Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Stephen Moore has part of the solution for Governor Andrew Cuomo, Governor Jerry Brown, and Governor Elect Phil Murphy’s (NJ) angry and bitter conference call outburst about the GOP Tax Relief Bill heading to a Conference Committee in his column.  “Pare the hyper-extravagant pensions, and stop paying your government employees 30 percent more than comparable private-sector workers get.” We all know they will not even consider his advice, but Mr. Moore gives some advice on how to change the situation which New Yorkers will have the opportunity in November 2018 to take.  “Now those who choose to live in blue states are going to have to join with their neighbors, collect their pitchforks and demand tax and spending cuts from city hall and the state capital.”   Voters are the only ones who can change the director of an administration and if that fails, change the administration.   

If Larry Kudlow was a member of Congress, he would vote for the tax relief bill with all its warts.

The Daily Signal has more on the differences in the House and Senate Bill that need to be resolved. 

Milton Ezrati explains the high price of Cuomo’s ‘free tuition.’ (Another reason to demand tax and spending cuts.)

Did you see Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie discuss their new book, Let Trump be Trump, today on Fox and Friends?  Keep checking our Events Page to find out how you can get an autographed, by both authors, book.  Details will be posted soon!

Kennedy wrestles with wedding cake case at Supreme Court.  The Washington Times has more on today’s arguments in the US Supreme Court.

This is not how to get NFL fans to return to the stadiums or watching games.   Doesn’t football have enough problems already?

The City Journal opines on the Kate Steinle verdict:  Jury nullification, plain and simple.   Here is Heather MacDonald’s take on the shocking verdict. 

Investor’s Business Daily takes a look at what is really behind the CVS-Aetna merger

The American Spectator says Enough:  FBI and Justice Department corruption needs to end.  

It appears that another member of Mueller’s team used his government issued phone to praise Sally Yates after she lawlessly thwarted President Trump. 

6,500 Reasons to Say ‘It’s a Girl’ (or ‘It’s a Boy’)

Daily Update

In 1 Chart, the differences between the House and Senate Tax Reform Bills.  These 229 Businesses and Groups Support Tax Reform

Michael Barone opined on debunking bogus attacks on the GOP tax-cut plans. 

The Daily Signal again looks at one of the most important cases the US Supreme Court will decide this year;  Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. V. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.   Monica Burke explains the gravity of the case and why it imperative that Jack Phillips prevails.  This case will be argued tomorrow.  The Daily Signal has had a lot of feedback regarding Masterpiece Cakeshop Ltd., and includes it in this column by Ken McIntyre.  Michael Farris also opines on this case for Fox News. 

Will this unrelated case also end up in the US Supreme Court?

Charles Hurt writes that Flynn is just the latest juicy kill in Swampdom.   Another anti-Trump ‘smoking gun’ turns out to be nothing. 

Robert Knight takes a hard look at a Holder holdover.

Persistence paid off for Congresswoman Claudia Tenney.  Anyone who knows her, understands why President Donald J. Trump finally said “I’ll buy it.”  Kudos, Claudia

How can this possibly be ethical?  Then again, we are talking about the Mayor’s administration.  

Saladin Ambar, author of “American Cicero: Mario Cuomo and the Defense of American Liberalism,” writes in today’s NY Daily News about Mario Cuomo, model of restraint.  Mr. Ambar, praises the late Governor’s liberal ideals (and takes an unnecessary swipe at President Donald J. Trump) and his adherence to his progressive beliefs, certainly an ideal I admire as I am just as committed to the conservative principles I espouse.  What strikes me about this column is that the principles Governor Mario Cuomo truly understood and lived by are completely lost on his son, Andrew Cuomo, our current Governor.  How sad that Mario’s truly admirable trait is so callously cast aside by his son. 

Cuomo decries federal hurricane relief efforts, praises New York’s response during his third trip to Puerto Rico.  Governor Cuomo, while our sympathy is with the people of Puerto Rico, one cannot blame the federal government for the woes of Puerto Rico that included bankruptcy and bailouts long before this year’s  hurricane season.  For Cuomo’s re-election, only a landslide will do.    Cuomo 2020? Four things to watch.   Any doubt that he did not learn from his father?

