Category: CPNYS NEWS

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar VOTE NO ON BALLOT PROPOSITION #1 ENVIRONMENTAL BOND ACT

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 3, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “New York voters are being asked to authorize new state debt of $4.2 billion through the sale of bonds for certain capital projects relating to the environment.

“The Conservative Party opposes the passage of the Environmental Bond Act; previous environmental bond acts still have millions of dollars unspent.

“The Conservative Party, since its founding in 1962, has worked to be a respected fiscal watchdog for New York’s taxpayers and all future New Yorkers who will suffer under the weight of expanding debt.

“Currently New York’s debt obligations are in excess of $160 billion. That amounts to almost $8,500 dollars in state debt for every single adult and child in New York State. That is $34,000 in state debt alone for a family of four.

“New Yorkers do not need another $4.2 billion in public debt, together with its resulting debt service, due to actions by the Federal Reserve, will be issued at the highest interest rates New Yorkers have seen in decades.

“The Act and arguments in favor reference a number of projects that appear to warrant consideration.  However, The Conservative Party maintains that a full review and application of all funds that remains from pervious state actions should be used before an additional $4.2 billion is incurred.

“Despite our concern with the Biden Administration’s massive public work projects authorized over the past twelve months billions in funds are likely to come to our state. These billions should be used prior to New York State raising capital revenue through the passage of said Bond Act.

“We fear New York State’s reputation for unchecked spending will result in the possibility of the state legislature spending the entirety of the $4.2 billion on projects that should be paid with existing authorized debt, new federal sources, and pay as you go where possible.

“The Conservative Party urges a NO VOTE ON BALLOT PROPOSITION ONE.”


Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the “Woke” effort to cancel Columbus Day, Biden’s cognitive state and how independent efforts are running commercials to Save Our State.

New York Democrats Canceling Columbus Day

 The Conservative Party was the first to blow the whistle on an attempt by Assemblywoman Mitaynes and Senator Ramos to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People’s Day. Erasing history might be fine if you are living under a Stalin type regime, but that will not happen here.

In the end, we can thank Lee Zeldin for putting a stop to it. Within hours of the proposal going public Lee Zeldin declared that his administration would have no part of such a crazy, disrespectful idea.

Of course, Governor Hochul then agreed, in essence, reversing her lack of interest in protecting Columbus Day, which was very apparent last year.  New York has plenty of very real pressing needs. Re-naming a holiday enjoyed by millions of residents and guests, not just Italian Americans, is not one of them.

Read my full statement here.

Biden Raises Eyebrows

President Biden continues to raise eyebrows with his odd behavior. This week he made a peculiar comment at a public event concerning the whereabouts of the late Congresswoman Jackie Walorski who tragically died in a car crash in early August.

The White House, which is now very experienced with covering up the President’s strange behavior, was quick to come up with a nonsensical explanation that she was on his mind despite the fact he asked the event crowd “Where is Jackie? She must not be here.”

The President’s cognitive state has been a frequent topic well before his election. As the 2024 election approaches, he should submit to an independent examination to ensure the American people and the world that he is mentally fit of doing his job. Americans deserve to know their Commander- in- Chief is making final decisions, not some unknown, unelected White House staff member.

Independent Efforts Activated to Save Our State

Commercials are appearing throughout the state taking aim at Governor Hochul and her re-election efforts from independent groups focused on crime, inflation and the economy.

This will help even the playing field against the gigantic war chest that Hochul has accumulated through a fundraising effort that has been accused of corruptly providing no bid contracts to Hochul friends. This is, unfortunately, no surprise as Hochul corruption ties run deep.

Public information indicates that two Independent Expenditures (IE’s) are spending currently over $2 million a week bringing forth the truth about the Hochul Administration to the people of New York.

We are just over a month away from Election Day. It is imperative we get voters out to the polls to give New York a fighting chance; free of a corrupt Hochul and shadow of a disgraced Andrew Cuomo.

Biden Admin Gives $41 Million in Contracts to Soros-Linked Group to Help Illegal Aliens Fight Deportations

Biden Admin Names White House Chief Of Staff’s Wife As Ambassador For Plants And Animals

Anthony Fauci’s Net Worth Increased Over 70% to $12.7M Since The COVID Pandemic, Report Says.

Wandering Joe Biden Gets Lost Again After Delivering Remarks

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the “Woke” effort to cancel Columbus Day, Biden’s cognitive state and how independent efforts are running commercials to Save Our State.

