“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
Little by little, Governor Andrew Cuomo and the democratic controlled legislature, are telling New Yorkers’ of their plans for the future. Had they been honest prior to the elections, the results would, most likely, have been different. Maybe if there was more than one debate —dominated by The Bully who was too afraid to tell us his plans — County Executive Marc Molinaro would be Governor-Elect. What is strange is that he thinks letting illegals have driver’s licenses – that open the door to other privilege’s – will play well in the 2020 elections. Will the driver’s license the Governor and the democratic controlled legislature plan to allow undocumented immigrants have, be obviously NOT Real ID compliant to all it may be presented to?
Perhaps in the future this will actually happen, since it requires a referendum by the voters. We can only hope that voters would eliminate this unnecessary office and the inflated budget that goes with it.
Lots of ground to cover this week – starting with the midterm election results. It was a tough night for New York, and the House fell to the Democrats as expected, but nationwide results offered rays of hope, namely the expansion of the Republican Senate majority.
Let’s start with New York – the election results here showed a deeply divided state, with Cuomo winning an empty victory; he actually lost most local counties. I believe it’s up to the Conservative Party to make sure those counties, and the voters who delivered them to Marc Molinaro, continue to have a voice in our state. That’s just one of many reasons why I am determined to keep up the fight.
How about you? What do you think is the most important reason for conservatives to keep speaking out against Andrew Cuomo? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.
Meanwhile, the Democrats’ blue wave turned into a blue ripple (though some GOP victories are at risk of being stolen), and the left’s well-financed “green wave” also failed to materialize, even in liberal strongholds. Now that they control the House, will Democrats overplay their (relatively weak) hand? We’ll see – but there’s little question that the left is poised to double down on violence and incivility and undermine our current economic boom.
President Trump is unbowed, and of course livened things up Wednesday with an epic news conference addressing the midterm elections. Rush Limbaugh offered a play-by-play that you can read here, and you can watch the whole event here.
I haven’t had any luck finding an actual transcript of the President’s remarks, but I pulled together what I think are some of his most interesting quotes. Which one is your favorite? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.
President Trump also kept things interesting by shaking up the Justice Department after the midterm, with Jeff Sessions out as Attorney General. Who will be his replacement?
Variousreports have the top contenders as Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, Lindsey Graham, Chris Kobach of Kansas, and Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Judge Janice Rogers Brown, and Trey Gowdy.
Who would you pick? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll – I look forward to seeing the responses!
Have a great weekend – and remember to thank a veteran on 11/11! This special day has a fascinating history, and its true meaning should never be forgotten.
What simply amazes me is the extremes that the Left pursue in their disapproval of President Trump’s tweets and some of the aggressive ways he handles himself and his perception of others. They criticize his unique style and call him unpresidential. Well, this mob is obviously oblivious to common courtesy , and incapable of seeing that what they are doing is completely unamerican. In fact, not only is it unamerican, it is very close to being illegal; free speech does not protect mob rule. Guy Benson has the latest on this atrocity.
Marc Molinaro won in 44 counties and to the people who voted on the Conservative Party Line, we THANK You for keeping us on Row C.
Kudos to all our candidates for fighting the good fight despite the main stream media’s bias that displays itself constantly and the not so subtle jabs from the entertainment world. It is not easy to run for office – not that it should be – but being a conservative republican in a deeply blue state is akin to being that last morsel of food in the desert being eyed by various starving animals.
If you read this article covering Gov. Cuomo’s election night speech, you will notice how he hammers President Trump immediately when he says, “We know his type too well. The president has defrauded this nation two years ago when he said he was for the middle class…” Governor, apparently you have forgotten how you pulled the wool over New Yorkers eyes when you claimed to be for the middle class and for the last 8 years how you have gone on to disparage that same middle class. President Trump has kept his promises – you have not, but I imagine you will now that your true progressive colors have been put on full display.
The NY Post editorial opined on Cuomo’s pre-election payoff to a major union. The editorial ends with this: “Cuomo’s excuse for staying off the campaign trail, even skipping the League of Women Voters debate in Albany last week, is that he’s too busy doing state business. Too busy making the state government do his business is more like it.”
