Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Kudos to President Donald J. Trump  – ANOTHER campaign promise delivered — USMCA replaces NAFTA. When are the Democrats going to stop the “Resistance” that only seeks to divide America, keep Americans dependent on government and lusts for destroying the America based on life, liberty and the pursuit of freedom, the “unalienable rights” granted to its citizens by their Creator.  Shame on New York’s Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, for being leaders in this pathetic self-serving, narcissistic display of vindictive and destructive power. 

The NY Post editorial has this to say:  Democrats’ deeply divisive and cynical game, and in Michael Goodwin’s Sunday’s column, Mr. Goodwin says this: Kavanaugh’s hearings are a national disaster — and the worst is yet to come. Rachel Mitchell penned a five-page memo after the hearing essentially stating that there were ‘inconsistencies’ in Christine Blasey-Ford’s testimony.    Look who was behind the Jeff Flake elevator setup. 

Governor Andrew Cuomo is quite similar in his quest to be re-elected next month.  As City and State points out in an article by Zack Williams, Cuomo statements that haven’t held up, and shows 4 examples how Gov. Cuomo has been proven to stretch the facts to his liking.

Cuomo’s campaign team flubs attack on Molinaro. 

The Daily Wire has encouraging news that the main stream media does not want you to know.

How Trump Rescued Our Economy From Obama’s ‘New Normal’; this could be one of the reasons the blue wave is waning. 

This is certainly going to be one of the more interesting cases the US Supreme Court will decide this year.

Navy SEAL who killed bin Laden: ‘We believe the survivors. Unless they fought in Benghazi’. 

Robert Knight opines on Seeing is Believing

Weekly Wrap-Up

One issue dominated the news this week and depending on where you get your news from you most likely will be influenced by their reporting of the continued Kavanaugh Hearings.  The Washington Post headline – charges and denials fuel an emotional hearing as Kavanaugh nomination hangs in the balance – begins with “The most consequential Supreme Court opening in a generation gave rise to the most bitter Senate hearing in memory Thursday, as California professor Christine Blasey Ford accused Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when both were teenagers and Kavanaugh angrily assailed Democrats for pushing what he said were false charges to “blow me up and take me down.”   It was an emotional hearing – a hearing based on emotion, not a discussion of corroborated facts which are necessary to make sound decisions. 

If your newspaper of choice is the New York Times you will be reminded that the hearing “was a spectacle of tantrums, tears, preening and political ambition — what Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, called, “Sadly one of the most shameful chapters in the history of the United States Senate.”  (The political ambitions of the Democrats on the Judicial Committee are conveniently omitted.)   Yahoo News described it as a “partisan fistfight” and that “the charged atmosphere in the room was heightened by Kavanaugh himself, who delivered what has to rank among the most combative testimony ever heard in a congressional hearing room.”

Unless you were able to watch the Hearings yourself, what you read and hear on the radio, will undoubtedly influence how you judge what took place in Washington, DC yesterday.  C-Span has yesterday’s Hearing broken down into segments here for you to watch at your convenience, unfiltered by the bias of major news organizations. 

Our first poll question wants to know what you think is the most outrageous accusation against Brett Kavanaugh.

Lindsey Graham’s frustration with the lack of forthrightness from Sen. Diane Feinstein was apparent in his allotted time. 

Sen. Chuck Schumer vowed back in July to oppose Kavanaugh with “everything I’ve got.”

Let’s not forget what Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) said “I just want to say to the men in this country: Just shut up and step up. Do the right thing, for a change.”  She believes that Dr. Ford has a very credible story, yet not one person was willing to come forward to corroborate it. 

Sen. Cory Booker wanted to know if Brett Kavanaugh thought Dr. Ford was a “political operative” instead of a victim of sexual assault. 

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Slams GOP Senators as “Patronizing Bullies” in her effort to prevent Brett Kavanaugh from becoming a Supreme Court Justice.

