Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Iceland stirred a hornet’s nest – or was it really CBS that stirred the hornet’s nest — with the extremely misleading headlines of Sunday’s program.  The Daily Signal weighs in on the disturbing practice , so does One News Now,  and the NY Post editorial board calls it a troubling way to eradicate a disorder.  I am certain that many in the United States applaud Iceland’s method of “eradicating a disorder; these are the same depraved people who have lost respect for the miracle of life and the joy of raising, teaching and loving a human being other than themselves.  As I said yesterday, Iceland isn’t only cold…it has no heart.  

Iceland obviously wasn’t the only hornet’s nest this weekend and while Iceland’s controversy will calm down shortly, the outrage over the white supremacists in Charlottesville will continue for some time.  Kyle Smith opines in the National Review on destroying symbols: where does it end?  The Independent Journal Review gives the location of three Lenin statutes across the United States that are offensive and should go (but that doesn’t fit the narrative of the left, does it?)  Investor’s Business Daily enters the fray with this editorial, and Bob McManus had this to say,  while Laura Ingraham is correct in saying that the media has torched President Trump and will continue to torch him no matter what he says which hurts his ability to achieve his agenda.  Tammy Bruce writes in the Washington Times about the deadly impact of identity politics.   The white supremacists have no place in America, fortunately, they are very small in numbers and the Justice Department will bring them to justice.  Larry Horist asks this question:  Why is left-wing violence acceptable?  It isn’t.  And the current Justice Department will bring them to justice also. I want to know when the main stream media will stop agitating both sides under the guise of informing the public instead of being honest and saying sensationalism sells papers.  Don’t they have a certain amount of responsibility in keeping people safe?

Leave it to the Governor to jump headfirst into the fray and probably make it worse if his proposal becomes law.  Governor:  Enforce the laws already on the books.  

Mayor de Blasio’s first (and hopefully only)  term had regular help from an influential lobbying firm.   Your gift to the mayor lets him ‘fight’ by going on vacation.  

Joe Spector lets us know that NY health insurance rates will rise 15%.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams


Daily Update

Mayor de Blasio takes tax money for his campaign primary, because it is such a tough re-election, then goes on vacation.  If it is so close, why would you go on vacation, especially if you are truly dedicated to serving the people of New York City.  

Nicole Malliotakis is dedicated to being a true public servant; she understands the issues facing residents of New York City and has sound solutions for them.  Assemblywoman Malliotakis brings people together to find the best solutions and listens to their advice.  

Thank you, Patricia Heaton!  Your tweet “Iceland isn’t actually eliminating Down Syndrome. They’re just killing everybody that has it. Big difference,”  will hopefully open the eyes of those who fell for the extremely misleading headline.  

Cheryl K. Chumley explains the media to the media:  Trump on Charlottesville: Danged if he does, danged if he doesn’t.  Charlottesville was a government failure.  Sen. Tim Scott:  Fight hatred, fear and domestic violence with American values.  Unfortunately, not enough people are listening to him and continue on their hateful ways.  Through the eyes of a Daily Signal reporter who happened to be in Charlottesville on Saturday.  

Thank you, President Trump:  North Korea backs away from threats to nuke Guam.   What a beautiful sight.  We are only as strong as our defense and a Commander-in-Chief unafraid to use our military. when necessary; and the USS Gerald Ford says strength will all its 100,000 tons.  

Does President Trump know this?  It is well past time for a new commissioner at the IRS, however his term is not up until November 12, 2017.  

Another Governor Cuomo failure:  This firm has not moved to New York.  

Assemblyman Kevin Byrne says Vote NO on the Constitutional Convention



Daily Update

The Heritage Foundation via the Daily Signal has the best advice for every citizens of the United States:  Get Involved Locally; You Might Just Save the Country.    This is the year for local elections, all around our state.  Get involved, learn about the candidates; know where they stand, take the time to go to debates, stop by their local campaign office, engage them in conversation and know when you vote that that person represents your values and views.  America is a representative government…how do you know who represents you unless you get to know them.

Residents of New York City have an opportunity to elect someone who truly cares about New York City, not someone who is using New York City to further his pipe dream of becoming president.  New Yorkers can choose a man who has no regard for how he spends the taxes you are forced to pay or a woman who knows the issues and has ideas on resolving them.   If you were buying a car or a house, you would take the time to do the research in order to make the best decision; doesn’t electing your representative, at any level, deserve the same scrutiny?

