Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial opined on Cuomo’s pre-election payoff to a major union.   The editorial ends with this: “Cuomo’s excuse for staying off the campaign trail, even skipping the League of Women Voters debate in Albany last week, is that he’s too busy doing state business. Too busy making the state government do his business is more like it.” 

Governor Cuomo no longer looks at the voters of New York as constituents he can help, we have become constituents that serve HIS needs and wants.  .  It is time to remind Gov. Cuomo that our government was founded as We the People; not for elected officials who believe they are supreme and can do as they wish.

We the People have to make our voices heard tomorrow:  GOVERNMENT SERVES US, WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT SERVE GOVERNMENT.  Send the message, vote on the Conservative Line.   

The two major newspapers in New York City believe Jonathan Trichter should be the comptroller of New York State.  In case you missed this yesterday, here is what the NY Daily News said on Sunday and the NY Post said on October 29, 2018

As a quick reminder, the NY Post also endorsed Marc Molinaro , Chele Farley, and Keith Wofford.  Please forward to your family and friends and ask them to also send a message by voting on the Conservative Line.

The Syracuse Post also endorsed Marc Molinaro  stating, in part, that “Cuomo had his chance. In 2013, he appointed a Moreland Commission to investigate Albany’s culture of corruption. He disbanded it in 2014, before it could finish its work. Out of Moreland’s ashes came this year’s corruption trials over the Buffalo Billion, the film hub and the LED lighting factory in DeWitt. The hard-charging governor demanded results; testimony revealed how far his staff would go to deliver. The end result was a series of ill-conceived projects in Central New York and an embarrassment for his administration.”

E. J. McMahon lets us know that a Key Cuomo budget update is late—again   Certainly not because the Governor was preparing for debates , rather he was quietly raising hospital Medicaid rates  and paying off his union buddies (see above.)

The Empire Center also opines on the Tax Cap

The Beat looks at what will happen if Albany is completely blue

The Daily Signal has a short synopsis about the 3 big differences between conservatives and progressives. 

How Trump’s helped people with pre-existing conditions and major health issues. 

Mayor de Blasio is another elected official that does not understand the concept of We the People. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

Will Hillary run again in 2020? We can’t trust her answer to this question, but Hillary still wants to be President – maybe she thinks the third time will be a charm.

President Trump, of course, loves the idea of a rematch against Hillary. I can see his campaign slogan now: “Make Hillary Lose Again!”

What would be the craziest part about a Hillary 2020 presidential campaign? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll – and I think the word “craziest” gives us a lot of leeway in the answers.

Marc Molinaro and Chele Farley both picked up key endorsements this week from the New York Post, as Andrew Cuomo continues to chicken out. 

For the midterm elections, the question for voters should be: “Are you better off than you were two years ago?”  Knowing the answer for most Americans is a resounding YES, the Democrats are sinking deeper into the gutter as they try to take back the U.S. House of Representatives. 

Perry Gershon’s despicable mailer attacking conservative Lee Zeldin is the most recent example – make no mistake, it’s Democrats who are the extremists… and the media are their enablers.

Once all the votes are counted, President Trump will still have a job to do, no matter who controls Congress.  Taxes, the economy, health care and a host of other issues will be in play. What do you think President Trump’s top priority should be after the midterm elections? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

With the migrant caravan – a foreign-financed, leftist-led violation of U.S. sovereignty – charging our border, immigration will have to be a major post-election focus for the Trump Administration.

Fortunately, we have a President who is not afraid to tackle this issue, as we saw in this week’s new debate over birthright citizenship.

According to one expert, “The president is correct when he says that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution does not require universal birthright citizenship.”  And as I said this week, we are the best and most generous country in the entire world, and if we want to continue that we have to have control of who’s coming into our nation.

There are many reasons why birthright citizenship is problematic – it’s open to abuse, it makes a mockery of our system of legal immigration… the list goes on.

I’ll make this the third question in our new Weekly Poll: What do you believe is the WORST aspect of birthright citizenship? I look forward to your answers.

Have a great weekend – and remember to vote Line C on Tuesday!

