Category: CPNYS NEWS

Save New York November 8th

You’ve heard it before, “this is the most important election of our lifetime.” That phrase sounds good, it creates the urgency—but for perhaps the first time, there is no truer statement.

New York is at a crossroads, and it is time to try something new, something different, because if we remain on the current trajectory, I am sorry to say that I believe dire consequences will follow. On November 8th, I humbly ask you to vote based on your current situation, your circumstances, and your experiences around the City and State of New York.

As many of you know, I am a lifelong Brooklyn resident. I have quite literally seen the worst of times and the best of times. I know the difference, I’ve lived it, and I am living it again.

Every day the front pages of our newspapers, TV and radio news and certainly the internet is filled with stories of violence and crimes against New Yorker’s. Even cop killers, in fact 37 cop killers, have been released by the Cuomo/Hochul parole board.


Non-violent crimes, such as grand larceny auto are at record levels. I know of no one who is comfortable taking the subway in NYC these days.

Fatal shootings are up across New York State:  shootings are up 26% in Rochester and incredibly 80% in Binghamton, and 100% in Troy. Yes, 100%. Buffalo has some of its worst violence ever.


If you won’t take it from me, take it from Allie Forest, a Rochester resident and mother who recently said her final goodbyes to her 16-year-old daughter before burying her, something no parent should ever have to experience. “Bail reform is terrible, and it has made the criminals too confident, they are laughing at the police.” Forest said. “If politicians like Governor Hochul lived on the dangerous streets we do, we wouldn’t have bail reform.”

We have a slate of candidates for offices from Governor to the New York Legislature that can turn this state around. The new crop of conservative congressional members certain to emerge in New York State will be decisive in removing Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Jerry Nadler and the entire bunch of liberals from power in Congress.

Lee Zeldin for Governor, Alison Esposito for Lt. Governor, Joe Pinion for U.S. Senate, Michael Henry for Attorney General and Paul Rodriguez for Comptroller are the ticket to change in New York State.

Early voting has buoyed my confidence in victory on Tuesday. Be sure to cast your vote on the Conservative Party Line; your vote on Row C, will make the final difference.

‘Exhausted’ by an endless tide of shoplifting: Dem Latino supermarket owners reveal why they support Lee Zeldin

Schumer-aligned group pumps nearly $50M in secretive donations into midterms to save Senate majority

Study debunks ‘red state murder’ claim from Hillary Clinton, Democrats

Border Crisis: How Many Have Been Able to Avoid Apprehension in Only One Month

Hochul’s last ditch effort acknowledges crime got worse on her watch…just days ago she blamed “master manipulators” and “data” deniers” for creating the “conspiracy” of rising crime.

Buck stops … there: Gov. Hochul points finger at ‘system, judges’ after slain Keaira Bennefield’s mom blames her The Democrat deflected blame from herself and instead pointed the finger at “the system” and “judges and “prosecutors” after Keaira was executed less than 24 hours after her estranged husband was sprung from jail on no bail over a caught-on-camera beatdown.

Hochul freeing cop-killers is maybe the worst way she’s pro-crime

Kathy Hochul stalls release of ‘tax-and-spend’ budget report before election

NYPD Commissioner Sewell calls on Hochul to roll back bail reform as Adams bites tongue

Kathy Hochul’s running a campaign wreck

‘Conspiracy’ Kathy Hochul finally admits crime got worse on her watch…” I’ve been working on this throughout my entire time as governor.”  Did you call back the legislature when Mayor Adams asked for change in cashless bail back in FEBRUARYIn April?  In July when Adams called for a Special Session?  Now, that you are seeing that people are fed up with your lack of leadership, you acknowledge there is a crime issue. You ignored the obvious and blamed others, and now the voters will have their say!

This is called “On No! We have to defend in my (Hochul’s) home county:  Dems send big dollars to 3 Assembly incumbents in Erie County; GOP targets Burke for upset

Businesses with big NY interests throw cash at Kathy Hochul in final days of tight NY gov race

Then there are businesses who donate for all the right reasons! It’s no secret why crime-besieged Latino grocers are flocking to Lee Zeldin for gov. Shoplifting in the city is up a whopping 65% this year, through July 31, on top of a 36% spike last year over 2020. Thanks to the bail laws Hochul claims are working wonderfully, serial criminals — like Harold Gooding, who’s been arrested and released more than 100 times — are free to prey on the innocent with virtual impunity.

Jewish Voice Endorsements for Election 2022 – Make Your Voice Heard, Vote on Nov 8th!

