Chairman Kassar’s weekly topics are the nursing home crisis, defunding police and his candidate spotlight is on Andrew Garbarino.

Continued Calls for Independent Investigation Into NY Nursing Home Crisis

This week the Conservative Party formally called on the United States Attorney General William Barr to launch an independent investigation into why New York State has suffered over 6000 nursing home deaths attributed to COVID-19.

The Governor, under pressure from families, the media, elected officials, and political leadership, acknowledged the problem by calling for the NYS Department of Health and the State Attorney General to investigate. The Conservative Party takes exception with the State investigating itself. We firmly believe that both the NYS Attorney General and the Commissioner of Health are political functionaries lacking the ability to act independently particularly when the Governor’s actions are a likely target of any investigation.”

The Conservative Party was an early proponent of an independent federal investigation, launching an on-line petition that almost 2000 people signed and a social media campaign that received over 35,000 interactions supporting a federal investigation into this horrific crisis in our nursing homes.

We will continue to demand action and answers as to why thousands of New Yorker’s were put directly into harm’s way at the order of the Governors Department of Health.

A copy of the petition is here. The letter to Attorney General William Barr is here. A copy of the Commissioner’s memo is here.

New York City Council Begins Steps to Defund NYPD

Not long ago, the New York City Council was in support of pay raises for the men and women of the NYPD. Fast forward a few months, and those same council members are working to defund that same police department.

41 City Council members signed a letter in support of pay raises which was sent to lame duck Mayor Bill de Blasio just months ago. Now, the Mayor vows to cut funding to the officers who ran toward danger on September 11, 2001, and the December 11, 2017 attempted bombing of the Port Authority.

In May, the Working Families Party and Communities United for Police Reform, called for New York City to redirect NYPD funds to other city social service programs. City Council member, and Panderer in Chief, Brad Lander, proposed a NYPD hiring freeze, while Council member Donovan Richards, head of public safety, called for $55 million in cuts solely to the cadet program and overtime.

City Council Speaker Johnson favors cutting the $6 billion NYPD budget and decreasing officers involvement in NYC schools. Members of the council have proposed cuts between 5 and 15 percent, which would gut the department anywhere between $300 million and $1 billion, changing the NYPD and all the good they do as we know it.

A defunding of the NYPD will certainly come with major consequences. As of this writing, murder is up 25.4%, shooting victims are up 22.1%, shooting incidents are up 22.2%, and burglary is up 47% according to the city’s CompStat crime tracking website.

The department is also prepping itself for a dramatic increase in the number of retirements, and officers prepared to move on to different careers, due to the lack of support from the Mayor’s office and City Council. There have already been 800 disheartened officers who have filed retirement applications or made appointments to discuss retirement within the last month.

Not long ago, New York City was amongst the most dangerous cities in America. In 1990, during the Dinkins administration, 2,245 people were murdered. Mayor Giuliani was elected in 1993, and by 1995 those numbers were cut in half. In Giuliani’s final year as Mayor in 2001, the city had become one of the safest places to visit in the world.

It is my fear that reducing the NYPD’s funding and man power, there will be a significant spike in violent crimes that plagued the city in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

 Candidate Spotlight Andrew Garbarino NY2

Representing the South Shore of Long Island in the New York State Assembly since 2013, Andrew has been fighting Governor Cuomo’s liberal machine that wants to raise taxes, and move more control of our business and personal lives to Albany. He has fought Cuomo’s so-called “bail reform” scheme that allows MS-13 members to walk free, and stood up to his crazy idea of giving drivers’ licenses to illegal immigrants.

Andrew has hosted a task force on the heroin and opioids epidemic, listening to those fighting disease and addiction, and helping to provide them with care and support. Additionally, he has always fought for veterans across New York State restoring $6 million in funding for veteran programming.

To learn more, get involved, or donate, visit his website here.

Trump vows executive order to address law enforcement use of force, but slams ‘Defund The Police’ movement

Biden Dropped $4.7 Million on Facebook Ads in June While Decrying ‘Misinformation’ on Platform

 BREAKING: Twitter Admits China Used Nearly 200,000 Fake Accounts To Influence Politics, 150x More Than Russia

Report: SC National Guard members found glass baked into pizza they ordered during DC protests

 Republicans pick Jacksonville as alternative convention site


/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly topics are the nursing home crisis, defunding police and his candidate spotlight is on Andrew Garbarino.

