Category: CPNYS NEWS

New York’s political history is poised to repeat itself in November.

KASSAR: New Yorkers Should Expect The Unexpected With Zeldin In November — Just Look At History. “New York is undeniably a blue state by party registration — it’s more than 2-1 Democrat — but its voters are anything but monolithic. Indeed, if there is one consistency in New York politics it’s this: when Democrats screw up; when they move too far to the left — when crime and taxes become unbearable — everyday New Yorkers of all parties turn to the Republican and conservative parties to bail them out. Congressman Lee Zeldin, a U.S. Army veteran, is poised to be the next Republican governor of New York for a reason: He’s offering voters at the exact right time the relief they need from crime, the rising cost of living, and public corruption. If history is any guide, and it always is, expect the unexpected in November. New Yorkers are in the market for a bailout again.”

Leaked docs show Hochul milked donors of more than $1M just after Buffalo massacre.

California paid 45 percent less for tests supplied by Hochul donor.

Stop playing chicken, Gov. Hochul, and agree on dates to debate Lee Zeldin

NY state troopers union boost Chuck Schumer challenger Joe Pinion for Senate

Biden says Republicans are ‘playing politics’ after transporting migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, VP’s home. It is amazing that President Biden calls such actions “political stunts” and “un-American.”  Really, what was it when your administration resumes after-dark migrant flights to airport outside NYC in April, 2022.  This is from October , 2021:  Biden Administration Quietly Flies Illegal Immigrants to New York in Middle of Night: Report.  Of course, the Biden Administration denies there was a hidden agenda and has like thinking individuals try to debunk what has happened since the border has been thrown wide open.  You should also be aware that this is happening as well:  Pols hide behind charities to welcome illegals.  Yesterday, Gavin Newsom asked DOJ to consider ‘kidnapping’ charges after GOP governors ship migrants out of state, by his reasoning, shouldn’t President Biden be subject to the same scrutiny? In case you missed this, tony Martha’s Vineyard already moved  the 50 or so migrants brought there yesterday to Cape Code with the help of 125 National Guard members.  Seriously, Gov. Charlie Baker, you needed 125 National Guard members to move 50 mostly Venezuelans? You noted that the move was necessary because “the island communities are not equipped to provide sustainable accommodation, and state officials developed a plan to deliver a comprehensive humanitarian response.”  Have you seen what has happened to the cities and towns along our southern border since this influx began? Did you even care? If you genuinely cared about these people, you should have reached out to help! And that goes for President Biden as well instead of transporting them in the dark of night. BTW, President Biden, why didn’t you and then President Biden fix the immigration crisis when from 2009 to 2011 the House had 257 Democratic Members and the Senate had 57 Democratic Members instead of continuing to place the blame on republicans?

The Sanctuary City Democrats Who Changed Their Tune Once Illegals Showed Up.

CNN Reporting Completely Wrecks Democrat Narratives About ‘Cruel’ GOP Governors ‘Kidnapping’ Migrants.

President Joe Biden Actually Claims to Want to ‘Foster Unity’

Biden’s Paranoid Presidency Delivers Divisiveness to Americans, Not Unity.

California Conservatives, Beware: Newsom’s ‘Commission on the State of Hate’ Is More Nefarious Than It Seems.

Europe’s Energy Crisis.

Biden’s Energy Policies Encourage Global Instability.

The administration and the elite do not like it when you use their rules.

