Category: CPNYS NEWS

Are you sure you want government health care?

In case you missed FEE’s analysis:  Zuckerberg Explains to Joe Rogan Why Facebook Censored the Hunter Biden Laptop Story

The “Great Reset”: A Blueprint for Destroying Freedom, Innovation, and Prosperity.

Still More Dangerous New Concessions by Biden Administration for a Nuclear Deal with Iran’s Mullahs

Will Biden strike a terrible Iran deal just for short-term political gain?

Tehran Debates the Bomb

Europe’s Twilight: Christianity Declines, Islam Rises.

Canada Is Euthanizing Its Sick and Poor. Welcome to World of Government Health Care.

Twitter scorches Kathy Hochul for telling Republicans to ‘get out’ of New York: She’s ‘gotta go’/Republicans pushed back against Hochul for her divisive language.

How Rising Prices Are Affecting Young Adults

A Vote-Buying Scheme for Affluent Millennials.

Did you see this over the weekend? Comparison of Biden’s student loan handout to Jesus miracle by former NBA coach gets slammed on Twitter. What is Van Gundy ingesting (Psilocybin mushrooms?) as he certainly is hallucinating.

More than 2M New Yorkers expected to get student-debt relief: Schumer. Sen. Schumer lives in a make believe world that thinks our paycheck belongs to him so he can do what he wants with it. Time for Schumer to go! Help Joe Pinion retire Chuck.

NY Post Editorial:  Student-loan forgiveness is proof Dems don’t care about the rule of lawEvery single democratic who voted for this bill (and the Inflation Reduction Act that allows for, among other atrocities, 87,000 new IRS employees) should be fired by voting them out of office.

Biden’s Move to Fortify DACA Program an Unlawful Quasi-Amnesty.

Ramesh Ponnuru:  What Bill Clinton Understood About Big Government That Biden Doesn’t.

Here’s the Dems’ Latest Scare Tactic for the Upcoming Midterms.

The One Letter That Exposes the FBI’s Trump Raid Was Not About Missing Documents

Jeff Minick:  Reflections on the Reality We’re Facing.

Great advice from a person who lived through the experience:  Why we should stop casually prescribing antidepressants to teens.

As a doctor and dad, I am ashamed by how horribly my field mistreats kids with ‘gender-affirming’ therapies.

On Being Conservative.


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
August 29, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “The Proposed Congestion Pricing Tax is a slap in the face to outer borough and suburban commuters struggling to make ends meet. The tax has nothing to do with reducing congestion and everything to do with bailing out a profligate MTA that has never been able to manage money.

“We now know that Congestion Pricing will have an adverse environmental impact on New York residential communities, while doing virtually nothing to remediate traffic in Manhattan’s core business districts. This is simply an MTA cash grab disguised as an environmental measure.

“Congestion Pricing was a bad idea when it was passed in 2019, and it’s an even worse idea now. The situation has changed dramatically in the past three years, and it would be foolish not to recognize that. Covid and crime have dramatically altered commuting habits, and New York now finds itself struggling to get workers back into Manhattan offices which have historically provided billions in tax revenue to the City and State. Why on earth would we want to add a paywall to enter the exact area of the city we’re trying to revitalize?

“If government and MTA leaders want fewer cars on the road and more mass transit commuters, they should start by making subways and buses safe and clean. How’s that for a novel idea?”



Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the August Primaries and Gov. Hochul wants you gone.

Tuesday’s Election Results

 Although the Conservative Party did not have a perfect Election Day, the overall results this past Tuesday were good. Our lone loss in New York 19 was a hotly contested race which saw Marc Molinaro fall just short. Hindered by high turnout due to multiple Democratic primaries, I fully expect a different result in the 19th District this November that will result in a Molinaro victory.

However, all six of our endorsed candidates running in Republican primaries for Congress won. This is huge news and ushers in a unified Conservative and Republican ticket.

In the 22nd Congressional District (Onondaga/Madison/Oneida) Conservative Party candidate Brandon Williams overwhelmed Steve Wells, who outspent Williams many times over, and had support out of Washington DC.

In the 17th Congressional District, Mike Lawler won both the Conservative and Republican primaries that resulted from the twists and turns of the redistricting season.

In the 23rd Congressional District, Conservative Party candidate for congress Nick Langworthy won a nationally watched primary and is now poised for victory this November.

