to high potency pot, studies suggest

Government should realize that putting up signs that areas are gun free are just making those places a sitting target. Good guys with guns: Concealed carry saves lives.

Another place where government has created unintended consequences:  Vaping Taxes Had Lethal Unintended Consequences, Yale Researcher Concludes

LinkedIn’s ‘misinformation’ policies are an attack on science and by denying differing opinions it has a tendency make things worse. After Covid: unhappiness is worse among single and non-religious Americans.

Monkeypox’s Inconvenient Truth.

Dr. Siegel: There are a lot more monkeypox cases than we know

Jeff Minick writes in Intellectual Takeout:  The Dutch Are Awake. Are We?

The John Bachman Newsmax show has One more tribute to our Chairman Emeritus with Chairman Jerry Kassar on John Gizzi.

Semper Fi, Mike. Thank you for a job well done. May you rest in peace; we will keep fighting the good fight for you.

Michael Goodwin writes in the NY Post about:  AG Merrick Garland’s kid gloves vs. Hunter Biden

Who says crime doesn’t pay; it certainly does for some people:   Ghislaine Maxwell can enjoy movies, yoga after transfer to Florida prison.  Your federal tax dollars at work. Absolutely disgraceful…could it be a payoff so she will keep her secrets?

Matt Vespa makes a point. It isn’t that everyday people are not concerned about the environment, we are, but the hyperventilation while ignoring the immediate problems of today, end up falling on deaf ears.  COOL IT: Al Gore’s Latest Global Warming Remarks Are Why This Issue Goes Nowhere.

The problem with career bureaucrats, is that they are bureaucrats; seldom working in the real world, never really knowing how to balance the books by making the necessary adjustments. They do however play with words, try to change accepted economic definitions and spin it to keep in power. Team Biden: You Know, Maybe We Should Reimagine the Definition of a Recession.

Somebody, please send this to the Biden Administration:  8 Ideas That Will Teach You to Think Like an Economist.

How Did Democrats Become So Out of Touch With the American People?

How CHIPS for America Act Chips Away at America’s Economic Freedom.

The Washington Examiner editorial board writes:  Bipartisan electoral reform is possible.

Seth Barron writes in City-Journal:  New York’s Supreme Gun Distraction/State and city leaders condemn a high court decision on legal firearms, saying that it will worsen rising violent crime—but that’s a problem in their own power to solve.

Just a few of the articles about our Chairman Emeritus Michael R. Long:

From the NY Post:  Former NY Conservative Party leader Michael Long dead at 82

From Newsday:  Michael Long, longtime state Conservative Party chairman, dies at 82

From the NY Times:  Michael R. Long, N.Y. Conservative Party Stalwart, Dies at 82


From the Auburn Citizen:  ‘A force’: Michael Long, longtime NY Conservative Party chair, dies

From AM NY:  New York State Conservative Party leader Michael Long dies at 82

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Semper Fi, Mike. Thank you for a job well done. May you rest in peace; we will keep fighting the good fight for you.

Chairman Gerard Kassar and the Officers & Members of the NYS Conservative Party Are Mourning the Loss of their Longtime State Chairman, Michael R. Long

For Immediate Release
July 24, 2022
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Brooklyn, NY — The New York State Conservative Party is mourning the passing of its longtime State Chairman, Michael R. Long. Long’s Storied Career in Politics and the Conservative Movement spanned almost sixty years.

Mike, a proud Marine, went to a Madison Square Garden Rally for Barry Goldwater, and the rest is history. Realizing how effective one man can be, his extensive career of service began by volunteering for Goldwater’s campaign, thus began his lengthy career in his hometown of Brooklyn. His reputation as an honest broker expanded throughout New York State and nationally regarding countless issues and elections.

Long’s political career began in 1968 as a District Leader and quickly rose to Chairman of the Kings County Conservative Party in 1972. In 1974, Mike Long was elected by his colleagues as a State Vice-Chairman and in 1984 as the Executive Vice-Chairman. In 1988, Michael R. Long was elected to the position of State Chairman of the Party where he served until, he retired in February 2019, the longest serving State Chairman in the Party’s history.