One knows Gov. Hochul has a problem when the Albany Times Union writes an editorial like this:  Editorial: A terrible deal for taxpayers

Why this longtime Democratic pol can’t support Hochul for governor — and endorses Zeldin

Zeldin gets $1M cash boost as counterattack on Hochul kicks off

BTW did you see Zeldin’s commercial that Twitter censored because “They claim real crimes against NYers are “too sensitive”. Twitter is still trying to control the political narrative as apparently is Facebook. Facebook spied on private messages of Americans who questioned 2020 election. Who made Mark Zuckerberg the judge and jury of what people can write about on Facebook. Did you give him permission when you signed on as a user? Most people when the download apps and or social media sites, just automatically click on the permission button and hardly ever read what they are signing. (It isn’t like buying a house and your lawyers explains what the terms are.)  I did a quick review of the terms, and it only seems to mention sharing information with advertisers – to better serve their users. Read it for yourself here. Is it time to review the Patriot Act of 2001 to be certain that the CEO’s of social media sites, who have absolutely no training in recognizing the language of terrorist, do not cross the line when suggesting the FBI look into certain accounts.  This I am certain of; government is overreaching its authority by subjecting those who disagree with any administration’s policies as subjects to be investigated. BTW, the major reason of concern is that only the right was targeted by Facebook; none were Antifa types.

Twitter Whistleblower Reveals No Other Choice: Congress Must Act to Protect Data Privacy.

Biden Can’t Pretend Inflation Away

Joe Biden acted like a kid in a candy store (or an adult in an ice cream store) yesterday when visiting the Detroit Auto Show;  Here are the electric cars revealed at the Detroit auto show and Joe Biden driving some.  The huge problem that electric cars have is overlooked and explained in this article:  Regulators Overlooked This Crucial Detail About Electric Cars and It Could Have Lethal Results.

For a person who is concerned by carbon footprints and preaches about green energy, can anyone justify this? Obviously, he had alternative ways to accomplish why he flew to Delaware on Tuesday. Did You See Why Biden Made a Last Minute Trip to Delaware on Tuesday?

On March 24, 2021, President Biden appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border, as the administration faces growing political pressure to address a surge in undocumented migrant children unaccompanied by parents. Since then, the VP has not visited nor addressed the border problem. Today the problem came to her doorstep: What Just Happened Outside VP Harris’s Residence May Have Her Rethinking ‘Secure’ Border Comments.

Martha’s Vineyard also experienced an influx of those crossing our borders illegally; A democrat (representing the area) called it “depraved” and “… hatching a secret plot to round up & ship people-children, families-lying to them about where theyre going.”  Question to you, state representative Dylan Fernandes, wasn’t Gov. DeSantis just following President Biden’s lead? Biden resumes ‘air illegal’ into Westchester as migrant tide grows even worse. Or was that okay with you since it was not in your backyard?

The Daily Signal noted: Media Finally Notes Biden’s Border Mess When It Hits Acela Corridor

This is the candidate trying to replace Senator Ron Johnson in Wisconsin.  (We really must get our education system back to teaching facts.)  If you think I am  exaggerating, read this:  Harvard Tells Students: ‘Using Wrong Pronouns’ Constitutes ‘Abuse’

Biden’s Proposed Public Benefits for Aliens Rule Akin to Unfunded Mandate.

A Debt That Can Destroy a Nation

Iran and Russia: The New Alliance

After Botched Census Counts in 14 States, House Democrats Push Less Accountability for Bureaucrats.

The Right’s Answer to the ACLU Takes on Leftist Racial Discrimination

China’s Commentary on Mistakes of Gorbachev to Make Sure the Chinese Communist Party Endures

Do you feel the “progress” on inflation that President Biden spoke of today?

Even on 9/11, Biden tries to divide Americans.

CAUTION, the photo in the article is extremely graphic and heart wrenching. Charles Hurt writes in the Washington Times: Remembering the most haunting image of 9/11

Katie Pavlich’s must read: Biden’s Depletion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Is Reaching Crisis Levels

Dems’ $53M spending on MAGA Republicans belies just how cynical their ‘threat to democracy’ cries are.

Of course the border is secure — since Kamala Harris changed the definition of ‘secure’. Video captures migrants in camo scaling Arizona wall after Harris says border secure.

Our Elected Representatives Are Terrible Stewards of Taxpayer Dollars. Here’s a Better Path Forward

Inflation rose faster than expected in August, keeping prices painfully high

Inflation Slightly Eases, But There’s A Massive Catch

Inflation Continued to Climb in August, Defying Expectations.

