Category: CPNYS NEWS

Weekly Wrap-Up

Rep. Nancy Pelosi says that voting for Democrats this November is the best way to give illegal aliens “leverage” in Congress. If you ask me, with lawmakers refusing to secure our borders and help President Trump build the wall, it looks like those who have snuck into our country illegally, and those who want to, already have plenty of “leverage” in Washington. 

I can think of plenty of other groups who truly need “leverage” in Congress – seniors, working families, small business owners, the unborn. Which group do you believe is being ignored MOST by Nancy Pelosi and her friends on Capitol Hill? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Here is an alarming story: Authorities discovered a New Mexico compound linked to “extremist Muslims” where kids were being taught how to be school shooters. Eleven children were rescued – the remains of another were recovered. 

This should be the story of the year, as Matt Walsh notes – but it doesn’t fit the left’s anti-Trump narrative, so it gets little attention. As Mr. Walsh puts it, “If the terrorists were Christian fundamentalists or white supremacists, you can bet the reaction would be quite a bit more explosive.”

It’s more proof that Trump-hatred has become an all-consuming virus on the left – we’re seeing that from the New York Democrats, of course – and especially with the mass media

I’ve often wondered why exactly journalists have so much hatred for President Trump – is it just because he’s a conservative? Does the fact that he beat Hillary Clinton make them especially angry? Or is it Trump voters the media elites really hate? 

I’ll make this the second question of our new Weekly Poll – and I’m looking forward to learning what you think about the media’s Trump hatred.

The Democrats’ embrace of Socialism leads to another question, posed here by Investor’s Business Daily: Who knew free stuff could cost so much?

We talked last week about socialized health care’s $32 trillion price tag – New York’s resident Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made a bizarre claim this week that this doesn’t factor in funeral costs for people who die because of… sorry, you’ll have to figure this one out on your own, it’s too ludicrous for me to follow.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez made another questionable claim this week – that she receives heaps of supportive letters from Republicans who support her agenda. 

It’s not outside the realm of possibility – there are economically-illiterate Republicans, of course – but it definitely inspired the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll: If you sent a letter to our state’s reining Socialist, what would be the most important thing you’d want to say? 

That’s it for this week – have a great weekend!

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial board writes that the City Council’s assault on Uber isn’t really about congestion

File this under “Fleeced Twice.”  New York taxpayers will be paying again for the upstate jail escape

Seth Lipsky lets us know Andrew Cuomo is now at war with the Bill of Rights

Facebook’s monthly page visits decline is real according to market research firm SimilarWeb. 

College snowflakes are winning…leftist professors are too apathetic to prepare students for the real world, or even worse, letting snowflakes believe their world is real. 

Heather MacDonald on Sarah Jeong – a boring, typical product of the American academy.


An Atlanta charter school (K-5) has just replaced the Pledge of Allegiance with the Wolf Pack Chant.  (Yes, you read that correctly!)

When did people who break our laws become the protected class and when did mob rule become okay?   From what Nancy Pelosi says in this article, I must believe that democrats are encouraging the mob rule and glorifying those who break our laws while most Americans are working hard to achieve all that America has to offer. 

Dems will continue to make fools of themselves as long as they continue to have Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez center stage.  She is a perfect example of a snowflake that colleges professors allowed to flourish on their campuses. 

The Washington Examiner warned us in April that campus ‘snowflakes’ are piling up in the workplace. 

Strict gun control laws were unable to stop six mass shootings in one weekend.

Jason L. Riley opines on Is Liberal Racism a Horse of a Different Color?

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial is quite right when it writes that nobody wants Facebook’s ‘help’ with their bank accounts. 

“The city’s Board of Elections will launch an effort to help Rikers Island detainees register to vote and cast absentee ballots if they’re in custody, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Monday,” reported Politico last night.  These “new voters” will be comfortable casting votes, knowing so many elected officials   wallow in corruption and share the same upstanding values that have landed them in Rikers.  Words of advice for Mayor de Blasio:  for once in your life, do what is right for the citizens who contribute to making New York City a safe, good, uplifting place to live and work.   The Wall Street Journal also notes that on Monday, Mayor de Blasio signed a bill that makes all phone calls from jail free for inmates, which he said was another step to improving in the rehabilitation process…and costing the hard working taxpayers even more of their hard earned dollars. 