Mike served as Chairman of Community School Board 19 in East New York; in 1981, Long became the first registered Conservative to serve on the NYC Council. Mike served as a board member of the American Conservative Union for 27 years and in 2010 the ACU foundation presented him with “The Charlton Heston Courage Under Fire Award.” Long was a member of the Board of Directors of the Cathedral Club of Brooklyn, he also served as Secretary on the Board of Trustees for Daytop Village, Inc. and was Chairman of Daytop International, as well as the past Chairman of the Board of Directors of Holy Angels Academy in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, to name just of few of the varied ways Mike Long served his community. Mike Long, was proud of his Irish Heritage and genuinely enjoyed being honored as Grand Marshal of the Bay Ridge St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Mike Long engaged in numerous campaigns through the years; among the more notable are the elections of former Senator James L. Buckley (running only on the Conservative Party line), Senator Al D’Amato, Ronald Reagan (In 1980 and again in 1984, Mike Long was proud to cast his vote for President Ronald Reagan in New York’s Electoral College) and under his leadership the Conservative Party provided the margin of victory for the historic election of Republican/Conservative Governor George Pataki and Attorney General Dennis Vacco.

Mike’s work in the Pro-Life movement is renowned; and received several awards for his dedication, including the Knights of Columbus Pro Patria Award, and in 2009, Mr. Long was honored as a Knight in the Order of St. Gregory the Great.

Numerous candidates, political leaders and those simply interested in the future of America, their state and/or local community benefited from his heartfelt, forthright advice.

“The loss of Mike Long is immeasurable. We have lost a good man, a close friend, mentor and outstanding political leader; a void for me and many has been created that cannot be filled,” said State Chairman Gerard Kassar. “The countless number of people who learned from Mike can today be found throughout the political world and will act as his legacy for many years to come.”

“Mike’s leadership is legendary; if you had differences on any subject, it was never combative, it was discussed. Mike had a natural ability to lead you to his understanding of the issue, which is why he was such an effective leader,” said Shaun Marie Levine, the Party’s Executive Director. “Diogenes, a complex persona known for his searching for an honest man, would have found his honest man had he met Michael R. Long. Throughout his life, Mike certainly lived up to the Marine’s motto, Semper Fi. To say Mike will be sorely missed is an understatement; his dedication to making lives better is a loss when needed most.”

The Long brothers, Mike and Thomas, were, for many years, the proprietors of Long’s Ice Cream Parlor in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn; and eventually they purchased Long’s Liquor store in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

Mike and his beloved wife, Eileen, celebrated their 59th anniversary in May and are the proud parents of nine children, twenty-five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap Up Discusses the upcoming Environmental Bond Act, Gov. Hochul’s never ending pandemic related Emergency Orders and President Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia.

Vote NO on November’s $4.2 Billion Dollar Environmental Bond Act

This November, a tax increase is on the ballot.

New York is addicted to spending and borrowing, and state taxpayers are drowning in debt, thanks to some of the highest taxes and fees in the nation and a financially devastating 9.1 percent inflation rate that shows no signs of abating.

Now, predictably, the State wants to borrow and spend even more, as Empire State families find themselves forgoing simple necessities like milk, cereal, and eggs because they just don’t have enough money to pay for them.

It’s a hard slap in the face when you consider that Albany increased the State Budget from $177 billion to $220.5 billion — a $43 billion increase! — in the past two years alone. Unsatisfied, Democrats in Albany want more. Always more.

Governor Kathy Hochul and her Democrat colleagues in the State Legislature are now promoting a $4.2 billion Bond Act that voters will decide on in November. It’s being trumpeted in the loftiest terms — “The Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022” — but in reality, it’s a vague and amorphous ballot proposal that’s more about politics than it is about clear environmental goals.

It’s no coincidence that Mrs. Hochul is promoting this Act in the same year she’s running for governor. The Bond Act would provide millions of dollars to various environmental interest groups that Mrs. Hochul wants in her corner. Call it pork barrel borrowing.

