Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117


New York–Apr. 2…New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar today criticized the “highly political” state budget passed with less input than at any other time in New York State history potentially. Mr. Kassar said that Governor Andrew Cuomo should have pigeonholed controversial items in his budget and moved them into the regular legislative session where they belong and could be vigorously debated.

“In times of crisis, politics has to take a backseat to pragmatism, and that sadly didn’t occur in Albany this week,” Chairman Kassar said. “While members were away from the chamber and reform advocates were sequestered in their homes, billions of dollars of new borrowing was green-lighted; some small political parties were all but eradicated in New York; a taxpayer-paid campaign system was created; new financial burdens were placed on small business owners, and a massive $3-billion bond issue was approved for the November ballot, among other things. What else the governor stuffed into this budget we will soon find out.”

Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, virtually no budget debate took place in Albany in the days leading up to the budget’s passage. Senators and assembly members were not present in their respective chambers and votes were taken remotely.

Mr. Kassar also expressed disappointment that judges were deprived of the right to use discretion in determining whether to require cash bail from those arrested for crimes. Law enforcement leaders and prosecutors begged the governor and state legislature to give judges that discretion. Governor Cuomo’s budget further deprived localities of the right to require approval for certain energy development projects, making a mockery of local zoning laws and effectively eliminating “home rule.”

“We are looking at a policy-driven budget of misstarts and overreaches,” Chairman Kassar said, “and New Yorkers will pay dearly for it.”


Statement on Cuomo Budget Power Grab by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117


Statement on Cuomo Budget Power Grab by New York State 

Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

April 1, 2020

“It’s unfortunate in the extreme that Governor Andrew Cuomo capitalized on the Coronavirus pandemic today by embedding taxpayer-paid political campaigns in state budget bills that are needed to keep the state afloat. This is akin to having a new and odious tax shoved down our throats while everyone is preoccupied with life-and-death health issues.

“The Governor, who has the support of all New Yorkers during this crisis, should know better than to engage in a political trick like this now. New Yorkers don’t want welfare for politicians — they have made that clear for years in polling — and legislators should have been able to debate this as a standalone issue later this year. This was a cynical ploy and a time where cynicism is least appropriate.

“Taxpayer-paid campaigns will cost New Yorkers a minimum of $100 million per election cycle, and, plain and simple, that’s money we don’t have. Even before COVID-19, New York was in a six-plus billion dollar hole. When all is said and done, the state’s debt load will be many multiples of that. And yet, taxpayers will be forced to shell out money to political consultants.

“It is equally outrageous that the budget was used to eliminate political opposition and dissenting speech. By drastically increasing the requirement for small political parties to attain ballot status, Governor Cuomo will have effectively stifled debate in a state that needs more of it. The Conservative Party will more than meet the new threshold based on our nearly 58-year history of garnering votes, but other smaller parties will almost certainly perish, directly suppressing the political speech they have traditionally provided.

“Governor Cuomo has been widely lauded in the news media for his leadership during this crisis. But what he did today in Albany was anything but. New Yorkers will be paying for it for years to come.”




Gov. Cuomo insists he has not considered running for president, if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

This is one of the rare times that I indicate a must read column: A Nation’s True Test Comes After the Crisis.  Kudos to Lawrence W. Reed for reminding some of us what we may have forgotten and others who were never taught of why we are so very blessed to be Americans.

It is safe to say that Governor Andrew Cuomo should read Mr. Reed’s column.

It is also safe to say that government doesn’t need our permission to track our whereabouts since we readily give it to them  by using our cell phones.

Governor Cuomo, like Rahm (never let a crisis go to waste), Emanuel , has benefitted by the positive coronavirus crisis press coverage, but this article – Bursting the Cuomo bubble – reminds us that he is just an ordinary politician who  outwardly holds a steady hand while calculating his future, despite telling his brother on national tv that he has no desire to run for president.  If the Democratic National Convention asked him, would he say no?  I seriously doubt it.

We seldom, if ever, agree with editorials in the New York Times, however we will admit that today’s editorial, Keep It Simple, Albany. This Is No Time for Budget Games, makes some good points.  (Did anyone really think we would agree with all of it?)  We, like others, believe that important policy decisions should not be rolled into the budget.