Censorship of Infowars Exposes Larger Problem of Silicon Valley Bias.

In Past Years, Feinstein, Schumer Said Nominee’s Judicial Record Most Important.  Have you called Schumer and Gillibrand  to tell them the time for playing games is OVER;  Confirm Brett Kavanaugh NOW!

Bernie and his army are losing 2018.

Some people actually believe what they say, too bad they do not live in the real world. 

Trump’s Fuel Economy Plan Is A No Brainer — It Saves Money And Lives

Betsy McCaughey writes that electric grid hacking is more perilous than election hacking.

Please tell me that this can’t be true:  FDA Acquiring ‘Fresh’ Aborted Baby Parts to Make Mice With Human Immune Systems.

Sen. Chris Murphy:  Have you heard of the First Amendment?  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  (A good column for parents of college students and those who will be sending their youngsters to college soon.)

Daily Update

The old Gray Lady celebrated her 100th birthday in 1951 and she was truly the newspaper of record then.  Alas, she is no longer.  Why is it that when a leftist is exposed as a radical leftist, they come up with a defense as they were only being satirical, but a right-winger is pounced on and fired.  As the Weekly Standard notes, “The search for a decent writer exposes the editorial board’s unprincipled prejudice.”   The Federalist writes this:  the New York Times has embraced the bigotry of identity politics.   

The Progressive Left think they have every right to cross the line of human decency

The more liberal philosophy is embraced by social progressives, cities like Chicago – where crime is in control, San Francisco – where drug use is out of control and Seattle – where homelessness is out of control, will become the norm in America.   The policies of Mayor DeBlasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo are certainly beginning to show the signs of the previously mentioned cities.  The working class must wake up and take back their cities and states and the only true way to do so is at the ballot box in November.

What de Blasio didn’t want you to know: high school admissions tests work.

Cuomo’s shameful scholarship gag order

Leave it to Governor Cuomo to find a backdoor to attempt another round of gun control.  N.Y. targets NRA program in backdoor gun control scheme.   Cuomo goes on TV with Joe Scarborough and tells him, NRA are the “bad guys” and the Daily Signal explains that in targeting NRA, Andrew Cuomo focuses on political nemesis, not public safety.    

Trump’s Health Secretary Is Implementing Bold, Reaganesque Reforms

Wait…There Was a Chinese Spy In Sen. Feinstein’s Office…That Operated For 20 Years?!

Dennis Prager writes that Pope Francis Rewrites Catholicism … and the Bible

Daily Update

The Empire Center examines Albany’s OPEB iceberg as it gets bigger.  “The liability for other post-employment benefits, or OPEB, reflects the net present value of continuing state health insurance coverage available to all employees who retire directly from a state government payroll after at least 10 years of service.”  The growing deficit affects all New York State taxpayers and must be rectified.

Working single-payer health care in New York is a pipe dream.  

I’m an immigrant — and Trump is right on immigration

Our AG, Keith Wofford,  candidate threatens lawsuit over ‘racist’ bill to limit ride-sharing licenses.

Talk about chutzpa!

Big Labor Spends Big Money to Overturn Right to Work.

Fact Check: Trump Says 3.5 Million People Have Been Lifted off Food Stamps.

Who Is Fact Checking The Fact Checkers?

Larry Horist opines on Intel chiefs, the Russian hoax and the unhinged press and is Trump really a threat to the Republic?

Charles Hurts writes: As The Press Turns: Democracy dies in dimwittedness.

Teen With Terminal Cancer Forgives Cyberbullies as He Fights ‘Culture of Death.’

Weekly Wrap-Up

Almost 97% of respondents in our most recent Weekly Poll said that the U.S. economy will continue to surge under President Trump, and new figures this week bear that out. 

We’re in the longest period of sustained job growth in history. Unemployment is below 4 percent – in fact, we’re at record levels of employment. Manufacturing jobs are increasing.

