Category: CPNYS NEWS

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the Mar-A-Lago raid, Texas sends migrants to New York, Hochul double downs, early voting and special elections on August 23rd.


So far, the Justice Department and FBI have failed to explain why they needed to break 200 plus years of precedence by raiding a former President’s home for purposes of locating documents that were part of ongoing discussions.

Most Americans, including myself, looked at this action as an overreach of federal authority on a potential political opponent, much like you’d see in a third world country. It is also abundantly clear a double standard exists when it comes to the Justice Departments action with individuals like Hunter Biden being shielded from investigations.

Please read my full statement here.

Texas Sends Migrants to New York

 I had hope for Mayor Adams. That hope is fading as he trips over his own polices and then moves to blame others. He wanted a sanctuary city, and he got one. Now when Texas and other southern border states look to send some asylum seekers to places like New York, he suddenly wants to have nothing to do with them.

Make no mistake about it, I am not at all encouraging New York to welcome buses of illegal immigrants looking to use poorly constructed federal laws to allow most anyone crossing the border that turns themselves into authorities to claim some form of asylum.

Adams should be focusing on Biden border policies and the issue of unchecked immigration over our southern borders. Even better, he should give Vice President Harris a call and suggest that they board one of those NYC bound buses and take it back to Texas to see the border for themselves.

Hochul Doubles Down

 I will not discuss changing the bail laws until a new legislature is seated in January, Governor Hochul recently declared. I have two comments on her line in the sand:

1.) we would all be better off having Lee Zeldin in office January 1st so that we really will have a repeal of the supposed criminal justice reform that makes it difficult to keep most criminals in jails

2.) having more Republican/Conservative Senators and Assembly-Members would complement Lee’s efforts as our Governor very nicely.

Hochul is just awful. She wants to keep the extreme left of her party in line and does not care how out of touch that makes her with the majority of New York residents on law and order issues. She knows it is reaching a tipping point, causing her to punt to next year. Let’s make sure Hochul does not have a next year in government.

Early Voting and Primary Day

 Early voting begins tomorrow Saturday, August 13 and runs through Sunday, August 21. It is imperative we get our family and friends out to vote for Conservative Party endorsed candidates all over the state.

We are asking Republicans to vote for Nick LaLota, Andrew Garbarino, Nicole Malliotakis, Brandon Williams, Claudia Tenney, and Nick Langworthy in their primaries!

Special Elections

 There are two Special Elections August 23 in New York’s 19th and 23RD Congressional Districts that are must wins for the State of New York.

Conservative Party members will play a pivotal role in electing Marc Molinaro in NY-19 and Joe Sempolinski in NY-23! Early voting begins TOMORROW August 13th and runs through August 21st.

EXCLUSIVE: Computer repairman claims FBI agents threatened him and told him to say NOTHING about Hunter Biden’s laptop when they came into retrieve it – two months after he said he was willing to hand it over

True Rate of Inflation ‘Much Higher’ Than Official Government Figures Show: Expert

New Poll Shows Liz Cheney Getting Absolutely Crushed

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the Mar-A-Lago raid, Texas sends migrants to New York, Hochul double downs, early voting and special elections on August 23rd.


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
August 12, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “Americans are desperate for economic relief, and Democrats in the House, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, are likely to stick it to us again today in a party-line vote that Republicans can’t stop.

“The grossly misnamed ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ is yet another Democrat tax increase — in the middle of an inflation crisis — coupled with the greatest expansion of the IRS in modern times. Hiring 87,000 aggressive new IRS agents tells us everything we need to know about Democrat priorities.

“This tax hike will do special damage to mid-size businesses, which employ millions of Americans. Once this legislation is forced through, an untold number of those employees will receive pink slips.

“Is this what Democrats call progress?”



Has a Pulitzer Prize become more important that getting the news right?

What if this is the only article people read today (and missed the one below) Newsweek: AG Garland Had ‘No Prior Knowledge’ of Mar-a-Lago Raid. Granted, Guy Benson, had a lot of “ifs” in his take on all the assumptions swirling in newsrooms, but it begs the question…with all the reporters relying on breaking the Pulitzer Prize winning article, who do we put our faith in when needing the truth? Guy Benson is a good reporter and didn’t fall for all the rumors from those on the “inside,” but I am certain far too many did. (This no way  infers that all the below articles are seeking a Pulitzer.)