Press stunts at briefings show how useless Fourth Estate has become.

Guy Benson’s Analysis: Trump Smart to Highlight American Businesses Joining Fight Against Coronavirus

Senators Merkley and Udall Tout Legislation that Hands Power to the Politicians.

IG Horowitz Found ‘Apparent Errors or Inadequately Supported Facts’ in Every Single FBI FISA Application He Reviewed.

Feminists’ ‘Equal Pay Day’ Compares Apples and Oranges.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Gov. Cuomo insists he has not considered running for president, if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

USNS Comfort, comforts New York.

Late on Friday, the United States lost a great a leading voice for limited and modest government and for fiscal rectitude former Senator Tom Coburn.  Here is how the Daily Signal remembers Sen. Coburn.

Now more than ever, leaders and governments need a moral compass.

15 Religious Leaders Share How to Hope During the Pandemic.

6 Things to Know About Anthony Fauci as He Helps Shape Response to Coronavirus.

Welcome, USNS Comfort!  You are a sight for New York’s eyes and a comfort to our overworked health care providers.

Trump on target with facts and help during the coronavirus crisis.

Majority back ‘full national shutdown,’ while Trump’s approval up with blacks and Hispanics: Poll.

Donald Devine writes in American Spectator about Trump’s Kiplingesque Coronavirus Leadership.

Joe Mahoney, writes in the Lockport Union -Sun and Journal that Cuomo vows to swing ax at state spending. The article explains how the progressives and fiscal hawks are all making their voices heard for their own agendas.  One thing is certain, New York was facing a $6 billion deficit prior to the economic catastrophe caused by the closing of businesses and requiring non-essential employees to work at home.  Simply put, the NYS Budget cannot add one additional penny to its budget, as it faces a loss of up to $15 billion due to the loss of income caused by government shutting down “non-essential” businesses.  The fiscal hawks must win this budget battle; if it doesn’t, New York will see an exodus that exceeds tenfold the one we have experienced in the last ten years.

Here is another comprehensive article on the NYS Budget crisis written by another longtime Albany reporter, Joseph Spector for the Democrat & Chronical today.   Needless to say, while NY is in dire financial straits, to pass the recreational use of marijuana in the budget, would be an unconscionable action by the Legislature.  Instead of seeing the sale of recreational marijuana as a partial panacea for its financial woes, the Members of the Legislature must consider the severe pitfalls of this Schedule 1 drug.

Bill Hammond writes in the NY Post that as coronavirus rages, Albany’s health-care taxes are simply inexcusable.

Ken Girardin explains in Empire Center article how the  Taylor Law ties up COVID response.

Mayor de Blasio’s 180 degree about face:  Bill de Blasio: NYC churches caught holding services during coronavirus may be ‘permanently’ closed and New Yorkers who break social distancing rules will now face fines up to $500.

While the chatter is all about Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s handling of the current coronavirus crisis, some are not fooled by his ability to manipulate the press.

New York State Legislature Moves to Vote Remotely.

Good to know some still have a sense of humor even in a crisis.  I wonder if the Governor shared the Gov. Cuomo Press Coverage Bingo card.

Ray Charles Sheds His Grace on America.

Chairman Kassar wraps up the weekly news on the coronavirus, Trump and Cuomo and the economics of the coronavirus crisis.

Chairman’s Note

 I want to first start this week’s wrap up by thanking doctors, nurses, EMT’S, medical professionals, first responders, truck drivers, grocery stores, pharmacies, and everyone else across New York State who has been on the front lines of this fight. I am eternally grateful for your perseverance. We are all, in one way or another, touched by this epidemic. My thoughts and prayers are with our great state.

 Coronavirus and What It Means for Candidates

 We are living through unprecedented times. Schools have been suspended, businesses across the state have been forced to close, and the Governor has ordered 100% of the non-essential workforce to remain at home in order to help “flatten the curve”, further preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Politically, it has disrupted our calendar, as well as the petition period, which was cut 16 days short. The good news is, the Conservative Party, and county leaders, did everything they needed to do to ensure the party runs a full slate of candidates for federal, state, and local offices. We are excited about our candidates statewide and want to reaffirm our commitment to them, and you, that once we have beaten the virus, we will be doing everything we can to help them get elected.