GOP gains in deep-blue New York’s governor race rattle Democrats

Nicole Gelinas asks and answers the question: Can Lee Zeldin Win? A Republican victory in New York State is unlikely—but possible.

Lee Zeldin is focused on Saving Our State and already preparing:  Zeldin talks his potential budget plan if elected New York governor

Va. history repeating in NY, Dems’ dead-parrot denialism and other commentary

Here’s the HUGE Red Flag for Dems in Latest WSJ Poll

‘They don’t have a winning message’: Dems spend $320M on abortion ads, 10 times more than on crime, economy

I really would like to know who posted the Tweet and why are they working in the White House? Anyone with the slightest bit of knowledge about Social Security knows that the COLA is calculated by the rise of inflation. So, why would anyone tout the large COLA (which jeopardizes the health of Social Security) as something positive? White House Deletes Tweet About Social Security After Getting Fact-Checked

Is the Washington Post experiencing a crisis of conscience? WaPo Calls for New Leadership in the White House: ‘Biden and Harris Are Unfit’

Biden’s Diesel Fuel Shortage: Cold Comfort

Biden Gives Tired, Lie Filled Closing Argument As Dems Stare Down a Red Wave

UN Sides with China Despite Its Own Report Condemning Xinjiang Abuses

Chinese Diplomat Cornered and Berated Congressional Aide at Other Embassies’ Events

Greta Thunberg Finally Admits What Climate Change Activism Is Really All About

Watch Dr. Carol Swain react to National Education Association Social Justice trainer expressing his support for critical race theory teachings:  Teachers’ union trainer says CRT being taught to students as ‘real history’ of America

What is going on in the medical world? Exclusive: New Report Accuses UNC Medical School of Putting Politics Before Patients. This MUST end, it is an insult to the medial field who chose to save ALL lives.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Hochul’s last ditch effort acknowledges crime got worse on her watch…just days ago she blamed “master manipulators” and “data” deniers” for creating the “conspiracy” of rising crime.

With only 7 days left, the momentum belongs to Lee Zeldin and Alison Esposito.

Gov. Hochul, you’re the real ‘data denier’ on surging crime “Master manipulators,” she said Sunday, “have this conspiracy going” to “convince people in Democratic states that they’re not as safe.” But “the safer places are the Democratic states.”

Crime soared on Hochul’s watch — and there’s no ‘denying’ the data

Fed up with a surge in shoplifting, a coalition of mostly Latino supermarket owners across the New York City area are raising $70,000 to back Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin in the last days before the election, The Post has learned.  Latino supermarket owners back Lee Zeldin with $70K fundraiser as crime surges

Why NYC Democrats are supporting Republican Lee Zeldin for governor.  “We no longer identify with the Democrats. They are out of touch with the middle class and the people in the community. They all have agendas, thinking that it’s all about just being like, liberal. They think everybody’s liberal like that, but we aren’t. Our values align much more now with what conservatives want.”

Mark Penn was a pollster and adviser to President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton from 1995 to 2008. He is chairman of the Harris Poll and C.E.O. of Stagwell Inc. and has this column in the New York Times:  Why a Pro-Trump Conservative Might Win the New York Governor’s Race.

Andrew Stein, a former Democratic New York City Council president, has this Op-Ed in today’s NY Post:  Electing Zeldin is the only way to fix New York’s nursing homes

Lee Zeldin will provide the leadership New York is missing from Kathy Hochul.

The Democrats may be splintered, but certainly not ready to throw in the towel as evidenced by this:  Lee Zeldin surge in New York governor race prompts Democrats to create Hochul super PAC.  The Democratic Party has already given Hochul $69,700 and the State Democratic committee another $219,800.  At this time, it is unknown how much the DGA (Democratic Governors Association) will contribute to the super PAC.  What we do know, is we must keep up the momentum!

Virginia Governor, Glenn Youngkin, who won a major upset in last year’s Virginia gubernatorial race, and former Governor George Pataki, held a GOTV rally in Westchester County yesterday at 1:00 PM.  You can watch it here.

Black Police Chief’s Crime-Centered Campaign Could Bring Shock Upset in Deep-Blue New York District.

Joe Biden Misleads on Gas Prices Yet Again

Biden Vows to Punish Oil Companies for a Problem He Created

US, Saudi Arabia on high alert over intel of impending Iranian attack: report

If you don’t subscribe to Stephen Moor’s Unleash Prosperity Hotline, you are missing a lot of good information.

Jeff Minick has some great ideas in this column:  How to Connect Teens With Good Books


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117 

Brooklyn, NY – Nov. 1…The New York State Conservative Party today announced that it is airing a 60-second radio commercial statewide in support of Rep. Lee Zeldin for governor.

The spot, titled “The Accidental Governor” can be heard here. It will run through Election Day on stations across New York.


Many people lay claim to the statement “you get what you pay for” because it is for the most part true; you also get who you vote for as leopards cannot change their spots.

New Docs Raise Big Questions About NY’s Megafab Mega-Deal

New York’s dismal tax climate is (again) near-worst in nation, yet another reason to vote Zeldin

Paroled criminals avoid jail despite new arrests thanks to dangerous NY law reform: critics

Editorial: Another ethics flub/What part of “distance yourselves from the people you oversee” is unclear? Thankfully, the Albany Times Union chose to report this Hochul debacle.

State of ‘denial’: Hochul calls crime woes GOP ‘conspiracy,’ NYers say it’s real.  It is unbelievable what the Governor of New York said on MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation,” Sunday. To call the horrendous videos a GOP conspiracy tells the listeners that the pain and anguish the victims are experiencing means absolutely nothing to her; except if it happens in Buffalo where she exploited it to raise funds. What Kathy Hochul said is reprehensible.

NYC Councilman, Joseph Borelli, writes in City and State: Why Lee Zeldin will win.

Ron DeSantis Stumps for Lee Zeldin

Ron DeSantis bashes New York Dems at Lee Zeldin rally on Long Island

Lee Zeldin believes he’ll win enough votes in NYC to oust Hochul: ‘We’re going to shock the political world’

Schumer, Pinion square off in debate as both seek Senate seat/Debate highlights the U.S. Senate race between longtime incumbent Sen. Charles E. Schumer and upstart Republican opponent Joe Pinion.  When you read this headline, you know at once that it will be a biased article. Why is Joe Pinion described as a “upstart” which, as Google describes is a derogatory word about a person who has risen suddenly to wealth or high position, especially one who behaves arrogantly. Watch the debate here and see that Joe Pinion is concerned about New Yorkers and wants to go to Washington to make all lives better.

DCCC Chair’s Appearance on ‘Face the Nation’ Reeks of Desperation

Meet Brandon Williams: An outsider fights for Central NY seat in Congress

The mainstream media lied to me about conservatives

Ketanji Brown Jackson clashes with anti-affirmative action lawyer during Supreme Court arguments

A Disturbing Movement Is Picking Up Steam on the Left

Stacey Abrams: Georgia Sheriffs ‘Want to Be Able to Take Black People Off the Streets’

Andrew C. McCarthy writes in National Review: Let the End of the George Floyd Case Mark the End of a National Psychosis

Are we living through ‘Weekend at Biden’s’? America needs to know, but the complicit media won’t ask

Seriously? Dems, Media Demand GOP Call Off Campaign

Democrats’ bizarre closing argument for the midterm elections

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Many people lay claim to the statement “you get what you pay for” because it is for the most part true; you also get who you vote for as leopards cannot change their spots.

Early Voting begins tomorrow, October 29 and ends on November 6. We the People have 11 days to Save Our State

Vote for change, public safety and economic hope — The Post endorses Lee Zeldin for governor

Parents, if you need another reason to vote for Lee Zeldin, you know, if the legislature were to pass this: New York lawmakers ready to revive push to mandate COVID-19 vaccine in schools, he would veto it immediately.  He made that perfectly clear in the one and only debate Gov. Kathy “pay-to-play” Hochul agreed to.  In case you missed the debate, you can watch it here.   You can read Chairman Kassar’s statement on the debate here.

Chairman Kassar also called for a hiring freeze in the Hochul Administration for non-essential employees that you can read here.

The Washington Examiner writes: Hochul’s remark shows how clueless Democrats are about crime.

The Washington Free Beacon has a very interesting article regarding the NY Post being “hacked” yesterday:  In Closing Stretch, Kathy Hochul Takes a Page Out of Terry McAuliffe’s (Losing) Playbook.  Did you know that Hochul spokesperson, Jen Goodman, was also McAuliffe’s communications aide?

The MTA seems to be trying to stem the 30% increase in the subway crime rate with this pilot program: MetroGUARD: MTA pays for private security as Gov. Hochul ignores rampant crime

Biden lands in NY on rescue mission for sinking Hochul & NY Dems, bungles key economic stats. In his remarks he drops this rather discouraging news to locals:  Biden: Micron project will exclude local workers

Biden pitches failed economic vision in Syracuse.

White House Has No Answer When Asked About the Biggest Crisis Facing the US

Senate Majority Leader, New York’s senior Senator Charles Schumer, not knowing he was being recorded:  Schumer: Fetterman’s Dismal Debate Performance ‘Didn’t Hurt Us Too Much’.  As this blog noted yesterday, the leadership of the Democrat Party are only interested in keeping their majority. As if that were not enough, he went on to say: “It’s hard to believe that they will go for Herschel Walker.” Schumer caught on hot mic telling Biden that Georgia’s Senate race is ‘going downhill’ for Dems, making it obvious he prefers, Rev. Raphael Warnock, who sounds a lot Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., when preaching and serves homeless people living in the Church’s apartment complex an eviction notice when they fall behind.

It is a good thing our government is run by We The People and not elected officials: Fetterman Fades in Post-Debate Poll.  And it is imperative that candidates debate each other, even if they are only willing to debate once.

The Post’s endorsements for NY state Senate

Pentagon defends cutting nuclear missile program in national defense strategy amid Russian tension

Mortgage Rates Reach 20-Year High

THISCLOSE! Together we will help Lee Zeldin Save Our State

Plunging Wall Street profits should sound alarm bells for city, state — and offer fresh grounds to back Lee Zeldin

Albany County DA questions red flag law

In case you missed the debate coverage, here are some headlines and quotes from the one and only debate Tuesday night:

Passionate Zeldin beats robot Hochul in NY governor debate

Fired-up Lee Zeldin brings the fight to Gov. Hochul, decisively wins only NY governor debate

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Ignores Reality During Debate, Lee Zeldin Calls Her Out on It…Repeatedly

This is all you need to know about Gov. Hochul:  “Gov. Kathy Hochul stunningly said she didn’t know why it’s “so important” to lock up criminals when confronted by Republican challenger Lee Zeldin over the state’s controversial bail reform law during their first and only debate Tuesday night.”

‘Don’t know why that’s so important’: Hochul baffled when Zeldin talks jailing criminals during NY gov debate

Lee Zeldin shows he understands crime crisis Hochul dismisses

Former NYPD inspector drops bombshell, believes Dem Mayor Adams wants Republican Lee Zeldin to become governor

Zeldin did Tuesday what he has done for months — doggedly fault the incumbent and offer big plans for big reforms, especially on matters of crime, taxes, energy policy and spending cuts. He also was effective in hitting her on the outrageous pay-to-play pattern that is undeniable.

Much of her response on crime also reeked of the same desperation that the governor has had in recent days as the race has been tightening, though it’s very much been too little too late, just like the plan she released days before, though she has been governor for over a year.

Seth Barron writes in Cit Journal: Kathy Hochul on the Ropes in New York

NY’s gubernatorial race continues to make national news:  These previously safe governor’s races could flip after wild 2022 midterm campaign season

GOP sees real chance to win in NY as $500K pours into pro-Lee Zeldin super PAC.

If you haven’t signed up to Save Our State, now would be a good time; we are thisclose!!

Democrats Don’t Actually Believe Democracy Is at Stake in the Midterms

America’s ‘Acute’ Foreign Policy Disarray

How Americans, Europeans Embolden Palestinian Terrorism

Saudi Issues a Warning to Biden About the Dangers of Draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

7 ways Biden is wrecking our economy and undermining our country

Biden’s Destroying the Economy. Is It Intentional?

Political Mislabeling: Violating the Public Trust

How unprofessional:  Biden Aides Yell at Reporters As Biden Mocks Them

This should be interesting:  Biden, Harris to make rare campaign appearance as duo to help Fetterman. The disconcerting thing about this, is that it shows how democrats think. After the debate between Fetterman and Oz, all most everyone reached the conclusion that Fetterman would have serious problems on the Senate Floor as a result of the stroke he suffered in May of this year. Yet, Biden and Harris will campaign for him to win. That fact tells me that constituents do not matter; the only thing that matters is keeping democrats in the majority.

Then there is this:  Lawmakers Want to Know Why Pennsylvania Sent Out 240,000 Unverified Ballots  (the above explains why)

Biden Claims Congress ‘Passed’ His Student Loan Forgiveness Plan. It Didn’t.

‘Gender Affirmation’: The New Female Genital Mutilation

Has Joe Biden any idea at all about the reality of transgender medicine

Wind Farm in Germany Is Being Taken Down for Expansion of Coal Mine

Virginia Military Institute Went Woke, Enrollment Fell 25%

Why it’s good news Gen Z puts tasty chicken before social justice

Fetal heartbeat laws are evidence-based and make perfect sense. They deserve to be supported.


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Brooklyn, NY – Oct. 26…The New York State Conservative Party today called on New York governor Kathy Hochul to halt all non-essential hiring in her administration, citing the potential turnover of governors after Election Day and New York’s looming multi-billion budget deficit.

Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar said that the Party is making this call after learning about recent hires by the Hochul Administration that included highly-political communications personnel.

“New York State is facing a massive budget deficit, and there’s a toss-up election occurring in less than two weeks,” Mr. Kassar said. “Hiring new non-essential employees now makes no sense for taxpayers, especially when there’s a good possibility that Congressman Lee Zeldin will be elected on November 8th. Besides, Mrs. Hochul is already running the most bloated administration in state history, and New York families are struggling to pay for that. They can’t afford a nickel more.”

Mr. Kassar warned that retiring administrations sometimes create protected patronage jobs for campaign volunteers and contributors who can stay on the state payroll for years.


Statement From New York State Conservative Party  Chairman Gerard Kassar On Spectrum Gubernatorial Debate 

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 26, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “I had the pleasure of attending last night’s debate at Pace University, and I was struck by how Governor Hochul lacked basic answers about major challenges facing New York families. Mrs. Hochul had no answer about her $600 million taxpayer giveaway to a billionaire sports team owner; she had no answers about the crime epidemic caused by no-cash-bail — she even expressed surprise that crime is such an important issue to New Yorkers! — she had no answers when asked about her very Andrew-Cuomo-like pay-to-play practices, and she had no answers on the nursing home scandal that left thousands of New Yorkers dead.

“Lee Zeldin, in contrast, was informative, crisp, and passionate, offering clear solutions to New York’s woes. Mr. Zeldin offered specific policy steps to lower crime, reduce New York’s nation-leading tax burden, and to cut mandates to grow the economy.

“With 12 days to go before the election, it’s clear that challenger Lee Zeldin has the vision, backbone, and integrity to guide this state forward. Governor Hochul has nothing.”


Kamala Harris and Kathy Hochul have more in common than just their initials; both elected officials are oblivious to the obvious problems in their official roles.

Debate Night! The one and only debate will be on Spectrum New 1 tonight at 7:00 PM. For Spectrum nonsubscribers, download the Spectrum News app, available to Android and iPhone users, then tap “Live” on the menu bar at the bottom of the screen to view the debate. (I guess a small screen is better than no screen.)

Wow, talk about being out of touch with the real world; I guess one forgets what it is like when they have a security detail for protection. Kathy Hochul dismisses NYer concerns on violent crime wave as ‘sense of fear’. Hochul on Monday became the latest Democratic politician to downplay New Yorkers’ worries over subway and street crime amid a surge in violent attacks — chalking it up to a few “high-profile” crimes that have “created a sense of fear in people’s minds.”

Seriously, Mayor Adams…have you forgotten the platform you ran on? Adams tones down bail reform talk. “Adams’ pivot away from bail reform contrasts his previous focus on the issue.”  Maybe his real interest in running for Mayor was the night life that he certainly takes time to enjoy.

Hillary is still trying to keep her name out there:  Serial Election Denier Hillary Is Back and She Has a Warning

Three New Yorkers Ordered Cocaine From the Same Delivery Service. All Died From Fentanyl.  Unbelievable. A delivery service for cocaine that people just call to order…I must be very naïve; it just never occurred to me. Of course, it never occurred to me to even think that people would try it as the hazards of doing cocaine are well known.  It breaks my heart how many people have succumbed to illegal, harmful drugs and it really is mindboggling how readily available they have become. And yet, every day the drug cartels bring more and more into our country at an open border that the Biden Administration refuses to close down.

Iran and Venezuela strengthen dangerous military, economic alliance in challenge to US

The Inflation Tax Paid by New York State Filers

The Unfalsifiable ‘Voter Suppression’ Hypothesis

White House Tries to Clean Up Biden’s False Claim on Student-Loan Forgiveness

If You Liked Big Brother, Meet Google’s Big MUM

Nation’s Report Card Paints Bleak Picture for New York

Pro-Lockdown Randi Weingarten Claims Vindication As Students’ Test Scores Plunge

Fox News Power Rankings: Storm clouds gather for Democrats in the Northeast

Jeff Minick writes:  How to Prepare for a Recession.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Kamala Harris and Kathy Hochul have more in common than just their initials; both elected officials are oblivious to the obvious problems in their official roles.

Governor Hochul is singing a different tune; one she had rejected until she saw the current polling.

Kathy Hochul, Lee Zeldin to debate Tuesday on Spectrum News

Hochul drops new ad touting crime credentials, as Lee Zeldin surges in polls

“Don’t be suckered. If you care about crime, vote Hochul out of office along with every other Democrat on your ballot.”  Hochul’s sudden focus on crime is just a panicked, meaningless gesture

Lee Zeldin slams Kathy Hochul’s subway crime plan as he surges in gov race

Democrats’ pathetic responses to crime horrors show they’re completely out of gas on public safety

Hochul’s ‘hot mess’ campaign has NY Dems worried as Republican Zeldin surges. State Democrats are panicking as Gov. Kathy Hochul appears to be blowing the race against Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin in solidly blue New York amid worsening polls, fundraising scandals and campaign messaging misfires.

Hochul defends bail reform, Zeldin talks up working with Dems at TV forum

Dems’ illegal Hochulmander conspiracy was even slimier than we knew — and isn’t over yet

Why Lee Zeldin is gaining ground on Kathy Hochul in the N.Y. governor’s race. When the NY Daily News runs an article that explains why Lee Zeldin is gaining ground on Kathy Hochul, you know Gov. Kathy “pay-to-play” Hochul is in trouble.

Not so fast, gov: you could lose!

NY hotel industry showers Gov. Kathy Hochul with campaign cash following bailout plan. “A key element of the recovery plan included a $100 million Tourism Worker Recovery Fund that provided a one-time payment of $2,750 to up to 36,000 hotel workers and other tourism industry workers whose unemployment benefits expired.”  Reminder, those are your tax dollars giving the hotel workers a one-time payment of $2,750 and did other workers who ran out of unemployment benefits get a one-time payment or just hotel workers whose industry showered Gov. Hochul with campaign cash.

Do you need another reason to FIRE Hochul? Here it is:  The Plan To Kill New York’s Charter Schools

Bipartisan CBS Focus Group Stuns Host When Panelists Agree On Almost Everything, Including ‘Woke Culture’; and the Democrats wonder why they are facing a Red Wave?

The Gray Lady cannot – or chooses not – to remove herself from the rabbit hole she has been in for far too long:  NYT’s Republicans ‘devil terms’ front page is more media midterm madness

Exclusive: Hispanics More Likely Than White Democrats to Say Border ‘Not Secure’ by Double-Digit Margins

Biden Embraces America’s Fiercest Enemies: Whose Side Is He On?

Biden’s SPR follies will hurt Americans and damage our national security

Fact-Checking 4 Biden Claims on His Student Loan Bailout

Joe Biden Expresses Support for Yet Another Policy That Could Violate the Hyde Amendment

Biden’s Student-Loan Action Is Obviously Unconstitutional. So Why Can’t Anyone Stop It?

Pennsylvania Senate race: Biden tells voters to back Fetterman not GOP’s Dr. Oz because the ‘world is looking’. Most likely the first honest thing that Joe has said in a long time; the world is looking, and the world sees what a weak president we have.

Not sure is this is a gaffe, sounds more like a Freudian slip to me. Biden Says John Fetterman’s Wife Will Make a ‘Great Lady in the Senate’

Profits at the Expense of Patriotism Is a Dangerous Game

Waiting for Durham

The Reality Behind the Regents Diploma

Female High-School Volleyball Athlete Suffers Serious Head Injury after Transgender Player Spikes ‘Abnormally Fast’ Ball

The Gender-Obsessed Left Will Have to Pry My Children From My Cold, Dead Hands

Overwhelming Amount of People Oppose Left’s Radical Transgender Policies

‘Woke’ anti-stigma efforts are only making mental health worse

Statement From New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar On Court Ruling Over Absentee Ballot Voting

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 21, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “The New York State Conservative Party commends today’s State Supreme Court decision that rightly preserves Election Day voting as an option for absentee ballot voters. Absentee ballot voters have had the right to amend their votes on Election Day for decades, and cynical attempts by Governor Hochul and the Democrat Party to strip them of those rights were wrong. This decision helps uphold the integrity of the electoral process, a major victory for New York voters and the rule of law.”
