Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Governor Andrew Cuomo has a real problem in addition to former staffers with upcoming trials.  Yesterday, on a conference call with the press, he continued to disparage those who dare to disagree with him.  You can listen here to what he said and the tone used when he spoke about the republican tax plan  and then defended the tax burden in New York State.  Then he went on to say there are no more Rockefeller republicans, that this (the Republican Party) has been taken over by extreme conservatives.  “They’re against a woman’s right to choose, that doesn’t sell in New York. In the midst of all of this violence, they want to roll back the SAFE act that I passed, the smartest gun safety legislation in the nation, and they want to roll it back. You stand with this president, who wants to savage New York on state and local deductibility, savage this state on health care. They are out of touch. They don’t know who New Yorkers are and what we value.”  Governor Cuomo would have you believe that he promotes diversity and celebrates every New Yorker; his problem is that, by his own words, he does not.  Mario Cuomo must be rolling over in his grave, and he was a man that didn’t agree with our philosophy either, but, did not publicly mock those who disagreed with him. 

The battle for the stars; How states use your money to lure Hollywood.  “The industry spends heavily on campaign contributions and lobbying to make its presence felt in state capitals. In New York, Gov. Cuomo has received $860,000 from contributors in the Los Angeles area involved in the industry, including $60,000 from studio executive Jeffrey Katzenberg and $60,000 from Steven Spielberg and his wife, Kate Capshaw. From in-state studios, Cuomo also received nearly $400,000 — including $125,8000 from the owners of Steiner Studios in Brooklyn and $110,800 from NBC Universal.”

Leading Republican considering 2018 run against Cuomo not fazed by GOP’s Election Night losses.  Part of what Harry Wilson said is “…He said a cloud is hanging over Cuomo, who is expected to seek a third term. Potential pitfalls for the governor, Wilson said, include a worsening state deficit, upcoming political corruption trials involving some of his close associates, mass transit problems, and a “failing” upstate economy.”

The NY Post editorial opines on New York’s coming budget crisis

Will de Blasio stand up for the NYPD now?

Mayor de Blasio still thinks he has a mandate, Politico New York, has an article explaining he does not have a mandate and also that people feel free to ignore a lame duck. 

The Washington Free Beacon runs an article on how George Soros continues to quietly pile up wins in District Attorney Races.  It mentions he was pushed millions in DA races in Florida, Illinois, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico, but failed to mention the 2004 DA race in Albany County, NY.  George Soros is doing his utmost to destroy America from the inside…and his plan is working and has been for quite some time. 

Investor’s Business Daily opines that the GOP loss was a real wake-up call, and asks if they will answer it. 

Jonathan S. Tobin says shunning Trump isn’t the answer for republicans.  

Donald Devine, senior scholar at the Fund for American Studies, opines in Newsmax on the Manafort indictment.

Daily Update

Staten Island, the county that knows Nicole Malliotakis best, gave her 70.71% of the vote cast.  Staten Island also turned out 32.76% of their eligible voters, while the overall city turnout was approximately 23.77%.  Kudos to Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis for a campaign well run.  Rest assured, you have not heard the last of Nicole who has a bright political future. 

What is difficult to understand, is why such a low turnout.  New York City has over 5 million eligible voters and just slightly more than 1 million came out to vote.  If Mayor Bill de Blasio thinks he has a mandate, he is quite mistaken.  Mr. Mayor, you may tout your 66.16% win, but the reality is you garnered 14.37% of those eligible to vote for you, essentially 85.63% people did not support you

Voters across the state overwhelming turned down the opportunity for a Constitutional Convention, every county in New York state said NO to the Con-Con.  Who said opposites couldn’t work together for the common good.  Statewide Proposal #2, allowing for forfeiture of a pension for certain felonies related to officials work, passed comfortably, without quite as many votes.  Statewide proposal #3, while rejected by NYC Voters, squeaked by with the help of upstate New York.  (It came as a surprise to me that downstate rejected Prop 3, since they are always calling for more environmental concessions.)

I wonder if Gov. Cuomo will take a page from Hillary and  be unable to find what the prosecutors want? 

