Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Reuters’ headline says it all, “New York Governor Andrew Cuomo stakes out progressive agenda.”   Stung by Zypher Teachout in the 2014 democratic primary, Governor Cuomo has shed the wolf’s clothing he wore to appeal to hard working taxpayers in New York State in 2010 when he promised to cap state spending, have a smaller government and bring jobs to New York State.  The only portions of Andrew Cuomo’s promises in 2010 are the ones made on social issues.  The proposals Gov. Cuomo is calling for in his 6 meet the people (that he wants) state of the state events increase state spending while increasing the size of government (one small example) and pushing jobs out of New YorkFree college is on his list of giveaways and so is this,  Governor Cuomo’s ill-conceived — progressive must have — proposals is early voting, automatic and same-day voter registration. .  Don’t you really want a person who has not taken the time to examine the issues and where the candidates stand to be casting a last minute vote?   Progressives/Liberals have their agenda, we, the taxpayers must be vigil to not let them achieve it. 

ICYMI:  Why Medicare isn’t actually going bankrupt appeared in the NY Post last week.  Another great article by former Lt. Governor Betsy McCaughey who will also be speaking at our 50th Annual CPPAC on Sunday, January 29 and Monday, January 30.  We hope you are planning on joining us at the Radisson Hotel in Albany, NY so you are prepared for the upcoming year.  Today is the last day for our special rate of $119 at the Radisson, be sure to make your reservations before you forget.  Then fill out our registration form for CPPAC and get it back to us as soon as possible. 

Walter A. McDougall writes about the Art of the Doge.  And Daniel Oliver opines on Donald J. Trump in this article: For Conservatives, Donald Trump Shifts The Window Of What’s Possible.

The Democrats’ new war. 

A gentleman and true American hero will be retiring from Congress in 2018.  Congressman Sam Johnson spoke a few years back at the Party’s annual dinner and touched every person who was privileged to hear him.  

Sen. Schumer and VP Biden have a difference of opinion. 



Weekly Wrap-Up

President Obama has started the new year by bragging about all his fake accomplishments. What stands out to me are Obama’s countless failures as President. 

What do you think will go down as President Obama’s biggest policy failure? This is the first question in our first Weekly Poll of 2017, and I hope you will cast your vote today. And unfortunately, there are plenty to choose from, unfortunately – from Obamacare and overregulation to Israel and Aleppo.

I believe brighter days are ahead for our nation.  Investors Business Daily has a 2017 wish list that includes everything from a new Supreme Court justice to repealing Obamacare – all very real possibilities now.  

What is your biggest wish from the Trump Administration for 2017? That’s the second question from our new Weekly Poll, and I’m looking forward to everyone’s answers.

One 2017 Wish List item is to “drain the swamp” and fix Washington. What does this phrase mean to you – term limits? Tougher ethics rules? An end to Obama-style “midnight regulations” that empower Washington bureaucrats? Abolishing corporate welfare?  Make your pick today in this third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Between the GOP’s ill-advised ethics gambit this week and new stories of possible corruption in Washington (including one featuring New York’s very own Rep. Carolyn Maloney), it is clear that we as citizens are going to have to keep a close eye on the federal government this year.  

Thank you for helping the Conservative Party do just that – and have a great weekend!


Daily Update

Sen. Schumer just cannot help himself; he changes his opinion as often as the wind changes direction.  Today, Sen. Schumer plans to block SCOTUS nominees if he doesn’t think they are main stream (BTW, mainstream to Sen. Schumer is far left of center).

De Blasio’s Soviet-style propaganda machine hits a new low.  Mayor de Blasio’s administration is so filled with turmoil that some in the democratic party are urging an even bigger failure to challenge him for Mayor. 

John McLaughlin and Jim McLaughlin opine in the National Review how Trump can solidify a new majority coalition. 

The Daily Signal has some pointers on how to curb the UN’s power and what Obamacare Exectutive Orders Donald J. Trump can issue on day one.   The Daily Signal also reminds us that Obamacare is a policy failure

Heather R. Higgins and Phil Kerpen write in USA Today that the GOP needs to act fast on Obamacare. 

There he goes again, Gov. Andrew Cuomo warns of impact of Obamacare repeal.  Bill Hammond puts the Governor’s warning into context and Congressman Lee Zeldin also speaks out on the Governor’s warning and health care in New York.