They join our many other Congressional candidates from all corners of the state that are pushing back against the Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer progressive DC agenda. We would like to congratulate Nick LaLota, Nicole Malliotakis, Claudia Tenney and Andrew Garbarino on their strong victories.

To close out the federal elections, congratulations are in order to Congressman Elect Joe Sempolinski who won the Special Election in the 23rd District and will be finishing the remainder of the retiring Tom Reed’s term.

Several Assembly candidates moved up to Senate nominations creating vacancies that will be filled for Assembly over the next few weeks. Additionally, a few State Senate primaries saw GOP/Conservative endorsements becoming aligned in two cases, and in one case a registered Conservative winning a Conservative Party primary in the Cayuga/Onondaga area creating a three-way race in November.

The players are now in place for November. The readers of this wrap-up are our first line in a battle that will affect our state and nation. If you are not already involved call our Conservative Party State Headquarters at 718-921-2158 so we can put you in touch with a campaign or party leader.

Read my full statement on Tuesday’s results here.

Hochul Wants You Gone

 “Just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, OK?” That directly from the mouth of unelected Governor Kathy Hochul to anyone who disagrees with her. These comments came as Hochul stumped in NY-19 for Democrat Pat Ryan who emphatically shook his head in agreement with Hochul.

Strong words from Governor Cuomo’s rubber stamp who is only in the position she is in because the former disgraced Governor couldn’t keep his hands to himself. New York has lost over 1.5 million residents the last decade and now the Governor is telling over 5 million more to get lost. Someone should tell her that New York and her 220 billion dollar budget can’t afford to lose more taxpaying residents to the likes of Florida, Texas, or North Carolina.

New York City residents pay the country’s highest combined state and local income tax rate and now, according to Hochul, your money isn’t even good enough for New York if you consider yourself in any way Conservative.

 Governor Hochul owes millions of New Yorkers a sincere apology. Read my full statement on her comments here.

Furious families of 13 killed in Afghanistan demand respect from Biden administration: ‘Say their names’

Think Tank Says 14 States Improved Their Election Integrity Score

 Under Biden, You’re 4 Times More Likely to Face an IRS Audit

 Karine Jean-Pierre throws out rough $24B a year estimate for student loan handout plan: ‘We’re going to see’

Biden’s Game of Buying Votes Only Flushes Your Money Down the Drain.

National Review’s Op-Ed is excellent:  Biden’s Student-Debt Decree Wrong on Every Level“To the extent it is possible, the order must be challenged in court and hindered by every legal means available. Republicans have rightly blasted the move, with Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell calling it a “slap in the face to working Americans.” They should devote the time from now to Election Day exposing this grotesque giveaway to voters and reasserting reality: The U.S. president is not an omnipotent genie placed behind the Resolute desk to grant partisan wishes by the stroke of his pen.”

The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) wrote this in February, 2019:  How Government-Guaranteed Student Loans Killed the American Dream for Millions.  “When government-guaranteed checks keep rolling in, there’s no incentive for colleges and universities to lower their prices. In fact, they do the opposite.”  Government created the mess, and as usual, now they want you to pay for their promising you (or should I say buying your votes with your money) they will take care of you from cradle to grave.

Why Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Is Unfair.

White House Can’t Explain How Biden Will Pay For His Loan Handout.

William Bennett on Biden’s student loan handout plan: ‘Terrible, idiotic idea’.

Biden’s Student Loan ‘Cancelation’ Plan Could Cost Taxpayers Up to $60,000,000,000 Over Next 10 Years

FBI Officials Told Agents Not to Investigate Hunter Biden Laptop ahead of 2020 Election, Whistleblower Says.

Steven Malanga writes in City-Journal:  Trump Derangement Won’t End with Trump/Already, progressives are branding the GOP’s next generation as “a threat to democracy”— sound familiar?

Thomas Hogan and Joseph McGettigan on The Disappearing Federal Prosecutor/To control violent crime, the Department of Justice must re-engage.

Gordon G. Chang writes in Gatestone Institute:  China Is Weaponizing Chinese Worldwide to Support the CCP

Iran Prepares to Take Out Israel – Right after Iran Deal Is Signed.

Conservatives Beat Establishment, House GOP Leadership in NY-22.

Boston Children’s Hospital’s transgender insanity reveals how unhinged elites make money off our kids.

Christopher F. Rufo writes in City-Journal that Radical Gender Theory Comes to the Heartland/A Missouri school district promotes the idea that “gender is a universe.”

