Category: CPNYS NEWS

Statement From NYS Conservative Party 6/8/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 8, 2024

Statement on End of Legislative Session by
New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“The 2024 Legislative Session will go down as the most expensive Albany session in history, with final numbers coming in long after the budget was passed. It’s remarkable that a state can spend so much money while accomplishing so little. Taxpayers got no relief from the insane cost of living in this state; nothing was done to restore sanity to our criminal justice system; illegal migrants were further incentivized to come here by New York’s progressive leadership; consumers will pay more at the grocery store because of woke environmental policies, and housing will remain scarce because property owners are overtaxed and over-regulated. No corner of this state went untouched by Albany’s woke ineptness this year. The good news is that voters get to do something about it on Tuesday, November 5th.”


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap Up 6/7/24


One eighty-degree reversals by politicians often tell more of the story then the officials or candidate wants to admit. Albeit that is what happened on the week of June 3rd for President Biden and Governor Hochul.

Biden splashed what his administration described as a new approach to the illegal alien issue, all over the media last Monday. After allowing literally millions of illegals into the United States, either as asylum seekers or through porous border policies, the universal rejection by the American people became a very real November issue.

Suddenly, all the Biden/Hochul inaccurate criticism of Republicans evaporated with a Biden Executive Order, which Biden apparently had the authority to issue three years ago.  Rather than issuing the order, the Biden Administration took the view that everything Trump did was bad, no matter how good it had been in protecting our national security.

Biden and the Democrats will appropriately continue to receive the blame for this illegal alien crisis which has affected our security and economy. Americans have lost their trust in Biden, with Hochul doing herself no service in standing next to him during his announcement. In fact, none of her policies on this issue have been remotely helpful to her or any New Yorkers.

It should be noted that under the Biden proposal over 900,000 asylum seekers will be allowed in the U.S. annually and hundreds of thousands of older cases that would normally be adjudicated by a federal hearing officer will disappear.

Nothing will change at illegal border crossings because Biden will not devote the resources necessary to secure them.

“Remain in Mexico” or for that matter, any foreign entity for asylum seekers, was a key element of the Trump border policy.  And of course, building a wall and having the necessary number of border patrol agents was the other key  in what most felt was a solid policy.

 Congestion Pricing

Once again, Biden and Hochul share a spotlight on an incredibly unpopular policy to toll entry into most of Manhattan by vehicles. For those not familiar with Manhattan, that is 900,000 vehicles per day.

Biden stopped his EPA from doing the necessary environmental reviews prior to the program moving forward in New York. Hochul, who was 150% for it until one day she was completely against it, acted as though she was a hostage to the anti-business, anti-car, selective polluting green lobby. 

Clearly reading polls that showed in the MTA catch basin, an area of more than 13 million New Yorkers, congestion pricing was going to be a daily reminder of why progressive Democrats needed to be defeated at every level.

The many lawsuits waiting to be heard, heavily engaged Republican and Conservative Parties, a solid block of local GOP/Conservative elected officials, including Congress members Mike Lawler, Anthony D’esposito, Nicole Malliotakis, several common-sense Democrats and the entire government of the State of New Jersey made the congestion pricing cause even less tenable.

And then there was former President Trump, intimately familiar with NYC, his longtime home, stating that when elected he would put an end to congestion pricing. Congressional Democratic Leaders of Brooklyn and Governor Hochul did not need to hear more to know that this would be an issue that would hurt Democrats in November. You can read our full press release here and Trumps Truth Social message calling out the congestion pricing money grab here.

We all need to be wary. Hochul is untrustworthy and could bring the policy back if we have a less than a fruitful November.  We need to re-elect President Trump, keep the House controlled by conservatives, and win seats in the State Legislature.

Once again elections have consequences.

Spring Reception

You are cordially invited to our Spring Reception honoring Howard Lim with the prestigious Michael R. Long Award. Join us in celebrating Howard’s dedication and invaluable contributions as the longtime Secretary of the NYS Conservative Party and his unwavering commitment to the conservative movement.