New CBO Score: “Inflation Reduction Act” Increases Deficit through 2026

Fact check please: Biden says ‘progress’ made on inflation despite higher prices in August.

China Is at Taiwan’s Door and America Isn’t Ready

Hawley Calls Out Credit Card Companies for Tracking Gun-Related Purchases

Hochul to let COVID-19 powers lapse  

‘Dirty tricks’: Hochul boosters accused of ‘deceit’ in pre-filled ballot applications.

Zeldin hits congestion toll as cash grab as he cites MTA ‘waste’.

From the Washington Times:  New York City law allowing foreigners to vote is illegal.

Smearing Your Opponents Is No Way to Run a Republic

Charlie Crist Portrays Himself As Jesus Christ Against ‘DeSatan’ in Bizarre Stump Speech.

California Dream Could Become a Nightmare

Parents with school-age children, please note:  Pandemic ‘Learning Loss’ Actually Reveals More About Schooling Than Learning.

Public Schools Are Spending Money Like Crazy, Despite Sharp Enrollment Declines

This speaks volumes: latest poll shows Lee Zeldin leading where they know Gov. Hochul best.

Reflections on Calm Before Storm of 9/11—and Peace of Providence After.

‘We Did That’: Afghanistan a Year after the US Surrender/Afghanistan is a Terror State, Al Qaeda Is Thriving.

Iran Deal – Reportedly “Off the Table” – Would Not Have Prevented a War.

National Security Threat: China’s Eyes in America.

Former Rolling Stone Editor_ Biden’s ‘Menacing Manifesto’ Against MAGA Republicans Created a Bigger Problem

Biden’s freeze on oil, gas leases threatens to bring Europe’s energy nightmare to America

Victor Davis Hanson writes that The World Wants No Part of Woke, but It’s Glad We Do

I sometimes wonder how the VP passed the Bar, then I remember it took her two triesKamala Harris Blames Turmoil In the Country On Abortion Bans.  Really, VP Harris? Inflation, out of control government spending, a president that insults half of our nation’s population, closing pipelines that supplied energy independence, illegal immigrants storming our borders as if they were storming the beaches of Normandy to end an unholy war. And you blame the turmoil on abortion bans? Question to you:  how many people’s lives have been improved by the company Apple? How many people have good jobs with Apple Inc.? The first Apple computer was created by Steve Wozniak , Steve Jobs, and Ronald Wayne in 1976;  later in his life Jobs would express gratitude that his mother didn’t abort him.  Despite what you think, VP Harris, nowhere in our US Constitution, did it provide for women to have an abortion and it certainly did not provide that tax dollars be used to pay for an abortion. Overturning Roe v Wade did not end abortion in the United States of America; rather, each state has been given the ability to allow their legislative body to decide if they support abortion. Albeit, personally I wish it had overturned abortion as a right, because I wonder if the aborted baby could have cured cancer, solve agriculture problems, found the best solutions for climate change, among hundreds of other positive ideals, was one of the 63,459,781 (latest numbers) innocent unborn aborted.

Interesting. Spence Brown writes in Democrats Are Worried That They’re Leading in These Battleground States.

Politico writes Who will control the House? Look to New York. An interesting article that gives an almost positive view of the upcoming Congressional races. We passionately believe that our candidates have a much better chance of winning than Politico indicates as the article isn’t based on polling, nor the mood of the voters. We can and will win in November! Get involved, help your candidates win. Talk to your neighbors, friends and family. Your vote matters! Together, we will take back the House, Get rid of Senator Charles Schumer, fire Gov. Hochul and elect a legislative body that is more in tune with your values. If you don’t know where to begin to help, give us a call and we will get you involved.  Thank you!

