Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Governor Andrew Cuomo let his ego drive the weekend news and the results were disastrous for his campaign.  He rushed to open “The bridge” too soon;  the opening was delayed; it’s safe, but beware; staff were in the dark about opening “The Bridge”’; his own brother said “Pop would not have liked this.”  Then it was made public that an EZ-Pass mailer reads like Cuomo campaign brochure.  Those two things were bad enough, but then the NY Democratic Party (Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the de facto leader) put out a mailing implying Cynthia Nixon is anti-Semitic – hitting a new low in political mailings.  To make matters worse, no one will acknowledge publicly who approved the mailing.  Everyone knows Gov. Andrew Cuomo is a self-proclaimed micromanager, yet he said he did not know about the mailing.  Oh, and let us not forget that Gov. Cuomo has no problem in letting sex offenders into schools to vote.   

A voter should be informed, know whom they are casting their vote for, who they want representing them, if they have the same values.  The articles above make a very strong case against early voting.

De Blasio’s school-desegregation push won’t remotely solve the real problem

State Education Department under fire for embargoing test scores.

He’s back and not very inspiring to his base. As long as former President Obama is out there giving political speeches, any possibility of a strong blue wave will diminish.  President Obama, we think you should start bringing Hillary with you, after all, as a team you did so well.  President Obama continues to deny any responsibility – as does Hillary – for the four American deaths – Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods – in Benghazi.  Kris Paronto sets him straight.

The NFL drew a “red line” and when the season opens NFL caves in and abandons itThis is what happens when the NFL abandons principle. 

The Ugly Culture Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide Would Create.

It has been 17 years since 9/11/01…the terror of that fateful day will never be forgotten to those of us who watched as terror reigned.  We pray that no one will ever live through another attack that completely destroyed two buildings, partially destroyed another, and traumatized untold thousands of lives. With all of the pain, sadness, and distress of 9/11, there were many heroes on that fateful day who prevented even more bloodshed; here is one from Flight 93 that National Review (Notes & Asides) printed on May 10, 2002 and has graciously given us permission to link to it. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

With this week’s Brett Kavanaugh hearings, Democrats in Washington have reached a new low, if that’s possible. Conspiracy theories, double standards, desperate stunts – it is “sick,” as President Trump has noted. “Pathetic,” to quote the Daily Wire. A “circus,” in the words of Senator Orrin Hatch.

There is much shame and blame to go around – from old guard Democrats like Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Diane Feinstein of California and Richard Blumenthal, our neighbor in Connecticut, to New York’s very own Chuck Schumer (who never misses a chance to shut down the Senate) and Kirsten Gillibrand (who, like Senator Feinstein, goes with the tired claim that people will die if Democrats don’t get their way) – as well as Lisa Murkowski, the abortion-obsessed Senator from Alaska who just happens to be a Republican.   

And then there’s the grandstanding Kamala Harris of California, who has no use for “that book” Judge Kavanaugh carries (i.e. the Constitution), and the melodramatic Corey Booker of New Jersey, who also doesn’t seem to understand the Constitution or the film Spartacus, for that matter, and who flaunted non-existent rules to show that Kavanaugh is in fact against racism.
In your opinion, who has been the most insufferable senator during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Are the Democrats desperate to distract from the fact that the Trump Economy continues to boom? Makes sense to me. 

Another distraction this week was Nike’s continued emulation of anti-American protester Colin Kaepernick, who doesn’t have a clue about what “sacrificing everything” really means but is nonetheless getting rich off the freedom he enjoys as an American. But Nike might ultimately stand to lose.

What would you say is the most offensive aspect of Nike’s Colin Kaepernick media campaign? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Speaking of someone who stands to lose – Andrew Cuomo is plowing through his campaign funds (he’s great at spending other people’s money) to avoid an upset by Cynthia Nixon, as polls show a tightening race.

And he’s willing to put children in jeopardy to win – just look at his decision to allow registered sex offenders to vote at their local schools, in violation of the law. 

Conservative candidate Marc Molinaro put out a strong statement, as did Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan – and of course, your Conservative Party had something to say about this as well.

What was your FIRST reaction to news that Andrew Cuomo is putting kids in danger by encouraging registered sex offenders to vote at their local schools? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Did you see the latest independent poll numbers released in the Governor’s race?  Cuomo 46/Molinaro 43!

Headline grabbing, egotistical, unable to tolerate those who have different opinions, I dare you to oust me from the US Senate, Sen. Cory Booker, released confidential Kavanaugh emails at today’s Judiciary Committee meeting.

