Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Special Elections to fill 11 vacancies tomorrow.

 Dan Bongino certainly has shown the difference of two Americans and how they react to things.  James Shaw, Jr.  is a Hero and then there is Congressman Adam Schiff.   Here is the Maria Bartiromo interview Mr. Bongino spoke about. 

What is the Sea Change Foundation and how does it influence Governor Andrew Cuomo.?  Read today’s Daily Signal article on the connection between Russia and 2 green groups fighting fracking in US. 

NYPD commissioner rips impending release of cop killer Herman Bell in letter to Cuomo .  Unfortunately, Governor Cuomo well remain deaf to his letter and the 300,000 plus letters sent to the Board of Parole. 

Cuomo’s ‘fear factor’ is suddenly failing

Seth Barron connects the dots between “non-profits” and a particular political organization.

File this under “self-inflicted wound”  Andrew Cuomo’s ‘undocumented’ imagination.  

File this under “really dumb ideas” De Blasio puts donors in charge of campaign-finance reform.

When was the last time Governor Andrew Cuomo had an original idea?

Will the Members of the Legislature put the future of taxpaying New Yorkers first and defeat these potential “pension pork” bills, or will they sweeten the pensions to buy votes for themselves?   Contact your legislator and tell them enough is enough – remind them you pay the bills they vote for and you refuse to pay for these bills.  (Senate 518-455-2800; Assembly 518-455-4100) 

Gowdy: Because Comey Let Clinton Off, He Likely Won’t Face Charges for Leaking Classified Information.


Weekly Wrap-Up

Former FBI Director James Comey is in the news this week – and that, my friends, might go down as the understatement of the year. 

He’s cashing in with a new book tour, or “therapy tour” as conservative Rep. Claudia Tenney adroitly describes it, that has involved seemingly endless media appearances, which have not gone particularly well for him – and his book isn’t doing Comey any favors either. 

Comey is being described as everything from a “pathological liar” to “Bozo the Clown” who has written a “catty, gossipy” book, and his pro-Hillary bias is increasingly clear (as is the role CNN has played in trumping up accusations against our President).
More of Comey’s writings are in the news now with the release of his memos from meetings with President Trump – again, not all that flattering. Comey particularly enjoys pointing out how much people like him. 

What do you find most distasteful about James Comey? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

With the FBI’s Andrew McCabe potentially facing criminal charges, this story is far from over – but what certainly needs to end is the left’s politicization of the FBI.

The time is now to confirm Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State – but Democrats are almost completely united in their opposition (with the exception of at least one red-state senator who is undoubtedly watching the polls). But of course Democrats don’t have any ideas for moving forward – they just hate President Trump, and they don’t want his foreign policy to succeed. 

What do you think is the biggest takeaway from the Democrats’ opposition to Mike Pompeo? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

This week Andrew Cuomo claimed he’s “undocumented” in order to out-left Cynthia Nixon (and also created a new voting bloc for himself), while Chuck Schumer is claiming to be some sort of principled federalist as a way to legalize marijuana. On issues like guns, education, or environmental policy, though, look for Schumer’s belief in states’ rights to go up in smoke. 

Finally, the world lost an extraordinary woman this week, as former First Lady and First Mom Barbara Bush passed away. She was one of a kind, and kind, by all accounts.  How will you remember here? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

If you were unable to watch Chairman Mike Long on  Inside City Hall last evening, you can watch it hereHere is the clip of Chairman Long on Capital Tonight last night discussing the governor’s race and why the leaders recommended County Executive Marc Molinaro. 

The Gotham Gazette  writes that the Republican Governors Association is ‘Keeping Close Eye’ on New York. 

Here is more coverage on Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order allowing parolees to vote in upcoming elections.  Read this, this and this.  

The Manhattan Institute takes another look at the recently passed NYS budget.

Ken Girardin points out in the NY Torch Public Policy blog that government unions spent more on lobbying than four of the top spending lobbyist spent combined. 

Cheryl K. Chumley writes in the Washington Times how faith leaders skew Bible to oppose SNAP reform. 

Peter Morici  opines that the optimists may be right. 

Democrats have other ideas regarding the Trump Tax Cut.  

