Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Kudos to Senator Pam Hamling who won’t accept stipend/lulu as committee chair.  The best way to resolve the stipend problem:  eliminate them and every “pork-barrel project” they dole out.  If the $79,500 salary for a part-time job is not sufficient, don’t run for office.   In principle, legislators are supposed to be part-time employees for the precise reason to understand the consequences of legislation in the real world.  By having careers outside of the legislature, they have a better understanding of their actions.  Living in the isolation of the legislature for decades (another reason to enact Term Limits) creates an atmosphere of believing they know better than those who actually have to abide by what they decided is best for the rest of us.  For the record, a police officer — a full-time position earns $44, 744, a fireman, another full time position earns after three years, $59, 629, teachers just starting out with a bachelor’s degree, earn $54,000 (albeit, they do have summers off) and Sanitation workers average $47,371 including overtime (they start at $33746) in their first year, also full time work.  So, a salary of $79,500 for a part time public servant that does not require a degree is a pretty good salary that each one chooses to run for every two years. 

Start-Up NY a boon or bust? Don’t hide data.  

CNBC has a list of the 15 most expensive states in the US:  New York is ranked number 3: Housing: 98.3 percent more expensive, Transportation: 14.2 percent more expensive and Groceries: 10.3 percent more expensive.  

George Marlin opines on those who remaking Gov. Cuomo for the next campaigns.  

The NY Post editorial reminds us, once again, that Mayor de Blasio is all about taking care of his friends/donors at taxpayers’ expense.  Sadly, the same things happen in Albany, again at taxpayers’ expense.  (Let your legislator know you are firmly against these bills.:  (;

The Internet and the Main Stream Media are besides themselves with the idea that President Donald J. Trump gave classified information about ISIS to the Russians.  Really?  Why would a man devoted to the freedom and prosperity of America bring harm to the people who trusted him with their safety and well-being? President Trump detractors — and even some who supported him — are doing all they can to undermine his every move.  Yes, he is different — he thinks outside the box,  entices his detractors with catnip, and doesn’t play by Washington’s rules.  Exactly what the voters wanted — a man who speaks for them in a way they understand. McMaster on the above Washington Post story:  It’s false.    Here is Christopher Ruddy (founder of Newsmax) on President Trump’s supposed leak. Judge Andrew Napolitano on the “leak”.  

The plot thickens regarding the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich

Thank you, President Trump, for doing this. 

This is very disturbing:  Germany Confiscating Homes to Use for Migrants.  

File this under very disturbing also:  U.S.: Syria executing thousands of prisoners, burning bodies.  






Daily Update

Today’s New York Post opines on the fact that Penn Station needs real leadership, and Nicole Gelinas opines on what a real Penn Station plan would look like.  

De Blasio’s biggest ‘bundlers’ got special political treatment.  

There are far too many other disturbing articles/editorials in today’s papers:  Breakaway State Senate Dems costs taxpayers $2.2M a year;  Yet another taxpayer-funded union perk; and Dozens of bills aim to benefit public employees at taxpayers’ expense.   The special interest groups are driving the agenda in Albany and the taxpayers are so busy working and doing their best to keep their families together that government believes they are doing good n passing some of these outrageous bills to satisfy the special interest groups demanding government’s money.  Speak up New Yorkers when you read about these government give aways of YOUR money.  Save these links (  and and when you see an article about unnecessary spending, copy the article link, click on the legislator’s email account, and let them know — NO MORE UNNECESSARY SPENDING!  This is your money and it has never been easier to have YOUR VOICE heard.  There is strength in numbers.  When their offices start getting emails that enough is enough, they will pay attention

More costly news:  State Insurers to seek rate hike for 2018 ObamaCare policies.  

Question for Governor Cuomo:  What are you doing with this money, why are our taxes so high  when tourist are spending so much in New York State?

Here is another example on how Governor Cuomo is looking for more power!  He should have read this before increasing the minimum wage in NY.  

What a hypocrite!  Sen. Schumer, the only reason you want an Independent Counsel — knowing full well that there is no there, there — is to keep this “alleged Russian meddling” in the news for as long as possible. Shame on you!  Why is your political agenda more important than the welfare of the citizens of the United States?   

