Category: CPNYS NEWS

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 8/25/23

Rest in Peace James Buckley

Yesterday, Jim Buckley was laid to rest in his beloved Sharon, Connecticut, surrounded by family and friends. Sharon itself is an important town in history for the modern conservative movement. In 1960, Bill together with Jim, along with his family and other Young Conservatives leaders, founded Young Americans for Freedom (YAF).

I had the honor of serving in various capacities with Young Americans for Freedom in my youth, culminating with a term on the national board. I think it is appropriate, in honor of Jim, Bill, and the entire family, to republish the Sharon Statement:

 The Sharon Statement

Adopted by the Young Americans for Freedom in conference at Sharon, Conn., September 9-11, 1960. In this time of moral and political crisis, it is the responsibility of the youth of America to affirm certain eternal truths. We, as young conservatives, believe:

  • That foremost among the transcendent values is the individual’s use of his God-given free will, whence derives his right to be free from the restrictions of arbitrary force;
  • That liberty is indivisible, and that political freedom cannot long exist without economic freedom;
  • That the purposes of government are to protect these freedoms through the preservation of internal order, the provision of national defense, and the administration of justice;
  • That when government ventures beyond these rightful functions, it accumulates power which tends to diminish order and liberty;
  • That the Constitution of the United States is the best arrangement yet devised for empowering government to fulfill its proper role, while restraining it from the concentration and abuse of power;
  • That the genius of the Constitution—the division of powers—is summed up in the clause which reserves primacy to the several states, or to the people, in those spheres not specifically delegated to the Federal Government;
  • That the market economy, allocating resources by the free play of supply and demand, is the single economic system compatible with the requirements of personal freedom and constitutional government, and that it is at the same time the most productive supplier of human needs;
  • That when government interferes with the work of the market economy, it tends to reduce the moral and physical strength of the nation; that when it takes from one man to bestow on another, it diminishes the incentive of the first, the integrity of the second, and the moral autonomy of both;
  • That we will be free only so long as the national sovereignty of the United States is secure: that history shows periods of freedom are rare, and can exist only when free citizens concertedly defend their rights against all enemies;
  • That the forces of international Communism are, at present, the greatest single threat to these liberties;
  • That the United States should stress victory over, rather than coexistence with, this menace; and
  • That American foreign policy must be judged by this criterion: does it serve the just interests of the United States?

The conservative movement has lost a great man, and an even greater leader. Rest in peace, Jim Buckley.

Patriots Podium Episode #8 Featuring Tom King

On the 8th Episode of Patriots Podium, I had the pleasure of having a conversation with Tom King, the President of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association. It is more important than ever that we advocate for our 2nd amendment rights. Democrats pounce on every opportunity they can to strip our rights away, and people like Tom are fighting on the front lines. We cover an array of topics regarding the Rifle and Pistol Association’s advocacy, how we can protect our 2nd amendment rights, and legal cases such as State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen. Last year, this historic victory came before the United States Supreme Court that ruled Americans have the right to concealed carry. Hear firsthand from Tom King about his efforts and the significance of the decision.

The podcast will premiere on all of our social media accounts Monday, 8/28. However, you can view early on any of the platforms below, feel free to give us a like and share!

YouTube:              Apple Music:             Spotify:            BuzzSprout:

Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Andrew Davis, 845-522-1915
August 18, 2023

Statement on the Passing of James Buckley by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

It is with great sorrow that the Conservative Party marks the passing of former U.S. Senator James Buckley. The life and accomplishments of James Buckley will forever be linked with the Conservative Party. In 1970, he made history, when he was elected to the Senate solely on the Conservative Party line; we owe him an enormous debt of gratitude.

In fact, all New Yorkers and the nation has lost a man who spent most of his long life in service to his country.

James Buckley is the only American to hold senior roles in all three branches of government.

From World War II naval service through a term in the US Senate, senior roles in the Reagan Administration and years on the Federal Bench, James Buckley’s legacy will be praised and studied for generations to come.

A member of a family who played a key role in forming the modern conservative movement, James Buckley was a “man for all seasons”.

He will be greatly missed.


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 8-18-23

We Will Never Forget, But Some Have

I worked around the corner from the World Trade Center. When the buildings came down it did not take me long to realize that many residents of my community and graduates of my High School and College had perished. I lost count of the funeral services and street naming memorials. Together with many other volunteers during the first three weeks we collected what was needed and made many runs over to the site under escort.  I know I will “Never Forget.”  I now doubt if I can say that about America.

