Category: CPNYS NEWS

Weekly Wrap-Up

Did votes by non-citizens cost President Trump the 2016 popular vote? It sure looks that way, as a new study shows the unbelievable impact of voter fraud. 

In your view, how big a problem is illegal voting by non-citizens? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Outside influences (the liberals in Hollywood, the taxpayer-funded zealots at Planned Parenthood, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, “The Resistance”) couldn’t steal the special election in Georgia, making Tuesday a very bad day for the Democrats. 

The loss could push Democrats even further left for 2018 and dampen their chances for a comeback next year – but it likely won’t inspire the liberals to rethink their ongoing culture war or their abiding hatred for President Trump.

What do you think is the most important takeaway from the GOP victory in Georgia and other special elections? And what about the Democrats’ anti-Trump “Resistance” movement: what do you think this left-wing uprising is most resistant to – winning, or reason and logic, or accepting the outcome of the 2016 election? 

Those are the final two questions in our new Weekly Poll. 

Speaking of Hollywood, the liberal stars are on the warpath again in their violent crusade against President Trump. Johnny Depp is the latest to raise the specter of violent resistance – joining the new and crowded Hollywood Hall of Shame.  

Meanwhile Sen. Elizabeth Warren is carrying the banner of violence in the Senate, echoing the harsh rhetoric that has led to bloodshed. 

Be safe out there, and have a great weekend! 

Daily Update

Did you miss Chairman Long on Capitol Tonight last night.  Don’t worry, we have it here

The Members of the Legislature have gone home for the time being.  They will certainly return before January to deal with some of the issues — Mayor de Blasio’s control over NYC schools for example — they left on the table.

What should have been left on the table was the 11th hour introduction of the Governor’s Program Bill #14 with a “message of necessity” that waives the 3-day waiting period to age a bill, but more importantly, for the legislators and the public to study the bill.  Gov. Cuomo, while campaigning to be Governor criticized previous Governor’s use of this method to pass bills, yet it is becoming common place in his administration…the NY SAFE Act comes to mind as well as increasing the minimum wage, “marriage equality” and budget bills so he can say the budget was not late.  None of these bills were emergencies, but Gov. Cuomo used Article III, Section 14 of the NYS Constitution as if they were,  essentially to bypass discussion.  Last night, Gov. Cuomo though it was necessary to name the new bridge being built to replace the  Malcolm Wilson Tappan Zee Bridge — the Mario Cuomo Bridge.  (Readers of this blog, know that the Conservative Party believes that the new bridge should be called the Brown Paige O’Grady Bridge to honor the men who gave their lives when domestic terrorists robbed the Nanuet Mall.) The self- proclaimed “lobbyist for students”, thought it was more important to name a bridge after his father, than to put his bully pulpit to use for the students of New York City.  

The Speaker of the Assembly blames the GOP for not extending the Mayor’s control, to which we say…did he negotiate in good faith?  Heastie has been clear that he will not do any deal on mayoral control that includes a link to charter schools.

There are far more important issues than the naming of a bridge and we fully understand that, the problem is the way it was done.  Governor “Coriolanus Snow” Cuomo continues to show his true colors.  

The United Nations has no business in trying to influence the NYS Legislature on any issue, let alone abortion.  

The US Senate Unveils New Obamacare Repeal Bill.  The Faso-Collins Medicaid provision remains in Senate GOP health care bill.  

Daily Update

Chairman Mike Long will join NYCLU’s Donna Lieberman, Emily McNeil of the Labor-Religion Coalition, and Peter Iwanowicz of Environmental Advocates of NY. all members of New Yorkers Against Corruption to explain their opposition to a Constitutional Convention, tonight at 8:00 PM on Spectrum’s Capital Tonight.  Be sure to watch; it is repeated at 11:30 PM.

Governor Rick Scott was the keynote speaker at the GOP’s annual dinner last night along with Lara Trump.  Gov. Scott made headlines when he thanked Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio for creating policies that are responsible for so many New Yorkers  moving to Florida.  Florida’s economy is healthy, while New York’s is almost on life support, especially in upstate.  

As long as Governor Cuomo continues to do things like this, more and more people will flee to Florida.  

Michael Goodwin opines on The truth about mayoral control under de Blasio.   Another honest assessment of Mayor de Blasio and how Sen. Flanagan is doing his best for the children.   

Kellyanne Conway, who was our featured speaker earlier this month,  had the best tweet last evening, when Jon Ossoff lost in Georgia’s 6th CD..  Kellyanne tweeted:  Laughing my #Ossoff.  Jim Geraghty, even gave his readers the right to do a dance today.  Here is the Daily Signal’s take on yesterday’s big win by Karen Handel.  After Georgia, Republicans celebrating, Dems searching.  

