As oil prices plunge, it becomes more evident that our economy is also suffering from COVID-19.

Andrew Cuomo owes a genuine back-to-work plan to New Yorkers.

New York seeks $4B loan from US to cover unemployment tab.

Anticipating a $100 million dollar loss, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez And Jerry Nadler Want $4 Billion In Coronavirus Funding for Museums, even while the museum has a $3.6 billion endowment.  Any wonder why people are frustrated with government spending, especially now, when government is supposed to be helping small businesses that could be forced to permanently close because they do not have endowments.

As if your blood pressure wasn’t elevated enough by the above article, this will make it go up even more:  Wealthy Harvard gets a bailout — while the rest of us struggle. (BTW, here is an interesting article critiquing Harvard’s report on homeschooling you may have missed:  Five Things Harvard’s Critique of Homeschooling Gets Wrong.) Far too many politicians have forgotten what it is like to walk in their constituents’ shoes.

Constitutional Rights and Voluntary Action Are the Keys to Beating COVID-19.

COVID-19 Recovery Panel Suggests Path for ‘Expeditious’ Return to Work.

Nearly 3 in 4 fear losing personal liberties because of coronavirus: Poll

Criminalizing Protests Is a Dangerous Idea.

Fighting for Liberty in the Age of COVID-19.

Government should be limited — even during a pandemic.

Coronavirus protests test Facebook’s free speech pledges.

No Gain, Lots of Pain.

File this under “really good news” A Remarkable Leap Forward.

Dictator? Trump understands limits to his power better than press does.

The 2016 election scandal waiting to break.

Congress and White House Reach a Deal on Additional Paycheck Protection Funding.

Why the price of oil matters to all of us (with a touch of humor.)

Oil prices continue plunge as coronavirus keeps market in a chokehold.

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman on Universal Absentee Ballots

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman on Universal Absentee Ballots

April 21, 2020

“Universal absentee ballots for the upcoming New York primaries and special elections may sound like a voting solution during this ongoing health crisis, but it is an unconstitutional measure that would open up New York to rampant voter fraud potential. Governor Cuomo’s initial plan to allow universal absentee ballot applications was the right one due to the special circumstances during this crisis.

“Absentee ballots are inherently insecure voting documents — anyone can mail them back in to the Board of Elections — and universally distributing them would be both prohibitively risky and a flagrant violation of New York’s Constitution.

“The New York State Conservative Party urges Governor Cuomo to employ the solution he initially proposed, and to open a limited number of polling sites for anyone wishing to vote in person. By allowing all New Yorkers to apply for and cast absentee ballots, the integrity of our upcoming elections will be better secured.”


Speaker Pelosi must really think Americans are incredibly unintelligent people.

From the Gatestone Institute:  Coronavirus: WHO Director Has a Long History of Cover-Ups.

I find it fascinating that liberal democrats are complaining that President Trump appears to support some Americans that believe some governors have overstepped their interpretation of sheltering in place to combat COVID-19.  Many are the very same governors who ignore the United States Constitution by declaring their state is a sanctuary state or allowing counties and cities to become a sanctuary places.  Should we now believe that public health edicts have replaced the US Constitution?  There is no doubt that taking the advice of those who are dedicated to public health, who made an informed decision, undoubtedly saved lives when they advised President Trump to close non-essential businesses.  But did they consider the economic costs of doing so?  Every life has value and every precaution should be taken to save lives; the question becomes how long can our country survive with public health advocates being the prime voices heard by those who must protect every life?  Until the country gets back to “normal” events like, Gridlock Buffalo, will continue,  Unless, of course, the progressive movement- disguised as social media –  takes over the US Constitution.

If you didn’t have a chance to hear New York’s  condescending Governor Andrew Cuomo today, you can listen to his press event here as he plans to make changes we couldn’t/wouldn’t do prior to CONVID-19.  I really do not understand why he thinks all New Yorkers are unable to make the right decisions and that he is the only one that can decide what is best.  At one press event he said we should know “just the facts”.  Governor take your own advice, just give us the facts.  Maybe it is time these press events should be every third day or so…or if something really unusual comes about…as it is getting to be a blame everyone but me event.

