Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Really. Mr. Mayor, your response to being confronted with proof of the order to clear the subways of homeless in Brooklyn stations, is “read my lips, I don’t care.”  How dare you ask for a second term when you treat the residents of New York City as fools beneath you.  Do you really think that we will believe you when you say “…there’s no sweeps” and he should know because “I ride the subways all the time.”  Right, and pigs fly in New York City.  What a patronizing and pathetic response from the man who is asking residents for a second term.

Perhaps I just do not understand the mayor since Mayor de Blasio just like to help others, especially when they donate to his election. 

Malliotakis, GOP candidate, outlines sanctuary policies for NYC, essentially rolling back Mayor de Blasio’s policies that block the NYPD and city correction officers from cooperating freely with federal immigration authorities, leaving in place the policies established by Mayor Ed Koch.

Assemblywoman Malliotakis responds to last night’s Riker’s escape.  

Personally, I support the ICE chief.  

The decision to share voter data with Trump panel isn’t up to Cuomo.  

Does Governor Cuomo have a primary opponent?

Here is a shining example why professors should not have tenure.  If you need another example, read this.  Yes, they are entitled to their views, but fringe theories should be kept out of the classroom.   

Debbie Wasserman Schultz fires Imran Awan, IT staffer, following fraud arrest.   ABC, NBC, And CBS Pretty Much Bury IT Scandal Engulfing Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s OfficeSo do cable networks.  By the way,  He and four of his relatives have received $4 million by working for Democratic members of Congress since 2009.  That is a lot of your hard-earned money that could have been used for roads and bridges.  Pretty good pay (roughly $125,000 each) for being a being part of public service…it used to be real public service, now the pay is comparable to private industry – where they sell products to be paid, not raise the tax rates and mandate payment from you.  And this would not happen in private industry:  IT Aide Was Still on DWS’s Payroll After Stealing Equipment

The Charlie Gard Story Exemplifies the Left’s War on Parents.  This Ben Shapiro article is a must-read, we must fight for our moral values or our children and grandchildren will certainly live in the twilight zone that is fast becoming a reality when you understand what the British government just decided in the Charlie Gard case. 

The Orlando Sentinel offers good advice for states who have fiscal problems. 

Daily Update

Will the DOI investigation be completed before November?  Voters have a right to know. 

What are these legislators thinking?  In 75% of the cases the current civil fine of $100 is the penalty for jumping the turnstile.  In this case, Mayor de Blasio is right when in said “…evading the fare…would create chaos.”   

What Mayor de Blasio is 100% wrong on is allowing NYC to be a sanctuary city.  Here is what our mayoral candidate, Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis has to say about that.  Michael Goodwin, your column is good except for the fact that you say you can’t beat someone with no one.  May I remind you that very few pundits thought Donald J. Trump would be our 45th elected president.  Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis is someone who can also overcome the enrollment odds; she understands the issues and reaches out to the people of New York City every day.  You are right to say “Pick a candidate, give your time, your money and your vote. Speak up, write to your friends and neighbors with your ideas about what you are doing to help save New York. Don’t just throw up your hands and complain. Your city needs you, and you are not alone. It’s time for a change.”  Help Nicole Malliotakis become Mayor; get started here

The moving vans are still busy in New York.  Mercatus Research has some of the reasons why in their latest research :  Ranking the states by their fiscal condition.  Here is a map showing the rankings; New York is 39 and Florida is number 1.

New York, however, is number 1 in spending for K-12 in the nation.  

The Daily Signal writes that House Conservatives try again to block funding for transgender treatments in military.  President Donald J. Trump must be listening and willing to go a step further when he announced a ban on transgenders serving in the military.   Read more here,  here and here

Donald Devine writing in the American Spectator has a must-read column:  Permanent paranoia is destroying our politics

Wise words from Betsy McCaughey:  Stop making doctors the slaves of computers

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is back in the news for all the wrong reasons again. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams


Daily Update

Gov. Cuomo announces funding to protect New York health care.  In reading the article you will note that the money is coming from the Statewide Health Care Facility Transformation Program which is administered by the Department of Health and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York.  And where does the Dormitory Authority get its money from:  selling bonds.  The stated $ 491 million is not the true cost…the interest must be added and with interest rates going up, be prepared, it will be exceedingly more money taken from you in taxes.  When does the taxpayer get protected?

Tax revenues are declining,  Comptroller DiNapoli is wrong on the Faso-Collins proposal, the answer is simply to cut expenses.  New Yorkers have to let legislators know, we are fed up with being over taxed and spending must be curtailed.  Instead of bailing out health care (see above) make the necessary cuts to wasteful spending. 