What Governor Hochul and her Democrat colleagues in Albany don’t want you to know is that money from New York’s 1996, $1.75 billion Environmental Bond Act remains unspent. If it’s so essential to borrow an additional $4.2 billion this year, why haven’t we spent down the environmental funds we borrowed 26 years ago?

The New York State Conservative Party cares about environmental conservation. But it also cares about working- and middle-class families that are having trouble making ends meet. Almost a million and a half financially beleaguered New York families have fled the state for friendlier tax climates over the past dozen years, and Albany Democrats still don’t get it. The Conservative Party does because it is rooted in reality.

To get a sense of how out of whack New York taxing and spending has become, consider this: Florida and Texas each have larger populations than New York with annual budgets about half the size of ours. And Texas and Florida enjoy faster growing economies than New York’s. That’s no coincidence.

You’ll soon see ads extolling the urgent necessity of borrowing billions more this year. It’s a sham. How about using the billions we’ve already borrowed first?

Another Hochul Emergency Order

In the world of Governor Hochul, the COVID emergency never goes away. As Hochul, like her predecessor Andrew Cuomo, renews pandemic-related emergency orders, she is also suspending many state checks and balances designed to keep government honest.

The Empire Center’s Bill Hammond recently addressed the dangers of these executive orders.

The Conservative Party together with the State Senate and State Assembly Republicans have been advocating since early 2021 that all special executive authority that emanates from renewing pandemic-related emergency orders come to an end. The State Legislature has the authority. The Democrats who have the majority in both houses appear not willing to take back the responsibility that comes with being an equal branch of government. Its high time they do.

Biden Again Misses the Point

 We certainly hope President Biden overcomes his bout with COVID soon. Maybe the time he is resting will give him an opportunity to better see the sad ongoing failure of his foreign policy.

His trip to Saudi Arabia can best be described as sickening. The United States has rightfully held the leader of Saudi Arabia responsible for ordering the killing of Jamal Khashoggi within the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

Now we have the President of the United States coming close to begging for increased Saudi energy support through a visit with the Saudi leader that has the two acting like the best of friends. A sad state of affairs for America and the Biden Administration.

Maybe if Biden had allowed the continuation of American energy independence achieved under President Trump with the Keystone Pipeline and offshore drilling, we would not have the President of the United States graveling to Mohammed bin Salman.

Alleged Lee Zeldin attempted attacker charged with felony, immediately released just as congressman predicted

White House Says It Doesn’t Matter Where Biden Got COVID-19.

Biden-era Democrats learn to love emergency powers after hating them under Trump

Van Jones makes revealing admission about black Americans under Biden: ‘The pain is more intense’

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap Up Discusses the upcoming Environmental Bond Act, Gov. Hochul’s never ending pandemic related Emergency Orders and President Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia.


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 22, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “Only in New York can someone attack a sitting congressman with a weapon and be back out on the street within hours.

“But that’s the state we live in under Governor Kathy Hochul and reckless, one-party Democrat rule.

“Congressman Lee Zeldin, the Republican-Conservative candidate for governor and a Lt. Colonel in the Army Reserves, was making that exact point at the Monroe County rally Thursday evening when he was attacked by a man carrying a potentially deadly device. Thank God that the congressman and his running mate, former NYPD Deputy Inspector Alison Esposito, had the training and wherewithal to quickly take the man down.

“It’s yet to be seen if the assailant was directed to the event by Gov. Hochul herself — her campaign issued an angry, hyperbolic dummy news advisory to steer protesters to the Zeldin rally — but it is our hope that she will use better judgment in the future. This state is volatile enough without its governor ginning up fury.”


What will AG Merrick Garland do?

When did the Democratic Party become the Party that puts China before our own citizens? House Dems Block Vote to Ban Strategic Oil Sales to China.

Federal judge blocks Biden’s attempt to reinterpret discrimination laws.

Jill Biden hates half of America.