The event will be held at the New York Athletic Club in New York City on June 20th, from 6-8 pm located at 180 Central Park South, New York 10019. Your presence will make this special occasion even more memorable as we recognize Howard’s exceptional service and leadership. Please RSVP by June 14th, and if you need more information, you can call 718-921-2158. We look forward to seeing you there!

To buy a ticket or become a sponsor, click here:

Statement From NYS Conservative Party 6/5/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 5, 2024

Statement on Congestion Pricing Halt by
New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“This is a major victory for New Yorkers by New Yorkers, and a reminder that persistent opposition has consequences, too.

“Governor Hochul’s halting of the congestion pricing tax is an admission of what opponents have been saying all along: the tax would have been unfair, regressive, and economically counterproductive. It should never see the light of day again.

“Governor Hochul should now focus on a massive overhaul of the MTA’s leadership. An agency that loses more than $700 million annually in lost fares and tolls, and which spends seven times more to lay a mile of track than the second most expensive city in the world, needs a top-to-bottom audit. It spent more than $1.4 billion in overtime costs alone last year.

“The Conservative Party has stood firmly against this tax from the very beginning. We are proud to have been a leader in this historic citizen-driven battle. Tenacity pays off.”


Statement from NYS Conservative Party 6/4/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 4, 2024

Statement on Gov. Hochul’s Social Media Bill by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“Governor Kathy Hochul is right to worry about teen mental health in this state, but how does she explain Prop One?

“This radical ballot measure would prevent parents from knowing if a child is transitioning genders in New York, including through surgical procedures now banned in many parts of Europe. If Governor Hochul really wants to protect children, she’d end her efforts to pass this dangerous initiative. Children need their parents in times of personal crisis.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 6/3/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 3, 2024

Two NYPD Officers Shot by Venezuelan Migrant; Statement From New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“When will New York Democrats realize that their sanctuary state policies are an unmitigated disaster? This morning, two New York City Police Officers were shot by a 19-year-old Venezuelan migrant on a scooter. They survived the shootings only by the grace of God and, in one case, a bulletproof vest. We pray for the officers’ full recovery.

“New Yorkers are being terrorized by roving gangs of illegal migrants on a daily basis, and it’s almost beyond belief that Governor Hochul doesn’t recognize the cause. New York is effectively paying illegal migrants to locate here. Just last month, Mrs. Hochul and her Democrat colleagues in Albany approved $2.4 billion in tax dollars for mostly illegal migrants, and now they’re trying to spend another billion of our tax dollars on the growing migrant population. Every dollar spent sends a message around the world: Come to New York; they pay people who break the law here.

“This morning’s shootings never should have happened. The shooter never should have been in New York in the first place. Sanctuary state policies all but pulled the trigger.”


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap Up 5/31/24


I spent a good part of the past week on the road supporting our candidates, visiting with party leaders, supporters and attending events across the state. 

Joe Cairo, the Nassau GOP Chairman, invited myself and Nassau Conservative Party Chairman Dan Donovan to join the GOP organization at Nassau Night in Albany. Elected officials ranging from County Executive Bruce Blakeman, State Senators, Assemblymembers, local elected officials, party officials and Congressman Anthony D’Esposito, were a reminder of how strong the GOP and Conservative Parties are in Nassau County. 

The next day began with an early breakfast with Albany area financial supporters of the Party. I then made my way down the Thruway to Orange County where I held a press roundtable with Congressional candidate Alison Esposito, Assembly candidate Tom Lapolla, and Orange County Conservative Party Chairwoman Grace White. We had good press coverage with many of our party people in attendance including the esteemed former Chairman John DeLessio.

Dorey Houle, the Republican and official Conservative Party candidate for State Senate in Orange County faces a Conservative Party primary from Tim Mitts, who re-enrolled as a Conservative on February 14th – the last possible day. It is clear that he is a spoiler put up by liberal Democratic Senator James Skoufis to drain votes from Dorey, who came within a hair of beating him two years ago.  Grace, Allison, and Tom used the roundtable to not only discuss important issues in their campaigns, but also to express our strong support for Dorey.

