Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Today’s NY Post editorial makes it clear we were not the only ones taken aback by Governor Andrew Cuomo’s self-adulation. 

This is good news for the time being:  Release of cop-killer blocked after he got parole.  A hearing is set for April 13 in Albany Supreme Court.  We will keep you informed.

Trump praises Mexico for stopping caravan, avoiding ‘giant scene’ at border

President Trump’s tough stand certainly helped Mexico decided to stop the caravan.

Bullying at the border: Americans won’t stand for it.

Here is Michelle Malkin’s take on Illegal-Immigrant Caravans, Churches, and Criminal Sanctuaries

Tammy Bruce opines on the absurdity of welcoming criminals in California and warning about coffee risks. 

Immigrants who came to America years ago and went through the process of becoming Americans are speaking out AGAINST the sanctuary laws in California…rightfully so.  “I came to this country 45 years ago with me and my mother, OK?” one supporter of the vote said.  Forty-five years ago, we were not offered sanctuary. We were not offered an easier, softer way, OK? We were told ‘You have to be an American citizen and here’s what you have to do. And we did it.”  You can rest assured they didn’t get these then either.  

As a party we certainly support term limits, however, sometimes when they are in office for a long time, they tend to let the cat out of the bag.  For example:  Pelosi: If We Win, We’re Going to Turn Back the Clock By Repealing the New Law and Massively Increasing Taxes.   If you listen closely, you can hear the fund-raising letters being drafted.   Every person with more money in their paycheck will be so willing to give it back to the federal government to waste. 

Cal Thomas on Free Speech

Planned Parenthood Fined for Failing to Disclose Democratic-Campaign Donations.  You can bet most of the money paying for the fine is your tax-dollars and most of the donation also.  Tell me why we continue to fund them. 

Daily Update

New Yorkers are fortunate to have the greatest governor in modern history…who happens to be  a narcissist  also.  Humility is not a personality trait embodied in Governor Cuomo.  He disparages anyone who does not agree with him and when provoked he tells them there is no place for them in HIS state.  Governor Andrew Cuomo was on NY1 last night explaining how the people’s frustration is due to inaction.  “A lot of talk, and nothing happens. That’s the common denominator between NYCHA and Rikers and MTA and Hudson Park and Penn Station and Moynihan Station and air train to LaGuardia and a new LaGuardia Airport. You’ve been talking about it for 20 years. You’ve done nothing.”  Question to you Governor:  If you are so great at getting things done, why has it taken you 7 years to acknowledge that the MTA and NYCHA have such serious problems?   Only a narcissist blows their own horn, Governor, true leaders who accomplish great things leave it to others to sing their praises.  

Perhaps, our greatest governor in modern history should read this.  Just a few reminders that he really isn’t that great.   

And then there is this, a typical reaction of our greatest governor in modern history…cast aside what you no longer need to pretend you are a peacemaker, when all you really are is a person who lusts power, prestige, and the presidency. 

Our greatest governor in modern history is not above using coercion to get what he wants.

Another narcissist continues her “it really wasn’t my fault” tour lashing out at Fox News this time.

De Blasio’s top donors were awarded VIP event tickets.  

The Hill gives us a rundown of Justice Gorsuch’s first year in office.  The fact that long time NY Times Supreme Court reporter, Linda Greenhouse had a scathing characterization of him proves he is doing his job well and enjoying every minute of it. 

Americans Grapple With Evil Amid Decline in Religious Faith.  

Jason L. Riley’s tribute to Martin Luther King:  Fifty years after his death, many pay lip service to his ideals, but far too few are following his example.

Ben Shapiro on the grisly history of Chappaquiddick

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial is as disappointed – for all the right reasons – as we are with the new NYS budget. 

The Buffalo News explains how promises for high-paying jobs – part of the state’s Buffalo Billion economic development initiative – is a work in progress — promises yet to be filled, but optimistic they will be in a few months.  Time will tell. 

Bill Hammond writes in the NY Torch on the Healthcare Budget Roundup.  

All of the tax dollars that are poured into economic development help make New York State the number one state for high taxes, yet again.  24/7 explains its reasoning here.

National Review examines Tucker Carlson’s Men in America segment.