Hypocrisy, thou hast so many names; Andrew, Nancy, Joe…

C. Douglas Love’s book —We Want EQUALITY – How the Fight for Equality Gave Way to Preference – was released almost two years ago and at the recommendation of a friend (Thank you, Jameson) I just ordered it. I’m contemplating purchasing another copy to send to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, however, I know it would be a waste of money to send it to her, Al Sharpton wouldn’t read it either. Unfortunately, all those who should be reading it are pandering snowflakes incapable of hearing the truth.

Speaking of pandering people (Speaker Pelosi) one has to wonder why the Speaker and many others wear the Kente Cloth scarves in tribute to African Americans.  Do they know that Kente cloth originated with the Ashanti in West Africa (now Ghana and Cote d’ivoire) and that the Ashanti tribe was the largest slave trader in Africa.  So, the same people who want to destroy every Confederate statute, flag, and symbol of slavery in America, promote scarves from the Ashanti tribe.  Hypocrisy or the result of not being a student of history?

This young gentleman on Instagram makes sense.  Thank you, Joel Patrick.

Would someone please explain to me how this helps?  ‘Black Lives Matter’ painted near Andrew Cuomo’s office in Albany.  It isn’t only Albany; this is happening all over.  Shouldn’t the taxpayer’s money being used be put to better uses?  Maybe it isn’t taxpayers’ money, maybe it is donations by all the Hollywood stars telling us how to live.

Another how does this help: Dr. Birx Says George Floyd Protests Have Resulted in the Destruction of 70 Covid-19 Testing Sites.

Don’t go to work, don’t go to church, and don’t gather, unless the government approves

The Governor’s daily COVID-19 pressers have evolved into a purely political platform for the Emperor of New York.  It is totally about his blowing his own horn; he speaks and we are supposed to thank him for being our savior.  Gov. Cuomo has staff to provide him the “facts” and he makes the decision who can begin to live a normal life again.  Hopefully these daily pressers are coming to an end; certainly, my watching them is.  (I’m not paid combat pay, lol)

Victor Davis Hanson opines on the bitter irony of COVID-19 and the George Floyd revolution.

Judge Sullivan appointed another judge to reinforce his opinion.  Shame on both.   Ex-Judge Says Dropping Flynn Case Amounts to ‘Gross Prosecutorial Abuse,’ Urges Sentencing.

Barr ‘Very Troubled’ by Findings on Origins of FBI’s Trump-Russia Probe.

Andrew McCarthy writes in National Review:  Unable to Run Its Own Agencies, Washington Dictates to America’s Police.

Newt Gingrich: Democrats must apologize – here’s how they’ve failed America’s cities.

Protesters Topple, Behead Christopher Columbus Statues in Richmond and Boston.

A ‘Black Lives’ pander by Democrats: Devine.

File this under:  You can’t make this up stuff.  Baltimore Mayoral Race: Ex-Mayor Convicted of Embezzlement Could Replace Former Mayor Booted for Fraud.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams – The True Plight of Black Americans.

Conservative Party Formally Requests AG Barr to Investigate NY Nursing Home Crisis 

For Immediate Release
June 11, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @Twitter
Conservative Party Formally Requests AG Barr to Investigate NY Nursing Home Crisis  Delivers Signatures with Request

 Brooklyn, NY – Conservative Party Chairman, Gerard Kassar, sent the following letter to Attorney General William Barr today asking for an independent investigation into why New York State has suffered over 6000 nursing home deaths attributed to COVID-19.

The letter notes that “The Governor, under pressure from families, the media, elected officials, and political leadership, acknowledged the problem by calling for the NYS Department of Health and the State Attorney General to investigate.  The Conservative Party takes exception with the State investigating itself.  We firmly believe that both the NYS Attorney General and the Commissioner of Health are political functionaries lacking the ability to act independently particularly when the Governor’s actions are a likely target of any investigation.”

The Conservative Party was an early proponent of an independent federal investigation, launching an on-line petition that almost 2000 people signed and a social media campaign that received over 35,000 interactions supporting a federal investigation into this horrific crisis in our nursing homes.

A copy of the petition is here.  The letter to Attorney General William Barr is below along with the Commissioner’s Memo.  AG Barr Letter
.   March 25, 2020 Nursing Home Directive

Governor Cuomo’s Achilles’ Heel

Defunding the NYPD is madness after the thousands of black lives they have saved.

