Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s dark side was very apparent in this article over the weekend, can you imagine being treated as an unknown after being praised as New York’s secret weapon.  The NY Post editorial says “Add another case to Andrew Cuomo’s cloud of corruption” in one of its lead editorials, followed up with “Andrew Cuomo’s ‘Squirrel!’ strategy for dodging the corruption news.”

E. J. McMahon writes that Cuomo’s Buffalo Billion was beyond corrupt

Then there is this article in today’s NY Post:  Cuomo’s $10B economy ‘boost’ results in broken promises.

And then there is this:  State resources went to Cuomo campaign effort, records show, published in the Albany Times Union, certainly not known as a right-leaning newspaper.  How much longer can Governor Andrew Cuomo continue before there is an indictment of him?

Isn’t eight years enough?

Marc Molinaro has a plan, the 2019 Albany Accountability Act’ that the NY Post calls “Molinaro’s long-needed reforms to clean up Albany”.  Fortunately, for all New Yorkers, the NY Post exposes the news – unlike some many newspapers nowadays that have a political agenda and only print what they want you to see.  Read Marc’s plan; email his ideas to your family and friends, volunteer to help any way you can. 

This is our state; the wasted money was our money.  It will continue, but, only if you let it

Last year, residents in New York City had a chance to elect a new mayor, but, the majority did not even bother to vote.  The problems continue in the NYC Subway System and Mayor de Blasio is oblivious to the problems of the residents of the NYC Housing Authority.  The residents of NYC had an opportunity to make the changes necessary, yet they chose not to and today they face a monstrous disaster that may very well be beyond fixing

Do not let this happen to the rest of the state; New York deserves better.  Do your part, NOW, while we still can. It is not a lack of funds, it is a lack of management and more importantly, it is a laissez-faire attitude while the two CEO’s strive for higher office. 

The Parole Board does it again, albeit, this time it is not a policeman killer that has been released, rather a mother whose 8 children died suspiciously.

One News Now is reporting that Muslim candidates who are running in record numbers – face backlash.

Robert Knight opines on Living in revolutionary times.

Larry Horist explains that the democrats do have a platform. 

The Heritage Foundation reminds us that groups linked to George Soros are behind campaigns to repeal Trump tax cuts.

7 Takeaways From FBI Agent Strzok’s Testimony Before 2 House Committees

Weekly Wrap-Up

“Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Piled Up Credit Card Debt by Purchasing Nationals Tickets” – that is about the most scandalous behavior liberals can come up with so far in their personal attacks on President Trump’s pick for the high court. 

President Trump made his announcement Monday night. He’s described as a “bold, brilliant” jurist,” but of course the liberals immediately fell into hysterics (and many didn’t even wait for the announcement). 

As Investor’s Business Daily notes, “No one argues he isn’t qualified. They just don’t like his decisions. Or really, any conservative’s decisions, whatever they are.”

President Trump stated in his announcement that his choice for the Supreme Court has “impeccable credentials and unsurpassed qualifications.” What do you feel is Kavanaugh’s most important qualification? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

The confirmation spectacle now begins, and desperate Democrats might find it difficult to stop him.  In your opinion, how likely is it that Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed by the US Senate? That’s the second Weekly Poll I have for you.

Meanwhile, President Trump continues to put America first on the world stage. 

President Trump gets results. He doesn’t kowtow to the global elites. He says what he means and means what he says. I like it. What about you? What’s the BEST thing about President Trump’s leadership on the world stage? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

What’s the BEST thing about President Trump’s leadership on the world stage?

Let’s see, what else happened this week? The economy keeps humming, and liberal dogma continues to be disproven. It’s entirely possible that some Democrats don’t understand the courage and sacrifice of Purple Heart honorees, and it’s likely Cynthia Nixon doesn’t understand the ins-and-outs of socialism – but will non-citizen voters even care?

