Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Yesterday we asked why are these projects going forward now; today we are reporting that the red flags have slowed down the process of funding until more is known.  The Empire Center continues to look at some of the potential problems. 

The NY Post editorial board exposes the NY Times’ Trump exposé.

New York City has been on a hiring spree.  Mayor de Blasio believes reduced Medicaid costs will offset employees costs, but what about the long term costs of pensions and health care benefits?  As is his tendency, the Mayor is shortsighted.

The Mayor’s Progressive Agenda Committee had one donor:  The Campaign for One New York.  Strange. 

President Obama continues to lose in Court…yesterday,  the Little Sisters of the Poor essentially had a win.  More on the still pending permanent outcome from the NY Sun here.

Obama doesn’t think rapists, armed robbers, drug dealers are criminals, but opened the door to allow photographers, bakers and venues who do not support same-sex marriage to be charged with crimes.  Am I the only one who finds this “logic” incredulous?

This young woman learned a lot by sitting on the bench, something the parents in yesterday’s article would be appalled about as they paid strangers to “help” their children.

Ben Rhodes talked to the NY Times, but the President is preventing him from talking to Congress…why, Mr. President?  And a question for Congress: why was in “invited” and not subpoenaed? 

The Daily Signal:  A Former Transgender Person’s Take on Obama’s Bathroom Directive

Mr. President:  this is good advice for graduates.

Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell… (Maybe Mr. Trump and voters will learn something from Mr. Sowell’s harsh column.)

Daily Update

In case you missed Chairman Long on Fred Dicker’s Live from the State Capitol, you can listen to it here

Also in the breaking news category, John Gizzy, writes in Newsmax, that with the overwhelming support of the Conservative Party, New York State’s electoral votes could be in play.

The ramifications of the Bathroom Bill decree by the Obama Administration continues — the Daily Signal has two articles, one here and the other one here, the National Center for Public Policy Research has more here. Cal Thomas had this to say.

E. J. McMahon writing in the City Journal exposes the problems of Governor Cuomo’s clubby approach to economic development.   Jimmy Vielkind continues his investigative reporting on Joe Percocco here. 

Why are these projects going forward now

Mayor de Blasio can’t be happy with this NY Post article by Rich Calder or this one in yesterday’s NY Post by Michael Goodwin.

If isn’t only the Board of Education undermining the education of children, sometimes it is actually the parents — at least the last parent in the article came to her senses. 

More bad news for the economy in New York State.

Forbes says US Pension’s are funded at half the levels of other countries —  regular followers of E. J. McMahon already knew that our pensions are in trouble. 

Hillary hints that she will charge Bill Clinton with fixing the economy.  Hmmm, I thought she supports all that Obama did to fix the economy.  As a reminder to Hillary, Bill Clinton’s economy had help from Speaker Newt Gingrich, and will he run the economy the way he is running the Clinton Foundation

A feverish push back only brings to mind… “The Lady doth protest too much, methinks,”  Hamlet, Act 3.

Weekly Wrap-Up

Now that the top spots seem to be locked up, there’s a lot of talk and even some bets on who Trump and Clinton might choose as their running mates. 

Of the people who have been mentioned so far, who do you think Trump will choose as his Vice-President? And what about Clinton – who do you think will be her running mate? And does it matter – do you think the vice-presidential choice can make or break a presidential candidate’s chances of winning?

These are the questions in our newest Weekly Poll. It will be very interesting to see what people think. (And down the road, we can compare the results to the actual selections and see if the predictions holdup!)

In the battle of the campaign hashtags, some conservatives are starting to believe that #NeverHillary trumps #NeverTrump

But in theory, there are other choices

One professor who has correctly predicted every presidential race since 1984 has no idea what to make of this year’s campaign.

Hapless, hopeless Hillary is facing new questions about her Benghazi failures, and is in the middle of a host of new scandals – from her dangerous use of a private, non-secure Blackberry device to the Clinton Foundation’s wheeling-and-dealing.

Of course, don’t look for Hillary’s wrongdoings to be “trending topics” on Facebook. 

This week the courts finally got one right on Obamacare – but D.C. regulators and the White House are joining forces to do as much damage as they can before Obama leaves office.

It’s Friday the 13th, so we’ll end on some craziness – the Obama Administration is determined to force schools to abolish boys and girls bathrooms.  

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Another Court rebuke for President Obama , this one by U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer.  At issue was a multi-million-dollar program authorizing payments to insurers that Republicans claimed were not appropriated by Congress.  She ruled the spending unconstitutional, but put a stay on the ruling allowing the Administration to appeal.