Governor Cuomo, at the very least, please read this before your next press event on COVID-19: The Challenges of Forecasting the Spread and Mortality of COVID-19.

This had been reported last week, but it did not include the firms ties with CCP.  Did Governor Cuomo know this when he hired McKinsey & Company to help him develop the plan to reopen New York?  If not, why not?

City-Journal examines how Apple and Google could help in search of total virus awareness.

Israeli Professor Shows Virus Follows Fixed Pattern.

How unintelligent does Speaker Pelosi think we are?  Pelosi Denies Downplaying Coronavirus by Inviting People to ‘Come to Chinatown’ in February, Claims She Was Fighting ‘Discrimination’

Reasonable explanation, if one doesn’t suffer from TDS.    Liz Peek: Coronavirus reopening – Democrats resisting for this reason

Trump’s reelection hopes likely hinge on coronavirus rebound.

3 Reasons Why States Shouldn’t Get a Congressional Bailout.

Governor Cuomo, shouldn’t you have a better handle on this?  How pension ‘double dippers’ exploit New York’s taxpayers.  Isn’t it about time to end this unreasonable, expensive, and downright morally reprehensible practice that taxpayers are forced to fund, while many of them have no pension programs or have pensions that have gone bankrupt.

Where have all the statesmen gone?

Governor Cuomo, like President Trump, makes himself available daily since the COVID-19 crisis has dominated the news and for most part both men are informative regarding the health crisis.  I do believe transparency gives those not involved in process a better understanding of why government has asked its citizens to do certain things like social distancing, wearing face masks and closing businesses.

Governor Cuomo’s update – other than the repetitiveness and condescending tone – was insightful into the Governor’s thought process – why we are still in lockdown until May 15, the need to coordinate with surrounding states and his absolute need to blame others.  Gov. Cuomo did acknowledge that the federal government (President Trump) was helpful in many instances, but still needs money.

Governor Andrew Cuomo is very much like his father Mario Cuomo.  When you listen to him speak, at first, he uses praise; then immediately he cuts his knees off.  Andrew Cuomo relishes his role, as a democrat leader, to do all he can to destroy the opposition.  Gov. Cuomo’s less than subtle sarcasm, in thanking President Trump was disingenuous, and proves that he cannot take any criticism.  He was quick to state that his needs were dependent on the administrations’ projections from the early models.  (Weren’t those numbers dependent on what was reported to them…and wasn’t/isn’t  NY at the epicenter?)  Gov. Cuomo was very prepared to criticize the Trump Administration with his power point presentation.  You can watch the hour and half presentation here.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo laments that the states are not getting any funding for their lack of having an adequate rainy-day fund.  What absolutely amazed me was when Governor Cuomo’s power point presentation showed this quote: “Don’t pass the buck without passing the bucks,” A. J. Parkinson. (this quote begins at the 16:42 mark of the above link.)

Governor Cuomo should remember this quote when he places unfunded mandates on counties in New York State.

How long will it be before Governor Cuomo and US Attorney General William Barr have a dispute about religious freedoms?  While I respect CE Moss, I think his enforcement of the Gov. Cuomo’s Executive Order is unfortunately too strict.  Government does not have the right to deny a person the right to practice their religion…certainly not in America which was founded on religious freedom.  People can socially distance in a Church, parking lot or a drive-in movie theater, but not allowing them this freedom is just plain overstepping governments role.

One more thought on Governor Cuomo today, did you know that New York state hires McKinsey to create science-based, ‘Trump-proof’ plan for the safe economic reopening?   (Do a Google search on McKinsey & Co. if you are not familiar with what the company is noted for.)  Knowing New York is facing an extreme loss of income, why isn’t Governor Cuomo taking his own advice, as noted in his press conference, about not spending money he doesn’t have?  Doesn’t he have the best and brightest staff?

How Far Can the Government Restrain Citizens’ Lives During COVID-19? What You Need to Know.


Canada’s Government-Run Health Care Buckles Under COVID-19.

Even leading conservatives do not agree on how to resolve the COVID-19 crisis.

Kudos to Nurse Tommye Austin.  Don’t you just love American ingenuity!

Is it time to rethink the need of a college education in today’s collegiate world?  After reading this article, you should.  Another article, this one penned by Heather MacDonald, what should be read before sending your child into a possible den of iniquity.