Hochul shows no remorse for “pay-to-play” deal; “Would do all that again.”

Americans come together when hurricanes (and other tragedies) strike; here is how you can help those impacted by Hurricanes Ian and Fiona; every little bit during these inflationary times will help. If you can’t donate, prayers to comfort those struggling with the devastation would also be welcomed.

If Hochul really wanted to crusade against fraud, she’d be ordering an investigation into . . . herself

Hochul campaign hired son of donor tied to $637M ‘pay-to-play’ COVID deal

NYC gives Hochul lead over Zeldin, but gov race neck and neck in suburbs: poll

National Math Conference Trains Teachers to Push Anti-Racism, Social Justice in Classrooms

“Parents are the only decision-makers who prioritize their children’s needs exclusively. We don’t balance the competing needs of donors, unions and political allies.”  As Democrats who care about our kids’ schools, we’re voting for Zeldin

A Look at Covid Learning Loss in NYC

The state puts a pricey condition on its approval of a heart transplant center

News for Stacy Abrams:  Fetal Heartbeats Are a Scientific Fact and were first heard in the late 1960’s but only through ultrasound have they been understood to be a fetal heartbeat.

Biden Has Opened Door to Russian Nuke Strikes

John Podesta: Biden’s New Green Investment Czar

‘Where’s Jackie?’: Biden Searches for Deceased Congresswoman in Crowd

Why is this happening in the medical world; why do those who take an oath to first do no harm choose to fight for the right for gender-affirming treatments? Health Organizations Challenge Florida Medicaid Rule Blocking ‘Gender-Affirming’ Treatments.

First Openly Transgender Army Officer Indicted for Trying to Give Soldiers’ Medical Info to Russia

We can’t afford another deBacle: Eric Adams must focus on war on crime, not welcoming mat for migrants; “Plain for all to see, he is taking his focus off the crucial war against crime that got him elected and is putting his attention on turning the city into a vast welcoming mat for foreign migrants.”

Another insightful column by Guy Benson: Obama: Let’s Face It, Republicans Who Oppose Illegal Immigration Are Racists in and a similar one in the NY Post:  Sorry, Deporter-in-Chief Obama: Opposing open borders isn’t racist.

What I’m Seeing on Texas’ Border With Mexico

File this under Desperado: Scandal-scarred Andrew Cuomo reemerges with new PAC and podcast.  How is he going to survive his podcast tanking and his PAC as a complete failure because all he does is tainted by his lack of judgement.

File this under Good News All Over the World, Conservatives Waking Up to Threat of New Marxists

The Surprising Relationship between Economics and Theology.

How much has Kathy Hochul cost the taxpayers of New York by her inexperience and pay-to-play in governing New York…more than anyone can afford!

Forget ‘cruelty’ of Martha’s Vineyard: Biden’s open border has let cartels kill more Americans from fentanyl than any terror org.

Hochul touts ‘crackdown’ after $11M more lost in unemployment fraud. From the article: “The Times Union, citing a review of internal labor department correspondence and interviews with employees on the front lines of the Department of Labor call center, reported in September 2020 (emphasis added) that the lowering of the safeguards by the administration of former Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo was enabling widespread fraud.”  The article also notes that the Hochul “crackdown” is going after “More than $11 million was paid in August (emphasis added) to people who were working while also receiving unemployment insurance, according to a release from Hochul’s office.”  For almost two years, fraud continued, but now that Hochul is facing election in six weeks, she is cracking down? Kathy Hochul has proved repeatedly, in her relativity short tenure, she doesn’t care one iota about how your tax dollars are wasted due to pay-to-play, ignorance, and/or mismanagement.  Kathy “the accidental governor” Hochul must be voted OUT of office if New York has a chance to recover from the debacle caused by one-party rule.

You can SAVE OUR STATE; Elect Lee Zeldin!

Only you can help end headlines like thisTeen Gunned Down by Group in Ski Masks During Bloody 24 Hours in NYC and the never ending videos that show uncalled for horrific brutality: NYC vagrant pummels female straphanger in caught-on-video horror: cops; and the follow up article:  Queens subway-attack victim Elizabeth Gomes could lose vision in right eye. This article outlines the long criminal history of the attacker, including the fact that at age 14 he killed his foster grandmother over money and was currently on parole.

Get involved NOW, there are only 6 weeks left to SAVE OUR STATE.