Discussions to postpone the April 28th Democratic primary to a date in June are ongoing as Board of Election Commissioners statewide are encouraging the Governor to act fast on pushing back the date.

“We have election workers who don’t want to work. We have polling places who don’t want us to be there. We have this stay at home order that we don’t know when that’s going to be lifted,” Onondaga BOE Democratic Deputy Commissioner Dustin Czarny said.

De Blasio Sputters as Trump, Cuomo Shine

In the midst of a public health crisis in New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio has once again proven his detractors right, he is not up to the job. At a time when the city needs a steady, calming voice to lead the way, the Mayor has fallen short and left NYC residents scrambling to President Trump and Governor Cuomo for answers.

The Mayor continues his attempt to lay blame at the feet of the President, but a recent NY Post article confirms what we already knew, de Blasio himself botched the city’s response to the Coronavirus epidemic from the very beginning, waiting until March 6 to begin ordering the essential supplies needed to fight the virus. Now, according to the article, his administration is in disarray, and not sure where to go.

There are a series of blunders the Mayor wishes he could have back, including this March 2 tweet, “Since I’m encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus, I thought I would offer some suggestions” de Blasio says, before going on to suggest going to the theatre to see a movie.

Meanwhile, President Trump and Governor Cuomo dominate the headlines. 60% of American’s approve of the President’s response to the health crisis, while Governor Cuomo is being touted as a potential Vice President pick of Joe Biden. Some going as far to suggest that the Governor should be the Democrats nominee for President this November. The President and Governor have often praised each other for their work on behalf of New Yorker’s, while both contradicting and minimizing the Mayor. I guess we can credit de Blasio with one thing; he has managed to bring President Trump and Governor Cuomo into thinking he is in over his head.

We are grateful for the excellent coordination that is being shown between the President and Governor. Their combined efforts are likely saving lives, and will hopefully shorten the duration of the virus. The Mayor, however, has been a miserable failure with his daily hysterical rantings, lack of leadership, and desire to politicize the crisis whenever he gets the chance.

Crisis and the Economy

 This crisis has presented a complicated scenario in which the economy cannot be allowed to crash, but cannot be allowed to operate as usual in the interest of Americans and their safety. That, alone, can have long term consequences that could compete with the dangers of the Coronavirus.

A much-needed boost was provided when the United States Senate and House passed the CARES Act, a relief bill – headed to the President for his signature – that will provide Americans, small businesses and large corporations who have been hurt, at no fault of their own, with much needed relief. The package includes $1,200 for Americans who make $75,000 or less, $2,400 per married couple, and $500 per child.

While I am no fan of the entire bill, which Democrats used as a slush fund for many other non-Coronavirus related items, I do realize there is a significant need to provide aid for the millions of Americans who have, and will continue, to lose their jobs.

The President has voiced his interest in re-opening many aspects of the economy on April 12 in areas that have not been greatly affected by the virus, but insists he will do so at the advice and consultation of White House Coronavirus task force experts, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, and others.

New York Times Tries to Spread Panic About Ventilators, Gets Epically Fact-Checked

Dr. Birx: Coronavirus Data Doesn’t Match The Doomsday Media Predictions

NY Times Front Page: Trump Cynically ‘Rewriting History’ to Save His Reelection

Coronavirus stimulus checks will come within three weeks, Mnuchin says

Pelosi hints at what Dems could include in next coronavirus bill

Look in the mirror de Blasio

Billionaire Who Helped Rehab Jeffrey Epstein’s Image Drops $1.5 Million to Boost Biden.


/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar wraps up the weekly news on the coronavirus, Trump and Cuomo and the economics of the coronavirus crisis.

Our great-great grandchildren will be paying for the Coronavirus Bill…will lessons be learned?