Livingston County had a big win…an enrolled conservative, Michael Falk, ran on the conservative line alone and beat the gentleman who had the republican and democratic lines.  Great win, Jason McGuire

Donna Brazile’s bombshell book coverage, did nothing to harm the democratic name, in fact,  the democrats regained some of their momentum.   If Republicans deliver, it won’t last long, if they fail, for whatever reason, last night was just the beginning of a long Republican draught.  And they will only have themselves to blame.  Republicans must realize that they have to overcome two fronts – not delivering on promises and they must be above reproach on ethical matters.  Conservatives and some independents, who put republicans in control, expect both and if they fail, the media will gleefully report their failures.  Something the media fails to do when it comes to democrats.  Here is Guy Benson’s take on last night’s elections. 

The Daily Signal tell us how to respond to those who want to ‘Do Something’ after Texas shooting.  

Podcast: Half of Millennials Would Prefer to Live in Socialist or Communist Country.  Isn’t it time to teach real, not revisionist history and stop indulging our children’s every whim? 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Daily Update

Have you exercised your civic right and responsibility to vote?

 The Conservative Party recommends a

NO Vote on statewide proposition #1

Yes Vote on statewide proposition #2

Yes Vote on statewide proposition #3

 Send a message to elected officials by casting

your votes for local races on the Conservative Party line.

Special prosecutor, Robert Mueller, has a leak problem.   

Michael Goodwin’s Sunday column, New York Times’ coverage of Mueller is peak liberal bias, was brilliant and included today in case you missed reading it.  It begins with “A friend likens The New York Times to a 1960s adolescent who refuses to grow up.  In a perpetual state of outrage, it is a newspaper of college snowflakes who embrace all forms of diversity except thought,” and gets better with each succeeding paragraph. 

David Keene opines on Donna Brazile’s book, Hacks. 

Perhaps the best headline today –  election day – is this  ‘The Clintons are done in politics’ an article by Jennifer Harper in the Washington Times who is quoting Fox Business Network anchor, Stuart Varney. 

How does one go from “grossly negligent” to “extremely carless”?  Don’t you want to know why James Comey made the change and why he reached his conclusions two months prior to interviewing Ms. Clinton.

Ramesh Ponnuru, explains in National Review online, why gun control loses

Rich Lowry writes about the heroes of Sutherland Springs

This Daily News article gives the reader an insight to the just a portion of the problems associated with public campaign financing.  What it leaves out is how candidates can (and do) hire relatives and purchase equipment with your tax dollars. Knowing public funds are available allows candidates to disregard fiscal prudency and will make it more difficult to have them understand the absolute need for being fiscally responsible. 

More bad news for New York State taxpayers as state revenues sink even deeper

NY Governor Cuomo SLAMS Praying For Shooting Victims: ‘We Have Pastors, Priests And Rabbis To Offer Thoughts And Prayers’.  As Ben Shapiro notes, This is deeply insulting and deeply ignorant.  I really am flabbergasted that Gov. Andrew Cuomo twitted this.  Shameful.  


Daily Update

Tomorrow the Polls are open from 6:00 AM until 9:00 PM.  Click here to find out where to vote.  Don’t forget to turn the ballot over (except in Chautauqua County) for the statewide and local propositions that are on the ballot.   The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote on Proposition 1, a YES vote on Proposition 2 and a YES vote on Proposition 3.   Exercise your civic duty and VOTE tomorrow. 

Here are some articles you may have missed over the weekend on the NYC Mayor’s race.  Nicole’s campaign is energized. All the reasons you shouldn’t vote for de Blasio; More Pay-to-Play; Supporters,   and city officials support Malliotakis at lunch rally

Seriously, Mr. Mayor?  Don’t you seen the problems in doing this?  I guess after all the other ethical questions in your administration, this seems relatively minor.  Perception, Mr. Mayor. 

Do New Yorkers really want more of this:  A lunatic plan for city garbage.  Tomorrow is your chance to elect Nicole Malliotakis who brings common-sense solutions to the problems New Yorkers face. 