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Most voters expect a candidate to be honest on where they stand on certain relevant topics.  When a candidate asks for your vote – your approval – shouldn’t they be up front and honest where they stand on important issues?  Tedra Cobb told supporters she wants an assault weapon ban, but, cannot say that in public  — why, because she lives in a district that are strong supporters of the 2nd Amendment.  I’ll file this under “lying to get elected.”   The voters in the 21st CD are too smart to fall for her deceitful campaign. 

The newest progressive craze is to abolish ICE, but the radicals, including  Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand,  who are calling for the end of ICE obviously are not in tune with the majority of voters.   Here is what Governor Doug Ducey thinks about abolishing ICE. 

Chuck Schumer’s Brazen Fable About Nominees and Supreme Court Precedents.   Surprise, surprise:  Liberal Professor Comes Out in Favor of Kavanaugh, Left Pounces.    Do you think they – the liberals – would ever check the facts

Larry Horist opines on Brett Kavanaugh

Guy Benson opines on Schumer’s hilarious, desperate flip flop on SCOTUS nominees.

Message to liberals:  A ‘balanced’ Supreme Court isn’t the point

Another message to liberals:  Costly Prevailing Wage Laws Harm Minorities and Younger Workers.

Anti-Trump FBI lawyer Lisa Page refuses to testify, despite subpoena

Cor trial jury gets to work: In NY game of connections, what’s a crime or just unsavory?

Why ‘new ideas’ are so hard for Team de Blasio

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

Our US Senate Candidate, Chele Farley, has a new radio ad here.  Help Chele get her message out by sending the link to your family and friends. 

The Heritage Foundation writes:  Trump Hits Another Home Run with Supreme Court Pick Brett Kavanaugh.  While the NY Post editorial states:  Brett Kavanaugh is an excellent pick for the Supreme Court.   Of course, the progressive left had plenty to say also, but none of if is worth the space it took up on the internet, in the TV airways or the paper it was printed on.

Red State Dems’ Dilemma: New Poll Shows Senate Battleground Voters Want Trump’s SCOTUS Pick Confirmed.

That is a very big if, Senator.  You really should stay up to date on the science of life, then you would understand you are on the loud, but, losing side.   Governor Andrew Cuomo is also out of touch with reality and jumping on board with the loudest voices that continue to try and drown out the most innocent voices heard by those who hold life precious. 

Nikki Haley writes in the National Review about the United Nations’ patently ridiculous report on American poverty.

Fiscal conservatives launch awareness campaign for public union members.   

Rapping Dem challenges Republican for upstate congressional seat.  Congressman Faso’s reaction.  (Can’t help but wonder why Mr.  Delgado TV ads left this information out.)

Buffalo Billion ‘fraudsters’ knew what they did was wrong: feds

Don’t Use Social Security Money to Finance Paid Parental Leave

The ugly rules of the City Council pork game.

Don’t forget to send Chele Farley’s, new radio ad to your family and friends. 

Daily Update

The July 7 NY Post editorial makes it perfectly clear that should Governor Andrew Cuomo win reelection, the corruption that has permeated his tenure in office will continue.  As the Post editorial states “We shudder to think what a third Cuomo term might bring,” every resident in New York State qualified to vote should end his blatant abuse of taxpayers by ending his political career.

E. J. McMahon reports Cuomo’s upstate hype continues

Michael Goodwin asks the question, “Is Hillary Clinton secretly planning to run in 2020?”

Trump has made colleges truly color-blind at last.   

Another good thing that President Trump did was roll back the outdated Obama era regulation of net neutrality.  The Dems in Congress will try to reinstate them by using the Congressional Review Act. Dem’s are trying to get a discharge petition vote on July 11th.  Access to reliable high-speed Internet is non-negotiable in today’s world. The Republican Majority in Congress must focus now on creating an environment wherein small Internet providers can expand access across the country. Threatening this access as the Democrats are is playing politics with American small business; it’s counterproductive, costly, and un-American.  Reach out to your representative in Congress and let them know that you do not support Democrats in their fight to overregulate the internet.  If you want to know more about net neutrality, read this article

Steve Cuozzo opines that De Blasio has proven that he couldn’t care less about the poor.

ICYMI:  De Blasio’s latest flight of folly.