From the Washington Times:  Horowitz report is enough to make J. Edgar Hoover blush.

From the Heartland Institute:  THE GREEN NEW DEAL’S RENEWABLE ENERGY MINING WOULD HARM HUMANS AND THE ENVIRONMENT  (What the title leaves out is how it would also help China.)

How Major Democratic Group Received $100,000 in Chinese Government-Linked Tech Firm Stock.

Gov. Cuomo to Employers in New York: Stay closed for another month.

David Keene, a keen observer of those who practice politics, writes an astute article about politically ambitious people.  Ambitious politicians like Cuomo and Whitmer try to out-perform Trump.

Resentment grows as governors pile on rules for reopening economy.

Confronting the Leviathan of the COVID-19 Crisis.

Beijing Biden is not the leader we need amidst the COVID-19 crisis.

Sorry, Joe Biden: Barack Obama’s endorsements have a huge record of failure

Guy Benson: Documents Show China Knew About Coronavirus Human-to-Human Transmission While Denying It to the World

Tom Cotton: If Wuhan Coronavirus Escaped from a Lab, China is Responsible for Every Death and Lost Job.

On 4 Fronts, How China Quietly Infiltrates American Life.

National Review:  Trump Is Right about the WHO.

WHO Chief Said Coronavirus Could Be ‘Controlled Easily’ and Praised Xi’s ‘Personal Leadership’

Mr. President:  when you finish with WHO, please begin on the UN.

The Empire Center’s, E. J. McMahon, writes that NY’s outlook is worse than 2008-2009.

Gov. Cuomo extends NY coronavirus shutdown to May 15 as deaths pass 12,000.

Have you ever wondered why younger Americans have come “to believe that their nation is among the most culpable and unjust entities in human history?”  This article – A Radical Pseudo-historian Meets His Match – will help you understand why…and what you can do to counteract the misinformation that far too many schools promote.

John R. Lott, Jr. writes Heed Jimmy Carter on the Danger of Mail-In Voting.

Capitalism to the Rescue.

Rafael A. Mangual, writes in the City-Journal that New York’s criminal justice reform is not quite fixed and many of the holes remain unplugged.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

“Total authority” President Trump’s poor choice of words that the media is exploiting with glee.

Yesterday, I had hope that two prominent politicians finally called a “time-out,” but, I should have not been so optimistic.  The bickering continues and unfortunately it is escalating.

I watch President Trump’s press briefings most every night as I have often advocated that unless you see and hear things for yourself, you will not know the whole situation.  Watching these press briefings for myself has become quite an education.  As I go through articles (the next day) for the daily update, I am amazed how the main stream media reports the briefings.  Yesterday was no exception.  This blog will not get into the glaring misrepresentations regularly made, but needless to say, yesterday produced a hullabaloo that continues to stir the pot.

Governor Cuomo says “we don’t have a king, we have a president.”  While it is accurate that President Trump did say he has “total authority” (after being pressed pigheadedly by a reporter) he never said he would demand that states reopen on his schedule.  President Trump consistently said that a decision would be made in consultation with experts from the medical, business and other areas impacted by the shutdown.  That didn’t stop Governor Andrew Cuomo from taking one misrepresented quote to castigate President Trump.  This from a Governor that had the Legislature give him carte blanche to rule as he sees fit  (can you say “total authority”) during this COVID-19 crisis.  While the Governor’s press conferences heap praise on him, at least one Albany reporter has the courage to say Governor Cuomo’s and Mayor de Blasio’s response was not as effected as London Breed (Mayor of San Francisco) and Gavin Newsome’s  (Governor of California) were.

Governor Andrew Cuomo is also in a tit-for-tat with Mayor de Blasio, this time over the NYC Schools.  As today’s NY Post editorial points out that Governor Cuomo indicated that “every locality can’t make separate independent decisions during a state emergency.”   So, Governor Cuomo believes “every locality can’t make separate independent decisions during a state emergency” but castigates President Trump for saying he has total authority?

Am I the only one who sees Governor Cuomo’s inconsistencies (not to mention the blatant differences in reporting on President Trump and Gov. Andrew Cuomo) and the fact that he is the common denominator in these political vendettas?

