Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

The Washington Times reported this yesterday:  “Hillary Clinton’s case isn’t interesting enough to the public to justify releasing the FBI’s files on her, the bureau said this week in rejecting an open-records request by a lawyer seeking to have the former secretary of state punished for perjury.”  This struck me as a very strange statement by the FBI — “isn’t interesting enough” — since when does the FBI consider the public’s interest when it decides to reject an open-records request.  I checked the FBI website, and looked at the tab that said “What we Investigate”.   Public Corruption was front and center and if you scroll down, the FBI listed 8 cases under “Public Corruption News”… of the 8 listed, not one was familiar to me…(and believe me, I read a lot of public corruption news articles) yet, FBI records management section chief, David M. Hardey in denying the FOIA request stated, “It is incumbent upon the requester to provide documentation regarding the public’s interest in the operations and activities of the government before records can be processed pursuant to the FOIA.”  Very strange that he thinks the “public” has no interest in how Hillary handled her emails while Secretary of State, yet had press releases on the 8 listed.   I’m very surprised to learn that government transparency is not “interesting enough” to justify releasing the FBI’s files on her.  Maybe Hillary will tell us what happened when the FBI investigated her in her new book What Happened instead of blaming everyone but herself. 

As your children leave for college, consider the differences in how colleges educate our young: Berkeley and University of Tampa.  Even before going to college, parents must know what is being taught in their schools.  

Is this our future:  Vandals behead Christopher Columbus statue in Westchester.  Mayor de Blasio did not help the situation when he said  he would have a commission review New York’s statutes., albeit he is trying to walk that back a bit.   The NY Post editorial calls him out on his self-inflicted problem.  

Betsy McCaughey reminds us again about America’s deadly nursing homes. 

VOTE NO on the first ballot question in November’s election: Shall there be a Constitutional Convention?  Here are some articles on the Con-Con:  Davis: A Constitutional Convention would pander to special-interest groups and New York constitutional convention vote raises hopes, fears.  

Leopards never change their spots:  Linda Sarsour Criticized for Grifting for Fake Hurricane Harvey Charity.  Cruel and heartless and very un-American.

This is the true face of Americans! If you are in a position to do so; please donate to help Texas and Louisiana stand strong once again.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams:  Racial Lies and Racism.  

Daily Update

The headline reads “Mayor de Blasio signs bill to hike cigarette pack price to $13 minimum, reduce smoking” but it should read, “Mayor de Blasio signs bill to help the black market by hiking the cost of a pack of cigarettes to $13 minimum.”  This article is from 2010 and nothing has been done to change the situation, except the Mayor’s action yesterday which will only increase black market sales...and fund terrorism.    

Mayor de Blasio, NYC’s homeless problem needs your attention.  Assemblywoman Malliotakis is right when she states, “New York City taxpayers are footing the bill for homeless shelters they deserve to know what’s going on inside them.”  

By the way, Mr. Mayor, giving the homeless “tenants’ rights” is not the answer to the homeless problem, but it is another way to push your progressive agenda.   

If history — not the revisionist history the left has pushed for years — was being taught in schools, a plaque would not be necessary, Mr. Mayor.  Mayor de Blasio perhaps you should read this to understand the history behind the Christopher Columbus statute that you think needs a plaque. 

Dennis Prager wrote this for those who think like Mayor de Blasio:  Those Who Don’t Fight Evil Fight Statues.  

This catholic school should just remove itself from its catholic identity since it is removing the catholic identity from its grounds.  

When will the left admit the TEA Party never did this?  

Larry Horist opines on why the left-wing authoritarianism will be rejected by Americans. 

Daniel Oliver questions why the Navy goes bump in the night…and makes some interesting points doing so.  

One didn’t have to be a genius to know this:  Upstate New York Casinos Failing to Meet Gaming Revenue Expectations.  One does have to ask the obvious question now — how much of a deficit will be in the state and local budgets?

Larry Horist writes in PunchingBag Media that more money will not fix health care.

This is America:  3 Scenes From Rescue Effort and Flooding in Houston.  If you can’t volunteer, please consider a donation to a reputable charity, here is a list of charitable organizations that have good reputations and will help the thousands who need help now and in the coming months.  If you budget doesn’t allow for a donation, prayers for those who have lost everything, are still free and a strong part of American heritage.    