Did you know that Congressman Lee Zeldin — often seen on Fox News — will be a presenter at our 50th Annual Conservative Party Political Action Conference (CPPAC)?  Don’t miss out on our exciting line up that also includes Congresswoman Elise Stefanik as a presenter, newly elected Congressional Members John Faso and Claudia Tenney as presenters also.  The first Congressman in the nation to endorse then candidate Donald J. Trump, Congressman Chris Collins, will be taking time from his very busy schedule in Congress and on the Trump Transition Team, to be our very special featured luncheon speaker. 

Register today with this form

Daily Update

Mayor de Blasio continues to push the IDNYC cards but with changes, he will no longer retain any personal or background information from ID applicants.  Shame on him!  His first obligation is to keep the people living in New York City SAFE

Governor Andrew Cuomo vetoed a bill (on December 31) that would give counties much needed relief citing the costs of the legislation.  He said the state simply does not have the money to pay for the defense of people who cannot afford a lawyer…keeping the cost at the county level.  Governor, the county only source of income is taxpayers also, so your logic is illogical.  Yesterday, you proposed free college tuition for students in state run colleges under certain circumstances.  If the state cannot provide for the defense of indigent criminals — mandated by the courts — where do you suppose the money for college tuition will come from.  We have many questions on your latest “let’s pander for votes” scheme, for example, are they prepared for college.  Today’s NY Post editorial is right on target. 

Gov. Cuomo, you visited Judith Clark in prison, did you ever think of talking to the son of Peter Paige killed in the robbery.  You grew up with your father, Michael didn’t.  Perhaps your priorities are reversed. 

This will make your blood pressure go through the roof.  

More wasted taxpayer’s money.  Everyone should be able to have a vacation, a vacation that runs approximately $12 million a year falls in to a special category and is more than extravagant. 

Monday is the last day to be eligible for the reduced rate (the reduced rate is $119) at the Radisson Hotel, 205 Wolf Road, Albany for our 50th CPPAC.  Call 1-518-458-7264 or 1-800-333-3333 24 hours a day.  Click here for CPPAC’s registration form.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Daily Update

2017 is here and legislative challenges will begin as a new administration gets ready to “make America great again” in Washington, DC and here in New York the Legislature appears to be at odds with Governor Cuomo, so much so that Governor Cuomo will not be addressing the Members in Albany, rather he will deliver the State of the State on the road.  As you can note in this Kenneth Lovett article, there may be some real dissension between the two branches of government.  Both branches will have to deal with this important fact:  New York is losing its citizens and the policies that are driving them out must end!  Senator Jeffrey Klein, this is NOT how you keep New York’s working citizens here.  Governor Andrew Cuomo joined Sen. Klein in the call for free tuition which just burdens taxpayer’s while trying to buy votes.  Does anyone wonder why New Yorker’s that pay taxes are leaving in droves?

Soon to be former President Obama has been deaf to Americans these last few weeks as he was during his administration:  Obama bars future oil leasesObama throws Israel to the wolvesObama leaves a devastated democratic party; and most of all believing he could have won a third term.   Charles Krauthammer points out that Aleppo is Obama’s foreign policy legacy, certainly not one to be proud of.  Matt Mackowiak, writing in the Washington Times sees a delusional and defensive Obama that can’t accept his legacy.  On a positive note, the Heritage Foundation lets us know that his regulatory legacy can be curtailed by Congress and gives them the tool to do just that.  Another positive note is that the UN vote to throw Israel to the wolves spurs talk of defunding the world body

Kudos to US District Judge Reed O’Connor

David Keene opines on confusing Putin with the old soviet threat. 

The hypocrisy of the left is exposed, again!

With blue lives under fire, Governor Cuomo sends a message that defies logic and is outrageous, even if blue lives were not under fire.

Heather MacDonald opines on the violence in the halls, disorder in the malls. 

In case you missed it, Facebook is going to end “Fake News”, but who will control the Facebook “fact checkers?

Nicole Gelinas has some pointers for those who want to challenge Mayor de Blasio.  Have you heard how taxpayers funds were used for glitzy ad touting de Blasio

Over the holiday, Thomas Sowell wrote his Farewll column,  We will sorely miss his words of wisdom, but know that they will live forever on the internet and in people’s minds.  We wish you well, Dr. Sowell.  Enjoy every minute of your retirement! 




