Category: CPNYS NEWS

Weekly Wrap-Up

“Andrew Cuomo was sentenced today — he just doesn’t have to do the time,” said Marc Molinaro of the punishment handed down for Andrew Cuomo’s brother-from-another-mother, best friend, right-hand man and confidante Joe Percoco, who we are expected to believe acted without the knowledge or approval of the governor he served.

As the New York Post puts it, “If the gov’s telling the truth, that he had no idea what his aide was up to, then it just shows how little Cuomo cares about monitoring such behavior — and about Albany’s pay-to-play sleaze in general.”

Here are the first two questions in our new Weekly Poll, both inspired by all this Cuomo/Percoco corruption:

1. Do you think Joe Percoco’s six-year sentence is fair and adequate?

2. How much do you think Andrew Cuomo knew about Percoco’s corrupt actions?

I look forward to seeing what you think about this sordid mess.

Talk about chutzpah – the Percoco family wants to keep some of their ill-gotten gains, which Joe liked to describe as “ziti” in a reference to “The Sopranos” – tellingly, a popular TV show about the mafia. What TV or movie title do you think best describes his situation now? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll – have some fun with it!

It seems like the only other news story this week was the outrageous treatment of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and these proceedings send a clear message to all conservatives: “We will do whatever it takes to destroy you.”

Our very own Kirsten Gillibrand managed to make a fool of herself in just ten seconds, echoing the Democrats’ new stand firmly against the presumption of innocence.

Democrats and the media will exploit this situation all the way to Election Day. It may be great for their fundraising, but it’s bad for our nation.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

The New York Sun editorial opines on Kavanaugh and the ‘Benefit of the Doubt’.    It is good to be reminded of former Senator Joe Biden’s words and when the Democrats once believed in fairness.

Cheryl K. Chumley, writing in the Washington Times, follows the money in the anti-Kavanaugh, anti-Trump money trails.

Calls for New FBI Probe of Kavanaugh Have No Precedent.

Insulting Spin:  No, Republicans Aren’t ‘Bullying’ or ‘Silencing’ Kavanaugh’s Accuser By Inviting Her to Testify. 

Some Are More Equal Than Others in Socialist Venezuela.   

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the ultra- progressive, essentially wants to let the federal government control every business decision.  This is what National Review thinks of her Accountable Capitalism Act: Socialist and Unconstitutional.

Betsy McCaughey writes about the Democrats’ Big Lie About Pre-Existing Conditions

Investor’s Business Daily editorializes on Yes, The Deep State Is Real — And Working To Undermine Our Nation.

Another major mistake:  De Blasio kills admissions standards in bid to diversify Brooklyn school district

The Heartland Institute makes the case that U.S. Education doesn’t need more money.

It IS about the economy

Daily Update

Michael Goodwin has a lot to say in his column — Democrats’ smash and smear agenda reaches new heights.

With the road block the accuser is calling for – an FBI Investigation when you can’t even remember when and where the party took place, it seems to me that it will be very hard for the FBI to investigate and then what will Dr. Christine Blasey Ford do.

Here is Guy Benson’s take on the current DC Circus

The Daily Signal introduces us to two women who actually worked for Judge Kavanaugh. 

National Review calls it an 11th Hour Ambush.

File this under Priceless – Hillary Clinton says KAVANAUGH’S ACCUSER DESERVES ‘THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT’.   Times have changed immensely since this is the same person who denied that same benefit of the doubt to the women who accused her husband of the same, if not worse, actions.   

The American Spectator opines on more of Hillary’s Hypocrisy

Cuomo’s top aides knew about Nixon mailer

JCOPE never probed Cuomo — is that legal?

Oren Cass writes in the City Journal about the looming battle for the soul of economic policy. 

The Heartland Institute writes that Medicaid for all would be a fiscal nightmare.   There will be a lot of legislators that should be required to read the report, beginning with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The Beat writes about Green Schemes

Molinaro in Utica: ‘Upstate New Yorkers have every reason to feel ignored’.   You can make a difference…get involved help Marc Molinaro become Governor.  Click here to find out how you can help.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.


Daily Update

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg  speaks volumes when she calls the Kavanaugh confirmation process a “highly partisan show.”  Rich Lowry also makes some very good points in his column – Kavanaugh meets Kafka in kangaroo court.   Investor’s Business Daily is so right when it writes that the last-minute attack on Kavanaugh is meant as warning to all conservatives.  