This leads us to our second poll question that wants to know whose behavior was the most shameful.

The Democrats may have overplayed their hand and energized the Republican/Independent base. 

The New York Sun has a factual editorial on the time has come to confirm Kavanaugh and the New York Post says It’s time for senators to vote on whom they believe.

Did you know that Gov. Andrew Cuomo is calling for Brett Kavanaugh to take a polygraph test?   Be careful what you wish for Gov. Andrew Cuomo.  Maybe Gov. Cuomo should be asked while taking a polygraph if he knew convicted Joe Percoco was using government resources in 2014.  How about also asking him about Crystal Run healthcare. 

Daily Update

Are you registered to vote?  Is everyone in your family registered to vote?  The last day for new voters to register, or if you want to change your registration, you must do so by October 12, 2018.  If you need to register:  Click here for a NYS voter registration form.  Make your voice heard loud and clear by voting on the Conservative Party line. 

77 WABC Radio’s Curtis and Cosby is hosting a Pubs N’ Politics discussion on October 22 at 7:00 PM Bill O’Reilly, a Military Salute featuring Medal of Honor Recipients Jack Jacobs and Paul Bucha, along with Marcus Molinaro, our candidate for Governor and Chele Farley, our candidate for US Senate.  Click here, scroll over photo to learn how to get tickets.  Or just click here

The Judicial Committee is halfway through today’s witnesses.   Read Dr. Ford’s testimony, as reported by Fox News, here.  While there are gaps in Dr. Ford’s memory, most believe she was credible…questions remain, but I would venture to say less than before.  Judge Kavanaugh has yet to give his testimony as this is being written. 

Guy Benson’s Analysis:  As It Stands, Every Known Allegation Against Kavanaugh is Either Deeply Flawed or Outright False

Then there is this in National Review

Thomas Jipping writes on Why the Kavanaugh Process Became a Mad Political Circus.

The Legislative Gazette has an article on Keith Wofford

Marc Molinaro received some good coverage in while in Geneva.

The Times Union editorial opines on Crystal-clear Conflicts.  This is one of multiple earlier articles that appeared in the Times Union on Crystal Run healthcare.

Mayor de Blasio still has a love affair with Cuba.

Daily Update

Seth Barron has a very good article in the City Journal that should be read by every person who plans to vote in November. The article is about New York’s Junior Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, and spells out how she has no regard for the truth.  We encourage you to circulate the article and we urge you to get involved in Chele Chiavacci Farley campaign and remove this modern-day Madam Defarge from the US Senate. 

The Beat looks at a charity connected to the Kennedy family has announced it will cover the bail costs of women and juveniles in city jails, regardless of the severity of the charges against them.

2nd Kavanaugh accuser refuses to testify, while a 3rd accuser is revealed by Michael Avenatti.    

Surprise: Democratic Operative Admits Derailing Kavanaugh is Really About ‘Saving’ the Supreme Court from Trump.   Today’s NY Post editorial sees it this way:  Democrats’ ‘investigation’ calls are just code for delay, while Michael Goodwin asks this question:  Why it was up to Trump to call bull on Kavanaugh allegations?  Paul Sperry outlines the problems with Dr. Ford’s accusations.   Here is the Daily Signal’s take on the real reason this is going on. 

What American wouldn’t support this?  House Resolution Would Condemn Voting by Noncitizens, Illegal Immigrants

National Review’s editorial board also believes that immigrants should support themselves. 

Once again, President Trump does the right thing for the pro-life movement.   

Investor’s Business Daily opines on yesterday’s U.N. Speech: Can New ‘Trump Doctrine’ Remake The World?

Here is what American Greatness had to say about the speech that the main stream media mocked due to some chuckles.  Of course, Ambassador Nikki Haley, also had a different take than the media had. Watch what she had to say here

Clifford D. May’s column on Americans right to self-rule.

