Category: CPNYS NEWS

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses our 60th Anniversary Reception, big November wins on the horizon, early voting dates and the need for volunteers for early voting and election day.

2022 Fall Reception

Our Fall Reception marking the Party’s 60th Anniversary was a great success. We returned to the Glen Island Harbour Club in New Rochelle; a beautiful venue nestled on the waterfront.

We were honored to have Newsmax’s White House Correspondent, John Gizzi, as our Ronald Reagan Journalism Award recipient and Larry Kudlow as our featured guest speaker.

The gathering, coming on the heels of excellent statewide and local polling, was highly energized. You could feel the momentum in the room. US Senate candidate Joe Pinion, Attorney General candidate Michael Henry and Comptroller candidate Paul Rodriquez each took a few moments to deliver remarks. Gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin was a part of every conversation from the podium to the reception floor. We are just 18 days away from saving New York. We must keep this momentum moving in the right direction.

It was also very clear that Chairman Emeritus Mike Long, the Chairman for almost half of the party’s history, was on many minds, as one would expect at the 60th Anniversary event. It was a fine evening remembering Mike and telling the story of the Conservative Party’s history and his enormous role in it.

It has been an honor for me to chair the Conservative Party these past few years. I am keenly aware of the history that brought us to where we are today. It is my sincere hope that in 2022 we will write a new page for a great political party and a fine group of people who make the party what it is today.

Big November Wins on the Horizon

News coming out of Washington indicates late summer/early fall numbers that showed momentum for Conservatives and Republicans had slowed, or even stopped, have returned to levels not seen in decades.

The US Senate is once again in play for the GOP with places like Pennsylvania and Arizona showing great promise. The House always expected to move into GOP control looks like it could once again see large Republican/Conservative gains.

In New York I expect to see 9, 10 or even 11 Republican/Conservative members of Congress. Currently, that number sits at 8.

The State Senate is poised to see many GOP/Conservative gains as well. And a shocker for many is the likelihood that the Assembly Republicans will see their greatest number of wins since 1994.

As much as the strong efforts of our party and its candidates are responsible for the pending gains, much credit should also, sadly, go to the Democratic Party. Their policies and candidates who gave us out of control inflation, unsafe streets, porous borders and a foreign policy that has made the United States unable to project the influence of a great power, have led to a New York State and America clearly on a decline. Look no further than the New York Post article in which a City Hall staffer admitted the Eric Adams Administration has no idea what to do with illegal immigrants flooding into NYC.

It is my continued ask that we do not get complacent, we must work hard and get out every single vote either through Absentee Ballot, Early Voting, or on Election Day November 8th. We’re almost there!

Early Voting October 29 through November 6

Early voting as you know is in person voting. Our voters should take advantage of this nine day opportunity to cast their vote early. It helps ensure our vote is coming out in large numbers. To win in New York State we need every person who thinks the way we do, or believes the state is heading in the wrong direction, to get out and vote!

If we lose, it will be because we did not vote. Conservatives and Republicans who don’t vote do one thing—elect Democrats. The Democratic Party has such a large voter advantage, we cannot afford to leave votes on the table. Of course, if for some reason you do not vote early, make sure you make a plan for you and your family to vote on November 8th.

Early Vote and Election Day Volunteers

If you are not already committed to local Conservative Party efforts, I ask you to contact the State Conservative Party at 718-921-2158 or by E-mail at in order for us to make you part of our final GOTV and ballot security efforts.

Of course, you will be assigned to your local community. The point simply being that we need to get the vote out and can take no chances with the integrity of our elections.

NYC’s Homeless Livid as Illegal Immigrants Given Shelters With TV’s, Xboxes, ‘Culturally Appropriate’ Meals

Tightening Races in Democrat Strongholds Oregon, NY Suggest Big Victory for GOP in Midterms: Analysts

Biden State Department Funding Drag Queen Performances in Ecuador to Promote Diversity

Top Democrat Admits ‘All of Us Knew’ Their Party’s Policies Would Cause Inflation

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses our 60th Anniversary Reception, big November wins on the horizon, early voting dates and the need for volunteers for early voting and election day.