Marijuana and hallucinogen use among young adults reached all-time high in 2021.


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
August 24, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “The New York State Conservative Party is proud to have backed six congressional primary winners in last night’s elections — Nick LaLota (NY-1); Andrew Garbarino (NY-2); Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11); Brandon Williams (NY-22); Nick Langworthy (NY-23), and Claudia Tenney (NY-24). The Conservative Party also congratulates Assemblyman Mike Lawler (NY-17), whom we endorsed, for his Republican and Conservative primary victories Tuesday night. And though he fell short in a razor-thin-margin race yesterday, we have every confidence that Conservative Party-backed candidate Marc Molinaro (NY-19) will prevail in November’s general election.

“These eight congressional candidates, along with other Conservative-backed candidates for Congress, State Senate, and State Assembly, represent the coming vanguard of common-sense change in America. They offer New York families relief from President Biden’s, Nancy Pelosi’s and Charles Schumer’s inflationary spending agenda, lower taxes, stronger crime fighting measures, and greater parental involvement in schools.

“The Conservative Party will work day and night for the next 10 weeks to elect each of these candidates — and all Conservative backed candidates — to public office. Progressivism has left New York less safe, more expensive, and deeply disillusioned. We can’t remember a time when change was more needed.”


Who is the dictator, Governor Hochul?

You’re not New Yorkers’: Hochul says political rivals like Zeldin ought to move to Florida.  ““We are fighting for democracy. We’re fighting to bring government back to the people and out of the hands of dictators,” Hochul said at a Monday evening rally in Kingston alongside Democratic congressional candidate Pat Ryan, where she called out his Republican opponent, Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro, Zeldin and former President Donald Trump.”

Looking at the photos in the NY Post article, I do not see a teleprompter, which leads me to believe that New York’s Governor is speaking from her deeply held beliefs that she is “fighting to bring government back to the people and out of the hands of dictators…” and then went on to say “Trump and Zeldin and Molinaro – just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong. OK? Get out of town. Because you don’t represent our values,” added Hochul, who raised eyebrows last week for a dig against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis at a Manhattan event commemorating the Holocaust. (As written in that article, Gov. Hochul quickly noted “Getting in trouble – gotta stay on script…”.)

It is interesting how you say that the three gentlemen you singled out to “jump on a bus and head down to Florida,” “don’t represent your values.”

Which values are you referring to, Governor? The ones you used when you chose Brian Benjamin as your Lt. Governor? Perhaps you are referring to the amount of money taxpayers will have to pay for the Buffalo Stadium that potentially could benefit your husband.  Of course, your values include using state aircraft as your personal taxi, refusing to fire DA Bragg, lets not forget that you also refuse to protect merchants, customers, and innocent people by not having a meaningful discussion of the criminal justice reforms that has caused untold hardship on New Yorkers just trying to make a living in New York State.  Your values also include using Executive Orders to prevent New York returning to a sense of normality as COVID lessens it grip on New York. Governor Hochul, your values also include signing a legislative package to “strengthen” the state’s gun laws, which are already among the most restrictive gun laws possible, to further limit our 2nd Amendment rights.

It is interesting to know that you want to take New York’s government out of the hands of dictators; while all you have done with your words is show what a dictator you are. If New Yorkers do not agree with what you want, if they want to protect innocent lives, especially unborn innocent lives, if they do not want their hard earned money used to build a sports stadium they will never use, if they complain when you use state aircraft as your personal taxi, if they demand an honest discussion on the failed criminal justice reforms, if they are fed up with Executive Orders interfering in their daily lives and understand that placing more restrictions on our 2nd Amendment only creates a market for more illegal guns on the streets, they are the dictators, Governor?

Look in a mirror, Governor, you are the dictator, and we will end your reign.

Save our State. Get Involved. Vote for Lee Zeldin and Alison Esposito.


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
August 23, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “Governor Kathy Hochul owes millions of New Yorkers an apology they’ll never get. Mrs. Hochul, like Governor Andrew Cuomo before her, genuinely believes that people who object to her extreme views on abortion, cashless bail, and the environment have no business living in New York State. Her statement was as arrogant as it was embarrassing.

“Mrs. Hochul’s fear of opposing opinions telegraphs just how concerned she is about Lee Zeldin and Marc Molinaro in November. It’s no wonder she wants to ship them out of state.”