DOJ asks court to unseal Mar-a-Lago raid warrant; AG Merrick Garland personally signed off on Trump search

The FBI’s Mar-a-Lago ‘Raid’: It’s about the Capitol Riot, Not the Mishandling of Classified Information

FBI Trump raid exposes Washington’s secrecy shams

If Merrick Garland doesn’t give a solid, fast reason for raiding Trump’s home, he’s probably just re-elected him.

The Establishment Has Emerged From the Shadows. They’re Betting That You Won’t Care.

BREAKING FROM AG GARLANDDOJ asks court to unseal Mar-a-Lago raid warrant; AG Merrick Garland personally signed off on Trump search

Latest Inflation Report Shows Americans Won’t Get Relief From High Prices Soon

From the Empire Center:  “Inflation Reduction Act” Holds the SALT

Democrats’ Inane Stock-Buyback Tax

Recession Deniers Will Give Us a Depression.

The US Must Ditch Its Incoherent Policy on Taiwan

File this under “I need more IRS agents to force me to pay because I am apathetic and won’t unless someone makes me:” Tax Delinquent Dem Backs Plan To Hire Army of New IRS Agents.

How Democrats’ IRS Expansion Would Empower Ruling Elites to Target Americans

The Demonization of Dissent

Teachers Unions Politicized U.S. Schools, Not Parents

Fact-check: abortions bans in US will NOT increase maternal mortality

Reproductive choice is a choice to have children. Anything else is a fraud. Period.

Trans: a threat to my daughter, my family, and women’s healthcare.

Mayor Adams take note:  No sympathy for sanctuary cities.

Christopher Wray is turning the Federal Bureau of Investigation into the Frivolous Business Indefinitely Agency…

Was the FBI’s Raid on Mar-a-Lago the Biggest In-Kind Contribution to Trump’s 2024 Bid?

Russia Hoaxer Spills the Beans: FBI Raid All About Rigging 2024 Against Trump.

Andrew McCarthy writes:  Trump raid not about classified documents — it’s about Jan. 6

New Details About Judge Who Approved Mar-A-Lago Raid Raises All Sorts of Red Flags

Three quick thoughts on what we know about Mar-a-Lago raid so far

Hunter Biden double standard on display in wake of Trump FBI raid, GOP says.

Jeff Minick writes in Intellectual Takeout:  The ‘American KGB’ Goes to Work

Miranda Devine opines:  FBI Director Christopher Wray is guiding the agency the wrong way, fast

Biden Admits He Has No Idea What’s in the Inflation Reduction Act.

Middle-class Americans to bear brunt of IRS audits under Dem inflation bill, analysis shows

New York will no longer use ‘inmate’ for people in prison. Governor Hochul’s remarks included the following:  “In New York, we’re doing everything in our power to show that justice and safety can go hand-in-hand,” Hochul said. “We can make our streets and communities safer by giving justice-involved individuals the chance to complete their rehabilitation program and work at the same time. By treating all New Yorkers with dignity and respect, we can improve public safety while ensuring New Yorkers have a fair shot at a second chance.”  My question to Governor Hochul is:  Where was the dignity and respect for the victim? Let me know when you can answer that question, Governor. Every New Yorker knows hardly anyone goes to prison as a first time offender (except if the crime is heinous) so by giving an accused person the benefit of a second (or more) chance, it sends a signal that the offense wasn’t all that offensive.  Instead of accepting that as their “second chance” many continue their crime spree. (Just read the papers there are too many articles to list.)  So, Governor Hochul, where was the “dignity and respect” for the innocent victims whose lives were disrupted by the “incarcerated individuals”? Hochul must go, her wokeness and desire to be the first elected female governor, is what drives her, when her first priority should be the safety of all New Yorkers. Elect Lee Zeldin on November 8, 2022.

Ken Girardin writes in today’s NY Post:  State senators to get a harsh reality check as their own workers unionize

Nicholas Capaldi writes about The Joke That Is Higher Education

Arizona Dem Praised Radical Immigration Group That Harassed Sinema; you should also know that Kirsten Engel is a law professor at the University of Arizona. Can’t help but wonder what she is teaching her students.

Public School System in Need of Major Reforms—or Burial

Back-to-School Blues: Droves of Americans Ditching Public School

Jeffrey H. Anderson writes in City-Journal that Masks Still Don’t Work/More than two years on, the best scientific evidence says that masks don’t stop Covid—and public health officials continue to ignore it.