Guy Benson opines on SCOTUS Showdown: Red State Democrats Catch Durbin’s Resistance Fever At Own Peril.

‘Deep State’ accused of targeting tea party favorite.

Robert Knight opines on Mad and hot, the ‘Resistance’ is seething

Charles Hurt:  Even abortion enthusiasts know Roe v. Wade is a legal abomination

Daily Update

John S. Baker, Jr. writes in National Review that the Supreme Court nomination is — and isn’t — all about Roe v. Wade.   Rich Lowry, writes that Roe Is a travesty

Liam Walker says it all in his article:  There’s Only One Side in the Constitution Debate.

Those who have a different view, fail to understand how faith in people and God, not government, was the wisdom that our Founding Fathers gave to this promising new republic that has become the beacon of freedom to the world.  I, for one, will always be indebted to our Founding Fathers and duty-bound to fight for the principles they held.

Cheryl K. Chumley writes in the Washington Times:  Happy Fourth — the wolves are inside the gate.  

Ocasio-Cortez obviously is a student of revisionist history that the younger generation has been taught, never taking the time to go beyond the classroom to read the true history of this great country.  Her new found celebrity encourages her to lecture those who do not agree with her socialist views.  Ocasio-Cortez is stretching the truth of her background to gain power, what will she be willing to do if/when elected?

To those who are demonstrating for families to stay together and for the end of ICE, why is it that you are not demanding that Chicago protect her children?  Does it not fit your agenda that President Trump is at fault for all of America’s problems? Why don’t you call out Rahm Emanuel for his lack of compassion and leadership? 

U.S. District Judge Jesse M. Furman, an Obama appointee, says Trump administration showed ‘bad faith’ in adding citizenship to census. 

By accepting a plea deal, the public will never really know the damage this IT specialist may have doneTop Democrat Tech Aide From Pakistan Gets a Free Pass on House Server Going Missing.   

There she goes again supporting more taxes:  Kirsten Gillibrand backs security transaction tax. 

State Comptroller DiNapoli tells us that New York’s state budget is on course for disaster.  It seems to me that this is NOT new news (the writing has been on the walls for years), so why does he wait until the Forth of July holiday to tell us? 

Enjoy the Fourth – thank a Veteran for making it possible!  We will return on Monday, July 9th. 

Daily Update

Jeff Platsky, writes in the Binghamton Press and Sun,  that despite revitalization efforts, people are still leaving Upstate New York.

When did Yorktown Heights become part of the Bronx?  This fact-check on the darling of the democrats explains how she was in a position to travel as much as she did prior to becoming a congressional candidate.  Just another polished politician manipulating what she can to gain a platform to exploit her community.  The Washington Times reports that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez slams the fact-check article, but never really denied it.  Interesting.   Larry Hoist opines on what Crowley’s defeat tells us. 

Abolish Ice?  Seriously, Senator Gillibrand?  It’s time for you to be voted out!  Chele Farley understands the importance of protecting America and her citizens

Sen. Gillibrand seems to be used to twisting the facts in this interview with Chris Cuomo.  Chris Cuomo actually had to correct her facts, that she continued to insist she was right about until someone offstage (possibly a staffer) seemed to get her to correct herself. 

How many chances does 1 person get?

The Beat explains the importance of maintaining a gang database. 

Katie Patvich asks this question:  Did Obama Grant Thousands of Iranians Citizenship as Part of the Iran Deal?

Matt Vespa is reporting that CBS News says Trump has narrowed his Supreme Court Justice choice to two names.  Time will tell if CBS is correct in their reporting.

Christian Civil Rights Watch attorney, Matt Barber, explains why the left are so fearful of another constitutionalist being appointed to the Supreme Court.

As America’s birthday approaches, Jay Cost writes in National Review:  The Declaration of Independence Was More Radical Than Any of the Men Who Signed It.  



With this week’s string of Supreme Court victories for freedom, will the “never Trump” forces finally concede that we’re better off with a conservative in the White House? Probably not.