Tomorrow is NY’s second Primary Day: check your local papers to see if your area has a primary.

From Bill Hammond:   New York’s health insurance price controls are not working.

Another gem from Bill Hammond writing for the Empire Center as he examines Washington’s newly enacted climate, health and tax package that harbors an only-in-New York glitch: New federal health funding is headed for Essential Plan limbo in New York

Hypocrite! Gov. Hochul blasts district attorneys who ‘undercharge’ perps after NYC sucker-punch. The hypocritical governor must be feeling the heat due to her lack of judgement regarding the criminal justice reforms she has staunchly upheld since taking office a year ago. Her lack of concern for the people of New York cannot be ignored with one presser blasting DA’s; Governor Hochul could have set an example but chose not to by listening to her progressive allies in the legislature.

Sarah Arnold points out in her column on Woke New York Gov. Signs Bill to Scrap ‘Gendered Language’ that in Democrat-controlled New York, passing a law to better suit liberals who get offended by a word is more important than spending the time to fix the city’s crime problem.

One arrest doesn’t end the ‘open season’ on law-abiding New Yorkers thanks to your laws, Gov. Hochul.

This is a must circulate NY Post editorial to those who are still on the fence as to whom they will vote for on November 8, 2022. Gov. Hochul’s endless weaseling is killing the Empire State. If you are fed up with the failed policies that are the legacy of the democratic party get involved and Save our State.

Good for Ms. Biaggi; obviously Ms. Biaggi understands capitalism, as evidenced by the purchase, by her entrepreneur husband and herself (while apparently holding on to her previous $691,006 condo in Pelham), it is unfortunate that the policies she embraces as a progressive lefty makes it extremely difficult for everyone else to enjoy the fruits of their labor.   Alessandra Biaggi relocates to new district in million dollar home.

Biden Plans to Use Tax-Payer Money to Fund Amtrak to Send Illegal Aliens to American Towns

The insane topsy-turvy response to NYC’s migrant crisis

GOP ad blitz for Steve Wells surges to almost $1M in final days of CNY campaign for Congress “If they weren’t in trouble, they wouldn’t be spending this kind of money at the last minute,” (Tom) Dadey told | The Post-Standard on Sunday. “They’re buying more ads at the 11th hour because they’re panicked.” Read how the Citizen ( fact checks the ad about our candidate, Brandon Williams. (Hopefully, it is not behind a pay wall.) A piece of advice for voters: don’t rely only on ads to make your choice; it would be in ones’ best interest to question all ads running about all candidates; contact the campaign and the candidate to know whom you are voting for. Attend/watch debates. Stop by their campaign office.  Read the local papers, talk to your neighbors. Get involved in the race, after all the candidate is elected by you to represent what you would do if you were elected.

Leor Sapir ask the question in his City Journal column:  A Victory for Child Welfare? Did the American Academy of Pediatrics tacitly reverse its stance on pediatric gender medicine?

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Biden’s Afghanistan’s Withdrawal; Our National Affairs Conference, Early Voting and Zeldin Lawn Signs.

Anniversary of the Afghanistan Withdrawal

A year later the United States remains under the very dark cloud of the Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. The loss of American lives was senseless, and to this day, continues to churn my stomach. To add insult to injury, billions in military equipment was left behind and is still in the hand of the Taliban.

It has been discussed, and is fair to speculate, that Russia felt empowered to invade the Ukraine as a result of the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and reaction to the weak decision making that came from the

Biden administration.

America prospers when we are at peace through strength, and we have showed no interest in being strong with those most willing to wish harm to our country. As a strong America goes, the world goes.

We must never have a repeat of Afghanistan.

National Affairs Conference

The NYS Conservative Party held our National Affairs Conference this past weekend filled with speakers and followed by a reception in beautiful Greenwood Lake, Orange County.

The conference began with the release of the Conservative Party’s updated National Affairs platform. Our full platform can be found here.

We were happy to be joined by expert speakers on China, Manufacturing,

Constitutional Law and the Ukraine. Additionally, we were very pleased to be joined by Congressional Candidates Colin Schmitt and Mike Lawler.

Early Voting Continues

The Conservative Party has endorsed the following candidates running in the August 23rd Republican Party:

  • NY-01 Nick LaLota
  • NY-02 Andrew Garbarino
  • NY-11 Nicole Malliotakis
  • NY-22 Brandon Williams
  • NY-23 Nick Langworthy
  • NY-24 Claudia Tenney

We have also officially endorsed Michael Lawler who is in both the Conservative and Republican primary.