Governor Cuomo no longer looks at the voters of New York as constituents he can help, we have become constituents that serve HIS needs and wants. . It is time to remind Gov. Cuomo that our government was founded as We the People; not for elected officials who believe they are supreme and can do as they wish.
We the People have to make our voices heard tomorrow: GOVERNMENT SERVES US, WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT SERVE GOVERNMENT. Send the message, vote on the Conservative Line.
As a quick reminder, the NY Post also endorsed Marc Molinaro , Chele Farley, and Keith Wofford. Please forward to your family and friends and ask them to also send a message by voting on the Conservative Line.
The Syracuse Post also endorsed Marc Molinaro stating, in part, that “Cuomo had his chance. In 2013, he appointed a Moreland Commission to investigate Albany’s culture of corruption. He disbanded it in 2014, before it could finish its work. Out of Moreland’s ashes came this year’s corruption trials over the Buffalo Billion, the film hub and the LED lighting factory in DeWitt. The hard-charging governor demanded results; testimony revealed how far his staff would go to deliver. The end result was a series of ill-conceived projects in Central New York and an embarrassment for his administration.”
Will Hillary run again in 2020? We can’t trust her answer to this question, but Hillary still wants to be President – maybe she thinks the third time will be a charm.
President Trump, of course, loves the idea of a rematch against Hillary. I can see his campaign slogan now: “Make Hillary Lose Again!”
What would be the craziest part about a Hillary 2020 presidential campaign? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll – and I think the word “craziest” gives us a lot of leeway in the answers.
For the midterm elections, the question for voters should be: “Are you better off than you were two years ago?” Knowing the answer for most Americans is a resounding YES, the Democrats are sinking deeper into the gutter as they try to take back the U.S. House of Representatives.
Perry Gershon’s despicable mailer attacking conservative Lee Zeldin is the most recent example – make no mistake, it’s Democrats who are the extremists… and the media are their enablers.
Once all the votes are counted, President Trump will still have a job to do, no matter who controls Congress. Taxes, the economy, health care and a host of other issues will be in play. What do you think President Trump’s top priority should be after the midterm elections? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.
With the migrant caravan – a foreign-financed, leftist-led violation of U.S. sovereignty – charging our border, immigration will have to be a major post-election focus for the Trump Administration.
Fortunately, we have a President who is not afraid to tackle this issue, as we saw in this week’s new debate over birthright citizenship.
According to one expert, “The president is correct when he says that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution does not require universal birthright citizenship.” And as I said this week, we are the best and most generous country in the entire world, and if we want to continue that we have to have control of who’s coming into our nation.
There are many reasons why birthright citizenship is problematic – it’s open to abuse, it makes a mockery of our system of legal immigration… the list goes on.
I’ll make this the third question in our new Weekly Poll: What do you believe is the WORST aspect of birthright citizenship? I look forward to your answers.
Have a great weekend – and remember to vote Line C on Tuesday!
There is less than a week before the elections. Please make the time to watch all the debates (they are linked to the candidate’s pages under The Debate) and trust your own judgement instead of reading the highlights that a reporter interpreted for you. Be an informed voter.
With today’s endorsements of Keith Wofford and Jonathan Trichter the NY Post editorial board has endorsed all four of the Conservative/Republican candidates running for statewide office! ALL FOUR! Chele Farley! Marc Molinaro! Keith Wofford! Jonathan Trichter!
On November 6, send a message to all; Vote Row C, the Conservative Party Line.
In case you were unable to watch the Comptroller DiNapoli and Jonathan Trichter debate last night, click here to view now.
Keith Wofford and Leticia James debate tonight on Spectrum News at 7:00 pm with Capital Tonight’s Liz Benjamin and Inside City Hall’s Errol Louis as the moderators.
Mexico offers caravan migrants benefits to stay; thousands refuse. Does anyone still believe the caravan is all about “asylum-seekers,” fleeing drug-fueled communities. As the Heritage Foundation points out: The Left Goes Full Open Borders.