Public-health ‘professionals’ keep showing how unprofessional they really are.

Governor Andrew Cuomo was back on his soap box today, saying how life is unjust and we live in a system that does not give equal opportunity to all.  I thought Governor Cuomo was a little smarter that he portrays himself to be at these press conferences.  America and New York, especially, provides an equal opportunity to all; albeit, there was a time in our history that was not an accurate statement.  Today it is.  An equal opportunity is just that, an opportunity, if you work hard enough, to achieve anything you want, no matter the circumstances of your birth.  What he said today, was a tackles and hurtful statement to those who have worked their way out of the misery that were told they would be able to and they would never amount to anything.  Equal opportunity does not mean equal outcome.  Gov. Cuomo complained about the school districts in poor neighborhoods, but I don’t here him calling for Charter Schools in those neighborhoods.  Nor, has he used his bully pulpit to bring together leaders to discuss the issues creating so much turmoil in today’s society.  He has had 9 years as Governor, and his answer is a to demand that the progressive mantra is embolden and doomed to failure.  BTW, Governor, both sides have people who harbor racism, stirs racism, and create conflict.  The Golden Rule has long since been forgotten.  It would be better for all New Yorkers if you would begin to practice the Golden Rule instead of creating more conflict using your soap box to say you are above the fray.  You stress the decades that have led to this; if you were sincere and honest, you would have rendered a positive influence long before now. The only thing you said today that was honest was that “they’ll say (meaning politicians) whatever they have to say to win an election.”  You would know, wouldn’t you:  Andrew Cuomo, Not Running for Governor, Talks to Conservatives    

Police Encounters and Race.

Ben Carson Reflects on the Death of George Floyd

A Liberal Reporter’s Observation About Journalists of Color Is Sure to Infuriate the Left-Wing Mob.

Government Report: Democrats’ COVID-19 Welfare Plan Would Sabotage Economic Recovery

Good news, the emperor is allowing phase 3 to begin upstate…unless he changes his mind again.

Will the last one left in New York turn off the lights of this once great city?

When the democratic controlled NYS Legislature finishes it business today, how will any police department recruit new members?  See our press release here.  When will those in responsible positions (elected officials) stop writing legislation in the heat of the moment?  Cooler heads must look at the whole situation to come up with the right solutions.  Here is a person, Shelby Steele,  who should be at the table with leaders to offer serious solutions, not the elected officials pandering to lemmings demanding unrealistic changes and just looking for votes.

Today’s NY Post editorial:  New York politicians are putting cops in an impossible situation.

New York City sees spike in murders and shootings amid George Floyd protests: Report.  What will it be when the democratic controlled legislature finishes their work today?   And what will it be when Mayor DeBlasio enacts his plan to shifting funds away from NYPD.

Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now.

America is Not Racist.

‘Race is a lie. Stop believing it’

The New York Times has lost all credibility.  Judith Miller: New York Times op-ed revolt betrays it values, is ominous warning about censorship.  The Washington Free Beacon’s editors have this to say about the NY Times:  Mob Rule at the New York Times.

Wow.  How low can some journalist stoop?

Rep. Ken Buck: First lockdowns, then riots – here’s how left’s hypocrisy added fuel to the fire.

Here Are Just 10 of the Many Minority-Owned Businesses Destroyed in the Riots.

America’s Small Business Owners Have Been Horribly Abused During These Riots and Lockdowns. That Will Have Consequences.

Well, what do you know, former VP Biden may have a spine after all:  Biden breaks with Black Lives Matter to oppose defunding police.  (I’m not about to bet the mortgage that he won’t change his mind when the pressure from progressives starts in earnest.)

The Censorship of COVID-19 Data Around the World.

Governor Andrew Cuomo here is a good read for you and your “just the facts” messaging.

Today’s presser by Gov. Cuomo.  After he first statement, I couldn’t listen any more.  “Day 100.  When we first started, all the experts, I talked to all the global experts, the people who had studied this all across the world and asked them what is going to happen and where are we going to go.  Nobody knew.”  Who did he speak to?  What experts?  This is a new coronavirus that no one knew anything about…experts?  No one can be an expert when dealing with a newly discovered virus!!!  But Emperor Cuomo closed New York State, not only in the NYC epicenter where he sent our sick patients into our nursing homes to die, the whole state was shut down…and is still struggling to revitalize our economy.  I couldn’t listen to the Emperor any longer, but, you can here.