NY’s Attorney General Leticia James is the quintessential democratic candidate

Michael Goodwin’s column on Wednesday:  Lee Zeldin has real shot to defeat Kathy Hochul in modern David vs. Goliath showdown. Mr. Goodwin notes in his column that “… something important has happened on the way to Hochul’s expected coronation. More and more, voters are waking up to the fact that one-party Democratic rule in Albany has been a complete disaster.”

“Don’t let Hochul buy your vote with your own money. Teach Kat a lesson and cast your ballot for Lee Zeldin.”  Hochul’s most insulting bid to buy your vote with your own money.

NY’s shakedown of health-care providers is more pay-to-play that won’t help state

With race tightening, Attorney General Letitia James now says bail reform needs second look. Really, isn’t it amazing how a candidates’ stance changes when they read the tea leaves.

New York comptroller candidates clash in Spectrum News 1/NY1 debate

The Myth of the Nonviolent Drug Offender

NYC homeless in run-down conditions just yards away from tent city outraged over plush migrant amenities

Stacey Abrams Claims Abortion Access Could Relieve Inflation Woes. This woman must be the most ill-informed person in politics, or at least a close second to AOC.

Diner owner asks police to investigate phony political mailing

CDC Panel Votes to Add Covid-19 Vaccine to Recommended Childhood Schedule. Parents:  Please discuss with your pediatrician and research for yourself before your child has the vaccine. Recommended is not mandated…yet.

The Green Energy Profiteering Scam/”Green” Profits Can Only Rise if Citizens’ Freedoms Fall

Biden’s Failed Election Stunt in Saudi Arabia

Biden defends US oil reserve release to fight rising gas prices before midterms: ‘Not politically motivated’

Has the Biden Admin ‘Not Stopped Or Slowed’ US Oil Production?

Biden Deserves What He’s Going to Get on the Economy

Exclusive: On Abortion, Voters View Democrats as More Extreme Than Republicans by Two to One

Biden Announces Codifying Roe Will Be His Top Legislative Priority If Democrats Sweep Midterms

Biden Reveals Support for Federal Abortion Fund that the Hyde Amendment would seem to prevent. However, the Hyde Amendment is passed every year and even more reason to vote for pro-life republicans and turn the House to a republican majority on November 8, 2022. Read more about the Hyde Amendment here:  The Hyde Amendment and Coverage for Abortion Services

Biden’s Iranian Nuclear Obsession

Local gov’ts paying more for cyber insurance.

Parents of children in college should read this:   Empty Platitude, or Litmus Test?

A Counterpunch to the Assault on Manliness

Raising Girls to Be Real Women

Teen Girl Breast Amputation Rose Almost 400 Percent Between 2016 and 2019.

Frank Robinson once said, “close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.” We need your help to FIRE Kathy Hochul.

Bloodbath bail reform not dangerous enough … this new Hochul crime law is an outrage

Another poll shows Lee Zeldin gaining on Kathy Hochul three weeks before election

And yet another poll:  Neck and neck: Zeldin trails Hochul by just 4 points in gov race, major poll finds

Turn the heat up; now is not the time to believe we are on the verge of FIRING Hochul. We must continue to talk to our friends and family and make certain they get out and vote on November 8, 2022. Donate, if you can, volunteer to make phone calls, walk your neighborhood and do everything you can to Save Our StateYou are the only one who can FIRE Hochul. Don’t wake up on November 9 and wish that you had done more!!

If you ever needed a motive to read a newspaper other than/in addition to the NY Times, this may be it: Former New York Times Editor Claims Colleagues Treated Him Like an ‘Incompetent Fascist’ for Running Cotton Op-Ed

NY absentee ballot voting rules hang on soon-to-be-released court ruling

Leftist Democrats Masquerade in ‘Moderate’ Clothes

Arabs: Biden Emboldening Iran, Harming US Interests

Grassley: Chinese-Government Front Company Paid Biden for Work Done While He Was VP

Biden’s economic fairy tale

Surprised by ‘New’ Disney? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Be

Dr. Fauci:  explain this:  Dr. Flip Flop: A timeline of Fauci’s school reopening positions

Do doctors still take the Hippocratic Oath? Apparently, many do not, or just like so many people nowadays, they just do as they please. Always hungry for more organs, transplant surgeons are exploiting — and illuminating — the different standards for determining death.