Finally, we have endorsed Marc Molinaro and Joe Sempolinski who are running in Special Elections for Congress. It is important to remember,

Conservatives can vote in the Special Election and may very well be the difference in winning and losing.

We must mobilize Conservative voters August 23rd!

Lee Zeldin Yard Signs

Our order of Lee Zeldin for Governor Vote Conservative yard signs has arrived!

If you would like a sign, please call our headquarters at 718-921-2158 and we will make arrangements for one of our county organizations to deliver a sign, or signs, to you.

Half of US companies preparing to cut jobs, survey shows.

Ron DeSantis announces 20 charged for voter fraud in Florida

Labor Day Flights Will Cost 23% More Than Last Year.

Families Need A Rein On Inflation, Not Shortsighted Spending Gimmicks




/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Biden’s Afghanistan’s Withdrawal; Our National Affairs Conference, Early Voting and Zeldin Lawn Signs.

The redacted raid affidavit says…

BREAKING: Judge Rules on Release of Trump Raid Affidavit   — Bruce Reinhart says he’s inclined to partially unseal the Trump Mar-a-Lago affidavit.

This is devastating news:  Census Errors Will Distort Elections, Funding for Next Decade.  Then there is this:  Inflation Reduction Act Increases Washington’s Power.  The US Government is a body that is elected by the people and answer to the people; not a bunch of ignorant bureaucrats whose only loyalty is to the elected officials who hire them. Don’t let the WOKE take over our lives; we have 82 days to take back the reigns that run America, and if we don’t, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Obviously, not an embedded war correspondent, albeit he would like you to think he has been. Journalist: Trump Supporters Are the Most Dangerous Animals I’ve Ever Covered.

Status of Global War against Terrorism.

There are days when I am looking for articles for the blog that are very dismal, then there are days that you see a headline and just laugh aloud. This is one of those headlines:  Liz Cheney ‘Thinking about’ 2024 Presidential Run after Losing Primary to Trump-Backed Challenger.  News flash for Liz Cheney, when those you know you best reject you, even after you ask those from the opposing party to vote for you, how will you mount a presidential run? Thanks for the laugh, Liz.

CDC Director Walensky to reorganize agency after admitting Covid pandemic response fell short. A reorganization isn’t all it needs; it needs to have a variety of experts to discuss all the possible solutions and then speak as one; not as individuals who listen to whom they are beholden to.  For example, why did Randi Weingarten dictate the protocol for students? What was the basis of her expertise in public health? By the way, Ms. Weingarten only taught for 6 years in the early 1990’s and full time for only half that amount.  Since then, Ms. Weingarten has been a teacher’s union executive earning $426,000 in 2020-2021.

Hochul announces statewide ‘VaxtoSchool’ initiative.

Speaking of teacher’s unions:  Aren’t We Better Than Minneapolis Teachers Union’s Racist ‘Fire Whites First’ Policy?

New Jersey teachers’ union condemns parents as ‘extremist’ in new ad.

Michelle Malkin writes:  Beware of Big Bathroom Brother.

Congestion-Pricing appears to be in the fast lane again.  Nicole Gelinas writes in City-Journal All Stuffed Up/The MTA’s congestion-pricing plan needs fixing.

While The New York Times explains Why Drivers Could Soon Pay $23 to Reach Manhattan.

3 Previous Presidential Records Act Controversies

How America’s Unsecured Border Contributes to Fentanyl Crisis, Deaths.

Bringing the Fun Home: Five Family Outings for Tight Budgets.

In the world of journalism will there ever be another Tony Snow or Walter Cronkite?

From the Washington Times editorial page: Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act diminishes prospects for human progress.  “Hope is contagious, optimists are fond of reminding. So is doubt, unfortunately. The Democratic Party’s so-called Inflation Reduction Act, supposedly packed with smart policy remedies for an ailing nation, is the work of doubters bent on extinguishing the material progress that has made America exceptional. It serves the aims of the “degrowth” movement, which is to reduce the imprint of human progress upon the globe.”

White House not saying when the Inflation Reduction Act will begin to cut inflation.

