Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Jim Geraghty writes in National Review about GOP-amacare with a critical eye.  He’s right, the bill offered yesterday leaves a lot to be desired from the conservative perspective, but there is time to make some more substantial changes, however, it will never be a perfect bill.  Government does not belong in the health care business, but that ideal is long gone unfortunately, so we have to work together to eliminate some of the more objectionable aspects of the proposal.   Here is the  first quick article by the Heritage Foundation on the proposal.  The Washington Times has another quick assessment here.   

Mayor de Blasio will do almost anything to be re-elected.  While he is right to block the “Right to Know” act, everyone knows he would sign the bill on the day after he was re-elected.  Is it any wonder why politicians are not trusted?

Seriously?  Has the Board of Regents completely lost their purpose which according to the NYS Department of Education is “Our mission is to raise the knowledge, skill, and opportunity of all the people in New York. Our vision is to provide leadership for a system that yields the best educated people in the world., “How will they be able to do this if they cannot pass the Academic Literacy Skills Test, which is designed to measure prospective teachers’ reading and writing ability. I think the Board of Regents should hear from people concerned about the possibility of this passing on Monday.  Click here to let them know eliminating the Academic Literacy Skills Test is unacceptable.  

Mayor de Blasio’s questionable school consultants cost taxpayers millions.   Money that could go into actual student needs, might I add. 

New York is most unionized state – by far.  

Why do we need a $2000 credit to buy an electric car?  Aren’t you sick and tired of having government bribing you to do what they want?  If people see an advantage in buying an electric car, then buy it.  It seems to me lately that government is the only entity that gets away with bribing people. 

Why does government have to subsidize the cost of diapers?

Cal Thomas opines on the Trump effect.  

Daily Update

If you read the papers about Obamacare, you would think that everyone who has signed up for Obamacare wants to keep it.  According to a survey by Black Book Market Research, only 22% of those on Obamacare rate the coverage as good or excellent.  Maybe they were the people who received  $21.8 million in Obamacare tax credits who were not eligible to receive them. and still get them due to the ACA’s “good faith” provision.  

Mercedes Schlapp writes in the Washington Times how the democrats in Sessions obsessions break out ugly playbook.  

Robert Knight goes even further opining how the Democratic Party and ‘progressives’ of all types are mounting a dangerous ‘resistance.’  

Mark Levin appeared on Fox and Friends and broke down President Trump’s wiretapping claims. If you missed it, here is the video clip — well worth watching.  

Also worth watching is James Rosen explaining how the Obama Administration investigated him.

And this from — there may well be a paper trail to follow re wiretapping.  

Not unexpectedly, the Supreme Court returns case on transgender bathroom access to lower court.  Although the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals is considered to be conservative, the final decision may not be one that conservatives will support due to the fact that The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond sided with Grimm in April, saying the federal judge who previously dismissed Grimm’s Title IX discrimination claim ignored the Education Department’s guidance on bathroom use.

3 Different Ways State GOP Lawmakers Are Fighting Sanctuary Cities.  

Revised executive order by President Trump regarding travel ban becomes effective on March 16.   Here is what you need to know about it

George J. Marlin says N.Y. public schools pay more, get less.  

Did you miss this over the weekend?  Or this?  Or Michael Goodwin’s column?  We tweeted or posted on our mobile App. Get our App or follow us on Facebook and Twitter and we will keep you informed of all the hot topics over the weekend.  



Another week, another round of the Left’s meritless attacks on the Trump Administration – this time with Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the crosshairs

Make no mistake: The liberals’ goal is to destroy the Trump presidency, and if Republicans don’t stick together, the Democrats’ “new McCarthyism” (assisted by the media’s fake news) will succeed.

The Democrats’ hypocrisy (exemplified, of course, by New York’s very own Chuck Schumer) is galling – but it’s not surprising.

“This is how the Democrats are going to behave – to delegitimize the President,” says one Justice Department veteran. 