Over the weekend, the Emperor decided that 25% of religious congregations can now attend services.  Governor, how does the religious organization decide which 25%?  Shameful; especially when so many people really want to go back to church.  Websites are good, but sharing with neighbors and friends in a real church setting, is what people want.


For Immediate Release
June 8, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys


 BROOKLYN, NY – The Democratic controlled NYS Legislature under the guise of a law enforcement focused session calendar brought to the floor for passage several notable anti-policing bills that endangers the residents of New York which the Conservative Party opposes.   There are two bills especially egregious and the party issued memos in opposition to S.8596/A10611  to repeal Civil Rights Law, Section 50-a and A.6144-B /S.6670-B which criminalizes police use of a choke hold in all circumstances.

In a statement Conservative Party State Chairman Jerry Kassar said, “If the Members of the Legislature adopt the bills being considered today, these two bills, as well as requiring a law enforcement officer or peace officer who discharges his or her weapon under circumstances where a person could be struck by a bullet to immediately report the incident,  changing Gov. Cuomo’s Executive Order of creating an office of special investigation within the office of the attorney general into law, that are designed to restrain law enforcement agents from properly performing their oath of office, they are giving groups like Antifa free reign in the havoc Antifa is seeking to create.

Peaceful protests are part of our history; anarchy is not.  Police protect peaceful protests; police have a moral obligation to stop those who support the anarchy taking place in New York streets.  If the democrat-controlled legislature continues the path they created last year when the criminal justice reforms passed in the budget, they will be aiding and abetting the anarchist determined to destroy the hope that brought millions to our state through Liberty Island in New York’s harbor.

See our legislative memo opposing the repeal of Civil Rights Law, Section 50-aLM 2020-005 Opposition to Repeal of 50-a CRL
, and establishing the crime of aggravated strangulationLM 2020 - 006 fixed

#  #  #

Chairman Kassar’s weekly topics are Mayor de Blasio, defunding police, and his candidate spotlight shines on Nicole Malliotakis.

Mayor De Blasio Loses Control of NYC

The city that never sleeps is eerily silent as businesses have boarded up in preparation for ongoing riots and looting, which city government has failed to address, leading to all out chaos after dark.

While the Governor and Mayor squabble over how to handle the destruction of businesses, looting, and criminal activity, opportunists continue to take advantage of the Mayors incompetency’s.

The NYPD has done an admirable job attempting to save the city from collapse and arresting those whose intentions are not to peacefully protest, but to wreak havoc on law abiding citizens.

While police deal with Molotov cocktails, rocks, and cement filled bottles being hurled directly at them, it appears street gangs are strategically leaving dangerous objects out for violent protesters to use to cause bodily harm and maximize damage. In some cases, social media videos appear to show agitators handing bricks and rocks to protesters, encouraging them to use the objects to escalate tensions and distract from police to aide in their looting.

While the worst of the civil unrest has taken place in New York City, Buffalo, Rochester and Albany have dealt with their own cases of rioting, resulting in looting and destruction of property. Damages around New York State is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions.

There is no telling when tensions will cool, but cities throughout New York State cannot continue down this path. The peaceful protestors have been drowned out by the acts of cowards whose only desire is utter chaos, not justice.

Antifa To Be Declared Terrorist Organization

President Donald Trump announced earlier this week he would be designating Antifa, a far-left group known for its violence and dangerous tactics, as a terrorist organization. This comes on the heels of protests that have turned violent, which many believe to be partially at the direction of Antifa.

United States Attorney General, William Barr, said on Thursday they believe they have evidence to suggest the radical left-wing group, along with other unnamed extremist groups, have worked to delegitimize peaceful protests, turning them into dangerous riots.

“While many have peacefully expressed their anger and grief, others have hijacked protests to engage in lawlessness, violent rioting, arson, looting of businesses, and public property assaults on law enforcement officers and innocent people, and even the murder of a federal agent,” Barr said.

Though the Department of Justice has not yet released the evidence on Antifa’s involvement, they are expected to do so in the coming days.

I commend President Trump for taking the initial steps necessary to designate this dangerous group a terrorist organization. Throughout the years, they have exhibited nothing other than an ability to be a dangerous group of anarchists whose goal is to cause damage, destruction and harm.

Calls to Defund the Police

 While we are all in strong agreement George Floyd’s death never should have occurred. The four men responsible have been fired and arrested for the malicious action – and lack of action – that lead to the untimely death of Mr. Floyd.