Daily Update

The debate continues:  CATHOLICS DIVIDED OVER BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP.  Hear what Chairman Long has to say on Birthright Citizenship. 

Yes, Unvetted Illegal Caravans Threaten Public Health. 

Trump Is Right. Ending Birthright Citizenship Is Constitutional.

Even if it was a joke,  offering our tax dollars as an incentive to build a second headquarters in New York, is ludicrous when the company is worth $1 trillion dollars. 

Benchmarking New York:  a report by the Empire Center. 

Forbes looks at AG Candidate Keith Wofford. 

The Beat examines equality or excellence, and Subway No-Go. 

This is what a Speaker Pelosi is planning on doing if she becomes Speaker again. 

Larry Horist asks the question:  Do voters really want to kill off the booming economy?

Trump’s reversal of failed Obama policies has created a booming economy. 

Conrad Black opines on Trump’s Winning Demeanor. 

The caliber of candidates running on the democratic line really needs to improve.  For example: This Ocasio-Cortez Fundraising Email Is Completely Unhinged and Tasteless. And, of course, our press release earlier today.

Daily Update

The Attorney General debate took place last evening, if you missed it, you can watch it here.  Be sure to watch the “cross examination question” (each candidate gets to ask the other a question) at the 31:00 mark.  It speaks volumes.  By the way, Letitia James flip-flops on death penalty during AG debate. 

There is less than a week before the elections.  Please make the time to watch all the debates (they are linked to the candidate’s pages under The Debate) and trust your own judgement instead of reading the highlights that a reporter interpreted for you.  Be an informed voter. 

Good on Marc Molinaro for calling out the Albany fat cats. 

Birthright citizenship – the debate has begun.  Here are some articles that helps people understand what the debate will be about.  By the Numbers: 4 Key Points About Birthright Citizenship.  The Daily Signal’s Podcast: he History of Birthright Citizenship in the US.  Birthright Citizenship: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment.  The Problem with Birthright Citizenship: Ed Erler on The American Mind.  Trump’s Critics Are Wrong about the 14th Amendment and Birthright Citizenship.  Revoking birthright citizenship would enforce the Constitution.  Trump: Birthright Citizenship is Unfair to Americans (Harry Reid Agrees) Flashback: ‘No Sane Country’ Would Reward Illegal Immigration With Automatic Birthright Citizenship Said…Harry Reid. 

Michael Goodwin opines on why Democrats are staying silent about the migrant caravan.

James Cromwell didn’t get the memo on being civil in political discussions…or he is just ignoring it. 

Democrats and their media allies seek to silence their critics.

Bill Hammond writes on how Sen. Schumer defends the dysfunctional. 

George J. Marlin opines on Saudi Arabia’s Crimes Against Christians. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

With today’s endorsements of Keith Wofford and Jonathan Trichter the NY Post editorial board has endorsed all four of the Conservative/Republican candidates running for statewide office!  ALL FOUR!  Chele FarleyMarc Molinaro!  Keith Wofford! Jonathan Trichter!

On November 6, send a message to all; Vote Row C, the Conservative Party Line.

Remember this also when you vote:  Cuomo has been a disaster for New York’s highways.  And this is just one of Governor Cuomo’s shortfalls. 

In case you were unable to watch the Comptroller DiNapoli and Jonathan Trichter debate last night, click here to view now

Keith Wofford and Leticia James debate tonight on Spectrum News at 7:00 pm with Capital Tonight’s Liz Benjamin and Inside City Hall’s Errol Louis as the moderators. 

The Investor’s Business Daily does not mince any of their words:  Migrant Carava

The National Review’s Jim Geraghty starts off is column with Eliminating Birthright Citizenship: A Dramatic New Step, after President Donald J. Trump stated he would sign an executive order on curbing birthright citizenship.  It is a good conversation to have.  In fact, Sen. Lindsey Graham plans to introduce legislation end birthright citizenship.

In Europe, Free Speech Bows to Sharia. 

Liberals Cry Louder for Single-Payer While England’s Single-Payer Nightmare Worsens.

