Weekly Wrap Up

Justice Antonin Scalia is being remembered for his wit and candor this week, and today he lies in repose at the Supreme Court. Video of those paying their respects is here

What will you remember most about Justice Antonin Scalia – his loyalty to the Constitution? His sharp wit? His stands on marriage or the 2nd Amendment? Vote today in our new Weekly Poll.

President Obama won’t be among those mourning Justice Scalia’s passing at his funeral on Saturday. Maybe he has golf plans? At this point, the White House press secretary wouldn’t rule it out.

What does it say to you about President Obama that he is not attending Justice Scalia’s funeral? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

The battle to replace Scalia on the Supreme Court is brewing – and whatever the outcome, it’s a fight that could blow up the Senate in 2017. The New York Post reports that Scalia actuallynamed his preferred replacement. 

Does this strike you as too soon? Should Republicans and Democrats have waited until after Justice Scalia’s funeral to start battling over his replacement? That’s the final question in the new Weekly Poll.

Meanwhile the South Carolina primary is upon us. 

Is the end near for Jeb Bush? Is Ted Cruz catching up with Trump? Will Marco Rubio be derailed by the immigration issue?

Hillary Clinton says she’s “always tried” to tell the truth – but as we’ve seen in her handling ofclassified emails and her explanations of the Benghazi disaster, just “trying” hasn’t always worked out for her.

Jonah Goldberg believes it’s time for all presidential candidates to get serious about what’s going on in the world.

Finally, President Obama is going to Cuba – a trip that will only benefit the Castro brothers

And Secretary of State John Kerry, seeking help in defeating ISIS, turned to… Hollywood. That sums the Obama Administration up pretty well, if you ask me. 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

If you missed Chairman Long on NY 1 last night, you can watch the video here.  Chairman Long discusses the presidential, senatorial and state legislative races.  

Renowned economist Thomas Sowell opines on the lure of socialism — a direction our beloved USA seems to be heading, if this election gives us President Sanders or Clinton.  The greatest country will fail then, like every other socialist country has. 

Since there is renewed interest in the theory that former President George W. Bush could have prevented 911, why isn’t there an outcry over the doctored intelligence report on ISIS?

Fox News examines the Apple vs FBI dispute.  More from Fox News here.  Here is what Judge Andrew Napolitano thinks of the situation.  If Congress can make the difference, then Congress must Do your job!  

Business Council and Governor Cuomo at odds over paid family leave.    Governor Cuomo sure has a strange way of making New York State business friendly — if he continues with the paid family leave and raising the minimum wage,  New York will have very few businesses left in New York State. 

Political writes that the (NYC) Council’s full-time model comes with its own risks. 

Katie Pavlich writes how President Obama isn’t serious about fighting terrorism. 

Daily Update

Chairman Long to appear on Inside City Hall on NY1 tonight at 7:00 PM (repeated at 10:pm). Check your local listings for channel listings.

Some Charter Schools are affiliated with the UFT – The United Federation of Teachers (one in ten) and these are the schools that are having problems, but Mayor de Blasio does not want you to know that fact.   

Apparently, Mayor de Blasio didn’t want you to know he is supporting the City Council pay raise either.  

Sometimes Mayor de Blasio stumbles upon the truth…and his statement that a new Rikers’ Island prison would be too expensive is certainly in that category.  However, taxpayers, how many times has the Mayor told us that and then went ahead with a “lofty” ideal.  

More New Yorkers will be out of work soon.  And they are not the only ones as manufacturing contracted for the 7th straight month, despite a slight upturn. 

Will President Obama and the rest of the democrats be hoisted by their own petard?

Hillary wanted a realtime fact checking method to check republican stated facts … how about this Hillary: a fact check on your Justice Scalia tweets.  Will you withdraw your request now that your facts have been checked?

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

Former Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey does not think the president deserves an EZ pass on replacing Justice Scalia.  Ms. McCaughey reminds the democrats of how many times they wanted to sabotage a vote due to politics and how they now demand no politics.  Good for her for pointing out the inconstitencies.  Rich Lowry opines on the same subject here. 

This article gives us three big cases the US Supreme Court still has to decide. 

Before his untimely death, Justice Scalia and the US Supreme Court upheld science, not President Obama’s wishes.

Insurers and business groups object to health tax math in Governor Cuomo’s budget

Is she running for dog cathcher or president?

The NY Daily News raises some questions on “Sandersizing America.”

Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell.

The Conservative Party of New York State mourns the loss of a great American Constitutionalist Justice Antonin Scalia

Brooklyn, NY — Justice Antonin Scalia appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986 used his wisdom to guide America as our Founding Fathers outlined in the greatest constitution the world has ever known.