An interesting column:  Is Artificial Intelligence Going Down the Path of Nuclear Weapons?

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Frank Robinson once said, “close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.” We need your help to FIRE Kathy Hochul.

Governor Hochul’s Hutzpah displays itself again and again and again…

How Kathy Hochul is ‘bribing’ her way to election — with nearly $1 billion of your money

This excuse is even lamer as a second grader telling the teacher, “The dog ate my homework.” Hochul shifts blame to Legislature for nearly $1 billion in taxpayer-funded pot she’s using to ‘buy’ election

Janice Dean writes: I believed Hochul, but her probe of COVID nursing-home deaths in New York is ‘damn’ late

Hochul accused of rigging NY casino license plan in favor of politically-connected slot parlors

If you have friends and family sitting on the fence about voting for Lee Zeldin and Alison Esposito, give them this Bob McManus column to read:  Crime, the economy, more: Why moderates must choose Zeldin over Hochul

This will only become a bigger and bigger problem if we don’t use our voting power to change the direction our state is heading.  ‘Coke’ dealers boldly peddle drugs on sidewalks of Broadway.

This race is ours to win:  New York governor race between Gov. Hochul and Rep. Zeldin tightens to ‘toss up’.  It isn’t to late to get involved, three weeks is a long time in election cycles; click here to help elect Lee Zeldin and Alison Esposito.  Vote on the Conservative Line for all our candidates, it sends a message that you support financial responsibility and the values CPNYS stands for.

You’ll decide the race for State Comptroller, the state’s money-manager, in next month’s election.

Independent Women Swing Hard Toward GOP Despite Democrats’ Abortion Push

While this is good news, now is the time to turn up the efforts!  Republicans Are In the Lead To Take Back Congress.  Every state in our Union must be prepared for dirty tricks before, after and during the expanded election days.  Mail-in Ballots Just Became a Legal Problem for Pennsylvania…Again

Aren’t you happy that the majority leader of the US Senate is focused on the real problems Americans are facing?  Schumer urges New Yorkers to fight back against shrinking airplane seats

The January 6 Committee Ends with a Whimper

China Can Sneak-Attack Taiwan

Iran: Freedom-Lovers Win a Round

The Need for Real Leadership: The Cost of Not Supporting Ukraine

Biden Administration’s Dithering Inviting Worldwide Aggression: Russia, China, Iran

Biden Administration Repeating Obama’s Mistake: Is Biden Being a “Russian Stooge”?

Average American is losing $34K and everything else on Biden’s watch

Biden Is Lying About the Economy Again, and the Latest Is a Real Whopper

Biden insists US economy is ‘strong as hell’ as he munches an ice cream cone

Joe Biden ‘was aware’ and potentially ‘involved’ in son Hunter’s crony business dealings: Whistleblowers

Only 33% would vote to reelect Biden if presidential election was held today: poll  My question is, how can it be that high?  Don’t they buy food, need gas, read the papers beyond the headlines?

Top House Dems continue paying family members thousands of dollars using campaign funds

Jeff Minick writes that The Three Stooges Make a Comeback.

Ron DeSantis Draws a Crowd In Blue County for His First Campaign Stop Since Hurricane Ian


The Conservative Party Releases their 2022 Legislative Ratings

The Conservative Party congratulates Senators Jordan, Lanza, O’Mara, Ortt and Tedisco and Assembly Member Manktelow on their 100% ratings.

Keeping with its tradition, the Conservative Party tracked legislation throughout the session, issued support and opposition memos on pending legislation, and determined, at an executive committee meeting, which key issues best represent the direction of the state. The legislation considered comprise a variety of issues including, but not limited to criminal justice reform, infringement on our 2nd Amendment rights, radical green programs, and pro-life issues that affect the lives of all New Yorkers. “We believe that it is necessary to keep the public informed of key votes and let the taxpayers be aware of how elected officials spend our hard-earned money. Every bill is reviewed, and then we narrow them down to 25 specific bills to give voters a fair assessment of what transpires in Albany,” said Gerard Kassar, State Chairman. “As people go through the bills used this year it shows New Yorkers how out of touch the Democratic leaders of legislature are with the average citizen; many are costly, sometimes unwarranted, and a few will show how they try to help New Yorkers,” said Kassar. The full release and the ratings can be viewed here.