Stephen Moore opines on why the Left hates prosperity

Robert Knight opines on the reality of two distinct sexes.

Daily Update

The NY Post endorses Marc Molinaro for Governor:  Vote for reformer Marc Molinaro, not corruptocrat Andrew Cuomo.    And that isn’t the only editorial board that did so!  The Auburn Citizen:  Our view: Molinaro should be New York’s next governor.  The Daily Gazette: Molinaro is New York’s future.  And don’t forget what Crain’s NY Business had to say:  The case against Cuomo.   “The governor is smart and talented but has personality flaws and control issues that are wearing thin and hurting New York. To support his re-election would be to ensure they continue. We cannot.”  Neither should you. 

Here is a NY Post comparison of County Executive Molinaro and Governor Cuomo.   Carl Campanile writes of Marc Molinaro’s plan to overhaul the “Scaffold Law.” 

Jonathan Trichter and Thomas DiNapoli will debate tonight  In NYC on NY1 at 7:00 pm and on Spectrum News in the rest of New York State at 8:00 PM.  Have you seen Jonathan Trichter’s newest ad?  Watch it here

Don’t forget to stop by all our candidates pages, (click on the tab “More Links” to find each individual page) on our blog where you can see Chele Farley on NY1 ,  be sure to watch Chele Farley on NY 1 stress the importance being certain the migrants in the caravan are vetted. and Keith Wofford’s latest endorsements

Read Marc Molinaro’s latest statement on halting negative ads on our page for County Executive Molinaro. 

Nicole Gelinas writes that the bottom just fell out of the MTA’s finances. 

San Francisco spends tax dollars to let non-citizens vote in school board elections.. How long will it be before it is every election?

Mexico offers caravan migrants benefits to stay; thousands refuse.  Does anyone still believe the caravan is all about “asylum-seekers,” fleeing drug-fueled communities.  As the Heritage Foundation points out:  The Left Goes Full Open Borders

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week, in the only debate Andrew Cuomo would agree to (he can’t be bothered with upstate issues), conservative Marc Molinaro stood his ground against the Cuomo machine’s bullying tactics.

The case against Cuomo is strong, and Molinaro made some great points – which of his debate statements is your favorite? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Meanwhile Barack Obama is “making stuff up” about the Trump economic boom, which you may recall our 44th president said was impossible.  Obama said that we’d need a “magic wand” to jumpstart the U.S. economy, but his economic incompetence is being exposed by President Trump. 

What do you think is really the key to the Trump boom – lower taxes? Deregulation? Job creation? Better trade deals? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

The left has no substantive ideas beyond recycling socialism and bigger government – so of course they’re trying to change the subject by blaming President Trump for this week’s bomb scares, even as liberal politicians and the media have ignored actual violence against conservatives.

And then there’s the “caravan” – but let’s call it what it really is, an invasion. Talk about election meddling – who is funding this spectacle? Fortunately we have a President who actually believes that America and our borders are worth defending

How concerned are you about this new threat to America’s sovereignty and security? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Cuomo has utterly failed the people of upstate New York.

Tina Moore and Bruce Golding write that Gov. Cuomo forgets FALN attacks while discussing NYC terrorism;   he didn’t forget, it just did not serve his narrative.  Does anyone know why Governor Cuomo had to be part of the press conference yesterday?  Thankfully no one was hurt and no bombs exploded , but the Governor felt the need to let the world know he was in control, and to say that he had also received a “device” which happened to be a thumb drive. Yet he never knew that his personal executive assistant was making campaign phone calls from his public office.  If you believe that, we have a bridge to sell you.

The Pipe-Bombs Story: Another Example of Why No One Trusts the Media. 

‘Public shaming’ gets Molinaro an audience with business leaders. 

You Can See America’s Future Under Socialism, And It Isn’t Pretty.

A Democratic House majority could be dangerous for our country – here’s why. 

Tax-Cut Repeal Could Cost Americans $27K in Pay Over 10 Years, Study Says. 

Judge Accuses State Department of Making ‘False Statements’ on Clinton Emails. 

Did you know this about George Soros? 