Lee Zeldin trails Kathy Hochul by only 6 points in NY governor’s race: poll.  The latest poll continues the good news for Lee Zeldin! “Zeldin split the Hispanic vote with Hochul — usually a reliable Democratic constituency in New York — 41% to 41% with 18% of respondents undecided amid worries about crime and inflation.”  “He also leads among independents — voters not affiliated with a political party — 52% to Hochul’s 38%.”  And where they know the Governor best: “Zeldin leads Hochul on her upstate turf in the western NY/Buffalo region 54% to 38% and is up by 21 points in the central NY/Syracuse region.” NOW is the time to get involved. Click here to help Save our State!

This Can Be Republicans’ Year In New York.

Hochul is Cuomo 2.0: Looking after her donors cost taxpayers double for COVID tests.

Machete attack exposes the cruelty of ‘criminal-justice reformers’

The Latest Jobs Numbers Seem Impressive, Until You Look Closer

Fauci’s direct line to Zuck proves Facebook COVID censorship was all about power, not public health

New code, backed by NY lawmakers, will help credit card companies track gun purchases.

Jeff Minick opines:  Young People Are Depressed…Who Can Blame Them?


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 12, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “Negotiating away the death penalty with terrorists at Guantanamo Bay would be a travesty of justice against the more than 3,000 victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, their surviving family members, and every servicemember who has risked his or her life over the past 21 years to protect this nation from further attacks.

“Self-proclaimed 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his terrorist confederates, Ramzi Binalshibh, Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, Walid bin Attash and Ammar al-Baluchi, should have been tried in military court years ago for their murderous attacks against U.S. citizens.

“Mohammed and his partners plotted for months to kill as many innocent Americans as possible on that bright September morning and would have killed hundreds or thousands more in Washington, D.C. had brave passengers not overtaken one of the hijacked aircraft over Pennsylvania. Any efforts to soften the penalties they pay for their actions are unacceptable. Time will never lessen the evil these men did.”


Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Zeldin’s closing in, Family Farms and California’s far left agenda.

Zeldin Closing in on Hochul

 As you have hopefully seen, a new independent poll shows Lee Zeldin within four points of Governor Hochul. That poll, along with a poll made public over the summer conducted by renowned pollster John McLaughlin, shows momentum is on our side with a little under 2 months remaining.

This news does not come as a surprise, you can feel it on the streets, you see it online and you sense at every Zeldin appearance that the tides are changing.

In the past month alone, Lee has raised almost four million dollars, including $1.5 million at an event headlined by President Trump last weekend.

With November 8th quickly approaching, it is imperative we continue to spread the word about Lee Zeldin and his campaign. We have a real opportunity right in front of us to bring back public safety, and common sense spending while protecting our farmers and making sure congestion pricing never sees the light of day. There is too much on the line to not get involved.

You may contact the Conservative Party if you would like to get involved or request a lawn sign.

New York Planning to Ban Family Farms

Very few New Yorkers understand the economics behind maintaining a family farm, yet most New Yorkers will tell you family owned and operated farms are businesses worth supporting.

The State Government, through an unelected board, has now proposed a change in overtime rules that will force many smaller farming operations to go out of business which will ultimately lead to the loss of jobs, the ending of family owned businesses and traditions, and finally forever changing the landscape of our rural counties.

The Governor and Democratic controlled Senate and Assembly won’t rest until all of Upstate New York looks like New York City.

The Conservative Party has joined with Senate and Assembly Republicans, Lee Zeldin, and the state GOP in urging the New York State Labor Commissioner to reject the Farm Labor Wage Board’s recommendation.

Read my full statement here.

California Continues To Get It Wrong

 California, a state that is doing a job equal to only New York when it comes to out migration, is set to ban the purchase of new cars after 2035 that are not electric vehicles.

Ironically enough, within 48 hours of that announcement, the need to stop charging your electric vehicle was announced and a pause went into effect because of the state’s insufficient electric supply and their inability to sustain their grids current load. It would make you laugh if it was funny.