NYPD: We would have done a better job in Charlottesville.  Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe told CBS News said he was “proud of law enforcement here,” noting that “not one single shot was fired, not one bit of property damage.”  Gov. McAuliffe knew for a while and still stood down.  All I will say is…a young woman is dead and two police officers are dead because the police were not prepared and allowed these hate groups — yes, both are hate groups; both groups came for ready for blood — to engage in their abhorrence of each other.  Society’s downward spiral will continue unabated until we elect people with our values and views with true leadership qualities.  

Ralph Z. Hallow opines on the remarks made by President Trump Saturday.  

And as Cheryl L, Chumley reminds us, when the chips are down, we can and will stand together against outside forces of evil because we are America.  

The creed of the NY Times is simple:  conservative republicans are damned no matter what.  

These Obama Regulations Make a Strong Case for Tax Reform

Cuomo’s ‘economic development’ billions buy another crop of failures.  

Monday’s with Robert Knight.  


Weekly Wrap-Up

North Korea is by far this week’s biggest news story. Fox News has ongoing coverage here. Ralph Peters has a plan for taking out North Korea’s nukes, while Rich Lowry says the Trump Administration needs to pick a strategy and stick to it.

How worried are you over the possibility of a conflict between the U.S. and North Korea? That’s the first of three questions in our new Weekly Poll focused on the North Korea situation.

For the second Weekly Poll question, I’ve collected some of my personal thoughts on the matter, on everything from President Trump’s leadership to the power of our military to the wonderful absence of Hillary Clinton in this situation. They’re laid out for you in question #2 – you can select the statement you agree with the most. I look forward to seeing what you think.

Investor’s Business Daily puts it best: “Since at least the early 1990s, presidents have kicked the nuclear can way down the road, and now we’re running out of road. Trump inherited this mess. Now he’s dealing with it.” 

Even the biased media can’t deny that previous presidents dropped the ball on North Korea – the country’s path to becoming a major threat started with a Clinton-Era deal.

Liberals are shocked at any suggestion that President Obama’s failures might have led us to the current North Korea situation, but of course they’re perfectly okay with blaming President George W. Bush.

And speaking of Obama – his failures are many, from North Korea to Iran to Cuba

Rush Limbaugh has a good overview of how we got to the situation that President Trump and our nation now face together.

Which recent U.S. President do you believe bears the most responsibility for North Korea’s rise to power? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

This isn’t what you want to read as an international threat takes center stage.

In other news this week, we saw media bias and more media bias

Larry Horist reminds us that voter fraud is real – an alarming problem with major elections coming up this year and next.

In this year’s NYC mayoral campaign, Nicole Malliotakis continues to take the fight to Bill de Blasio.

And what seems to be a hateful act has inspired kindness and generosity towards New York’s finest and their hard work.

On that note, have a great weekend!

Daily Update

President Trump’s strong stand on North Korea. is backed by Tillerson and Mattis.  Here is more on the North Korea issue from Ralph Peters who bluntly says “I don’t believe in threatening our enemies. I believe in killing them,” and I certainly agree.  He went on to say “that military force should always be a last resort but the diplomatic options are running out,” another statement no one with a right mind can argue with.  More from Ralph Peters here. 

President Trump doubles-down on “fire and fury” threat against North Korea says it may not be tough enough.  

Jay Sekulow Details DOJ’s Panicked Response to Loretta Lynch’s Meeting With Bill Clinton.  The Washington Free Beacon has more on the Lynch/Clinton meeting.  

Cal Thomas has a few words to say about sanctuary cities.  

Will this happen in America?   While this is a different case, don’t be so quick to answer never.  

ICYMI: Obama-Appointed Federal Judge Orders State Department to Try and Find Hillary’s Missing Benghazi Emails.  

All Gender Restroom’ nothing to celebrate, says activist.  

NYS Comptroller has mixed news for the state’s finances.   The Empire Center says:  State’s retiree health debt grows.  

No surprise here:  NY’s new casino owners say competition is tough; Conference hears talk of a saturated market.

Kudos to County Executive Rob Astorino for vowing a veto on the totally misguided legislation passed by the county Board of Legislators.  