The Conservative Party stood with President Trump during the election, and he made his major New York appearance with us – and this week we saw how the dedication of conservatives everywhere makes a difference for the future of our country.  

What a week it was, thanks to the Supreme Court. Because President Trump, and NOT Hillary Clinton, named Antonin Scalia’s replacement, the high court:

And that’s in addition to recent rulings that will help stave off voter fraud, allow states to control their redistricting plans, and protect those who don’t want to actively participate in gay weddings. 

Of these recent rulings by the Supreme Court, which one do you think is the MOST important? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

And of course the biggest news in a week full of big news is that Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring, opening up another Supreme Court vacancy for President Trump to fill.

Here are six rulings that could be overturned by a post-Kennedy Supreme Court. 

Here is a list of potential Supreme Court replacements, and here you’ll find a look at the early favorites. They’re very young – and that’s a good thing.

What do you think is the most important thing for President Trump to look for as he chooses the nominee? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

With this week’s string of Supreme Court victories for freedom, will the “never Trump” forces finally concede that we’re better off with a conservative in the White House? Probably not.

Egged on by the media, the left is increasingly unhinged and mired in incivility and Trump-hatred in the wake of the Supreme Court news.  It’s costing our nation – literally, and figuratively.

We saw evidence of the Democrat’s radicalization this week right here in New York, with the primary triumph of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The Democrats have turned socialist, and Kirsten Gillibrand is jumping on the bandwagon with her attacks against those who defend our borders. Will any of the Democrats be visiting Venezuela soon?

But freedom still reigns in America as we prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July. What are you MOST thankful for as we celebrate America’s independence? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Today’s  NY Post editorial headline states:  Radical left could rise in NY after Democratic socialist’s win, and Stephen Miller has an Op-Ed titled: With Ocasio-Cortez’s rise, Dems now own their loony far-left flank, both are very much on target as to the situation in New York’s political world.  Governor Andrew Cuomo has embraced the far left and astonishingly demeaned the voters who put their hope and faith in a candidate that offers them exactly what they want free everything (and the road Cuomo is on) including a guaranteed federal job.  Remember this “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.”  Can someone please show these voters a country that prospered for her citizens that has a socialistic government, neither can we.  

Michele Malkin wants you to meet the “abolish ICE” zealots.  

Governor Cuomo has more competition for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue:  Ocasio-Cortez wants to be president, mom says.  My guess is that Cuomo will track even further to the left knowing this. 

Meanwhile the Buffalo Billions trial is still ongoing;  Cuomo wanted corrupt lobbyist to be his spy: witness.  

After Janus Ruling, Cuomo Orders State Workers’ Info Kept Private, the problem is, it already is private under state law.  The Empire Center explains what is eligible to be FOILed and what isn’t.  Ken  Girardin  opines on the Janus Ultimatum

New York labor leaders voice fury, defiance in wake of Supreme Court decision.

Have you seen the latest RNC ad:  ‘UNHINGED’?

Charles Hurt opines on the reality that a new civil war is already upon us.  Fortunately, there are people like Miss Community, Clovia Lawrence, who are trying to bring civility to their corner of the world. 

Larry Elder writes that it is criminal behavior, not racism, that explains ‘racial disparities’ in crime stats

Ronald Reagan’s legacy lives on through this Judge’s common sense.

Larry Horist:  The Supreme court tilts a little more to starboard.

Daily Update

New York experienced a political earthquake in yesterday’s congressional primaries when Congressman Joe Crowley lost to a young socialist first time candidate.  Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi is doing a “happy dance” while Gov. Andrew Cuomo is asking himself “what just happened, did anyone see this coming?” Politico sees it as the Blue Wave being energized by the far left. Of course, Cynthia Nixon capitalizes on it by indicating her endorsement made it possible.  Jim Geraghty gives us some insight as to who Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is and what she campaigned on.

There was good news in Staten Island;  Congressman Dan Donovan defeated Michael Grimm in both the Republican and Conservative primaries. 

More good news from the US Supreme Court:  Supreme Court deals blow to unions, rules against forced fees for government workers.   NBC news describes it as “crippling blow.”