Rush Limbaugh makes no bones about it: “This story is about Barack Obama and the Democrat Party attempting to sabotage the Trump presidency and do everything they can to either render it meaningless and ineffective or to get him impeached or force him to resign.”

I want to put this question to friends of the Conservative Party today: How concerned are you that left-wing Democrats and the national news media are conspiring to delegitimize the Trump Administration and effectively overturn the 2016 presidential election? 

That’s question #1 in our new Weekly Poll.  Let me know what you think!

Regardless of the Democrats’ latest witch hunt, the biggest news this week is President Trump’s game-changing address to Congress on Tuesday.
“It was a great speech for Trump — optimistic, upbeat, bipartisan, but clear on what he hoped to accomplish,” Investor’s Business Daily says of the President’s address to Congress – and I couldn’t agree more.

What word do you think BEST describes President Trump’s speech this week? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll the results should be very interesting.

There’s optimism in Trump’s America, and many citizens are even more hopeful after the President’s address.  

How would you describe your level of optimism for the country right now? That’s the third and final question I’ve set for you in our new Weekly Poll. 

Two issues stood out for me.  First, President Trump signaled a renewed commitment to repealing Obamacare, and though this topic is yet another that’s littered with fake news, make no mistake: The facts are on our side. 

Also, reality supports President Trump’s commitment to securing the borders and protecting the nation from the myriad, devastating impacts of illegal immigration.  We’re seeing more evidence that the President is right to raise concerns about illegal alien voter fraud – and right here in our state, we’ve witnessed frightening proof that a lax immigration system (combined with inept and/or naïve public officials) can do real damage to individual Americans.  

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Cruz Defends Sessions Over Russia Report: It’s a ‘Nothing Burger’,  while, Sen. Schumer is going off the rails with his rants that Attorney General Sessions should resign. Where was he when AG Holder created havoc with our US Constitution?   And apparently, neither he nor former President Obama, are ready to give up the limelight — aka, the ability to raise money to use against the Trump administration who is determined to return America to We the People. 

Here is what Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi says: No, Sessions Scandal Is Not Like Loretta Lynch’s Meeting With Bill Clinton.  

Why couldn’t Sen. Schumer even listen to the “olive branches” offered to the democrats by President Trump on Tuesday?

Larry Kudlow opines on President Trump’s speech to the joint session of Congress. 

Is this surprising?  Press coverage of Trump in first month of office: 88 percent ‘hostile,’ says new study

A man from India, initially denied a visa to come to a snowshoe competition in upstate New York, has been arrested for sexual abuse.  He was denied a visa due to President Trump’s ban, but NY Senators Gillibrand and Schumer apparently helped the local mayor get him the visa.  

Just Because Liberals Call Something ‘Discrimination’ Doesn’t Mean It Actually Is.  

Rick Perry and Dr. Ben Carson are confirmed, finally.

Can President Trump slay the regulatory beast?  

This is not good:  NY Teamsters’ Pension Fund Goes Belly Up.  

De Blasio dodges questions about federal probe.   Meanwhile, De Blasio cronies are still making record amounts of cash.  





Daily Update

One may expect the NY Post editorial to state that President Donald J. Trump hit a grand slam last night when he addressed the joint session of Congress, but when Van Jones says Trump became president tonight and democrats should be worried, you know that President Trump’s sincere speech is one for the record books.  The Hill is reporting that media left and right give Trump’s speech thumbs up.  Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times that Trump’s speech leaves democrats befuddled, in ruins, with question marks.  

Sen. Charles Schumer, the Senate’s Minority Leader, apparently wants to remain MINORITY leader as he expressed that he didn’t hear anything he could support.  Leave it to Chuck, a fellow New Yorker, so biased that he cannot think straight; I wonder how the Dreamers will react to Sen. Schumer’s not hearing anything he could support.  

The Daily Signal points out what President Trump got right in the speech.  