Narrowly written, but still, California Supreme Court lets stand controversial law allowing DNA collection upon arrest.  And to sweeten the decision, it was written by one of Governor Moonbeam’s appointees. 

Baltimore is the latest to lose population due to progressive leadership.

Matt Vespa has a reality check for Mrs. McCabe

It’s good to be king of New York City.

Larry Horist opines on unspinning the bad news.  

Conrad Black is optimistic; let’s hope he is not overly optimistic!

DACA program grows after judges ordered restart

Rand Paul on the migrant caravan: ‘They should be stopped at the border’.

Trump’s Idea of Using Military Resources for Border Wall Isn’t Unprecedented

Daily Update

It is perfectly clear that Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Members of the Legislature were more interested in passing a budget on time instead of actually working out the fiscal problems that face New Yorkers.  It is no wonder that experts claim Cuomo’s tax plan is a ‘stretch of imagination’.  Karen Dewitt writes about the  ‘Fixes’ to federal tax overhaul part of new state budget.  The short version of what the plan is:  the state will create two state run “charitable funds” for health and education.  New Yorkers would be able to pay the equivalent of their property taxes to the funds, and then deduct the donation from their federal taxes.

Who ever concocted this solution is in the wrong business; writing fiction books pays better than government work – and people are forewarned that it is fiction.     

Unfortunately, this is not the only bad news for taxpayers in the budget.  Members and the Governor distribute many positive spins – the reality is: this budget is a disaster.  The spin misters claim no new taxes…okay, there is some truth to that.  But what about the fees?  (Uber and taxis – for the MTA)  And the new word for tax —  assessment.  The state will evaluate annual opioid sales in the state by manufacturer/distributor, then set an assessment rate intended to generate around $100 million per year.  Some may hail this, however, only about $20 million will go for treatment – the rest to the general fund.  Am I wrong in saying 20% to those who need it; 80% for those who running for re-election?

As bad as the spending is in this budget, the Senate Majority deserves some praise.  They stopped some of the more egregious progressive plans (across the board tax increase stands out and Gov. Cuomo’s push to move away from cash bail) and they did not expand the right to abort almost born babies.  Without the Republicans in the Senate, it will be far worse than it is now; that doesn’t mean give them a pass – it means keep their feet to the fire. 

Christopher Thomas is a free man – the cold-blooded killer of 8 children and two moms – was released from prison about 3 months ago and is currently living in Queens near  two day-care centers.  As Assemblyman Kieran Lalor said, “This is criminal justice reform in 2018.”

Why isn’t the main stream media reporting this?  

National Review explains why the left is so upset about the proposed question about citizenship on the 2020 census.  Liberals’ Reaction to the Census Citizenship Question Is Why We Should Push For It At All Costs.  

Elections have consequences, this judge proves it.   Where in the US Constitution does it say anyone, let alone an illegal immigrant, is entitled to an abortion? 

More on elections have consequences:  The Democrats’ Plan to Transform America.  

News on the political front from County Executive Mark Molinaro and Senator John DeFrancisco.

Robert Knight opines on wonders that never cease.  

Weekly Wrap-Up

There’s a ridiculous snit erupting over plans for a citizenship question on the upcoming Census. President Trump is for it, so of course Nancy Pelosi and the liberals are against it – guilty, once again, of ignorant fearmongering – and naturally a frivolous lawsuit has been filed. 

Tucker Carlson is on hand to school the left, as is Michelle Malkin.

There are plenty of good reasons for asking about citizenship in the Census – which do you think is the best? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Speaking of Tucker Carlson, we’ve been highlighting his “Men in America” series for the past several weeks, and last night was the final chapter. You can watch it here.

Is Andrew Cuomo in for the fight of his life thanks to Cynthia Nixon? Kudos to her for taking on “Andrew the Bully,” but it’s going to cost taxpayers. And once again, the liberals’ hypocrisy is showing. 