Conrad Black writes in the NY Sun:  Time Approaches For Trump To Act To Open Economy.

Surprise, surprise.  (The surprise is that he admits editing the article.)  NY Times Editor Admits Editing Article on Biden Sexual Assault Allegation After Campaign Complained

From the Washington Times:  Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

Is this really news?  Obama Breaks Long Silence on Presidential Race, Endorses Biden.

Charles Hurt brings a little levity to a very serious subject.

Sending More Money to States Could Make Their Budget Problems Worse.  Adam Michael nails it with this one sentence: “They create incentives for state governments to act recklessly in hopes or expectation of future bailouts.”

Governor Cuomo knows New York has a budget deficit that will be more than anticipated due to the COVID-19 crisis, yet, the Governor is about to begin running up charges on that $11 billion credit card the Legislature handed the governor in this years’ budget.  Read more about it in E. J. McMahon’s column here.

Everyone loves rainbows, NYC had a specular one last night.

Did two prominent politicians just called a time out?

David Kennedy, a professor of history at Stanford University, had this to say about our current economic crisis: “I’m cautiously optimistic that the economic effects will be severe but not nearly as long-lasting as the Great Depression…” and I am certain every American is praying that he is right.  Read the rest of the article here.

Personally, this should be a bipartisan effort and pass unanimously.  After Coronavirus, Marco Rubio Wants to Make Drugs in America Again.

From the Heritage Foundation, written by Robert Moffit and Doug Badger:  Defeating COVID-19—What Policymakers Can Do to Change the Conditions on the Ground.

Thank you, Larry O’Connor, someone had to say it.

Daniel Kowalski writes in the Foundation for Economic Education that the Soviet Union began as a democratic experiment in socialism.  Send this article if you know people who are thinking about voting for the presumed democratic presidential nominee, especially since Bernie Sanders formally endorsed him.   Biden’s fracking ban will derail environmental and economic gains.  And this was before the Sander’s endorsement, can’t help but wonder what other Sander issues Biden will incorporate into his campaign.

What Universal Health Care looks like:  Coronavirus: Elderly Europeans Denied Treatment

Rights and Non-Rights: A Simple Way to Distinguish the Two.

So wise.  Thomas Jefferson: Liberty and Power.

Coronavirus Crisis Should Spur Innovative Solutions, Not Government Takeovers.

Potential for Fraud Is Why Mail-in Elections Should Be Dead Letter.

Today’s NY Post editorial:  Daniel Vargas is whom NOT to release from prison amid coronavirus crisis.

Unfortunately, this article New York’s Incurable Spenders is behind the WSJ’s pay wall.

Is it any wonder why his brother keeps asking him?  Cuomo, northeastern governors announce ‘coordinated’ regional effort to reopen amid coronavirus.

Say what?  I think President Trump and Governor Cuomo have given themselves a “time-out.”  Let’s hope it lasts.  ‘He Has Delivered for New York’: Cuomo Praises Trump’s Coronavirus Response.

Nicole Gelinas has some good suggestions for the post-quarantine city.

Governor Andrew Cuomo should have thought ahead when he closed businesses in New York.

Desperate New Yorkers struggle to file for unemployment. How NY is trying to fix it.  For the last few weeks numerous news outlets have reported on the failure of the Department of Labor to process unemployment insurance claims.  Governor Cuomo asks for patience and understanding as the system is overloaded and they are working with Google to “fix” the problems.  Question for Governor Cuomo – as a self-proclaimed micromanager, couldn’t you have foreseen this when you used your executive powers to close non-essential businesses?  Seriously, what did you thing would happen when you told people they couldn’t go to work, couldn’t open their small businesses, that essentially, they would have no income.  Did it ever occur to the micromanager-in-chief that the Dept. of Labor, wouldn’t be able to handle the overwhelming flood of requests?  Did he even inquire if it could?  If not, why not?  Had he simply asked the question, Gov. Cuomo, could have asked New Yorkers to hold off applying for 2 weeks, while explaining why (system upgrade) and reassure the public that the applicants would be eligible from the first day of his Executive Order to stay home.  People would understand that a system upgrade is necessary; and it would not have taken as long to do, because people would not be trying to access it.  Gov. Andrew Cuomo may be getting high marks from the press, but does he really deserve them since he dropped the ball when it comes to really helping people.  Granted, Gov. Cuomo has a lot to juggle; a little thought about how an antiquated system would serve the needs of those he forced to be unemployed would have gone a long way to alleviate the frustration and fear of being without any income.