Yesterday’s daily update included this article  Cuomo: ‘Numbers don’t work’ in ‘terrible’ Senate stimulus package, in which Gov. Cuomo complained that New York was not getting enough money in the $2T “Coronavirus Bill.”  E.J. McMahon, writes in the Empire Center about how the stimulus bill treats NY.  While the rest of the nation swoons over Governor Cuomo’s handling of the ongoing coronavirus crisis, Mr. McMahon, rightfully points out the WSJ editorial  (subscription required) on the Bill and that Governor Cuomo’s “beef arises from his own more direct concern: a state government revenue shortfall he now estimates at $10 billion to $15 billion.”

The exodus from New York continues.  (In the above article where Gov. Cuomo says the numbers don’t work, Gov. Cuomo states “We’re not a big-spending state. I cut taxes every year,” Cuomo added. “I have the lowest growth rate of the state budget in modern political history. We are frugal and we are efficient,” which begs the question, why are New Yorkers still moving out of New York?)

Most government employees will not face the same economic problems that private employees will face as New York battles the coronavirus.  They have generous vacation and sick time that can be used during this medical emergency, with that being understood, it seems to be reasonable to postpone their 2% pay increase until New York regains its financial footing.

Transparency is an antiviral.

Fear Makes It Easy for Governments to Expand Power.

Then there is this:  The Wisdom of Trump’s 15 Days to Slow Spread of COVID-19.

Victor Davis Hanson: Trump can defeat coronavirus, save economy and turn disaster into an American victory.

So, Mr. Biden, what is your response to this article?  After Last Pandemic, Task Force Advised Obama to Avert Shortage of Masks.

Don’t let reasonable prison releases turn into a mass coronavirus jailbreak.

If you have a problem filing for unemployment, it is due to the overwhelming overload.

Practical coronavirus tips for civilians — and our leaders.

Removing Obstacles, Cutting Red Tape, and Staying Flexible in Responding to COVID-19.

And finally today, you are not imagining  that your computer is slower than usual:  Surging Traffic Is Slowing Down Our Internet (and crashing sites.)

Despite the record number of jobless claims, the stock market gained 1300 points!

Stay healthy!!


How long can the economy sustain social distancing?

President Donald J. Trump wants to get the economy back on track by Easter and as long as it is feasible it should be done.  The key word is feasible; President Trump understands that the economy matters and history has shown that panic has led to government “cures” that are worse than the disease.

Madam Speaker:  Energy Bailouts and Handouts Don’t Belong in Coronavirus Packages.

What We Know About Potential Treatments for COVID-19.

Say thanks to ‘greedy pharmaceutical companies’ — they’re our best coronavirus hope.

While everyone complains about the ever-increasing costs of prescription drugs, after learning about that many of our prescription drugs are manufactured in China, would people be willing to pay more knowing they are manufactured in America.  I certainly would.  Is US Too Dependent on China for Medical Supplies?

The Legacy of Americans in a Time of Crisis.

At this time, the market is up most likely based on the fact that there is an agreement on the “coronavirus bill”, however there is a new problem with the bill.   Four GOP Senators have a grave concern that there is a massive drafting error in the bill.  Read about it here.  Governor Andrew Cuomo says the bill would be “terrible” for New York State. Read more here.  BTW, Sen. Schumer is taking credit for the “coronavirus bill”.  Anyone surprised by his taking credit?

Fauci Scolds Media: Seriously, Stop Trying to Drive a Wedge Between President Trump and Me.

A Litany of Useless Laws Have Been Exposed by the Coronavirus.

Coronavirus and the Seventh Theorem of Government.

Another Roundup of Positive Updates on the COVID Outbreaks from Around the World.

New York State, already facing a budget huge deficit, should expect a bigger hole, according to State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli.

AOC’s Screed Against Billionaires Turns the Definition of Theft on Its Head.

A Body Without a Soul: Is That the State of Our Culture?

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Senator John Flanagan’s retirement.

For Immediate Release
March 25, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Senator John Flanagan’s retirement.

Brooklyn, NY — “John Flanagan has been a dedicated public servant for more than thirty years, as an assemblyman, senator, and senate leader. I have worked closely with him during those years and consider him a friend. The New York State Conservative Party thanks Senator Flanagan for his long service, and wishes him the best in all future endeavors.”