Larry Horist has a very interesting article on Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, and his desire to run for president.  Imagine for a minute, Mark Zuckerberg, sitting in the Oval Office, reviewing all the personal data accumulated through the years about you…the IRS could really have a field day.  He is 33, eligible to run in 2020.

How can anyone seriously consider former AG Eric Holder for president after reading this?

Michele Malkin on the latest assault on Chick-fil-A.

Enough with activists’ judges:  6th Circuit agrees: PP has ‘constitutional right’ to public monies.

Daily Update

Chairman Long will be on NY 1 (Inside City Hall, 7 pm and repeated at 11 pm.) tonight and Capital Tonight (8:00 pm and repeated at 11:30 PM) to discuss the possibility of recreational marijuana on Inside City Hall and the upcoming Governor’s race on Capital Tonight.

Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an Executive Order today that seeks to allow people on parole the right to vote… taking unilateral action after the Republican-led Senate rejected a similar proposal.  Governor Cuomo has consistently said there is no place for conservatives in New York State and now apparently there is no place for duly elected members of the Republican controlled Senate in New York State.  Governor Cuomo wants to give Herman Bell –  a cold-blooded cop killer – the right to vote, if, and it is IF he makes parole.  Right now, it is in Judge Richard Koweek’s hands.  And remember that over 367,000 people reached out to the Parole Board to rescind the granting of his parole

In New York State, once you have completed your prison sentence and completed your parole, you have the right to vote, once you register again.  There is absolutely no need to override current law, in fact, we question, if it can be.

With this topic burning up social media, it will most certainly be a topic when Chairman Long appears on Inside City Hall and Capital Tonight this evening.  Here is what Chairman Long  told Joe Spector earlier today when the news just broke.

That sound you hear is moving vans…Governor Cuomo’s extreme left turn and overly burdensome taxes are pushing out hard working, constitutional loving New Yorkers.   All because he wants to be president.  Obviously, he has no understand of middle Americans; they will reject his current progressiveness and those who cannot move from New York will be stuck with his dangerous progressive pipedream.

The NY Post editorial opines on the Scenes from the New York ‘progressive purity’ circus

Call Mayor de Blasio, Mister Generous, from now on;    that $350 charitable deduction on his taxes will do a world of good to someone outside of New York City. 

 Joseph Curl writes about Comey’s embarrassing tantrum

Robert Charles opines in the Washington Time on the Clintons and the rule of law.

George J. Marlin opines on the good old days.

Donald Devine wants the FBI to return law enforcement and basics.  (Don’t we all!)

The Daily Signal:  Andrew McCabe Lied. So Will the FBI Apply the Same Rules Against Him That It Applies to All of Us?

Breaking:  Comey, Clinton, McCabe and Lynch Officially Referred For Criminal Investigation

Is it possible the main stream media is turning on Comey?

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Rest in Peace Barbara Bush.  

Daily Update

 Parole board flooded with letters after Herman Bell decision,  but will they listen? Make they by flooding them with more letters, his DIN number is:  79C0262, a prisoner at SHAWANGUNK. 

Wow.  Can you believe Sen. Jeffrey Klein?.  What a publicity-hungry, hypocritical egomaniac! 

In case you missed our Daily Update yesterday, here is some of the coverage on the fact that the state executive committee recommended to the full state committee that when they meet to endorse a gubernatorial candidate it will be County Executive Marc Molinaro.  LoHud ran this; State of Politics ran this;  Mid-Hudson News has this short clip; wrote this; Spectrum broadcast this and  Tom Precious ran this in the Buffalo News.

Tom Precious also ran this article on Cuomo’s favorability ratings in today’s Buffalo News.

The Manhattan Institute explains why Mayor de Blasio latest taxing idea is really bad.  Mayor de Blasio wants to impose a “vacancy tax” on landlords who fail to find tenants for their properties.

How could an American who voted for the Moscow-backed Communist Party USA candidate for president, Gus Hall, during the height of the Cold War become the head of the CIA?  Oh, that’s right, it was Barack Obama’s CIA.  . 

Obama’s Justice Dept. feuded with FBI, agents quit as politics played larger role. 

‘Shaking Their Heads:’ FBI Veterans Share Concerns On Comey Interview.

Trump is winning — that’s why the left is unraveling.