This may surprise you:  What Feminist Camille Paglia Says About Transgenderism.  This certainly should not surprise you.  

The miracle of life…can you successfully change your mind after taking RU486?  Yes, there is an abortion pill reversal…read about it here

Guy Benson’s Friendly Reminder: The People Scaring You About Repeal Were Disastrously Wrong About Obamacare.  

Are some democrats determined to destroy, by lies and innuendos,  gifted classes?  These two certainly are doing their best to dilute the purpose of gifted classes.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  


Daily Update

Jim Geraghty writes about a brutal North Korean crime that must not be forgotten.  Rest in Peace Otto Warmbier, a young man, who should be enjoying life instead of being buried at the prime of his life.  

New study supports Trump: 5.7 million non-citizens may have cast illegal votes.   

The NY Post editorial asks the question, why won’t de Blasio compromise to save mayoral control?

E. J. McMahon and Josh B. McGee have a new report out:  How New York City’s Pension Costs Threaten Its Future.  

Governor Cuomo:  New report on hydrofracking finds it does not harm drinking water in Texas.  

North of the border, political correctness goes too far.  

The question is:  Who gets to define “hate group” ?  First they came for the hated ‘hate group’. YAF: Number Of Conservative Events Disrupted By Protestors Has Tripled Since Trump’s Election. MICHAEL BROWN Liberals’ typical knee-jerk reaction: Blame the right!  

Russia flexs its muscles:  Armed Russian jet comes within 5 feet of US recon jet.  

Investor’s Business Daily asks is Mueller too conflicted to investigate Trump fairly?

Reminder:  Vote No on the Constitutional Convention.  If you need to know more, read this.  



June 19, 2017

Even Mayor de Blasio knows that this proposed bill belongs in the trash can.  John Miller explains why in today’s NY Post.  Here’s what the NY Post editorial board had to say on Saturday:  Will the City Council ever stop aiming to kneecap the NYPD?  

Mayor de Blasio is in campaign mode, pandering his pipe dreams.  If he really wanted to help create jobs, he would cut taxes and regulations to make NYC a better business environment.  

The Washington Post exposes that MS-13 gains recruits and power in U.S. as teens surge across border.  

David Keene writes in praise of apprenticeship and after the attack in Alexandria.  

Chairman Long was on Kevin McCullough Radio on Friday…Chairman Long begins at about the 28:20 mark.  

CBS.s Scott Pelley does not help the situation with language like this.  

Vote No on the 2017 proposal for a Constitutional Convention.  Over 100 groups are united to prevent another taxpayer funded boondoggle.  

Cuba Says It Will Not Send Fugitives Back To the U.S.  

This Judge must be living in his own world if he thinks a cross in unconstitutional.  



Weekly Wrap-Up

Wednesday’s shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise and several others has liberal lawmakers saying the right things about “unity,” but will it last? To judge by Rep. Nancy Pelosi – no, no it will not

Pelosi’s “blame the victim” stunt is just one aspect of the Left’s shameful response to the attempted GOP massacre (which could have been much worse, by the way, were it not for good guys with guns). 

The New York Times can’t believe that this week’s shootings haven’t sparked a gun-control frenzy, but fortunately the GOP still has enough leaders guided by reason, not emotion. Rep. Mo Brooks, for example, who witnessed the violence, is now even more resolute that law-abiding citizens should be able to defend themselves, as is our right under the Second Amendment. 

How did this tragedy affect your views on the Second Amendment? Are you more supportive of gun rights now? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

The New York Times makes an important point about this week’s political violence: 

“It is facile and mistaken to attribute this particular madman’s act directly to Democrats or ‘Resistance’ members. But it is legitimate to hold Democrats and particularly their most virulent supporters in the media responsible for the gale of anger that has produced the vast majority of these threats, setting the nation on edge.”

You didn’t really believe that, did you? In reality, the Times made that point about “Republicans” and “the Tea Party” (and specifically Sarah Palin) back in 2011 after the tragic shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords by a disturbed individual with no clear political or ideological leanings, and certainly with no direct or even indirect link to the Tea Party. 

As Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist points out, for The New York Times “bipartisanship” means blaming the GOP for anything bad that happens to Democrats OR Republicans. 

And what’s truly stunning is that in an editorial this week, the Times knowingly and shamefully furthered the “fake news” that Mrs. Palin was somehow linked to the Giffords shooting – and when they were forced to correct the record, Team Times was still disingenuous and borderline dishonest

One can argue that the shooter alone is ultimately responsible for his own actions – but shouldn’t that standard apply to everyone, across the political spectrum? Not at all, the Times and their fellow media elites seem to be saying. 

Thinking about The New York Times specifically – has their coverage of the Alexandria shootings made you more distrustful of their purported journalism, or less? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.  