To say this is outrageous is an understatement:  Biden’s new Title IX rules deputize teachers to override parents on gender identity.  “Biden’s proposal is an invasive use of federal power to deputize teachers and school administrators to override parental decision-making. And while some states have passed laws to protect parental prerogatives, the administration will claim that its federal rules take precedence.”

‘No I’m not’: Hochul rebuffs calls to halt congestion pricing.

Christopher Wrey, aka Oligarch (An oligarch is one of the select few people who rule or influence leaders in an oligarchy—a government in which power is held by a select few individuals or a small class of powerful people) Wrey, FBI director visited ADKs/Wray would not extend Senate hearing, flew to Adirondacks, on a private FBI jet to land at the Adirondack Regional Airport for a long weekend.

Merrick Garland looks set to indict Trump — despite his glaring conflict of interest.

Trump raid shows that FBI, Justice Department want to decide who can be our president.

Minnesota Public Schools Changes Rules To Lay Off White Teachers Before Minorities. Yes, you read the headline right and the article confirms its accuracy. Imagine belonging to that union!

Seriously? Simply mindboggling that this article  — The Atlantic Contributor Espousing Anti-Catholic Hatred Is an ‘Anti-Hate Expert’—made it past the editors, then again, nothing should shock us when we have celebrities preaching about climate change while jetting across America, crime soaring while prosecutors look the other way and when once respected government agencies revert to political acrimony to destroy their perceived enemies all the while the main stream media praise their activities.

Gatestone Institute writes about The Fall of Faucism and the Return of Common Sense.

Christopher F. Rufo writes in City-Journal about Putting Parents Back in Charge/An interview with Arizona governor Doug Ducey on the state’s first-of-its-kind universal school-choice legislation. This is the second state that has taken back their education system; New York can begin the retaking of our education system if we elect Lee Zeldin, Governor on November 8, 2022

‘Advocate Rather Than a Scientist’: The Compromised Research of Child Gender-Transition Doctor Jack Turban.

The Woke Disney Company is turning its back on family values.

Jonathan Barnes writes about Standing on Principles, Protecting Our Children.

FYI: From The Kiplinger Washington Editors: New York State Tax Guide / State tax rates and rules for income, sales, property, fuel, cigarette, and other taxes that impact New York residents.

Joe Biden’s legacy will always be the catastrophe of the Afghanistan exit.

In an error when crime is escalating, Progressive groups tell Hochul next chief judge must not be former prosecutor.  Among the progressive groups signing the letter was the Working Families Party, a political organization that endorses legislators who have voted for legislation that has help create the surging crime rate.  Since Governor Hochul has dug her heels in on the progressive cashless bail and will not remove NY’s AD Bragg, rest assured the 100 organizations who were signatories, have her ear.  Even  more reason to Save our State by electing Lee Zeldin the next governor of New York State.

Need another reason?  After a rough June primary in New York, insurgent progressive candidates are doubling down.

Lee Zeldin’s Op-Ed in today’s NY Post says Hochul congestion pricing hike puts struggling New Yorkers in a jam.

Just when you think Andrew Cuomo can’t have any chutzpah left, he shows a little more:   Cuomo’s clueless chutzpah in demanding taxpayers fund his sex-harassment defense.

Gov. Kathy Hochul hopes you do compare her chutzpah to Andrews:  Gov. Hochul knows the immigrant crisis is national — why won’t she act like it?

Why the Public Is Skeptical of Garland’s Mar-a-Lago Story.

American Stasi.  With all  the problems facing America today, it is important to remember that our Constitution created a Republic and as noted by Benjamin Franklin, “if we can keep it.”

An example of what happens when people get power and think they are above ordinary citizens:  FBI Director Under Fire for Government Plane Travel.

This will always be Joe Biden’s legacy:  The anniversary of our Afghanistan withdrawal will be a moment of lasting shame.  From the Daily Signal:  ‘Humanitarian Tragedy’: One Year After the Taliban Captured Kabul.   Former Green Beret: ‘Moral injury’ suffered in Afghanistan exit that Biden admin is trying to ‘move past’

Twitter thought police prepare for elections so they can censor political opponents.  The Daily Signal also writes about Twitter’s plans:  Twitter Vows to Fight ‘Election Misinformation.’ More Censorship Incoming.

From the Daily Signal:  4 Facts About IRS Gun Arsenal.

I Lost a Child to Miscarriage. New York Times Essay Likening Miscarriage to Abortion Is Despicable.

Once Champions of Working Class, Journalists Now Represent America’s Elite.