In case you missed Chairman Long on Focus on the State Capitol yesterday, you can listen to it here.  The Brooklyn Daily Eagle went in-depth on Chairman Long’s re-election as State Chairman.  You can read it here.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Daily Update

Up until today, I was not aware that a gentleman, Brandon Straka, headed up the #WalkAway movement.  To be honest, I wasn’t even aware of the #WalkAway movement and I follow a lot of newspapers and news outlets. Then I read about Brandon Straka in the Daily Signal and learned that the main stream media was completely opposed to what Mr. Straka was trying to accomplish.  Here is the Daily Signal article that introduced me to Mr. Straka and #WalkAway and hope that his October 26-28 March in Washington, DC is so successful that the main stream media has to report that the #WalkAway movement is a phenomenon they cannot understand; but most Americans embrace.

This article explains why the left is consumed with hate making it so much easier for people to #WalkAway from the vitriol espoused by the radical progressive left.  

NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli makes excuses to the Glens Falls Post Star claiming that his office lacks oversight when it comes to seeing if the program goals are being met. He is a product of the NYS Assembly and is not willing to ruffle the feathers of his former colleagues; he would rather have a few editorial board meetings and say that he is unable to get the legislation needed to give his office back the oversight it once had.  Shame on him!  Purely political statements in an election year.  Why has he been silent on this issue?  Especially when CNBC is asking the question where are the solar roofs?  It is long past the time to elect a real NYS Comptroller.  Here is another eyebrow raising article on what goes on in the comptroller’s office.  Check out Jonathan Trichter’s page on our website, to review his press releases on how he would run the comptroller’s office. 

Marc Molinaro says he wants to cut property taxes 30%.   The NY Post writes about the Molinaro tax plan here.  See Marc Molinaro’s full press release on our website.

The Leader had 5 questions for AG candidate Keith Wofford.  You can read his answers here and watch his interview with Liz Benjamin here

The current head of HUD takes a swipe at a former head of HUD.  

The NY Post editorial says Enough with the smearing of Brett Kavanaugh

National Review writes that mass human cloning may soon be upon us.  To say this is controversial is an understatement, yet according to the article, other than some government funding restrictions, scientists are generally ethically bound only by their own consciences.  Need we say more?

Daily Update

In case you missed this over the weekend.  Most people who serve for the right reasons and have the best interest of their constituents at the forefront would never consider firing a man that most consider has intense personal integrity.   Even de Blasio’s allies blast the Mayor over his plot to fire Mark Peters.

The Beat reminds us how much homelessness is costing taxpayers in New York City…the rise under the de Blasio Administration is out of control:  $1.3 billion to $3 billion and no let up in sight.

NY Illegally Moving Sex Offenders Into Group Homes With Disabled, Report Says…what is frightening is that there has been no denial from OPWDD that the report is incorrect.

Team Cuomo shows it doesn’t care about toxic water after all, but Andrew Cuomo is determined to do all he can to undermine the 2nd Amendment.  Wake up people, the 2nd Amendment was written so we can protect ourselves from an overzealous government.

Harry Siegel opines on Cuomo, chutzpah and chronic corruption.   

RFK crew needs to rethink its ‘get out jail free’ cards for violent offenders.

Conservative Republican Candidate, Marc Molinaro, sets up website for whistleblowers.    Marc Molinaro Take Back New York with us. 

NY Attorney General candidate speaks out against political corruption.

David Keene has two commentaries in the Washington Times well worth reading:  Adrift in the age of #MeToo and  Speaking from both sides of the mouth.

Another conservative banned by those who do not believe in free speech.  #FreeJamesWoods.

‘Innocent Until Proven Guilty’ Doesn’t Apply to Conservatives.  

Weekly Wrap-Up

“Andrew Cuomo was sentenced today — he just doesn’t have to do the time,” said Marc Molinaro of the punishment handed down for Andrew Cuomo’s brother-from-another-mother, best friend, right-hand man and confidante Joe Percoco, who we are expected to believe acted without the knowledge or approval of the governor he served.