Unbelievable!  Talk about headline grabbing…the confidential emails Sen. Cory Booker “released” for dramatic effect at today’s hearings were already cleared to be released.   Sen. Booker, and other democrats, appear to be slightly unhinged regarding Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.  Imagine how the main stream media would react to their shenanigans if they were republican senators objecting to a democratic nominee. 

Dems Revive the Paranoid Style in American Politics Against Kavanaugh.

Democrats’ mental breakdown over Kavanaugh.

Nebraska Senator, Ben Sasse, provides a civic lesson on the importance – and the right way to conduct —  Supreme Court Judicial Hearings.

The other hearing held in Washington, DC yesterday.

Facebook is losing its popularity

Democrats’ Agenda Of Impeachment And Socialism Means Decline For America

Civil war looms for Democrats after left-wing upsets: ‘This is just the beginning’.  No wonder Gov. Cuomo has spent $8 million in three weeks.  

Cuomo gets $25,000 from business his camp once blasted for ‘pay-to-play’.

The Beat with more on the NYCHA scandals

City Council weighs bill that would freeze ICE out of city business

Bill Hammond on the “Age Tax” misfire.

Daily Update

Governor Cuomo really enjoys “pointing the finger” at anyone who can turn a political predicament away from him.  Obviously, the NY Times has no interest in exploring the morass created by Crystal Run’s donations to the Governor and endorsed him yesterday; anyone surprised by the Times endorsement?  The NY Post, on the other hand, paints an accurate picture of Governor Cuomo.

Cuomo forgets pledge to bar donations from businesses engaged in RFPs.

Carranza: Parents worried about desegregation should watch their language.  After reading this, I have to ask myself, what world does the Chancellor of the NYC school system, Richard Carranza, live in? 

Mr. Carranza should read this:  The reason why public school enrollment is crashing and the full report by Empire Center.   

Betsy McCaughey has another disturbing article on infections in hospitals. 

Marc Molinaro calls for upstate debate and is critical of Governor Cuomo on Capitol Tonight.

Getting to know AG candidate, Keith Wofford.  

Schumer tells raucous crowd ‘the sooner the better’ on Trump impeachment, later claims he misheard the question.  This video doesn’t support his claim that he misheard the question. 

BREAKING: Chuck Schumer Strikes Again, Just Tried to End the Kavanaugh Hearing Early.  (He failed!!)

Kaepernick Deal: Nike May Discover To Be Woke Is No Joke.  

File this under will do anything for a new cash flow:  NFL will allow teams to accept advertising from casinos

These are London’s stats, however, how long before they become America’s also?

Rich Lowry opines about Neil Armstrong, America and the folly of ‘First Man’

David C. Stolinsky reminds us of the many times Hollywood has omitted key facts in movies.  It is an article well worth distributing to your email list or post on Facebook etc., especially to those who have not lived through the historic times Mr. Stolinsky includes that Hollywood purposefully left out. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.


Daily Update

The left is never satisfied.  Today’s Senate Hearings to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice began the way one might expect from a movement that demands tolerance, yet, is unable to be tolerant.  Reminder:   call Sen. Schumer and Sen. Gillibrand and let them know you expect an honest, non-political discussion regarding Brett Kavanaugh qualifications.  You can bet the Democrats regret changing the Senate rules.  Dems vow rules overhaul to empower members if House flips…and impeachment talks.

Good news from Chicago!

Bad news for NYS taxpayers:  How a Cuomo donor spent $25M in public funds it didn’t need.

Bill Hammond does a fact check on single-payer health insurance. 

E. J. McMahon lets us know that New York public school enrollments are back to 1989-90 levels, and still falling.  (The facts included in E. J. McMahon’s report are good to know when the Teacher’s Union puts the pressure on the Members of the Legislature that they need more money.) 

Part of the reason school enrollment is declining is the outmigration of our residents.   Cuomo’s doing nothing about the burdens that drive people to flee New York.  Governor Cuomo promotes ideas like this that he hopes will keep people in New York, but it actually drives out businesses out of New York and brings workers with them.

Election year pandering by Governor Cuomo is in full swing has he told a congregation on Sunday that he will help families sue the Trump Administration for failure to provide adequate assistance during Hurricane Maria in 2017. Cuomo said the Trump administration violated Puerto Ricans’ Constitutional rights of equal protection under the law.  Seems to me the government of Puerto Rico should be held responsible for the terrible mismanagement of the Island that brought it to the verge of bankruptcy for years.