We’ve come a long way since 1962; Come help us Celebrate!

Our 60th Anniversary Reception featuring keynote speaker, Larry Kudlow, and our guest of honor, John Gizzi is just 4 days from today! If you haven’t purchased your ticket(s) yet, please visit us on our website to purchase your tickets today. I eagerly await seeing and greeting everyone in New Rochelle on Tuesday, October 18th as we gather to celebrate our honorees and rally to get out our vote and elect Lee Zeldin this November.

Today is the last day to register to vote in the November 8th Election.

 Click here to be certain that you are registered to vote and if not get to any state agency or County Board of Elections  TODAY to register.  Has anyone in your family recently turned 18? If so, be certain that they make their voice heard in the upcoming elections.

Biden quietly unveils new border policy that could ease flow of migrant asylum seekers from Venezuela to NYC

Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act is not reducing inflation

Biden Administration Clings to Emergency Pandemic Powers

Clinton Crony Linked to Steele Dossier and Russia Serves on Taxpayer-Funded Nonprofit That Aims To Build ‘Resilient Democracies’

Social Security’s 8.7% COLA Will Protect Retirees From Inflation, but Will Hasten Program’s Insolvency


Hochul has Hutzpah

Hochul has Hutzpah! Gov. Kathy Hochul says Joe Biden won’t ‘take ownership’ of NYC migrant crisis.  Governor, please explain to all New Yorkers how this is any different from the fact that you do not “take ownership” of the crime in our streets due to your refusal to bring the Legislature back to address the criminal justice “reforms” that have led to a surge in crime through a revolving door system that allows criminals to roam as they please.

You cannot Save Our State if you do not vote;

you cannot vote if you are not registered to vote;


Not sure if you are registered to vote? Click here.

MAIL REGISTRATION (N.Y. Election Law Section 5-210(3))
Applications must be postmarked no later than October 14, 2022 and received by a board of elections no later than October 19, 2022 to be eligible to vote in the General Election.

IN PERSON REGISTRATION (N.Y. Election Law Sections 5-210, 5-211, 5-212)
You may register at your local board of elections or any state agency participating in the National Voter Registration Act, on any business day throughout the year but, to be eligible to vote in the General Election, your application must be received no later than October 14, 2022. If honorably discharged from the US Military or have become a naturalized US Citizen after October 14, 2022, you may register in person at the Board of Elections up until October 29, 2022.

‘Unconstitutional’ absentee ballot case heads to state Supreme Court; Dems say it should be dismissed.

Michael Goodwin opines on the catastrophic effects of Dem leaders like Kathy Hochul not having an agenda.

The New York Times’ latest sad smear of Lee Zeldin on crime. “Of course, the Times resorted to no such snark — no “Hochul seizes” — when Gov. Kathy Hochul used a May mass shooting in her hometown, Buffalo, to fundraise.”

Green Goblin gang shows how brazen criminals are in Kathy Hochul’s New York a month before election. “And when Hochul, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, and every single legislator who voted for the “reforms” are just fine with that — with an election less than a month away — hope for positive change probably in the wind.”

The problem with polls and conservative voters.

Joe Biden just interfered in Hunter’s prosecution on national TV

Fox News has a column on Biden’s lies, outright fabrications repeatedly dismissed, downplayed and softened by media; Biden’s inability to stick to the actual facts are disturbing but this one is outright frightening: Biden wrongly says late son Beau ‘lost his life in Iraq’.  Beau died of brain cancer in May of 2015 and had returned from Iraq in September of 2008. “In my view, I can’t prove it yet, he came back with stage 4 glioblastoma. Eighteen months he lived, knowing he was going to die,” said Biden. The loss of a child, at any age, (Naomi, his daughter was 1 when they died in an automobile crash) is tragic and my heart breaks for his losses; but he is the leader of the free world and these factual errors make him appear weak and if our leader is weak, so is our nation.