What do you think is the most interesting aspect of Ms. Nixon’s gubernatorial campaign? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

The revival of the sitcom “Roseanne” earned huge ratings, and is seen by as progress by Rush Limbaugh and as a wake-up call for Hollywood – though Ben Shapiro is not convinced (and some of the shows stars are parroting liberal talking points). At any rate, why is a show enjoyed by conservatives automatically portrayed as a new battle in the culture war

Whether you’ve watched “Roseanne” or not, it’s clear that there’s a divide between America and Hollywood. What do you think is the biggest problem with America’s entertainment culture right now? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

As this week draws to a close, let us not forget the true meaning of Good Friday and the powerful message of Easter.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Daily Update

The current leaders of the Democratic Party has gone so far to the left that they have forgotten that America’s US Constitution is the law of the land.  Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi actually thinks it violates the Constitution.  Here is a Pod Cast that on breaking down the 2020 hysteria (along with some other news of the day.)  Michele Malkin calls the hysteria a power grab.  In true ultra-progressive style, New York’s AG joins the fray on the wrong side. 

Here is the latest news from the two candidates running for Governor on the NYS Conservative Party line.  Here is Sen. DeFrancisco’s Press Release and here is Marc Molinaro’s latest announcement.

The Daily Signal lays out 4 Steps to Better School Security

Governor Cuomo adds a “breathtaking” proposal for Penn Station into budget negotiations.   Tom Precious writes in the Buffalo News on what is in and out — for now.

Sometimes loyalty goes too far, Mr. Mayor.

The city doesn’t care how many kids get robbed of an education.

Beware: Hospitals think ‘do not resuscitate’ means you don’t want to live.

Guy Benson has a must read on the aftermath of the February 14 tragedy in Florida.

BREAKING: DOJ Inspector General Will Investigate Obama Administration FISA Abuse.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams  

Daily Update

Governor Cuomo, would you please explain this:  Del Lago casino, struggling with revenue, seeks state bailout.  Governor Cuomo did a good job of “pulling the wool over voters’ eyes” when he presented them with a heaping plate of malarkey in order to bring more casino gambling to New York.  Voter beware … his budget offers the same plate of malarkey this time around.

Why is this (and many other non-fiscal items) in the NYS Budget? 

First it was Christopher Columbus, now it is Thomas Jefferson

Trump administration to add citizenship question to 2020 census – almost immediately California sues.

Gun Benson has more on the March for our Lives rally. 

Edwin Messe, III opines on the solemn duty of government and the military. 

The left is so ecstatic with headlines that say John Paul Stevens, ex-SCOTUS justice, shocks with call to repeal 2nd Amendment.   They can hardly contain their “coup” of a Republican Justice saying this.  Republican or RINO?  Yes, President Ford appointed him, however, Justice Stevens is not known for his republican decisions, rather he is described as “maverick” and liberal.  His Op-Ed appeared in the New York Times.  At age 97, I’m impressed that he would be submitting his thoughts to the NY Times, but I am not surprised that the Justice that broadened the core holding of Roe v. Wade, upheld affirmative action and  dissented in Bush v. Gore, took the position that the 2nd Amendment should be repealed.  All I will say is that I’m just as happy as the left is –only my happiness is because that he resigned from the US Supreme Court and no longer has the power to restrict my 2nd Amendment rights. (Justice Stevens may think of himself as a conservative, so do some Members of Congress.  Just because one describes themselves as a conservative – doesn’t make them one – a true conservative would never find the right to an abortion in the US Constitution.)

George J. Marlin opines on the Mangano trial: Scenes from the death of a GOP machine.   

Then there is this:  Star witness: I funneled illegal campaign cash to de Blasio.

Cynthia:  Corruption is Corruption no matter what office you are running for.  One should not single out just the person they are running against — and be blind to what their friends do.  When someone does that, it tells me, the corruption isn’t the problem, the person is. 

Charles Hurt writes in the Washington Times Next up (The Swamp hopes): The really truly final end of Trump.  

They Didn’t Get Reagan Then and Washington GOPers Don’t Get Trump Now

Daily Update

Kirsten Gillibrand will do almost anything for a vote as she proves her chameleon ways again. 

Couldn’t this money be put to better use?   Does NYC really need to create a new “School of Urban and Labor Studies” at the City University of New York that will offer more courses to union workers and other students wanting to learn about labor issues.  Governor just keeps spending your money by placating the progressive leftist in New York.  Tell your state legislator:  NO MORE!

Why is it that a man who is worth an estimated $20 billion, needs a hand out from us – New York taxpayers?  Why do we allow Musk to risk our money — when he is unwilling to risk his own?  Tell your state legislator:  NO MORE!