The full speech is here, but grab your Kleenex for this tribute to Navel Seal Team member Ryan Owen, recently killed in Yemen.  President Trump was also able to make Carryn Owens smile — a true sign of a person who understands the emotion that transpired.   Not everyone was touched by the tribute, another indication that democrats will remain in the minority because We the People are tired of the empty political words they use to buy votes.  

This is a problem:  Pelosi: I’m ‘Proud’ of Democrats’ Decorum Last Night and another reason to enact TERM LIMITS.  This is another problem:  Democrats would not give Jamiel Shaw respect for the loss of his son when introduced by President Trump.  

Gov. John Kasich should just switch parties.   Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote In Ohio, Investigation Finds. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  




Daily Update

Deportation agency ignored 1.6 million visa overstays under Obama.  Overstays pose an increasingly prominent problem in illegal immigration, with estimates saying that as the border has become more secure, migrants are attempting to enter by getting legal passes and refusing to leave when their time is up.

One County saw a 27% drop in assaults after it helped enforce immigration law. The Daily Signal has the rest of the story.

Trump to propose military buildup, cuts in foreign aid in first address to Congress.  President Trump  hasn’t addressed the nation yet, but that hasn’t stopped some democrats from criticizing his expected remarks.  

Rich Lowry opines on the hidden heart of unaccountable big government..  

The Empire Center for Public Policy looks at the possibility of a softer Medicaid block grant.  

McAuliffe Vetoes Bill to Investigate Virginia Voter Rolls With More Registered Than Eligible Voters.  Gov. McAuliffe proves he is blind to voter fraud as it clearly exists in Virginia.  Meanwhile, in Texas, the Justice Department rescinds a key part of a Texas law seeking to enhance the integrity of votes cast.  Seriously, how is showing a photo ID discriminatory?  If it is so discriminatory, why is it required for so many other things, like getting on an airplane.  

Mayor de Blasio, you have so many problems.  But, don’t worry Mr. Mayor,  here are ten good reasons to re-elect you.    

Remember the idiom “Be careful of what you wish for, lest it come true?”  Well those who wanted a $15 minimum wage may want to rethink their demand after reading this.  

Dennis Prager’s words of wisdom



Daily Update

Orange County legislator James O’Donnell is supporting a resolution to name the new Tappan Zee Bridge named in memory of the three men killed by the Brinks robbers on October 20, 1981, that, if adopted, would be a memorialization for the three murdered men.  To learn more about renaming the Tappan Zee Bridge and to join our efforts to do the same you can sign our online petition here.  

Keep Keith Doyle in prison.  On August 24, 1984 Keith Doyle, murdered Janice Amirante one week before her 19th birthday in a motel after an argument.  He then plunged her head in a sink of water to make sure there were no bubbles, removed the mattress from the bed, pried boards off the wooden platform and put her body inside and then replaced the boards and the mattress.  He kept the motel room key and 2 days later, when it was vacant he removed the body and dumped it in a drainage area where she was discovered a few days later.  Doyle was convicted of second-degree murder with extreme indifference to human life and was sentenced to 25 years to life. Download the petition to keep him in jail here and please send it to the NYS Board of Parole (address is on petition) or you can go online to the Board of Parole here.  

If we had this tool, police would be able to solve more cases.  

Fortunately for us, Mayor de Blasio has trouble picking winners, then again, the DNC didn’t do that great when they chose an Obama appointee Tom Perez, who will sue to get what he wants.  Did you know that under the Obama Administration the Economic Freedom Index plummeted from 6th to 17th?   

The Daily Signal wraps up national CPAC..  At CPAC, Panelists Discuss Role Vetting, Assimilation Play in National Security.  

Nicole Gelinas opines on the Port Authority’s highway robbery.  

Robert Knight opines on fake justice and the rise of a new religion.   

Preterition and the Press.   

Sometimes even “perfect” people make mistakes or should we say deliver “fake” winners instead of the real ones.  (sometimes you just have to laugh albeit everyone involved with La La Land was not laughing…)


Weekly Wrap-Up

This is an exciting week for conservatives, with the annual CPAC gathering taking place in Washington. 

The highlight of the event was President Trump, who spoke today at the place that many believe was the start of his political rise.  His rousing speech can be found here, and in it he continued one of his most daring accomplishments so far as President: Exposing the media as partisans.

What is your favorite quote from President Donald Trump’s speech at CPAC? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. As usual, he gave us a lot of colorful options.

Vice President Mike Pence also delivered a stirring address – check it out here. His overall theme: For conservatives, this is our time to lead the nation. 

What was your favorite quote from the Vice-President’s CPAC speech? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll – and again, plenty of great options to choose from.

In addition to the President and Vice-President, CPAC this year is featuring speeches from some of the biggest names in our conservative movement, including: 

That’s a solid lineup – of these conservative leaders who joined President Trump and Vice-President Pence at CPAC, which one would you most want to meet with one-on-one to talk policy and politics? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Immigration has been a big topic at CPAC this year, and this piece from the Washington Times gives a very powerful look at the difference between legal and illegal immigration – something we should never lose sight of.

But under Obama, we have lost sight of that, meaning that criminal aliens get a better deal than innocent Americans, and Democrats are going ballistic over the enforcement of laws their very own party signed into law.

As other countries struggle with their ill-conceived open-borders policies (as usual, President Trump was right and the media was wrong about the situation in Sweden), don’t let “fake news” cloud this issue – a border wall will protect America. 

You get the sense from CPAC of something that we’re seeing discussed from truthful news outlets: That under President Trump, it’s “morning in America” once again. The economy seems to be rebounding already, and there’s likely much more economic growth to come.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

NYPD Commissioner is no Frank Reagan as he defies president’s immigration orders.  When the NYPD Commissioner defies established law — who is allowed into our country — how does he justify making any other arrests?  The law is the law and NO ONE is above the law., least of all the NYPD Commissioner.  His job is to keep New Yorkers safe; not protect those who have broken the law.  

Bob McManus praises ICE who did their job last week despite Commissioner O’Neill and Mayor de Blasio.  

New York City is not the only city in NYS that disregards the law; Rochester is also a sanctuary city.  here is Bob Lonsberry’s take on Rochester.  

The Torch’s Bill Hammond checks Governor Cuomo’s facts on the ACA — Obamacare.  

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security Chief John Kelly are heading to Mexico to meet with Enrique Peña Nieto, the president of Mexico.  I hope they have a copy of Mexico’s immigration policy with them to point out that 1)  Mexico welcomes only foreigners who will be useful to Mexican society, 2) Mexican authorities must keep track of every single person in the country,  3)  Foreigners with fake papers, or who enter the country under false pretenses, may be imprisoned and 4)  Foreigners who fail to obey the rules will be fined, deported, and/or imprisoned as felons:.  Under Mexican Law,  illegal immigration is a felony and  Mexicans who help illegal aliens enter the country are themselves considered criminals under the law.   What say you now, President Enrique Peña Nieto?

This Saturday, the DNC will choose its new chairman.  Is it possible that Cong. Keith Ellison, who suggests that President Trump should be impeached, will be the new DNC Chair?   Whomever is chosen, it doesn’t seem as if much will change with the Democratic Party–the ultra-left will continue to steer it to its demise.  

The Daily Signal visits a townhall meeting:  Watch How One Congressman Handles a Rowdy Town Hall Meeting.  The outspoken participants are following what Indivisible has prepared for them.  Here is the handbook being used by those seeking to make the news by disrupting townhall meetings being held by republicans.  

One of the most reproduced photograph in history was taken by Joe Rosenthal  atop Suribachi and won him a Pulitzer Prize, thanks to the bravery of the US Marines —  true American heroes who fought the bloody Battle for Iwo Jima…when men protected America…a lesson lost on so many today.  



Daily Update

We have said it before and will continue to stress the fact that elected officials take an oath to uphold the US Constitution and protect its citizens.  Mayor de Blasio and his Administration are more concerned about keeping New York City as a sanctuary city than they are about the safety of those who were born here or came here legallyAdvocates want to make it easier for non-violent criminals to stay in NYC, but the rest of us have this message for Bill de Blasio:   your time as Mayor — and your ultra left ideals — are coming to a close.   By the way, Mr. Mayor, how are you going to pay your legal fees.  

Venezuelans Now On A Forced Starvation Diet — Thanks, Socialism!  

Terrorism Isn’t The Only Reason To Curb Refugee Admissions.  

Call me old fashioned, but I remember when businesses used to succeed or fail on their own.  

This article helps explain why we see Governor Cuomo helping stranded motorist, will we see him cleaning yards in the spring, acting as a lifeguard in the summer and raking leaves in the fall?  When you do see those photos, remember that Governor Cuomo wants state agencies to pump out good news.  If Governor Cuomo only wants state agencies to promote “good news” why does Gov. Cuomo keep pushing the millionaires tax?  Pushing more New Yorkers out of New York hardly denotes good news.  

NY Senator admits that Neil Gorsuch will probably  be confirmed as US Supreme Court Justice, The Washington Times has more information on some of his past decisions.

No Excuse for Congress Not to Pass Criminal Code Reforms So Innocent Americans Don’t Get Punished.    

Wednesdays with Walter E. Williams.  

Daily Update

There is high praise in this article by Brian Simka for President Trump’s choice of Lt. Gen. H. M. McMaster  to be his national security adviser.  The Washington Times also has praise for one of the top 100 most influential people in the world according to Time Magazine’s 2014 list.   Want to more about McMaster, read or Google “73 Easting

Rep. Elijah Cummings (Md.) is right….in this instance. 

Trump Versus Obama: Whose Cabinet Nominees Faced More Obstruction?   Will you see this chart in the mainstream media…it is no wonder why President Trump slams the msm.  Micheal Goodwin expresses in his column, that the President is the one who calls the shots, not the media.  The question then becomes — will the press just report the news (as the Washington Free Beacon did) or will the continue to opine in what should be the news.  No one has a problem with opinions — we all have them — but they do not belong in the news portion of the mainstream media.  Or will the mainstream media continue to be purblind to the accomplishments of Donald J. Trump and his administration as they deliver to the voters who didn’t fall for the written deceits portrayed by “journalists.”

Good news from the Trump Administration.   And more good news here.  

And then there is this:  DHS secretary orders immigration agent hiring surge, end to ‘catch-and-release’ spells it out more here.  

The bogus case for boosting school aid.  

De Blasio turned a blind eye to ACS disaster.  

This Syracuse Post Standard article spells out some of the problems when government grants are involved with private enterprise —  government always has the last word and does what it planned all along to do..


Weekly Wrap-Up

“President Trump may have come to Washington to ‘drain the swamp,’ but now he’s finding out that it’s full of nasty swamp creatures,” Investor’s Business Daily warns.  “And, as he’s also discovered, they bite.” 

Media elites are outraged by President Trump’s press conference this week, but here’s a news flash: the President’s words played very different with his supporters than with inside-the-beltway journalists.

What was your favorite quote from President Trump’s Thursday press conference? There’s a lot to choose from – I’m interested to see how people respond to this first question in our new Weekly Poll.

It doesn’t help the media’s case that they keep peddling recycled propaganda and fake news under the guise of “journalism” – and the media’s endless double standards fuel more distrust.

How would you describe the national media’s coverage of the Trump Administration? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Talking about the economy, President Trump said, “It’s a mess. At home and abroad, a mess.” And there’s proof of this, as we can see that under the Obama Administration the United States steadily lost ground on economic freedom.

Here’s the third and final Weekly Poll question: What do you think is the BEST thing President Trump and Congress can do to get the U.S. economy moving again? 

Options range from repealing Obamacare and reforming the tax code to ending overregulation and curbing the destructive influence of labor unions (more proof this week that both of these goals are being achieved). I’m interested to see what friends of the Conservative Party think.   

Have a great weekend!