Daily Update

Former Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey warns seniors of imminent health-care problems; with Obamacare failing, democrats are calling for “Medicare for all.”  Ms. McCaughey, a health care expert, has been very accurate in her predictions of the Obamacare problems and her analysis of the current democratic plan is just as precise and correct.   

If New Yorkers needed to have it spelled out accurately why Mayor de Blasio does not deserve another term as Mayor just read today’s Michael Goodwin column in the NY Post.   

Yesterday, Chris Churchill, had a column in the Times Union that began with this sentence:  “The list of Democrats considering a challenge to the big bully of New York politics is growing.”  Today we read in the NY Post that “Mayor Bill de Blasio is an imperious bully of a boss who threatens his underlings with dire punishment if they fail to meet his demands…”   Isn’t it ironic that the state passes legislation to end bullying, never-ending advertisements on radio and TV decry bullies and the two top elected officials in New York State are described as bullies.

Governor Cuomo considers congestion pricing for New York City; Chairman Long’s reaction:  “It’s absolutely unfair to the outer boroughs,” 

Rep. Gregory Meeks Has Paid Company Owned by Aide’s Wife Nearly $200K From Campaign Funds.   The last two paragraphs are very interesting.  

The Weekly Standard writes about Sanctuary City Showdowns. .

Merkel’s Generous Refugee Policy Puts Germany at Risk.   

This press release by the US Dept of Justice explains our strong opposition to having state agencies and other government entities register people to vote.  Especially when you  know the progressive, leftist, democrats are pushing this:  Non-citizens voting the newest ‘civil right

Flashback: Here’s What Trump Told Tim Russert in 1999 About Launching a Preemptive Strike Against NK,  on this topic President Donald J. Trump is consistent and correct.  Gorka On Critics Of Trump’s North Korea Rhetoric: ‘Support The Executive’  

Gorka Explains Use of Term ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’ to MSNBC: You Don’t Call Cancer the Flu. Some may be jittery about the strong language from the Trump Administration, but rest assured, the strong language is an absolute necessity; weak, milquetoast platitudes have brought us to this situation.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  



Daily Update


Unbelievable:  De Blasio says rich people ‘won’t miss’ subway tax money because they’re so rich.  The man is delusional.  According to the article he lumped himself in with the straphangers who struggle to pay their subway fares and are frequently late due to delays — even though his annual household income is $221,000 and he gets around in SUVs. (emphasis added.)  Read the rest of the article here. Maybe his need for naps is responsible for his distorted view of the real world.  Always prepared, Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis, offered Mayor de Blasio, a can of red bull this morning.  Malliotakis had just finished a press conference on Mayor de Blasio’s mismanagement and misplaced priorities. 

There is an old saying “”You can’t understand someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes,” and this transgendered soldier has walked many miles in his shoes and therefore has the expertise to explain how gender dysphoria poses real problems for the military.

Do you know who Elizabeth Carlisle is?   Her attorney’s explanation for a pseudonym is rather obtuse.   

Larry Horist opines on the not so grand juries

Fortunately, there are those who lay out facts that President Trump is making America great again

Instead of finding news articles people are searching for, Google became the news over the weekend.  Danielle Brown, whom Google recently added as a diversity chief, condemned the memo (that became the news)  Monday, saying the company is “unequivocal in our belief that diversity and inclusion are critical to our success.”  Except when they don’t toe the line.  Jim Geraghty has more on Google’s problem here.

Scientists call out New York Times for incorrect claim about climate report

Here is an interesting piece of history:  Old names stick around after new ones decreed State has a long naming tradition, but …

Is it possible that Roe v Wade could be overturned?  The Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy published an article that could be the basis to overturn Roe v Wade.  The 34-page argument can be read here. 

Daily Update

Debbie, how could you when others fired him:  Wasserman Schultz Defends Keeping Staffer on Payroll While Under Federal Investigation.  The Daily Signal has more on the this here

Stephen Moore opines on the Trump economy.  

AG Jeff Sessions investigating ‘slush fund’ used by left-wing group, as well he should. 

The Daily Signal want to know why is HHS contraception order still standing?

Larry Horist opines on the Rule of Law for immigration; a terrific post explaining how important the rule of law is considering the unique situation we are in and that, therefore, requires a unique response. 

What happens when the 5 democratic commissioners in the NYC Board of Election ignore the law?  You have a Mayor running on a line that he does not belong on.  As the NY Daily News editorial states:  Shame on them!