The reality is that all this pollster had to do was to read any paper that still reports the news to learn the this:  Progressive Pollster Finds That People Oppose Progressive Policies.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Christopher Wray is turning the Federal Bureau of Investigation into the Frivolous Business Indefinitely Agency…


For Immediate Release
August 9, 2022
Contact: Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Brooklyn, NY – “The FBI, with machine guns drawn, invaded the home of a former President of the United States. It better have a damn good reason.

“All Americans should be alarmed by this exorbitant use of force, and all Americans should be demanding answers from the Justice Department today.

“Yesterday’s raid also raises the important question of political double standards. How has Hunter Biden not been indicted yet? Only the Justice Department knows, and we await an explanation. This all reeks of politics.”


Mayor Adams, what do you expect when New York City is a self-professed sanctuary city?

The Democratic Party elites continue to portray themselves as the Party that believes what is preached as right for you isn’t remotely good for them. For example, the NYC and Washington, DC Mayor’s had no problem with the Biden Administration letting, make that encouraging, people to cross our southern borders without restrictions and staying in the southern states.  The ever-increasing influx of people crossing the southern border illegally, who need a place to live, need health care, need an education, need fundamentals like food, transportation and a job, didn’t have an impact on their sanctuary cities, so they have remained silent about the constant flux of illegals.

Things have changed, instead of the federal government flying these illegals – in the dead of night without any notice to the local governments – Governor Abbott and Governor Doug Ducey are bussing them to NY and DC, during the day and in the open and letting officials know.  What also speaks volumes is that Mayor Adams expected 40 illegals and only about 14 got off the bus.  “The mayor suggested that the most likely reason was because of the fear that something was going to happen to them if they came to this location, people got off earlier.”  The Mayor may be right, which is even more upsetting to those who live in New York City because his “marquee campaign promise is to make the city safer while ensuring that policing is done appropriately and without racial bias.”  Instead, the NYPD is seeing an ever increasing exodus of officers and brazen crime increasing.   Alas, 8 months have gone by, and the city is not safer; and he cannot even get Governor Hochul to understand the need to  eliminate the most obvious reasons.

Mayor Eric Adams and Mayor Muriel Bowser are crying foul;  they have failed to visit he southern border and not have any concept of what the southern states have been going through since Joe Biden took an oath of office to uphold the laws of the United States. Both mayors are hypocrites (Mayor Adams went so far as to condemn Gov Abbott)  for believing that it is okay for Texas and Arizona to be flooded with illegals and not the cities who celebrate their self-proclaimed sanctuary status.

Only YOU can change the narrative:  If you have never been involved in an election, now is the time to change that. Get involved and Save our State. From Newsmax:  Zeldin Blames ‘Pro-Criminal Push’ For Fueling Crime Spike.  Follow @leezeldin daily to see how dedicated he is to Saving our State. Lee Zeldin will be the next Governor of NY if we work together to Save our State.

Here’s the Truth About What ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Would Do.  This is a must read and distribute to family and friends, then vote everyone who voted for it OUT OF OFFICE, starting with New York’s own Senator Charles Schumer. Chuck Schumer’s only job in the private sector was during 3 years in high school working a mimeograph machine and getting dinner for his boss, Stanley Kaplan, the creator of Kaplan, Inc., the scholastic test preparation business. (It is often rumored that Schumer scored 1600 on his SAT’s…and I’m guessing the future politician certainly learned a lot working there…)  He has never had to run a business, meet payroll demands, provide benefits to employees or close a business due to a pandemic. Taxpayers have been paying his salary for 47 years and quite honestly will pay him until he passes on. His retirement check is guaranteed, unlike so many workers whose businesses have closed leaving the former employees with no retirement income. Over the weekend, his “leadership” just made it more difficult for every American to make ends meet. That is what Oligarchs do; take care of themselves (cater to those who would primary them; make colleagues beholden to them by giving a select few what they want in secret negotiations) without regard to the people who made this country the best in the world.

Senate Increases Government Spending by Passing $740 Billion Bill.

Casey B. Mulligan’s:  The Negative Economic Effects of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

Nixing nitrogen in fertilizer means less food, more hunger.

Seriously? Did they all fail biology? Democrats reject Rubio amendment declaring only women get pregnant.

CBS News Scrambles to Memory-Hole Documentary Claiming Just 30% of Ukraine Aid Makes It to Front Lines.

Heather Mac Donald writes about The Corruption of Medicine/Guardians of the profession discard merit in order to alter the demographics of their field, in City-Journal.