Empire Center’s E. J. McMahon is reporting that Gov. Cuomo is freezing state employees pay increases at this time.  With the economy tanking and the budget deficit growing every day, it is a necessary step that I’m sure most employees understand.

This headline would be music to our ears, if only the reasons they are stalling it were for the right reasons:  Senate Dems Stall Trump’s $250 Billion Small Business Relief Package, Demand Targeting for Minority-Owned Businesses.  As fiscal conservatives, the act of adding more debt is abhorrent, however, adding more debt for identity politics reaches the apex of political discourse.  What happened to “we are all in this together?”

Here is a good column to read by one of my favorite authors, Walter E. Williams;  Manipulation Through Racial Hoaxes.

The Constitution Doesn’t Mean Whatever Judges Think It Does.

This Congressman Wants to End US Reliance on Pharmaceutical Products from China. Here’s How.  (I think he will/should have a lot of bi-partisan support for this bill.)

Everything You Need to Know About China and Its Handling of COVID-19.

Charles Hurt writes in the Washington Times that Bernie Sanders fought the law and the law won.

This headline explains, in part, why the country is so divided.  Think of the good that $20 million could do during the coronavirus crisis: research, distributing medicine to clinics in poor neighborhoods, filling food pantries, providing tablets to students, distributing masks, helping the homeless, helping those who lost their jobs, there are so many ways to help, but they would rather attack than help.  Thankfully there a hundreds of thousand others who remember the real American spirit.

Presidential Prayers: Turning to God in Times of Need.

The most solemn Christian Holydays began today.  Easter, the most joyous day in the Christian calendar reminds us all that no matter how dark our journey may be at times, it is God’s footprints in the sand.   He is the one carrying us…all we have to do is ask Him.

May the peace and hope of the Easter Joy carrying you through this current crisis as He carried you through the sand.

We will be back on Monday.

Speaker Pelosi as you have never seen her.

Even Facing A Pandemic, New York State Remains in The Grip of The Green Movement.

The Chief examines the politics behind the  Campaign-Finance Bill, Small-Party Hardball Wind Up in Budget.

Ken Girardin exposes the truth – State knew of UI shortcoming  – if you have been furloughed from your job, you, unfortunately, have experienced the shortcomings; your stress level is increased due to this inability to access the unemployment insurance you have been promised.  This article will only add to your stress level, but it is important for all to know, how big government has never been about helping the everyday citizen; progressive governments’ empty promises are only made to gain their votes, then they are quickly tossed aside while they serve their master.

Another boondoggle stuffed in the NYS Budget.

Heritage Foundation Launches National Coronavirus Recovery Commission.

Charles Hurt opines in today’s Washington Times that Trump should stick to his assembly of experts — with extreme caution.

This is who presidential candidate, Joe Biden, is vetting as his VP:  While Whitmer attacks Trump, Michigan suffers from her miscues during COVID-19 crisis.

Nancy Pelosi as you have never seen her before—honest:


Ned Ryun opines in American Greatness about Our Crooked Congress.

FBI’s Failure to Be ‘Scrupulously Accurate’ With FISA Information Undermines Public Trust and the Process.

The Black Death and the Coronavirus: Lessons from the 14th Century.

In the Spirit of Tocqueville.

From Drafting Doctors to Stealing Equipment, Politicians Violate the Limits of a Free Society.

Stuck at Home? Read about the History of Liberty.

Unbelievable, the main-street-media really did go there.

Social Media: Great when it works; frustrating when it doesn’t.

Social media is normally a wonderful way to get yours and our messages out to the general public.  Our Facebook page is a great way to communicate with others and gives the Conservative Party a way to let you know what we are doing.  If you haven’t stopped by the Party’s Facebook Page recently, please do so today and click on our Video section where you will find how our Conservative endorsed candidates for Congress are helping out during the current coronavirus crisis.