The Beat keeps us informed about the Silver Screen Subsidies

Politico obviously does not have a good read on people if this is what they are pushing…Politico: the Clinton Era is OVER.  Every Clinton is finished in politics, the more you push a Clinton the less credible you become Politico.    

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s always worth remembering – if you want to see President Trump’s real impact, look beyond his Twitter feed. He’s draining the swamp and exposing its monsters, and actions like this show that he understands what matters to normal Americans.

Just wondering – do you follow President Trump on Twitter? I’m making that the first question in our new Weekly Poll. Your answer might have less to do with the President and more with whether you use Twitter at all – I’m very interested to see what people have to say.

Hopefully a major legislative victory for President Trump will be in the books by the time you read this. The President’s tax plan is a serious reform with backing from respected economists – and it’s being actively opposed by the Democrats/journalists at The New York Times, which is a plus in my book.

And when our tax dollars are bankrolling slush funds for congressional predators to buy their victims’ silence, it’s high time to limit just how much money our government can take form us. 

At least one of those predators hails from New York, and our very own Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is leading the Hypocritical Faux-Feminist Caucus in Congress that’s trying to excuse the liberals’ bad behavior – and she’s got plenty of company. Maybe in 20 years Senator Gillibrand will announce that yes, Al Franken should have resigned.

Were you as shocked as I was over the not guilty verdict in the Kate Steinle/sanctuary city murder case? As you can imagine President Trump is outraged as well. Betrayals like this by a rigged system were a major factor in the President’s 2016 victory, as Ben Shapiro notes. Fortunately, this may not be the end of the story.

What is your main reaction to the NOT GUILTY verdict in this case? That is the second question in our new Weekly Poll. It’s a sad question to have to ask – justice has NOT been served.

The Weekly Standard looks at the slow death of the NFL – the next time you consider buying a ticket to a pro football game, consider that this is where your money will be going. (And remember that “social justice” can only mean “leftist.”)

Do you find yourself watching NFL football games LESS this season after all the protests and controversies? Give me your answer in this final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

And have a great weekend!

Daily Update

I wonder if Judge Ray Rodriguez feels any remorse knowing now that his “mercy” was misplaced

Success Academy boss Eva Moskowitz rips de Blasio for failing to open up classroom space. 

Top staff says “Adios, Mr. Mayor.”

Andrew C. McCarthy opines on Khatallah’s Acquittals.  

National Review on line on the proposed tax reform bill:  The legislation isn’t perfect, but its critics aren’t telling the truth.  And there is this:  Oops: NYT Editors’ False Attack on GOP Tax Plan Contradicted By Own Newspaper’s Analysis

Tammy Bruce explains how The New York Times’ Nazi story goes off the rails

George J. Marlin opines on Repairing the Ravages of ISIS on Iraq’s Nineveh Plains.

The Daily Signal lets us know that watchdogs turn up more evidence Obama’s EPA broke federal law.    

Here are two article from the Daily Signal regarding our First Amendment:  After declining to make a wedding cake, he’s going to the Supreme Court. Here’s how that journey challenged his faith and These groups support gay marriage while backing a cake baker’s First Amendment Rights.

While this is good news – ‘Hush fund’ may soon not be so hush-hush – I cannot help but wonder why it took a damn breaking to end hush money.  Seriously, why did it take Congress so long?  It isn’t as if no one knew what was happening in the Halls of Congress, yet, no one, including New York’s own Senators – Schumer and Gillibrand – came forward.  Instead they acted as ostriches until the damn broke.  Why didn’t they make the damn break sooner?   I would be the first to admit, there have been false claims made by women – A Rape on Campus and Tucker Carlson let us know what happened to him —  however, when it is rampant and the world knows, why where they all ostriches up until now? 

