“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
Upstate New York mourns the loss of another law enforcement officer, State Trooper Joel R. Davis, shot to death last evening. This was not an assassination; as Trooper Davis was responding to shots fired during a domestic incident. His death reminds us that every man and woman in law enforcement risk their lives every single day. We pray for his family and pray that the senseless killing of innocent people ends.
The Washington Times opines on Illinois’ march to the poorhouse…unfortunately, New York isn’t far behind.
Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has national political ambitions, would be more likely to be successful if he understood the economic logic of democrat turned republican Governor of Missouri Eric Greitens decision to change the minimum wage. Gov. Greitens is allowing a republican passed bill to roll back the minimum wage from$10 an hour to $7.70. His reasoning is simple, “Politicians in St. Louis passed a bill that fails on both counts: it will kill jobs, and despite what you hear from liberals, it will take money out of people’s pockets.”
Progressive Oregonjust voted to expand the killing of unborn children (patients would have access to the procedure for virtually any reason, at any time, including sex-selective and late-term abortions) and is using $500,000 of taxpayers pay for this abuse of power in taking the lives of innocent babies.
The New York Times ran an article, A Constitutional Convention for New York? This May Be the Year, yesterday and actually laid out the pros and cons. As you know, the Conservative Party is opposed to the Constitutional Convention. Those who support it believe they will be able to add progressive issues currently held back by right thinking legislators. As noted in the article, the last time a Con-Con was held and adopted was in 1938 when the constitution was changed to add a safety net for the poor and a bill of rights for labor, each of which has cost untold billions of taxpayers hard earned money. Let us know your best reason for not holding a constitutional convention in this week’s poll question.
President Trump makes it clear, he does not apologize for his love of America, and that is quite refreshing after 8 years of a president who did nothing but apologize for America’s greatness. What do you think of President Trump’s European visit so far? Let us know in this week’s last poll question.
Malliotakis: NYC should comply with all federal requests to hand over immigrants. The fact of the matter is, that one cannot choose which laws they want to follow. If you disagree with a particular law, you work to change it, but until you can, it binds you. You may not like it, or agree with it, but the law is the law. We, as a political party, do not agree with many laws and we work to change what we can, we will also speak out on those we do not agree with even when that candidate is our candidate.
Independence Day is almost here, and this timeless message from the great Paul Harvey is as powerful as ever.
This week we witnessed the horrors of socialized health care – a chilling reminder why, as Mark Levin points out, nobody is running to Canada or Great Britain for their health care. But this is exactly what the liberals want for our country.
We also made progress this week in the fight to protect our country from the scourge of out-of-control illegal immigration. The House has taken action to crack down on sanctuary cities, and President Trump earned a major judicial victory from the Supreme Court – but the fight continues.
Via the Daily Wire, here are seven stories about the illegal immigrant crime wave that the media elites won’t cover.
Personal freedom, the right to life, America’s sovereignty, the responsibilities of a free press – the topics raised this week, and so many more, are particularly relevant as we celebrate the Fourth of July. I’ve focused our new Weekly Poll on three questions related to U.S. history and freedom. They are:
Who is your favorite leader in U.S. history?
As we celebrate July 4, what makes you proud to be an American?
Which threat to our freedom as Americans are you MOST worried about right now?
I look forward to seeing how people vote, and I hope all of you are able to be with family and friends as you celebrate Independence Day. Have a great weekend!
We fought for our freedom in 1776 but there are some elitist in America today who want to emulate Europe’s government. Is this really what they want? If so, go live there and let us, those who respect life, live here with our values.
You don’t see headlines like this every day: Maine restaurant workers successfully lobby to lower the minimum wage.
State legislators are back in Albany, but they are not certain what they will be doing other than passing a one-year extender on NYC mayoral control of public schools. It is our sincere hope that the Assembly does not pass the naming of the new Tappan Zee bridge after the Governor’s late father. As PressConnects is reporting, the Mario Cuomo bridge plan is facing pushback. Governor Cuomo should take note that it was his father who added Gov. Wilson’s name to the Tappan Zee bridge and honor his father’s wishes. (As of this posting, legislators are just milling around and no bills have been put on their respective calendars.)
Pulitzer-Prize winner Michael Goodwin has come a long way from his career with the NY Times and the NY Daily News and his columns in the NY Post give readers the insight of his 30 plus years in journalism. Today’s column does not disappoint.