His wisdom and wit will be sorely missed. The world has lost a man who truly understood and fought for the American Dream for every American and every person who sought to be American.

We will continue to fight the good fight with the wise decisions he has left us.

Thank you Justice Antonin Scalia, we will carry on, now rest in peace.

Weekly Wrap Up

“Things can’t get any worse” seems to be the defining theme for the “outsider” candidates in the 2016 presidential race. Charles Krauthammer assures us that, yes, things can get much worse – especially if America is allowed to sink into socialism and strong-arm totalitarianism. 

Meanwhile, as the race continues – can things get worse for Hillary Clinton? Yes, they can – Investor’s Business Daily explains why

In their debate this week, the Democrats painted a dire picture of America – one where hope and opportunity are all but lost. Now remind me – who’s been in the White House the past seven years?

Even the liberal PBS moderators were getting fed up with the Democrats’ left-wing spectacle. 

Hillary was not asked about the latest Clinton Foundation bombshell – not a surprise, since one of the debate moderators is a Clinton Foundation donor

It’s telling that the media, which predicts doom-and-gloom when even moderately conservative ideas are proposed, don’t see anything concerning about Bernie Sanders-style socialism.

Sanders can win all he wants, but the truth is it might not matter – the Democratic Party’s primary system is far from democratic.

Do you think that the Democratic primary is rigged for Hillary, no matter what liberal voters want? Vote today in our new Weekly Poll.

On the GOP side, “We’re starting nearly at scratch when it comes to knowing what’s happening in the South Carolina Republican presidential race.” That’s according to Byron York, writing in the Washington Examiner.

Carly Fiorina suspended her presidential campaign this week, and I for one will miss having her on the campaign trail – I agree with the Washington Examiner that her anti-cronyism message was outstanding.  

Chris Christie left the race this week, too – and I know some people will miss his brash, “tell it like it is” campaign style. 

Of all the candidates who have dropped out of the Republican presidential race, who do you miss the most? I’m very interested to see the results of this Weekly Poll question. 

Monday is President’s Day – here is a look at the history of the holiday, and the White House website has biographical information on all of America’s Commanders-in-Chief. 

In the spirit of this holiday, here’s this week’s final Poll question: Who is your favorite President from the past 100 years?

This takes us all the way back to Woodrow Wilson, and includes some interesting names to think about: Coolidge and Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower, all the way through Reagan, two Bush administrations and of course, Barack Obama. 

Cast your vote today – and have a great weekend!

Daily Update

What is the Speaker thinking?  Why would anyone want to send the message that breaking the law, even if considered “low-level” is good policy?  Patrick Lynch is absolutely correct when he stated that “Lack of enforcement of quality-of-life laws endangers the health and welfare of everyone and makes the city a less attractive place to live, work or visit.”  We would add that ignoring the “low-level” infractions dilutes the seriousness of other infractions.

How can anyone send their child to public school in New York City — especially when at one time not that long ago the New York City public education system was one of the best in our nation.  The NY Post Editorial Board is very clear on how to help students, something that Governor Andrew Cuomo seems to have abandoned for the support of the Teacher’s Union. This Politico article wants to give some hope that things might change, however, as long as the NYS Assembly under the control of NYC democrats, continues to be the majority voting bloc, I have little hope that the interview process discussed is little more than show for the parents who care.

The Washington Examiner takes a hard, honest look at the New Hampshire results

Seth Lipsky wants to know what is Bernie Sanders hiding about his radical history?

Andrew Malcolm opines on so many coincidences help Hillary Clinton in her email scandal. 

E. J. McMahon writing in NY Torch explains why Speaker Heastie is wrong to call for a new soak-the-rich tax hike proposal.

Daily Update

Sen. Sanders, fresh off his 20 percentage points win in New Hampshire over Hillary, met with the Rev. Al Sharpton this morning.  The crowd loves him, but we wonder how many are veterans.  In another article in the NY Post, former Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey, points out the fact, they while he campaigns as a champion of veterans, as chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, Sanders sabotaged VA reform, to protect unions.

Hillary, obviously isn’t the only democratic candidate with a trust problem.  In her desperation, trust isn’t her only problem.  According to her avid supporters there is a special place in Dante’s inferno for women who do not blindly vote for her because she is a woman.  Michael Goodwin opines on the bigger message this sends in today’s paper.