Roger Pielke Jr., a professor of environmental studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, opines in today’s NY Post:  What you really need to know about heat waves — and why it’ll surprise you.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz opines on How ‘abdication’ on crime, homelessness is killing businesses, also in today’s NY Post Op-Ed page.

Miranda Devine: Mayor Adams’ wake-up on migrant flights.

Are We Living Under a Kakistocracy: Government by the Worst?

House-Passed ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ Isn’t About Marriage. It’s About Complying With Woke Ideology.

Will the Feds Charge Hunter Biden?

Hunter Biden probe: ABC, NBC and CBS skip damning ‘critical stage’ report that charges are on table.

House GOP bets on assemblyman’s run to oust DCCC chair in New York congressional district.

This article was written in September, 2021 and it seems as if, nothing has been done to correct the abuse of the STOCK ActWolf of Washington: Pelosi Is Poised To Score Big From Semiconductor Bill. Mark Kelly Says Lawmakers Shouldn’t Use Their Offices for Profit. He May Have Done Just That. The current leaders of the House and Senate have, as of this date, done nothing to pass STOCK Act 2.0 that was introduced in February 2022. The House Bill’s sponsor is Katie Porter (D-CA) and has 3 co-sponsors; the Senate Bill’s sponsor is Kirstein Gillibrand (D-NY) and does not have any co-sponsors.  Both Bills have been introduced by Democrats, in a Democratic controlled House and Senate, and are still languishing in committee. Speaks volumes, doesn’t it?

Teachers’ union survey backfires, turns into ‘epic self-own’ for Democrats, says education policy expert

An update on the heartbreaking article about a young girl who went from Ohio to Indiana to have an abortion. 10-Year-Old Rape Victim’s Mom Is in Domestic Relationship With Child’s Alleged Illegal Alien Rapist.

This headline writer has a sense of humor:   Poll: Even Zoomers Want TikTok Banned.  Do Zoomers know they just have to remove the app and not use it if they are upset their confidential information is being accessed by employees?

Lessons for life: Being forewarned is forearmed.

Andrew McCarthy writes:  Biden is a gaffe-ingstock: The decline of the prez — and the presidency.  This is a very depressing headline and article for all who love America.

More grim border numbers suggest Team Biden has simply given up.

Biden’s Attempts at Abortion Workarounds Fueled by Midterm Dreams, Constitutional Nightmares

The Left Is About to Pay for Its Energy Insanity. That isn’t stopping President Joe Biden: Biden to declare ‘climate emergency,’ flex executive muscle after Congress failed, Dem lawmakers say.

Three Bad Signs for the Economy.

Being forewarned is forearmed: How the Left Hopes to Seize Control of Local Election Offices.

Dennis Prager is known for his columns that makes one think:  The Banner on Boston’s Church of the Covenant and the Decline of Christianity.

‘Woke’ Tour Guides Now Mangle History at Monticello.

Really, AOC? How gauche! AOC fakes being handcuffed after arrest at abortion rights protest.

DA Bragg has been in office for 199 days; he finally did something right! Murder charges dropped against bodega worker who stabbed customer in New York City.

Another reason we have to Save Our State by electing Lee Zeldin and Allison EspositoJudicial Moves/Governor Kathy Hochul’s next high-court appointment could bolster the Democrats’ one-party rule in Albany.  Need another reason?  Here it is: Kathy Hochul’s New York Sent $600 Million in No-Bid COVID Contracts to Dem Megadonor’s Company.

So disappointing; we could have used the distractions with his run:  De Blasio drops out of NY congressional race.

Will overturning Roe send voters to the polls in New York?

Parents be aware and discuss with your pediatrician:  FDA Violated Own Safety and Efficacy Standards in Approving COVID Vaccines for Children

Study: Natural Immunity Offered More Protection Against Omicron Than Three Vaccine Doses

An uplifting article about a man who has a legitimate reason to be angry, yet has turned his experience into something very positive:  Steve Wenger, Vaccine Survivor.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the record setting inflation, dangerous NY DA Bragg, and how upbeat the Assembly Republicans are.