Or do New Yorkers want to continue the Mayor’s record on schools

The Manhattan Institute looks at Mayor de Blasio, the past and the future.

A Vote for Nicole Malliotakis is a vote for a better New York City.

Carl Campanile gives a downstate rundown on some of what is at stake in tomorrow’s elections. 

The Hill gives a rundown on some national races of importance. 

The Daily Signal proves again that voter fraud is real. 

Robert Knight writes in the Washington Times about how in its push to ‘cure inequality’ the left busily destroys traditional values. 

The Daily Signal writes that the Diversity Visa is bad, but the real problem is homegrown terrorism.

Surprise, Surprise:  Hillary “It is NEVER my fault” Clinton and her team implies Donna Brazile is lying.   Here is Donna Brazile’s response.   Sen. Chuck Schumer’s response will really knock your socks off.  Did he really say that with a straight face?  And the Oscar goes to…Sen. Chuck Schumer!

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump is making America great again, and the American Dream is back!

As the Washington Examiner reports on new data by the Pew Research Center, “Three years after six in 10 Americans said their dream of a great life was unachievable, now 82 percent believe they’ve either achieved the dream or are on their way.”

How do you define The American Dream? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

To build on this momentum, President Trump and conservatives in Congress this week introduced the tax cut plan America needs – not a perfect plan, but a huge improvement on our current system. Here is a look at how individual Americans will benefit. Tax credits for illegal aliens and tax breaks for the NFL and pro sports stadiums are in the crosshairs – and this tax plan will make it impossible for Albany to hide the high taxes imposed on New Yorkers.

What do you think is the BEST reason to cut taxes and reform the tax code? That’s the second of our new Weekly Poll questions.

This week we saw that, even in a time of political divisions and partisanship, money-wasting ideas like the Constitutional Convention have the power to bring together people from across the political spectrum. I’m proud to say that the Conservative Party has led the way on this for the entire year.

This week we learned of Hillary Clinton’s hostile takeover of the Democrat Party, preventing Bernie Sanders or even Joe Biden from having a fair shot.  Compare that Clintonian gamesmanship to the leadership being shown by (to use one example) Nikki Haley, who continues to put the UN on notice that America is once again standing strong.

New York is fortunate to have another example of great conservative leadership in Nicole Malliotakis – if you live in the city, make sure you get out and vote for her!

Finally, the terror attack that shook New York this week – the 100th terror plot on US soil since 9/11, and one that could have been prevented.  I agree with the Daily Signal that we need to stop denying the obvious – radical Islam is the motivating factor behind terrorism as we know it.

There are many ideas for how to make the country safer in the wake of this latest attack – from ending the diversity lottery program championed by Chuck Schumer to more vetting of those entering our country to putting the death penalty and Gitmo on the table.

What do you think is the BEST way to prevent future terrorist attacks like the one New York City just experienced? Give your answer to this third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

And have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Here it is, all 429 pages of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” Bill, HR 1 released today.  Fox Business News gives us their analysis here.  Katie Pavich examines it here.  President Trump announces that Broadcom Limited is coming home.  The Washington Post calls out the Senate Dems’ take on GOP tax plan. 

The Daily Signal gives us their quick analysis of the GOP Bill here

Guy Benson has an explosive column in ‘s articles based on Donna Brazile’s own words.

Hillary: That Dirty Russian Dossier on Trump That We Lied About Paying For Was Just Opposition Research.   Isn’t this in direct conflict with Donna Brazile’s memoir?  “Oh, what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive,” Sir Walter Scott certainly had some astute insight long before today’s political players came upon the scene. 

Ed Rogers writes about that the Democrats addiction to the race card is suicidal. 

David Keene has a keen article in the Washington Times.

George J. Marlin’s latest:  US Pledges Funding to Save Iraqi Christians — But Must Act Now

The Daily Signal wants to know what can be done to stop vehicle terrorist attacks.

Science is winning.  Young Americans are pro-life

Did you miss the final NYC Mayoral Debate?  You can watch it here, if you missed it.  Watch it first, then read the news coverage of it, here, here, here and here.  Aren’t you glad you watched it for yourself?  Encourage your friends and family to do the same by forwarding this paragraph to then. 