The twenty second anniversary is less then a month away. When I look at American foreign policy I wonder if the Biden Administration has forgotten. When I hear about American Border security with ample evidence that terrorists move in and out of our nation regularly, I wonder if those who support open borders have forgotten.  When I see athletes and other Americans take a knee when our National Anthem is played, I know that they have forgotten.

The Biden Administration is actually considering sparing the four 9/11 living masterminds the death penalty. Yes, they have forgotten.

Even flying the American Flag in parts of our state is beginning to feel like an act of defiance against the “woke” left. I suspect many reading the wrap up have felt the same.

The Conservative Party is made up of fighters. We will “Never Forget.”

We need to do what we do best. Double our efforts to honor our nation by celebrating patriotic holidays, remembering solemn occasions such as 9/11, flying our American flags and most of all voting for candidates that reflect our morals and beliefs.

We also need to remind younger people in our orbit why we do these things and why it is important.

Speaker McCarthy In New York

 House Republican leadership has shown a strong commitment to keep New York Conservative/Republican Congressmembers in office. Our members were the “Majority Makers” in 2022 and we could very well be in that position again.

Actions, however, do speak louder than words. To that point I wish to thank Congresswoman Elise Stefanik for setting up a special committee that solely raises money to hold and pick up New York State Congressional seats. To date, the committee has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the effort with much more expected.

And a big shout out to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy who has been in the State many times to support our members.  In fact, next Wednesday he will be the keynote speaker at fundraising events for Congressman Brandon Williams in the afternoon in Onondaga County and in the evening for Congressman Marcus Molinaro in Sullivan County. I plan to catch up with him and Brandon in Onondaga.

Conservative Party at New York State Fair

As we did last year the State Party will be sponsoring a table at the New York State Fair for the entirety of the event. I wish to thank Onondaga Chairman Bernie Ment, for all of his tireless efforts; as well as area County Conservative Party organizations with their assistance in funding and providing volunteers.

We could use more volunteers to assist with the table. If you have a few hours please contact Chairman Ment at 315-278-8927.

Our table will be in the Micron Center of Progress.  I will be there on September 23rd with Chairman Ment and Congressman Williams.  Come by and say hello.

Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
August 17, 2023

Statement on Possible Biden Plea Deal for 9/11 Terrorists by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Principal Architect, 9/11 Attacks

Brooklyn-NY…“President Joe Biden is now considering plea deals to spare the lives of  9/11 terrorists who murdered almost 3,000 Americans on that terrible September morning.

“It’s hard to even fathom what this President is thinking. What happened to justice? What happened to never forgetting the victims of the deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history? What happened to the promises we made to their surviving family members?

“Those of us who were involved in 9/11 support efforts in the days and weeks following the attacks can never forget what happened there. The images are seared in our minds to this day. For us, and millions of other Americans, anything less than full justice under the law is unacceptable.

“Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and his murderous cohorts deserve nothing short of the death penalty. That is the appropriate moral response to one of the most immoral acts in human history. President Biden must reverse course or suffer the ignominy of forgetting the victims of the most heinous attack ever conducted against U.S. civilians.”


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 8-11

Migrant Crisis is Self-Inflicted

Make no mistake about it, President Biden and his administration created the current migrant crisis facing New York City and State, but it was made significantly worse by Mayor Adams and the New York City Council. 

Mayor Adams and the Council prepped the ground for this disaster by declaring New York a sanctuary city years ago, Governor Hochul manages New York as if it was a sanctuary state, and Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand have been less than useless. Our local and state government have simply failed at every turn.

Over 100,000 illegal immigrants have arrived in New York City with thousands upon thousands more expected with a price tag that’s estimated to be at least $12 billion but will surely balloon. Adding insult to injury, park space is being used to build tent cities and now school space is in question.

This is an unmitigated disaster and the blame lies at the feet of Democrats and woke activists.  Can you name a single Republican or Conservative in this state who supported sanctuary status? I can’t.

Read my full op-ed on the migrant crisis here. Please share it as it is imperative this situation be brought to the forefront as this crisis continues to worsen.