Blackburn: We’re Going to Release Names of Lawmakers Who Used ‘Hush Fund’.  

‘The Resistance’ remains resistant to rural America.

Daily Update

The Daily Signal says:  Don’t Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.

Victor Davis Hanson asks the question in today’s National Review online – who watches the watchmen?  Good question, especially after the LA Times ran this article just be the Thanksgiving holiday.  Add this Daily Caller article and one really has to ask…who watches the watchmen.   And if anyone thinks this is just the “right-wing” that has concerns about Special Counsel  Mueller, read what Alan Dershowitz thinks

This Obama-Created Agency’s Power Shows the Danger of the Deep State.  

For every problem, the de Blasio answer is denial

The Beat gives you the facts you need to know on Term Limits in New York City. 

Life matters:  Assisted suicide through the eyes of a doctor.  Americans United for Life examines government inspections of abortion clinics and the picture is worse than you can imagine. 

Former Senator Tom Coburn gives some good advice in his column:  Get government out and let markets work in health care

If you own a cellphone, you might want to watch this case

Kudos to President Donald J. Trump:  Trump announces new sanctions on North Korea

A federal jury found Ahmed Abu Khattala guilty of 4 of the 18 charges related to the Benghazi attack.  Lucky for him I was not on that jury; however, justice will be served eventually. 

Betsy McCaughey opines on ending Ivy-League bigotry. 

Dumping Net Neutrality Is ‘Opposite of Authoritarianism,’ FCC Chief Says Amid Death Threats. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Willliams.  

Daily Update

A majority of New York voters support legalizing and taxing marijuana, poll reveals.  Not surprising, but very disappointing.  Read what Chairman Long had to say about the poll that was taken. 

The State of Politics ran this article yesterday recapping Chairman Long’s interview on Fred Dicker’s radio show.  Shortly after, the puppets who work for Governor Cuomo indicated quite clearly that Governor Cuomo fears Harry Wilson.   

Errol Lewis writes about the NYC Council vs. voters, again, on term limits.  His closing paragraph is great, “Most of all, New York voters have to decide if we are prepared to let the Council, whose members supposedly work for us, once again spit in the face of voters. I strongly recommend a call or email to your Council member today with a simple message about tampering with term limits: Don’t you dare.”

Nicole Malliotakis: My time ‘in the arena’ with Mayor Bill de Blasio

State budget shortfalls have comptroller concerned.    The Conservative Party will say it AGAIN:  The problem is not that we are taxed too little, it is that New York spends too much.  Be prepared, cuts must come or the wealthy will leave.  Even with this knowledge, the  $38.5 M SUNY  Poly bailout grant was just approved.  

Assemblyman Ray Walker has Op-Ed in the Buffalo News:  Little to show for billions in state spending to create jobs

The MTA’s “summer of hell” is lingering and may last a year

The Daily Signal writes that Planned Parenthood is in deep trouble with the law. This could be a turning point.

Hans von Spakovsky writes in the Daily Signal that redrawing districts is the job of elected leaders, not judges. 

Apparently, it isn’t only sexual harassment that gets sweep under the run in Washington, D.C.  And then there is this

Fact Check:  Claim That GOP Tax Reform Would ‘Raise Taxes on the Middle Class’ After 2025 is Misleading.

The Daily Signal brings us up to date on what the US Supreme Court cases are on before Christmas. 

The Washington Times is reporting  this:  Voters increasingly skeptical of allegations against Roy Moore in Alabama Senate race.  And Larry Horist wants to know if a good and moral person can vote for Moore. 

Thank you, Denzel Washington.  Your honesty is refreshing.  


Daily Update

The NY Post headline reads – NY GOP wants Harry Wilson to take out Cuomo – however, I only see quotes from Chairman Mike Long.  You can listen to what Chairman Long had to say regarding the column on the Fred Dicker radio show here.  Chairman Long’s remarks begin at 21:30 mark. 