The riots, across America, have led to more unnecessary and unwarranted deaths. The riots in New York City (and throughout the state), the attacks on the NYPD and now the call to defund the NYPD are adding gasoline to a raging fire. Defunding the NYPD is the worst possible solution and will ultimately create more havoc and destruction. I am perplexed at the logic behind the arguments of democratic elected officials call for the one government agency that has a sworn duty to protect our city.

I truly wonder of the public’s perception of these same elected officials calling for defunding during riots and looting. Peaceful protests are acceptable; uncontrolled rage, destroying businesses, throwing Molotov cocktails at police cars are not.

Defunding the NYPD allows criminal behavior to flourish and lawful citizens to become fearful of living in a city that would no longer be able to protect them. The vast majority of law enforcement does not look at the color of a person when responding to a call for help; they respond and assess the situation and do what is right to deescalate it.

The men and women of New York’s Finest put their lives on the line every working day to protect the citizens of New York. Should the radical idea of defunding the NYPD be adopted, who will protect the citizens when lawlessness reigns?

Candidate Spotlight Nicole Malliotakis NY11

 Considered one of the country’s top congressional challengers, Nicole is poised to flip New York’s 11th Congressional district back red in this November’s election.

The daughter of Greek and Cuban immigrants, Nicole was first elected to the New York State Assembly in 2010, defeating an incumbent strongly backed by New York State Democrats. Nicole currently serves as GOP Whip and the ranking minority member of the Assembly Committee on Governmental Employees.

She became a household name as the 2017 Republican nominee for Mayor of the City of New York against incumbent Mayor Bill de Blasio, holding the mayor accountable for the city’s high property taxes, bloated budget, status as a sanctuary city, and City Halls treatment of the NYPD.

During the mayoral race, she earned 67% of the vote inside New York’s 11th Congressional district, the district she is currently running in to represent.

Please visit her site here to learn more, get involved, or donate!

Why Conservatives Should Be Leading the Civil Rights Movement

Unemployment rate drops to 13.3% in May, signaling return of US jobs

Minneapolis City Council to hold emergency meeting Friday to discuss framework for systemic change, MPD

NYC Mayor de Blasio drowned out by boos, faces calls to resign, at George Floyd memorial

Joe Biden says 10-15 percent of Americans are ‘just not very good people’

Missing Ronald Reagan and remembering his greatest achievement

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly topics are Mayor de Blasio, defunding police, and his candidate spotlight shines on Nicole Malliotakis.

Just when you think Governor Cuomo really gets it; he lowers the boom and reverts to being the ultimate politician.

When did people forget that the NYPD is still the same heroes the public cheered at pandemic’s height.

The NY Post covered yesterday’s presser by Governor Cuomo this way:  Gov. Cuomo quotes Bible during briefing in shot at Trump ‘photo op’.  To be honest, I did not listen to his pontificating yesterday (to hear him quote from the Bible when he is a huge promoter of death to innocent unborn children is not something that I can listen to and stay calm) but you can here.

Today I did and you can also by clicking here.  Today’s presser starts off on a positive note, then (as the real Andrew Cuomo starts pandering again) it gets difficult to listen to.  He notes in the beginning one must be honest.  We agree.  He then walks back his earlier criticism of the NYPD and states quite clearly “that there is no tolerance for violence against a police officer. Period.”  Gov. Cuomo is right with this statement.  Then we have the COVID-19 update, where he starts with the problems of re-opening.  Here we go again; King Andrew lowers the boom and hints that the riots may lead to another lockdown.  He misrepresents the facts to fit what he wants.  Did you know that testing will be open to all those who protested…not sure if looters are included.  These people are making a free choice, but the testing will be an additional expense to all taxpayers.  Since they made the choice to go to a protest; shouldn’t they, at the very least, pay for the test? The cost of the damage done by looters will be another cost all taxpayers will be handed the bill for.  It was one of his better pressers until he got to the questions from the reporters (Forward to the 43 mark and listen.) when he said was “out of the political business…I have no politics.  I’m just going to tell the truth.”  Take a deep breath and listen to him say he just gives the facts.  He says he represents everyone in the state – true, but he has also said that conservatives have no place in New York.  Andrew Cuomo says what he believes will bring him votes.  He wants you to believe “I have no politics.  I am not running for president” and that he is an honest person, just giving facts.  The chameleon struck again.