Still waiting for the garlic bullet

Revisionist history is terrible, but, this takes the prize for being the most unbelievable history textbook ever written.  Parents:  are your children being taught this?  Check the publisher; check the books. 

While we are justified in questioning Pearson’s text books, we are also justified as to asking why are our tax dollars being used for this???  Outrageous, simply outrageous, whether it be tax dollars or private dollars.

Parents, another problem you should be aware of:  A slew of apps are creepily spying on our kids.

E. J. McMahon opines on looking ahead to nest year’s tax day and Ken Girardin opines on Cuomo’s renewable flop continues.  

Stephen Moore opines on the Trillion-Dollar Myth.

Gorsuch Casts Deciding Vote on Immigration Case – It May Surprise You.  Just remember, Justice Gorsuch is a Constitutionalist first and foremost.   

Daily Update

In case you missed this:   NYS Conservative Party leaders back Molinaro for governor.  Read Kenneth Lovett’s article here.   The State of Politics has Marc Molinaro’s statement on the recommendation

This past Thursday, GOP gubernatorial candidate files ethics complaint against Cuomo

You can follow Marc Molinaro on his Facebook page here.

The Empire Center ‘s, E. J. McMahon, is report how Governor Cuomo has dug New York into a giant tax trap.

A quick reminder of how Governor Cuomo raided  Fidelis Care.   

The Manhattan Institute reminds us that  Cuomo’s self-aggrandizement is over the top and that the governor has a decidedly mixed record, also his leadership has fallen far short of greatness. 

The NY Post editorial board looks out for New York’ s students with  two editorials:  New York’s education ‘leaders’ are hiding the ugly truth and New York’s new schools chancellor shows he has exactly half a clue.  

The Washington Times has an interesting back story on the problems between Andrew McCabe and James Comey while the FBI employed both. 

‘A Man Without Courage’: Dershowitz Slams Comey for Leaking Trump Memos.

The RNC’s Scathing Response to Comey’s Interview.

James Comey and Loretta Lynch Snipe at Each Other Over Who’s Telling the Truth.

Seems to me the common-denominator (re: not telling the full truth) is James Comey or is it democrats in general – to confuse the facts and try to save their prestige and power?

After all as November approaches,  Guy Benson note despite the chaos, it will be difficult for the left to deny Trump’s Prosperity: Economy Sets New Record on Jobless Claims, Manufacturing Optimism Approaches All-Time High

Many, in fact too many, college campus’ are heading down this road.  

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump wants to reform welfare programs so that they lift people out of poverty, and there are many steps that can be taken to revolutionize public assistance. The President’s call for work requirements has predictably outraged the left, but it sounds like a good idea to me. 

What do you think is the best reason for emphasizing work in welfare programs? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

You can’t make this stuff up: London is imposing knife control in a new crime-fighting effort, which I’m sure will be as successful as gun control. The Babylon Bee has some fun with the situation with a “handy” idea.

More Mueller in the news this week, of course – I agree with Rich Lowry that this should be the end of the special counsel racket.  Rush Limbaugh has a strategy for shutting down the whole witch hunt.

Censorship is alive and well and living in social media, and Sen. Ted Cruz masterfully highlighted this epidemic in this week’s Facebook hearings in Congress. Everything from pro-life to pro-Trump opinions are being targeted (not to mention social media outlets went to great lengths to help reelect President Obama – the hypocrisy here is astounding).

How concerned are you that Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other online titans are silencing conservative ideas? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

With Paul Ryan’s impending departure, there is only one way forward for Republicans – fighting for bedrock, conservative principles – or, as Rep. Jim Jordan puts it to his fellow GOP legislators, “Let’s just do what we said we would do.” The success of the Trump tax cuts proves that’s a sensible way forward. 

This raises the question, of course – what do you believe is the most important conservative principle? I’ll make that the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Congressman Lee Zeldin was #oneluckyguy when he appeared on Fox News’ Outnumbered.  Here is a clip from the show and a Newsday article.  Congressman Lee Zeldin will be our featured speaker when we celebrate 56 years of being the voice of the taxpayers on May 31, 2018.  Click here for more details on our annual dinner.   