Governor Cuomo is bringing the legislative members back, essentially to deal with mayoral control of the NYC school system…and whatever else the Governor may demand. Contact your Member of the Assembly (518-455-4100) or email them and let them know you do not want the new Tappan Zee Bridge called the Mario Cuomo Bridge. If you have not signed our petition yet, please do so now.
Congressman John Faso appeared on Focus on the State Capitol with Fred Dicker today and explained how his proposal in the new Health Care Bill helps New Yorkers. Listen to him here, and understand that what Governor Cuomo, the ads being run by SEIU 1199 and editorial boards who are denigrating Congressman Faso’s proposal, are doing so because they do not 1) want any cuts to Medicaid and 2) if the Faso-Collins proposal passes it will mean far less money for their pet projects...and more money for you. Here is Congressman Faso’s written response to Governor Cuomo.
The NY Post editorial opines that Sunday’s LGBTQ was the second time in a month that a New York parade featured cheering for someone who’d committed major crimes against the United States. Sadly, there was a time when NYC parades honored true heroes, but the city I spent half my life in no longer abides by that tradition — now it sees fit to celebrate terrorists and traitors.
Governor Cuomo is planning more taxes for New Yorkers outside of NYC if the health care proposal includes the “Faso-Collins” language that calls for the state to pay for the local share of Medicaid. Governor Cuomo is so out of control, he even wants the local tax bill to label his proposed tax the “Faso-Collins Federal Tax” on the local tax bills. Instead of cutting Medicaid costs, like other states have done, Governor Cuomo insists local taxpayers will continue to pay the $2.3 billion in taxes to “avoid decimation of our health care system.” Gov. Cuomo also said, “if this bill passes, Faso, Collins and other Republican members of New York’s delegation who supported it will have to answer to the people of this state for it.” The reality is, Governor, Congressman Faso and Congressman Collins have the best interests of the taxpayer at heart, and you, Governor, do not. New York’s Medicaid bill is more than Texas and Florida combined. Instead of rushing to add the “Faso-Collins Federal Tax” to property tax bills, Governor Cuomo MUST find ways to eliminate and reduce Medicaid’s bloated budget.
Did votes by non-citizens cost President Trump the 2016 popular vote? It sure looks that way, as a new study shows the unbelievable impact of voter fraud.
In your view, how big a problem is illegal voting by non-citizens? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.
The loss could push Democrats even further left for 2018 and dampen their chances for a comeback next year – but it likely won’t inspire the liberals to rethink their ongoing culture war or their abiding hatred for President Trump.
What do you think is the most important takeaway from the GOP victory in Georgia and other special elections? And what about the Democrats’ anti-Trump “Resistance” movement: what do you think this left-wing uprising is most resistant to – winning, or reason and logic, or accepting the outcome of the 2016 election?
Those are the final two questions in our new Weekly Poll.
Speaking of Hollywood, the liberal stars are on the warpath again in their violent crusade against President Trump. Johnny Depp is the latest to raise the specter of violent resistance – joining the new and crowded Hollywood Hall of Shame.
Did you miss Chairman Long on Capitol Tonight last night. Don’t worry, we have it here.
The Members of the Legislature have gone home for the time being. They will certainly return before January to deal with some of the issues — Mayor de Blasio’s control over NYC schools for example — they left on the table.
What should have been left on the table was the 11th hour introduction of the Governor’s Program Bill #14 with a “message of necessity” that waives the 3-day waiting period to age a bill, but more importantly, for the legislators and the public to study the bill. Gov. Cuomo, while campaigning to be Governor criticized previous Governor’s use of this method to pass bills, yet it is becoming common place in his administration…the NY SAFE Act comes to mind as well as increasing the minimum wage, “marriage equality” and budget bills so he can say the budget was not late. None of these bills were emergencies, but Gov. Cuomo used Article III, Section 14 of the NYS Constitution as if they were, essentially to bypass discussion. Last night, Gov. Cuomo though it was necessary to name the new bridge being built to replace the Malcolm Wilson Tappan Zee Bridge — the Mario Cuomo Bridge. (Readers of this blog, know that the Conservative Party believes that the new bridge should be called the Brown Paige O’Grady Bridge to honor the men who gave their lives when domestic terrorists robbed the Nanuet Mall.) The self- proclaimed “lobbyist for students”, thought it was more important to name a bridge after his father, than to put his bully pulpit to use for the students of New York City.
There are far more important issues than the naming of a bridge and we fully understand that, the problem is the way it was done. Governor “Coriolanus Snow” Cuomo continues to show his true colors.