Pete Hoekstra writes in Gatestone Institute US: The New Real Hoaxes?

Chairman Kassar discusses our upcoming National Affairs Conference

Next Saturday, August 13, 2022, the Conservative Party is releasing our 2022 National Affairs Platform that discusses the national topics that effect our daily lives, including, but not limited to, the US Constitution, the Economy, Foreign Affairs, National Defense and Immigration. Our platform lets the readers know what we support to remedy the obvious problems and renew America’s commitment to the vision of our Founding Fathers whose wisdom help create the one nation that people still seek to live in to better their lives.

Registration for the conference begins at 11:00 AM in the Arthur Finnegan American Legion Post #1443, 40 Mountain Lakes Lane, Greenwood Lake, NY 10925 (Click here for directions); our platform will be released at Noon. And there is no charge to attend the National Affairs Conference!

We have an exciting line up of speakers beginning at 12:15 PM with my welcoming remarks. Taiwan has been in the news this week and our first panel discussion will be on Taiwanese relations with the US, with members of the Taiwanese US Chamber of Commerce and the Taiwanese Cultural Center.

National Education policy, another timely subject with school beginning next month, will be presented by Ed Cox, a board member of the New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund.

Border Security, an issue that effects every village, town, city and state, will be presented by Allen Roth, President of Secure America Now.

Other topics of interest include the economy/inflation and continuing problems with the supply chain, the Supreme Court and the New Federalism, and the ongoing war in Ukraine.

It will be lively, informative and arm you with talking points (which can be used to write letters to the editor of your local newspapers to spread knowledge) as we approach the November elections and beyond.

After the conference, beginning at 5:00 PM, there will be a reception with US Senate Candidate Joe Pinion who will be our featured speaker. Also slated to be present is Marcus Molinaro, candidate for the 19th Congressional District, Colin Schmitt, candidate for the 18th Congressional District and Michael Lawler, candidate for the 17th Congressional District. The cost to attend the reception is $75.00 per person. You can register for both events here or you can just stop by for an educational day with old and new friends.


The dam breaks, and key Dems run away from Biden ’24

With So-Called Inflation Reduction Act Looking Likely to Pass, Poll Shows Few People Actually Believe in It.

Agents seize 29 ladders at U.S.-Mexico border.

The Post’s latest reporting on career criminals is more reason Hochul must call a special session on bail reform. Gov. Hochul, just so you know, the author is a democrat and the longest-serving active New York City Council member.

If Governor Hochul is so concerned about climate change and the need to go green, why does she have such extravagant flight plans at taxpayers expense?

10 career criminals racked up nearly 500 arrests since NY bail reform began

Kathy Air: Gov. Hochul leaves taxpayers with $250K tab for flights around NY

How New York got an entire ‘Let them loose’ justice system

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul blames judges for rising NYC crime, not bail laws

Hochul urges judges, DAs to take bail changes into account  Maybe Governor Hochul should follow Gov. De Santis’ example:  DeSantis Suspends Woke, Soros-Backed State Attorney, instead of not acknowledging her role in the crime wave that is taking place in New York.

Hannah E. Meyers, writing in City Journal discusses New York City’s Growing Behavior Gap/The removal of swift consequences for criminal behavior has led to an explosion of violence for even trivial slights.

Don’t give up New Yorkers, hope is on the way:  GOP has real shot at NY gubernatorial victory with Lee ZeldinPolls show Lee Zeldin on track to win — if voters learn the stakes

Biden’s economy failing, he deserves to recede into the past/A ‘recession’ Americans crave

Biden Executive Order on Abortion Travel Funding Appears to Violate Hyde Amendment

Excusing Illegal Immigration Comes Back to Bite Mayors of DC, NYC

Sinema May Not Be the Only Democrat Unsure About Build Back Better Junior

Democrats’ minimum corporate tax would hit these industries the hardest

Barrington Martin II, a former Democratic congressional candidate in Georgia, and Gabriel Nadales, a former Antifa activist in California, are co-national directors of Our America and have a well thought out op-ed in today’s NY Post:  Let’s stop loud radicals from drowning out the pro-American majority

Wray says he finds allegations FBI mishandled Hunter Biden info ‘deeply troubling’

‘What Are Y’all Doing?’: Cruz Scorches FBI Director for Targeting Patriotic Symbols

Why Freedom Needs a Philosophy

Higher ed unites against Asian students in Supreme Court’s Harvard discrimination case

Christopher F. Rufo writes about The Dismantlers/San Diego public schools want to overthrow “heteronormativity” and promote “genderqueer,” “non-binary,” “pansexual,” and “two-spirit” identities, in City Journal.