For our new Weekly Poll, I have a follow-up question of sorts: What do you think is the MOST IMPORTANT economic indicator for middle-class Americans? I look forward to seeing your answers – our Wrap-Up readers are a pretty smart group!

The 2017 Trump tax cuts have been one of the main catalysts for economic growth – but unfortunately much of this tax relief (especially reductions for middle-class families and small businesses) are only temporary.  

There are growing calls to make this tax relief permanent – what do you think is the BEST reason to do so? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Democrats not only want to undo President Trump’s tax cuts, they want to ramp up spending to the tune of $32 trillion with their hairbrained “Medicare for All” socialized health care plan. 

Of course Kirsten Gillibrand is on board – she’s always eager to jump on any leftist bandwagon. If she and Bernie Sanders get their way, the government would actively ration health care, sabotage workers, and drive up taxes beyond anyone’s worst fears. 

What word do you think BEST describes the “Medicare for All” proposed by the left? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Not a great week for Andrew Cuomo: His hypocrisy is showing in his rush to embrace Catholic teachings that are politically convenient. Cuomo’s corruption is clear in his use and abuse of our tax dollars for his reelection campaign, and his fiscal irresponsibility is sparking congressional action. And this week we saw more proof that his economic schemes are bad for everyone.

Let’s end on a happy note: Republicans “took a knee” at this week’s Trump rally in Florida – but for all the right reasons. 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Really, Mr. Mayor?  Of the 8 million plus people living in NYC, the person you tapped to lead your “Fairness PAC” was convicted of election fraud.  This speaks volumes, Mr. Mayor. 

Former Governor Pataki was critical of Mario Cuomo when he did similar promotions, then Gov. Andrew Cuomo was critical of Governor Pataki when he continued the tradition and today we learn that Governor Andrew Cuomo can’t possibly be critical any longer, as he gets a plug on the latest state mailer to promote registering to vote.   (Think of all the parolees getting this mailer and who can’t wait to vote for their benefactor.)

Should we even get into the strange spectacle of the PSC versus Charter Spectrum?

After hijacking a Colorado report – authored by pro-pot proponents – Cuomo’s DOH recommends recreational marijuana for New York.  Cuomo is now taking the first steps to make marijuana legal

While we are talking about the duplicity of Governor Cuomo, we agree with today’s NY Post editorial that points out Andrew Cuomo would rather fight the press than answer to corruption.  He has come a long way (the wrong way)  since he promised to clean up Albany’s dysfunctional political culture in 2010.  Maybe, back in 2010, he thought dysfunctional only meant not getting a budget done on time or that a budget should include items that do not belong in the budget.  This much is obvious, the man campaigning for Governor in 2018 has radically changed from the man who campaigned in 2010. Back in 2010, Andrew Cuomo said, “When I was growing up, state government was a source of inspiration,” this state government has been a source of degradation.”  Eight years with Governor Andrew Cuomo at the helm and the state government is on the verge of losing yet another congressional district due to the loss of population. 

It is time to TACK BACK New York and Believe Again

The Wall Street Journal has an red flag warning on pensions, especially government pensions across the United States.

The NY Times set to stoke the flames of racism

The Daily Signal informs us how school security should be improved in 4 easy steps. 

Imagine if you bought stock Apple stock in Apple, Inc.’s initial public offering (IPO) on December 12, 1980 at $22.00 per share. Since that time Apple’s stock has split two for 1 on three separate occasions: 1987, 2000, and 2005.  Today it became the first trillion-dollar public company.  (I’ve invested – not in stock, rather buying Apple products — and helped Apple achieve this historical moment!)

David French opines on why Christians can’t compromise on conscience. 

4 Things Anti-Gunners Fail To Understand About ‘Ghost Guns’.

Daily Update

President Trump, while in Tampa, Florida last evening, called for Voter ID legislation to prevent non-citizens from voting.  We couldn’t agree more.  If you think that non-citizens are not registered to vote (and probably voting) read this article.  Polls: 40 Percent of GOP Voters Would Favor or Shrug Off Russian Help in 2018, Majority of Dems Support Illegal Immigrants Voting.

David French has an excellent article on the 3D-Gun Debate: Separating Truth from Fiction, well worth reading and should silence the progressive rage on the issue currently circulating on the Internet.  Washington Free Beacon weighs in with NRA’s calling out politicians and media’s campaign of misinformation on the 3D plastic guns.  As the NRA points out, undetectable guns have been illegal for 30 years. 

‘Undocumented Immigrant’ Is a Made-Up Term That Ignores the Law

Twitter hires anti-Trump researchers to study ‘echo chambers and uncivil discourse.’    

George J. Marlin opines about Millennials’ 60s Unrest Revival Should Make Bill Ayers Proud

Betsy McCaughey on jobs guarantee.  

Some have already learned that guaranteed income is a policy failure.  PC’s plan to scrap Ontario basic income pilot project called ‘shameful’ by NDP leader.  When asked why the answer was simple, “the project was expensive, and “clearly not the answer for Ontario families.”

Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez here is some breaking news for you:  Venezuela’s president admits economy has failed.  (Of course, he blames the United States.)  San Juan: The Venezuelan city where nothing works anymore.  

Somethings never change.  Cuomo: Economic development projects will continue despite recent criminal convictions.  Cuomo said the projects have put the upstate economy on an upswing, has he been upstate lately? Upswing? Where, Governor?

Cuomo: Answering questions about Crystal Run would ‘interfere’ with feds.  Typical double-talk by the Governor.  

Happy 30th Anniversary, Rush

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial hits us with another unacceptable headline today:  Even more evidence of Cuomo pay-to-play corruption.  The editorial ends with “But when multiple major Cuomo officials and donors are headed to prison for corruption, the governor is anything but an innocent bystander.” 

It is time to Take Back New York!  Elect Marc Molinaro in November

Maybe then we won’t have the highest 911 surcharge in the country and NY’s Court system spending the highest per capita in the nation.

De Blasio: Miscommunication over lead paint exposure ‘has been addressed’.    Time will tell, Mr. Mayor. 

Investor’s Business Daily tells us that income tax revenues are up 9% this year — good news for the deficit, however, spending is also up.  Revenues are up by $31B, but spending is up by $115B. Spending is and has always been the problem.  Some in Congress really do “get it.”

Knowing this, the latest democratic trend is to spend even more — ‘Medicare For All’ Would Cost $32.6 Trillion Over Ten Years. 

Rich Lowry notes in his NY Post column, Like it or not, America is now seriously debating socialism, “Vermont, the home of Sen. Sanders, abandoned a single-payer proposal after the Democratic governor concluded that it wasn’t fiscally sustainable. Despite its Democratic super-majorities, California gave up on a single-payer proposal last year for the same reason — the projected cost was twice as much as the state budget.”

Guy Benson outlines some of the tax hikes that would be necessary to pay for the Medicare for all. 

Larry Horist notes in his column that the bright shining star of the Democratic Party, Alexandra Ocasia-Cortez, (who has made this debate plausible) is (thankfully) not ready for prime time and may just be the best gift democrats have for our right of center nation. 

Daily Update

Former State Senator and Chairman of the NYS Conservative Party, Serphin R. Maltese, himself a Veteran of the Korean War, sent this note out to his many friends over the weekend and we wanted to take this opportunity to share it with you our readers.

On July 27th, 1953, the Armistice ending 3 years of war in Korea was signed in P’anmunjom, in Korea. Now on the 65th Anniversary of that date, 55 Coffins of our Heroic American Warriors are being returned Home.  I was then a Corporal serving in the 45th Infantry Division at nearby ChunChon, Korea. We All celebrated “The End Of the War”. Little did we know that it would take more than 65 years to see the Return Home of the Bodies of our Missing in Action Heroes. There are 7,704 (MIA) Missing in Action U.S. Service Members still not Home. More than 140,000 Korean War Casualties in all with 102,000 (WIA) Wounded and 33,652 (KIA) Killed In Action.  After decades of ongoing talks, as Veterans and Americans, we gratefully Thank our President Donald J. Trump for his successful Humanitarian negotiations to repatriate the Bodies of our Buddies who never came Home to their Families.  We Thank God for Their return and look forward to their speedy Identification and return, so that All Their Missing Comrades In Arms will also come Home At Long Last.

Thanks to the American Spectator for pointing this out:  Ocasio-Cortez Channels FALN on Puerto Rico.

David Harsanyi opines in the NY Post that ‘Democratic Socialists’ do need to answer on Venezuela, while Kurt Schlichter asks the question in is Millennial Socialism: Stupid, Evil, or Both?

Rising cigarette prices spark increase in ‘buttlegging.’  

The NY Post editorial says Too much mercy for Sheldon Silver, we agree.

Normally we do not pay a lot of attention to an article written by “anonymous” and admittedly we are not big fans of Nanny State Grandpa Michael Bloomberg, however, this article sounds the alarm, yet again, on what a disaster of a Mayor, de Blasio is

Did you know that Republicans sue to find out if their complaint against governor led to ethics investigation?  Chris Bragg reports on the lawsuit in today’s Albany Times Union in his article:  Is JCOPE eyeing Cuomo?,

The Empire Center keeps us informed regarding Cuomo’s Cable Hit. 

Jonathan Trichter, our candidate for NYS Comptroller, has a new video out that you can view here.  Here is his latest press release on how our New York State Pension Fund Massively Underperforms under Comptroller DiNapoli. and his “White Paper” on the same subject.  

California goes off the deep end again:  A modest response to the new self-appointed straw police.

While I am certain this article was not intended to be a pro-life article…it certainly shows that 1) Life is precious and 2) even if a baby is not considered viable, she or he still has a strong chance to live.  Rosalie Grace, was born on June 26 and weighed in at a mere 1 pound, 9 ounces, just a bit larger that her mom’s hand. Every aspect of this article was truly uplifting

Weekly Wrap-Up

The U.S. economy is great again – just look at the terrific growth we’re seeing thanks to President Trump’s conservative reforms. 

This is, of course, bad news for Chuck Schumer and the Democrats, who are out of ideas but still determined to drag the country down

Do you think the economy will continue to surge under President Trump – or are you concerned about the left’s destructive agenda? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Good news for President Trump is bad news for the media, too – yet another reminder of just how out of touch the biased media has become. The media elites are obsessed with Russia and climate change, while Americans have other priorities.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing our country right now? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll, and there are plenty of issues to choose from 

This week we marked 230 years of statehood for New York – but are we still the Empire State

We’re facing plenty of challenges of our own – from a crushing tax burden and overspending to corrupt and arrogant politicians. 

What would you say is the biggest challenge facing New York right now? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

And that’s a wrap for this week – have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Cuomo says ‘ask MTA’ about blue lane dividers he ordered.  It is apparent, if the Governor does not like the question posed by reporters, he does not answer it directly. Here is a piece of advice Governor, people will respect you more if you own up to your vanity lapses.

Of course, knowing of your vanity lapses, and the burdensome, unnecessary costs involved, people who are going to be asked to pay  a scheduled 4% increase, will continue to find other ways of navigating the city. 

Governor Cuomo is sending more of our hard earned tax dollars ($2 M)   to Puerto Rico, despite the fact that Puerto Rico was negligent in taking care of their own commonwealth’s needs prior to hurricane Maria.   

Bill de Blasio just admitted he’s Mayor Know-Nothing

Is this why Mayor de Blasio is so detached from his responsibilities?

Betsy McCaughey opines on how the Democratic Party no longer believes in hard work. 

Cal Thomas explains the same concept this way:  The Seduction of Socialism.

Trump’s Art Of The (Trade) Deal: U.S.-EU Trade War Averted — For Now.  

This definitely gets filed under “Chutzpah.”

The Daily Signal says it is time for Tax Reform 2.0, here’s why it’s so important.

PJ Media exposes what James Clapper said last week: ‘Obama Is Responsible’ for Starting Trump/Russia Investigations. 

Wayne Allen Root opines on ‘Russian Collusion’ by Saul Alinsky.

Euthanasia not just slippery slope but ripe for abuse

I’ve been told there is no place for me in New York State, that I am deplorable, and now I am “complicit in evil.”  Fortunately, all the name calling, just makes me stronger.  But, I have to admit, I wonder why are all these people who call conservatives names are the same people who decry bullying?