As the New York Post puts it, “If the gov’s telling the truth, that he had no idea what his aide was up to, then it just shows how little Cuomo cares about monitoring such behavior — and about Albany’s pay-to-play sleaze in general.”

Here are the first two questions in our new Weekly Poll, both inspired by all this Cuomo/Percoco corruption:

1. Do you think Joe Percoco’s six-year sentence is fair and adequate?

2. How much do you think Andrew Cuomo knew about Percoco’s corrupt actions?

I look forward to seeing what you think about this sordid mess.

Talk about chutzpah – the Percoco family wants to keep some of their ill-gotten gains, which Joe liked to describe as “ziti” in a reference to “The Sopranos” – tellingly, a popular TV show about the mafia. What TV or movie title do you think best describes his situation now? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll – have some fun with it!

It seems like the only other news story this week was the outrageous treatment of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and these proceedings send a clear message to all conservatives: “We will do whatever it takes to destroy you.”

Our very own Kirsten Gillibrand managed to make a fool of herself in just ten seconds, echoing the Democrats’ new stand firmly against the presumption of innocence.

Democrats and the media will exploit this situation all the way to Election Day. It may be great for their fundraising, but it’s bad for our nation.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

The New York Sun editorial opines on Kavanaugh and the ‘Benefit of the Doubt’.    It is good to be reminded of former Senator Joe Biden’s words and when the Democrats once believed in fairness.

Cheryl K. Chumley, writing in the Washington Times, follows the money in the anti-Kavanaugh, anti-Trump money trails.

Calls for New FBI Probe of Kavanaugh Have No Precedent.

Insulting Spin:  No, Republicans Aren’t ‘Bullying’ or ‘Silencing’ Kavanaugh’s Accuser By Inviting Her to Testify. 

Some Are More Equal Than Others in Socialist Venezuela.   

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the ultra- progressive, essentially wants to let the federal government control every business decision.  This is what National Review thinks of her Accountable Capitalism Act: Socialist and Unconstitutional.

Betsy McCaughey writes about the Democrats’ Big Lie About Pre-Existing Conditions

Investor’s Business Daily editorializes on Yes, The Deep State Is Real — And Working To Undermine Our Nation.

Another major mistake:  De Blasio kills admissions standards in bid to diversify Brooklyn school district

The Heartland Institute makes the case that U.S. Education doesn’t need more money.

It IS about the economy

Daily Update

Michael Goodwin has a lot to say in his column — Democrats’ smash and smear agenda reaches new heights.

With the road block the accuser is calling for – an FBI Investigation when you can’t even remember when and where the party took place, it seems to me that it will be very hard for the FBI to investigate and then what will Dr. Christine Blasey Ford do.

Here is Guy Benson’s take on the current DC Circus

The Daily Signal introduces us to two women who actually worked for Judge Kavanaugh. 

National Review calls it an 11th Hour Ambush.

File this under Priceless – Hillary Clinton says KAVANAUGH’S ACCUSER DESERVES ‘THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT’.   Times have changed immensely since this is the same person who denied that same benefit of the doubt to the women who accused her husband of the same, if not worse, actions.   

The American Spectator opines on more of Hillary’s Hypocrisy

Cuomo’s top aides knew about Nixon mailer

JCOPE never probed Cuomo — is that legal?

Oren Cass writes in the City Journal about the looming battle for the soul of economic policy. 

The Heartland Institute writes that Medicaid for all would be a fiscal nightmare.   There will be a lot of legislators that should be required to read the report, beginning with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The Beat writes about Green Schemes

Molinaro in Utica: ‘Upstate New Yorkers have every reason to feel ignored’.   You can make a difference…get involved help Marc Molinaro become Governor.  Click here to find out how you can help.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.