Empire Center — focused on the importance of this decision all year —  has this to say about the 5-4 win.   The Beat writes what the decision will mean for New Yorkers.   

UFT bracing for fallout from Supreme Court decision in Janus case.  

Justice Anthony Kennedy to retire – giving President Trump another appointee

Schumer: Forcing Vote on Kennedy‘s Replacement Before the Midterms Would be ‘Absolute Height of Hypocrisy’.  What is hypocritical is Sen. Schumer’s statement.  Or maybe he just does not understand the difference between Mid-Term elections and Presidential elections.  

Bronx teen’s murder proves we need an NYPD gang database.

Law firm that de Blasio owes $300K wins approvals before city boards.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  

Daily Update

The US Supreme Court stood up for the safety of America today.  Judge Andrew Napolitano  called the ruling a “ringing, uncompromising”  win for Trump

In another US Supreme Court ruling today, it was a win for pro-life groups that counsel pregnant women to make choices other than abortion, invalidating a California law requiring them to prominently post information on how to obtain a state-funded abortion.

Another good ruling by a federal Judge:  U.S. judge throws out climate change lawsuits against big oil.  Here is a judge appointed by President Bill Clinton and is from San Francisco who truly studied the case and made a decision based on logic, not politics or what was expected.  Wonders will never cease. 

The National Review’s Morning Jolt deals with how the number of ‘credible fear’ refugees skyrocketed in the Obama years

I’m sure you agree that this is the way it should be:  Army training will now focus on actual battlefield skills, not social issues

Protests in Iran prove Trump is getting it right

Trump Budget Embraces Numerous Conservative Reforms.  

Stephen Moore: The State of the American Worker — Never Better.  

NY State pays $1.4 million to rehab an old theater; creates 6 jobs

If you haven’t voted in the Staten Island GOP Congressional primary yet:  Take the NY Post’s advice and vote for Congressman Dan Donovan.

The state’s biggest bully broke another rule/law by doing this.   

De Blasio’s latest corrupt scheme: letting his own lawyers lobby him

Why is this news?  He is building his base by donating to democrats and all New Yorkers know he is a democrat.  

Daily Update

Our candidate for Governor, Marc Molinaro, has a noteworthy Op-Ed in today’s New York Post:  Here’s how we can finally drain the Albany swamp.  Help Marc Molinaro spread his words to your friends and family who may not read the NY Post, send them the link, and ask them to send to their inner circle.  Together, we can drain the Albany swamp, it all begins with believing we can. Let everyone know what else Marc Molinaro has done just this past week.  

Jonathan Trichter has a new informative video for you here.  (Be sure to double click the arrow.) 

Here are some articles you may have missed over the weekend: Latest cop-killer’s parole is a slap in the face to all New Yorkers;  Cuomo should keep his hands off restaurant workers’ tips; Bronx Councilman Mark Gjonaj gives his nonprofit $130K in taxpayer funds;  9 Times MS-13 Gang Members Posed as Minors, Used Kids to Enter U.S. IllegallyDemocrats refuse to acknowledge safe borders are necessary;  Gang leader ‘sorry’ after innocent teen is butchered in street;  and finally this one which explains a lot – if they don’t worry about paying their campaign debts, they certainly won’t worry about spending your hard earned tax dollars — NYC politicians have racked up thousands in debt

Democrats Have Zero Tolerance for Solutions to Illegal Immigration.

Families of Victims of Illegal Aliens Tell of ‘Permanent Separation’ From Children, Being Ignored by Media.   

The Beat writes about how NYC minimizes violence.

Tom Precious brings us up to date on the Buffalo Billions trial.

Here is another example as to why the public do not trust the media:  U.N. Report Faults Trump For Obama Poverty, Media Fall For It.

But they do trust Dilbert and his creator, Scott Adams, has some good advice for his fans

You know the democrats recognize they have problems when Nancy Pelosi calls out Maxine Waters. 

Robert Knight opines on a crazy way to look at shooters, and reality