Speaking of Court, it looks like Mayor de Blasio is considering challenging JCOPE. The NY Post editorial reminds the Mayor that his problem is Preet Bharara, not Governor Cuomo;s JCOPE.

Jimmy Vielkind reports in today’s Politico New York, that Governor Cuomo may be a little closer to Todd Howe than previously disclosed.  Micro-managers tend to know all the details.

FBI Director, James Comey, said he doesn’t know what “security inquiry” means — adding, “We’re conducting an investigation. … That’s what we do.”

The Daily Caller is reporting that the Clinton’s received at least $100 million from autocratic Persian Gulf states and their leaders, potentially undermining Democratic presidential candidate Hillary’s claim she can carry out independent Middle East policies.

Bill Hammond, writing in The Torch, explains the math on Hillary’s Medicare “buy-in’.  As long as she keeps giving speeches, she will be able to afford it; the rest of us won’t come close.

Harvard’s clueless illiberalism.

As we noted earlier this week, why can’t children just be allowed to be children and not bombarded with political correctness?

Thursday’s with the week’s Top Ten — a little bit of humor and satire by Herb Stupp. 

Daily Update

The Daily Signal’s Bruce Klingner explains why Obama is wrong to focus on Hiroshima.  This is an excellent article and should be widely circulated in light of the fact that much of what Mr. Klingner writes is omitted in today’s history lessons.

The Hill’s headline —  Justice’s reputation hangs in balance of Clinton probe — says it all.

Judges aren’t happy about this decision, but taxpayer’s should be; every penny counts.

Healthcare expert, former Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey, makes the case for Trump’s call to not cut Medicare over Congressman Paul Ryan’s expected call to keep some of Obamacare’s cuts in place. 

Does John Stossel have the best answer for healthcare?  Free-market medicine sounds good, and it is what drove our country to have the best medical care in the world.  

Cuomo has no regrets about not asking about Percocco’s private work.  I guess if you don’t ask, they when you are asked, you can honestly say you don’t know.  Does the law degree drive the Governor or do years in the political screen drive him to not ask certain questions.

Fiscal expert, E. J. McMahon, gave comptroller Tom DiNapoli some kudos for pushing some fiscal reforms long called for by him and the Conservative Party.

Oh dear, Londoner’s new mayor wants to meet with Rahm Emanuel and Mayor de Blasio.  We hope for their sake it is to learn what not to do.

We are not the only ones impressed with Governor Pat McCrory

Seriously, NIH?  Why wouldn’t you put money aside for emergencies like the Zika virus instead of spending it on hopped up honey bees and sexy gold fish?

Mr. Mayor, how’s the Chick-fil-A boycott going?

White House National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, told graduates this on Wednesday:  “there are too many white people in key government posts, creating the danger of “groupthink” that could put U.S. security at risk.”  This from the woman who went on national television in September 2012 with the administration’s talking points on Benghazi that we now know were out right lies.

Mr. President, is this really want you want Malia to be taught at Harvard?  Then again, it isn’t all that different than what you heard from your Pastor.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

President Obama is going to visit Hiroshima next month where he will most likely continue his assault on American exceptionalism.  While the article states the President will not apologize, it doesn’t mean won’t come close.

Would the Administration alter TV tapes?  According to Fox News reporter, James Rosen, it did.  How Nixonian!

Seems like the State Department had another nixonian moments also.   Not one email between Hillary and her IT guy.  Rather strange…not even one to say it was up and running and he was done. 

Gregg Jarrett opines on the real reason the FBI interviewed disgraced congressman Weiner’s wife.

One would think that the Mayor of New York City would have the best interests of students as his priority, not the Teacher’s union.  Mayor de Blasio is so wrong on this issue.

The NY Post editorial board does not think the Mayor can call the numerous investigations “political conspiracy.”

Jon Campbell has more information regarding the Cuomo probe.

Why can’t a child’s movie, just be a movie?

Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell.

Daily Update

Finally, a governor — North Carolina’s Republican Gov. Pat McCrory — with backbone!  The state was facing a Monday deadline set by the administration to respond to its demand that North Carolina either scrap the “bathroom” law or face legal action and risk losing federal funds.
McCrory refused, and instead filed suit.

Really, Mayor de Blasio?  You can’t be serious when you say that US racism is responsible for Puerto Rico’s financial woes.  Then again, knowing how you worship the progressive agenda and disdain the free-market system, you really do think racism is the reason that Puerto Rico freely spends money it does not have.  

Mayor de Blasio asked for donations, while lobbyists had business before the city.

With all the pressure the Mayor is under, he is testing new lines of defense.

Are you a “fat-cat”?  If so, Democrats are selling national convention access

Michael Goodwin had a scathing column — Meet the Democratic Liars Club — in yesterday’s New York Post.

Heather McDonald writes in her new book what the war on cops does to America’s poor.  It is noteworthy that Heather Mac Donald toiled away early on in her career at liberal enclaves, but through her street-level reporting on social services and the police, her worldview shifted away from liberal-progressive to conservative.

Bill Hammond explains the importance of not having four men in a room to decide the budget.  Read what he has discovered in this year’s budget.  We can only hope that there is only one of these examples, but, that may be too optimistic.  As the NY Post editorial notes, To disinfect Albany, you’ve got to start with sunlight.

Breaking News: Court rebukes President Obama again!



Weekly Wrap-Up

The Washington Free Beacon puts it bluntly: Ben Rhodes is a liar. You might not recognize the name, but you know the dangerous Iran policy he pushed through. Now this top Obama Administration official (who was at one time officially a fiction writer) is bragging about how he played the media and the public for chumps to sell the President’s Iran deal. 

What word do you believe best describes the Obama Administration? Of all the issues tackled by President Obama, which one do you think he and his aides have lied about the most? Do you think that either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be more truthful than President Obama? 

Please give your answers in our new Weekly Poll. I look forward to hearing what you think! 

Trump vs. Clinton – will this election rest on who voters hate the least? Investor’s Business Daily thinks so. 

But the Post thinks Trump’s challenge is far easier than Clinton’s – and as the Washington Free Beacon notes, Hillary is still fighting a two-front war against both Trump and the persistent Bernie Sanders.

And it’s worth noting that a strong majority of Americans share Trump’s “America First” foreign policy philosophy. 

The Bush Family and Mitt Romney have announced that they will not be supporting Trump or attending the Republican National Convention. House Speaker Paul Ryan has stated that he’s not ready to support Trump, but a meeting between the two seems to be in the offing. 

Meanwhile former Trump adversaries Rick Perry and Bobby Jindal have come out for Trump, and overall the GOP is showing more signs of unifying behind his campaign.

Speaking of Hillary – her email scandal continues to deepen. The State Department continues to do her bidding, and new hacking allegations prove in no uncertain terms exactly why Hillary’s server was so risky. It’s now clear that the investigation could extend beyond November 2016 – and it’s conceivable that a President Hillary Clinton could be barred from seeing classified documents. 

Here at home – another day, another scandal for New York Mayor Bill de Blasio. Is his corruption a possible lifeline for our state’s embattled Republican Party? 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Hillary’s bad news day was more than just losing the Indiana primary, it also included the fact that her server was easily hacked by Guccifer.  Judge Napolitano says proof of hacking would make it almost impossible not to charge her.  Why did she pay $187 to Nevada based American Document Destruction, Inc.?  Companies in New York do the same thing; did she think it would be too obvious to destroy a hard drive in her home state? 

The US 9th Circuit Court (known to be the most liberal)  gave Arizona a big win with their decision to allow Arizona to impose their own stiff penalties on illegal immigrants — or others — who steal someone’s identity in order to get a job. 

The Empire Center explains more about the real costs of the minimum wage increase here.

David Stockman explains in five reasons why Puerto Rico is bankrupt. Upon examining the five reasons, New York State (and other states)  citizens should be concerned as many are heading down that roads of government waste and spending; the minimum wage; a dependence on debt; the lack of adaptability and lastly union greed.  All items we have been very vocal on. 

Powerline strikes back at the extreme overreach of Obama’s Department of Justice’s attack on North Carolina’s recent reasonable law requiring that bathrooms, locker rooms and so on be used by those of the proper sex–male or female, based on physical organs.  More on this from Fox News.  Fifty-one families in Illinois are fighting one high schools transgendered policy. 

Mr. Percocco is not having a good week, neither is the Governor

Mayor de Blasio is still raising money for his planned re-election.  While de Blasio is raising money he is telling New Yorkers not to eat at Chick-Fil-A because he doesn’t like their politics. 

Rand Paul wants to end abortion on demand.  Here is his plan.  

Meanwhile, scientists are growing human embryos in laboratories specifically to preform experiments on them and later destroy.