Riot in the Heart of New York City

Today’s New York City cascades out of control often. The recent riot of teenagers in the thousands at Union Square Park by those in hope of obtaining free PlayStation 5’s is a timely example with a difference.

This riot involved older teenagers still in theory within the control of their parents and the rioters showed complete disregard for the NYPD, and private property. The NYPD used extreme restraint, something that our current radical political leadership demands. That usually involves the police backing off out of concern that they do not have the support of civilian management.

When the police cannot protect themselves, it goes without saying that they cannot protect us. This story needs a different ending. One in which parents take responsibility for their teenage children. It involves New Yorkers at all levels respecting the police, and frankly, themselves. 

As an aside, and I suppose it shows my age, I worked every summer from the time I was 14 years old. If I went into the “City” it was on a day off with friends. A rare happening for sure. I did not need free things because I made a few bucks to buy what I wanted (albeit Play Stations are a lot more expensive than clothing and baseball cards).

Jennifer Harrison on Patriots Podium

On Patriots Podium Episode #7, I had the pleasure of having a powerful conversation with Jennifer Harrison. Jennifer is the Executive Director of The Victims Rights Reform Council, and the Founder of the political action committee Victims Rights NY. She is incredibly brave, and given the current state of New York, her advocacy is extremely important. The podcast will premiere on all of our social media accounts Monday, 8/14. However, you can view early on any of the platforms below, feel free to give us a like and share!

YouTube:              Apple Music:             Spotify:            BuzzSprout:

If you want to find out more about Jennifer and her organization, you can go to:

Statement from NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
Aug. 7, 2023

New York’s Migrant Crisis Is a Self-Inflicted Disaster – New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“We did it to ourselves. I stand corrected, they did it to us — they being Democratic politicians and left-wing activists who think the word asylum means open borders and who view national sovereignty as an old-fashioned concept.

The catastrophic migrant crisis on the border, in the states, and now in New York City is dangerous and intolerable, and still the American left refuses to act.

What are they thinking?!

Fault lies directly with President Joe Biden, New York City Hall and the Governor’s office. Biden doesn’t want anything or anyone standing in the way of his open borders policy, especially not county and local leaders who see what’s happening clearly.

Mayor Adams and New York City Council prepped the ground for this disaster by declaring New York a sanctuary city years ago, and Governor Hochul manages New York as if it was a sanctuary state. Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand have been less than useless. They have consistently made a terrible situation worse.

The results are everywhere — in our parks, shelters, motels, armories, churches, community centers, even at our ship terminals, as the migrants continue to flow in. And how about the historic Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan. Have you seen what’s going on there? It’s unimaginable.

When I say the fault for New York’s crisis lies at the feet of Democrats and woke activists I mean it. Can you name a single Republican or Conservative in this state who supported sanctuary status? I can’t.

Indeed, the lines between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives couldn’t be clearer on border security, sanctuary status, and undocumented aliens.

Democrats support what’s going on, crying only for more federal dollars, as always. Republicans and Conservatives want asylum decisions made on the other side of the border. Call us crazy…

The American Left, led by President Biden, stood on the tracks waving a welcome flag as this freight train approached. Anyone with clear eyesight could see what was coming. But not Biden, Hochul, Schumer, Gillibrand, Adams and the Democratic City Council. They rolled out a red carpet and here’s where we are.

Another avoidable crisis inflicted on us by the Democratic Party at every level.


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 8-4-23

Assemblyman Slater Introduces Bill for No Parole For Cop Killers

State Assemblyman Matt Slater’s (R/Yorktown) legislation to deny parole for convicted killers of police officers is a crucial step towards upholding justice and protecting our communities. The recent decision by the New York State Parole Board to release Scott Cobb, involved in the brutal assassination of Officer Edward Byrne, is a glaring example of a flawed system that fails to respect the sacrifices made by law enforcement officers. It sends the wrong message to law-abiding citizens who rely on brave officers like Byrne to protect and serve them in times of need. You can read our full press release here.

As conservatives, we believe in upholding law and order and holding criminals accountable for their actions. Cop killers have committed heinous crimes that forever change the lives of their victims’ families and the communities they serve. Denying them parole is not about revenge but about ensuring public safety and preventing such violent offenders from endangering society once more.