Record Setting Inflation

 Federal Reserve interest rate increases may slow inflation, but they will not reverse it if energy prices remain out of control. This means no relief for Americans getting squeezed tighter and tighter every day as the Biden administration continues to make one mistake after another.

Annual inflation hit 9.1% in June, the highest rate of price growth since 1981, and despite those recent interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve. Consumer prices rose 1.3% in June alone, driving up the costs for Americans as they do the necessities such as get groceries and fill up their gas tanks.

The Democratic led Congress and the President himself instead continue to focus on long range environmental goals of questionable value at best. Fortunately, after it was announced late Thursday that any party line reconciliation bill with climate provisions, would not be supported by Joe Manchin (D-WV). Manchin’s spokesperson Sam Runyon said Thursday. “Senator Manchin believes it’s time for leaders to put political agendas aside, reevaluate and adjust to the economic realities the country faces to avoid taking steps that add fuel to the inflation fire.”

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg is Dangerous

 Bragg never claimed during his campaign that he would be the people’s District Attorney. From day one in office his focus has been to be an advocate for the rights of criminals. We called for his removal by Governor Hochul, the only one with the authority, after his outrageous staff memo essentially implementing the ‘Bragg criminal Justice system.” We reiterate our push for his removal every time an arrest turned into a revolving door, or a law enforcement officer was made the scapegoat for his backward view of public safety.

Last week’s indictment by The Manhattan DA of bodega worker Jose Alba, for murder, when it was clear to witnesses and on video that Alba was exercising his right to self-defense, brought a new national spotlight to Bragg’s backwards logic.

Lee Zeldin has indicated as Governor on day one he would remove Bragg for malfeasance in office. I can think of dozens of reasons why we need Lee Zeldin as Governor, but for the past week removing Alvin Bragg has been on the top of my list.

 Assembly Republicans

 It is generally agreed upon in NYS political circles that our party’s strong alliance with the State Senate Republicans, led by Rob Ortt, will result in many victories this November. The same can be said of the New York State Assembly Republicans led by Will Barclay.

I had a chance to meet a number of candidates this past week at their annual summer golf outing. First, let me tell you it was large, in fact one of the largest summer fundraisers in many years. It was also an extraordinarily upbeat event; you could feel the excitement and enthusiasm.

As always, it all comes down to candidates. In my estimation there were many winners in the room. Individuals who will make excellent public officials who will push for the changes we need to get our state back on the right track. I want to congratulate Leader Barclay and everyone at RACC (Republican Assembly Campaign Committee) for working to recruit such good candidates around the state.

Manchin says he won’t support climate, tax provisions in sweeping Democratic bill

Most Top Biden Officials Have 0 Years Of Business Experience

The Pay Cut President: Average American Family Has Lost $6,800 in Annual Wages Under Biden’s Inflation Administration.

Biden arrives in Saudi Arabia a ‘much diminished president,’ the kingdom’s former intel chief says

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the record setting inflation, dangerous NY DA Bragg, and how upbeat the Assembly Republicans are.

The Biden’s have a habit of financially helping their friends…and have you pay for it.

Americans Think U.S. Is Need of Major Gov’t Reforms and Complete Overhaul

Biden’s demagogic pro-choice speech got one thing right

Multiple ‘Raging’ Crises: Failures of ‘Progressive’ Governance on Full Display This Week.

Rep. Steve Cohen: This Other Country Has More Freedom Than the US.  (Does he even know Canada doesn’t actually have freedom of speech?)

Update on the shocking history of the ten year old rape victim that Joe Biden spoke of. Ohio 10-year-old’s alleged rapist is Guatemalan illegal immigrant: ICE source. The Left’s Vile Pivot with the 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl Abortion Story

Most Americans Support Transparency About Post-Abortion Complications, Poll Finds

Now at 9.1%, Biden’s Inflation Keeps Getting Worse

Biden & Co. offer nothing but more of the madness that put us in this inflation mess

Biden won’t fight inflation because he doesn’t want to anger unions and greenies

Climate activists slash dozens of SUV tires in NYC, say ‘major cities’ across US to be hit next

Liberal group lands $171M gov’t contract that could reach $1B to help illegal immigrants avoid deportation.