The latest from Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis:  Homeless Sweep = Potemkin Village Strategy

If you need just one reason to vote NO on the Constitutional Convention, read what the latest buzz in Albany isGov. Cuomo “wants to have access to our pensions the same way (the) feds have raided Social Security,”

Was this sent out for bids?  Prevailing wages are responsible for some of the inflated costs to remove the Sheridan. 

Stop the bickering and fix the subways seems to be on everyone minds

Hand it to de Blasio: He keeps his corruption consistent.   Even Democrats upset with de Blasio’s treatment of campaign donors

Kudos Conrad Black on your excellent column:  U.S. Democracy Flounders, Beset By Its Own Press And the Disgrace of Congress

William McGurn opines in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) that Mueller Is Trumping Congress; Special prosecutors corrupt; independent counsels corrupt absolutely.

Will Flanders writes in National Review that school vouchers are not a form of welfare. 

Larry Kudlow’s take on the democrats’ plan for health care is summed up in one word:  Disaster. 

Single-payer would be a nightmare for Americans.    Need more proof?  Read this.  

Richard W. Rahn explains in the Washington Times why explains there are such vicious attempts to get rid of President Donald J. Trump.

Daily Update

Here is some of what you may have missed over the weekend:  Vicki Paladino who lives in Queens confronts Mayor de Blasio, Vicki Paladino with Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis; Here’s where you want to go to win a trial in New York; The NY Daily News wants Gov. Cuomo to own up to fixing the subway crisis; NY pols’ buck-passing is leaving subway riders stranded;  and Top NYC official was fired for complaining about City Hall’s ‘inappropriate involvement’ with de Blasio donor.  

National Review writes about Andrew Cuomo’s Edifice Complex

It really is outrageous if Mayor de Blasio Ordered Police to Clear Homeless Out of Subways Before His Ride.   The NY Post is also reporting that the Mayor wanted a “clean” ride

Governor Cuomo gives first time campers camping equipment worth about $300 that you paid for. 

Cuomo to boost effort to make registering to vote easier for New Yorkers.    Or is it really intimidating the person who approaches the state agency for help or information? 

E. J. McMahon lets us know that a democratic governor learns to not make the same mistake New York made years ago.  

Sad News:  Charlie Gard parents end legal fight as time runs out for ‘beautiful’ baby.

ICE chief lists worst sanctuary cities: Chicago, NYC, San Francisco, Philadelphia

Sen. Mike Lee:  Making Net Neutrality a Thing of the Past.   Sen. Lee isn’t alone in his beliefs on “net neutrality,”  White House backs FCC plan to reverse Obama-era ‘net neutrality’ rules.   

The Daily Signal informs us that a government-funded job training program (set up by President Obama)   that promised to turn hundreds of residents of Kentucky’s coal country into computer coders so far has spent $2 million to place 17 people in tech jobs and may have left others worse off. 

Westchester beats Obama is the headline in today’s Wall Street Journal (subscription required); the editorial ends with this “The misuse of federal regulatory enforcement to impose its liberal policy preferences was one of the worst excesses of the Obama Administration. Congratulations to Mr. Astorino and Westchester for refusing to give in to the extortion—and for winning in the end.”

Stephen Moore has some good advice on how to fix the Obamacare fiasco

Robert Knight opines on Rooting out vote fraud; Why the vote fraud panel frightens the left

Kushner Speaks: Those Suggesting Trump Won Because of Russia are Ridiculing American Voters

Weekly Wrap-Up

What’s next for Obamacare repeal? There are many possibilities, none of them completely satisfying. 

One thing is for sure: There’s plenty of blame to go around, from phony numbers to political posturing to abysmal Republican leadership

Where do you put most of the blame for the Obamacare debacle? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Another thing that’s becoming clear: Democrats will soon regret that the GOP failed to repeal the collapsing Obamacare. 

But doing nothing isn’t always bad – sometimes when Washington snoozes, the economy wins.  And President Trump is helping this along by putting the kibosh on hundreds of Obama-Era regulations before they can stifle our economy. Good for him.

“A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages.” – that is supposedly the Democrats’ new slogan that they’ve been researching, testing and tweaking for eons… and if that’s the best they can do it’s no wonder they lost in 2016. I have two questions: 

1.    Do the Democrats really think that the best way to connect with working-class voters is to tell them that their skills aren’t up to snuff? 
2.    Is anyone else suddenly hungry for Papa John’s pizza?   

What do you think would be the best slogan for the Democrats right now? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll – I hope you enjoy some of the options I’ve come up with! 

It looks to be another scorcher this weekend, and it’s been hot all across the state – what are you doing to beat the New York heat? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Stay cool, and have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Malliotakis demands de Blasio’s travel costs be released.  Our readers had a heads up on this yesterday.  Let your friends know they can be on top of the news by subscribing to our Daily Update, especially concerning the race for Mayor.  We will do our best to let you know everything Assemblywoman Malliotakis is doing to better the lives of New York City residents.