Daily Update

Michael Goodwin has another excellent column in today’s NY Post — part of which endorses our call for term limits and ending pensions for convicted felons.  Sign our petition demanding term limits here; and return it to:  NYS Conservative Party, 486 78th St., Brooklyn, NY 11209.  The more petitions we turn in, the louder our voice becomes. 

Ken Lovett writes in the NY Daily News that pols better get the message that corruption won’t be tolerated.  Pols can stop the corruption with REAL REFORM:  Enact Term Limits Now.

The NY Daily News editorial laments that Sheldon Silver’s “Silverites” enabled him and ends the editorial with ” It’s only too bad there are term limits for convicted politicians..”  We must demand term limits for those in office, because obviously that body is not willing to stand up to the corruption right under their eyes. 

The Legislative Gazette states that voters say addressing corruption is a top priority.  Legislators have passed legislation that does not address the issue of ABSOLUTE POWER and as Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts;  absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  Legislators must know that you demand term limits NOW.  Sign our petition and return to us at the above address.  The more we deliver to them; the louder our voice.

Todd Kiminsky is sworn in as Senator under the developing de Blasio cloud.

Who is telling the truth

Rest in Peace, Thomas Libous.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.




Daily Update

Mayor de Blasio is becoming Mayor Denial.  But when not on the radio, it looks as if he is preparing for a crisis.  

It also looks like Governor Cuomo knows more that he indicated over the weekend when his closest friend was subpoenaed. 

Former Mayor Bloomberg has some wise words for those who think “safe spaces” are required in colleges.

Talking about common sense, listen to Chairman Long when he was on Buffalo Review speaking on the North Carolina “Bathroom Bill.”

After 40 years, Senator Farley had decided he won’t run for Senate again.  

A new Siena Poll say voters want reform.  The Conservative Party sent each member of the legislature a letter this morning, calling for the one true reform that will help end the culture of corruption in Albany:  Term Limits!  You can read the letter here, then click on our petition, sign it and return to the NYS Conservative Party @ 486 78th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11209.  The number of petitions returned really matters to the members, so please circulate to your friends, family and neighbors.  

Kudos to Judge Arthur Engoron for upholding the law and not being an activist judge!

President Obama, hang your head in shame!  Your role is Commander-in-Chief, be one.

Tuesdays with Thomas Sowell. 






Daily Update

The NY Post editorial called the Mayor’s budget Pinocchio budgeting.

This blog is not very supportive of President Obama, but when he does get something right, he deserves the credit.  President Obama appointed Preet Bharara in 2009 and New York politicians have certainly made him a household name.  Chairman Long tells Ken Lovett intoday’s NY Daily News that US Attorney Bharara should be reappointed, should that be what he wants.  Chairman Long also said, “”I certainly laud him for what I consider the beginning of the cleanup, the cleansing, of New York State politics.  It seems like the whole state is infested — the city of New York, Assembly members, state senators and now the executive branch.”

Bharara’s Buffalo Billion probe taints Cuomo’s upstate boon.  The mushrooming Cuomo problem is also covered in today’s Politico-NY and can be read here.

While we include articles on the constant signs of corruption in our blog, it really is disheartening to those of us who are involved in politics because they truly appreciate all that America and New York State have accomplished through our form of government;  a republic (supreme power is held by the people through their elected representatives) — to see the headlines scream corruption and have our elected officials being investigated.  Ariel and Will Durant wrote in The Story of Civilization that a great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.   Voters must make the right choices in every election to be certain the chilling words of the Durant’s are not a prophesy of our future.

In case you missed this headline, McAuliffe restores voting rights for 206K ex-felons; GOP calls it move to boost Clinton.  Virginia only allows a governor to serve one term; but they are eligible after sitting out the next election.  Hopefully, he will not run again and if he did, the voters will remember his executive order allowing ex-felons to vote.

Someone should tell Senator Schumer that this is not new.  Obviously, his mobile device does not have links to his favorite places to shop otherwise he would know every time he came close to a favorite store, his phone would send him text messages.  Since Senator Schumer is always looking for an angle to grab a headline, I guess he thought the “spying bill boards” would get people’s attention.  It did, not because consumers are worried about it, but rather to show how he is totally out of touch with the real world of today’s modern technology.  Time to retire Senator Schumer!

Rasmussen has some interesting results in its latest Presidential poll

Puerto Rico defaults on debt payment; do not let Congress bail them out!  Congressman Darrell Issa has a better solution here.

Breaking News:  Congressman Chris Gibson not running for Governor in 2018