The NY Post, the NY Sun and the Wall Street Journal will miss Speaker Paul Ryan for all the right reasons.  The race is on for the new Speaker

Certainly, this is not what you want to learn if you have someone you love in a hospital. 

Steve Levy takes the legislature to task in a City Journal article, the sub-title of which is quite accurate:  Albany legislators waste another opportunity to make New York more affordable

The NY Post says CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s apologies didn’t cut it, while Charles Hurt uses humor in his column on the Big Dork.  The bottom line is simple, if people are truly concerned about their privacy rights, Facebook will fade away as people stop using it.  Mr. Zuckerberg won’t have to have Artificial Intelligence monitoring the content to block “hate” speech before it is posted and Congress certainly will not need to regulate, or even worse, collect the data, being collected now.  Charles Hurt said in his column, “if you post on your Facebook page all about your insatiable passion for fluffy pink unicorns, then you are very likely to become a target of the fluffy pink unicorn industry.”  There is something wrong if you haven’t figured that out.  I just hope that Mr. Zuckerberg drops the pretense of being unbiased and lets conservatives have their say. 

Meet the New Censors: Facebook’s Zuckerberg, Twitter’s Dorsey And YouTube’s Wojcicki

Michelle Malkin, meanwhile, shines a light on what Congress and tech giants are collecting from school children.  Parents and Grandparents beware. 

Political divorces can be just as messy as marital ones

New York prepares to roll out tax code overhaul

Daily Update

Good news for taxpayers:  Trump orders top-to-bottom review of welfare programs.

This, however, is not good news for taxpayers:  Teamsters Launch Effort to Push Pension Reform, in other words, the teamsters are seeking a bailout from taxpayers.

Mr. Zuckerberg had a rough day on Capitol Hill, but for the most part, seemed to be honestly contrite for the problems that brought him to the “hot” seat.   Congress seems reluctant to regulate his very successful business and they might not have to, if Facebook follows its own rules or if users decide they want their privacy more than they want artificial intelligence deciding if they operate a safe site.  Maybe, as Mr. Zuckerberg studies the last two days, he will realize that targeting conservatives is an error as it would be if liberals are targeted also. 

Governor Andrew Cuomo has appointed the majority of the Parole Board Members.  Obviously, this members’ resume leads us to believe she would lean towards parole at each hearing.  (Are any of the Parole Board Members married to a victim?)  Governor Cuomo’s progressive record makes one think more prisoners like Herman Bell and Judith Clark will be walking the streets freely while their actions prevented their victims to be able to live their lives they way planned. 

Yet more evidence of de Blasio’s corruption

New York spends $5336 per second!

Guy Benson’s take on Congressman Paul Ryan’s announcement that he is retiring. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

There is an exciting new candidate running for NYS Comptroller:  Jonathan Trichter!  Check out his Facebook announcement here.  Read his press release announcing his candidacy here and check out his website here.  Some may say a comptroller’s race isn’t a political race to get excited about, but, trust me, this one will be!  Get on board early, follow him on Facebook and help him win. 

This is good news for the people living in NYCHA:  Beleaguered NYCHA chair Shola Olatoye is resigning.

There is no denying the fact that New York has the highest tax burden in America.  Wallet Hub is the latest to give New York that unwanted distinction.  

Today’s NY Post editorial helps explain why New York is consistently the highest taxed state in the nation: even when facing fiscal deficits – spending is never cut.   Bill Hammond explains in this Wall Street Journal article:  Cuomo loots a Catholic Charity.  Gov. Andrew Cuomo has a disturbing new way to raise revenue: using government muscle to squeeze private organizations into “voluntarily” writing billion-dollar checks. That’s what he did to Fidelis Care, a nonprofit health plan affiliated with the Catholic Church, and its would-be buyer, Centene Corp.

Bill Hammond also explains while Governor Cuomo blames the higher cost of drugs through Medicaid on “abusive” manufacturers, the reality is his expansion of Medicaid is the real reason for increasing drug costs.

Oh Mr. Mayor, how could you “forget” such an important meeting?  Maybe he just thinks it is an important part of his job.

Stephen Moore and James Carter write about the president’s trump card for spending restraint.  An excellent article and every person who reads it should send it to their Congressman.  It would certainly take the air out of Sen. Schumer’s inflated sails. 

Daniel Oliver opines in the Federalist — Let the Word Go Forth: Chappaquiddick Invented the Cover-up

Guy Benson opines on democrats liking the “I” word…impeachment. 

Trump appointee at center of fight over religious freedom — fortunately for all of us. 

Zuckerberg Defends His Company at Crowded Hearing.  Did anyone expect he wouldn’t defend his billion-dollar baby?  Don’t worry about your privacy – only the bots will know…if they don’t communicate with a Kik. 

Daily Update

Buffalo makes the case for less government; more private investments.  It is absurd that a government rehab costs $523,600 for a house and then puts it on the market for $137,750, 

Tom Precious wrote in the Buffalo News on Saturday how a state budget deficit just goes away.

Wasting tax dollars is typical of government, unfortunately, so is this.  The total owed by state taxpayers is $169.5 million.  That is money that would go a long way in fixing the transit system.

De Blasio aide busted with gun in car.  This is one article that really needs some serious follow-up…too many questions after reading it. 

Really Governor, haven’t you learned to always have a tie with you?  I would think that a person who is considered a micro-manager would have thought of that already. Maybe you were distracted by all the though you put into bringing the democrats back together again.  And then urging the Dems to defeat “Bully” Republicans.  Chairman Mike Long responds to the IDC decision

The Investor’s Business Daily opines on the new EPA and why the radical left is losing it.  The Conservative Action Project (an organization that Chairman Long is a member of) is also standing with Scott Pruitt.  They also agree with President Donald J. Trump on “never again” should Congress pass an omnibus boondoggle, and “Never Again” should he sign one. 

The Washington Times is reporting that the Justice Dept. taps a federal prosecutor to oversee handover of Hillary documents to Congress. 

Guy Benson writes on: Obama’s ‘Smart Power’ Syria Policy Was a Catastrophe, and Trump is Trying to Clean Up the MessMattis on Launching Airstrikes on Syria: ‘I Don’t Rule Out Anything’

Robert J. Knight opines on how the anti-Trump media caravan roles on.

No notes but a viral lecture on government

Weekly Wrap Up

The Empire Center has taken a more comprehensive look at this year’s New York State budget and while E. J. McMahon does have some positive things to say about it – most of Gov. Cuomo’s tax and fee hikes were avoided, overall the budget – even more borrowed cash was shoveled into the capital pork barrel — is a typical election year ploy to use your money to buy your votes. 

The Washington Times points out the hypocrisy of Governor Cuomo’s remarks on President Trump’s tax overhaul last year when he said the tax cuts were for wealthy people who didn’t need them and his budget this year that included loopholes for the same wealthy people has not been lost on some left-leaning institutes.  The state’s solution — turning some taxes into charitable contributions to make them once again deductible — is heating up debates in tax law circles. Some analysts say it won’t hold up, while others say there is precedent for it.  Watch for this to land in the Courts for them to decide.

New York’s greatest governor in modern history had decided, for purely political reasons, to bring the Independent Democratic Conference back into the democratic fold.  Cynthia Nixon is needling the greatest governor in modern history and all that he does now is a desperate attempt to win the democratic primary with big numbers.  Our first question in this week’s poll is what else will he do to prove he is the most progressive and greatest governor in modern times. 

NY’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, leading a coalition of left-leaning states, sued the Trump Administration Tuesday, claiming the addition of a citizenship question in the decennial census survey violates federal law and the Constitution.  Investors Business Daily looks at the 5 leading arguments against including the question and explains how they are all bogus.  Our second poll question this week asks why the left is so anxious about the citizenship question.

Mayor de Blasio’s “carbon divestment” means huge bills for taxpayers

The NY Sun gives our friend Larry Kudlow high marks in his position with the Trump Administration. 

I don’t know about you, but I am so tired of the main stream media’s obsession with Hillary Clinton. Tuesday night in Manhattan, Hillary took credit for the #MeToo movement.  The Daily Mail has a list of all the things and people Hillary has blamed for her loss – the current number is 43 and she has yet to take personal responsibility for losing.  Our third question in our poll this week deals with Hillary’s never-ending need for publicity. 

Peggy Noonan has some good insight as to why there are so many scandals and problems in today’s world.