It has been almost three years since we had the privilege of having J. J. Hanson speak at our Conservative Party Political Action Conference, if you were there, I am certain that you remember his courage and faith.  Listen to the Daily Signal podcast with his wife, Kristen, on why he was opposed to physicians assisted suicide.   Thank you, Kristen.  Rest in Peace, J. J.

Daily Update

Did you watch the debate last evening?  If not, you can watch it here. The New York Post editorial sums it up with this:  In debate, Andrew Cuomo shifts from chicken to bully.  Bully is mild considering his constant interruptions and telling the moderator that he was speaking.  If you watch a moderate amount of TV in the evening, you cannot escape from the commercials berating bullying in school, yet, we have a governor who is the biggest bully – and proud of being a bully – in New York State.  What kind of message is this sending the children we are trying to teach that bullying is unwarranted, unjustified and undeserved?   Make the message clear on November 6:  No Bullies in the bully pulpit!  Vote for Marc Molinaro on the Conservative Line. 

The NY Post reporters had this to say:  Cuomo, Molinaro come out swinging in likely only debate. and Nicole Gelinas called County Executive Molinaro a solid candidate. 

Here is how Ken Lovett describes the debate:  Cuomo unleashes his inner Mike Tyson in feisty debate with GOP challenger Molinaro.    He ends his column with this “Cuomo is expected to remain New York’s leading heavyweight.”  Again, is this the image we want as Governor when we have a concerted effort to eliminate bullying?  Even Ken Lovett’s column portrays Governor Cuomo as a bully. 

Hudson Valley Dem’s Israel gaffe at debate could prove costly. 

Giving Away Money Won’t End Poverty, but It Will Destroy Something Special About America. 

Government economists offer window into what a socialist US Economy would look like. 

The Beat reminds us again of the looming pension crisis. 

President Trump makes good use of an old President Obama video clip. 

John Lott, Jr. opines on the problem with the FBI’s ‘Active Shooter’ data. 

When did ethical problems become a racist issue? 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  (This column will undoubtedly raise some eyebrows.)

Daily Update

The one, and so far, only debate between Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Marc Molinaro, will be on television tonight.  Click here  to find out where you can watch it.   As the NY Post editorial writes today. “It’s about time Cuomo agreed to a debate.”

The Governor is the recipient of two NY Post editorials today, the second one, the more important of the two:  What a surprise — Another Cuomo donor gets a huge payday.

Bob McManus  also writes today that ‘Chicken’ Cuomo will keep on dodging   and has great questions that should be asked of Governor Cuomo, but we all know that Governor Cuomo will not answer them, even if he were asked.  Maybe that is why the debate is taped.   

The Olean Times Herald endorses Marc Molinaro. 

The Empire Center takes a hard look at the employment numbers for the last 10 years and there is only one conclusion:  the last eight years have seen a sharp and growing economic divide between upstate and downstate.  Read the report here. 

Jonathan Trichter critiques Comptroller DiNapoli on lack of oversight in protecting taxpayer’s funds. 

Cory Booker:  did you fail American History? Lofty ideal; unfeasible economically.  It really is pitifully inferior to propose such an impracticable, unworkable, impossible idea to those who think it would be possible. 

‘Remember who started it’: Obama takes credit for Trump’s ‘economic miracles’.   Mr. Obama what is really bizarre is that you truly believe you should get the credit of the current booming economy. I think Larry Kudlow is more accurate on who should get the credit.   Someone should remind former President Obama that corporate tax cuts can fift all economic boats. 

The Daily Signal  has a pretty sound reason as to why the immigrant caravan has grown to its current size. 

Here’s what Investor’s Business Daily has to say about the growing caravan. 

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial board makes their recommendations for Congressional races here

Gillibrand sheds chicken suit, agrees to ABC-TV debate.  The Gillibrand-Farley debate will air on WABC-TV and be held on Thursday, at 1:30 pm and be made available for their local political show, Up Close with Bill Ritter, and to statewide affiliates.  We will post the time on Thursday or before, if available.

Cuomo finally agrees to in-person TV debate with GOP challenger.     Gov. Andrew “chicken” Cuomo finally agreed to a TV debate that would be taped on Tuesday 1:30 p.m. in the studios of WCBS/Channel 2 and air Tuesday night at 7 p.m. on the local affiliate and on radio.  Personally, I am looking forward to how Governor Cuomo explains his “pay-to-play” schemes like this one;  of course, it has to asked and the likelihood of having it asked by the moderator is slim to none. 

If the NY Post hosted the debate, you could rest assured hard questions would be pursued.  Fortunately, the NY Post exposes all that they can through their newspaper —  and hopefully, NYC voters are reading it as unlike other NYC newspapers, the NY Post doesn’t hide behind a paywall (yet!)

The Post-Star endorses Marc Molinaro for Governor! 

Mayor de Blasio continues to act as if he is the King of New York City instead of being an elected official answerable to the citizens of New York City.  Mayor de Blasio still has visions of being king of the US and is lax about the daily needs of the City or worse pushes his agenda to the detriment of doing what is right, or appointing people to positions that do not seem to have the qualifications needed. 

Bill Hammond and Chris Pope write that single-payer would be death on NY’s best hospitals. 

If this caravan can overcome the combined efforts of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and the U.S., why can’t they overtake Honduras and make it more like America?  It isn’t about escaping conflict, generalized violence and targeted persecution – it is about free handouts from our government.  Trump says he’s reducing Central American aid over migrants; use the aid money to BUILD THE WALL!

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump is taking the fight to his enemies with a historic media blitz – and he’s apparently having a lot of fun doing it.

You could see that in his one-on-one with Lesley Stahl of “60 Minutes” this past Sunday, as he laid out his accomplishments: “When you look at taxes, you look at regulations, you look at– making deals with other countries. Nobody’s been able to do anything like this. Actually, most people didn’t even try because they knew they didn’t have the ability to do it.”

President Trump touched on several issues, including the media, the Russia investigation, NATO, and illegal immigration. I’ve picked out some of my favorite quotes – which one do you like the most? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Meanwhile the Democrats continue to encourage and actually resort to violence (plus some unhinged conspiracy theories) in response to President Trump’s success. There’s a War on Women going on – not even 9/11 widows are safe from the fury of the left – and Nancy Pelosi thinks that’s just fine.

On the campaign trail, the Democrats’ Senate candidates have had quite a week.

  • In Virginia, Sen. Tim Kaine encouraged the liberals’ mob mentality

  • In North Dakota, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp’s campaign outed sexual assault victims…

  • In Missouri, Sen. Claire McCaskill demanded a government investigation of journalists…

  • In Delaware, Sen. Tom Carper is being less-than-truthful about a history of spousal abuse…

  • In Massachusetts, Sen. Elizabeth Warren made a fool of herself trying to prove her Native American heritage…

  • In Montana, Sen. Jon Tester is palling around with Hollywood celebrities

  • In Florida, Sen. Bill Nelson is prioritizing his campaign over the state’s hurricane relief;

  • In New Jersey, the ethically-challenged Sen. Robert Menendez is turning to Hillary Clinton for help…

  • In Arizona, leftist Krysten Sinema has a history of bashing her own state…

  • In Tennessee, Phil Bredesen’s campaign was caught telling the truth about the candidate’s Kavanaugh stand in an undercover sting…

  • And in Texas, media darling Beto O’Rourke is supporting impeachment

No wonder Rush Limbaugh is predicting GOP gains in the Senate and even success in House races. President Trump has certainly energized individuals to get involved.

I know most friends of the Conservative Party follow politics across the country. Which Democrat Senate candidate outside of New York do you like the LEAST in this year’s campaigns? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Here in New York, as we’ve mentioned this week, Andrew Cuomo is rightfully being labeled a “coward” for refusing to debate Marc Molinaro.

Why do you think that is – does Andrew not want to face questions about all the “coincidental” corruption in the Albany Swamp? Does he want to avoid tricky issues like marijuana legalization? Or does the governor think he’s above the law and those above answering questions?

That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll – let me know what you think, and have a great weekend!