And while we are on the subject of wasted money, why is it that hypocrite Cynthia Nixon, never complained about the $13.6 million in tax credits and subsidies received  for her two romantic comedy films filmed in the Empire State.

Seth Barron has an explanation as to why New York pols get away with corruption.  

Politico NY reports: Settlement reveals decades long medical malpractice scheme involving some of state’s largest hospitals.  

Gun safety expert: push to ban guns for those under 21 would have little or no effect on mass shootings.   This is a direct result of “dumbing down” or our students.  While discussion is good; the fact is that these students are not properly prepared for a real discussion.  Some students, however, do understand and will not march.  Do some of the students even realize this?     John R. Lott, Jr. on March for Our Lives: Gun control ideas sound good but are deeply flawed and won’t save lives.  Jarrett Stepman:  I Went to the March for Our Lives Protest. Here Are My 7 Takeaways.   Despite Being Trashed By David Hogg, Rubio Offers Classy Response to Gun March.  

Really?  NC Democratic Sheriff Candidate Jokes About Killing Gun Owners.

Meet Manny Alicandro, the unofficial candidate for Attorney General on the Conservative and Republican lines.

This is, without a doubt, the scariest thought of the year:  Obama wants to ‘create a million young Barack Obamas’

Weekly Wrap-Up

Republicans still don’t “get” President Trump, and in many ways this week’s massive “only-in-Washington” spending bill is the latest example. It’s a “bipartisan” affair, meaning both parties are spending like there’s no tomorrow. 

By the time you read this we’ll probably know whether or not the President was serious about vetoing the bill, but there’s no question that the legislation is loaded with wasteful spending and broken promises (and what’s not in the bill is equally exasperating).  And I hate to see the military being used as cover for all this excess spending.

What frustrates you the MOST about the newly-passed GOP spending bill? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

More shakeups at the White House, as John Bolton will take over as the new National Security Advisor. This is being seen as a win for America, and a loss for Iran and Russia, and for White House leakers.

Bolton says the White House leaks are “completely unacceptable,” and the most recent, involving President Trump’s briefing papers for a phone call with Vladimir Putin, is being described by the White House as “fireable,” and rightly so. 

What do you think is the worst thing about the leaks coming from the White House? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

With a manufactured march for gun control this weekend, here are some of the most common gun control arguments debunked. Which of the gun-grabbers’ talking points do you find most ridiculous? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Here in New York, Andrew Cuomo never fails to find opportunities to raise taxes

Is the Governor in for an unexpected fight from the celebrity left? 

More fake news exposed: President Trump did NOT scare off tourists from New York. 

And in Albany, we could use a little sunlight to fight Cuomo Era corruption.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial has a message to the Albany legislators:  Say no to Cuomo’s NYC tax grab.  The editorial references  Nicole Gelinas’ and Carl Weisbrod column on Monday as “using this tool as a sledgehammer causes huge injustices.”

David Keene opines on guns, youth, and misguided marches in the Washington Times.

Upstate, downstate NY flatlining in latest annual Census estimates.   While the headline indicates NY is flatlining, the latest estimates show that 42 of 50 upstate counties have lost population since the last decennial census; in all but one of the losing counties, the decline exceeded 1 percent of base population in 2010.  

PBA demands parole board redo hearing for cop killer’s release.   Governor Cuomo, you said you disagreed with the ruling – despite the fact that the parole board members are all you appointees – and the fact that you say your hands are tied – the PBA request is a way to review the matter and at the very least postpone Harman Bell’s release.  Keep this coldblooded cop-killer in prison – send the right message to all:  if you kill an officer of the law, you will spend the rest of your natural life in prison.  We stand with the PBA and Sen. Martin Golden

Why do government officials behave like ostriches then decry deplorable conditions as if they had nothing to do with the abject decline of the very agency they are responsible for?  There are no legitimate, logical, or honest excuses for the deplorable conditions in NYCHA.  Grandstanding, Governor Cuomo, and Mayor de Blasio, is disgraceful and shows the world that you are more interested in bringing attention to yourself, rather than actually helping those who desperately need it.

Cuomo’s ‘cancer tax’ is the wrong way to fight opioid abuse.