Weekly Wrap-Up

As we near the end of the year, President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet has taken shape, and it’s impressive – a lineup of conservative powerhouses and D.C. outsiders who are poised to “take the establishment and shake it upside down,” as one GOP operative puts it.

I for one am looking forward to 2017 and the opportunities we conservatives have to make real progress for our country.  What do you think will be the Trump Administration’s biggest policy victory for the coming year? 

That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll – the last poll of 2016.  I’ve enjoyed seeing the results of our polls each week throughout 2016, and I hope you’ll take part in this final one. 

To get anything done next year, President Trump will need the support of the grassroots citizens who put him in office.  What do you plan to do in 2017 to help show your support for President Trump’s conservative agenda? 

That’s the second question in our year-end Weekly Poll. 

Meanwhile, Hollywood’s attempts to sway the 2016 elections have been so effective, the stars (as they think of themselves) have decided to unleash another video, begging the Electoral College to subvert U.S. democracy and reverse President-elect Donald Trump’s Election Day victory. They just don’t get it, do they? 

The list of “celebrities” in the new ad includes J. Smith Cameron, Michael Urie, Steven Pasquale, Dominic Fumusa and Emily Tyra. If you’re familiar with these so-called “celebrities,” you’ve been paying more attention to something than I have. But nonetheless, they’re all deeply concerned by what they see as foreign influence over U.S. elections… and so they’ve aligned themselves with an organization with foreign ties

That’s the sort of hypocrisy we should expect at this point from the entertainment industry liberals (that, and the fact that all of these luminaries would probably oppose efforts to keep actual non-citizens from actually voting in U.S. elections). 

This video is pretty weak in terms of celebrity prowess – the big name is Martin Sheen, who liberals seem to think was actually President of the United States because he played the role on The West Wing. 

But this year Hillary and the Left brought out the worst of the worst. In 2016 we’ve had the displeasure of seeing Rosie O’Donnell and her self-pity (and her bullying of President Trump’s 10-year-old child); the arrogance of Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen; Katy Perry and her immaturity; the vile antics of Lena Dunham; Madonna’s “war on women” who don’t vote the way she thinks they should; Beyonce’s anti-police hypocrisy; Leonardo DiCaprio and his environmental hypocrisy; and Barbra Streisand’s plan to undermine the Constitution. 

I’m sure I’ve left somebody out, but that’s a good start – who do you think is the most annoying liberal celebrity of 2016?  That’s the third question in our year-end Weekly Poll. 

We saw plenty of “fake news” this week – from claims that Obamacare added 20 million to America’s health insurance rolls, to allegations that Russia somehow decided the presidential election. 

And we’re learning more about the “fake news” story of a Muslim woman’s supposedly harrowing subway attack at the hands of Trump supporters – and what it reveals isn’t just the media’s eagerness to latch on to any story that confirms their bias, but also life for a young woman in an Islamic household. Don’t look for the media to give that angle much coverage. 

Have a great weekend – and I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Christmas season!

Daily Update

In case you missed Congressman Peter King last night on Fox News, here is what he said:   Canceled intel briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election is ‘disgraceful’

Nearly half of de Blasio’s Renewal schools did even worse this year...but,  as usual,  Mayor de Blasio is in denial. 

The National Review sounds off on Mayor de Blasio’s lawless data-destruction plan. 

Teen made up story about anti-Muslim attack on subway.  And her sister is making things worse…this case illustrates how the media exploits its agenda as it did in 1987 in the Tawana Brawley case.  Is case you doubt the left’s media agenda, read this.

Hillary’s “people” are now blaming Huma. 

This one article makes the case for changing the tax code.

Hmmmm, how could this happen?  Of course, the elections commissioner is surprised about too many votes in 37% of precincts!

Obama, just cannot let go!   ‘11th hour power grab’: Obama mandates state funding for Planned Parenthood.  

File this under “good news”:   Wheeler to step down as FCC chairman

And file this under “good news” also:  Loretta Lynch Admits Blanket Pardon For Dreamers Is Impossible.

Dennis Prager:  Just say Merry Christmas!