Shock Poll: Democrats closing gap with Republicans ahead of midterm elections

The Left’s grip on our education system is a threat to our country’s future

Library Group Recommends ‘Pronoun Book’ for Infants

The toll of the dwindling birth rate is far greater than underpopulation

The DEI Regime/Every Fortune 100 company has now adopted “diversity, equity, and inclusion” programming.

Every year for as long as I can remember there is an article or two about Medicaid and over payments. One would think by this time, Medicaid would be able to get it right, if only to have more money to take care of those who truly need it. Audit: New York Medicaid program did not recover $292 million in overpayments.

Here’s How You Can Find Out What Your Government Is Up to.

Americans need to wake up and return to the nation that used her 246 years wisely

How Angela Merkel’s Green Agenda Caused the Economic Collapse of Germany.

Of course, the identity of this young child must be protected, but that doesn’t mean that some scintilla of evidence that it actually happened should not be made public; especially when the President of the United States shines a spotlight on the tragedy.  If true, it is a crime, and the perpetrator must be held accountable.

The World Health Organization’s goal as stated by them is to be dedicated to the well-being of all people and guided by science, the World Health Organization leads and champions global efforts to give everyone, everywhere an equal chance to live a healthy life. Today they declared gender ‘exists on a continuum’ and is ‘beyond non-binary.’ Gender is ‘not limited to male or female,’ the WHO says. There are numerous problems for people who regret sex-change surgery.  The WHO should give up being “WOKE” and stick to taking care of the those who need immediate help to be healthy.  Hopefully, they will do a better job than they did with the Covid Pandemic.

There is something seriously wrong going on in my country of birth, America. Is this the reason we fought for our independence? What has happened to the Judeo-Christian values America was founded on. Biden Considers Declaring Public Health Emergency to Help Secure Abortion Access. I would be the first to acknowledge that there is separation of Church and state, but I want to know how Joe Biden receives Communion when he is considers declaring a public health emergency to help secure abortion access. With all due respect, Mr. President, you’ve crossed the line with your misguided reasoning.  It is morally reprehensible to use my tax dollars to pay for an abortion that I believe has a right to life. Apparently, way back in 1989, a certain now staunch pro-abortionist, felt the same way. Durbin Racks Up a Self-Own With Abortion Letter For the Congressional Record

This column explains part of what has gone wrong in our country. Biden’s wealthy and clueless White House.

The Red Wave cannot come fast enough! Democrats would abolish Supreme Court, elect judges, let United Nations decide.

Denying Reality on Immigration/Americans understand that the Biden administration’s numbers and policy don’t add up.

Adding to Inflation, Democrats Have a Brand New Tax Hike Plan

The Courage to Dissent…From the Left.

An article most of us can certainly relate to:  Maybe it’s a good thing news consumption is on the decline.

We need Katharine Lee Bates to remind us once again that America is Beautiful.

Doubting Thomas’ take note:  The Shroud of Turin defies its sceptics/Even though it failed a carbon-dating test 40 years ago, new findings suggest that the scientists were wrong.

Does Michael Moore have President Joe Biden’s ear?

Americans Regret Their 2020 Vote.

Joe Biden Hits a New Polling Low: 20 Below

Study in Contrast: Biden Approval Hits All-Time Low, Trump Approval Nears All-Time High.

Biden Admin Is Funding a Clinic That Distributes Crack Pipes. It just seems strange to me that a man who saw what a drug addiction did to his son, would consent to funding a clinic to distribute crack pipes. Wouldn’t spending money helping them get off drugs be wiser and safer than giving them crack pipes.

Biden, Schumer and Durbin sprint to fill judicial vacancies before possible GOP Senate takeover

Biden Casts New Bipartisan Bill as Starting Point on Gun-Control: ‘More Has to Be Done’

Michael Moore must have his ear:  ‘Completely Untethered to Reality’: Michael Moore Proposes an Amendment Targeting Gun Rights.

