Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio are both living in their own worlds and have little respect for the people who are outside their circle.  The Syracuse Post headline read “Cuomo on Trump: We won’t allow federal government that ‘attacks immigrants’.”  The article contains this quote from the Governor, “If any immigrant feels that they are under attack, I want them to know the state of New York — the state that has the Statue of Liberty in its harbor — is their refuge,” Cuomo said. “…We won’t allow a federal government that attacks immigrants in our state.” 

Mayor de Blasio said this “We are not going to sacrifice a half-million people who live among us, who are part of our community,” he said. “We are not going to tear families apart,” which lead to this NY Daily News Editorial “De Blasio stands tall: Kudos to the mayor for committing to protect New York’s undocumented immigrant population.”  NYC may even “scrub” records of undocumented immigrants. 

Two days later, Gov, Cuomo doubled down and the headline reads “Cuomo vows to ‘stand up’ for New Yorkers against Trump, and even sent a fundraising email stating ““Whether you are gay or straight, Muslim or Christian, rich or poor, black or white or brown, we respect all people in the state of New York…”  the exceptions, of course,  are Conservatives.    

These two men who swore/affirmed/pledged to uphold the United States Constitution have clearly stated they have contempt for the system outlined in the one document they used to become elected officials in the greatest country ever. 

This is why Donald J. Trump is President-Elect Trump.

Trump’s Victory Presents a Golden Opportunity for Conservatism

The Heritage Foundation wants to know is the wall possible? What Trump Can Do on Immigration.

Trump promises pro-life, pro-gun judges, will keep some Obama policies in place

Herb London opines in the Washington Times.

Deroy Murdock writes in National Review that Voters just saved America from disaster, and for that they should be thanked.

Some people, however, will never be convinced that American were just saved by Americans. 

Seriously, Hillary?  Your actions, your “what difference, at this time, does it make,” your unsecured server, your lies, your lack of accomplishments, your lack of transparency, you are the reason you lost. 

The City Journal examines the scorecard.

Kudos to Congressman-elect John Faso.  It isn’t everyday that a Congressman-Elect is the subject of a glowing NY Post editorial. 

E. J. McMahon reminds us that Governor Cuomo is behind schedule in issuing the state’s Mid-Year Financial Plan Update—maintaining his perfect record of never once complying with the state Finance Law provision requiring such a report by Oct. 30.

Monday’s with Robert Knight



Veteran’s Day 2016

American’s Freedoms would be lost
 without the dedication of our Veterans.

We are forever grateful.
 Thank you for your service. 


In Your Honor

Unselfishly, you left your fathers and your mothers,

You left behind your sisters and your brothers.
Leaving your beloved children and wives,

You put on hold, your dreams-your lives.
On foreign soil, you found yourself planted

To fight for those whose freedom you granted.
Without your sacrifice, their cause would be lost

 But you carried onward, no matter the cost.

Many horrors you had endured and seen.

Many faces had haunted your dreams.
You cheered as your enemies littered the ground;

 You cried as your brothers fell all around.

When it was over, you all came back home,

Some were left with memories to face all alone;
Some found themselves in the company of friends

 As their crosses cast shadows across the land.

Those who survived were forever scarred

Emotionally, physically, permanently marred.
Those who did not now sleep eternally

 ‘Neath the ground they had given their lives to keep free.

With a hand upon my heart, I feel The pride and respect; my reverence is revealed
In the tears that now stream down my upturned face

 As our flag waves above you, in her glory and grace.
Freedom was the gift that you unselfishly gave

Pain and death was the price that you ultimately paid.
Every day, I give my utmost admiration

To those who had fought to defend our nation.
~ Author Unknown ~

For Veteran’s who may need assistance:
Resources for Veteran’s
NYS Division of Veteran’s Affairs
Financial Resources.  

Weekly Wrap-Up

President-elect Donald Trump – that has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? 

So does – the new website for the Trump transition team.

How did you spend Election Night 2016? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll – being posted one day early this week since the Conservative Party will be celebrating Veterans Day tomorrow. 