Thursday’s with  




Daily Update

Democrats will stick to denial even if it means burning down the Republic

Deroy Murdock explains (with a great sense of humor) how the KGB orchestrated Hillary Clinton’s defeat.  Send this to every democrat who really thinks the Russian’s influenced our election and maybe they will realize just how silly the Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi theories are. 

Michael Goodwin’s latest gem is here.

Lie of the year:  Abortion clinics are safe.

Government Intervention in Housing Has Always Been Bad. Here’s Why Today Is No Different

Tom Price is right

E. J. McMahon writes about government leaning on the 1%

ACLU: Sight of cross on public tree inflicts ‘irreparable harm’, the question is would the ACLU represent me if I said the sight of a minaret inflicted irreparable harm to me?

John Fund gives us his take on What’s Behind Trump’s Move to the Right

Trump’s ‘Penny Plan’ Could Slash Federal Spending Over Decade

Why America Is an Exceptional Nation

In a last ditch effort to free their son, the parents of First Lieutenant Clint Lorance have created a video plea asking President Obama for a presidential pardon.  The heartbreaking four-minute video features Anna and Tracy Lorance explaining the character of their son and why he deserves to walk free.  Lieutenant Lorance was convicted of murder and sentenced to 20 years in prison for ordering his men engage three military aged males riding a motorcycle speeding towards his patrol in Kandahar, Afghanistan in July of 2012.

READ: Executive Summary U.S. vs Clint Lorance

Since his court martial, it has been revealed that the two men killed as a result of his orders both were biometrically linked to terrorism and IED attacks that killed U.S. troops.  Over the past eight years, President Obama has granted a record number of presidential pardons and commutations to hundreds of criminals, including those with drug and gun convictions.

READ: Clint Lorance’s Personal Letter to Pres. Obama

In fact, the White House boasts of the fact that Obama has commuted the sentences of more individuals in one year than in any other year in our country’s history.  Wouldn’t it be nice if—instead of pardoning or commuting the sentence of another criminal—President Obama could do the right thing and free this hero?

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams


Daily Update

NYC Councilmember Brad Lander got his bill passed, but, after seeing the results, would he consider repealing it?  Doubt that he would, despite realizing it was a bad idea.

Another bad idea is the fact that Governor Cuomo is thinking about hiking taxes and again breaking his 2010 campaign promise to not raise taxes

The Board of Regents wants even more of your money, $4.3Bincrease over the next three years.

Some legislators in New York use situations like this to push for euthanasia here by calling it “death with dignity.”   Perhaps those same legislators should read Kathryn Jean Lopez’s article in National Review

A love-hate relationship with ‘fake’ news.  (Don’t forget to vote in our weekly poll.)

It is a good thing there are only 37 days left in theObama Administration as he really is becoming delusional…Obama on the ‘Daily Show’: Voters should have cared more about Russia’s meddling in the election inferring that the real issues did not matter.

Key Questions About Russia’s Alleged Hacking of the US Election

The Daily Wire gives us 4 Reasons Russia Didn’t Swing The Election To Trump.   (BTW, there are many more.)

Office Of The Director Of National Intelligence: We’re Not Sure About The CIA’s Assessment On Russia

Did Obamacare Really Insure 20 Million?

Will New Yorker’s be penalized again by their high state, local income and property taxes

Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell. 





Daily Update

Wow, Assemblyman Gjonaj, just won re-election and already he is telling his constituents that he would rather be in the NYC Council.  I guess to him, it really is all about the money. 

Governor Andrew Cuomo is playing Santa Clause with our money.

What is it with elected officials urging people to disregard their responsibility

Nicole Gelinas writes that De Blasio’s horse carriage ‘fake news’ is creating chaos. 

This is what happens when you have no idea what government’s role should be.  Seriously, Mayor de Blasio?  Tax dollars should be spent in keeping citizens safe, making sure transportation is safe and reliable, babies are not being scalded to death in city housing, students have what they need, being “stressed” over the election results is trivial in the light of real problems that tax dollars should be directed to. 

E. J. McMahon writes in Crain’s NY Business that Wage hike is silent jobs killer

The calls out Governor Cuomo’s hypocrisy!

Follow the money…, then deny that you do.  The Governor seems to have the same modus operandi. 

President Obama’s narcissism is even worse than we thought. 

One of These 21 Men and Women Will Be Trump’s First Supreme Court Pick. 