Daily Update

Two articles regarding the de Blasio Administration are quite concerning, both show how mismanaged New York City is under his leadership.  First, taxpayers will have to replace 36,000 smartphones issued to the NYPD and second, the Education Department failed to track $84 million for disabled students.  Here is Assemblywoman Malliotakis taking the Mayor to task on his lack of accountability.  

Nicole Gelinas explains how, even though New York City’s economy is good, Mayor de Blasio is spending New York into trouble.  

The NY Post editorial board is not impressed with Mayor de Blasio’s $383 million school Renewal program.  Mr. Mayor, please give students a real chance; expand Charter Schools.  

Governor Cuomo’s “clear energy” con.  

Does the revenue from marijuana sales in Colorado effect how authorities judge this simple fact?  

A rose by any other name is still a rose.   Sen. Ruben Diaz opines on the Christopher Columbus statue and the Tappan Zee Bridge and makes some very good points.  

Kansas has good news:  Welfare Reform in Kansas Caused Individuals to Reenter Labor Force Earning Higher Incomes.    

More Good News:  The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Arkansas can kick Planned Parenthood out of its network of Medicaid-approved health providers.  

Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in Houston and all those impacted by Hurricane Harvey.  If you are able, here is a list of charitable organizations that have good reputations and will help the thousands who need help now and in the coming months.  Thank you for considering.  


Weekly Wrap-Up

This week was a tale of three speeches. President Trump loves Arizona, and on Tuesday he delivered a fiery speech in Phoenix that called out the news media for its obsession with fake news.

CNN of course delivered again and again with the biased news coverage, but I want to know what you think: What was your favorite line from the President’s Arizona speech? It took some time narrowing it down to just a handful of options, but I have several for you to choose from in the first question of our new Weekly Poll.

The Phoenix speech came after President Trump’s more somber, subdued speech outlining his strategy for Afghanistan. The President listened to his generals, according to UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, and has put a blunt focus on “killing terrorists.”

There were many inspiring lines from the President’s Afghanistan speech – which was your favorite? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Finally, the President also delivered a powerful speech to the American Legion National Convention, where he also signed an important Veterans Administration reform bill.

I’m curious to know this: Which kind of Trump speech do you prefer? Would you rather he sticks to the more serious, measured tone of his Afghanistan speech? Or do you look forward to his more freewheeling, energizing speeches like the one he delivered in Phoenix?

That’s the final question in our new Weekly Poll. I look forward to seeing what you think!

It hardly qualifies as news at this point, but biased CNN chose to slander 63 million Americans as white supremacists – another instance of so-called journalists proving President Trump’s points about our out-of-touch, untrustworthy media.

What else caught our attention this week? Peak politically-correct stupidity thanks to ESPN and the Robert (no-E) Lee debacle. Corporate hypocrisy from companies that refuse to work with President Trump while cozying up to Iran. And Nancy Pelosi crying wolf in a crowded theater. You can’t make this stuff up.

We were also given a stark reminder of the importance of President Trump’s unwavering stance against illegal immigration and sanctuary cities, and the lawlessness they represent.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Jeremiah Kittredge, writes in today’s NY Post, that there is fresh proof that de Blasio’s war on charters hurts kids..

If students could donate to the Mayor they would have more of his attention.  

It appears this NYC housing developer– the Stagg Group — has developed quite the “soak the taxpayers” scheme by baiting and switching who is eligible for their buildings.  Here is what our candidate, Nicole Malliotakis, has to say about de Blasio’s administration and the homeless.  

After reading articles like this, I would hope that parents take back control of the education system and until that happens they home school their innocent children.  If one needs another reason to take back the education system, read this article on monument mayhem, history hysteria, rooted in poor public education.  This is only part of what students should be learning about the statutes far too many want to destroy.

Larry Elders asks the questions, Why Stop at Reassessing Confederate Monuments? What About the Kennedy Brothers?

File this under another dumb waste of taxpayers’ money.  

File this under a very poor decision by Governor Cuomo:  Cuomo’s Natural Gas Blockade

You know the left has gone off the deep end when David Axelrod questions what they are saying. Here is Dr. Keith Ablow’s take on President Donald J. Trump’s sanity.  

Can you imagine what the media’s reaction would be if TEA Party members did stalked democrats at home and in their offices.  Do you see any reporting of this?  

Did you know praying on a football field is against the US Constitution?  Just ask the 9th Circuit Court, they will tell you it is not protected by the First Amendment.  

Daily Update

Maybe the solar eclipse is responsible, perhaps it is years of being politically correct, but the latest bizarre example of the phenomena of removing and toppling statutes has reached the apex of absurdity with the removal, by ESPN, of Robert Lee as the announcer of the UVA game

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio isn’t much brighter than the person at ESPN who removed Robert Lee as an announcer.  In his zest to defend himself he said “We’re trying to unpack 400 years of American history here — that’s really what’s going on.”   The only way we have 400 years of American history is if we calculate from the minute the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock.  Does anyone think the Mayor needs a refresher course in History?  The bigger question is, would he make the same type of historical mistake on Cuba’s history...since he loves Cuba so much he had to honeymoon there.  

Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito displays her ignorance in Columbus kerfuffle.  

Fortunately, Italian-American leaders vow to fight for Columbus statue and I am certain the leaders of every nationality will stand strong with them.  

New York City isn’t the only area suffering from this phenomena, here is a list of 8 monuments around our nation that have been attacked since Charlottesville.

History isn’t the only refresher course needed by Mayor de Blasio; a refresher in ethics is desperately needed also.   

More kids should get the chance to excel at Success Academy.  

This is alarming, but, unfortunately not surprising:  U.N.: North Korea supplying Syrian chemical weapons program.  All the more reason Larry Horist is right: No Nukes for North Korea.  

Heather MacDonald on Culture, Not Culture Wars.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams — Charlottesville Donnybrook, a must read.  





Daily Update

What has happened to our republic?  When was it hijacked by left-leaning political leaders who are  exercising what amounts to mob rule?  This phenomena of removing and toppling statutes that have been the symbol of our history for years is mob rule, albeit, there is no movement to remove statutes of left-wing icons whose works are appalling (Margaret Sanger comes to mind; so does Franklin Delano Roosevelt.)  City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, who embraces the convicted terrorists Oscar Lopez Rivera, a thug who brought terrorism to NYC for the first time, is calling for the removal of statutes throughout the city, including the Christopher Columbus monument in Columbus Circle.  Leftist political leaders have succumbed to mob rule; unable to embrace what we have learned from our past and the extraordinary country we have become.  They discredit the honor bestowed on them by the citizens of New York City and America.

Cal Thomas opines on Historical Hysteria.  

Victor Davis Hanson opines on our war against memory.  

Alan Dershowitz on tearing down statutes.  

Mayor de Blasio has lost touch with New Yorkers; how does any one person need nearly 300 “special assistants”?  Do any of the “Special Assistants” ever check on the residents of the City Housing Authority.  Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis did and came away calling the authority — under the mayor’s control — the biggest slum lord in the city.  

Mayor de Blasio is in charge of the NYC Schools, yet, taxpayers are paying $25 million for teachers no one wants.  Mr. Mayor, when will you resolve this outrageous waste of money and actually help students?  

Governor Cuomo, another leftist political leader who is part of the mob rule, is joining forces with a national group to identify inmates who may qualify for clemency and help them apply.  

Trump lays out a winning strategy for Afghanistan.  

Ambassador John Bolton writes that Trump must stop North Korea from striking American Soil.  

Thomas Jefferson’s personal belief of democracy…”“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”


Daily Update

You know one is an influential person when the New York Times writes their obituary.  On Saturday, both the NY Times, the Washing Post and Politico wrote about the death of Arthur J. Finkelstein, a man who changed the world.  Craig Shirley wrote, in January of this year – after learning of his being ill – this moving tribute to Arthur.  Conservatives mourn the loss of Arthur and know this: Arthur’s legacy as a political consultant and his personal dedication to his “kids” is one that conservatives celebrate.  Rest in peace, Arthur.

Couldn’t, no shouldn’t, this money be put into educating students, not paying teachers permanently removed from teaching, yet still being paid.  There has to be a better way to protect taxpayers and students.  

Then you add this to what taxpayers are forced to pay and you have to wonder why people don’t force government to stop wasting money.  

Nicole Gelinas writes that connections trump justice in de Blasio’s New York.  

The Beat gives you facts you need to know on Mayor Mum.  

Cheryl K. Chumley writes in the Washington Times on monument madness a leftist cover to crumble America from within.  The NY Post editorial board says:  NY Democrats’ race to wipe out history is a monumental mistake.  Rasmussen Reports says that voters strongly believe that it is better to learn from the past than erase it.  Peter Heck says If we’re tearing down statues, let’s be consistent.  Imagine for a moment what the left would do if anyone ever tried to take down Margaret Sanger … Charles Darwin … Robert Byrd … and Alfred Kinsey..  

Valerie Richardson writes that the rise of antifa after violence in Charlottesville alarms free-speech advocates.  Why is it that photos of far-left groups always wear items that try to conceal their identity?  The only credit this Dartmouth professor should get is he doesn’t disguise himself.  

What Europe Should Be Doing to Prevent Another Terrorist Attack Like Barcelona.   If Europe doesn’t take heed of their advice, this article in Gatestone Institute may well be a prophecy.  

When is the main stream media going to cover this:  A spy story for our times?

Robert Knight opines on guarding election integrity

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week, another terrorist strike unleashed by radical Islam. 

But no doubt our media and political elites will stay focused on their top priority – proving that the President they hate is a racist. What has happened to America’s sanity?

The Left is doing exactly what the white nationalists want, and exposing their own double standards in the process. 

Remember that the goal of the liberal media and the Democrats is to “vilify and isolate anyone that doesn’t agree with their very extremist leftist policy and ideology.”

Obviously, President Trump could have handled the Charlottesville situation better, but I don’t think there’s anything President Trump could say about white-nationalist protesters and counter-protesters that would satisfy the media and the Democrats. They hate him no matter what. Do you agree? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Last week I featured this article from Larry Horist on the problem of voter fraud, and this week we have new evidence – about 3.5 million reasons, in fact – showing that this is a major problem for our country. 

In your view, how big of a problem is voter fraud? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

While Andrew Cuomo carries on his pipe dream of taking over the White House, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has let the lobbyists run City Hall – the latest in bad behavior from the Mayor and his associates.  

How would you describe the level of corruption in the New York City Mayor’s office under Bill de Blasio? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

And remember, New Yorkers don’t have to settle for this sleaziness – there’s a better way forward for New York City. 

With all the fake news running rampant this week, it’s great to see a group trying to set the record straight about a painful chapter in America’s history: The Vietnam War. How many times have we heard that Americans put politics before patriotism and turned their backs on fighting men returning from Vietnam? A new website – Home with Honor – shares the truth.  

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

So, Mr. Mayor, when you over tax me to help others, will I be eligible to live here?  The original rent was going to be $631 per room for non-homeless shelter rent, but because of you taxpayers will have to pay $1028 per room for a homeless shelter rent.  Pretty good deal for the developer but he doesn’t think it is such a good deal.  Our Mayor, always thinking of those less fortunate and punishing those who work hard for a better life.  Maybe he would learn a thing to two if he reads Katherine Timpf’s great article in National Review:  What’s so generous about spending other people’s money?  I know, it is silly of me to think he would even read it or admit his beliefs are so misguided.

Governor Cuomo certainly had his finger in the air seeking the political direction of the current crisis and suddenly remembered that CUNY’s Hall of Fame has Confederate bust on display …and ordered them removed.  Such courage.  By the way, Governor Cuomo, you probably didn’t know that the “cleaning of the voter rolls” you are so against, began under President Obama.  

Another know-it-all slams the door shut on the First Amendment.  

Arthur Herman says Charlottesville never had to happen.  

The battle of Charlottesville: The center must hold.  

Ben Shapiro explains the 3-step argument the left makes to justify violence against conservative speakers.  

More news to make snowflakes happy and parents wondering why they are spending thousands of dollars on a college education: ‘Stress Reduction Policies’ Let Students Choose Their Own Grades.  

Ever wonder why health care costs are constantly going up?  Here is one reason why.  

Betsy McCaughey explains why workers need a corporate tax cut.  

Here are two positives articles for Pro-Lifers:  Court Rules Arkansas Can Defund Planned Parenthood and Why This Veteran With Terminal Brain Cancer Opposes Legalizing Assisted Suicide.    (Many who attended our CPPAC in 2016 remember J.J. Hanson’s moving presentation.) 

Daily Update

Iceland stirred a hornet’s nest – or was it really CBS that stirred the hornet’s nest — with the extremely misleading headlines of Sunday’s program.  The Daily Signal weighs in on the disturbing practice , so does One News Now,  and the NY Post editorial board calls it a troubling way to eradicate a disorder.  I am certain that many in the United States applaud Iceland’s method of “eradicating a disorder; these are the same depraved people who have lost respect for the miracle of life and the joy of raising, teaching and loving a human being other than themselves.  As I said yesterday, Iceland isn’t only cold…it has no heart.  

Iceland obviously wasn’t the only hornet’s nest this weekend and while Iceland’s controversy will calm down shortly, the outrage over the white supremacists in Charlottesville will continue for some time.  Kyle Smith opines in the National Review on destroying symbols: where does it end?  The Independent Journal Review gives the location of three Lenin statutes across the United States that are offensive and should go (but that doesn’t fit the narrative of the left, does it?)  Investor’s Business Daily enters the fray with this editorial, and Bob McManus had this to say,  while Laura Ingraham is correct in saying that the media has torched President Trump and will continue to torch him no matter what he says which hurts his ability to achieve his agenda.  Tammy Bruce writes in the Washington Times about the deadly impact of identity politics.   The white supremacists have no place in America, fortunately, they are very small in numbers and the Justice Department will bring them to justice.  Larry Horist asks this question:  Why is left-wing violence acceptable?  It isn’t.  And the current Justice Department will bring them to justice also. I want to know when the main stream media will stop agitating both sides under the guise of informing the public instead of being honest and saying sensationalism sells papers.  Don’t they have a certain amount of responsibility in keeping people safe?

Leave it to the Governor to jump headfirst into the fray and probably make it worse if his proposal becomes law.  Governor:  Enforce the laws already on the books.  

Mayor de Blasio’s first (and hopefully only)  term had regular help from an influential lobbying firm.   Your gift to the mayor lets him ‘fight’ by going on vacation.  

Joe Spector lets us know that NY health insurance rates will rise 15%.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams


Daily Update

Mayor de Blasio takes tax money for his campaign primary, because it is such a tough re-election, then goes on vacation.  If it is so close, why would you go on vacation, especially if you are truly dedicated to serving the people of New York City.  

Nicole Malliotakis is dedicated to being a true public servant; she understands the issues facing residents of New York City and has sound solutions for them.  Assemblywoman Malliotakis brings people together to find the best solutions and listens to their advice.  

Thank you, Patricia Heaton!  Your tweet “Iceland isn’t actually eliminating Down Syndrome. They’re just killing everybody that has it. Big difference,”  will hopefully open the eyes of those who fell for the extremely misleading headline.  

Cheryl K. Chumley explains the media to the media:  Trump on Charlottesville: Danged if he does, danged if he doesn’t.  Charlottesville was a government failure.  Sen. Tim Scott:  Fight hatred, fear and domestic violence with American values.  Unfortunately, not enough people are listening to him and continue on their hateful ways.  Through the eyes of a Daily Signal reporter who happened to be in Charlottesville on Saturday.  

Thank you, President Trump:  North Korea backs away from threats to nuke Guam.   What a beautiful sight.  We are only as strong as our defense and a Commander-in-Chief unafraid to use our military. when necessary; and the USS Gerald Ford says strength will all its 100,000 tons.  

Does President Trump know this?  It is well past time for a new commissioner at the IRS, however his term is not up until November 12, 2017.  

Another Governor Cuomo failure:  This firm has not moved to New York.  

Assemblyman Kevin Byrne says Vote NO on the Constitutional Convention