This woman’s thinking is twisted upside down,  but, I would not expect it to be anything but twisted upside down when your goal is the death of completely innocent unborn children.  

Rest in Peace:  Thomas E. Bolan, Esq.  







Weekly Wrap-Up

The uproar surrounding this week’s firing of FBI Director Jim Comey has been fake news at its finest – but the facts tell a different story.

Many feel that President Trump was right to tell Jim Comey, “You’re fired!” What do you think – do you believe Comey deserved to be dismissed? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.  

The real reason Comey was let go has nothing to do with Russia – though as the New York Post points out, the Left’s favorite narrative actually aids Russia’s goal of undermining our democracy.

But truth doesn’t matter to liberals who are obsessed with turning President Trump into President Nixon, or to a media establishment that has already impeached the President.

How would you describe the Left’s response to President Trump’s firing of FBI director Jim Comey? That’s the second Weekly Poll question I have for you this week. 

A variety of names are being mentioned as possible choices to lead the FBI – what do you think President Trump should look for in the individual he nominates for this important role? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Kellyanne Conway has been out in force getting the truth out about the Comey story, and refusing to suffer fools in the process. She is the Conservative Party’s guest speaker at our upcoming 55th Annual State Dinner on Thursday, June 1 – the registration form is here. I hope you can join us!

There has been other news this week, and it hasn’t been good for Obamacare. Aetna is the latest insurance giant to exit the unsustainable Obamacare exchanges. Democrats have a (fake) reason for this latest blow to socialized health care, but why should we believe anything they say? 

And finally, bad news for those who like to show their liberal good intentions by raising the minimum wage – it’s a disaster for workers in New York and everywhere. 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

The democrats are besides themselves over Mr. Comey firing.  He, however, acknowledged that any president can fire an FBI Director for any reason, or for no reason at all.  So why are they on the verge of talking about impeachment.  One thing is certain, President Donald J. Trump, has his own way of leading the free world and no one should be surprised by his style. Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times that Mr. Comey was a creature of the swamp and received a deserved dumping.  Tammy Bruce writes about the frenzied reaction and the NY Post opines on the Democrats’ hypocritical Comey-firing fury.  

Aetna pullout shows Obamacare on life support.   Betsy McCaughey writes about the left’s sick lies about health reform. 

President Trump signs Executive Order launching voter fraud commission.  New Hampshire is already investigation the possibility of voter fraud in the 2016 elections, albeit, the results would not change. 

PragerU Video: Shapiro Explains Why Facts Don’t Care About Your Feelings.  

Federal court strikes down VA firing rules… all the more reason to get President Trump’s nominees confirmed.  

Donald Devine wants the swamp drained, then closed!

Is anyone surprised by this:  New York’s economy is behind US pace

Mayor de Blasio’s ferry is just like most of the things he touches with his reverse Midas touch.  

Dana Rubenstein opines on the Cuomo aesthetic.  

Congressman Joe Crowley likes to keep it in the family.  

Daily Update

It wasn’t that long ago that Hillary said that former FBI Director Jim Comey’s letter cost her the election and many on the left were happy to blame the hapless Comey.  Then President Trump fired him and all of a sudden Comey became their hero due to being unceremoniously let go by the current Nixonian president in the White House according to them.   Sen. Schumer, how soon you forget. The Washington Times has a comprehensive review of the Trump/Comey saga.  Arnold Steinberg’s excellent article calls the firing sloppy and questions that it is a conspiracy.  Every person who is defending Comey now, must read Michael Goodwin’s column in today’s New York Post.  

Chuck Schumer’s Shameless Hypocrisy and Faux Outrage Over James Comey’s Firing.  

Trump’s immigration enforcement helps slow illegal border crossings by 76%.  

Aid in dying….is thankfully dying.  

Why won’t the Assembly help protect kids from MS-13?  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  


Daily Update

Rich Lowry writes about the pre-existing lie in today’s National Review on line edition.  Here is a handy list of the actually taxes being eliminated by the House version of the health care bill passed put together by American for Tax Reform.    Senate Republicans, however, are looking to make substantial changes to the bill.  Some may be welcomed, but the ultimate goal must be to dismantle Obamacare and save the burdensome taxes mandated by government interference.  Legislators must remember this:  health care is NOT a right.  