Daily Update

John Moody, Executive Editor for Fox News, speaks for many of us in this opinion piece:  New York terror attack — We’ve seen the face of evil but our politicians want us to look away

Jim Geraghty writes in National Review about what did and didn’t cause yesterday’s terror attack.

New regulations fortify New York City as immigration sanctuary.  But you can change them with a change in New York City’s Mayor and changes in the City Council.  VOTE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 

Get out and Vote for Nicole Malliotakis.

Michael Goodwin asks the question:  Do NYC voters care about corruption? We’re about to find out.   You can make a difference in New York City…

Get out and Vote for Nicole Malliotakis.

The Manhattan Institute on the Halloween Massacre.  City Journal has more on the Halloween Massacre  The New York Post editorial says New Yorkers’ spirit won’t be broken by latest terror attackMr. Mayor, we are not anti-Muslim…we are anti-ISIS, anti-Jihadist and most importantly we are Americans who love our freedoms and the people who share our ideals and values.   NYC ISIS Terrorist Was Known to the Feds…And He Has Friends.

Get out and Vote for Nicole Malliotakis.

The New York Times agrees with the New York State Conservative PartyVote no on the Constitutional Convention.  If you read the whole editorial, at the very end, it appears that not only does the NY Times say no to the Con-Con, it hints that the NY Times could supports term limits when it states “…New Yorkers have it within their power, at the polls every two-years, to demand a full Albany housecleaning.  There is no need to wait for a plebiscite every other decade – and no compelling reasons now for a costly convention with dubious prospects for essential change.” 

State Vice Chairman Ralph Lorigo, has produced this TV commercial for the 2017 election cycle.  Kudos for a job well done.  (Click on the downloaded file.)

Former Lt. Governor Betsy McCaughey writes about the deadly myths of the opioid epidemic.  David French, writing in National Review, has another proposal for breaking the Opioid crisis – repair the family.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams  

Daily Update

One week from today you have the opportunity and responsibility to vote, do you know where your polling place is located?  Click here, to be sure you know where to go to vote on Tuesday, November 7.

The final NYC Mayor’s debate is tomorrow, Wednesday.   The debate will be broadcasted live from CUNY TV Studios, located at 365 5th Ave. in Manhattan, between 7 and 8 p.m. on CBS 2 News, WLNY-TV 10/55, 1010 WINS radio and Newsradio 880. To the best of my knowledge, there is no audience for this live debate.

For the first time in 50 years, Citizens Union will not endorse a mayoral candidate.  This speaks volumes since they endorsed Bill de Blasio 4 years ago.  Bill isn’t worried, he had socialist Bernie Sanders endorse him while he promises his base a chicken in every pot – even as he taxes the middle class beyond their means. Who will be left in New York City to pay for his promises?

The NY Post editorial asks a very important question Why can’t de Blasio disprove any of those ‘lies’?  Even the NY Daily News questions de Blasio’s damning silence

Jim Geraghty writes in National Review that the Manafort-Papadopoulos drama is relatively unsurprising. Wesley Pruden opines in the Washington Times on a lot of noisy ado about nothing much yet.  Jonathan Tobin calls it (the Manafort indictment) an earthquake that shouldn’t shake Trump.  Larry Horist has this to say Manafort indictment good news for Trump … so press turns to Papadopoulos.  But, Paul Sperry says it best with Robert Mueller’s big catch was low-level, unpaid intern.  Rich Lowry has this advice for President Trump:  Just ignore Mueller’s moves, Mr. President

Who is Tom Steyer?  This billionaire hedge fund manager, philanthropist, environmentalist, progressive activist, and fundraiser is the man behind the impeachment ad and has over a million signatures on his Impeach Trump petition. 

E. J. McMahon lets us know that Governor Cuomo is tardy again…the 7th year in a row. 

Dennis C. Vacco has an excellent Op-Ed piece in the Buffalo News on New York officials pick energy winners and losers

Cal Thomas, always good, is exceptional today.  Read his column, Shocking but not surprising, here.   Then ask yourself, how can this boorish, base sub-human have the unmitigated gall  to  think so highly of himself?