Malliotakis builds a case against ‘pro-criminal’ de Blasio

Your tax dollars misused again; is anyone really surprised that nearly 2000 technology devices are missing?  When government just takes more of your money, they are not forced to be prudent when spending it. 

Cuomo takes advantage of election-law loophole he vowed to abolish.  Again, is anyone surprised?  He also likes to have you pay for some gifts, seriously, if the Governor wanted to give Sen. Gillibrand a gift, did he have to use money from his campaign account?  Is that why people donate to it?

Cal Thomas opines on how Congress is porking out with your money. 

E. J. McMahon examines the mixed NYS job numbers.

There is a democrat that wants to fight voter fraud

Finally, a college cracks down on the left’s snowflake fascists

Guy Benson continues to examine the health care morass to keep us up to date.  Betsy McCaughey states the obvious in today’s column:  Ronald Reagan has the answer to GOP’s Obamacare riddle.  

Our prayers are with Senator John McCain, a man that has sacrificed more than most for his country and who pledges to return to the Senate.  

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) gave the parents of Charlie Gard hope due to her personal experience. 

Daily Update

Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis is standing up for all New Yorker’s by filing a FOIA request for the cost of 21 separate trips Mayor de Blasio has made since March of 2014.  Today’s New York Post editorial gives a sound reason why Mayor de Blasio is painting his rival, Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis, as a Trump clone. 

As more New Yorkers learn about the possibility of New York holding a Constitutional Convention, the less they like the idea.  VOTE NO on the Con-Con in November.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren just can’t get her beliefs straight.  

Charlie Hurt opining in the Washington Times –  blame dishonest Democrats who created Obamacare and lied about it.  

IRS Awards Obamacare Premium Tax Credits Without Verifying Citizenship or Lawfully Present Status


Jane M. Orient, MD writes in the Heartland Institute that it is not about health care, it is about control.

The Wall Street Journal editorial has this to say:  The ObamaCare Republicans; Voters may repeal and replace the Senators who broke their promise.

Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D., founder, and president of the Heritage Foundation, lets us know what’s up and what’s down in American culture.  

Politico writes  “As subways suffer, Cuomo plans choreographed bridge lights.”  The article points out that the MTA is not paying for Governor Cuomo’s bridge lights.  However, the taxpayer certainly is, and aren’t there better uses for your tax dollars? 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Daily Update

E. J. McMahon’s column, Sizing up tax reform, explains how federal tax reform offers mixed prospects for New York State.  

The Manhattan Institute takes Mayor de Blasio to task for saying some are panhandling for “fun.”

Here is just one aspect of good news that the media fails to report.  Incidentally, have you read about this or heard it on the news?

Is media responsible for America’s current ‘civil war’? According to Carl Bernstein, it is Fox News’ fault. 

Canada and Sweden’s Misguided Abortion Crusade.

NY left’s radical opposition to funds for pregnant women.  

Richard W. Rahn opines on when legal protections begin to disappear in the Washington Times.

The Hypocrisy of Linda Sarsour and Her Use of ‘Jihad’

Tom Howell, Jr. writes in the Washington Times on the death of the  Senate GOP health care bill and Guy Benson follows up on yesterday’s article with this one:  Debacle: Following Senate GOP’s Healthcare Collapse, What Comes Next?

Senator Schumer:  Your Party and you created this problem (without one republican vote) and your statement today is a political invention.. Since becoming Minority Leader, you and your colleagues have never held the door for bipartisanship open on health care.     

News can be uplifting sometimes, especially when it includes animals.  

Daily Update

Nicole Gelinas’ column in today’s New York Post is quite informative in explaining how the NYC subways are being “robbed” to pay for Amtrak’s new home.   The NY Post editorial tells us about more proof (another investigation) of the billions Governor Cuomo keeps wasting.  The NY Post also warns us to beware of Mayor de Blasio’s water-fee giveaways.  Over the weekend there was this:  A small, but smelly, bailout.   Makes you wonder who you are really working for… to give your family a better life or politicians who continue to take your hard-earned money to fulfill their ambitions.  Case in point:  Affordable, at what cost? Bill de Blasio’s housing plan is getting results, thanks to billions and billions in taxpayer subsidy.  Note that this is being pointed out by the rather liberal NY Daily News editorial board. 

It isn’t enough that politicians take our money, some judges make really bad decisions that have genuinely detrimental effects.  Michael Goodwin opines that “the city” is sleepwalking into a crisis, but also reminds us that is because we have forgotten how “the city” became great. 