# # #


Is today’s medical pandemic creating tomorrow’s economic crisis?

A medical pandemic is, to say the least, a serious health problem that needs to be addressed. However, in doing what is right for those at risk, and those who do not know they have the virus, for carriers who do not get sick, and for everyone who breathes, government must realize that the economic fall out in doing all of what may be necessary, may bring about an economic crisis greater than the medical pandemic currently being faced.  In fact, government is well on its way to creating an economic crisis the likes of which may rival any previous one throughout our history.  Yes, government has an obligation to protect her citizens, but it also has a fiscal and moral obligation to not waste her revenues.  Americans and New Yorkers are strong individuals that will withstand this crisis and be that much stronger as we always have since the birth of our great nation.

E. J. McMahon explains in his column NYS Will Soon Need A Fiscal Ventilator.

Today’s NY Post editorial writes this:  NY lawmakers will pass a state budget, must stick to what’s necessary.  “The first instinct of the progressives who run the Legislature — hike taxes in the name of balancing the books — is guaranteed to make the economic picture worse, kicking average New Yorkers when they’re down.”

How Roman Central Planners Destroyed Their Economy.

Stimulus Spending Won’t Stop the Economic Fallout from the Coronavirus.

BREAKING: President Trump Announces Stricter Guidance for Gatherings, Bars and Restaurants.  Recommending no more than groups of 10

Do you think it may be time to buy stock in streaming companies?

David Kamioner reviews last nights’ debate between the two B’s, Biden and Bernie, for LifeZette.

Judge tossing NY’s public-campaign-finance law is a win for rule of law. It is rare when the NY Post and NY Daily News have editorials that agree on public campaign financing, but apparently, our lawsuit brought them together on the fact that such an expensive expenditure of public funds does not belong in the hands of non-elected officials and both editorials agree that Niagara County state Supreme Court Justice Ralph Boniello made the right decision.  Commission impossible: A judge upends the recommendations of a misbegotten state campaign finance panel.

Chairman Kassar wraps up the weekly news on winning our lawsuit against Governor Cuomo’s Commission on Public Financing, Joe Biden’s health and the coronavirus.

Conservative Party Defeats Governor Cuomo and Public Finance Commission

 Since day one, we’ve been saying the State Legislatures creating of a Public Finance Commission was an unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority. On Thursday, a Niagara Supreme Court judge agreed and ruled in our favor.

This is a big blow to the Governor who attempted to strip New Yorker’s of their right to vote for third parties, and reach further into the pockets of taxpayers through an unelected body of handpicked cronies.

“The Legislature established the commission and delegated to it the authority to create new law and to repeal existing law which is a function reserved solely to the Legislature under the constitution,” ruling Supreme Court Justice Ralph Boniello said. “The transgressions became final when the recommendations of the commission became law without further action by the Legislature,” he added.

This entire process was a total overreach by an overzealous Governor. This is a total victory for political freedom in New York, and a reminder to Governor Cuomo that he is an executive and not an emperor. Reason has won out over Machiavellianism, and New York State is better for it.

Joe Biden’s Big Primary Win

 Vice President Joe Biden enjoyed another successful batch of primaries Tuesday as he clinched huge victories in Mississippi, Missouri, Michigan, and Idaho. Bernie Sanders was victorious in only North Dakota, vastly underperforming from his 2016 numbers. It is clear that Sander’s success in 2016 was a complete rejection of Hillary Clinton, and not the political revolution that he had suggested.

While it appears Socialist Bernie Sander’s path to the nomination is all but over, there are still many important questions to be answered, including the health of Vice President Biden.

It is fair to question whether Biden is fit to serve as President. We all recall the mainstream liberal media and never trumper’s questioning whether or not Donald Trump was fit to serve in office, and President Trump has since proven to be in outstanding physical health according to White House Doctors.

At 77 years old, Biden is four years older than Reagan was during his 1984 re-election campaign. If elected, Biden will be 78 years old when sworn in, older than Reagan on his last day as President.

