Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Nanny state government is back with a vengeance, and we all will be paying the price.  We understand the harm that plastic is doing to our environment and believe it is morally wrong.  Proper disposal is essential for plastic garbage bags and all items made of plastic — including syringes happily handed out by government agencies and strewn all over parks and subway stations.  If government insists on banning plastic bags shouldn’t we insist on banning our tax dollars being used to provide syringes? 

If you are 18, you can give your life for your country, you can vote in elections, you can get married, but if government has its way, you won’t be able to buy a product that is legal.  Cigarettes, last time anyone checked, are still legal and will remain so even with restrictions, because government is addicted to the taxes they bring in.  

Governor Cuomo supports giving illegal immigrants drivers licenses.  Chairman Long responds in this article. 

De Blasio’s double standard on workers’ benefits.  

If the government is a good as democrats portray it to be by passing Bills that give them more control over our lives, why are the residents that can only afford to live in the NYC Housing Authority living without heat on these bitter cold days. Do a google search on the living conditions for NYCHA, then ask yourself why do you want government running every aspect of our lives.  Someone should ask Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that question.  She would most likely agree with Mayor de Blasio who believes there is plenty of money in the world, it is just in the wrong hands.  Oh, and if you think it is only NYCHA that has a serious problem, you certainly do not use the MTA facilities. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump delivered a powerful speech Tuesday night on the border crisis facing our country. In the speech, the President said: “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the U.S., undetected, undocumented, unchecked…”

Oh, wait – President Obama actually said that.

What President Trump said Tuesday night is this: “Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple.”

Hold on… my apologies, that’s actually a quote from Chuck Schumer.

Here is the full transcript of President Trump’s speech – it was watched by 43 million people, and the President hit a homerun, if you ask me.

For the first question of our new Weekly Poll, I’ve pulled together what I think are some of the best quotes from the President’s speech – from his important distinction between legal and illegal immigration, to his calling out of the Democrats’ self-righteous claims that walls are “immoral.”

What do you think is the most powerful quote from President Trump’s Oval Office speech? Vote today!

The Democrats’ response, delivered by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, was “stiff and robotic,” as Rush Limbaugh put it – and their performance was literally laughable, as are their ideas. Even many Democrats are not impressed.

What do you think was the WORST aspect of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s response to the President’s speech? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

The fact is, Pelosi and Schumer are just wrong when they say there’s no crisis at our border. Investor’s Business Daily lays out the numbers here, and the Daily Wire gives an inside account of border chaos.

Which factor of America’s border situation do you think makes it a true crisis? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Border issues dominated the week, but we can’t lose track of other important topics – especially the Democrats’ increasing hostility to religious faith.

Catholics are in the liberal crosshairs this week, with Sen. Kamala Harris of California launching an outrageous assault on the Knights of Columbus, which (Sen. Harris is shocked to discover) is a Catholic organization with “extreme” (according to Sen. Harris and the left) Catholic beliefs.

Fortunately, at least a handful of Democrats are standing up to their party’s anti-Christian bigotry.

The Conservative Party is speaking out against Mayor Bill de Blasio (Gotham’s “Man of Steal”) and his paid time off proposal, which is little more than a new tax hike. As I said in this interview, the Mayor’s plan will hurt those businesses that are on the edge of trying to make it – and for those businesses that can handle it, it only is going to drive up the cost for consumers.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Mayor “you earn it -I take it” De Blasio is at it again.  From WABC News in NYC: “Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday that New York City is rolling out a $100-million-per-year program to provide health care to all residents, including undocumented immigrants.”  Hear Chairman Mike Long’s response here. 

The NY Post reports the Mayor’s money grab this way:  Inside de Blasio’s $100M health care-for-all plan. 

Bill Hammond of the Empire Center takes a first look at de Blasio care.

And, as if forcing taxpayers to pay for a new $100-million-per year program to provide health care to all residents and undocumented immigrants, today, Mayor “you earn it – I take it” de Blasio is actually finding a way for people to lose their job with his new proposal to mandate paid time off. 

Don’t give de Blasio a sleazy way to pay his legal bills. 

David Bossie: Trump’s speech vs Schumer and Pelosi – Will America choose determination or denial? 

The Daily Signal fact check’s President Trump’s claims in border speech. 

Michael Goodwin writes how refusal to budge on border wall shows Dems still hung up on 2016. 

Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis opines on Immigration Deal or No Deal; America’s watching. 

Betsy McCaughey writes that democrats are campaigning to end prosperity. 

Did you know this? 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams 

Daily Update

With Hillary – the twice failed presidential democratic nominee – at his side, Governor Andrew Cuomo, called for a constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights in New York State.  Chairman Mike Long’s response was swift and accurate: “He must have his head screwed on backwards.”  Read more about the proposal and Chairman Long’s response here. 