Daily Update

Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer endorses Pay-to-Play with his endorsement of Mayor Bill de Blasio. 

Nicole Malliotakis, on the other hand, sees “pay-to-play” for what it is, an elected official letting everyone know you are “for sale.”  Why is it that when progressives get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, they never recall putting it there.  Both de Blasio and Hillary seem to have a “selective memory chip” designed to protect them from admitting  facts that could land them in prison. 

Fortunately, for residents of New York City, you can end the “pay-to-play” cons of Mayor de Blasio and follow the advice found in today’s New York Post editorial endorsing Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis for Mayor.   The Staten Island Advance editorial also endorses Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis , while bestowing some faint praise on Mayor de Blasio, they still believe Assemblywoman Malliotakis will be a better advocate of Staten Island’s citizens. 

You still have a week to help Nicole Malliotakis in the final stretch.  Surprise the Manhattan Institute and let them know that voter interest is high, not low, and that not every city resident is willing to let the “corrupt, business as usual political culture” continue to chase citizens out of our city. 

Assemblywoman Malliotakis will be in a much better position to help end the hidden budget time bomb that Mayor de Blasio helped create. 

Congressman Chris Collins has one of the best Op-Ed pieces in today’s New York Post that I have read in ages.  His last paragraph sums up his honest assessment of Governor Cuomo’s administration: “Only a governor who wanted to curry favor with radical liberals would call lowering taxes treasonous. Instead, if King Andy really wants to be a legitimate leader, he should lead his own effort to cut taxes, stop wasteful spending and end the ridiculous regulatory burden for every New Yorker.”

Your 401(k) is safe.

For those who check facts and rely on certain popular sites, beware.  Read Robert Knight’s weekly column, ‘Whackapedia’ and its error fest, here

Stephen Moore give us the five biggest reasons to hate the IRS tax code

Here is the list of felonies that Paul Manafort faces.  If guilty, he is facing a long time in prison.  It is important to note that not once in the indictment is the Trump campaign mentioned.  Katie Pavlich also lets us know that Tony Podesta resigned as Mueller closes in on Clinton circle. 

The says state constitutional convention would be a waste. The Niagara Gazette says Con Con won’t lead to reform.  And former Assemblyman Jerry Kremer opines in Newsday that there is no need to open up NY’s constitution.   

We began today’s daily update with saying that Sen. Schumer endorses pay-to-play and we will end today’s daily update by noting that Sen. Schumer should research all his previous statements prior to giving a speech on the Senate Floor (or in his weekly press releases/conferences).  Otherwise, sharp analysists will continue to write headlines like this:  Democrats Have Done a 180 on Corporate Taxes. Here’s What They Said Last Year.

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week we saw explosive testimony about the corruption that plagues the de Blasio administration. One donor’s “pay-to-play” saga is the proverbial smoking gun. Mayor de Blasio was bought-and-paid-for, and as Nicole Malliotakis puts it, “There’s literally a ‘For Sale’ sign at the gates.” 

In your opinion, just how corrupt is Mayor Bill de Blasio? That’s our first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

The question now is whether New York City voters will give their approval to this corruption by reelecting the Mayor. I agree with Ms. Malliotakis – “We need to change this culture,” and “We don’t have to accept this.”

Nicole is hitting Mayor de Blasio hard over this corruption, and he deserves it. Which of her statements do you agree with the most? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Now onto more corruption, this time – surprise – from Clinton Inc. Hillary’s Russian scandal keeps getting worse, to the point that we now should seriously consider if we’re talking treason. Any way you cut it, the Clinton campaign lied – no doubt about that.  

At best, Hillary had no idea what was going on with her campaign – that according to CNN’s always-trusty anonymous sources. In Washington, it seems, ignorance is truly bliss.

Team Hillary has sure played the media for fools on the Russia question, but of course the pro-Hillary press corps played right along.

President Trump is talking collusion, and ironically (for the left, anyway) it’s starting to seem like everyone but the President is in league with Russia – it’s the so-called “deep state” run amok, and it goes way beyond Hillary and points to corruption in the Obama Justice Department

From informants to threats to spies, it’s hard to keep up with all this drama, which leads me to the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll: What classic film do you think would make the best title for Hillary Clinton’s political dealings? I look forward to seeing your answers!

This week the Conservative Party released our ratings for the 2017 legislative session. They’re in the news, and I discussed them on Capital Tonight – you can watch it here.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update


Chairman Michael R. Long will be on

Capital Tonight with Liz Benjamin tonight at 8:00 PM.

 Check your local listing for the station.  

John Solomon’s explosive articles in The Hill continue with this one breaking last evening  FBI informant in Obama-era Russian nuclear bribery cleared to testify before Congress.   And with this news, the protective wall surrounding Hillary, the Clinton Foundation and family members, is cracking much faster than expected.  Glenn Thrush said on MSNBC last night, that the democrats want you to believe the  dossier came from Intel community.  Well, of course they did!  If anyone thought Hillary’s campaign or the DNC paid for it, who could possibly believe it.  The NY Post editorial board asks the question  Clinton’s collusion: Who will investigate the new Russia scandal?  And then there is this:  Clinton campaign accused of violating election law by funding anti-Trump dossier.  Suzanne Field writes about what happens when the hunters become the hunted.  

Typical Hillary:  Of Course I Had No Idea We Paid For The Russia Dossier or That It Existed

When it rains, it poursWhen it rains, it really pours!

Trump administration lawyers asked the Supreme Court Wednesday for permission to argue on behalf of a Christian baker who refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding ceremony, in a case that promises to test the limits of gay rights and First Amendment freedoms.

The Post-Journal (Jamestown area) gets it right:  Vote ‘No’ For Constitutional Convention.  The Empire Government also says: Let’s not mess with the State Constitution.

Surprise, Surprise!  Mayor de Blasio admits his statue removal tribunal is nonsense.  With all the other news this week, I may have overlooked Michael Goodwin’s article De Blasio hiding his true intentions until after Election Day. Mr. Goodwin gives us various good reasons to just throw him out of office.  Here is another good reason.

House paves way for Trump tax reform plan by passing $4T budgetThis from the NY Post on the House Vote.  

Daily Update

“As evidence grows of actual collusion and possible illegal pay-for-play ties between Hillary Clinton, her closest political allies and Russian officials, the former secretary of state and presidential candidate declares on C-Span “it’s the same baloney they’ve been peddling for years, and there’s been no credible evidence by anyone.” She called the stories “debunked.”  Thus begins the Investor’s Business Daily editorial and no one is surprised with Hillary’s response to the two new investigations in Congress, but her reaction was before the explosive Washington Post’s article late last night.  The Washington Post has a follow up piece this morning , reminding us of Hillary’s disingenuous dossier outrage.   Fox News confirmed the Washington Post piece, here is National Review on-line’s assessment of the breaking story,  the New York Post’s Michael Goodwin’s opinion and Joe Tacopino’s news article in the NY Post. Is anyone surprised that it may just be the “tip of the iceberg?”

Tammy Bruce writes about the liberal media’s meltdown

We, the taxpayers of New York paid Harvey Weinstein’s company how much in subsidies?  Every citizen in New York State should demand that every single penny in tax credits should end immediately!  

When you keeping repeating an untruth, some people begin to believe it is a truth.  Governor Cuomo seems to believe that upstate New York’s economy has turned around under his leadership…the only way it will truly turnaround is when the taxes and regulations that strangle our businesses are lowered and removed.  Two Cuomo Administrations have done a significant amount of damage. 

This is true for Suffolk County — Suffolk can’t hide tax hikes by calling them fees – and it is true for the rest of the state.  Governor Cuomo are you reading and listening to editorials like today’s NY Post editorial above? (The new Government Justice Center filed a lawsuit yesterday claiming Suffolk county illegally imposed $66 million in fee hikes.)

And here is some advice for Mayor de Blasio:  Experts say his traffic plan won’t work.

Be forewarned: according to the American Culture and Faith Institute, liberals are more committed than conservatives in believing that there is a need for significant cultural change in the U.S. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams