Daily Update – Sadly, New York is beginning to see the results of being soft on crime.

Here are the 5 best and 5 worst states for retirement, alas, you already know where New York State is listed.

Democrats have moved ‘too far to the left,’ says BET network founder Bob Johnson.

Seth Barron opines in the NY Post about progressive pol’s unpleasant surprise: Handcuffing the cops means trouble.

The Beat points out more of what happens when a prosecutor adopts a soft-on-crime, turn ‘em loose approach to handling arrests.

E. J. McMahon writes about NY’s dimming budget outlook in Empire Center’s blog. Bill Hammond explains Cuomo’s $1.7B Medicaid mulligan and Ken Girardin gives us an update on how NY’s unions are inflating their numbers since the Janus decision.

Something for Mayor de Blasio and the progressive movement should be aware of:  Study Links School Choice to Crime Reduction.

Speaking of education, here is more on what More on California Public Education Social Agenda.  

The marijuana industry, led by Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol, and pharma investors, are pushing Congress to rethink its position on marijuana and pushing for Congress to fall for the marijuana’s industry tricks to bring pot to your local stores.  Here is a Fox News report that is a must read – and take action on (contact your Member of Congress) – to prevent Congress from making a huge mistake.  It is up to us to protect our children and society from any more drugs.  Read what the main stream media won’t tell you about the problems that come with marijuana legalization.

National Review, whose founder, William F. Buckley, was a long time supporter of legalizing marijuana, has an article that Congress needs to settle the looming cannabis-regulation fight.  We don’t disagree that our 50 states cannot go on with a patchwork quilt of marijuana legislation, but, the very serious problems associated with legalization must be considered before Congress gives into the very influential marijuana lobby.

“I, ______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So, help me God.” According to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, this pledge also includes advising illegal immigrants on how to avoid ICE officials when they are doing their jobs.

Walter E. Williams writes about our free speech crisis.

Daily Update

Here are the 5 best and 5 worst states for retirement, alas, you already know where New York State is listed.

Democrats have moved ‘too far to the left,’ says BET network founder Bob Johnson.

Seth Barron opines in the NY Post about progressive pol’s unpleasant surprise: Handcuffing the cops means trouble.

The Beat points out more of what happens when a prosecutor adopts a soft-on-crime, turn ‘em loose approach to handling arrests.

E. J. McMahon writes about NY’s dimming budget outlook in Empire Center’s blog.  Bill Hammond explains Cuomo’s $1.7B Medicaid mulligan and Ken Girardin gives us an update on how NY’s unions are inflating their numbers since the Janus decision.

Something for Mayor de Blasio and the progressive movement should be aware of:  Study Links School Choice to Crime Reduction.

Speaking of education, here is more on what California is incorporating into their school system.

The marijuana industry, led by Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol, and pharma investors, are pushing Congress to rethink its position on marijuana and pushing for Congress to fall for the marijuana’s industry tricks to bring pot to your local stores.  Here is a Fox News report that is a must read – and take action on (contact your Member of Congress) – to prevent Congress from making a huge mistake.  It is up to us to protect our children and society from any more drugs.  Read what the main stream media won’t tell you about the problems that come with marijuana legalization.

National Review, whose founder, William F. Buckley, was a long time supporter of legalizing marijuana, has an article that Congress needs to settle the looming cannabis-regulation fight.  We don’t disagree that our 50 states cannot go on with a patchwork quilt of marijuana legislation, but, the very serious problems associated with legalization must be considered before Congress gives into the very influential marijuana lobby.

“I, ______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So, help me God.” According to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, this pledge also includes advising illegal immigrants on how to avoid ICE officials when they are doing their jobs.

Walter E. Williams writes about our free speech crisis.

Daily Update

Kudos to Kearns!  Kearns takes NY to court over drivers license law.  The Buffalo News article includes a copy of the lawsuit.  Here is Erie County Clerk Michael Kerns on Fox News this morning explaining that granting NYS Drivers Licenses to illegal immigrants violates federal law.

How pathetic is this headline:  When Cuomo demands action, millions get wasted.  Unfortunately, it is so true and no one tells the emperor he has no clothes.

What is going on in California’s education system?  Calif. Teachers Won’t Notify Parents If Student Leaves School for Abortion.  When will parents wake up and take back the responsibility of raising their children?  What the California education system is doing is way beyond the reach of education, it is assuming the rights of parents and must be terminated immediately.  California Parents:  get you backbone and end this travesty before any more eradication of your family and your values takes place.

The Daily Signal has an article on how difficult it is to take back control in the education system.  In fact, they lost.  However, if we don’t do all we can to take back the education system, what will the results be?  We are the parents, we must demand that the education system is not there to teach their definition of family values and change the family values we hold dear to our hearts.

Pediatrician on How Transgender Propaganda Harms Children.

Why Military Families Overwhelmingly Support Education Choice.

Mayor de Blasio shows his true feelings; he “hates” charter schools.  Shameful that he puts the education of children last when he panders to the union leadership of teachers.

The CBO estimates that 17 million people would benefit from a federal minimum wage of $15., however 1.3 million people would most likely lose their jobs.  Let the free market determine wages.  Look at the states that have mandated a $15 minimum wage, it isn’t all roses, business have been forced to close and those who have lost their jobs are not making any money.  Here is the National Review critique of the CBO report.  And then there is this:  Restaurant Group Files for Bankruptcy After ‘Progressive’ Minimum Wage Laws Harm Profitability.  As we noted above, when you lose your job, it really doesn’t matter what the minimum wage is, you are not earning even $1 an hour.

Richard W. Rahn opines in the Washington Times on deleting history, forgetting the past.

Daily Update

Lawmakers call for exemptions from NYC’s controversial congestion pricing plan…just note this; the more exemptions that are granted, the higher the cost to those who are not exempted.  They have to make up the money to fund the MTA’s capital needs plan and the irony is that people who, for the most part, do not use the MTA will pay the price.

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Parole Board did it again; “Fatal Attraction” killer, Carol Warmus has been freed from the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility.

Governor Cuomo, a lawyer, knows that the U S Constitution prohibits what is known as a “bill of attainder,” or a law that singles out an individual person for punishment.  Yet, in his zest to please his fellow democrats, he signed a Bill that could allow lawmakers on Capitol Hill to obtain President Trump’s state tax returns, in what has been described as a “workaround” after failed efforts by House Democrats to get the president’s federal returns.  While the Bill does not specifically single out President Trump, it is apparent he is the target.  If, NYS tries to hand over President Trump’s NYS taxes, rest assured, this will end up in the US Supreme Court.

Team Blas is still spending faster than the money comes in.  (Easy to do, when the money is not yours and there is no accounting for it…when you run out, you just up the taxes!)

The Beat writes about cheap rhetoric over real reform.  Poor Richard Carranza, if one really puts the students first, Richard Carranza is not the person one wants to head the NYC school system.

One has to give Governor Hickenlooper credit for being honest when he says this:  Hard to Fundraise When You Don’t Promise Free Stuff.

Priorities gone astray; San Francisco has lost its connection to reality.

Are chemical abortions having a negative effect on women?  Preliminary studies indicate yes, but unfortunately the study says more testing is necessary.

Robert Knight opines on the Washington Times on the Democrats’ open border strategy.

This should be interesting:  President Trump to Hold Social Media Summit.  However, it would be more interesting if both sides were present.  According to article, Twitter and Facebook have not been invited.  Personally, I would like to see them defend themselves.

Guy Benson writes in Townhall.com;  Look Out, Democrats: Trump Surges to All-Time High in Latest WaPo/ABC Poll, And That’s Not All…

Welcome to the Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up for July 5, 2019!


The multinational corporation Nike hates the country that made it into one of the most iconic brands in the world. They axed their patriotic sneaker series featuring a Betsy Ross flag emblem because washed up former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick told them it was racist.

Nike now takes orders from Kaepernick, a scam artist who has made millions based off of social justice hysteria. The Betsy Ross flag contains 13 stars in a circle with 13 red and white stripes to signify the original colonies represented during the founding of the United States. It is American as apple pie, which is why the anti-American communist Kaepernick hates it so much.

Patriotic GOP Senators Josh Hawley of Missouri and Ted Cruz of Texas are expressing their disdain with Nike as a result of their pathetic decision. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey announced his state will be yanking economic incentives for the corporation. Conservatives would be wise to boycott their products as well.


Radical socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is waging an all-out war against border patrol, as she hopes to demonize our nation’s heroes who are dealing with a national emergency spiraling out of control at the U.S. Southern border that the Democrats denied existing for many weeks.

Reports indicate that Ocasio-Cortez threw a tantrum outside of a migrant detainment center in Texas, screaming “in a threatening manner” toward federal officials, and refused to tour the inside of the facility. This didn’t stop her for posing for a photo op afterward.

“I see why CBP officers were being so physically &sexually threatening towards me,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a Tweet.

“Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets,” she added, providing no evidence for her assertion.

Patriotic Republican Congressman Chip Roy of Texas called Ocasio-Cortez out for her dishonest demonization of border agents who work hard under tough conditions to protect the country from the Soros-funded invasion from the third world.

“I’m calling bullsh*t. And if there were one (unacceptable of course) example of an agent even suggesting such a thing, he or she would be removed,“ Roy responded to Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter.

“If there is a hint of evidence of this – please share it with me ASAP. But be specific, else stop the blatant attacks of our law enforcement overwhelmed because you and your Democrat colleagues refuse to acknowledge the crisis,” he added in a subsequent tweet.

The Democrats’ war on the rule of law, and America’s national sovereignty has reached a fever pitch. They will only get more insane and desperate, led by bimbos like AOC, heading into 2020.


Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s unpopular leadership has turned New York City into a laughing stock, and the rest of the country is taking notice.

A study from WalletHub showed that New York City ranks among the worst-run cities in the nation for a third straight year. De Blasio’s leadership failed in terms of financial stability, education, infrastructure and pollution, health, safety and economy to put his city back on the list, as he is recognized widely as one of America’s worst mayors.

New York placed 146th out of 150 of the cities ranked on the list, which is actually an improvement from their ranking of 148 in the past two years. Perhaps de Blasio being away so much while campaigning for his pointless vanity run for the presidency is what helped the city improve its score.

Yale Law School professor David Schliecher blames de Blasio’s strict housing regulations for the city ranking so poorly.

“In many rich cities like San Francisco and New York, local governments have used their regulatory powers to make it difficult for private developers to build enough housing to meet demand,” Schliecher said.

But don’t expect de Blasio to change course, as he cannot even get out of bed promptly to appear on a television interview. New York City will remain in dire shape until he is termed out of office in 2021.


The Conservative Party of New York State would like to send our warm welcome and congratulations to newly named Chairman Nick Langworthy.

We look forward to working with him in the fight against Governor Andrew Cuomo, and in the many battles ahead to retake the State Senate.


‘It Pains Me To Say This’: CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Says Trump Is Right About Asylum Crisis
Nadler: Border Agency Chiefs Should Be Prosecuted For Child Abuse
Court: 2,000 Pages of Documents Related to Sex Offender Jeffrey Epstein Will Be Unsealed
Released From Hospital, Andy Ngo Urges the Public to Help Identify His ANTIFA Assailants
UN Debuts New Global Warming Hysteria Buzzword: ‘Climate Apartheid’
De Blasio Says Medicare For All Should Cover Gender Reassignment Surgery
Koch Network Stands with Silicon Valley to Protect Big Tech From Congressional Reforms
PAUL: Trump A ‘Statesman’ For Showing ‘Restraint’ On Iran
Poll: 59% Of Americans Oppose Government-Provided Health Insurance For Illegal Migrants

Daily Update

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s dream of the LaGuardia Airtrain is beginning to look a lot like California’s high- speed rail dream; both expensive dreams with major costs overruns that drain their taxpayers of much need money that could be put to much better use.