The NY Post editorial board opines on a historic race for Attorney General in New York. 

For your friends who are still supporting  higher minimum wages:  Minimum-Wage Hikes: Economic Poison For Venezuela.

Feds won’t ‘stand idly by’ while city tests heroin safe zones

Project Veritas is back, this time State Department bureaucrats are in their crosshairs. 

Karin McQuillan writes Why Black Voters Are Turning to Trump.

10K New York City Employees Stop Paying Big Labor Fees After Janus Ruling.

The New York Times did WHAT

Daily Update

Happy Constitution Day!   Don Willett,  a judge on the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, has an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal – Happy Constitution Day, if you can keep it! Our Constitution created a republic that gives We the People the ability to govern ourselves…if we can keep it. 

Last Thursday’s New York primary makes one wonder if we can.

This article in Saturday’s NY Post should make people think twice about whether we can we keep We the People informed enough to keep our Constitution, with its three separate but equal branches, as the Republic the Founding Fathers envisioned.   

Another reason to be concerned that We the People may self-implode is the fact that even when corruption was apparent, newly elected officials seem to continue down the same trail.  

Bryan Fischer reminds former President Obama that our Constitution creates a republic, not a democracy.  

The Daily Signal opines on why we couldn’t create our Constitution today.   Sadly, with today’s entrenched political views, they are may be right, but an informed citizenry will be strong enough to maintain our republic.

Michael Goodwin’s explains that Cuomo is blatantly setting himself up for 2020.

Hope is on the way…you can take charge on November 6, when you cast your vote for Marc Molinaro.  

The Beat opines on Money for Nothing.  

The NY Sun writes – Beyond Inappropriate – regarding John Kerry’s meetings with his Iranian counterpart.  Michael Rubin writes that they are an invitation to disaster

First, we were “deplorables” now we are Dregs of society

According to Kate Pavich, this is how Chuck Grassley will proceed with Kavanaugh’s accuser

Robert J. Knight opines on a struggle for supremacy. 

Charles Hurt:  D.C. swamp still reeling from Hurricane Donald

Weekly Wrap-Up

Andrew Cuomo has managed to keep his grip on power after defeating Cynthia Nixon by a wide margin. What do you think is the MAIN reason that Cuomo won the primary battle? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

As Cuomo finds scapegoats for his primary campaign attacks, the gloves came off some time ago for the general election, as Cuomo the “classless buffoon” has already attacked conservative Marc Molinaro and his pregnant wife.

As Marc Molinaro focuses on the issues, what do you think he should highlight as the most important challenge facing New York right now? That’s our second Weekly Poll question, and there are plenty of answers to choose from, including taxes, public safety and of course (since we’re talking about Cuomo) corruption.

Marc Molinaro knows he’s in for a tough fight – but it’s worth fighting for the future of our state. What do you think is the WORST thing that will happen if Andrew Cuomo powers himself into another term? That’s the third and final question for our new Weekly Poll.

On to national matters – we’re seeing more and more evidence of collusion in the 2016 presidential race… just not between President Trump and Russia, as the left has fantasized.

Hillary Clinton’s loss brought Google to tears – more proof that big tech cannot be trusted to give conservatives a fair shake.

Barack Obama can say whatever he wants, but this is definitely NOT his economic recovery. It’s President Trump’s actions that have set the stage for the current boom.

And Kirsten Gillibrand can say whatever she wants, but she has quite literally called for the abolition of ICE.

Calls for violence against Republicans and Conservatives are intensifying, and actual attacks are taking place – but the Democrats and the media say nothing.

This week we marked the 17th anniversary of 9/11 – New York City continues to remember, and to rebuild.

I hope you will have a wonderful weekend!

Daily Update

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s week isn’t getting any better.  The New York Post continues to inform the residents of New York State of what lengths Gov. Cuomo will go to in order to retain the title Governor, despite the machinations to keep his fingerprints off the evidence.  

It is disturbing that Governor Andrew Cuomo is so driven to match Mario’s record as Governor and the devious ways he tries to make it happen.   Upstate New York is feeling the effects of our best and brightest leaving New York as soon as humanly possible due to the dire economic conditions.  It didn’t have to be this way, if Governor Andrew Cuomo were truly concerned about his constituents.  As the NY Post editorial points out, Fracking helped make the US the world’s oil king.  New York State could have benefited, but, Governor Andrew Cuomo preferred to cater to the few, extremely loud, progressive naysayers opposed to fracking, and ignored the plight of New York’s own citizens.   

It is time to end Governor Andrew Cuomo’s government career that has cost New Yorkers untold so very much, in dollars and heartache.

City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, a Democrat, obviously missed biology classes (or failed them miserably.)  This is legislation that he and the democratically controlled City Council is proud of:   “New Yorkers will no longer need a doctor’s note to change their gender on their birth certificates, and will no longer be treated as if their identity was a medical issue.”  More emphasis should be on this at home and in biology classes:  Boys, girls are different – and that’s just the truth.

Stephen Moore reminds us that this economy is definitely not Obama’s recovery

American Enterprise Institute writes about Medicare reforms both parties can live with

Betsy McCaughey opines on why Medicare for all is a rotten deal for most

Thomas W. Carroll reminds us of a great idea:  Jobs for all, not colleges for all

Bill Bennett follows up on the Janus v AFSCME decision

The US Senate Democrats are getting desperate now.

Daily Update

Tomorrow, Thursday, September 13 is Primary Day.  Please check with your local Board of Elections to see if your area has a Conservative Primary.  There is NO statewide primary in the Conservative Party.

Beware:  Child Predators Can’t Be Within 1,000 Feet of Schools. 

Michael Goodwin’s column in today’s NY Post reminds New Yorkers that Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been playing dirty politics for years.  As Mr. Goodwin points out in his column, Gov. Cuomo is convinced we conservatives – who do not agree with his policy and politics – have no place in New York.  In fact, anyone who is not in lock step with him has been the brunt of his ugly, unseemly, dirty politics.  What does this say about the people who vote, support and carry out his demeaning style of politics?   The NY Post editorial sums the Governor’s problems us succinctly:  Andrew Cuomo has no credibility left.   Even the newspaper he has in his pocket – the NY Times – wrote about how ahead of the Primary, Cuomo Administration Offered Sweeteners to Get New Bridge Open.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s anti-Trump tax plan crumbling in face of IRS regulations

The Beat looks at campaign-finance futility.  

Have you seen Chele Chiavacci Farley latest ad?  You can watch it here



This from the Daily Signal:  Government for Hire? Emails Show ‘Climate Industry’ Funds Jobs in Offices of Governors, Attorneys General.  

We should all thank Al Gore for “inventing the Internet” —  Why Trump’s Record Trumps the Media’s Spin.  

The Daily Signal gives us a bonus Walter E. Williams column and as always we end our Wednesday Daily Update with Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Daily Update

A somber day in America as we remember and pray for those who lost their lives on that fateful day.  We will never forget and will always be vigilant to protect our American way of life.

God Bless America.


Remembering 9/11 in photos.

Days Before Sept. 11, Memorial To Flight 93 Dedicated In Shanksville.

This day in history:  September 11, 2001

Ordinary people became extraordinary on 9/11

Army veteran Pete Hegseth details the complex conflict on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Here ‘s how safe we are 17 years after 9/11.

The Smell of September 11.

A Sept. 11 story of faith and hope.

How 9/11 changed my generation

9/11 anniversary: What this millennial never wants America to forget (written last year)

Daily Update

Governor Andrew Cuomo let his ego drive the weekend news and the results were disastrous for his campaign.  He rushed to open “The bridge” too soon;  the opening was delayed; it’s safe, but beware; staff were in the dark about opening “The Bridge”’; his own brother said “Pop would not have liked this.”  Then it was made public that an EZ-Pass mailer reads like Cuomo campaign brochure.  Those two things were bad enough, but then the NY Democratic Party (Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the de facto leader) put out a mailing implying Cynthia Nixon is anti-Semitic – hitting a new low in political mailings.  To make matters worse, no one will acknowledge publicly who approved the mailing.  Everyone knows Gov. Andrew Cuomo is a self-proclaimed micromanager, yet he said he did not know about the mailing.  Oh, and let us not forget that Gov. Cuomo has no problem in letting sex offenders into schools to vote.   

A voter should be informed, know whom they are casting their vote for, who they want representing them, if they have the same values.  The articles above make a very strong case against early voting.

De Blasio’s school-desegregation push won’t remotely solve the real problem

State Education Department under fire for embargoing test scores.

He’s back and not very inspiring to his base. As long as former President Obama is out there giving political speeches, any possibility of a strong blue wave will diminish.  President Obama, we think you should start bringing Hillary with you, after all, as a team you did so well.  President Obama continues to deny any responsibility – as does Hillary – for the four American deaths – Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods – in Benghazi.  Kris Paronto sets him straight.

The NFL drew a “red line” and when the season opens NFL caves in and abandons itThis is what happens when the NFL abandons principle. 

The Ugly Culture Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide Would Create.

It has been 17 years since 9/11/01…the terror of that fateful day will never be forgotten to those of us who watched as terror reigned.  We pray that no one will ever live through another attack that completely destroyed two buildings, partially destroyed another, and traumatized untold thousands of lives. With all of the pain, sadness, and distress of 9/11, there were many heroes on that fateful day who prevented even more bloodshed; here is one from Flight 93 that National Review (Notes & Asides) printed on May 10, 2002 and has graciously given us permission to link to it. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

With this week’s Brett Kavanaugh hearings, Democrats in Washington have reached a new low, if that’s possible. Conspiracy theories, double standards, desperate stunts – it is “sick,” as President Trump has noted. “Pathetic,” to quote the Daily Wire. A “circus,” in the words of Senator Orrin Hatch.

There is much shame and blame to go around – from old guard Democrats like Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Diane Feinstein of California and Richard Blumenthal, our neighbor in Connecticut, to New York’s very own Chuck Schumer (who never misses a chance to shut down the Senate) and Kirsten Gillibrand (who, like Senator Feinstein, goes with the tired claim that people will die if Democrats don’t get their way) – as well as Lisa Murkowski, the abortion-obsessed Senator from Alaska who just happens to be a Republican.   

And then there’s the grandstanding Kamala Harris of California, who has no use for “that book” Judge Kavanaugh carries (i.e. the Constitution), and the melodramatic Corey Booker of New Jersey, who also doesn’t seem to understand the Constitution or the film Spartacus, for that matter, and who flaunted non-existent rules to show that Kavanaugh is in fact against racism.
In your opinion, who has been the most insufferable senator during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Are the Democrats desperate to distract from the fact that the Trump Economy continues to boom? Makes sense to me. 

Another distraction this week was Nike’s continued emulation of anti-American protester Colin Kaepernick, who doesn’t have a clue about what “sacrificing everything” really means but is nonetheless getting rich off the freedom he enjoys as an American. But Nike might ultimately stand to lose.

What would you say is the most offensive aspect of Nike’s Colin Kaepernick media campaign? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Speaking of someone who stands to lose – Andrew Cuomo is plowing through his campaign funds (he’s great at spending other people’s money) to avoid an upset by Cynthia Nixon, as polls show a tightening race.

And he’s willing to put children in jeopardy to win – just look at his decision to allow registered sex offenders to vote at their local schools, in violation of the law. 

Conservative candidate Marc Molinaro put out a strong statement, as did Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan – and of course, your Conservative Party had something to say about this as well.

What was your FIRST reaction to news that Andrew Cuomo is putting kids in danger by encouraging registered sex offenders to vote at their local schools? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Did you see the latest independent poll numbers released in the Governor’s race?  Cuomo 46/Molinaro 43!

Headline grabbing, egotistical, unable to tolerate those who have different opinions, I dare you to oust me from the US Senate, Sen. Cory Booker, released confidential Kavanaugh emails at today’s Judiciary Committee meeting.

Unbelievable!  Talk about headline grabbing…the confidential emails Sen. Cory Booker “released” for dramatic effect at today’s hearings were already cleared to be released.   Sen. Booker, and other democrats, appear to be slightly unhinged regarding Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.  Imagine how the main stream media would react to their shenanigans if they were republican senators objecting to a democratic nominee. 

Dems Revive the Paranoid Style in American Politics Against Kavanaugh.

Democrats’ mental breakdown over Kavanaugh.

Nebraska Senator, Ben Sasse, provides a civic lesson on the importance – and the right way to conduct —  Supreme Court Judicial Hearings.

The other hearing held in Washington, DC yesterday.

Facebook is losing its popularity

Democrats’ Agenda Of Impeachment And Socialism Means Decline For America

Civil war looms for Democrats after left-wing upsets: ‘This is just the beginning’.  No wonder Gov. Cuomo has spent $8 million in three weeks.  

Cuomo gets $25,000 from business his camp once blasted for ‘pay-to-play’.

The Beat with more on the NYCHA scandals

City Council weighs bill that would freeze ICE out of city business

Bill Hammond on the “Age Tax” misfire.