Then, onto Tappan in Rockland County with our Director of Operations, Andrew Davis, to push for the re-election of Assemblyman John McGowan. The Assemblyman, a former Prosecutor, has a 92% Conservative Party rating. He faces a serious challenge from a well-funded Democratic local office holder.  Once again there is a Conservative Party primary by a candidate who is quick to admit that he is no more than a spoiler candidate.  John is the official party nominee. I was pleased to be joined by County Executive Ed Day, GOP Chairman Lawrence Garvey and Conservative Party Regional Vice Chairman Bill Beckmann for the enlightening press conference. 

Later in Eastchester, I gave remarks at State Senate candidate Tricia Lindsay’s incredibly successful fundraiser. It was wall-to-wall people in a large room with enthusiasm and excitement permeating the air. Our Eastchester Chairman, Bob Fois, was front and center. It was great to share speaking duties with Bobbie Anne Cox, State Senator George Borrello, County Legislator Jimmy Nolan, Joe Pinion, and GOP Chairman Doug Colety. 

I hope to spend many days over the next six months on the road meeting with Party leaders, candidates, the press, supporters and anyone wishing to help the Conservative cause.

Trump Verdict

In a deeply flawed decision, President Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts in a highly biased Manhattan courtroom. This was a verdict most Americans view as a culmination of a prolonged and politically motivated campaign to undermine a president who has consistently championed American values and fought against the entrenched establishment.

I accompanied President Trump for one day of the trial, at which time I saw firsthand the prejudice displayed by Judge Merchan against President Trump. In addition to the judge, I watched the prosecutors given every opportunity to affect the jury outcome, while the defense attorneys were stymied at every opportunity. It was a Manhattan jury, probably the worst place in America for Trump to get a fair trial. Unfortunately, I was proven right. 

In my opinion, this conviction backfired on the Democratic party; Americans will remember this come November. 

This relentless pursuit of President Trump has diverted significant resources and attention away from pressing national, state, and local issues that New Yorkers really care about. As you saw in the deep blue Bronx last week, New Yorkers are fed up with failing Democrat policies, and this distraction will not deter them from voting for Trump. 

Looking ahead to November 5th, the New York State Conservative Party is committed to rallying behind President Trump, confident that the American people will see through this unjust prosecution and vote to restore common sense back to office. The New York State Conservative Party, and our members, proudly stand with President Trump.

Statement From NYS Conservative Party on Trump Verdict 5/30/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 30, 2024

Statement on Trump Verdict from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“Today’s decision is a travesty of justice. The entire trial was engineered by a liberal, anti-Trump district attorney, a Democrat justice, and a Manhattan jury. The verdict comes as no surprise, but it is a shameful mark on our nation’s judicial history.

“This decision will have no bearing on the upcoming election. President Trump’s supporters have known since the beginning that this was nothing but a partisan show trial. Onward to November.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 5/30/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 30, 2024

Supreme Court Unanimously Rules for NRA — and Against New York  — Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“When the U.S. Supreme Court votes unanimously, it’s clear that an egregious Constitutional violation has taken place. In this case, New York State was caught violating the rights of the National Rifle Association (NRA) by coercing private businesses to halt commercial dealings with the NRA for political reasons.

“Today’s decision is a victory for the Constitution and for economic freedom in New York. It will allow the NRA to continue pursuing litigation against New York, a state that has utterly forgotten the principles upon which this nation was founded.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 5/24/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 24, 2024

Statement on Governor Hochul’s ‘Clowns’ Insult by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“Governor Kathy Hochul has now joined Hillary Clinton and Andrew Cuomo in broadly disparaging millions of New Yorkers simply because of what they believe. Mrs. Clinton called conservatives ‘deplorables’, Mr. Cuomo said conservatives were unwelcome in New York State, and, now, Mrs. Hochul is calling us ‘clowns.’ These insults say far more about today’s political left than they do about conservatives.