Government Micromanagement Running Economy Into Ground

The Dog Ate NYSED’s Homework

14 Ways Marijuana Harms Users

California Crazy

Communist China’s Belt and Road Initiative Trashing the Environment

China’s Drug Attack on the US

Jeff Minick opines in Intellectual Takeout:  You’re Not Worth Dying For

Former Trans Teen Launches Organization to Support Detransitioners

There are 28 days until November 8…Election Day. Twenty-eight days to Save our State.

Hochul’s shamelessness only grows as Election Day approaches, so vote Zeldin!

If she is as popular as the media would have you believe, why are Vulnerable New York Dems keep(ing) their distance from Gov. Hochul ahead of Election Day.

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul pictured with fundraiser Maher Abdelqader, who shared Holocaust denial content.

Pay-to-play allegations not stopping Hochul from raising money at a record pace. “Hollywood types. Real estate kingpins. Health care leaders and registered lobbyists. All of them and more were among the hundreds of people contributing at least $10,000 to her campaign, according to a campaign filing released Friday.”

Hochul hunts for marijuana DWI test as NY opens cannabis shops. Now, Governor? You’ve known for how long that the lack of a marijuana DWI test is a problem (certainly as the state’s CEO you should have), yet now is when you are looking for a reliable test?  Are you too busy fundraising? Or is it that none of your “big donors” have a approached you to invest in marijuana testing companies?

Ex-Rep. Peter King rips Hochul on bail reform, says she’s in ‘surrender’ mode

NYC feels unsafe ‘for the first time in my life,’ ex-Gov. Paterson says.

No, Gov. Hochul: Tommy Bailey’s death and those of countless others are your fault. As the editorial points out, she even had the gall to suggest in August that we wait to “see whether or not the system can start functioning the way we intended” as she took any changes off the table until she gets elected — holding the lives of the public she allegedly serves hostage to her own political ambitions.

NYC shoplifter with 153 arrests booked again after fleecing three Rite Aids. The fact that this person has 153 arrests and is still out on the streets is mindboggling. What this has cost the consumer – add in the cost of all the looting and destroying property – is also mindboggling. These costs just add to the inflation that New Yorkers and all of Americans are paying.

Gov. Kathy Hochul has promoted a major advocate of the state’s controversial bail-reform laws to become one of her top legal advisers — even as she claims to have vigorously worked to change the lax rules.  Governor Hochul has no intention of changing the controversial bail-reform laws, even more reason to vote her OUT! It is up the voters who care about their safety to elect Lee Zeldin and Save Our State.

Hochul turns deaf ear to question of helping NYC handle migrant crisis.

What you’re paying to lure chip plant to Kathy Hochul’s anti-business New York.

No neighborhood is safe: Two shot outside NY gov. hopeful Rep. Lee Zeldin’s Long Island home while twin daughters inside.

Kendra’s Law must be expanded to tackle the mental health crisis in NYC.

The Post endorses Marc Molinaro in NY-19 House race

Tulsi Gabbard Leaves the Democratic Party. Two questions for the former Congresswoman from Hawaii:  1) What took you so long and 2) How can your second podcast top this?

‘They Treat Me Like a Piece of S—’: Raphael Warnock’s Church Pays for His Home. It’s Also Trying To Evict the Poor From Theirs.

The End of Debate

Two more (federal government) planes carrying immigrant children land at Orange County Airport

$370 Billion in Taxpayer Dollars for WHAT? The Matching Funds Fairness Doctrine

U.S. Presidents Refuse to Protect the U.S. from North Korea’s Nukes

Washington’s Double Legal Standards.

Seriously??  And they haven’t lost their license to practice medicine? Top Hospital Claims Children Can Know They’re Trans ‘From the Womb’

Another, Seriously??  Dogs and cats to get a bill of rights in, yes, you guessed it, California

The Revival of Phonics May Sound the Death Knell for Tyranny

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Columbus Day, the ballot propositions, Biden visits the Mid-Hudson region and our 60th Anniversary Celebration on October 18, 2022

Columbus Day Weekend

 Columbus Day is an important part of the Italian American culture here in America. It was designated to celebrate the United States of America and our commitment to growing as a nation and welcoming in hard working immigrants in search of contributing to our society and achieving the American dream.

Between 1880 and 1924, more than four million Italians immigrated to America and got right to work providing labor in factories and mines. They built roads, tunnels, homes, skyscrapers and dams. They started small businesses, many of which still thrive today.

Christopher Columbus Day is not an excuse to honor just one man, but an opportunity to celebrate a journey that led to over five hundred years of immigration from all over the world. America provides opportunity unlike anywhere else. We welcome with open arms those who wish to come to our great country the right way, work hard, and contribute to American society in search of a better life for their families.

The short sighted attempt by the woke liberal left to cancel Columbus Day is wrong. Those who truly have no understanding of what we are celebrating continue their shortsighted efforts to cancel what Christopher Columbus accomplished without today’s technology. I remain committed to celebrating Columbus Day every second Monday of October and celebrating all the contributions Italian Americans have made, and continue to make, to the greatest country on earth—The United States of America.


The Conservative Party organizations in the counties of the City of New York sent the below press release out on 10/5/22.

The Conservative Party urges voters to support its nominees by voting for its candidates on Column “C” and to reject all four ballot propositions by voting “NO” on each question.

The Conservative Party of New York State opposes Proposition One. This statewide referendum, known as the Environmental Bond Act of 2022, asks New York voters to authorize new state debt of $4.2 billion through the sale of bonds for certain capital projects relating to the environment.

“New Yorkers do not need another $4.2 billion in public debt, together with its resulting debt service, due to actions by the Federal Reserve, will be issued at the highest interest rates New Yorkers have seen in decades,” said New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “We fear New York State’s reputation for unchecked spending will result in the possibility of the state legislature spending the entirety of the $4.2 billion on projects that should be paid with existing authorized debt, new federal sources, and pay as you go where possible.”

The Conservative Party organizations in the counties of the City of New York additionally oppose Propositions Two, Three, and Four. These citywide referendums propose meritless statements of value, divisive racial equity plans, and the adoption of dubious cost of living metrics. They are contrived proposals based upon dishonest claims peddled by the professional grievance industry. Not only are they a waste of taxpayer money, but they are each in direct conflict with the values of personal achievement, equality of opportunity, and free enterprise, all of which made New York a once-great city.

“Once again, the liberal government officials of the City of New York have missed the mark,” said Kings County Chairwoman Frances T. Vella-Marrone. “Instead of focusing on the real problems facing the City such as increased crime, rise in the cost of living and a broken education system, they are presenting the voters with proposals that will do nothing to improve the lives of New Yorkers but rather encourage division and waste the taxpayers money.”

“With the current state of our city, the last thing we need to do is pass these propositions,” said Bronx County Chairman Patrick McManus. “We are ALL New Yorkers and any measure put forth should serve to unite us rather than divide us!”

“With rising crime and a declining quality of life, New Yorkers do not need foolish proposals for fabricated problems,” said Richmond County Chairman David Mario Curcio. “It is precisely these types of divisive and destructive policies that motivated our county organization to endorse the municipal independence of Staten Island from the City of New York last year. Just say no.”

Election Day is scheduled for Tuesday, November 8, 2022, preceded by nine scheduled days of early voting. The Conservative Party encourages voters to VOTE COLUMN “C” for candidates and to VOTE “NO” on all four ballot proposal questions which will appear on the reverse side of the ballot.

President Biden in the Mid-Hudson

 President Biden visited the Mid-Hudson to tout all he has done to help IBM. In reality, he found something to take credit for on his way to two fundraisers, one held in New Jersey and the other in New York City. Both fundraisers were in support for Democratic House and Senate candidates who see no cause for concern with inflation and crime, both of which are crippling New Yorker’s.

If he really wanted to help Democrats, he wouldn’t use a governmental trip as a cover to attend two high priced fundraisers. He would instead work to secure the Southern Border and get inflation under control. More than 17,000 illegal immigrants have been bussed to New York City alone since the summer, causing Eric Adams to declare a State of Emergency. The irony and hypocrisy from the Mayor are astounding. In August, the Del Rio Sector alone recorded more than 50,000 apprehensions. Overall, Texas has more than 100,000 border crossings a month. What New York City and Mayor Adams are experiencing is a drop in the bucket compared to what is happening in Texas. Mayor Adams is failing the City of New York by not calling on the Biden Administration to secure the border.