Tom Precious writes in the Buffalo News how the perks of the Governor’s office give him an edge.

DiNapoli won’t audit Cuomo over Percoco calls from office….really??? Such a flimsy excuse!

Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times:  From funerals to talk shows, the Washington gutter oozes everywhere.

Larry Horist opines on: The case of Hillary and the Chinese hackers.

Robert J. Knight opines on the Democratic Game Plan.

New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is recruiting who to help “Kick out Trump?”

Weekly Wrap-Up

A highlight, if you will, of this week’s news cycle was the debate between Democrats Andrew Cuomo and Cynthia Nixon that was described as everything from “heated” (to exactly 76 degrees) to “a swordfight between two vacuous giants.”

The New York Post feels that Cuomo “completely flopped” in the debate, and even Bill de Blasio wasn’t impressed. I want to hear what you think – who would you say won the Cuomo/Nixon showdown? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

It’s a race to the bottom for the Democrats – obviously your Conservative Party is not taking a side in this ridiculous showdown. But if a liberal friend asked you, what would you say is the TOP reason for New York Democrats to choose Cynthia Nixon over Andrew Cuomo? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

One of my favorite parts of the debate was this exchange: 

Cuomo: “Can you stop interrupting?”
Nixon: “Can you stop lying?”
Cuomo: “As soon as you do.”

That’s what the kids call a “self own” – can you imagine if a similar exchange had taken place between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during one of their presidential debates? The media would have pounced on such an embarrassing gaffe from Trump, but Cuomo’s tacit admission of lying is virtually ignored by the “mainstream” media. 

It’s been a week of double standards.  “If a pro-life gazillionaire were giving funds to state attorneys general to go after Planned Parenthood, the left would quite rightly go bonkers,” the New York Post smartly points out. But gazillionaires like Michael Bloomberg who push politically correct “green” policies are welcomed by the liberals and their media allies.

And local Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacks Uber as complicit in the deaths of cab drivers – while her campaign often chooses the popular service over cabs. 

And so it goes. The Labor Day weekend is here, and the Trump economy is being very good to working-class Americans. 

Household income is increasing, blue-collar workers are more optimistic, unemployment rates have fallen, and Trump is keeping his promise to rework trade deals to America’s benefit. 

Overall, what do you think is the BEST thing that President Trump has done for U.S. workers? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Finally, this week America lost a hero in John McCain. Prayers are going out to his entire family. 

Here’s wishing you a pleasant Labor Day weekend!

Daily Update

The one and only debate between Gov. Andrew Cuomo and challenger Cynthia Nixon is over.  If you did not have the opportunity to watch it last night, the CBS video of the 55-minute debate, is here.  The NY Post editorial page sums it up with this headline:  Cuomo completely flopped in the Democratic debate

The Metro pages in the NY Post had this to say about the debateHere is how Politico reviewed the debate.  The NY Times covered it as well as   CBS reported on their own hosting of the debate and the AP recap was picked up nationally.   

Jonathan Trichter, the Conservative/Republican candidate for NYS Comptroller,  was on Focus on the State Capitol with Fred Dicker this morning.  You can listen to the interview here.  Mr. Trichter begins at the 20.00 mark

NYS Government has its priorities concerning adoption all wrong; adoptees needs should be the only consideration.

If you have ever had the privilege of attending a citizenship ceremony, I am quite sure you were as inspired as I was.  Mr. Neumayr, who recently attended such a ceremony, was, quite rightly, appalled by the ceremony presided over by Judge LaShann Moutique DeArcy Hall. Read his observations here.  

What 2 Women Who Actually Clerked for Kavanaugh Really Think of Him.

Household Income Jumps To All-Time Highs Under Trump — Why Isn’t This Big News?

Gregg Jarrett: The scheme from Bruce Ohr and Comey’s confederates to clear Clinton, damage Trump.

Why is CNN avoiding the truth about Lanny Davis’ lies?

Facebook’s Conservatives Find Their Courage.

The P-word at NYCHA.    