How Donald Trump Can Put an End to Sanctuary Cities

Dr. Stein. it is time to let go

Monday’s with Robert Knight.



Weekly Wrap-Up

“Fake News” – it’s the hottest catchphrase in America right now, the liberals’ diagnosis of all that is wrong with our nation. It boils down to this: Any commentary, news story or data that the left doesn’t like is “fake.” 

The Washington Free Beacon has an impressive overview of this new left-wing phenomenon and the absurdity of the liberals’ cry for honesty. 

And the left’s new crusaders against “fake news” couldn’t be more laughable: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid


Obama even had the audacity to decry “fake news” to Rolling Stone magazine, a purveyor of one of the most outlandish and hurtful “fake news” stories in recent history. 

But Obama, Clinton et al are giving the liberal media a run for their money. 

Remember when Obama claimed he didn’t know about Hillary’s personal email or server? Fake

Did you hear Obama’s claim this week that he’s kept America safe from terrorism? Fake.

And then there’s Obama’s infamous claim that under Obamacare, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” Fake

Remember when Hillary claimed she landed in Bosnia under sniper fire? Fake.

How about when Hillary got the word out that she had turned over all of her emails… fake.

Remember when Team Hillary broke the news that the Benghazi attacks were caused by a YouTube video? Fake.

And who can forget in 2012, when Harry Reid spread the news story that Mitt Romney doesn’t pay taxes? Fake. (Good riddance to him, indeed.)

Other liberals are joining in the fun, too. Mayor de Blasio is jumping on the bandwagon about hate crimes skyrocketing in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory. You guessed it – fake

Which of these liberal fake news stories do you think is the most outrageous? That’s Question One in our new Weekly Poll. 

Of course, Hillary and the Democrats think they are the ones who should be able to determine what is “fake news” and what’s not. Hillary says, “It is a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly.” Harry Reid says, “Much of the responsibility for separating what is real and what is fake will fall on Democrats.” 

Why do you think the Clinton/Obama liberals want to seize more control over the news coverage you are able to see?  That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Of course, the media is complicit in all of this. They seem willing to surrender their freedom to the likes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama – and biased news outlets have relentlessly pushed the liberals’ fake news stories. 

At this point, which major news outlet do you find the LEAST trustworthy? 

I look forward to seeing people’s answers on this third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Have a great weekend! 

Daily Update

Republican Lawsuit Forces NYC’s Hand on Identifications for Undocumented Immigrants.  Kudoes to Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis and Assemblyman Ron Castorina for making a strong case that  convinced Richmond County Supreme Court Justice Philip Minardo to order the city not follow through with longstanding plans to purge the files of municipal I.D. initiative.  Of course, Mayor de Blasio is fighting back

Judge Andrew P. Napolitanoopines in the Washington Times on Are sanctuary cities legal

Judges’ message to kids: It’s OK to cheat.

Each article, in its own way, sends the wrong message to the citizens of our great country, essentially it makes it possible for you to pick and choose what laws you want to obey.  The bleeding hearts in New York’s Appellate Division “ruled that, given her previous “unblemished record,” firing her for a “one-time mistake” actually “shocks our sense of fairness.”  Hmmm, if a driver never has any tickets in 30 years of driving, yet goes on a drinking binge one night and causes the death of an innocent person…should they be given a pass because it was a “one-time mistake.”  When did every thing become a “gray area,” things were much clearer when adults made decisions on the law…not on the excuses for not supporting the law.

Cheating on tests is unacceptable, protecting illegal immigrants is unacceptable and leaders that call for cities, towns, colleges, churches to become a sanctuary place are morally unacceptable. On November 8, Americans sent a clear message, we will no longer be silent when unacceptable things are encouraged by certain leaders and judges who fail to enforce federal laws.  After all, if they can pick and choose which laws to follow, so can every citizen. 

Monica Crowley opines on Donald Trump and getting the job done in the Washington Times. 

It isn’t only Bowe Bergdahl who is looking for a presidential pardon.  (Think of the message that would send should President Obama grant them…)

Top House Republican Proposes Aggressive Plan to Help Trump Fight Terrorism

Four democratic Senators want another bailout (this time a private pension)  and are determined to get it

The Heritage Foundation reintroduces us to Scott Pruitt, Mr. Trump’s choice to reign in the EPA.

This Judge gets it right!

Thursday’s with