President Trump is looking forward to a lasting legacy in the federal court system.  Here is how the Washington Times covers President Trump’s nominees.  

Jason Sneed writes in the Daily Signal that while the left ignores voter fraud, more evidence mounts to prove them wrong.  

Ira Stoll calls out the democrats’ amnesia in ending a government program.  

Speaker Heastie,  who hasn’t supported a crackdown on violent gangs believes that  “A better approach is to discourage people from engaging in gang activity in the first place, and that is where the focus should be.”  A very magnanimous response, but completely unrealistic. If parents cannot discourage the activity, how is government going to be able to keep them out of gangs? Do you seriously believe a curriculum in schools will make a difference?  What makes you think potential gang members are attending classes?  When that doesn’t work, will you suggest handing over money to keep gangs happy?  How much will be enough?  For four years the NYS Senate has made an effort to keep citizens safe; isn’t it time you do the same?

Seriously, how can the head of an important agency “misunderstand” vehicle policy?   Mayor de Blasio: birds of a feather flock together.  There, I said it.  And will continue to say it until you and your compatriot are gone..

The City Journal examines the Ilse of indebtedness, the future home of the Speaker of the City Council.  

Congratulations to the Manhattan Institute on 40 great years….and more to come.  

Errol Lewis writes in the NY Daily News that republican/conservative ideas are welcomed in New York City.  Kudos to Mr. Lewis for seeing the light and making it visible.  



Daily Update

Michael Goodwin opined in his Sunday column that he believes Hillary is running for President again!  Trust me, it is worth the read.  

Apparently, Governor Cuomo is not going to roll over for Hillary and is laying his own ground work for 2020.  

Also in Sunday’s NY Post, the editorial board opined that even the City Council is worried about de Blasio’s spending spree.   “When the New York City Council attacks you for spending too much and saving too little, you can be pretty sure you’ve gone way overboard.”

How dare they!  Puerto Rican Day Parade honors the terrorists who killed my dad.  What are we becoming when a killer is honored as the first ever “National Freedom Hero” in this year’s National Puerto Rican Day Parade on June NYC.  

Double dipping has lost its appeal….in a 5-0 opinion by the NYS Court of Appeals.  

FBI confirms the deadly costs of a ‘War on Cops’.  

Newsday (subscription required) states in an editorial that “if lawmakers refuse to make it easier to cast ballots and to run for office, the re-energized public can get it done on its own — by voting in November for a constitutional convention.”  They (the editorial board writers) obviously did not do their homework….it is a well-researched fact that those who write the changes (delegates elected to the Constitutional Convention) and control the process of a Constitutional Convention are either elected officials, their staffs, and others who are currently involved in the process.  Downstate has the numbers to control the convention and we all know how progressives control downstate.  Take a look at the City Council and the elected officials through the legislature…downstate progressives have the majority.  Does anyone really believe that John Doe will win an election against recognized names?  If so, please explain to me the reason why incumbents hardly ever lose.  The 2016 Presidential Election results in NYS show Hillary creamed native New Yorker Donald J. Trump!  VOTE NO to a colossal waste of taxpayers’ money, there are other ways to amend the NYS Constitution.  

Nicole Gelinas opines on the debt-bubble landmine President Obama left for President Trump.  

Stephen Moore writes about America’s sickly health insurance system.  

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers explains why she voted for the GOP version of AHCA knowing her son has a preexisting condition.  Susan Stamper Brown writes about Cleaning Up Democrats’ Healthcare Mess in Townhall.Com.  

The Gatestone Institution opines on the Sunday election in France.  Here is another great column from Gatestone Institute.  


Weekly Wrap-Up

Democrats have been “Russian” to judgement, but the left’s “tinfoil-hat brigade” of conspiracy theorists and sore losers continue to lose credibility with their claims of collusion between President Trump and Russia.