New York, apparently not one to learn from other state’s mistakes, is on the verge of doing the exact same thing when it comes to vehicles. The legislature and Governor are close to signing off on a ban of new non-electric vehicles in 2035, even while knowing that fully charged vehicles have been shown to perform poorly in New York’s colder environment.

With power plants being shut, electric prices are expected to rise almost 40% over the winter. Calls by the cyber mining industry for new sources of power are being ignored while alternative energy sources are more of a fantasy then a reality in terms of their ability to meet demand.

It does not take a genius to know that you do not follow someone over a cliff, yet Governor Hochul seems dead set on following the lead of California and Governor Newsom. She won’t stop and she’s taking you over that cliff with her.

States confirm plan to tax student loan handout funds

Oberlin College begins payment of $36.59 million to Gibson’s Bakery after Ohio Supreme Court refuses to hear appeal

Joe Manchin’s Political Career Appears to Be Over

Jason Whitlock Calls Out South Carolina Basketball Coach Dawn Staley’s Hypocrisy, Tells Her To Cancel Games Against Memphis Due To Violent Crime

Will “zero admissions” help Climate Change or make things worse?

Arabs to Biden: Do Not Sign the Iran Deal, It Will Start a War.

What Iran’s Terrorist Proxies Will Do with Biden’s Concessions and Billions

The ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ to Increase Inflation and Impoverish Middle Class Americans.

End Infanticide

Get set for an ugly two months as Dems distract voters from their own disasters.

ICYMI; Michael Goodwin writes:  Fed-up voters Leen Zeldin’s way in New York governor race.

Kathy Hochul owes Lee Zeldin, and every other New Yorker, real answers.

How a Hochul donor received $637M in state payments. “I was not aware that this was a company that had been supportive of me,” Hochul said during a July 20 press briefing, referring to the campaign donations. “I don’t keep track of that. My team, they have no idea.”  All I will say about this is, if you believe it, beware of scam artists.

Question for AOC:  doesn’t that chip on your shoulder get very heavy to carry, or do you relish the weigh to gain media support? AOC Claims Americans ‘Hate Women,’ But At Least She Can Build Ikea Furniture By Herself

What Happened When Rhode Island Rushed to Make It Easier to Vote (and Cheat)

Climate gains are ‘inconvenient truth’ — it’s not all bad news about the environment.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s scheme for the Oval Office

Gov. Newsom may want to take this advice before he measures the curtains in the White House again. California’s Energy Grid Is a Mess. Here’s How to Fix It

Newsom should also note this:  Electric Cars Are Not ‘Zero-Emission Vehicles

What Happened When 1 Government Fell Under Influence of World’s Environmental Extremists

Obviously a “Not in my backyard” person and her complaints proves that the democrats that are complaining about the illegals being brought to their cities/towns belong in the class of politicians that stand for nothing, content to preach what others should do, but have no intention of following through with what they say:  DC Councilmember Complaining About Becoming a Border Town Had Praised Sanctuary City Status

Once Upon a Time the Government Encouraged Real Men.

Jeff Minick asks the question:  Is Boredom Driving Our Culture of Lunacy?

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on the shortsighted decision by the Farm Laborers Wage Board

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 7, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “New York family farms and their employees will suffer a serious economic blow thanks to a shortsighted decision by the Democrat-controlled Farm Laborers Wage Board yesterday. Family-owned agricultural businesses in New York have been reeling for years from overregulation, oppressively high taxation — including the Death Tax, which forces surviving family members to sell land to pay Albany and Washington following the death of loved ones — and now this. These family farms work on incredibly tight margins, competing with agricultural competitors from across the hemisphere. This decision will put a lot of people out of work — in the false name of progress. New York strikes again.”