Legalising euthanasia is a betrayal of compassion.  (From our Australian friends, there are some left who have not lost their moral compass.)

The UK cracks down while the US doubles down on ‘gender affirming’ care

Judge rules transgender surgeries must be covered by Medicaid.  (This is the result of an activist judge not knowing anything about the medical world.  So sad.)

David Keene and Rick Hinshaw have each written about their friendship with Mike Long; both will put a smile on your face as they recall their friendship with Mike.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on If Governor Hochul is so concerned about climate change and the need to go green, why does she have such extravagant flight plans at taxpayers expense?

Chuck Schumer’s family business…

The only inflation-fighter in Dems’ new bill is the name

Manchin’s Support May Hand EPA Power to Throttle Coal Industry

Manchin secures $6.6B W.Va. natural gas pipeline in side deal with Schumer.

Rich Lowry writes that Manchin’s double talk shows what a counterproductive mess his ‘inflation’ deal is

Joe Manchin pressed by Harris Faulkner on Inflation Reduction Act: I won’t ‘roll over’ to far left

Democrats rely on misleading messaging to sell Manchin-Schumer bill/Manchin-Schumer bill will bring tax hikes to most Americans, study says, despite Biden’s past promises.

This is one of those articles you should read; and then you will really want to drain the swamp!  Private Equity Giant Taps Schumer’s Son-in-Law as Lobbyist.

Cash Bonanza: Iran Has Made $44.7 Billion in Illegal Oil Sales Since Biden Took Office

Whoops! Department of Education Makes $300 Billion Accounting Mistake on Student Loans

Jerry Nadler Has a Bizarre Excuse for Why Students Shouldn’t Pay Their Bills

Timothy P. Carney opines in the Washington Examiner that Every high school, middle school, and elementary school should ban smartphones this school year

GOP now leads Democrats on the issue of education

Nicole Gelinas reminds us that Gov. Hochul is now just Andrew Cuomo 2.0

NYC murders, shootings spiked in July as part of 40% jump in major crimes in 2022

Soros can’t save soft-on-crime prosecutors.

Milton Ezrati writes in City-Journal:  Paper Tiger/Though it has achieved impressive historical growth, China’s centralized economic system is headed for trouble.

Andrew Cuff writes in the City-Journal:  Ohio’s Political Transformation/The former swing state is no longer up for grabs.

Robert Knight writes in the Washington Times: ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ is the latest example of the left’s outright lying

Why She Gave Her Baby Life After Being Raped at 14.

Was it pay to play or just plain luck?

Delusional Democrats subsidize biz in one bill, then tax it in another.

Joe Manchin’s anti-‘Made in America’ bill.

Most Americans will feel tax pain from Dem inflation bill despite Biden’s past promises: analysis.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):  The Schumer-Manchin Tax Increase on Everyone/Their Senate bill hits U.S. manufacturing especially hard, and it raises taxes on Americans making less than $400,000 a year.

Big Government Socialism Is Destroying America. Newt Gingrich Explains How You Can Help Save Us.

Pot use fueling rise in traffic fatalities, highway safety advocates warn

California Dems want mental-health warnings on pot — New York should heed the lesson.

Into the weeds: Here’s what’s in Senate Democrats’ long-awaited marijuana bill.

Rafael A. Mangual writes in City-Journal:  What George Soros Gets Wrong/“Progressive” approaches to law enforcement carry a steep price for the victims of violent crime.

The question is, would he have won the bid without the donation? It is much easier to fund raise when people have business interests in the administration. The state should consider NYC’s law that limits donations from bidders and/contractors, who have businesses in NYC,  to the Mayor $400, to prevent the appearance of pay-to-play   Hochul campaign donor lands multi-billion dollar state contract.

NY’s leaders just ignore Post’s proof that no-bail feeds soaring crime.

The only thing hypocritical Dems are producing on climate is hot air.

My guess is that Harvard expected a much higher number:  Harvard Study: Only 8% of Capitol Rioters Wanted ‘Insurrection’

Unbelievable! Paul Krugman lives in his own world. ‘Dystopian Myths’: Paul Krugman Shames Americans for Believing BLM Riots Happened in 2020. As the Daily Signal points out, we are in The New Age of Orwellianism.