Daily Update

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg  speaks volumes when she calls the Kavanaugh confirmation process a “highly partisan show.”  Rich Lowry also makes some very good points in his column – Kavanaugh meets Kafka in kangaroo court.   Investor’s Business Daily is so right when it writes that the last-minute attack on Kavanaugh is meant as warning to all conservatives.  

The NY Post editorial board opines on a historic race for Attorney General in New York. 

For your friends who are still supporting  higher minimum wages:  Minimum-Wage Hikes: Economic Poison For Venezuela.

Feds won’t ‘stand idly by’ while city tests heroin safe zones

Project Veritas is back, this time State Department bureaucrats are in their crosshairs. 

Karin McQuillan writes Why Black Voters Are Turning to Trump.

10K New York City Employees Stop Paying Big Labor Fees After Janus Ruling.

The New York Times did WHAT

Daily Update

Happy Constitution Day!   Don Willett,  a judge on the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, has an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal – Happy Constitution Day, if you can keep it! Our Constitution created a republic that gives We the People the ability to govern ourselves…if we can keep it. 

Last Thursday’s New York primary makes one wonder if we can.

This article in Saturday’s NY Post should make people think twice about whether we can we keep We the People informed enough to keep our Constitution, with its three separate but equal branches, as the Republic the Founding Fathers envisioned.   

Another reason to be concerned that We the People may self-implode is the fact that even when corruption was apparent, newly elected officials seem to continue down the same trail.  

Bryan Fischer reminds former President Obama that our Constitution creates a republic, not a democracy.  

The Daily Signal opines on why we couldn’t create our Constitution today.   Sadly, with today’s entrenched political views, they are may be right, but an informed citizenry will be strong enough to maintain our republic.

Michael Goodwin’s explains that Cuomo is blatantly setting himself up for 2020.

Hope is on the way…you can take charge on November 6, when you cast your vote for Marc Molinaro.  

The Beat opines on Money for Nothing.  

The NY Sun writes – Beyond Inappropriate – regarding John Kerry’s meetings with his Iranian counterpart.  Michael Rubin writes that they are an invitation to disaster

First, we were “deplorables” now we are Dregs of society

According to Kate Pavich, this is how Chuck Grassley will proceed with Kavanaugh’s accuser

Robert J. Knight opines on a struggle for supremacy. 

Charles Hurt:  D.C. swamp still reeling from Hurricane Donald

Weekly Wrap-Up

Andrew Cuomo has managed to keep his grip on power after defeating Cynthia Nixon by a wide margin. What do you think is the MAIN reason that Cuomo won the primary battle? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

As Cuomo finds scapegoats for his primary campaign attacks, the gloves came off some time ago for the general election, as Cuomo the “classless buffoon” has already attacked conservative Marc Molinaro and his pregnant wife.

As Marc Molinaro focuses on the issues, what do you think he should highlight as the most important challenge facing New York right now? That’s our second Weekly Poll question, and there are plenty of answers to choose from, including taxes, public safety and of course (since we’re talking about Cuomo) corruption.

Marc Molinaro knows he’s in for a tough fight – but it’s worth fighting for the future of our state. What do you think is the WORST thing that will happen if Andrew Cuomo powers himself into another term? That’s the third and final question for our new Weekly Poll.

On to national matters – we’re seeing more and more evidence of collusion in the 2016 presidential race… just not between President Trump and Russia, as the left has fantasized.

Hillary Clinton’s loss brought Google to tears – more proof that big tech cannot be trusted to give conservatives a fair shake.

Barack Obama can say whatever he wants, but this is definitely NOT his economic recovery. It’s President Trump’s actions that have set the stage for the current boom.

And Kirsten Gillibrand can say whatever she wants, but she has quite literally called for the abolition of ICE.

Calls for violence against Republicans and Conservatives are intensifying, and actual attacks are taking place – but the Democrats and the media say nothing.

This week we marked the 17th anniversary of 9/11 – New York City continues to remember, and to rebuild.

I hope you will have a wonderful weekend!