One day after Syracuse.Com reported that an ex-Air Force general is out as CEO of Nuair, Central NY’s drone industry alliance had quietly left the state-subsidized organization in March of 2019, Governor Cuomo announces that New York will provide a $250,000 grant to begin planning development of a 15th Center of Excellence to help foster collaboration among startup companies in the region, based in Central New York and serve as a hub for the region’s growing drone industry.  One state-subsidized drone industry alliance loses its chief CEO without explanation and Gov. Cuomo quickly uses our money for a new organization, in the same area involved in the same drone industry.  Would private industry, that answers to stockholders, do the same thing?

The Green New Deal is getting old to everyone but AOC and the progressive presidential candidates.  The Green New Deal is government intervention where government is not needed, welcomed or required.

Bob McManus opines on the grand swindle of ‘progress’ in the city’s public schools.

The Liberal Media Fell for Another Ocasio-Cortez Theater Production With ‘Detained Illegals Drinking from Toilets’ Lie.

AOC’s Claims Disputed by Latino Pastors After They Tour Same Border Facility.

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Pained to Admit That Trump Is ‘Right’ About Border Crisis.

A Federal Investigation into Antifa Attack on Journalist Isn’t Just Justified—It’s Needed.

Supreme Court rulings shatter illusion of justices’ ideological divide.

Kudos to Arizona Governor Doug Ducey!  Arizona Governor: Our Economy is Doing Just Fine Without Nike and I’m Pulling Their Incentives to Come Here.

Dennis Prager writes:  D Is for Damaged, Dangerous and Delusional.

With the 4th of July on Thursday, the Daily Signal has a great article on how to restore America.

Kay Coles James writes about a nation worth lauding.

Daily Update

Congratulations to GOP Chairman Nick Langworthy!  City and State wants to know Can a Trump-loving upstater bring back the New York GOP?  The answer is a resounding YES!

Westchester residents, if you get your Christmas and Hanukkah shopping done in July, you will probable save a bundle, since Governor Cuomo agrees with Democratic County Executive George Latimer, that Westchester needs an increase in the sales tax percentage to bring it up to 8.375%.  It is effective on August 1, 2019.  Save money; get you shopping done now.

Jimmy Vielkind writes in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) about the Progressive Agenda that Members of the Legislature hope to accomplish in the new legislative session. It includes, but certainly not limited to legalizing commercial gestational surrogacy, higher prevailing wages and extending to private construction projects.  Chairman Kassar noted that “with Democrats in control of the entire state government, a ‘borderline socialist agenda’ could advance unchecked.” Chairman Kassar also noted that he is already recruiting candidates for the 2020 elections.

This is a very disturbing article; Judith Clark knew the Brink’s robbers were ready to kill.   Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo wanted this woman released and she was just in time for Mother’s Day.  It is ironic, that a woman who sent all the wrong messages to her daughter, was able to celebrate with her on Mother’s day, while Michael Paige, son of slain Brink’s Guard Peter Paige (who set the right example for Michael) hasn’t celebrate a Father’s Day since 1982 and will never be able to again. Governor Andrew Cuomo wanted her to be paroled and she was.  Justice has not been equally served.

Nicole Gelinas explains that the Port Authority makes you pay more so it doesn’t have to be better.

From Bill Hammond at Empire Center:  Gillibrand’s Medicare muddle.

The Progressive Conception of ‘Rights’ Is as Seductive as It Is Dangerous.

Robert Knight writes how socialism violates all Ten Commandments.

Mark Levin: 2020 Democrats Are Copying Stalin’s Platform

These 8 Graphics Explain How Bad the Illegal Immigration Crisis Really Is.

Kudos to Success Academy Bronx 2:  Entire Bronx Success Academy class aces statewide math exam.  Too bad so many powers to be won’t expand the number of Charter Schools in NYC, what do they have against students be successful?

Happy 89th birthday (June 30) to Thomas Sowell, one of the greatest living economists!