And the sorest loser of them all, Hillary Clinton, is stumbling back into the political arena with a new group aimed at taking down President Trump – a task that Hillary’s had problems with before, you may recall. Hillary claims she’s now part of “The Resistance,” but can she resist scandal? 

Hillary’s new PAC is said to be called “Onward Together,” based on her oh-so-successful campaign theme “Stronger Together,” but I’ve come up with some names that I think would be better – pick the one you like best in the first question of our new Weekly Poll. 

We’ll keep with this theme for the second Weekly Poll question, too: How do you plan to “resist” Hillary’s latest venture into politics? (Standing strong with the Conservative Party is one option – we’ll be working hard for you here in New York to support candidates and ideas that I’m sure will be dismissed as “deplorable” by Ms. Clinton.)

Unemployment is down and Obamacare is on its way out this week. Many are saying good riddance to a system that’s already collapsing in on itself.

Now it’s time for the Senate to act, and it’s also time for the GOP to think far beyond just replacing Obamacare. 

President Trump marked this week’s National Day of Prayer with an executive order protecting religious liberty – a very good start to his second 100 days.

And we learned more this week about Andrew Cuomo’s “incredible shrinking free college program” and all the strings attached. If Cuomo was teaching a college class on his fake free tuition giveaway, what do you think would be the best name for it? That’s the third and final Weekly Poll question this week. 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Fox News looks at what is in the revised American Health Care Act as the House is set to pass it. The Senate will have opposition to it led by Sen. Charles Schumer, so this is most likely not the final version.  It may end up in a Conference Committee, but it is the first step in ending Obamacare. The Washington Times gives us another look at the proposal.  

CNBC covers the Bill and vote.  How did your Congressman vote?  Click here to find out.  

It passes…217-213 20 Republicans voted no and as well as every democrat.  

Apparently, democrats have a short memory.  

Director Comey, while I understand your statement that Huma Abedin “had no criminal intent”, certainly she knew that her husband did not have security clearance.  Isn’t there a moral obligation to hold those in esteemed positions to a higher standard?  This is twice that (we know of) you refused to hold people of stature accountable for their actions.  Explain that to the hundreds of people in prison convicted of lesser transgressions.  But, I will give you credit for letting us know of this reckless behavior.  Anyone surprised by this?  Remember what Bill and Loretta said about the Phoenix meeting…we just talked about our grandchildren, golf, and travel.  Thank heavens, the American voter saw through the fake news.  

Guy Benson asks the question:  Why Wasn’t Huma Abedin Charged for Verifiable, Criminal Mishandling of Classified Material?  

How sick is this?    But, there is hope that things like that will change! Kellyanne Conway: First Few Months of Trump Admin Should ‘Give Great Heart and Comfort to Pro-lifers Nationwide’.  Be sure to RSVP for our dinner and to take an advertisement in our journal to let the administration know that you appreciate their positive position on pro-life matters and religious freedom.  

Nicole Gelina states the obvious:  De Blasio may be the first mayor to defend public corruption.  



Daily Update

The National Review calls on Congress to pass the current version of the health-care bill even though they still have serious reservations regarding the bill.  You can read why here. Obviously, the health-care issue must be resolved as people’s frustrations are understandable.  National Review also offers a solution to insuring the uninsurable, which is a major portion of the inability to come to an agreement.  As the AMAC (Association of Mature American Citizens, the alternative to AARP that supports Obamacare) notes:  Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare Will Happen Because There is No Alternative.  

Tammy Bruce opines in the Washington Times that President Donald Trump is being tested by Obama’s leftover priorities.  

Hillary:  You LOST, enough of your whining.  All of the items/people you try to blame for your loss were directly related to things that you did.  You are your own worst enemy; driven by the blind lust of wanting to be the first female president and not focusing on wanting to be the leader of the greatest nation in the world and what you could do to make it even better.  

City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito has lost her mind!  Does the Speaker really think that tax-payers are willing to give over their hard-earned money to hire attorneys to help violent felons fight deportation?  She has crossed the line once again and has no regard for the safety of New Yorkers.  Ms. Mark-Viverito has said on many occasions that when she retires she will return to her native Puerto Rico.  Obviously, she has the same spending problems Puerto Rico has had for years and she will be living the life at home spending the money you have paid into her pension.  