Why were the media and the polls so wrong about Donald Trump? Because the media elites and pollsters wanted to be right about Hillary Clinton. 

Here’s some good analysis of why Hillary Clinton lost the White House. 

Were you shocked by her defeat?  I’ve heard from plenty people who couldn’t believe it, and plenty who could see it coming, so I’ve made this the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

A glass ceiling was broken on Tuesday night, as Kellyanne Conway became the first woman to run a successful presidential campaign. Plenty of women voted for Donald Trump, but the liberals and their media/Hollywood friends want you to believe that our new President won because Americans are sexist. They’re wrong: Hillary lost because she was Hillary. 

As protests and violent rhetoric erupt across the nation from angry Clinton voters, the New York Post urges Democrats to get past their hysteria and move on. 

After celebrating his historic victory, Mr. Trump is getting to work, and made a visit to the White House today. 

What do you think should be President-elect Trump’s FIRST priority when he takes office? That’s the third and final question on our new Weekly Poll. Lots of great options to choose from!

I mentioned Veterans Day, which is an important and historically significant day. Now more than ever, let’s strive to honor those who serve every day

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Chairman Long appeared on Good Day this morning to discuss President-Elect Trump’s amazing win.  Watch it here. 

We the people control our government!  Our Founding Fathers gave us — we the people — the ability to control our destiny and we have spoken:  Donald J. Trump is the President-Elect. 

If you missed his compelling acceptance speech, watch it here

Congratulations Mr. Trump.  We wish you well in your new position — the most important, critical job you have ever undertaken — we will stand with you when you are right and let you know if you stray from your commitments to the American people.  We the people have trusted you with our future and we the people will be watching as you and the Republican House and Senate work together to make America great again.

Jim DeMint writing in the Daily Signal says:  The People Have Spoken: Change Must Start Now.  As conservatives, we both (Heritage Foundation and CPNYS)  know it may be difficult to accomplish what is necessary, but the Heritage Foundation and CPNYS will be there to help make America great again.

Paul Ryan: Donald Trump Has a Mandate and Will Lead a Unified Republican Party

Hillary was gracious in her concession speech and reminded us how much it hurts. 

Obama, the Democratic disaster. 

Donald Trump’s win signals the end of Obamacare as we know it

Michael Goodwin opines on Trump’s victory as a win for the little guy over the elites. 

It’s Trump! Stunning outsider victory for 45th president. 

The main stream media tried to control the election and became the biggest loser of the campaign.

Trump beats the media and the establishment in pulling off the greatest upset ever. 

Trump’s huge election night changes US politics forever. 

Democrats Fail to Make Gains in NY State and Federal Races.   State Senate races a big win for GOP — and huge loss for de Blasio.

God Bless America!


Today is the day to protect what we hold dear — our religious freedom; our right to bear arms; our right, as American citizens, to control our government. 

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Our future is in our hands.  It is up to us to protect our Constitution —  No one is above the rule of law and that is what is this election is about.

Donald Trump’s Argument for America

Laura Ingraham writes:  My Closing Argument for Trump; America must decide between failed policies or fresh perspective, a corrupt system or an outsider. 

Deroy Murdock: Finally flush the Clintons down the drain

Dennis Prager:  A Final Plea to Never-Trumpers

Cal Thomas writes:  Ever Trump — America has an opportunity to go in a different direction

From the Washington Times: Trump pitches overthrow of status quo as Clinton embraces Obama’s legacy

Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell:  Painful Choices and Painful Choices II

Daily Update


  The most important election of our lives takes place tomorrow.  If Hillary Clinton is elected, the rule of law (the principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced) will be forever gone…the very essence of America will be destroyed by the people who give her the honor of being the leader of the free world.   Has America made mistakes, yes, but electing a person with a trail of ignoring laws and exploiting situations will give that person Carte Blanche to continue to do as they please with no fear of being curtailed or indicted

This is what Hillary wants.  This is part of what Hillary does and would continue.  

This is also what she will continue

This is Hillary’s closest confidant. 

This is how Hillary will tank our economy

Those faulty Watergate comparisons.  Hillary Clinton’s high crimes put those of Richard Nixon in the deep shade. 