(As I noted, social media is normally a wonderful way to communicate with others, until a bump in the road prevents you to access your account.  Three weeks ago, we were locked out of Twitter (@cpnys) with no explanation.  I have tried my best to contact Twitter; the only response is an auto response telling me to access the code sent to my smart phone and/or email address.  It has been 3 very long weeks with no code being sent to either place.  If anyone knows how to resolve this, it would be appreciated.  BTW their phone # 415-222-9670 only refers you to the website, that I have been contacting for 3 weeks.  Thanks for any suggestions.)

Speaking of things not working properly – while I certainly do understand that the number of applications are overwhelming – and no one ever anticipated government closing most non-essential businesses – it really is unbelievable that their technology is so outdated.  Government is not spending wisely, but there is nothing new about that fact.

New York’s new budget is all about denial.   Note the last sentence of the last paragraph: The one saving grace is that Cuomo & Co. didn’t raise taxes as New York heads into recession.  But if the same crew is running the Legislature after this fall’s elections, you can bet it’ll be their first resort next year.” (emphasis added.)

Joe Mahoney writes in Politico how Albany’s balance of power tilts back to the governor.  “Every major bill legislators have passed this session increased the powers of New York’s governor, an office that political scientists already considered to be one of the country’s most powerful.”  Based on that observation by Mr. Mahoney, I think the taxpayers of New York could save the entire costs of the Legislature and just elect the Governor since they willingly ceded their obligations to him.

E. J. McMahon and Ken Girardin have their own analysis of the budget: Amid Covid, a shaky state budget.

While some seem to praise the changes to the Criminal Justice Bill, former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton has some harsh criticism for them.

CNN explains how to make a face-mask if you are so inclined to do.

How Capitalism Is Helping US Defeat COVID-19.

Free People Take Responsibility and Solve Problems.

Robert Knight writes about the best, the bad and the ugly during the COVID-19 pandemic in today’s Washington Times.

Jesse Watters:  Media’s coronavirus hypocrisy

Investigating China’s Coronavirus Propaganda Wildfire.

Katie Pavlich writes in —  Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus.

Guy Benson writes in —  Good News: Influential Model Shows Deaths and Bed Shortage Projections Falling, With Less-Severe Peaks Adjusted Forward.

Chairman Kassar’s wrap up includes the NYS Budget, Conservative Candidates and a note of thanks to all who continue to give of themselves during the coronavirus crisis.

New York Passes ‘Political Budget’ at Exactly the Wrong Time

The state budget passed with less public and legislative input than at any other time in New York State history.   Governor Andrew Cuomo should have pigeonholed controversial items in his budget and moved them into the regular legislative session where they belong and could be vigorously debated.

In times of crisis, politics has to take a backseat to pragmatism, and that sadly didn’t occur in Albany this week. While members were away from the chamber and reform advocates were sequestered in their homes, billions of dollars of new borrowing was green-lighted; some small political parties were all but eradicated in New York; a taxpayer-paid campaign system was created; new financial burdens were placed on small business owners, and a massive $3-billion bond issue was approved for the November ballot, among other things. What else the governor stuffed into this budget we will soon find out.

Thankfully, the Conservative Party of New York State is strong, in good standing, and will survive the recommendations suggested by the Public Financing Commission. Our party will continue to operate as normal, our candidates will be on the ballot, and we will far surpass the vote threshold needed to maintain our spot on row C.

Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, virtually no budget debate took place in Albany in the days leading up to the budget’s passage. Senators and assembly members were not present in their respective chambers and votes were taken remotely.

I am also disappointed that judges were deprived of the right to use discretion in determining whether to require cash bail from those arrested for crimes. Law enforcement leaders and prosecutors begged the governor and state legislature to give judges that discretion. Governor Cuomo’s budget further deprived localities of the right to require approval for certain energy development projects, making a mockery of local zoning laws and effectively eliminating “home rule.”

We are looking at a policy-driven budget of misstarts and overreaches, and New Yorkers will pay dearly for it.

Conservative Party Candidates

We are proud to be running a full slate of candidates this November for Congress, State Senate, and State Assembly. The pandemic has interfered with seemingly every aspect of life, including campaigns. While we must suspend all person-to-person campaigning for the safety of our residents, these tough times will pass, and we will be dependent on you more than ever for support.