Here are a few articles of interest you may have missed over the long holiday weekend:  Cuomo’s latest ‘economic development’ implosion;  Signing these bills would just license more corruptionNYPD monitor exposes the idiocy of the ruling he’s supposed to enforce;   Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016How Ten Dem (Dumb) Members of Congress Encourage the Use of Child TerroristsSwedish “No Go Zones” Are Getting So Bad That Residents Are Scared to Leave HomeShut down the politicians’ sex-scandal hush fundsMore problems with closing Indian Point;  Per diems help pay for lawmakers’ real estate3 NY State Agencies Targeting Sale of Contraband Cigarettes;  and this one  shows you  the blatant  hypocrisy of elected officials

Parents beware:  How nutty adjuncts are slipping into local colleges.  

The Manhattan Institute  opines on the tax reform bill; while the Daily Signal explains in charts, how these 7 taxpayers’ bills would change if tax reform was enacted. 

The Beat opines on Easing Off Crime

Supreme Court won’t take Texas case over student-led prayer

National Review’s Andrew C. McCarthy says Trump’s in the Right in CFPB Tiff.

Guy Benson thinks Nancy Pelosi is a train wreck.

George J. Marlin opines on Lenin’s Legacy: Lessons in Communism’s Ruthlessness

A good law to repeal and the solid reason why it should be repealed. 

“Baby Boomers” will not like this honest article

Save this article for when you have some extra time to digest what Donald Devine has to say about Anglifying American Conservatism. 

Daily Update

If Mayor de Blasio hired you and you do your job well…you can expect to be fired, but if you knowingly certify that an inspection was done when it was not, you keep your job and try to fire underlings.  The debacle could cost taxpayers $100 millionThis man, Mayor de Lusional, wants to be president of the United States…he obviously lives in his own world and it now makes more sense why he honeymooned in Cuba.

Robert Knight explains the perils of socialism in his Washington Times column:  Socialism’s predictable outcomes. 

Stephen Moore says the stupid party gets smart.  

Kudos to former State Chairman/ State Senator, Serphin R. Maltese, for standing up for the history of our country.  Sen. Maltese said this “I strongly urge that all of us take a more historical perspective on the matter of Columbus and stop asserting our individual, political, religious, and racial opinions to make gross and untenable points that disparage and denigrate not only Columbus but his heritage, nationality, religion, and all those who honor and venerate him and his historic accomplishments,” at the first meeting of the Mayor’s Commission to study the city’s monuments.  Stay tuned, four more meeting will be held – during the day, making to harder for working New Yorkers to speak out.    

EPA’s Scott Pruitt drains the swamp like no one else in Washington.  

Thank you Charles Hurt for your excellent column, Democrats’ depravity laid bare by Bill Clinton

Lerner, Paz say they fear physical harm from enraged public, want IRS testimony sealed permanently.  But haven’t they insisted they did nothing wrong and then President Obama agreed.  Why would anyone want to harm them when they did nothing wrong? 

File this under “Only Others Have Faults” or “But, I Really Did Win the Presidency.”

The Daily Signal explains the 6 Key Elements in Understanding the Tangled Uranium One Scandal.  And Marc A. Thiessen explains why the Clinton’s should be investigated

In case you missed these over the weekend:  How New Yorkers are doubly burned by high cigarette tax; Why tax-suffocated New Yorkers need reform ASAP (another great column by Michael Goodwin.); The high cost of de Blasio’s free rent and then there is this:  Cuomo Named in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit, Accused of ‘Deliberate Indifference, which made national news. 

Good News:  Nebraska panel approves alternative Keystone XL route

Barring any earth shattering news, we will return on Monday, November 27, 2017

Weekly Wrap-Up

News flash: Now that it’s politically expedient, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand thinks Bill Clinton should have resigned after being accused of sexual assault – and surprise, surprise, she’s using this newfound indignation to go after President Trump. 

“Things have changed today, and I think under those circumstances there should be a very different reaction,” Gillibrand said. Things have changed since when – April 2016, when she campaigned for Hillary with Bill Clinton? She knew then exactly what he had been accused of and how his accusers had been treated (by Bill AND Hillary) and had no qualms about appearing with him – but now she wants to distance herself from the Clintons? 