The NY Post editorial says: Fine to reform laws on police discipline — if you have laws on rioting, looting, too

Today’s Democratic Party is not your Grandfather’s Party.  Dem AG: Letting America Burn Is the Path to Growth

So true and so very sad:  The Media’s Riot Defenders

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:  Do you really want to spend all that money on a college education to have every value you instilled in your child made a mockery of?  If you still say yes, keep them close and grounded: no dorms.  Poll: Younger and Wealthier Americans Most Likely to Defend Looting.

Revealing the Socialist, Radical Revolutionaries Who Have Invaded the George Floyd Protests

EXCLUSIVE: Antifa planned anti-government insurgency for months, law enforcement official says

David Bossie: Antifa riots – here’s what we need to know about group attacking America

What is the Insurrection Act of 1807 that Trump threatened to invoke?

Melissa Francis slams New York’s leaders: Cuomo blew it, de Blasio an ‘incredible hypocrite’.

Shame of Andrew Cuomo’s blame game: Goodwin

Ken Girardin writes in Empire Center:  More Spending, Fewer Kids: Mapping NY School Budget Proposals.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Just when you think Governor Cuomo really gets it; he lowers the boom and reverts to being the ultimate politician.

Statement by Gerard Kassar On Call to Defund New York City’s Police Department

For Immediate Release
June 4, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

Statement by Gerard Kassar On Call to Defund  New York City’s Police Department

 Brooklyn, NY – George Floyd’s death never should have occurred.  The four men responsible have been fired and arrested for the malicious action – and lack of action – that lead to the untimely death of George Floyd.

The riots, across America, have led to more unnecessary and unwarranted deaths.  The riots in New York City (and throughout the state), the attacks on the NYPD and now the call to defund the NYPD are adding gasoline to a raging fire.

Defunding the NYPD is the worst possible solution and will ultimately create more havoc and destruction.

I am perplexed at the logic behind the arguments of democratic elected officials call for the one government agency that has a sworn duty to protect our city.  I truly wonder of the public’s perception of these same elected officials calling for defunding during riots and looting.

Peaceful protests are acceptable; uncontrolled rage, destroying businesses, throwing Molotov cocktails at police cars are not.

Defunding the NYPD allows criminal behavior to flourish and lawful citizens to become fearful of living in a city that would no longer be able to protect them.

The vast majority of law enforcement does not look at the color of a person when responding to a call for help; they respond and assess the situation and do what is right to deescalate it.  The men and women of New York’s Finest put their lives on the line every working day to protect the citizens of New York.  Should the radical idea of defunding the NYPD be adopted, who will protect the citizens when lawlessness reigns?

# # #

Andrew Cuomo, the anguish that New York is suffering through lies squarely on your doorstep.

“A mob, turning abusive, will, ironically, imitate the abuse of power that the demonstration was called to protest in the first place.”  Lance Morrow opines on his reflections, past and present in his latest article posted in City Journal,  Fire, Again.

Rich Lowry writes in today’s NY Post:  Ending the riots is as simple as letting the police do their jobs.

Former VP Biden, longing to be the president, won’t respond to questions regarding the dozen or so staffers who have donated to pay bail for those arrested while protesting and rioting.

From the Washington Free Beacon,  Review: Foretelling the End of Capitalism.

Chairman Kassar signed the Conservative Action Project stating U.S. POLICY MUST REQUIRE CHINA TO TEAR DOWN ITS GREAT FIREWALL.

Do you think this hypocrite holds the Bible when she pushes through legislation to end the lives of innocent babies?  Pelosi, holding a Bible, urges Trump to help the country heal.

The Daily Signal says it is time for an honest conversation about race in America.

The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) has this to say about the unlawful riots occurring in our nation:  The 2020 Riots Threaten to Undo Hard-Won Progress on Police Accountability.

Food for thought.  Contact Tracing: Laying the Foundation for Real-Time Social Tracking (is government putting the “frogs” in a pot of cold water to slowly bring it to a boil?)

Gordon G. Chang writes in Gatestone Institute about China: What We Must Do, What We Must Not Do.

Most of Facebook Censorship Board Has Ties to Leftwing Billionaire George Soros.

George Soros, 89, is still on a quest to destroy America.

Stage Is Set for Showdown Over General Flynn.

Tucker: Our leaders dither as our cities burn (GRAPHIC VIDEO).

Video shows wreckage of Times Square after night of mayhem.