Kudos to Congressman Jim Jordan for speaking out on the 3 Major Problems Conservatives Have With the Government Spending Bill.   In the end, 90 Republicans voted against the bill, but it still passed 256-167.

Wait, What? Andrew McCabe Launched an FBI Investigation Into Attorney General Sessions Because Dems Asked Him To?

As a short reminder:  Why men need fathersPart 3 of Tucker Carlson’s Men in America.  

Daily Update

Luke Parsnow begins his opinion piece in The Syracuse New Times with this “On May 22, 2010, Andrew Cuomo publicly announced his first run for governor while speaking to a crowd next to the Tweed Courthouse. The location was symbolic: The building was constructed by William “Boss” Tweed, the 19th-century politician who became the most notorious face in New York’s history of public corruption.

“Cuomo said at the time that the recent corruption in the state government had become “disreputable and discredited” and that “Albany’s antics today could make Boss Tweed blush.” Cuomo made corruption a centerpiece of his campaign. Eight years later, it has become the centerpiece of his tenure as governor.”  You can read the rest of the article here.

Speaking  of corruption, Shelly Silver heads back to trial in April.

Then there is this:  De Blasio’s wife falsely claimed the couple doesn’t own any NYC properties.  Seriously, how do you not know you own properties and are collecting rent on them? 

Some things never change:  De Blasio’s discrimination against charter school kids.

Conrad Black opines in the NY Sun.

I’m guessing former Vice-President Biden has not heard about the campaign to end bullying

Thank you, Ben Shapiro, for shinning a spotlight on a difficult subject.

Oh my.  Does Senator Kirsten Gillibrand really know or understand anything about the history of our country?  If she did, why, more importantly, how could she possibly believe this is a good idea?  This misguided woman sits in the US Senate and writes/votes on legislation that affects every aspect of American lives and this is how she thinks.  How did America become the greatest country in the world, Ms. Gillibrand?  Would you prefer that entrepreneurs like Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Andrew Carnegie, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Caterina Fake had been guaranteed a government job and never had the drive to create a business that employees hundred of other people?  What a pathetic belief you are pushing — a government job guarantee – surely a way to stifle the need to create ideas which is far more important than just getting a job for themselves.  How pathetic to push a destructive progressive idea for a few votes.

You can file this under “Birds of a Feather, Flock Together.”

The Senate Must Not Confirm Chai Feldblum.  

Ben Shapiro writes:  Stop Making Children Into Moral Authorities

Larry Horist reminds us that kids are not leading the protests.

And be aware that the ‘March For Our Lives’ is now operating under a dark money nonprofit advocacy group.   

Fortunately, some HS students can think for themselves.  I’m a High School Senior. We Can Make Schools Safer Without Curbing Gun Rights.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  

Daily Update

Kudos to Los Alamitos, California:  ‘We Pick the Constitution’: CA City Council Votes to Opt Out of Sanctuary State Law.   Maybe, just maybe, other cities and towns will follow their lead

Some advice from Kay Cole James to our Governor and Legislators:  Don’t Tax the Net.

The Daily Signal looks at Putin’s re-election. 

Supreme Court Ruling Could Mean Life or Death for Her Pro-Life Pregnancy Center.    One News Now is reporting that it is likely the Supreme Court will strike the California law.  

Political Guru, John Gizzi, thinks the late Congresswoman Louise Slaughter’s seat could go Republican. 

The Gatestone Institute has a disturbing article here.  And then there is this.  What is going on in Germany? 

6 Reasons Gun Control Will Not Solve Mass Killings.

Former President Obama and former AG Holder you may want to hire a few good lawyers.

Poor Mark Zuckerberg has lost over $9 billion in the last few days; but, don’t feel sorry for him yet, is he still worth about $66 billion – for now.   By the way, where is Mr. Zuckerberg these days

Dennis Prager writes a poignant article to comfort parents who have lost their precious children. 

Facing the Facts About Violence and the Mentally Ill.  

How de Blasio’s ‘equity’ push is driving up jail violence

Governor Cuomo – look at what is happening in California; this is your legacy also

Is Governor Cuomo losing it?

Bob Hardt of NY1 explains the long road Cynthia AKA Miranda has to overcome Mr. Big.