“President Trump, who will  joust sharply with political opponents over issues, won’t disparage entire groups of people for their belief structures. But to today’s progressive Democrats, who claim to be liberal minded, anyone who disagrees with them is unworthy of respect, or even politeness. Conservatives are met solely with scorn and derision, even on a personal level.

“The Conservative Party vehemently disagrees with the woke policies Governor Hochul has enacted in New York. We believe they have made the state less safe, less affordable, and less competitive. But we would never call the governor a ‘clown’ for her principles or beliefs. That would be beneath us, just as her comments yesterday were beneath the dignity of her office. We encourage her better angels to do the talking next time. What she said yesterday is unacceptable.”


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap up 5/24/24

Memorial Day Weekend

As we come together to celebrate this Memorial Day weekend, the New York State Conservative Party extends warm wishes to all our fellow New Yorkers and members. This weekend is a cherished time for family gatherings, barbecues, and enjoying the beautiful spring weather, but it is also a solemn occasion to honor and remember the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

Our nation’s liberty and prosperity have been safeguarded by countless heroes who have shown extraordinary courage and dedication. Their sacrifices have shaped the course of our history and ensured that the principles of democracy and freedom continue to thrive like nowhere else in the world.

Let us take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of Memorial Day and express our deepest gratitude to those who have served and their families. Their legacy is a powerful reminder of the values we hold dear and the spirit of the American people.

We encourage everyone to participate in local events and ceremonies, visit memorials, and teach younger generations about the significance of this day. Together, we can honor our fallen heroes and ensure their memories live on.

“Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, Also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.”- Abraham Lincoln

Wishing you a safe, joyous, and reflective Memorial Day weekend. God bless you all, and God bless our Veterans!

Statement From NYS Conservative Party on Bronx Trump Rally 5/23/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 23, 2024

President Trump Visits the Bronx; Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar 

“President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx tonight will show the real state of the presidential race in New York. Mr. Trump’s popularity in Black, Latino, and Asian communities, among others, is growing exponentially, and for the first time since Ronald Reagan in 1984, this state will be fully in play in November.

“For generations, these communities have largely relied on the Democratic Party, which has failed them miserably. President Trump offers straight talk rather than empty paternalism, and voters are responding in droves. They’ll do the same in November in every corner of New York.”


Trump Trial Update 5/21/24

Trump Trial Update

I had the opportunity to spend all day Monday with former President Trump, meeting him early at his residence in Trump Tower, traveling in his motorcade to the State Supreme Court building in lower Manhattan and then attending the trial.

My takeaway, Michael Cohen, already a total fraud, liar and convicted felon, went a step further in admitting under oath that he had stolen $30,000 from the Trump Organization while under retainer to do legal work. 

How a trial can be conducted with Cohen as the key witness is a mystery to me, and I suspect most of America.

Having seen it in person, it is quite evident that the judge is doing what he can to assist the prosecution. At the beginning of the day, he stopped the defense from calling an expert on federal election law (a former FEC Commissioner) as a witness so the jury could better understand some of the points that had previously been made. Additionally, the judge who has no experience in federal election law, indicated that he would cover this area when he charged the jury.

Later in the day, the judge constantly sustained objections of Alvin Bragg’s legal team against the testimony of Attorney Robert Costello, a former federal prosecutor and a partner in Davidoff Hutcher & Citron. Costello was called by the defense to dispute many of the claims made by Cohen. From my layman’s perspective, the questions seemed reasonable and the judge’s actions prejudicial.

I was with a group of about a dozen individuals that included several members of Congress, the South Carolina Attorney General, Attorney Alan Dershowitz and Bernie Kerik.

Some of us attempted to conduct a press conference outside the court house only to have protestors do their best to shout us down. For what it’s worth, I had no intention of being silenced.

I did have an opportunity to speak several times with the President, who despite the pressures of the trial, was very focused on being elected President. He wished for me to express his gratitude for all the Conservative Party has done for him. He also strongly believes New York is in play and intends to work hard to win our state.

Best regards,

Jerry Kassar – Chairman
New York State Conservative Party