60TH Anniversary Reception

 We are less than two weeks away from our 60th Anniversary Reception featuring keynote speaker, Larry Kudlow, and our guest of honor, John Gizzi. I look forward to seeing everyone in New Rochelle on October 18th as we gather to celebrate our honorees and rally to get out our vote and elect Lee Zeldin this November.

Please visit us on our website to purchase your tickets today.

NYC Mayor Adams declares state of emergency after 17,000 migrants spark shelter ‘crisis’

Migrants’ hotel misery

‘Turned down’: DeSantis team slams Joy Reid after she targets governor

‘A Great Error’: How Biden Used a Budgetary Gimmick To Score a Pre-Election Political Win

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Columbus Day, the ballot propositions, Biden visits the Mid-Hudson region and our 60th Anniversary Celebration on October 18, 2022

Joe Biden: Go. Back. To. The. Basement. NOW!

Zeldin’s ‘no donor meetings’ pledge shows just how grimy Hochul’s endless pay-to-play is

George Soros-backed DA realizes that soft-on-crime ‘reforms’ are a failure.  “It’s not at all clear when Soares’ road-to-Damascus moment occurred — but clearly it did, and now he is speaking profound truth to hard-left political power. And his question resonates.”  “At what number will the body count be enough to prompt action?”  What number, indeed.

To stop rising crime and chaos, New Yorkers must vote out Hochul and other pro-madness politicians

Churches challenge New York’s ban on guns in sensitive locations

Judge temporarily blocks parts of New York’s new gun law as advocates pursue suit.  See our press release here.

Rite Aid Says Theft Is a Much Bigger Problem Than You Might Think

Federal Agents Uncover Thousands of ‘Rainbow’ Fentanyl Pills Stashed in LEGO Boxes.

About that Micron Deal, Governor Hochul, did you forget to tout this:  The Micron deal’s other big giveaway.

Biden Administration’s Nuke Deal: Ensuring Russian and Iranian Terrorist Hegemony Over the Whole Arab World

Biden to release 10M more barrels from Strategic Petroleum Reserve in November in wake of OPEC+ cuts

Biden to Keep Draining Strategic Oil Reserve After OPEC Embarrasses Him Again

Report: Biden to Allow Increased Energy Production…By a Communist Regime

Rather than White House whining about OPEC, America needs to drill, baby, drill — but Biden refuses

There has never been a more important election; the Biden Administration must have their agenda abolished and the needs of our nation and her citizens placed at the forefront.  We must Save Our State and our Country.

Biden Administration and Media Meltdown:  Federal Court Rules DACA Unlawful but Preserves Policy for Current Recipients

Biden’s Delaware visitors shrouded in mystery as Secret Service insists no records exist

Hurricane Myths  and then there is this from Daily Signal:  Media Falsely Links Hurricanes to Climate Change. Here Are the Facts.

The Myth of Clean

Big Cases to Watch During New Supreme Court Term

Here is some insight on SCOTUS’ newest Justice.  Justice Jackson’s Argument against Race Neutrality Is Faux Originalism

The Question That No One Asks or Answers.

Politics NY is a blog site (pretty much left of center, it is based in NYC) that usually has a great quote to begin with each weekday.  I thought you would enjoy today’s:  “Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”  —   Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865, the 16th U.S. President.

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Federal Court Gun Law Ruling

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 6, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “U.S. District Court Judge Glenn Suddaby is correct in blocking several enforcement provisions in New York’s hastily passed new gun laws. The Constitution is clear on the Second Amendment, and efforts by New York Democrats to require social media background checks for gun purchasers, among other things, violate both First and Second Amendment rights. We commend Justice Suddaby for properly flagging very real Constitutional concerns in New York’s new laws.”



A Judge in NYC says “the time has arrived to legalize polygamy.”