Governor Newsom’s 6 day nightmare…

‘Insane’: Judges rely on ‘cheat sheet’ to apply New York’s baffling bail reform law

Labor Day snapshot: payroll employment in New York still a tale of two states

CNN reporter tweets there are ‘serious questions’ about Hunter Biden, FBI: ‘Shouldn’t be a partisan issue’

Biden Puts the ‘Total’ in Totalitarianism

Michael Goodwin wrote in Sunday’s NY Post:  Joe Biden’s divide & clunker approach

Think Biden’s student loan write-offs are unfair? Just take a look at the fine print.

As Heckler Interrupts Speech, Joe Biden Doubles Down on Demonizing Republicans for ‘Destroying Democracy’.

Biden again attacks ‘MAGA’ GOP members of Congress, ‘full of anger, violence and hate,’ in Labor Day speech.

Saving America’s Future

Why is it that when republicans do good things most of the main stream media “forget” to mention they are republicans?  Onondaga County surplus sits at $135M, McMahon teases largest tax cut in the last decade

Lee Zeldin trails Gov. Kathy Hochul by just 4 points, new poll finds.

NY Republicans campaigning against Midtown congestion toll plan

Blue state governors bash red states because they’re feeling the heat

Running scared? Hochul ducks reporters at West Indian fest as Zeldin closes in.

Kathy Hochul Appears to Be Another Democrat Running Scared As Race Against Lee Zeldin Tightens

Trump helps Lee Zeldin raise $1.5M in NJ while basking in love from New York GOP

Lee Zeldin, Kathy Hochul ad war enters ‘hot phase’ after Labor Day.

Governor Newsom:  How are those electric cars doing?  California urges residents again not to charge EVs on busy travel weekend.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up wishes all a Happy Labor Day.

Happy Labor Day

In the annals of modern history, few nations can boast about the productivity of its work force more than the United States.

From the mighty creator of the fortress of democracy, to the industrial revolution, the progression of electronics, to cyber technology—the “Made In America” label is what consumers value, and nothing compares to American ingenuity.

Labor Day is about the men and women who made, and continue today, to make American great. From America’s inception to the modern day, New York was built by those who worked hard in pursuit of the American dream for their families. The nearly 2 million members of New York’s Labor Unions continue on that journey today.

We must focus on advancement, not regression. The current President and his administration are more interested in hand outs, not hand ups. They have fostered in a new generation of entitlements and giveaways, not hard work and opportunity. We must return to what made us, as Ronald Reagan said, “the shining city upon a hill.” At our core, we are a people who indeed still value hard work. We must work to foster those same principles to those who are following in our footsteps.

Biden: “I Don’t Consider Any Trump Supporter A Threat To The Country

CNN Calls out Biden’s Use of Marines in Speech, Left Goes Wild in Response.

WH Press Secretary’s Claim of No One Walking Across the Border Quickly Debunked With New Videos.

Will the media’s coverage of Joe Biden’s speech tonight conceal his ineptness?

Lying Joe Biden is unfit to save the ‘soul of the nation’

Biden’s imposing racism in everything from housing to health care

Mia Cathell ask the question: Can You ‘Buy a Cannon?‘  You may be surprised at the answer; Joe Biden will be shocked!

Miranda Devine opines about Tyrannical old Joe’s secret police state. Expect more of this tonight when President Biden speaks to the nation:  Biden’s New Slur to Tar His Political Opponents.

Do you think the Biden Administration will apologize for this? Or try to get it back? Neither do I. IRS Sent Over $1 Billion In Stimulus Checks To Locked Up Criminals, Including Murderers.

A Deal Based on Lies: The Iran Nuclear Agreement Will Make War More Likely

Taliban Holds Military Parade With U.S. Equipment to Celebrate Anniversary of Biden’s Humiliating Withdrawal

Thomas Hogan writes about A Litany of Failure/Assessing progressive criminal-justice policies

A vicious psych-al: Here’s what happened to homeless man who attacked me in NYC

Dems’ disdain for democracy, who wants a civil war and other commentary

Sorry, Hochul: Your bail-reform ‘fixes’ don’t cut it — so stop passing the buck

Gov. Hochul declares ‘theory’ of ‘good guy with a gun’ stopping armed ‘bad guys’ is over. So, Governor, when are you giving up your state police protection?