This week’s violence is just the latest in a string of threats and attacks against conservatives – and The Drudge Report today features two more stories of harassment and violence against Trump supporters. Maybe they’re just trying to be like their favorite liberal artists

How concerned are you that the Democrats’ and their anti-Trump allies are attempting to “normalize” political violence through their so-called art, journalism and internet posts? 

That’s the final question in the new Weekly Poll. I hope you’ll vote today, and that you have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Michael Goodwin writes in today’s NY Post that political death threats becoming new, unsettling normal.  Goodwin’s column, filled with facts and common sense, is well worth reading. 

Today’s NY Post editorial states that it is time to tone it down.  

While some continue to use a tragedy to call for gun controlCheryl K.  Chumley, the online opinion editor for The Washington Times, says we don’t need gun control, we need democrat control.  

TODD STARNES: America teetering on the brink of political anarchy.  

Safe spaces are not for everyone…if you are conservative, it certainly isn’t for you.  Then again, we don’t require safe spaces.  

If the NYC Council continues to introduce bills like this, the citizens of NYC should call for it to be disbanded.  This proposal is beyond insane.  

The state is so good at wasting our hard earned dollars.   Be happy this project fell apart before it was paid any grant money. 

5 Ways Obamacare Proves That Government-Run Health Care Is a Disaster.  

$240,418,000,000: Feds Collect Record Taxes in May; Still Run $88,246,000,000 Deficit.  

This is heartbreaking, but unfortunately, not surprising:  Doctors: We Found No Evidence Otto Warmbier’s Coma Was Caused By Botulism As North Korea Claims.  




Daily Update

NY schools spend $21,206 per pupil.  This exceeds the national average by 86% and yet, if you read about school budgets, you would think that New York was spending less than every other state.  New York spends $64.8 billion with 2.6 million students (excluding Charter Schools), while California spends more, $75.5 billion with almost three times the number of students or 6.2 million. The figures are from the US Census Bureau and are only current through the 2014-2015 school year.  Something to think about the next time you have to vote on a school budget.

The Federalist writes that former FBI Director Comey has a long history of questionable obstruction cases.  

Our President, Donald J. Trump, is doing his best — as an outsider — to change how things are done in Washington.  Almost 6 months into his administration and things are struggling along. Anyone else would have been given more time to adjust from being a businessman — essentially a one-man show — to the head of the greatest government in the world without being criticized for every mistake.  Michael Goodwin writes today that perhaps Jeff Sessions should not have been President Trump’s AG.  He makes some good points, but we cannot go back and change facts, however Goodwin’s final paragraph is spot on.   Health care expert, Betsy McCaughey, opines on her concerns that VA Secretary David Shulkin is capitulating to the public-employee unions and their Democratic lackeys in Congress who oppose allowing vets to leave the VA.  At the end of her column, Ms. McCaughey does give President Trump credit for applying the brakes, but the federal gravy train is still rolling.

Donald Devine opines on Donald Trump and the Future of Conservatism.  

In response to this “Congressman, Capitol cops shot during GOP baseball practice,”  the Conservative Party issued the following statement:  “Today is a sad day in America.   Today you realize that the vitriol in the political world has become so dangerous, that unbalanced people become unhinged and shoot five people practicing baseball for a charity game. Enough is enough.  The contempt that certain individuals have for our system of government – the best in the world – must end.”

President Trump: We Are Strongest When We Are Unified And Working Together.  

Today is Flag Day, let us remember the symbolism of our Flag and honor what our Flag stands for:  I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  

Daily Update

Chairman Long reacts to state lawmakers heading to Russia.  

Another success for the schools de Blasio detests.  

Mr. Mayor:  Take the advice given in this NY Post editorial

Mayor de Blasio is “ready” to help elect next NYC Council Speaker.  

Democrats’ pathetic bid to swear their way into voters’ hearts.  

Sessions Pushes Back at ‘Appalling, Detestable’ Lies.   

Did you know the IRS can seize your money based on a hunch?  This bill would end this practice

The Daily Signal writes how new social media background checks could enhance homeland security.   

What would happen if sex-education programs were cut?  The United Kingdom has the not-so-surprising answer.  

The Mercatus Center has some good ideas on Medicare Reform.  

Chairman Long reacts to state lawmakers heading to Russia.  


Daily Update

Michael Goodwin, one of the most acuminous political opinion writers around, wrote over the weekend that Comey’s ‘truth’ crusade is really an anti-Trump one.  

Economy emerges as bright spot for Trump, but, NY’s tax revenues lower. Serious future problems develop when tax revenues do not equal what is projected in order to balance the state budget.

School-desegregation push doesn’t help the kids who need it.  

Local victims of bombings by the terror group FALN watched in disgust Sunday as one of the murderous organization’s former leaders led Manhattan’s Puerto Rican Day Parade — riding out in front as the guest of honor with his fist thrust defiantly in the air.  Here is what the NY Post editorial board has to say about Oscar Lopez Rivera’s appearance in the Puerto Rican Day Parade.