Biden has contributed to our concern as American citizens, he has repeatedly misspoken, forgotten where he was, shown an extreme lack of patience, and recently, forgot the words of the Declaration of Independence, saying “All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing.” He has also has declared himself a candidate for United States Senate, claimed he was arrested in South Africa for trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison, which his campaign admitted was not true, and most recently, was seen shuffling into his escort vehicle slowly and with the help of a staffer.

I do not find pleasure in watching the decline of Vice President Biden, but I am concerned that someone in cognitive decline is considered the Democratic front runner for President of the United States.


 As you are all aware, the state of New York is taking preventative measures to prevent the spread of the virus. It is imperative we all take the necessary precautions, and maintain sanitary conditions so not to spread the sickness to our neighbors.

Nationally, President Trump has restricted travel from European nations and at 3pm today, will issue a National State of Emergency to release $40 billion in aid. The President restricted travel from China, where the virus originated, on February 4th.

As of this writing, there are 421 confirmed cases of the virus statewide, but that number is expected to grow as testing continues.

Contrary to reports, the New York City Subway system remains open, but I do expect more preventative measures to be taken to minimize the spread of the virus.

For those petitioning, I have been in regular contact with GOP leadership of the state Legislature to push for a reduction in petition signature requirements. I am very hopeful that in the near future we will hear that our request has been granted.

I ask you remain prudent, but do not panic. Wash your hands, make sure to be mindful of the most vulnerable age group, and maintain sanitary conditions at all times.

FDA grants emergency approval for faster coronavirus test.

Democrats, Media Were the First to Raise Issues About Biden’s Cognitive Health.

MLB cancels remaining spring training games, delays opening day over coronavirus.

Approval of U.S. Congressional Republicans Tops Democrats.

Why Did Trump Ban Europe Travel?

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar wraps up the weekly news on winning our lawsuit against Governor Cuomo’s Commission on Public Financing, Joe Biden’s health and the coronavirus.

The Stock Market needs an anti-viral inoculation.

Kudos to the law team that went to bat for political freedom in New York.

Today is a good day to read Jim Geraghty article “A Pep Talk for America” published online yesterday in National Review.  It reminds us that we will get through this scary coronavirus crisis as we have gotten through everything else America has faced.

Staying calm and rational will win the war against coronavirus.

From the Daily Signal:  A Doctor Explains What You Need to Know About Coronavirus

Robert Knight opines on loony liberals spiral out of control over Supreme Court, Joe Biden, abortion and the coronavirus in the Washington Times.

Democrats’ family leave act unaffordable, inaccessible.

Seriously, for shame Patton Oswalt:   Patton Oswalt Imagines Trump Supporters Dying from Coronavirus.

America needs Washington to quit partisan bickering in face of coronavirus.

Coronavirus in NY: Gov. Cuomo bans gatherings of more than 500 people.

This article was published almost two years ago and every person who is a Bernie supporter should read it, perhaps even Bernie himself — for he also, does not appreciate all the good that capitalism truly does here in America and throughout the world. Here is another one for the Bernie Bro’s.

According to this, the Criminal Justice Reform Law is wreaking havoc on code enforcement as well is criminal justice.

Trump Considers Veto of FISA Reauthorization.

To brighten up your day:  Podiums At Next Debate To Be Equipped With Life Alert Buttons.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

Statement by New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on “Total Victory for Political Freedom in New York; Reason Has Won out Over Machiavellianism”

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement by New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on “Total Victory for Political Freedom in New York; Reason Has Won out Over Machiavellianism”

March 12, 2020

“Today’s court decision confirms what the State Conservative Party has maintained since day one: Governor Cuomo’s Public Finance Commission had no Constitutional right to make or amend state law. This was a total overreach by an overzealous governor, and we are grateful that the Court acted to protect the political and First Amendment rights of New Yorkers and the parties with which they choose to affiliate. This is a total victory for political freedom in New York, and a reminder to Governor Cuomo that he is an executive and not an emperor. Reason has won out over Machiavellianism, and New York is better for it.”


/ In CPNYS NEWS, Press Release / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Statement by New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on “Total Victory for Political Freedom in New York; Reason Has Won out Over Machiavellianism”