The NY Post editorial is rightfully calling of Ponte’s resignation…we all know Mayor de Blasio will not fire him.  

If you have our Mobile App, you would have read this earlier:  John Flanagan stands up for the New York City kids.  

Jimmy Kimmel comes under fire for using his infant son’s very serious health problems to push an extremely partisan emotional call for something he really is not qualified to discuss, especially when his emotions are still so very raw.  That is part of the problem we taxpayers are facing; we are forced to pay for things based on emotion, not reality.  We pray for infant Billy Kimmel; and for Bret Baier’s son Paul (who has never used his son’s health problems in a partisan manner) and the thousands of other children who have serious health conditions.  They are so very blessed that they have been born in a country that can save them medically and that government has NOT become socialized…yet!  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  



Daily Update

All taxpayers should be relieved that DOC Commissioner Ponte will be repaying the City for the abusive misuse of his city issued vehicle.  What is absolutely appalling is the explanation by the spokesman of DOC:  Peter Thorne said Ponte’s misuse of the agency-assigned vehicle was in part due to top officials not fully understanding city rules. (Yes, you read that right.)  Read more here. Unfortunately, Commissioner Ponte is not the only person to abuse the use of a city-owned car.  

The Daily Signal explains why conservatives are disappointed in the massive spending bill Congress agreed to to keep government open. The White House and Speaker Ryan are stressing what was good in the budget.  However, if Congress does not cut spending in the new fiscal year, rest assured, the citizens who put them in Congress, will not hesitate to take them out.  Spending is out of control; we did not become the greatest nation in the world by having government pay for our every need, nor will we remain the greatest government in the world if is allow government to continue its spending spree.  What has happened in Venezuela conceivably could happen here.  Venezuela was at one time a democracy, but since 1998 the rapid change has devastated the once beautiful country.   Was yesterday’s May Day violence  in America a precursor of our future if we do not take control of spending back?

When government is so out of control, things like this are inevitable.  

The Daily News editorial is right:  Renew Kendra’s Law now and protect all of us. 

John Crudele writes in the NY Post that De Blasio’s war on cigarettes should focus on smugglers too.  

This is heartbreaking:  The Syracuse Post Standard reports the counties with the highest number of babies born with a drug addiction.  

Wes Pruden opines on the pity party of the unloved press

Thank you, Thomas Sowell for another brilliant article.  


Daily Update

Chris Matthews, the longtime liberal host of Hardball, agrees that the Democratic Party has moved too far left on cultural issues.  His remarks came in response to Matthew Continetti’s column in the Washington Free Beacon on Friday that examined the democrats’ first 100 days.  

Hollywood icon Richard Dreyfuss leaves Tucker Carlson almost speechless with his defense of the United States Constitution.  Kudos to Dreyfuss for stating quite clearly that he is a constitutionalist. The American Thinker also reviews the segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight.  

Sen. Schumer appeared on Fox News Sunday and slammed the idea of repealing Obamacare and indicated that President Trump’s first 100 days was hardly a success.  He complains about the President Trump is going it alone.  Well Sen. Schumer, do you remember when President Obama essentially said “I won, deal with it!”  Where were you then about bi-partisanship?  The Senator quotes the NY Times and the Washington Post….when did they become bipartisan?  Sadly, Sen. Schumer is an obstructionist without a bipartisan thought in his mind.  

Nicole Gelinas writes about a tax cut to save the city’s businesses., and E. J. McMahon and Josh B. McGee opine on diffusing the city’s pension bomb.  . 

Naomi Schaefer Riley opines on the only way to stop the college revolt against free speech.  Robert Knight gives us his thoughts on the method to PC madness.  

Assisted suicide distorts doc’s duty.  The author, John Rhee, has a master’s degree in public health and is a fourth-year medical student at the Ichan Medical School at Mount Sinai and explains that what drew him to medicine, and what he hopes draws future generations, was the responsibility to protect vulnerable, hurting patients — including those who need and deserve our help from harming themselves. New York now threatens that precious contract.

Another 255 New Yorkers losing their jobs in upstate New York.