Nicole Gelinas says that even if it gets the subway fixed, the MTA is still broken

Mayoral candidates rip de Blasio over donor emails as City Hall dismisses scandal as ‘boring’.  

Joel Rose, worked for the NYC Education Department and created a learning program, now he is set to get a $669M contract for his company New Classrooms.  The City spent $9M in grant money to help he develop the program.  Read more about it here.  Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis thinks taxpayers are getting fleeced again.  So, do we.  A quick reminder, it was only last week that Assemblywoman Malliotakis blasted the NYC Department of Education on lack of oversight and lack of fiduciary oversight pointed out by a highly critical management audit by NYC Comptroller that issued a report on the NYC DOE and its contract with the New York City Leadership Academy (NYCLA) for teacher and principal coaching.  

Almost every politician supports taxing the rich instead of cutting spending; no wonder President Donald J. Trump wants to drain the swamp.  Mayor de Blasio only knows how to tax more to fund every pet project, including pet projects he doesn’t control. 

Perhaps, if the Mayor was truly concerned about the residents of New York City and paid attention to the lack of fiscal control, he would not be so quick to want to tax the rich, then again almost every politician supports taxing the rich instead of cutting spending.  (No wonder President Donald J. Trump wants to – no needs to — drain the swamp.)  Mayor de Blasio only knows how to tax more to fund every pet project, including pet projects he doesn’t control. 

Even the NY Daily News opines that Mayor de Blasio is all ears for big-money donors, but not ordinary New Yorkers. 

City Council puts special interests ahead of construction-site safety.   This NY Post editorial slams the proposal for exploiting a real problem while empowering unions. 

Newsday understands something clearly at last:  Shut down Start-Up NY and revamp economic development efforts

 New York’s soaring pension bills…

Database: Per diems up for NY lawmakers even amid scrutiny.

Robert Knight writes about Keeping Elections Honest

Weekly Wrap-Up

We are now past the 6-month mark of the Trump Administration, and though you wouldn’t know it from the endless fake news coverage there have been many accomplishments to celebrate, from cracking down on illegal immigration to reviving the U.S. economy to placing conservative Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. 

Even CNN has been forced to acknowledge some of President Trump’s success!

President Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence have both set forth the White House’s success over the past six months – which accomplishment do you think is the most important? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

There have of course been setbacks and misfires since January – we all know that – and there’s only so much one President can do in six months… so there are still many goals to pursue and achieve for the Trump Administration over the next six months and beyond – whether it’s finally repealing Obamacare, or getting the border wall underway and laying down the law for sanctuary cities, or giving Hillary Clinton’s endless corruption the investigations it deserves. 

What do you think is the most important goal the Trump Administration can seek to achieve over the next six months and beyond? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

The big news this week – besides new evidence of Al Gore’s global warming hypocrisy and a party switch that won’t get nearly the attention it deserves (the media only cares when liberal Republicans abandon the GOP for the Democratic Party) – is the new immigration reform initiative being led by Republican Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue and supported by President Trump.

The RAISE Act is of course being demonized by the left (including our very own Andrew Cuomo), but now is the time to make immigration work for America again.

Can it pass? We’ll have to wait and see, but what is certain is that the liberals’ immigration fantasy world is plainly trumped (so to speak) by facts. 

What do you like MOST about the new immigration plan endorsed by President Trump – that it focuses on skills and entrepreneurial spirit, or that it emphasizes the importance of the English language, or that it cracks down on the refugee crisis? Make your pick in the third and final question of our new Weekly Poll. 

And have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Breaking:  Mueller impanels a Grand Jury in Russia Probe

The NY Post editorial, De Blasio’s pathetic pattern of ‘fake news’ denials, sums up the Mayor with its last sentence; All he truly cares about is his own image. 

Another one of the NY Post editorials mock a “gaggle of elected officials” who plan on collectively riding the rails for 24 hours, not that anyone pol will be on the MTA for a full 24 hours.  They will report their experience on August 8.  Of course, people who use the subway to get to work every day, know that one experience will never equate to what they endure five days every week. 

It must be nice to get a 20% pay bump; and you paid it.  Mayor doles out $2.8M in city hall staffers

Malliotakis & Faulkner Blast de Blasio on Pay-to-Play. 