Don’t give up…help is on the way.  From Politico:  Staten Island Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis, the likely Republican nominee in this year’s mayoral election, outraised Mayor Bill de Blasio’s re-election campaign over the past two months, when comparing each candidate’s donations and potential matching funds. 

Is former VP Al Gore the real inventor of “fake news”?  He is back again trying to scare everyone into believing that he knows what he is talking about.  He doesn’t.

Robert Knight explains how the ACLU tips its liberal hand.

Althouse writes how Snopes (of all places) gives an in-depth analysis of the false allegations and misleading claims made against President Trump since his inauguration. 

Does Sen. Ted Cruz have the key to ending Obamacare morass? 

Guy Benson has a message for the GOP.  Read it here

Weekly Wrap-UP

President Trump’s priority is protecting America – while the Democrats are focused on… using defense dollars to fund sex-change operations. 

In your opinion, how would military funds used to subsidize sex-change treatments be better spent? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

On this and virtually every issue, the media – or the left, if you prefer… it’s hard to tell the difference – continues to show an astounding level of bias. Think about Russia (how can we not, as much as the media elites harp on it), or immigration, or even how the First Lady is portrayed – the liberal slant of news coverage that has always been obvious is even more insidious now. 

What would you say is the most glaring example of liberal media bias that Americans are witnessing right now? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Will the Democrats’ anti-Trump overreach backfire? Are they especially overplaying the Russia card? Time will tell – but we’re seeing case after case after case where the media liberals have a stark double standard for President Trump and Democrats.

It’s almost time for Congress to take its August recess – but it seems this year’s summer break will be delayed at least for a short while and maybe more to catch up on keeping campaign promises about Obamacare, taxes and other matters.

How much of a difference do you think it will make if the House and Senate cut back on their August recess? Let me know in our final Weekly Poll question. 

And have a great weekend!

Daily Update

The new Senate health care bill has been released.  It looks like a compromise, to get it passed, if it passes, the real work begins with a Conference Committee. 

Former Speaker Sheldon Silver is a happy man today, but will it last?  The NY Post says: The evidence still shows Shelly Silver is guilty, guilty, guilty.  The Buffalo News states the “Swamp wins again.”

Our candidate for Mayor of NYC, Nicole Malliotakis, says Mayor de Blasio just reacts, is never proactive.  

Bill Hammond writes in the Torch about NY’s opioid addiction rates.

Leave it to a federal judge nominated by former President Obama to come up with this ruling.   I do believe his decision is the definition of an activist judge. 

The Next FBI Director Plans to Look Into Collusion Between Clinton Campaign and Ukraine.    Should he start with this

Sometimes you feel the emotions and cry with people.

Sometimes you just have to laugh.  

And sometimes you just have to be proud to be of the generosity of people. 

Daily Update

Here is an excellent interview of our candidate for Mayor, Nicole Malliotakis on Fox Business News.  Please do what you can to support Nicole Malliotakis.  Tom Wrobleski writes in the Staten Island Advance how for Mayor de Blasio anywhere is better than City Hall.   Malliotakis calls for the demotion of Judge Baily-Schiffman.  You can always stop by Assemblywoman Malliotakis website to read articles like this

Michel Faulkner, running for comptroller of New York City. is also our candidate on the Conservative Party line.  You can learn more about him on his website and here, when he spoke at our CPPAC meeting in Albany this past January.  He is having a fundraiser on July 19 and hopes that you will be able to attend.  

Governor Cuomo won’t be happy with this headline:  Cuomo approval rating near all-time low, poll says.

Congressman Chris Collins isn’t backing down in his support of New Yorkers. 

On what grounds Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA)?

Byron York: Trump-Russia investigation takes sharp turn toward the dumb.  Michael Goodwin calls the latest Russian story another witch hunt, but the NY Post has harsher words for Donald Jr.   So, Congressman Sherman, we ask again…on what grounds?

Betsy McCaughey thinks firing hundreds at the VA should just be the start. 

What is going on in Canada?  Has Canada’s government lost all sense of moral fortitude?  Apparently, Oregon has also

One of the NY Post editorials in today’s papers expose to the readers that a candidate is on trial for corruption, yet the local democratic committee endorsed his run for re-election to the City Council.    They take the Queens Democratic party to task, as well they should.  As a political party ourselves, we understand that all of the good government groups and editorial boards that call for an end of corruption with new legislation, you must understand this: until political parties end “we always go with the incumbent” kind of thinking, corruption is given a free ride in any legislative body.  If a political party will not demand integrity from their candidate, then as voters we must demand — at the very least – term limits.  The Conservative Party of New York State takes its responsibility to voters seriously and does its utmost to offer candidates of integrity to voters throughout New York. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams