Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

This headline grabs your attention:  To Mend a birth defect, Surgeons Operate on the Patient within the Patient.  Dateline Huston.  The patient, still inside his mother’s womb, came into focus on flat screens, in a darkened operating room.  Fingers, toes, the soles of his feet – all exquisite, all perfectly formed.

Now one would think you were reading from a Pro-Life news site or pamphlet.  What is surprising is this is an article in the New York Times.  It is an article about a new experiential technique for spina bifida. The infant is at 24 weeks gestation and the headlines “patient within the patient.” acknowledges this baby is alive and they are trying to make his life better.   The article also indicates that they administered anesthesia to the infant before they began the actual operation.  The New York Times may be seeing the light that the pro-live movement will always shine to protect the innocent unborn.  And it is refreshing to fine good news, a special thank you to Kathleen Gallagher for sharing this uplifting article. 

DOJ says it’s settled ‘contraception mandate’ cases.

Michael R. Strain writes in National Review online that birth is the great equalizer. 

In 1968 Virginia Slims  had a commercial extoling  women smoking cigarettes saying “you’ve come a long way baby,” 49 years later the transformation of women seems to be complete as Pentagon advocates requiring women to sign up for military draft

Nolan Peterson writes in the Daily Signal that apathy is the greatest insult to the memory of fallen soldiers

The Daily Signal examines if religious faith can make a difference in opioid abuse. 

John Mannion points out the dangers of holding a Constitutional Convention in response to’s call for a Con-Con.  Speaking of the Constitutional Convention, Chairman Michael R. Long appeared on the Road to City Hall last night with other members of the coalition to Vote No on the Con-Con. 

Now Democrats have a Russia problem.

This proposal is a great idea, but why stop with the NFL?

Pay attention to who is teaching your children, especially on the college level.

This should be interesting, with any amount of luck, former AG Holder will be called in also to explain his role. 

Daily Update

Did you read Michael Goodwin’s Sunday column Leave John Kelly Alone?  Mr. Goodwin has excellent insight in the political world and his columns are perceptive, provocative and pensive.  This one is all of that rolled into one and even humorous at the very end. 

Charles Hurt writes about a clown in a sequined cowboy hat distorts greatest sacrifice

Sunday’s NY Post editorial reinforces the need to be prepare for the possibility of a state budget crisis. 

Steve Cuzzo opined on how de Blasio and Cuomo made NYC a rotten suiter for Amazon.

Governor Cuomo, about those casinos that were going to save New York economy…how’s that working out?   

City Journal writes about De Blasio and Cities Without Civitas

Robert Knight opines on the ACLU’s selective compassion.  His column is a powerful affirmation of how precious an unborn life is.  Meanwhile, a federal tax loophole let Planned Parenthood build clinics financed with ‘abortion bonds’. 

Katie Pavich writes about how a Russian spy got close to Hillary Clinton and the FBI watched it happen.  Katie also writes that one of Hillary’s inner Circle,  John Podesta’s brother, is being investigated by Mr. Mueller the Special Council set up to investigate President Trump’s supposed Russian ties. 

One News Now explains most of the main street media is silent on the bombshell revelations pointing to the collusion revealed between the Russians and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign last year. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week President Trump blasted the fake-news media for ignoring the real Russian scandal – the transfer of cash to the Clintons in exchange for uranium.  

Now the Senate is investigating (it’s about time!), a whistleblower is ready to testify, and the so-called mainstream media is being forced to cover up for the Clintons and cover real corruption instead of all the Trump/Russia duds that have been reported.

What outrages you the most about the Clinton/Russia uranium scandal? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll – and there’s plenty of outrage to go around.

A budget vote this week sets the stage for tax relief – let’s hope Republicans get this done, because failure shouldn’t be an option if they care about the economy. (Of course, we have “independent” Democrats like Bernie Sanders who fail to understand the story of Robin Hood, which makes GOP leadership even more critical.) 

This week the Democrats politicized a soldier’s death and a President’s “sacred call” to a grieving widow – but nothing is sacred for the left, especially not when a congresswoman can parlay tragedy to become a self-described “rock star.” I’ll take John Kelly’s word over a politicians’ any day.

As this silliness unfolds, President Trump (and of course our military men and women) continues to be more aggressive against ISIS in nine months than the Obama Administration managed in eight years. 

So what do you think about President Trump’s leadership as Commander-in-Chief so far? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

As much as liberals like to take money and freedom from the American people, you would think a shoplifting charge would make a candidate more qualified to run for Congress as a Democrat, but apparently not. 

There’s not much leadership to speak of from the liberals in New York this week, as Chuck Schumer flip-flops, Kirsten Gillibrand cozies up to the anti-Semitic left, Bill de Blasio barely pretends to do his job (and a flip-flop of sorts for him too), and upstate New York continues to be left behind by Andrew Cuomo (whose sanctuary-state madness threatens all of New York). 

Which of New York’s “progressive” bosses do you believe is setting our state back the MOST? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Right now when I think of leadership and progress, I think of Nicole Malliotakis. Let’s give her all the support we can – and have a great weekend!


Daily Update

The New York Times surprises some of its readers with a, dare I say – positive – article, introducing their readers to Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis.   Even the headline grabs the reader’s attention:  She’s a Conservative Who Loves Cher. Could She Be New York’s Next Mayor?  You know you are having an impact when the NY Times gives a conservative republican a fair and balanced article. 

Eleni Stamatinos writes in the Odyssey why Nicole Malliotakis should be the next mayor of New York City.    Help Nicole by forwarding these articles and her latest TV Ad  to family and friends, or, if possible, by donating to her campaign.  Nicole is just shy of meeting the $1,000,0000 threshold to force another debate with Bill de Blasio so funds are needed.    New York City deserves a Mayor of Nicole’s stature and only you can help make that happen. 

Investor’s Business Daily calls the Senate compromise on Obamacare’s insurance markets an ObamaCare Bailout, Pure And Simple.   The Daily Signal lets us know that many conservatives call it unacceptable.   National Review’s analysis is not as adamant about rejecting it, but cautions that its approval should be contingent to acceptance only if states are allowed to waive the mandate for individuals enrolled in the STLD plans they regulate.

Cheryl K. Chumley writes that the NFL missed a golden opportunity

Senator Mitch McConnell is more than a swamp dweller writes David Keene in the Washington Times. 

Remember this name:  Jeff Tien Han Pon,  he is the Trump nominee poised to be point man on draining government swamp.

The NY Sun editorial on War and Condolence;  the latest looney liberal craze trying to divide our country. 

Dan Boylan and Guy Taylor write in the Washington Times that Putin’s rage was triggered by Obama’s moves.   It is an interesting article that gives some background information missing in the sensational articles making news. 

Trump Talks Russia in Joint Presser With the Puerto Rican President

Breaking:  Senate Judiciary Will Investigate Clinton-Russia Uranium Corruption.

How many times have you hear progressive liberals say you shouldn’t censor books?  A school board vice-president in Biloxi, Mississippi has pulled the book To Kill a Mockingbird from its reading list because it makes people uncomfortable.   Daniel Davis explains why this hurts students

Can we trust social media?  

Daily Update

The Hill follows up on its stunning news breaking article of yesterday with more information regarding the American businessman who worked for years undercover as an FBI confidential witness.   Read the follow up here.   The only way we will learn more is if he is released from his nondisclosure agreement (NDA) that prevents him from revealing what he knows to Congress.  The NY Post editorial had this to say about team Obama’s stunning cover-up of Russia’s crimes. 

Yesterday’s news was full of another whistleblower, Joe Rannazzisi’s, account of how he believes Congress was complicit in creating the opioid crisis.  Read what Congressman Tom Marino has to say about the 60 Minutes/Washington Post report here

The Trump haters were out in force yesterday.  Rep. Frederica Wilson, a Democrat, would have us believe that President Trump is the coldest, heartless, most contemptable Commander-in-Chief this country has ever elected.  I do not believe for one moment President Trump is capable of being the man Congresswoman Wilson described; President Trump was so touched by Charlie Gard he offered to bring him here to try and save him, this is not a man who would be so insensitive as to a say what Congresswoman Wilson accused him of saying.  Melania Trump sent this note to a Gold Star Mother on Gold Star Mother’s and Families Day, and I am sure Donald Trump did something similar.   Are they – the Trump haters – trying to set him up for removal under the 25th Amendment?  

This is the man they would like to destroy…Trump: Tax Reform ‘Will Lift Our People From Welfare to Work’

New York Times editor admits paper is very, very (very) biased.  Unfortunately, it isn’t the only newspaper that is very, very biased, but at least he admits it. 

More bad news for New York from the Tax Foundation, after 7 years of Governor Cuomo, we rank 49th.  Governor Cuomo touted the Tax Foundation when running for Governor, now he knocks the organization.  Is this why New York is ranked 49th Governor CuomoPerhaps this is the reason also.  Let’s see $125 million from taxpayers for 383 jobs = $326,371 per job.   

E. J. McMahon gives us some more information about the tax plan put forward by President Trump after yesterday’s visit to Buffalo by VP Pence.  Details are still not set in stone. 

Another excellent column filled with NYC mayoral history by Michael Goodwin:  Scandal-plagued de Blasio catches break Ed Koch never did. 

Guy Benson writes about Britain’s single-payer nightmare.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

The Hill is reporting that the FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow.  Stunning news and one has to ask why it has taken so long to be disclosed and more importantly, if it would have ever been disclosed if Hillary had been elected instead of President Donald J. Trump.  Read the Hill’s article here

Here is what Investor’s Business Daily has to say about Obama’s  Iran Nuclear deal today.

It is also disturbing to have Sen. Chuck Schumer say now, after voting no on the Iran nuclear deal, that he (Schumer) wants to “give it time to work.”  I guess that explains why he never helped to kill the deal while publicly voicing concern in 2015. 

By the way, the FBI also found 30 Pages of Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting documents after Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit.  The FBI is asking for a six-week delay before turning them over. 

The media and democrats cannot handle the fact that President Trump is dismantling Obama’s ‘imperial’ presidency and rescinding dubious orders.    Sen. Tom Cotton is right: Cabinet officials, lawmakers need to support Trump or resign,  “The simple fact of the matter is the American people elected the president ultimately to make these decisions.”

How come the media does not report this

Please tell me this isn’t true — Planned Parenthood Is Targeting Baby Girls in the Womb.  Last year, Indiana passed a law that banned sex-selective abortion—the killing of unborn babies based on their sex. But last week, a federal district judge granted a permanent injunction against that law, at Planned Parenthood’s request.  To the best of my knowledge, the judge that affirmed the request is Circuit Judge Diane S. SykesRemember the name. Judge Sykes was appointed by George W. Bush and has been listed on President Donald J. Trump’s list for possible Supreme Court nominees. 

Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis earns the endorsement of Ed Mullins and the Sergeants Benevolent Association.

Here is a clip of Assemblywoman Malliotakis on John Catsimatidis’ radio program this past Sunday.  And, here is her latest TV Commercial…be sure to distribute this information to your family and friends and encourage them to vote for Nicole on November 7. 

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial on Sunday called for a Yes vote on the 2nd and 3rd statewide proposals voters will be asked to decide on in the November 7 elections.  We concur with their position in our press release of September 17.  However, the NY Post editorial wasn’t as straight forward on the question of holding a Constitutional ConventionThe Conservative Party is firmly opposed to holding a Constitutional Convention and urges a NO vote on Proposal 1.  As the NY Post editorial points out “…the alligators and the swamp rats will be out in force to elect their delegates. (emphasis added)” And it ends with “…a Constitutional Convention will wind up being run by the devils you already know. (emphasis added)” Add to that the cost of running a convention, to probably have it rejected again as it was in 1967, the Conservative Party urges a NO vote on should NY hold a Constitutional Convention. 

Kudos to Judge William H. Wells (a former Bill Clinton appointee) for refusing to dismiss corruption charges against Sen. Bob Menendez.   The only way political corruption will end is to have politicians pay the ultimate price…out of office and into prison.  Ultimately, the jury will decide Sen. Menendez’s fate, with the Judge’s decision to let the trial go forward, the jury will way the facts and justice will be served.

Trump’s Iran speech finally sets facts of sham nuclear deal straight.  

Behind Trump’s latest moves: A return to constitutional government.  

Charles Hurts writes in the Washington Times how President Trump has taken a wrecking ball to the swamp that is D.C. 

Robert Knight opines in the same paper on the uses and abuses of hate. 

Heather MacDonald writes in the City Journal about UCLA’s expanding diversity program that will hurt American competitiveness.

The editors of The Weekly Standard opine on Bye-Bye Boy Scouts

The NY Post informs us that NYC School Chancellor Carmen Fariña is emptying out the  Absent Teacher Reserve (ATR) and most likely they will end up in schools who do not want them (due to problems that put them in the ATR).  Another broken promise made by Mayor de Blasio.  Our students deserve better.  To add insult to injury, David Suker, a controversial teacher and activist the city has spent years trying to fire, was recently awarded back pay ($264,000) while in the “rubber room.”  The students have no say, parents are ignored and mismanagement will continue, unless NYC elects a new mayor.

Beau Bergdahl pleads guilty in desertion case…then President Obama traded 5 terrorists to get Bergdahl back…do you think Obama feels any remorse?  No need to answer, we all know Obama believes Bergdahl was coerced into pleading guilty. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

Is our nation more divided than ever? Probably, because Democrats are tilting to the extreme left like never before.

Can blue states survive? The situation in Connecticut isn’t promising, and of course New York has suffered as a result of liberal policies. Being obsessed with the Trump Resistance instead of fiscal responsibility probably isn’t helping.

Speaking of left turns, this week saw Bill de Blasio on the hot seat for his mismanagement of New York City, and we were once again reminded that de Blasio can always find someone to blame when things don’t go his way.

As we noted earlier this week, Nicole Malliotakis did an outstanding job – you can find debate coverage here, here, here and here.

What did you like MOST about Nicole Malliotakis as she took on Bill de Blasio? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

This week we saw the left’s culture war on America’s institutions as the Boy Scouts announced their plans to admit girls – another obvious salvo in our culture’s war on boys.  The Girl Scouts aren’t happy, and even some conservatives aren’t worried, but if you ask me it’s just the start of the destruction of the Boy Scouts.

What is your biggest concern with the Boy Scouts’ plan to admit girls? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

We saw leadership this week from White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, who is smacking down the foolishness of the biased news media and the incompetence and dishonesty of liberal reporters.

Meanwhile President Trump is taking care of business for the American people.

A highlight of this week was President Trump’s stand for health care freedom, as he took a wrecking ball to Obamacare with a new executive order to help expand the ability of small businesses to purchase health care for their employees – while increasing health-care affordability.  

The President also struck a blow for climate sanity by getting rid of President Obama’s nice-sounding but destructive Clean Power Plan – and he gave Americans a $33 billion tax cut in the process.

Today President Trump is announcing his plans to end Iran’s “pursuit of death and destruction” and “deny the Iranian regime all paths to a nuclear weapon.”

Finally President Trump delivered an outstanding speech in Pennsylvania on the need for tax relief – a chance to seriously drain the swamp and get our economy moving.

Of these key issues addressed by President Trump this week, which one do you believe is the most important? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Governor Cuomo’s latest debacle:  wasting  $15M on Hollywood jobs that never came.   Even his newspaper of choice gently chides him on the failing enterprise.   Seth Baron, writing in the NY Post, has more on Governor Cuomo’s absurdly wasteful initiatives  to develop upstate New York through subsidies and giveaways.  Carl Campanile has more on the Governor’s impending fiscal disaster. 

The NY Post editorial opines on Mayor de Blasio’s overtime binge.  You can end the reign of Boss de Blasio on November 7, but only if you are registered to vote.  Click here to find out if you are, if not TOMORROW, FRIDAY is the last day to register

Trump sells tax plan in Pennsylvania: ‘Rocket fuel for our economy’.    President Trump may be on the verge of helping to tip Pennsylvania closer to a red state.   President Trump keeping his promises.

Former Mayor Bloomberg loses again in Chicago

Victor Davis Hanson opines on the state of the Union in 1968 and today reminding us of that the unrest of 1968 gave us three decades of relative calm. 

We have featured some of Larry Hoist’s columns from the Punching Bag Blog in the past, but none have touched a nerve as this one does.  Mr. Horist explains that abortion is NOT a woman’s health care issue and how he personally through research and compelling logic reached this conclusion.  Be forewarned, while disturbing to view, the photo at the end of the article will reaffirm how abortion is the pre-meditated killing of an innocent child.   

Daily Update

The first NYC mayoral debate is over and Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis proved she has the ability to be New York’s Mayor.  The spirited debate had Mayor de Blasio fending off attacks on his lack of leadership, subway problems, the homeless and the crime rate. 

Nicole Gelinas gives Assemblywoman high praise in her debate performance

Did you know, one in four NYC government workers earn over $100,000 per year.  Mayor de Blasio defends the high compensation, while some may question why many school custodians earn more than principals. 

Paul Harvey would have a lot to say about this in his Rest of the Story clips:  NFL players’ union teamed up with Soros to fund leftist advocacy groups.   John Merline opines in Investor’s Business Daily on what is “Patriotic” these days. 

The US Senate is not doing their job…the Conservative Action Project is on record reinforcing the need to confirm President Trump’s nominees.  Their memo may have jolted Sen. McConnell into action as this is just breaking:  Hardball: McConnell Changes Rule to Overcome Obstruction of Trump’s Judicial Picks, Dems Fume

Conrad Black writes in the NY Sun about the disgraceful charade unfolding in the battle over evidence twixt Mueller and Congress.    

How can a country that takes in $3.3 trillion in taxes be so deeply in debt?  Congress’s addiction to spending is the reason and it is possible that the addiction may be a real threat to tax reform.   There is hope as long as Congress does the right thing and President Trump continues to roll back President Obama’s restrictive regulations.  Congress could save taxpayers $3.7 million if they closed this perk or at the very least scaled it back to a reasonable cost. 

Fred Lucas writes in the Daily Signal what Trump could learn from the Reagan Immigration Amnesty and what President Trump told Congress he wants to see in immigration.

California has officially lost all sense of reality.  They release convicted felons early due to overcrowded prisons and then they pass a law that allows a sentence up to one year if you misuse the preferred gender pronoun in nursing homes.  Governor Brown (AKA Gov. Moonbeam) is responsible for both actions. 

Walt Heyer, a former transgendered, says transgendered youth need help, not affirmation.

Then there is this:  Boy Scouts will start admitting girls to the Cub Scouts.  One of the reasons they cite for adopting this change is because participation is down…did they even consider that population is down?

Amazing advances in the medical field:  Surgical implants that grow with a child, accomplished in private teaching hospitals. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

Are you registered to vote?  If you are not sure, click here, you can find out where you vote also by clicking on this link.  If you are not registered to vote, you have until THIS FRIDAY, to register in person or have your registration received by the Board of Elections.   If you have college students away from home, have them apply for an Absentee Ballot here.  

You can’t change the administration that runs City Hall if you don’t vote.

Nicole Malliotakis is campaigning all over New York City, and doing all she can to reach as many New Yorker’s as possible, but she still needs your help.  Please consider forwarding the links in our blog to your family and friends and make sure they are all registered to vote.  The NY Post gave Nicole Malliotakis a “shout-out” in Sunday’s editorial. 

Tonight is the first of two debates, you will be able to watch it on NY1 beginning at 7:00 PM for 90 minutes.  There is a special pre-debate program at 6:30 PM.  There are alternative ways to watch the debate tonight.  The final debate for Mayor will be on November 2, 2017.

Tom Precious writes in the Buffalo News about the Strangest of bedfellows ally to stop state constitutional convention.  See what Chairman Long has to say in the Precious article.

Robert Knight reminds us that most revolutions devour their own.   Here is a lesson in free market economics and revolutions. 

Rod Watson: Another gun law? Just one more for madmen to ignore.   Those calling for more gun control really should read this article.

Ambassador John Bolton tells President Trump:  Don’t Put America at Risk with Flawed Iran Deal.

Some college students are living in a world that does not exist; there isn’t enough bubble wrap in this world to “protect” their fragile minds and outlandish needs. 

The Hive is reporting that Twitter just steeped on a conservative landmine

This viral NFL email has been burning up people’s inboxes.

The Democrats’ IT scandal just got even more bizarre

Cal Thomas has a great column on why criticize Harvey Weinstein

Weekly Wrap-Up


This week the evil Las Vegas attack brought out the best in Americans, and also once again showed the ignorance and self-righteousness of the gun-control lobby.

We need a gun debate based on facts, not emotion – and the primary fact to remember is that the left doesn’t want “sensible” gun control, they want to overturn the Second Amendment. They can’t be honest, though, because the “evil” NRA that the Left loves to bash is in fact a force made up of actual, informed voters.

What do you think is the WORST aspect of the liberals’ calls for gun control after tragic events like the Las Vegas attack? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

File this under “Common Sense” – tax relief will mainly benefit those who pay the most taxes.

And while many politicians TALK about deregulation, but President Trump is getting the job done. Even as Congress can’t get its act together and repeal Obamacare, the President is doing what he can to protect taxpayers from Obamacare’s overspending. 

I found this article called “What Trump Has Undone” – an ongoing account by the Washington Post of President Trump’s efforts to roll back the regulatory state. Of course the liberals at the Post are horrified, but to me it shows that the President is serious about reclaiming our government for we, the people.

I’ve compiled a list of just some of the rollbacks that I think would be most intriguing to Conservative Party supporters – for the second question in our new Weekly Poll, have a look at this list and tell me which reversal of big-government you support the most.

The Post’s outrage-disguised-as-reporting shows a phenomenon I think we’ve all noticed – the media is no longer even trying to appear objective. They hate Trump and have from the very start, and the media hacks will attack everything he does.

With that in mind, consider this outrageous story right in our own state. Anyone who knows Rep. Elise Stefanik understands just how insulting it is to suggest that she doesn’t think for herself – but don’t expect a peep out of the Democrats or the biased media liberals who are baffled by conservative women (and who have taken gobs of money from sexual predators – Sens. Schumer and Gillibrand, we’re looking at you.) 

Why do you think liberals hate conservative women? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!