State uses jobs fund to pitch Cuomo’s tuition plan

E. J. McMahon explains that Wisconsin offers New York state some good lessons in economic growth.   

Donald Devine says with courage, Trump can fix Obamacare now

The Daily Signal is reporting that lawmakers seek overhaul of Endangered Species Act to ease harm to farmers, ranchers.  I can’t help but wonder how long it will take democrats to resist this common-sense idea.

Fake news drives issues, now we learn that fake science did also

If you don’t think Obamacare is harming your private insurance, think again

Cheryl K. Chumley opines in the Washington Times on Hillary Clinton, face of ‘Scandals Filed, But Not Forgotten’.

MSNBC Host Seems Surprised the Majority of Americans Want Immigrants to Learn English

CNN’s Acosta Declares Victory Over Trump Aide Stephen Miller After Fiery Exchange

ICYMI: Top Trump Aide Also Torched NYT Reporter Over Immigration Policy Overhaul

It may be a day late for Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams, but it is still a great article to read. 

Daily Update

Malliotakis calls for probe of city education spending.  Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis called on the Department of Investigation to probe the city’s education contracts after recent audits by the comptroller.  The comptroller’s spokesperson appears to be quite annoyed that the Assemblywoman cited the report.  Does he think only a democrat can cite the report or is he upset because his report hurts the top of his ticket, Mayor de Blasio.  Just seems like a rather strange reaction as reported in the article. Maybe they are just upset because Assemblywoman Malliotakis is getting good press on this and many other issues. 

Today, the Assemblywoman takes Mayor de Blasio to task (BTW, so did the NY Post editorial) for his school safety numbers.  Assemblywoman Malliotakis tells Mayor de Blasio, “to stop trying to play New Yorkers for fools and starting sticking to the facts.” 

Senator John De Francisco is exploring a run for governor

New York State Board of Elections will comply with President Donald J. Trump’s request for the state’s voter database. 

Canada has physicians’ assisted suicide; this is what can happen when government allows physicians to assist in suicide

Great escape: From liberalism to conservatism.  Maybe Paul Chabot will help some of his fellow Americans still living in Maryland.  If we Americans do not stand up and pay attention to what is going on we may end up like this.

Nothing has changed with Al Gore; his home and lifestyle do not reflect his preaching

David N. Bossie has an article on Fox News Opinion that spells out the dirty little secret that is haunting democrats; well worth reading.  David N. Bossie is President of Citizens United, a Fox News Contributor, and the former Deputy Campaign Manager for Donald Trump for President and on October 12, 2017 we will present him with our prestigious Ronald Reagan Award so mark your calendars now and plan on being with us on Thursday, October 12, 2017.  More details to follow.  

Daily Update

Kudos to Congressman Chris Collins for introducing the Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA) that seeks to overturn current state and local gun laws that are more stringent than federal regulations, while blocking states and localities from enacting any such laws in the future.  Jerry Zremski, writing in Congressman Collin’s local paper, the Buffalo News, states it faces a long legislative road, but that may very well be his wishful thinking on his part.  Perhaps the Buffalo News missed the last week’s US Court of Appeals ruling that blocked DC’s law restricting gun rights and other recent wins for the 2nd Amendment. 

Sen. Lankford Confronts ABC Over Calling Alliance Defending Freedom a ‘Hate Group’.

President Trump, according to analysts, is on solid ground when he states he may take unilateral action, without having to wait for Congress, and order his administration to revoke the Obama-era policy that ruled — despite what they called a clear prohibition in law — that members of Congress could keep the special $12,000 Obamacare subsidy members of Congress receive each year courtesy of taxpayers. 

David Keene writes in the Washington Times:  No, this is not exactly 1974

Michael Goodwin opines that Trump is getting his White House in order.

John Kass writes an excellent article, Americans Microchipped in the Land of the Free, that is full of humor and the seriousness of the ever changing technology in today’s world.  One of those “if you only have time for one article” this is the one to read.

A conversation with mayoral hopeful Assemblymember Nicole Malliotakis

There is very good news on the Charter School front — Raising the educational bar: Turns out charters improve the education of kids in co-located district schools

The NY Post editorial slams Mayor de Blasio for a lack of shame in asking for your tax money to fund his primary.  And slams him again for not keeping the desnudas in the designated activity zones.