Seriously? How pathetic!  Liberals Giddy Over Hurricane Ian Because It Might Hurt Ron DeSantis

Rich Lowry writes in today’s NY Post:  Dems’ pathetic ‘it’s racist!’ defense on crime

Tell New Yorkers the truth, Mr. Mayor: Migrant wave isn’t Abbott’s fault — it’s Biden’s

Americans increasingly unhappy with Biden’s handling of economy: poll

Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan to cost about $400 billion: CBO  (And we all know their numbers are usually lower than actual costs.)

Guy Benson’s analysis on the latest polling:  Wave Watch: Why a Blockbuster New WaPo/ABC Poll Is a Midterm Nightmare for Democrats

China: The ‘Massive’ Threat.

AOC Tweet Shows She Doesn’t Know Meaning of Oppression. Iranian Women Could Tell Her.

The Empire Center reports that the Number of Educators Paid Six-Figures Jumps Fifty Percent in Ten Years

Read it and make your own decision:  Top Vaccine Expert to Young People: Don’t Get the COVID Vaccine Booster.

Jeff Minick writes about Me and the Dude Go Looking for My Leader.  With all the ugliness around us lately, this will give you a smile while being serious about who we are as a nation.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on How much has Kathy Hochul cost the taxpayers of New York by her inexperience and pay-to-play in governing New York…more than anyone can afford!

Jen Psaki has a Sister Souljah moment.

Lee Zeldin writes in the NY Post that New Yorkers, facing poorly performing schools, need more choice.

Without a doubt, this is the most important long term agenda Americans must correct:  Students exit the K-12 system with an anti-American worldview.

GOP’s Molinaro leads Dem Riley in Hudson Valley race that could tip House control: poll

Michael Goodwin’s Sunday column is a must read (and redistribute to family & friends. I would include Facebook, but their history would probably put you in Facebook jail.):  Media midterm games at border

Hillary Clinton has become so irrelevant that she has reverted to calling Trump supporters Nazis; Madam Secretary, your 15 minutes of fame are long over, crawl back to the deep, dark cave you emerge from when you cravenly capitulate to your diminishing supporters.

Another person trying to become relevant again:  Ex-Clinton adviser predicts Dems will ‘dump’ Biden in favor of Hillary in 2024

New Yorkers need to protect cops — and themselves — by ousting Hochul & Co. this November.

Hochul’s insane green power scheme may raise New Yorkers’ power costs. This on top of what many are saying, energy bills are in for a steep increase this year;  How the NYPIRG recommends saving money on heating this winter

ICYMI: Andrea Stewart-Cousins won’t address $637 million Hochul ‘pay-to-play’ scandal.  Why not, Senator? Do you not have an obligation to the taxpayers who are forced to overpay when government’s attitude is “pay to play” is acceptable; by not addressing the problem it is tacit permission to allow it to continue.

Ken Girardin writes:  City union scandal isn’t NY’s first.

A surprising moment of honesty from Psaki: If midterms are a ‘referendum’ on Biden, Democrats are doomed

Katie Pavlich:  The FBI Lied to a Judge So They Could Bust Open Thousands of Safety Deposit Boxes.

Who Gets Hurt From High Gas and Diesel Prices? There’s More Harm Than You Think.

Biden Admin Launches ‘Environmental Justice’ Office.

 Will Biden Get Bailed Out On, ‘She Was 12, & I Was 30?’

Biden Administration Standing Idly By While Iran’s Mullahs Advance to Nuclear Bomb.

Amazon Provides Cloud Technology for a Chinese Military Company

Why Adam Smith Said ‘Virtue Is More to Be Feared Than Vice’

These 3 Women Tried Transgenderism, and Then Stopped

I am flabbergasted how vanity will drive some people to do this:  Tech workers getting leg-lengthening surgery that costs up to $150K: report


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 26, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “Woke politicians in New York love nothing more than virtue signaling, and they’re at it again this week in trying to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People’s Day (A.10728 – Mitaynes; S. 2759 – Ramos). Talk about an empty gesture. If Assemblywoman Mitaynes and Senator Ramos truly want to make amends for the American history they despise, they’d submit legislation to return the state to Native Americans, starting with their own property.

“Any takers?

“In the meantime, those of us who appreciate U.S. history, as imperfect as it can be, will proudly celebrate Columbus Day again this year. Christopher Columbus is a major historical figure, of special significance to Americans of Spanish and Italian descent, and the national holiday in his name is well merited. It must remain.”



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Nassau County – Sept. 25…Gerard Kassar has been unanimously reelected as Chairman of the New York State Conservative Party, it was announced today. Mr. Kassar was voted into a third two-year term by the Party’s State Committee which met in Nassau County on Saturday to elect officers and attend to other party business.

“I am thrilled to be given an opportunity to serve the NYS Conservative Party again as its State Chairman,” Mr. Kassar said. “My tenure as Chairman has been filled with exciting challenges and many successes. I expect my new term to take the same path, with many successes this November. With these wins the Conservative Party will play a leading role in returning to our state safe streets, economic prosperity, common sense education policies and an acceptance of constitutionally protected liberties.”

The New York Conservative Party was formed in 1962 to restore a meaningful choice to the voters of New York State. At that time, the three existing political parties espoused the doctrinaire liberal philosophy of the welfare state at home and the collectivist ideology abroad. In just six decades, the party has grown from a small band of conservative-minded men and women to a statewide organization dedicated to the traditional American values of individual freedom, individual responsibility, and individual effort.

The full slate of elected Conservative Party leaders follows:

State Chairman – Gerard Kassar

Executive Vice Chairman – Shaun Marie Levine

Secretary – Howard Lim, Jr.

Treasurer – Francis T. Vella-Marrone

State Vice Chairs

Daniel M. Donovan

Hugh Fox, Jr.

Thomas M. Long

Ralph C. Lorigo

Donald S. Mazzullo

Allen H. Roth

James M. Thomas

Michael E. Torres

Regional Vice Chairs –

William R. Beckman – Hudson Valley Region

Henry “Hank” Ford – Northern Region

Brian Gardner – Capital District Region

Russ Gugino – Western Region

Christopher J. Kendall – South Central Region

Jason J. McGuire – Mid-Western Region

H. Leonard Schick – North Central Region

At-Large-Members –

Stuart J. Avrick

James J. Barrett, Jr.

Carol Birkholz

Ross Brady

Michael Buttino

David Mario Curcio

Thomas V. Dadey, Jr.

Louis DeCicco

John P. DeLessio

Chung Dick

John E. Flynn

Robert A. Fois

Edward J. Gaddy

Michael Garlock

John J. Hayes

Eileen Johnson

Jim M. Kerr

Paul Kosowski

Edward A. Magilton

Aaron M. Martin

James M. Maxwell

Patrick A. McManus

Bernard Ment

Donald F. Minichino

Christopher M. Mistron

Dimitry Edward Naemit

Scott D. Nasca

David Pappert

James F. Quinn, Jr.

Reid W. Robbins

Brett A. Robinson

David H. Ryan

Laura A. Schreiner

Robert E. White

Anna M. Wilcox

George S. Wonica


Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Biden at U.N., Hochul Sells out New Yorkers to Campaign Donor and Adams Questioning Congestion Pricing.

Biden at U.N.

Biden said that we will never allow Iran to have nuclear capabilities, but those are just more words coming from a President and a Government that turned a blind eye to the human rights atrocities that have defined Iran for decades. Iran is a rogue state that uses a morality police to enforce suppression against women and all those who oppose their dictatorial rules.

I joined literally hundreds of Iranian freedom supporters at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza as they chanted their opposition to President Raisi as he spoke to the General Assembly.

For the UN to remain relevant, individuals like Raisi representing terrorist states must not be allowed to address the world. The United States made that mistake in the 1940’s, when we allowed the United Nations headquarters to be in New York. Now, 80 years later, we are constantly reminded of how serious an error this has been.

Allowing Iran and other anti-American terrorist states free access to address the United Nations and the world, defies the original charter of the United Nations. Foreign nations prone to hurt their own, in addition to Americans, should not be welcomed with open arms.

Read my full statement here.

Hochul Sells out New Yorkers to Campaign Donor

It is mindboggling how awful the Cuomo/Hochul, and now Hochul, administration have been during the COVID pandemic.

Governor Hochul wants us to believe that she is exempt from responsibility for the many preventable nursing home deaths and cover up that trailed itself back to the Governor’s Executive Office in which she served as the second in command. Her excuse, that they did not communicate on the matter, is not a very good defense when you have a constitutional responsibility. Ignorance and failure to do the job is what someone of integrity would say, that is not who Kathy Hochul is.

Now we have a Hochul scandal that links her with a scam to provide a large campaign donor

with a no bid contract to provide COVID testing products at a price well above what other states were paying. Once again Hochul pleaded ignorance but has since been shown to have attended a fundraiser thrown by the vendor, Digital Gadgets, for her campaign a short time before the Hochul administration awarded them the bid free contract amounting to $637 million dollars, 45% more than what California paid.

Adams Questioning Congestion Pricing

 Frankly, I have not been impressed by the Adams administration, but I am pleased to see him coming around on congestion pricing.

Congestion pricing is all about the West Side wonks telling New Yorkers what is good for them.

The plan is no more than a Hochul backed bail out of a faltering MTA. New York City refuses to enforce toll evasions which is costing the city hundreds of millions. Now, they’re planning to punish drivers in an effort to make up for the deficit.

Believe it or not, there is an easy solution—enforce the law. Ticket turn style jumpers and toll evaders. Law-abiding taxpayers are fed up with answering financially to a city not willing to hold those most likely to break laws accountable. This year its drivers paying additional tolls to enter Manhattan, next year it will be an added 2% tax with a creative name, further squeezing New Yorker’s out of the state. It must stop.

October 18th, save the date, we have Larry Kudlow and John Gizzi speaking at our Fall Reception. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets. 

Americans have lost $4,200 in​ ​income under Biden​, wiping out Trump gains​: Heritage

Kerry: Inflation Reduction Act ‘amazing’ bill but ‘I’m not sure how much it has to do with inflation’

Orthodox Jews excluded from Biden’s hate crime summit: report

REVEALED: Activist group suing DeSantis over Martha’s Vineyard migrant flights backed by George Soros

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Biden at U.N., Hochul Sells out New Yorkers to Campaign Donor and Adams Questioning Congestion Pricing.

Kathy Hochul has little or no knowledge of what the role of Governor of New York State is, she seems to think it is to reward her contributors which ends up costing all New Yorkers.

Hochul stands by Medicaid contractor tied to campaign donations that feds say cost taxpayers up to $195 million

It will take months and millions to recycle abandoned stash of hand sanitizer

Hey, Democrats: New Yorkers aren’t ATM machines

Michael Henry, our candidate for NYS Attorney General, was on The Ingram Angle last night, you can watch the interview here.

Nikki Haley backs Mike Henry for NY AG amid feud with Letitia James

Bill Barr Comes to Trump’s Defense Over NY AG’s Lawsuit

Only you can make the necessary changes to bring New York (and America) back to when our elected officials understood the key role of government: to protect its citizens by keeping order. Far too many current elected officials seem to think their government role is to make certain they keep their elected positions; remind them loud and clear on November 8, 2022, they serve us, we do not serve them.  Save Our State and Nation on November 8. 2022.

Who would have thought that Andrew Cuomo ducks House invite to testify about his nursing home deaths scandal.

Don’t Say Terrorist: Air Force Academy Teaches Cadets ‘Inclusive Language’

US General: Biden Sanctions Relief for Iran Will Aid Iranian Assassination Plots

Biden Makes Excuses: Look, My Border Crisis Is ‘Totally Different’

Migrants being sent to NYC not forced onto buses, Texas shelter boss says

Not a headline that indicates good news (neither does the article):  Iran Acquires 2.5 Million Acres of Venezuela.

Neither does this Gatestone Institute piece:  How the US Squandered Its Strategic Minerals

We must shrink government to know what government is doing that is putting America at risk. We need to be involved in politics and know the policies of every administration to understand and hopefully stop all these nefarious things that are happening behind the scenes.

House Republicans Release ‘Commitment to America’

Planned Parenthood’s Overdue Annual Report Is Finally Out. Here’s What You Should Know. For pro-life people, the numbers are very discouraging. For every adoption referral, there are 200 abortions.  Here is an article about a person who is extremely happy his birth mother decided to let him be adopted, and every person who even minimally follows sports will know who he is.

In Discussing Reparations, Honest History of Slavery Makes the Left Uncomfortable

Vanderbilt University Medical Center Under Fire After Videos Expose ‘Big Moneymaker’ Allegations About Transgender Surgeries on Kids

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin delivers utter sanity in new school rules on trans kids

It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy

Fear Is the Enemy We Must Defeat

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Kathy Hochul has little or no knowledge of what the role of Governor of New York State is, she seems to think it is to reward her contributors which ends up costing all New Yorkers.


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 21, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “Ebraham Raisi leads a terrorist state that has for decades turned on its own citizens.

“The recent morality-police-provoked death of a woman over a head covering is only a recent example of the evil that emanates from Iran on a day-to-day basis. Fortunately, the citizens of Iran are reacting, and the government will need to take notice.

“Iran is a human rights nightmare, and its secular leader should not be speaking at the United Nations. The United Nations, a body that regularly ignores atrocities against the citizens of Iran, who are oppressed in terms of free speech, equality, religion and even dress, should have used this session to send a strong message to Raisi and his government that Iran is not welcome here.

“The Biden Administration should have done the same. But instead, they are in negotiations to reverse the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from a nuclear treaty that if agreed to endangers the free world. Iran, a rogue state no better than North Korea, cannot become a nuclear weapons capable state.”



Big news from Texas Federal court…

How much in favors does $34 million in donations buy, governor?

No, Gov. Hochul did NOT fix the bail fiasco — and the hatchet man proves it.

MSNBC figures, Democrats call for DeSantis, Abbott to be prosecuted over ‘human trafficking’ claims/Republican governors were also accused of kidnapping and compared to human smugglers. Really people? Have you forgotten who started transporting “the migrants” in the middle of the night? In case you have, it was the Biden Administration. MSNBC probably didn’t think it was newsworthy enough to cover it, but now that the Governors, who have dealt with this problem since the Biden Administration came in, are now using the Biden Playbook, it is “human trafficking”.  MSNBC must think their viewers are gullible, oh wait a minute, they are.

DeSantis’s Migrant Move Marks ‘New Low in Politics,’ Says Communist Nation Engaged in Genocide Against Muslims.

DeSantis Has Chosen Where He’s Sending Migrants Next and the WH Press Secretary Is Not Happy.

Surging number of suspected terrorists nabbed jumping Mexico border this year

Mayor Adams won’t blame Biden for role in migrant surge but bashes GOP.

EXCLUSIVE: Republicans Accuse State Department of ‘Radical Gender Imperialism’

Taxes exceed buying essentials in Biden’s America.

How the Government is Causing a Credit Card Debt Crisis

It’s ‘Unreasonable’ for Banks to Share Your Financial Info With the Government, 8 in 10 Americans Say.

Watch this case:  Federal court rules Big Tech has no ‘freewheeling First Amendment right to censor’.

Not only is crime increasing, the amount of time to respond to emergencies is soaring. Help Save Our State by electing Lee Zeldin Governor.

Evidence of Hochul pay-to-play outrage mounts

“For once, instead of stalling with her finger to the political winds, Hochul ought to show some spine and publicly reject this ugly effort to politicize New York’s highest court.”  Progressives hateful push for hard-left New York Court of Appeals

Response times to NYC crimes, fires and medical emergencies soar

Reps. Zeldin & Malliotakis, LG Candidate Esposito Join NYC Police Unions to Call for Overhaul of Parole Board.

How ‘social justice’ is corrupting science

Left’s Vision for America Grows Increasingly Dark.

Biden Just Destroyed His Justification to ‘Forgive’ Student Loan Debt

Lying Biden Admits That He Was Never ‘Arrested’ as a Senator Despite Saying So Several Times

Biden’s open borders will cost taxpayers $100 billion — and counting

Migrants’ arrival sets off a white liberal meltdown in Martha’s Vineyard

By transporting migrants, GOP governors are exposing Democrats’ hypocrisy

Here’s What High-Level DHS Officials Are Asking Biden to Do to Deal With the Border Crisis

I am trying to understand why you must be 21 to drink alcohol (a criminal offense if you purchase younger) or smoke cigarettes (the retailer is fined at increasing levels), but children as young as 14 may be administered cross-sex hormones and irreversible chest, face, and genital surgeries can be done at  15, 16, and 17, respectively.  Top Trans Medical Group Quietly Removes Age Recommendations for Minors Seeking Transgender Surgeries, Hormones, Puberty Blockers.

The Fed’s extreme about-face threatens a very hard landing

NASDAQ Nancy holds up bills on congressional trading while the insider rot spreads

Victory in lawsuit against Oberlin shows the wages of woke zealotry

ICYMI, Saturday was Constitution Day:  Why Living Under the US Constitution Is the ‘Greatest Political Privilege’ of All

Popular TikTok Lawyer Says Soros-Backed Foundation Offered Money for Anti-Trump ‘Propaganda Post’

John Durham’s final act: exposing the FBI

Bill Maher Takes a Flamethrower to the Left’s Crusade Against History

Thanks to the Biden Administration’s and EU’s Appeasement, Iran’s Mullahs Go Big on Cyberattacks.

Why the World Economic Forum’s Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved

US Must Treat Iran Like Russia.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Not only is crime increasing, the amount of time to respond to emergencies is soaring. Help Save Our State by electing Lee Zeldin Governor.