New York needs a serious debate before legalizing marijuana. 

City’s top cop worries about kids smoking weed, grow house fires.

Former Assemblyman Richard Brodsky is not someone who the Conservative Party agrees with on most of his policy beliefs; however, in this article, he is absolutely right in stating that in all of government’s flaw, this is the most dangerous..    We firmly believe that the members of the legislature have to propose and pass with a veto proof majority, legislation that will override the Court of Appeals decision that denies the Legislature the power to change or reject gubernatorial policies, if they are put in budget bills.  The Court of Appeals neutered the legislature; it is long past time they regain their rightful place in the governmental process.

The State of Politics writes: Cuomo’s DMV Nominee Says He Backs Driver’s Licenses For Undocumented Immigrants.    Well, of course, he does; does anyone think Gov. Cuomo would nominate someone who does not agree with his position. 

File this under:  Why was it ever filed in the first place? 

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s a three-ring circus this week in Washington as Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats take control of the U.S. House – with hypocrisy, profanity, and dishonesty on full display. It’s easy to see why Americans now see “government” as the top problem facing our country.

Democrats are already pushing everything from impeaching President Trump and poisoning America’s elections to overturning the Second Amendment, erasing America’s borders and mandating taxpayer-funded abortions.

I agree with Rep. Liz Cheney – let’s hope the Democrats keep talking so Americans will know just how radical they really are. Even many liberals are worried about the Democrats’ extremist bent, as well they should be. The Left’s hunger for abortion here in New York is positively bloodcurdling.

What do you think, right now, is the Democrats MOST extreme idea? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll, and alas there are many options for you to choose from.

Speaker Pelosi, of course, perfectly represents the Democrats’ extremism. And under her new rule, we’ve already seen that she has no respect for the Constitution; she thinks taxpayers are her personal piggy bank; and she is on board with the Democrats’ impeachment obsession.

What do you think is the WORST thing about the new reign of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll, and again – the choices are seemingly endless.

And talk about impeachment obsession – the Democrats got the ball rolling as one of their top priorities for the new Congress… seemingly above border security, national defense, economic growth, or anything else.

President Trump is of course fighting back, and calling out the Democrats’ petty politics.  What do you think the Democrats’ obsession with impeachment says about their party? I’ve made that the third and final question of our new Weekly Poll.

Hope 2019 is treating you well so far, and that you will have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Betsy McCaughey  and the Daily Signal  both point out how impactful it is to taxpayers now that President Trump froze pay rates for the civilian federal work force, canceling their automatic 2.1 percent raise for 2019 and a 25 percent increase in locality-based pay.

By the way, 19 Million Public Employees Cost Taxpayers Nearly $1 Trillion.   (Do we really need 19 million public employees throughout our nation?)

Why are so many leftists such hypocrites? Pelosi’s Pick to Lead Climate Crisis Committee Owned Stock in Top Polluters.

Did you know that universities took $600 million tied to Muslim nations while forming grade school curricula for US students.?

Here’s how much NYC’s public advocate election will cost taxpayers. 

The values of society are certainly up-side-down when animals have more protections than human beings.    Shouldn’t it be the other way around, Sen. Gianaris?  Shouldn’t unborn children be protected from those who seek to violently end their lives and shouldn’t it be easier to adopt children in New York State?

The Bully is Back!  Cuomo warns of investigations war if Legislature looks into his administration. 

Governor Cuomo is completely out of line when he says that he plans to include most of his agenda in the budget bills.  Budget is Budget, not a place to get the radical abortion expansion bill, more restrictions on the 2nd Amendment and legalizing marijuana passed.  These must be stand alone bills, debated by both sides of the aisle and each topic separately voted on by each member.  New Yorkers need to know where their legislator stands on the specific issue, not where they stand with all different issues lobbed into budget bills. 

Daily Update

We hope all our readers had a Joyful Christmas and that the New Year brings you prosperity.

 Governor Cuomo may deny it a thousand times, but after yesterday’s inaugural speech, there is no doubt that he will run for President in 2020.  Just the day before, Gov. Cuomo granted clemency to 29 convicts stating that “These actions will help keep immigrant families together and take a critical step toward a more just, more fair and more compassionate New York.” Governor, New Yorkers love and welcome immigrants; we just want them to follow the laws of our Nation and come here legally.  Here is how Fox News reported Governor Cuomo’s clemency.

 Perhaps, Gov. Cuomo, should examine one of the “catch phrases” he said: “America’s only threat is from within. It is the growing division amongst us.”  Governor, Americans and New Yorkers welcome people who will follow our laws, the first one being that one must enter our country legally.  It is people, like yourself, that twist what is happening.  Would you open your home to an angry crowd demanding what you have? Don’t you want people coming to your village, town, city or country to have the same values that built our nation?  You, Governor Cuomo, are among those responsible for the division amongst us and it is shameful that you continue to blame those of us who expect, and welcome, law abiding people to emigrate to America. 

 The Beat writes that Cuomo’s in charge …and it isn’t a complimentary article. 

 Nicole Gelinas opines on New York Democrats finally wise up to transit system’s costs. 

DeVos pushes for safer schools — even if New York won’t. 

 Dennis Prager opines that the Left will make 2019 a dark year.  

 Set aside time to watch Sir Roger Scruton: How to Be a Conservative… You won’t be disappointed.   

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Weekly Wrap-Up

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a Schumer and a Pelosi.

I’d rather have lumps of coal in my stocking, but right now we’re stuck with these two feckless politicians who come across as weak compared to President Trump’s strong leadership.

Who do you find MORE embarrassing as the Democrats’ so-called “leaders” in Congress – Schumer or Pelosi? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll, and both of them are excellent contenders.

“Nations that don’t control their borders cease to be nations” – strong words this week from Investor’s Business Daily, and an idea that the Schumer/Pelosi liberals refuse to acknowledge.

As we learn more about the crime associated with illegal immigration – and the terrorist leanings of the leaders of the current “caravan” – it is more important than ever to secure our borders. Democrats used to at least say the right things on this critical issue – this week President Trump highlighted the liberals’ hypocrisy by sharing quotes from Schumer, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama pledging their opposition to illegal immigration.

In doing so, the President gave us a great question for our new Weekly Poll – as the debate over illegal immigration continues into 2019, which of the Democrats’ quotes reflecting sanity on this issue is your favorite? It’s a rare opportunity to agree with something sensible from the liberals, even if they were entirely insincere, so enjoy!

Fake news continues to proliferate, from stories attacking Border Patrol agents for the sins of the parents to deliberate misquotes of GOP lawmakers in an effort to undermine President Trump. The media is obsessed with the President, so much so that they’re furious he cancelled a Christmas party the press claimed to have no interest in attending. (And good riddance to another inside-the-Beltway spectacle, thanks to the Trump Administration.)

Meanwhile, even the most extreme Democrats (the departing governor of California, no less!) think their party is moving too far to the left, and it is likely that the liberals will ruin their 2020 chances by nominating a candidate who is too far left for this country – whether it’s a novice like Beto O’Rourke, an old-school Socialist like Bernie Sanders, or a divisive figure like Elizabeth Warren (among many others, including questionable characters from New York like Kirsten Gillibrand, Andrew Cuomo and Michael Bloomberg).

This would be a blessing, frankly – and I’ll make this the third and final question of our new Weekly Poll: Which of the Democrats’ current 2020 contenders do you think would be the biggest “Christmas gift” to President Trump and the GOP?

Have a great weekend – Christmas is almost here!

Daily Update

This person is the definition of chutzpah! 

Kevin D. Williamson writing in National Review reviews the Trump, Pelosi, Schumer meeting that took place on Tuesday.    This is how the Washington Times covered the meeting. 

Betsy McCaughey asks the question, what’s ‘immoral’ about caring for America’s poor first?

House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes. 

Bill Hammond writes:  Single-Payer; Double Standard  and Slay the Single-Payer Myths in The Torch. . 

Seriously, is anyone surprised by De Blasio defending embattled $120K-a-year parking summons advocate? 

Apple makes a wise business decision to expand in Austin, Texas, not overtaxed New York State. If only New York’s hierarchy understood why Apple is expanding in Austin, Texas. 

This is only part of what New York State faces if or rather when the Governor succeeds in passing recreational pot  : Boston Herald headline — Pot blamed for mounting highway death toll

Assemblyman Steve Hawley isn’t the only legislator who has concerns about the proposed pay raise and the limit on outside income.

Forbes has an interesting article on what activists Attorney Generals have been able to justify when they band together.  Attorney General elect, Letitia James will be right at home with this group of AG’s.

This bill has been around for at least 5 years , however, every gun owner in New York State should be very concerned that a Democratic controlled Senate and Assembly, and a Governor opposed to our right to own a gun, will pass and Governor Cuomo will sign it in the upcoming session.

Podcast: Doing What’s Ethical on Fetal Tissue. 

No one is targeting the real corruption plaguing New York. 

The left continues to adore Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and wants the 29-year-old to run for president in 2020!  To the writer of the article, the fact that you have to be 35 to run for president is “ridiculous.”   What is ridiculous is their infatuation with her. 

Wednesday’s (a day late) with Walter E. Williams. 

Daily Update

The debates over legal pot revenue are way too premature.  The last sentence is extremely apropos. 

The Legislative Commission tasked with justifying pay increases for legislators is not being received with open arms despite the fact that it has suggested a 63% increase over 3 years.  One member of the Assembly would have to put 12 people out of work, if he decides to stay on as a legislator. Did the Commission even consider that this might be a problem for some of the members?  The Commission failed the legislative members, the general public and themselves by not anticipating the repercussions of a hastily put together pay raise.   The question arises as to the constitutionality of having a Commission raise the pay of legislators.   

Albany pay hikes costs taxpayers, Conservative leader says. 

The Mayor’s wife hires more staffers!

Is NYC’s ‘ticket advocate’ some kind of joke? 

The Daily Signal writes that On Gender, the Science Is Deafening.  An excellent article, by Tony Perkins explaining that despite what the headlines scream about gender identity, many in the medical community — experts were relieved to see that the president’s policy (“sex discrimination” would not include “gender identity.”) matched what was wise and prudent for patients. In a letter to the departments of Justice, Education, and Health and Human Services, a coalition of doctors, bioethicists, therapists, academics, and policy groups all praised the president for taking a scientifically-sound approach in understanding those who think they are not the gender they were born. 

Conrad Black writes Mueller’s Got Nothing. 

Trump Forces Chuck and Nancy to Debate Him in Front of America, They Didn’t Like It. 

Media’s Trump Obsession Has Crossed Over to The Clinical. 

Our New Religion – Humanitarianism is displacing Christianity, but without its redeeming effects. 

Daily Update

Former Mayor Bloomberg, like so many self-made extremely rich businessmen lately, thinks he knows what is best for Americans.  The former Nanny Mayor is seriously looking to run for president in 2020. 

Left wing legislators push for “equal access for driver’s licenses.”  The article states that giving illegal immigrants a license would produce an estimated $57 million in combined annual government revenues…so, the bottom line is more money for these progressives to give to constituents who will then keep them in power!  Enough.  A driver’s license opens the door to a myriad of privileges and should be limited to legal residents of New York State. 

Another liberal/progressive proposal would require gun permit applicants to disclose their internet search history and social media passwords.   Obviously, the proposers have no concept of why we have a 2nd Amendment. 

Another topic the progressive/liberal agenda is pushing for:  Restore voting rights now, N.Y.: A basic civil rights reform still lags in our progressive state. 

If you are still following the Mueller investigation, here is more background from Victor Davis Hanson. 

Here is more insight from Katie Pavlich writing on 

Wall Street Journal Ed Board Tells Mueller to ‘Wrap it Up. 

Robert Knight opines on suppressing Christianity’s historical importance. 

And the National Review writes how the Founders protected the natural right of religious liberty. 

The Beat opines on Big Raise; No Vote. 

Ken Girardin, writes in Empire Center on highest legislative pay ever?

The more Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the more we understand how lacking her education was. 

What the New Socialists in Congress Need to Know About Poverty. 

From the Daily Signal:  The New Farm Bill Is So Bad That Supporters Don’t Want Its Details Released

De Blasio doesn’t care what parents think about his elite-school-quota plans. 

Bill Hammond writes how single-payer gets even more costly. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week we said goodbye to a great leader, President George H.W. Bush – known for his service to the country, his kindness and strength, and his zest for life.

What will you remember most about our 41st President? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Unfortunately the remembrance of a remarkable life was marred by the usual Trump hatred and media bias. The liberals just can’t help themselves, can they?

Meanwhile it seems that most Americans aren’t all that interested in what the Clintons have to say. Bill and Hillary’s “arena tour” is facing underwhelming attendance and ticket sales, and seats that once cost a fortune are now reportedly selling for $11.

Here’s something to think about: Imagine you’ve found $11 in the cushion of your couch – enough to buy a ticket to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s national tour. What do you think would be a BETTER way to spend that $11?

That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll – I hope you have some fun with it.

The Clintons showboating illustrates just how out of touch they really are – a problem that afflicts seemingly all Democrats, all the way to the top of the party.

Just listen to DNC Chairman Tom Perez complain that voters are misinformed because they pay too much attention to what’s being told to them “from the pulpit,” by their church leaders. Who but the Democrats would view paying attention in church is a bad thing?

The left’s war on faith always becomes especially pronounced during the Christmas season – and this year, liberals who worship political correctness are going after Christianity everywhere from local communities and schools to social media.

And the left can’t even let people enjoy the fun of the holidays – they see evil in everything from the classic song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” to the timeless tradition of “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

How would you describe the left’s politically-correct war on Christmas? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Here in New York this week, our state legislators got an early Christmas present in the form of a big pay raise, and Bill de Blasio is playing the Grinch by cracking down on the ride-sharing operations like Uber and Lyft that people enjoy using – and of course making New Yorkers pay the price.

Have a great weekend!