SCOTUS Investigation Has ‘Narrowed Down’ List of Potential Leakers

Another elitist who practices do what I say, not what I did:  ‘Woke’ billionaire who trashed the Founding Fathers has profited off Natives, oil.

The Antidote to Tyranny is Liberty, Not Democracy or International Government.

Jeff Minick writes in Intellectual Takeout: Word Salads No More.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up: Chairman Emeritus Michael R. Long

Michael R. Long, the long time chairman of the NYS Conservative Party, was laid to rest on Friday, July 29, 2022, after devoting most of his life to helping make our state and nation a better place for all of us to live. There was never any doubt in our minds of the impact that Mike had in the political world and the world outside of politics. Mike was loved. His passing has left us with a profound sense of loss. Mike was always there when we needed answers, from the young men who worked for him in the ice cream parlor, to those who sought elective positions, to the customers who would stop by his liquor store to discuss the burning issues of the day; Mike made time for all of us.  Mike Long was our anchor, a man whose moral compass did all that was necessary to set the state and nation back to the visions of our Founding Fathers.

Michael had his own anchor, Eileen, his wife of 59 years. Their love, their shared goals, their nine children, who emulate their lives, their 24 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren are a testament to a simple fact:  Mike and Eileen Long lived their lives as devout Catholics, treating all who crossed their paths with respect and love.

It was a tribute to Mike and his family to see the long lines waiting to pay their respects at Clavin’s Funeral Home on both Wednesday and Thursday. Our Lady of Angels Church was filled to capacity with family and friends. Monsignor Kevin Noone and Father James Delvin were co-celebrants, while Bishop Edmund Whalen, Bishop James Massa, Bishop Emeritus Nicholas DiMarzio along with 6 other priests assisted is celebrating the High Mass on Friday morning.

As Chairman of the Conservative Party, I noted earlier this week, “The loss of Mike Long is immeasurable. We have lost a good man, a close friend, mentor and outstanding political leader; a void for me and many has been created that cannot be filled. “The countless number of people who learned from Mike can today be found throughout the political (and non-political) world and will act as his legacy for many years to come.”

We salute you for a job well done. Rest in Peace, Chairman Emeritus Michael R. Long. Rest in Peace.

The Spectator tribute for Mike Long.

From Newsmax:  Remembering Mike Long.

John Gizzi writes in Newsmax:  Mike Long, N.Y. Conservative Party Chairman, Dies at 82

George J. Marlin:  New York’s lost a working-class champion with the death of Mike Long, who helped depose Mario Cuomo.

Carl Campanile:  Former NY Conservative Party leader Michael Long dead at 82.

The New York Times:  Michael R. Long, N.Y. Conservative Party Stalwart, Dies at 82.

The Citizens’ Auburn:  ‘A force’: Michael Long, longtime NY Conservative Party chair, dies.

For more tributes scroll through our Twitter account @cpnys or Facebook:

The Biden Administration can call today’s news anything they want, but honest economists say 2nd straight quarter contraction points to a recession.

Economy in recession range, with GDP contracting 0.9% in second quarter.  From National Review:  GDP Contracts for Second Straight Quarter as U.S. Economy Enters Recession Territory

Schumer Strips Anti-China Security Provision From Major Semiconductor Bill

Andrew McCarthy writes in the NY Post:  Democrats are pressuring Merrick Garland to make an anti-Trump case he doesn’t have

Biden’s plan to boost inflation

The question is, will she stay strong since Sen. Joe Manchin cavedHow Sinema Responded to Senate Dems’ Tax Hike Plan

Mayor says justice system has made New York state a ‘laughingstock’

Zeldin’s new ad gets national attention:  Zeldin Runs New Ad Ripping Hochul and Cashless Bail

The Times’ ludicrous suggestion that Zeldin’s attacker was freed to help his campaign

Top NY Dems have no answers on crime, so they just tell blatant lies

Hysteria and greed make for expensive energy policies that won’t save the planet

So, It Turns Out That Biden Video Was Worse Than We Initially Knew

Did they think no one would notice their flip-flops?    When Clinton, Biden and Schumer Defended Marriage Against Ted Kennedy

Five times House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had to answer for Paul Pelosi’s stock trades

FDA Warns of Brain Swelling and Permanent Vision Loss in Kids Taking Puberty Blockers

Chloe’s story: puberty blockers at 13, a double mastectomy at 15

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on The Biden Administration can call today’s news anything they want, but honest economists say 2nd straight quarter contraction points to a recession.