The support from law enforcement leaders like Yorktown Police Chief Robert Noble and Putnam County Sheriff Kevin McConville underscores the urgent need for reform in the parole system. We cannot let criminals who have taken the lives of our brave officers walk free while their victims never see justice. It is our moral duty to stand with law enforcement and ensure that our criminal justice system supports those who risk their lives to protect our families and communities.

“If you kill a police officer, you should never see the light of day again. It’s really that simple and it’s clear that the Parole Board cannot be trusted to act in the best interests of all New Yorkers,” Slater stated. “Democratic majorities in both the State Assembly and the State Senate have a moral obligation to act on this vital legislation immediately.”

Feds Hired NY Health Czar Who Defended Deadly Nursing-Home Order

Three years ago, the state of New York witnessed a grave failure of leadership and accountability in the handling of the nursing home policy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Howard Zucker’s handling of the nursing home crisis was a clear demonstration of incompetence and disregard for the lives of vulnerable seniors. Thousands of nursing home residents tragically lost their lives due to the policy that ordered COVID-positive patients back into these facilities. Instead of taking responsibility and providing accurate information, Zucker attempted to downplay the severity of the situation with a deceptive report and excuses.

To add the cherry on top, the favoritism displayed by Zucker and his Department of Health towards friends and family of the Cuomo-Hochul administration was a shameful misuse of power and resources. While nursing homes struggled to get enough COVID tests for their residents and staff, privileged individuals associated with the administration received preferential treatment and access to testing. This gross misappropriation further exposed the lack of integrity and fairness in Zucker’s leadership.

Despite his glaring failures and controversies, Zucker faced no real consequences for his actions. Instead, he was rewarded with a senior position at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This promotion only adds insult to injury for the families who lost loved ones due to the mishandling of the nursing home policy.

New Yorkers, especially the families of deceased seniors, have not forgotten this betrayal of trust. We demand answers and accountability from Zucker and the entire administration responsible for this tragedy.

Patriots Podium Episode #7

On our 7th episode of Patriots Podium, I will be interviewing Jennifer Harrison, founder of VictimsRightsNY. We will cover an array of relevant topics such as bad criminal laws, causes of crime, and hear from her firsthand about her organization/experience.

A little background: Jennifer is dedicated to ensuring that victims of crimes have a voice, receive fair treatment within the criminal justice system, and are supported throughout the legal process. VictimRightsNY works to raise awareness about victim rights and to bring attention to the challenges faced by crime victims, striving to create a more just and compassionate system for those who have suffered from criminal acts. We are excited to have her on, and we hope you give it a listen.

“For too long, the victims of crime have been the forgotten persons of our criminal justice system”. -Ronald Reagan

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 7/28

Parole Board Continues its Dangerous Ways

It is truly sad when the NYS Parole Board becomes one of the greatest impediments to public safety. Unfortunately, this has been the reality since Andrew Cuomo replaced George Pataki appointments during his tenure with left wing, criminal advocates that now dominate every parole board hearing.  A policy that continues under Governor Hochul.

Many violent criminals have been returned to the streets with recidivism being a very serious problem. Worse yet, cop killers have been given parole with growing frequency.

A few days ago, the public was informed that Scott Cobb, who participated in the assassination of Police Officer Eddie Byrnes during a contract killing by a NYC drug kingpin is being released by our “woke” Parole Board. 

Cop killers should be subject to Capital Punishment. Since that cannot happen in NYS with our present government leadership; A guaranteed life without parole should be the standard.  That too is being subjected to a reworking by the NY Legislature and Governor.

With this release, the Parole Board in the past six years has released 36 cop killers.

I knew Eddie Byrnes’s brother, Larry, who served as the NYPD Deputy Commissioner for Legal Affairs. I worked with him during my years working in State government.  He told me that the direction of his life was completely changed by the death of his brother.  It was a big part of the reason why he chose the NYPD to focus his legal career eventually becoming the Deputy Commissioner.

Larry passed away a few years ago, but the memory of both Eddie and Larry lives on. The release of any person who takes a life in the commission of a crime hits me hard. The parole of Scott Cobb has hit me a little bit harder.

Read my full release here.

Hunter Biden’s Big Setback

You did not need to be conservative to know that the Biden family influence was working overtime at the Justice Department to cut Hunter Biden a deal in which he believed all his problems would go away.

The Republican House Majority said not so fast. They brought to the attention of the American people, through a formal hearing process, the many potential criminal issues that the Justice Department deal could not cover.