As Seth Mandel notes in the New York Post, “The Clintons have thrown many contemporaries under the bus in their quarter-century atop Democratic circles. Hopefully there’s still room under there for two more.” Sen. Gillibrand is seeing to it that there is.

And make no mistake: If Hillary Clinton had won the White House, Sen. Gillibrand would NOT be saying this. The only reason she’s calling out Bill Clinton is because the Clintons’ political power has been virtually depleted – and it’s not just conservatives noticing this hypocrisy

Of course, Hillary did not win the White House, and Thanksgiving is a perfect time to remember that. For our new Weekly Poll, I’m giving you three Thanksgiving-themed questions to consider: 

  1. As a conservative, why are you thankful to have President Trump in the White House? It’s been a turbulent first year for the Trump Administration but he has given us plenty to be thankful for in 2017.
  2. In general, what are you MOST grateful for as we welcome the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons? I have lots to be thankful for, and I’m sure you do too!
  3. What’s your favorite part of Thanksgiving – eating? Relaxing? Shopping? Watching football? I look forward to the responses on this one.

This week is giving us proof of the old saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” 

Democrats want to impeach a Republican President – nothing new there.

Global warming activists are claiming that the planet is doomed – just as they always have.

Socialism doesn’t work – it never has.

Sanctuary cities are dangerous and indefensible – no matter how much the liberals try to hide behind the Constitution.

Sen. Chuck Schumer is twisting the facts about conservative policies – this time it’s tax relief.  

And Gov. Andrew Cuomo sounds like a middle-school bully with his temper tantrums and name-calling – and to hear some members of Congress tell it, Cuomo is outright lying about talks they’ve supposedly had and things they’ve allegedly said.   

I’m thankful to all of our Conservative Party friends and supporters who stand with us as we call out the liberals’ terrible ideas and bad behavior. We fight the good fight because you are on our side – I appreciate that and wish you and your family and very Happy Thanksgiving!

Daily Update

Well, Mayor de Blasio admits his NYCHA Chairwoman Shola Olatoye failed to conduct thousands of required lead paint inspections on his watch and knowingly filed a false report, yet his spokesperson said, “Mayor de Blasio continues to have full confidence in Chair Olatoye and her work turning around NYCHA. We do not believe there is any evidence that anyone intentionally made any misstatements to HUD.”   The Mayor’s statement sends the wrong message; essentially his administration does not have to perform at 100% and covering-up “mistakes” is perfectly acceptable.  Disgraceful message; Mayor  de Lusional is living up to his new nickname. 

After admitting just last month that it has been a bad 50 years for the upstate economy, Governor Cuomo’s  obvious pursuit of his next job has led him to embrace politically popular, economically harmful ideas in his current one.  Then there is this….More scrutiny for Cuomo’s economic development programs.   The Empire Center lets us know the private job gains have been weak in NY.  

Pope Francis should stick to theology  and leave the climate to scientists – who are divided on the issue.     Podcast: The Inanity of Climate Change Activists Protesting Trump

Through God, This Mississippi Boys School Is Working to Heal the Racial Divide

Mona Charen makes a good point (or two) in her column the uses of disgrace.

Seriously? Menendez Plays the Race Card After Judge Declares Mistrial in Corruption Case; UPDATE: Faces Ethics Probe?

House Passes Tax Reform Bill — 227-205

Robert Knight writes how the Bergdahl liberals blur line between honor and dishonor

Donald Devine opines on  the bureaucratic incompetence of the FDA. 


Daily Update

Today’s NY Post editorial states that a new bombshell report on the Housing Authority indicates that Mayor de Blasio is MIA.  “The city Department of Investigation report accuses NYCHA of failing to conduct required lead-paint inspections — and then lying about it to federal officials. Those inspections are meant to see that young kids aren’t at risk for lead poisoning.” (Read the full report here.)  Unfortunately, this was not the first time NYCHA was careless under the de Blasio Administration, it was the fourth time in two years.  What is even more pathetic is that Mayor de Blasio just coasted to another four-year term.  New York City residents:  Brace yourselves for more reports like this.   ” Mayor de Lusional” believes he has a mandate, is untouchable and can do everything he sets out to do. 

Less prisoners, higher costs in NYC.   The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the costs have gone up 44% in the last decade while inmate numbers declined by 30%. “City officials say that money is being well spent on skill-development programs for inmates designed to help them readjust to society after they are released. A Department of Correction spokesman noted $93 million in funding Mayor Bill de Blasio has invested since fiscal 2016 for such programs and job training.”  More of your hard-earned dollars being used for programs to help others while you struggle to help you and your family.   

 Investor’s Business Daily asks the question:  Will Justice Investigate Hillary Clinton’s Crimes In Uranium One-Fusion GPS Scandal? It Should. Meanwhile, Shepard Smith has created a hornet’s nest when reporting on Fox News that conservatives were misrepresenting Hillary’s role in the Uranium One deal.  Read Guy Benson’s analysis of the Uranium One deal here.  

New Yorker’s voted for President Ronald Reagan twice (and still revere him) ;  Hear his argument for eliminating the state and local tax deduction.   It is therefore not surprising that Mick Mulvaney fiercely defended the elimination of state and local tax deductibility in the federal tax overhaul, saying the White House can’t be blamed that people are fleeing New York because of high taxes.  It certainly does not help when the state taxes you when you die.

New Yorkers are right to fume over the Tappan Zee’s new name

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Daily Update

E. J. McMahon explains a simple fact in his column Right Point, Wrong data;  New York State is dangerously over-dependent on taxes generated by a relatively small handful of very high-income taxpayers.  His numbers show how a loss of only 10% of high earners could really put New York’s economy in a tail spin. 

The Daily Signal compares the House and Senate tax bill. 

Warren L. Coats, Jr., is an economist specializing in monetary policy and has this to say about the current tax proposal

Richard W. Rahn has more information and charts on the tax proposal in the Washington Times.   Stephen Moore, also opining in the Washington Times, reminds republicans how important it is to extend the Budget Control Act of 2011, the best weapon against runaway federal spending in 30 years?

Two articles discuss  that  the Supreme Court will hear a case on whether California Pro-Lifers have to promote abortion,  one article in the Daily Signal, the other in National Review

Life News reports,– albeit the case happened in Belgium, but if Physicians’ Assisted Suicide is adopted in New York, it could also happen here, — how a “doctor” euthanized a healthy woman aged 64 who suffered from mental health problems.  What kind of “doctor” would euthanize a woman because she was depressed? 

The Daily Caller writes that nonprofits unapologetically accepted millions in ‘Blood Money’ from opioid profiteers.  It is an interesting, yet sad commentary on one family that donates opioid profits, not to organizations that would help the addicted, but to feel good “community free days,” sponsored by the Sackler Institute at the Dia Art Foundation.  Would the participants enjoy the day knowing it was funded by opioid drugs?

Yesterday, we linked to an article on New York City’s campaign finance laws, today we offer Larry Horist’s article on the Federal Election Commission, a bad idea made worse over time.  Both of the articles should make it perfectly clear that public campaign financing is a complete waste of our taxpayers’ money.  

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney has a great idea for corrupt federal employees:  stripe their pensions.  New Yorkers like that idea as evidenced by the overwhelming support for statewide proposal 2 passed on November 7. 

Careless mistakes cost NYC $26 million.  Since New York City does not have its own money, it costs the residents $26 million. 

Some members of the NYC Council are balking at the Mayor’s reckless drive to keep choking small businesses.

Remembering the Birth and Rise of Modern Conservatism, we just want to remind you that Arnold Steinberg’s great book, Whiplash! From JFK to Donald Trump, a Political Odyssey, would make a terrific Christmas present to a person who enjoys history and the conservative movement.