Daily Update

Today’s NY Post editorial should put smiles on the faces of those who have to use the subway system as their primary mode of transportation.  Marc Molinaro offers serious solutions for the subways.  The editorial begins with “Finally: a New York politician actually willing to take on Big Labor to slice costs and save the subway.”  Governor Cuomo is beholden to Big Labor; he cares more about granting their demands than trying to help everyday people who need to get to work and home again.  You can download and read his plan here, and help him make it happen by getting involved in his campaign here. Stand up for yourselves; help elect a governor that takes pride in America, not one that says “America was never that great.”   Or one who says pro-life, pro-gun conservatives have no place in New York.   New York State will be great again when we FIRE Governor Andrew Cuomo by voting for Marc Molinaro on the Conservative Party line. 

Governor Cuomo sank to a new low when he attacked Marc Molinaro’s wife, who happens to be six month pregnant.  It really appears, at times, that Governor Cuomo has little respect for women.  Even the political party he created – the Woman’s Equality Party (essentially to expand abortion rights in NYS despite the fact that NYS has the most liberal abortion rights in the nation).  He panders to women, speaks down to them and then uses women as props when he says America was never that great

Does Governor Cuomo see the hypocrisy in his using state agencies to tout his administration and attacking Marc Molinaro for doing business with a qualified company that happened to employ his wife for her expertise.

More hypocrisy from Governor Cuomo:  New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has halted an investigation into the handling of the Weinstein case just as Boies’ law firm gave Cuomo’s campaign $25,000, according to state records reviewed by Capital & Main and Sludge.  

New York attorney general candidates hit Andrew Cuomo on corruption.   

If you are planning on a Labor Day weekend getaway by car, E. J. McMahon reminds us how much we pay in gas taxes in NYS and why they will continue to be among the highest in the nation.

Kavanaugh Rules by the Law, Even in Tough Cases

File this under:  Beginning to level the playing field

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  

Daily Update

It is so reassuring to know that our Governor is concerned about the hot weather.  What would we do if he was not available to tell us the dangers of August weather?  With all of the truly serious problems facing New Yorkers (infrastructure, an upstate economy that continues to decline, our citizens leaving in droves, a budget that allows him to give millions of our tax dollars to his favorite buddies while facing severe budget shortfalls — to name just a few) I am at peace knowing my Governor is focusing on rather typical August weather. 

The weather is not all Governor Cuomo is concerned about.  He did send out – just before his primary with Cynthia Nixon (who’s tax hypocrisy is so typical of the left)  a DEC mailer touting his leadership in expanding artificial reefs off the coast of Long Island.  Do you think he will remind New Yorkers of his wind turbine plan upstaters will have to pay for that fishermen may be able to thwart, before the general election?

Dennis Prager opines that Andrew Cuomo’s contempt for America Is Normal on the Left.

Where did the democrats find these candidates?  How pathetic is it that in a state with a population of roughly 19 million and almost 80% over the age of 18 (15.2 million) these are the candidates —  19th Congressional District and Senate District 18 —  for elective office.  Granted you have to be 25 to run for Congress, so the pool is slightly smaller, but how low does the bar have to go before people realize our Republic is a representative government…is this how democrats see themselves?

Spectrum News interviews Jonathan Trichter, the C/R candidate for State Comptroller.

About those separated families, Sen. Warren

In the Hot Seat: Jim Jordan Previews Bruce Ohr’s House Testimony About Fusion GPS, Steele Dossier.  

The Latest Ploy Liberals Are Using to Try to Block Kavanaugh

Shocking!  Lanny Davis lied.  What is shocking is he admits to lying!   This from the Daily Caller is categorically something to be very concerned about:  SOURCES: CHINA HACKED HILLARY CLINTON’S PRIVATE EMAIL SERVER

Thank you, Jim Brown.  You truly understand America’s greatness.

Daily Update

Governor Andrew Cuomo continues to use his disagreements with President Donald J. Trump to run down the greatness of America.   How wrong, how ugly, how divisive, how misleading and how disgusting are Governor Cuomo’s words now?  Governor Cuomo is doing all he can to divide Americans and New Yorkers at this time.   Listen to his remarks here and ask yourself … is he running for Governor or using his using his bully pulpit to run for president.   Remember, this is the same man who said there is no place for pro-life, pro-gun conservatives in New York…. but he preaches in this video how we will not be the greatest until everyone is equal.  Gov. Cuomo is proud that he is suing this president for “ripping babies from the arms of mothers in the name of American justice,” yet, this very same man, Governor Andrew Cuomo, has no problem in ripping babies from their mother’s womb in the name of women’s choice.  What a contemptable double standard!