A Judge agreed. Immediately knowing that the Justice Department clarification (albeit under the illumination of the House hearings) had collapsed what he and his attorney’s thought was blanket coverage, he withdrew from the agreement.

Hunter Biden has not yet been brought to justice. Nevertheless, this is an important step.

Now there is increased hope that the role of the President in protecting Hunter will become fully public and the American people can get a true understanding of this father/son relationship as it involves all sorts of sordid business activities by his degenerate son.

Brianna Lyman Headlines State Party Mixer & EJ McMahon as our Podcast Guest

Brianna Lyman part of a new, young generation of conservative leaders headlined a well -attended mixer the NYS Conservative Party held this past week in Goshen.

Brianna, a journalist with the Daily Caller and a regular guest on Newsmax, received a standing ovation. The Fordham University graduated who hails from Dutchess County covered a wide range of conservative issues including the role a 25 year old female journalist can play in growing the movement. You can view her speech here.

Follow her on the Daily Caller and if you see her name coming up on a Newsmax show, it is worth taking the time to hear what she has to say. 

This week, we had EJ McMahon, a Senior Fellow and founder of the Empire Center, as a guest on our podcast. EJ, as always, was amazing as he has a depth of knowledge in history, politics, finance, and economics that is unrivaled in New York.  Our podcast was an informative discussion that covered many areas.

Watch EJ and myself on this weeks podcast here.


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 27, 2023

Statement on Release of Scott Cobb Who Participated in the Assassination of Police Officer Eddie Byrne by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“It seems like only yesterday that New Yorkers were awakened to the shocking news that 22-year-old New York City Police Officer Eddie Byrnes had been brutally assassinated the night before in a contract killing ordered by a notorious New York City drug kingpin. Officer Byrne’s cold-blooded murder became an instant national symbol of the brazen lawlessness that had enveloped New York, and elected leaders of all political persuasions at the time demanded justice for the young officer, who had only been on the job for a month.

“Now we learn that one of Officer Byrne’s killers, Scott Cobb, is being released by New York’s infamously ‘woke’ parole board, an entity that has paroled up to 36 cop killers over the past six years alone. How quickly New York’s Democratic political leaders, who appointed this board, have forgotten Officer Byrnes and the outrage his assassination caused.

“The political left’s extraordinary disregard for law enforcement officers is now plain to see, and officers on the job today feel it. They deserve better, and so does Eddie Byrnes and his family. Mr. Cobb’s release is an abomination of justice. This parole board has to go.”



Here They Go Again

It is possible that President Trump is not your first choice for President. Even so, the new revelation coming from Mr. Trump that he is a target for a likely criminal indictment over the January 6th events further makes the case that the Federal government is conducting a witch hunt.

Numerous legal experts, including many that lean left, have commented that charging the former President for texts and public statements surrounding the invasion of the United States Capitol is a stretch.  The communications in question and under review do not make the case for what the prosecutors are claiming. In fact, Mr. Trump was public in using the same media calling for protestors to stand down and remain peaceful. Prosecutors do bend the truth for their own benefit. Charging a leading Presidential candidate who was President at the time in question with a form of insurrection is not going to sit well with most Americans – some of whom are not supporting Trump this time around.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith needs to be reminded that even former Presidents have their rights. 

NYC Absurd Shelter Laws

A New York Post story about a new sixty-day shelter limit for single undocumented migrants seeking asylum shows the complete absurdity of the city’s longstanding sanctuary policy as well as Biden/Hochul immigration policies.

The obvious first question is where do those who have met their time limit of sixty days go? The city’s answer is to have them reapply. That is a true head scratcher of an answer providing no solution but very appropriate for a large bureaucracy.

According to published reports, Adams having met enormous resistance around the state to his efforts to move the migrants to other locations, is spending taxpayer dollars at the border with flyers and advertisements urging border crossers to go anywhere but NYC since we have run out of available shelter with no jobs being available. Border patrol has thus far refused to distribute those flyers.

The answer lies with the failed Biden policies that have taken a porous border and turned it into an open border.  The United States ,as shown by President Trump, can successfully close borders and mitigate the illegal migrant crisis. Democrats like Adams intuitively know that is what needs to be done.

Biden needs to think “America First” read my full statement for more information here.