This is what President Obama has given us

There is hope…Americans have always been for fair play and against cheaters.

Donald Trump offers a way to stop the corruption that has occurred and that may continue because it can with friends in high places.  The NY Sun opines on Donald Trump’s Optimism

Donald Trump’s Argument for America.

Donald Trump’s Op-Ed in USA Today:  Why you should vote for me. 

Trump Lead Widens To 2, His Biggest Yet, Despite ‘November Surprise’: IBD/TIPP Poll

According to Governor Cuomo, I am a “rabid Conservative” albeit I am not in Washington, DC.  I do want to impede the functions of government, especially when government does things like Start-Up NY and other equally costly programs. $10 million could educate a lot of children.   For all government’s talk about an equal playing field, why does government insist on playing favorites?  Could it possibly be “Pay-to-Play”?

Comptroller DiNapoli makes a valid point regarding the states budget as the NY Post points out. 

Even the press in Spain look to Chairman Long for input.  Scroll down for Chairman Long’s section

Kudos to the Kansas City Chiefs

The latest from

V O T E   T O M O R R O W!


Weekly Wrap-Up

No matter who wins the election on Tuesday, the first thing I will do is say a prayer for our nation and our new President. I’m sure all Conservative Party backers will do the same. 

But then what? Do you have a plan – serious or tongue-in-cheek – for the aftermath of a Hillary victory? And what will be on your mind if (as I hope) Donald Trump takes the White House? 

Those are the two questions for our new Weekly Poll. I’m sure you can have some fun with both of these questions. 

“It’s not just that the Clintons will bend every rule and try to destroy anyone who gets in their way, they will enlist everyone on their side to do the same,” Rich Lowry writes in the New York Post, surveying the left’s new smear campaign against FBI chief James Comey. “This is how a Clinton administration will work. Consider yourself warned — again.”

It seems like more and more Republicans are finally getting the message – that we MUST elect Donald Trump and defeat Hillary. 

And all of Hillary’s latest controversies might be a tipping point for undecided voters. 

As Investor’s Business Daily notes, Hillary’s deceitful stonewalling strategy is backfiring in a big way. 

Endless scandal is a given if Hillary wins – she even lies about lying about her lies

And it’s clearer than ever that America is not safe as long as Hillary has access to classified info.  The FBI has found Hillary emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, and they’re NOT duplicates from the previous investigation. Plus, her private server was breached by up to seven different forces. 

Investor’s Business Daily has a clearinghouse of info on the Clinton email scandals, as well as all the Clinton Foundation wrongdoing.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Charles Hurt writes a compelling article in the Washington Times.. “The depth of her dishonesty and the breadth of her corruption is unmatched in history.”  Read the rest here.  

Hillary’s words are so empty…remember when she quoted Michele Obama’s “when they go low, we go high,” well, once again Hillary proves that she will say or do what ever she can to become the first woman president.  Clinton goes negative in campaign’s final week

Emails show Clinton campaign coordinated with State Dept. official before email revelation

The latest Wikileaks released

Why Bill’s pardons are a real problem for Hillary.  

Monica Crowley opines in the Washington times that it is time for America to get her groove back. 

IBD/TIPP poll still tied

Donald Trump’s Optimism. 

The Daily Signal writes about the 7 Times Democrats Admitted the Truth About Obamacare.

The Post’s picks for the House of Representatives.  Send a message:  Vote for all of them on the Conservative Line. 

More bad news for New Yorkers:  NY’s health premiums rising fastest


Daily Update

Michael Goodwin opines on how this presidential race is the low-water mark of American journalism.  “Never before have so many media organizations, old and new, abandoned all pretense of fairness to take sides and try to pick a president.”

We expect the President of the same party to support his successor, however, President Obama is grasping at straws when he makes this ridiculous statement:  “…sexism is to blame for the tight race for the White House…”

The pressure is getting to Hillary….

Ben Shapiro opines on the Trials of Saint Hillary

Hillary Clinton Becomes the Unsafe Hand: In Campaign Homestretch, She’s Traded Places with Donald Trump as the ‘High-Risk’ Candidate. 