Today’s presser by Governor Andrew Cuomo is, without doubt, one of worst that he has held over the last 94 days.  In all honesty, I could not listen to all of it.  His patronizing attitude is getting under my skin; but when he said that “the police must stop the looting and the criminal activity – that is the essence of the police…they are supposed to protect the community and protect the property.  They did not do this…” I had to turn it off.  He and the democrats that control the legislature have tied the hands of the police, endangering all New Yorkers, when they passed and he signed the criminal justice reform bill last year!  Your inability to have a reasonable curfew, yet keep people locked in their homes and out of work, shows how little you really care for the citizens of New York who respect the rule of law.

How dare you blame the police for the riots when your insufferable laws and rules have been a major contributor to the chaos that Ne Yorkers have be subjected to, especially this last week.

Andrew Cuomo, the anguish that New York is suffering through lies squarely on your doorstep.

You can and must provide leadership not the insupportable platitudes (required to keep your progressive base happy) that you have been handing out during your pressers.

Photo credit:  NY Post

Governor Cuomo’s press conference was nothing more than political grandstanding … with faux rage.

Darkness Falls; The collapse of the rule of law across the country, intensified by Antifa radicals, is terrifying.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo gets on his soap box again, repeating the same old, same old, then goes off the rails and makes little sense as he goes into the aftermath of the untimely and overwhelming death of George Floyd.  Governor Cuomo does not say a lot that I agree with, however, his assessment of the video being “… it is horrendous, horrendous,  it is frightening and it perverts everything you believe about this country” is a statement that every American/New Yorker can honestly say his assessment is 100% correct.  But then he turns into his political self, invokes his Daddy’s 1984 speech about a Tale of Two City’s that talks about the “inherent injustice” in society.  Andrew M. Cuomo has spent most of his adult life in “public” service, serving as his father’s advisor, with a stint as an ADA in Manhattan, founding the state’s Housing Enterprise for the Less Privileged (HELP) in 1986, in 1993 he was assistant secretary of HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) and became Secretary of HUD in 1997 and served until 2001.  In 2002 in ran for governor, dropped out (after making a controversial comment about then-Governor George Pataki’s lack of leadership) worked in real estate until he ran for and was elected as attorney general in 2006, and governor in 2010.  My question to the Governor is simple:  You have had ample time and a loud bully pulpit, why haven’t you made this “inherent injustice” that has plagued society for so long, the most important goal of your political career?  Instead you have chosen to make curtailing the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution and LGBT rights your priority and have left the “inherent injustice” to others to resolve.  Are you really that outraged, Governor?  I don’t think so, today’s press conference was nothing more than political grandstanding with faux rage.

Are these two people part of those who are subjected to the “inherent injustice” that Governor Cuomo is talking about?

McEnany: Burning of St. John’s Church and Defacing of Lincoln Memorial is Inexcusable.  (so is the graffiti on St. Patrick’s Cathedral and numerous other churches and statutes.)

“In matters great and small, robust debate helps us understand the evidence and make an informed decision. The more important the decision, the greater the need for debate.”  The Common Sense Alternative to Fauciism.

“Under no circumstances should a hospital discharge a patient to a nursing home that is not prepared to take care of those patients’ needs,” Verma said on Fox News Radio. “The federal guidelines are absolutely clear about this.”  Medicare chief: Cuomo’s nursing home order did not follow federal guidelines

“We All Failed”: Gov. Cuomo Admits COVID-19 Projection Models “Were All Wrong,” Yet Clings to the Central Planner’s “Pretense of Knowledge”.   Great insight into mistakes made by Governor Andrew Cuomo:  “”It is wildly pretentious for anyone to assume to know how a population of more than 19 million should cope with a novel pandemic, and especially to assume that the same exact criteria for reopening should be applied to such varying conditions as downtown New York, upstate suburbia, and rural areas.”

History always gives a good perspective.  How the Founders Responded to an Epidemic in the Nation’s Capital

In case you missed this:  New York’s job losses were among the nation’s worst during April lockdowns.

US Will Take Tougher Action Against Beijing Amid Growing Resolve to Counter Threats, Experts Say.

Why is it that US Supreme Court Justices appointed by the left never disappoint, yet, some appointed by the right, have us wondering “what are they thinking”?

What You Need to Know About Trump’s Social Media Executive Order.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Governor Cuomo’s press conference was nothing more than political grandstanding … with faux rage.