Join us in Orange County

The State Conservative Party will be holding a young professionals mixer Wednesday, July 26th, from 6-8 pm at Delancy’s Restaurant in Goshen NY (40 Park PL, Goshen NY, 10924). We will have an array of legislators in attendance, as well as media personality Brianna Lyman, who will join me to speak about her path to being a national conservative commentator. I also expect a lively discussion on many topics of the day as we enjoy a cocktail or two and some food.

A little background on Brianna: Brianna Lyman is a brilliant young political commentator and breaking news reporter for the Daily Caller making regular appearances on Newsmax. She will talk to us about the media and their role in politics. We are thrilled she made herself available to us and look forward to having her. The event is free (although the bar is not). Please RSVP to Andrew Davis (, or call/text 845-522-1915 if you have any questions). We hope to see you there!


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 19, 2023

New Shelter Rules in NYC Show Absolute Absurdity of Biden/Hochul/Adams Immigration Policy: New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“Today’s New York Post story about new shelter limits just imposed by the City of New York demonstrates the absolute absurdity of the Biden-Hochul-Adams  immigration policies. More than 90,000 foreigners have been shipped to the five boroughs in recent months — that’s what happens when you declare a ‘sanctuary city’ —  and nearly 55,000 are now seeking shelter in City facilities, prompting Mayor Adams to limit stays for single adults to 60 days, after which they’ll be able to reapply for shelter that probably won’t exist. Additional non-citizens arrive each week by the thousands, despite the Mayor’s warnings that New York can’t take any more.  

“New York City has its own problems; we can’t fix the troubles of the world. New Yorkers have crises, too, and many need shelter, but now they’re being forced to wait in line for people who just got off a bus, and who will keep arriving until Washington finally does something about this. While New Yorkers stumble over trash piles and broken city sidewalks, almost a billion of their tax dollars are going to non citizen services. When will this insanity end?’’



Siena Says What We All Know

New Yorkers are afraid. They are concerned that their property will be stolen or they will be the victim of a violent crime.

The Siena College survey released this week showed that a clear majority of New Yorkers from almost every part of the state consider crime one of their top three issues. You do not need to reside in Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, or New York City to believe your community is not as safe as it was just a few years ago. Just as shocking, most New Yorkers have been touched in someway by crime in their lives, many very recently.

The Democratic Party has moved far left on public safety issues with crime victim rights being overtaken by criminal rights.  We can thank the Democrats in Albany as well as in local big city governments with implementing cashless bail, disclosure laws that hinder prosecutors, defunding police, anti-policing initiatives and just this past session a “clean slate law” which simply undoes the record of a convicted felon and washes away the reality that they seriously broke the law. And this is to name just a few.

Law enforcement professionals are retiring in record numbers. New Yorkers are moving out of state because of crime, taxes and over regulation.

Siena said what we all know. The only way to reverse the damage done will be by electing conservatives to state and local offices who have an interest in public safety. With your help that is what we plan to do.

Read my full statement on the Siena poll here.

New York’s Third Department is Politics as Usual

As you probably have heard New York’s Third Department Appeals Court in Albany ruled 3 to 2 to scrap New York’s Congressional lines returning the responsibility to the Independent Redistricting Commission and eventually the Legislature. The lines that currently exist were drawn by a Special Master Court appointed by a Supreme Court Judge, upheld by the Appellate Division in Rochester, and by the Court of Appeals.

The Albany Appeals decision will go up the ladder to the State Court of Appeals. There is something to be said for the certainty of government. The constant back and forth on redistricting leaves the general public depending on the ebb and flow of a working government in the lurch. This is unfair and destabilizing for those represented and the broader nation. It would be foolish to think this Court was doing anything other than the bidding of the Democratic Party, House Democratic leadership, and the Biden Administration.

We will continue through the process and work to have our day in court. However, as the Party Chairman, I continue to focus on beating the Democratic Court assisted steal at the ballot box. 

Read my press release here.

Congresswoman Tenney on Patriots Podium

You can preview my conversation with Congresswoman Claudia Tenney by clicking here.

Claudia has been a beacon of conservative philosophy in Albany and Washington for many years. In our interview we discuss a wide range of issues from defense and foreign policy to Governor Hochul’s poor stewardship of our state.

I personally have known Claudia for over twenty years. You can count on her voting right as much as you can expect her to explain why she voted a certain way.

I hope you will take a look.