REVEALED: Liberal Money’s Longterm Strategy To Control Public Opinion And Secure ‘Advantageous’ Demographics

Dennis Prager wants to know do you Still Think Hillary Clinton Is a Role Model for Your Daughter?

Former Lt. Gov., Betsy McCaughey, let’s us know how the impending ObamaCare disaster affects you

Clinton And Trump Are Tied With Election Just 5 Days Away: IBD/TIPP Poll

NY is number 1 again, but again for all the wrong reasons:  NYC pays out more in lawsuits than any US city: study

Handcuffing the NYPD on terror. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams






Daily Update

Dems should blame Hillary, not Comey, for the ‘October surprise’, is the headline in today’s Rich Lowry column in the New York Post.  Congressman Trey Gowdy said essentially the same thing earlier today on Fox and Friends. 

Huma’s email testimony could haunt her as FBI renews probe.  She may not have to worry, since this article indicates that John Podesta’s Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ’s Probe Into Huma Abedin Emails. More on the friendship is here.   Remember that Bill Clinton appointed Loretta Lynch to serve as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York in 1999.  Huma has Mayor de Blasio in her corner — does anyone think that helps??

Jim Geraghty writes in National Review that The Clintons Haven’t Changed a Bit; Their sleaziness, bad judgment, and scandal-management playbook are the same as ever.   The Washington Times opines that Now, or later, the Clintons are toast. 

Did John Podesta cross the line between what is legal and illegal?   And if you have doubts about that, there is this from Wikilinks to question his judgement and more importantly that he seems to be void of moral values when it comes to Hillary’s election. 

Bill Bennett andF.H. Buckley call for GOP unity and #NeverHillary.  Paul Ryan Voted for Trump. 

Clinton Hangs On To 1-Point As Email Scandal Fallout Turns Toxic – IBD/TIPP Poll. 

Professor who dared to disagree with political correct speech is placed on paid leave

The Daily Signal writes about the ‘Untold Threat’ Responsible for 40% of Illegal Immigrants

Disgraceful:  VA increased employee bonuses in 2015 to $177 million

Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell and today we have 3 columns with is words of wisdom.  First:  The Left’s Vision.  Second:  Has Economics Failed?   Third (Always one of his best)  Random Thoughts




Daily Update

A retired CIA officer explains in The Hill why Hillary’s emails matter.  “Every hostile intelligence agency on the planet targets senior American officials for collection. The Secretary of State tops the list. Almost anything the Secretary of State had to say about her official duties, her schedule, her mood, her plans for the weekend, would be prized information to adversaries.”  Read the rest of what he has to say here.  

K. T. McFarland opines in Fox News Opinion that the Email scandal proves Hillary learned wrong lessons from Nixon and Watergate

Did you even think you would see this headline in the Chicago Tribune?  John Kass writes, “If ruling Democrats hold themselves to the high moral standards they impose on the people they govern, they would follow a simple process:  They would demand that Mrs. Clinton step down, immediately, and let her vice presidential nominee, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, stand in her place.”  Of course, it will never happen for two reasons, 1) Kaine is easily beatable and 2) the hierarchy of the Democratic party are only interested in power thereby lacking high moral standards.

BREAKING NEWS:: CNN drops Brazile for feeding debate questions to Clinton

Flashback: Clinton cheered 11th hour indictment that doomed Bush re-election

Michael Goodwin opined in yesterday’s NY Post that Hillary has only herself to blame for the mess she is in.

The most damaging wikileaks to date

The Washington Times has an article on A suspicious wind in the rigging.  And the Daily Signal lets us know Elizabeth Warren has it wrong on voter fraud.  If ever there was a reason to end early voting, this election cycle has provided it.  For those who have cast a vote already and regret doing so, if you live in one of these 5 states you may be able to recast your vote

Teachout’s overruled tax cap claim

Will the US Supreme Court find language in our US Constitution that is not expressed in it? 

President Obama has lost his ability to reason and do good with this directive.  Hillary will bring more of the same directives. 

Monday’s with Robert Knight:  More than 100 years old and still voting