An update on how that Green Energy is doing:  German Energy Prices Jump Due to Wind Drought.  And then there is this:  California to Pivot to Fossil Fuels to Avoid Blackouts.

New Poll: Actually, American Women Are More Likely to Favor Abortion Restrictions Than Men.

This snowflake obviously does not think so:  ‘Enraged’ Army medic’s TikTok video ripping Roe v. Wade ruling goes viral

This article will set progressives into a complete tailspin also:  Ex-Trans Teenager Supports Florida Ban on Medicaid Funds for ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care.

Janet DiFiore, New York’s top judge, to step down Aug. 31. Interesting…2 years left before reaching mandatory retirement she is leaving…I cannot help but think being a moderate in a progressive state takes its toll.

Elections commissioners question costs of early voting.

Report: Ethics commission staff bungled Cuomo’s book approval.

The Washington Examiner’s editorial board writes about An opportunity to become the Parent Party.

MADS, the Condition Ravaging America.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses how Governor Hochul is attempting to override two SCOTUS decisions and announces our upcoming National Affairs Conference.

Challenge to NYS Concealed Weapons Law

Last week the NYS legislature passed S. 51001/A. 41001, (the vote is at the end of the links below) , an unconstitutional infringement on the right to carry a concealed weapon in New York State. This action was taken to override a decision handed down from the US Supreme Court on June 24, 2022.

The Court was clear that any governmental effort to regulate the right must not be excessive.  New York State’s response was to essentially make it impossible to carry a concealed weapon anywhere in the state for most residents.

The NYS Conservative Party has joined with the State GOP and its Chairman, Nick Langworthy, in creating a coalition to take legal action. I feel certain that when we get our day in court, we will be successful.

Read our press release here.

NYS Moving to Put Abortion Protections in State Constitution

New York falls into the category of a handful of states that allows abortion through viability – in fact, arguably to term. Non-medical professionals can do the procedure and doctors who perform abortions are under no requirement to save the life of a baby born alive.

Many members of the New York Legislature and Governor Hochul want New York’s extreme abortion policies enshrined in the State Constitution. The legislature last week did the first passage (S.51002/A.41002). They are required to pass it again next year before it needs to go on the ballot for the voters to make a final decision.

Although the bills passed with near unanimous Democrat support, there were some regular allies in the GOP who voted against the Party’s pro-life view. Myself, and our party leaders in the legislative districts have been in touch with the legislators, expressing our disappointment as well as our concern for the future.

I encourage you to review the  Senate/Assembly voting record (at the end of the links below) and contact those who voted to protect abortion as a civil right in New York’s Constitution.

National Affairs Conference

We will be holding a National Affairs Political Action Conference on Saturday, August 13th from 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM at Arthur Finnegan American Legion Post #1443, 40 Mountain Lakes Lane, Greenwood Lake, NY 10925.  A reception will follow immediately after.

At the conference we will be releasing our updated National Affairs Platform and hearing from a number of speakers and panels on issues such as Border Security, China/Taiwan, Inflation and supply chain woes, the Supreme Court and more.

There will be a modest $25 per person attendance fee for the conference. The conference will be followed by a reception attended by Joe Pinion, our US Senate Candidate, and local Congressional candidates.  The fee for the reception is $75.  Registration forms will be on our website sometime next week.  As always, please feel free to call us at 718-921-2158.

WATCH: Doocy grills Jean-Pierre over why majority of Americans think nation ‘on the wrong track’

A Biden Tax Hike Kicked In That Affects Everything From Soap To Lightbulbs.

Jobless Claims Rise to 6-Month High; Job Cuts Jump 57 Percent.

Police pulling back on traffic stops impairs authorities’ ability to limit ‘gun violence’: Experts


S.51001Final vote on S 51001 fire arms bill

S.51002s51002 final vote

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses how Governor Hochul is attempting to override two SCOTUS decisions and announces our upcoming National Affairs Conference.