Hochul’s pricey flights included $2,500 chopper trip to NYC gas station for photo op

Why victims and their families, like me, have been betrayed by Kathy Hochul’s failure to fix bail reform

Dem Albany DA blasts Hochul, NY liberals over ‘no action’ with deadly shootings. What most people don’t remember about DA David Soares is that when he was first elected in November 2004 on the Democratic and Working Families Party lines, with the strong help of George Soros, who is noted for his penchant for “social justice” one would never expect him to blast his own party members. For David Soares to come out this strong, you know the criminal justice system, as it is under Kathy Hochul, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Carl Heastie, Michael Gianaris et al, does not have the best interest of New Yorkers who pay the price for the revolving door that allows criminals to walk out without any repercussions.


Who needs a Legislature when one judge decides to legalize polygamy? ‘Time Has Arrived’ to Legalize Polygamy, Writes New York Judge. A trial court Judge Karen May Bacdayan, essentially gave New York’s blessing to polyamorous unions in her September decision, declaring that “ … the problem with [previous same-sex marriage rulings] is that they recognize only two-person relationships.” And to add insult to injury, this judge isn’t even elected!

Living the carbon-free cycle in California

John Fetterman cannot be trusted with political power

Will midterms reprise 1994 and 2010?

How Childhood Experiences and Beliefs Can Shape Gender Identity

Toto Pulls Back the Curtain on Today’s Wizards

Needed: A New Monroe Doctrine to Confront China’s Aggression

A New Tall Tale for the Winter: ‘Europe Is a Victim of the Americans’

We have 36 days to turn this ship around…working together it will happen.

New York Republican, Conservative parties challenge parts of absentee ballot process.  The NY Post also covered the filing of the lawsuit: Lawsuit targets absentee voting in NY with COVID excuse before November elections

Listen to what our chairman has to say on The Capitol Connection #2239 – New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar.

Does this surprise anyone?  Gov. Hochul raised taxes many times while on Hamburg board.

I guess it wasn’t so secret, was it Governor?  Hochul secretly huddles with billionaire megadonor who had hospitals bailed out by state. “Meanwhile, the Daily Beast wrote in a 2021 expose of Rovt’s business dealings during the COVID-19 outbreak: “The vast domain Rovt built with his state contracts, grants, and approvals were the scene of some of the outbreak’s worst carnage.”

The rise of ‘super perps’ exposes Gov. Hochul’s lies about fixing the no-bail law

Why do you put your “social justice” agenda before the needs of your constituents?  And more importantly, why do your constituents continue to elect you?  State Sen. Michael Gianaris doubles down on bail reform, poster boy Pedro Hernandez.

Police unions snub Letitia James, back GOP’s Michael Henry for NY attorney general

Dems’ tellingly desperate abortion smear of Marc Molinaro

The Post endorses Mike Lawler in NY-17 House race

This is the result of “Woke” appointees to the Parole Board:  Westchester cop killer to be paroled 46 years after murder.  A man who devoted 20 years of his life to protecting people is murdered and the murderer gets 46 years of his life with food and housing (I am sure it was unpleasant, but that isn’t the point) and he now gets freedom to live out the rest of his natural life.   Save or State, Elect Lee Zeldin on November 8, 2022

How $600 billion was stolen from the American people

They’re Redistributing Wealth, Not Fighting Inflation

Biden Administration’s Gift to Russia: Iran Nuke Deal

Russia Will Use Its Ally, a Nuclear-Armed Iran, to Better Threaten the West

New York has a new landing spot for secret migrant flights

Kari Lake Flips the Script on Reporter Attempting Abortion ‘Gotcha’

Never Let a Devastating Natural Disaster Go to Waste

DeSantis Spox Rebukes Harris for Proposing Hurricane Aid Based on ‘Equity’: ‘Must Be Clarified’

Politico’s Headline About DeSantis and Disaster Relief Was Interesting

Why the Chances for a Republican Senate Takeover Just Increased Dramatically.  If nothing else, there is one sentence that will make you laugh out loud in Matt Vespa’s column. (Hint, it is in the 3rd paragraph.)

How 1 Small European Study Changed Transgender Medicine in US

You Can’t Eat Without Natural Gas

A 5th Century Roman’s Guide to Happiness in a World Full of Pain, Loss, and Injustice