New Yorkers Who Want a Concealed Carry Permit Could Get a Visit From the Police. Mayor Adams, do you really think those who are in gang wars selling drugs and shooting up our streets are going to apply for a concealed carry permit?

How the Biden Administration Moved to Soft-Pedal the China Threat

China Threatens to Destroy Elon Musk’s Starlink

China Is Torturing Critics in Psychiatric Hospitals

Chinese Student Associations Enforce Communist Party Line on American Campuses

Ironic, isn’t it? California asks residents to avoid charging electric cars amid intense heat wave.

Federal Court Ruling on Gender Identity Upends Civil Rights Law

‘I Don’t Care About My Career’: Rob Schneider Says He’s ‘Absolutely’ Willing To Lose Everything

How will Randi Weingarten spin this? Math, Reading Scores Plummeted to Lowest Level in Decades during School Shutdowns

Quiet quitting: Why Gen Z’s latest trend is setting it up for failure

Our candidates have been working all summer, it’s time for you to help them WIN!

Why is it okay for Texas to be overrun by people crossing the boarder illegally since the Biden Administration opened the floodgates, but it isn’t okay to bring these same people to the city that calls itself a sanctuary city? Can you say hypocrite, Manuel Castro? Why don’t you go see for yourself what is happening in and around the areas where the migrants are invading our country; see what has happening to Texas. Oh, and when you crossed the boarder at age 5, was that legally or illegally?

These are the best pollsters, and they are telling you this is ours to lose! Congressional Ballot Tightens, Time for GOP to Play Offense. This is the last summer weekend, and it is time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Our candidates have been campaigning for months; standing up for all of us who want to keep America and New York with the values – challenging work and not depending on government – that created the greatest nation and the empire state. We work for what we want and don’t depend on government handouts, because what government gives to you and can take from you.  Government does not sell a product – other than letting you believe it has a source of income other than your paycheck- and when government runs out of your money, you will be the loser, not the elected officials who will continue to live like the oligarchs they have become. We need to elect people who understand that our freedom is what made America and New York great, not our dependence on government. We certainly do not need our Governor telling us to move because we dare to disagree with most of her policies; we need a governor firing DA’s that refuse to abide by the oath of office they chose to take. Government officials are not elected so they can become enriched by the system they exploit or use their inside knowledge to enrich themselves, or their spouse.  As of today, November 8, 2022 is 70 days away; we can and will elect our statewide team – For Governor and Lt. Governor Lee Zeldin and Alison Esposito, Paul Rodriguez for Comptroller, Michael Henry for Attorney General and Joe Pinion for US Senate and of course, your local legislators.  (Check with your county chairman to find out who is running.) You earned what you have; don’t let the current government take it and give it to those who think they are entitled to your earnings. And it isn’t only your earnings they want; New York lawmakers seek better tracking of gun purchases.

The New Politics of Bifurcation.

Of Course This Is Who Biden Picked to Lead ‘Centralized’ IRS for His Massive Expansion.

Pentagon Misfires With Victory Lap on Afghanistan Withdrawal One Year Later.

Can Biden Cancel Student Loan Debt? Here’s Why It’s a ‘Major Question.’

Mr. President do you remember saying these words:  “Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together.  Uniting our people. And uniting our nation. I ask every American to join me in this cause.” Since your 2021 Inaugural Address you have done little to bring our country together, in fact you are pitting us against each other with all your progressive policies. Tomorrow, you plan to address us again, this time  by going prime time to spotlight fight to protect democracy following jabs at ‘MAGA Republicans’, Mr. President, your words mean absolutely nothing…they are words written by others in the hope that you can hold on to your position and keep the democrats in control.  Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me.

When You’re Headed the Wrong Way, Turn Around.

Why Are Conservatives Happier Than Liberals?