This year’s budget is yet another example of why we must continue to remember our Congressional, Senate and Assembly candidates, and promote them the best we can.

I ask that you continue to use social media to share some of the great things our candidates are doing for their community, as well as highlight their policies and platforms that would be a vast improvement to what continues to come out of Albany; wasteful spending, dangerous bail reform, and pick pocketing tax payers.

When our quarantine is lifted and we return to life as normal, I ask you to support through volunteering, financial support, and most importantly, your vote.

Chairman’s Note

I want to continue to remember and thank all our essential frontline workers. I believe I speak for everyone when I say we are proud of our medical professionals, our first responders those continuing to supply medications, groceries, and other essential items every day.

I would also like to thank our United States military and National Guard who have mobilized in New York to provide much needed relief. The USNS Comfort arrived this week in New York City providing 1,000 additional beds, and Samaritans Purse has constructed hospital facilities in the Upper East Side in partnership with Mt. Sinai Hospital.

I am extremely grateful for all the organizations that have come together to care for our sick and help prevent the further spread of COVID-19.

Continue to practice social distancing and maintain sanitary conditions so that we can flatten the curve and return to normal routines.

The Second Amendment Was Made for Coronavirus

Biden’s Virtual Town Hall Goes Haywire with Audio Issues, Joe Wandering Off Screen

FAQ on Federal Coronavirus Relief Bill (CARES Act)

Trump fires back at Schumer over coronavirus criticism: ‘No wonder AOC is thinking about running against you’

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s wrap up includes the NYS Budget, Conservative Candidates and a note of thanks to all who continue to give of themselves during the coronavirus crisis.

Governor Cuomo should adopt Sir Francis Bacon’s sound advice.

E. J, McMahon honest assessment of this year’s budget crisis: NY lawmakers letting Cuomo make all tough budget decisions — when he gets to it. Governor Cuomo is a micromanager, a blessing and a curse, and while the legislators have given him the ability to do so expand his control over the budget, albeit, for this year only, Governor Cuomo does not like to cede control once it is handed to him on even if on a tarnished silver platter.  And has been proven through the years, the legislators, continue to abdicate their responsibilities by  allowing major issues that should stand alone (for example the Criminal Justice Reform adopted in last year’s budget – see related article below) to be passed after a floor debate and vote and not rushed through in budget bills that have little or no time to be methodically reviewed.

How state greed kept this coronavirus-fighting gift from being even larger.

Sorry, New York: They failed to truly fix the no-bail law.

Philadelphia’s Only Surging Industry.  Is Philadelphia’s progressive movement a harbinger of New York’s future?

With so much on Governor Cuomo’s tarnished silver platter, he still tries to silence those who do not agree with him:  Previously Struck Down in Court, New State Campaign Finance System and Political Party Ballot Thresholds Passed in Budget.  Flashback:  Andrew Cuomo, who said conservatives aren’t welcome in his state, lectures on need to tone down rhetoric.  Again, buried in a budget bill, Governor Cuomo places limits on New Yorker’s freedom of association and speech.  The Commission he created last year to quash minor parties, was struck down by a Supreme Court Judge, but that hasn’t deterred his quest to silent his critics.  Governor, you may be riding high now, but the higher you ride, the deeper you fall.  The Conservative Party came before you and will continue long after you are gone.  Quick question Governor:  if you are so certain you are right about everything, why the need to suppress the First Amendment?  Obviously, Gov. Cuomo is not a student of Sir Francis Bacon who said,” This is certain, that a man that studieth revenge, keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal, and do well.”

Biden Super PAC Joins Forces with David Brock Group to Form $175 Million Anti-Trump Coalition.  I can’t help but think how much good this coalition could do if it wasn’t blinded by resentment over losing to a man not from the political class.

World Health Organization Spends Twice as Much on Travel as on Medical Supplies.

Tammy Bruce reminds us when you are the best at what you do; both sides want, respect and listen to your expertise and that blind resentment even in a time of crisis sometimes colors the opposition’s judgment.

School budget votes in state delayed until at least June 1.

When Can Life Return to Normal? 4 Signs to Monitor.

In Dark Times, Human Cooperation Shines Brighter Than Government Coercion.

Stuck at Home? The Best 18 ‘Armchair Travel’ Opportunities From 7 Continents.