In the above video of Gov. Cuomo’s remarks, Gov. Cuomo states that no one is above the law.  Well, Jibran Khan writes in National Review how Governor Cuomo Gets to Be Above Unfair Laws, but Ordinary Americans Don’t.

Andrew Cuomo’s Mafia Tactics.  

By the way, ACLU Defends NRA against Andrew Cuomo’s Bankruptcy Campaign.  

The Orange County Register opines on the damage to the nation that Mueller could do. 

Deroy Murdock writes:  On Race & the Right, the Washington Post Gets It Wrong.

‘Speaker Heastie PAC’ Brings in Big Money from Special Interests, Starts Giving to Candidates.

Do you know what America’s next entitlement will be?   

FEDERAL SHARE OF HEALTH CARE SPENDING NEARS 50 PERCENT.  (And so many still say it isn’t enough.)

NAFTA is Out, a New Trade Deal With Mexico is Officially Here

Liam Warner reintroduces us to a conservative icon in his article, The Lion in Winter


Weekly Wrap-Up

As we’ve shared this week, Andrew Cuomo’s defense against accusations of corruption shows as much about his shady character as any actual misdeeds.  

The New York Post said it best: “Stonewall, repress, rationalize, deflect, lash out: These are the defenses of someone who knows he has a huge corruption problem — but refuses to fix it.”

Philosopher David Hume once wrote, “The corruption of the best things gives rise to the worst” – and that’s a quote that comes to mind when I think of corruption in our great state.  There are many other familiar sayings and proverbs along these lines, such as “The fish rots from the head” or “Actions speak louder than words.” I’ve compiled some of these thoughts for the first question in our new Weekly Poll – let me know which one you believe BEST describes corruption in the Cuomo Administration. 

Before Facebook comments and tweets, there were Letters to the Editor – still one of my favorite parts of the newspaper (which I still read the old-fashioned way!).  Here are some great reactions to Andrew Cuomo’s recent not-so-great remarks about America. 

What was your IMMEDIATE reaction to Andrew Cuomo’s “America was never that great” anti-Trump diatribe? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

As one letter writer points out, America has been pretty great to the Cuomo family.  Like no other country, America provides hope, opportunity, security and prosperity to all who are willing to work for it. 

So let me ask you this, as the third question in our new Weekly Poll: What would you say is the MAIN reason that America is in fact a great nation?  

As I’ve said many times, Socialism is one of the biggest threats to America’s greatness, and it’s alarming that such a destructive ideology has now taken over the Democratic Party. 

In our most recent Weekly Poll I asked you what message you would want to send to New York’s resident Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  (Alas, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem particularly adept at receiving obvious messages.)

At any rate, one of the top vote-getters was “Stop trying to make America into the next Venezuela!” – showing just how much our blog readers understand the problem. 

Socialism isn’t working in Venezuela, and its turmoil is spreading to other countries. 
Millennials may love Socialism’s platitudes, but they would not be able to endure its realities

Let’s end this week’s Wrap-Up by looking at the reality of the Trump economy – talk about great! It continues to break records and build prosperity, and of course the news media continues to try to undermine this success and give all the credit to President Obama. 

And the Democrats’ dreams of halting this progress through impeachment continue. We’ll see what the news brings us next week – until then, have a great weekend! 

Daily Update

You have to admit that the man has chutzpa and is blind to his own shortcomings, as the Glens Falls Post Star (not know for their conservative editorials)  notes in its final paragraph of their editorial:  Now Cuomo claims the investigation into this stew of criminality shows that he himself is clean. We suspect the opposite is true.  (emphasis added by cpnys.)

I doubt Governor Cuomo will flaunt this fact.   Perhaps, he just does not understand that economic freedom improves lives

Ken Girardin writes in the NY Torch that NYS Comptroller DiNapoli blocks the union exit after the US Supreme Court decision in Janus v. AFSCME.

E. J. McMahon reminds us that Governor Andrew Cuomo’s  labor stats are misleading. 

New York’s health care cost rank 2nd in the nation, yet, only 17th best health care in the country based on cost, accessibility and medical outcomes. 

Amazon Bans Gun Book.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has her priorities all wrong; her concern for non-citizens outweighs her concern for Americans!

Lawyer for the Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Mollie Tibbetts Lied in Court.

Larry Elder opines on Trump Haters and Their Double Standards. 

Ex-officials actually use security clearances to get rich.

Angelo Codevilla opines in American Greatness on Clarity About Clearances.   

David Keene shares his insight on politics and security clearances.