By the way, Puerto Rico upholds statehood demand in contentious vote., only 23% turnout in the non-binding vote.  

I know politicians love being in the limelight, but, Congressman Crowley can’t be too happy about this.   

Flanagan would reduce nuke subsidies.  

It is good to see corporations taking a stand on their own, without people calling for boycotts.  

Universal Basic Idiocy.  

Do we really want to devolve into this?  Or fact problems like this?  Are we frogs in boiling water, or will we realize what is going happening in Europe?

Robert Knight opines on bowing to Bernie’s secular gods.  

This week on the Journal Editorial Report on Fox News, Michael Mukasey dissects the Comey hearing, fallout.  

Dershowitz Tweetstorm: There’s No Evidence of Obstruction, and Inventing Crimes is Dangerous.  

It looks like a book deal is in the works for the former director, but how will we know if the book is honest and not just a fired employee looking to establish that he was fired without cause?  

Weekly Wrap-Up

“The Comey Show” didn’t live up to the hype – by most accounts it was a pretty weak case put forth by the former FBI Director. But the Democrats’ hatred of President Trump was and still is strong. 

We did learn that President Trump has not been under FBI investigation – as Sen. Marco Rubio wisely pointed out, this is seemingly the ONLY nugget of information that somehow wasn’t leaked out by Team Comey. 

Seems like Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and virtually the entire media owe President Trump an apology – but I certainly won’t be holding my breath waiting for that to happen.

We also learned what many of us suspected – that Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch wasn’t seeking justice but playing partisan games with investigations (er, “matters”) into Hillary’s wrongdoing. Will Hillary be adding Mrs. Lynch to her laundry list of people to blame for her 2016 defeat? 

Suddenly The New York Times is concerned about Loretta Lynch’s independence – did this not occur to them almost a year ago after her secret tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton? 

The Times had problems of its own as Comey testified that one of their blockbuster stories about Trump and Russia was fake news. The New York Post lays out the liberals’ dilemma: You can’t trust both Comey and the Times.

Now, on to this week’s poll questions. Of course the James Comey testimony was the week’s big news, so we’ll start there: What do you think is the BIGGEST IMPACT of Comey’s Senate testimony? 

There are endless lists of “winners” and “losers” in the wake of Comey’s testimony. Who among the anti-Trump forces do you believe came out of Thursday’s spectacle as the biggest loser? That’s our Weekly Poll’s second question. 

Finally, a question that was practically written for me, and just in time since quite a bit of this week’s Wrap-Up deals with fake news and media malpractice: A new Quinnipiac poll asked a question about the media’s coverage of the political scene, and whether it makes Americans feel enthusiastic, satisfied but not enthusiastic, dissatisfied but not angry, or angry. How would you have answered if you had been included in this poll? 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito has an agenda, and this statement proves that she is deaf to where New York City residents stand when it comes to honoring a convicted terrorist.    The Speaker always seeks the spotlight, however, on this issue she avoids the press.  

The NY Post and the rest of New Yorkers want to know how would the mayor keep juvenile criminals off the streets?  

Talk about stirring the pot, what is Governor Cuomo talking about when he says “Start with me” regarding deporting immigrants.  Really, Governor Cuomo, how downright reprehensible to compare American citizens born here to those who enter our country illegally.  Do you lock your door at night or do you leave it open for anyone to come in your home?  (Of course, you don’t have to worry about locking your door since you have the constant presence of your taxpayer funded state police detail give you protection; ordinary citizens do not have that luxury.) My grandparents emigrated to America, as did yours, legally.  That is all we ask, that anyone who wants to live in America, to do so legally, by knocking on the front door and asking to come into our home.  Governor, identity politics, the politics that drives you, is reprehensible.

Congressman Chris Collins has no fear of the Governor’s stated plan to remove New York’s  GOP Members of Congress.  In fact, Congressman Collins says, bring it on!

New Report Shows Visa Overstays Are Up. How Congress Can Help Better Enforce Immigration Law.  

William McGurn, writing in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required), explains why the elites hate.  

‘The King and I,’ Starring Hillary Clinton by Bill O’Reilly’s staff.  

Comey’s Coy Testimony Indicts Himself, Not Trump.   Watch for yourself here.   Loretta Lynch Told Comey He Should Call Clinton Probe a “Matter,” Not An Investigation.  Comey Admits to Leaking: I Had a Friend Give My Memos To a Reporter.  Comey: Nobody, Including The President, Asked Me to Stop The FBI’s Russia Investigation.  Chris Matthews: Trump-Russia collusion theory ‘came apart’ with Comey testimony.  

Photo Credit:  ABC News