Biden Emerges

After nearly 2 months, Punxsutawney Biden came out of hiding on Memorial Day and saw his own shadow, signaling months of more incoherent rambling and gaffes that have been the highlight of his campaign.

In honor of Biden returning to the campaign trail, for the time being, here are the not so top 10 Biden blunders.

1. Clyburn says he ‘cringed’ at Biden’s ‘you ain’t black’ gaffe but reiterates support

2. ‘A lying, dog-faced pony soldier’: just what was Joe Biden talking about?

3. Joe Biden Says ‘Poor Kids’ Are Just as Bright as ‘White Kids’

4.  Joe Biden Talking About Kids Touching His Hairy Legs in a Swimming Pool Is Not Great Viewing

5. Biden tells Iowans: ‘We choose truth over facts’

6.  VIDEO: Biden Can’t Remember the Word ‘Creator,’ Refers to God as ‘The Thing’

7.  Biden appears to fall asleep during town hall with Hillary Clinton

8.  In Another Biden Gaffe, Former VP Says Pandemic Cost U.S. 85,000 Jobs and ‘Millions’ of Lives

9.  Biden Says Voters Who Believe Tara Reade ‘Probably Shouldn’t Vote For Me’

10 .‘You’re a damn liar, man!’ – Joe Biden blasts Iowa voter, calls him ‘fat’ after man repeats Ukraine smear

Assembly Minority Introduces Bill Addressing Future Emergencies

Assembly Republicans introduced a bill this week that would limit the power of the Governor and hand more authority and decision making to local officials in future emergency situations.

“Undoubtedly, there will be times when immediate, direct action is needed from the Executive,” Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay said. “However, ‘state of emergency’ doesn’t equate to ‘authoritarian rule.’ In any situation, a balanced, measured approach is necessary and the full complement of government must be levied. This bill ensures just that, and that every voice in New York is heard during times of crisis.”

In early March, Governor Cuomo declared New York in a state of emergency. This allowed him to change laws, which he has since done more than 260 times.

The bill would call for a county-by-county declaration of all state emergencies, lasting for no longer than 30 days. An additional 15 days emergency order could be extended by the Governor. However, no other emergency declaration would be extended without being voted on by the State Legislature. Additionally, a county executive, chair of a county board of supervisors, and the mayor of New York City, could request any state of emergency declaration be cancelled with justification.

Livingston County Chair Leads Way

Livingston County Conservative Chairman, and Executive Director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, Jason McGuire, helped secure a win for religious freedom after advocating fiercely that houses of worship be allowed to open.

“On March 31, our organization (New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms) wrote to the Governor’s office seeking clarification on the issue of drive-in services. Since March many Churches have been holding these types of services as a way to meet in a safe and socially-distant manner. Today, Mr. Cuomo said that he would be encouraging drive-in and parking lot services. Pastors have been putting the physical, mental and spiritual health of their congregations in proper perspective for some time, but today the Governor lent his voice to the effort,” McGuire said last week.

The Governor has mandated church services be capped at 10 people.

A letter signed by more than 300 pastors was sent to the Governor asking him to prioritize in-person religious services.

“If you can safely do a First Amendment press conference, you can also let people exercise their freedom of religion,” McGuire continued.

Candidate Spotlight Liz Joy NY 20

 A devoted wife and mother to four adult children, Liz is a fierce advocate and fighter for our constitutional freedoms. A candidate of integrity, Liz will not be absent from her district, nor afraid to do the work on behalf of the constituents in New York’s 20th Congressional District.

Liz is no stranger to a fight, in the fall of 2018, she single handedly fought off a knife yielding man intent on doing fatal harm. After engaging in hand to hand combat, she was able to call for help, undoubtedly saving the life of at least one person.

Strong on the right to life, the southern border, jobs, and the economy, Liz will represent NY20 with humility and grace, and an open heart, always remembering the congressional seat belongs to the people of her district, not the representative.

You can visit her website here to learn more, get involved or donate!

Local leaders thought Phase 2 would begin Friday. Andrew Cuomo said otherwise

U.S. savings rate hits record 33% as coronavirus causes Americans to stockpile cash, curb spending

Data: Biden Is Underperforming with Black Voters, Especially Younger Black Voters

New York coronavirus tracing program falls behind on hiring goals

Kayleigh McEnany Brings Receipts and Drops Twitter for Their Selective “Fact-Checking”