Hillary’s staff, according to this article, “blackmailed” reporters.  Wow, imagine that.  A reporter wanted the story so badly, he did what Hillary’s staff wanted.  The staff was wrong and the reporter was also!  The reporters that I know, would have told them to “whistle Dixie” and maintained the integrity of the profession. Readers of news articles must trust that the article is unbiased, when they want opinion, they go to the opinion page.  Or if they really want to know what a candidate says, they go to (or watch) the debates, town hall meetings or visit their campaign offices. 

Why is the it that democrats always want to kick the can down the road and postpone the inevitable?  Doing this leaves a “hole” in the budget that other taxpayers will have to fill.  It “sounds” helpful to young families but it certainly sends the wrong message, hasn’t deferred payments cost everyone too much already?

Just one more reason to oppose Obamacare.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

CONSERVATIVE RATINGS RELEASED Assemblyman Nojay highest scoring legislator with 96%

Fort Hamilton Station, NY (10/30/15) The Conservative Party released its ratings for the 2015 Legislative Session today in order to keep the electorate knowledgeable of how their legislators voted on 25 key bills acted upon in the 2015 Legislative Session.

The Conservative Party tracks legislation throughout the session, issues support and opposition memos, and determines, at an executive committee meeting, which key issues including spending, crime, education, nanny state legislation and various other topics that affect the lives of New Yorkers, will be used. “We believe that it is necessary to keep the public informed of these key votes and let the taxpayers be aware of how elected officials spend our money. Every bill is considered, and then we narrow the number to give voters a fair assessment of spending, laws that effect the cost of doing business and the safety of living in New York,” said Mike Long, State Chairman.

“A review of the twenty-five bills used in this year’s ratings will show voters how some passed bills are specious or costly to taxpayers and others will show how they will help New Yorkers,” said Long. “The ratings give voters a scorecard on how their individual legislator voted on a diverse range of bills considered in the legislative session,” said Long.

“Assemblyman Nojay was the highest scoring member overall with 96%, in this year’s ratings. Seven Senators tied as the highest scored in the Senate with 76%.

This year the overall New York State Senate rating is 62%, up from last year’s 56.7%. The conservative endorsed Senate average was 72.75%. The democrats in the Senate averaged 50%. The Assembly did better than last year with an overall rating of 37%, up from 25.18% last year. The conservative endorsed Assembly members averaged 74.4% while the democrat Assembly members averaged 21%.

“Voters should review our ratings and remind their legislators that conservative fiscal policies works for taxpayers and for businesses and conservative values strengthen the principles our great country was founded on,” concluded Long.

(Ratings are online here. If you have a problem downloading, please call: 718-921-2158 or 518-356-
7882 for a copy. Thank you.)

Short Description of Bills Used for Senate 2015 Ratings

(The first 10 Bills were considered in both Houses; the last 15 bills passed the Senate only)

1. S. 7 Lanza/ A. 506 Paulin: This bill seeks to improve the State’s response to human trafficking in order to end this travesty perpetrated by buyers and traffickers. CPNYS supports this bill.

2. S. 2003C/A. 3003C Budget: CPNYS opposes the Budget Bill that contains taxpayers’ dollars for abortions.

3. S. 2004C/A. 3004C Budget: CPNYS opposes the Budget Bill that squandered the state’s windfall on gimmicks instead of fixing the state’s infrastructure or paying down the state’s debt.

4. S. 3203A-Golden/A. 4969B-Simotas: CPNYS supports the bill that increases the penalty when a person subjects another person to sexual contact for personal gratification or to degrade/abuse another individual while using public transportation.

5. S. 4239-Murphy/A 6255 Rosenthal: CPNYS supports the bill that authorizes eligible defendants, in the judicial diversion program who need treatment for opioid abuse or dependence, to receive certain medically prescribed treatment.

6. S. 4954-Marchione/A. 6258-Magnarelli: CPNYS opposes the bill that extends the borrowing practices of local governments in an effort to provide localities the ability to maintain financial flexibility. While this bill helps manage the expenses of mandates, localities need relief from mandates, not a method to borrow and prolong payments that continue to keep taxes high.

7. S. 4978A-Young/A.7912 Wright: CPNYS opposes the bill that increases the bonding authority of the NYS Housing Finance Agency by $3B to a maximum aggregated amount of $21.780 B.

8. S. 5969-LaValle/A. 8244-Glick: The bill, known as “Yes Means Yes”, provides $10 M in taxpayer’s money for colleges to implement response policies and procedures for sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking prevention.

9. S. 5972-Seward/A.6780-Simotas: CPNYS supports the bill that allows a pregnant individual to enroll in the state health insurance exchange at any time.

10. S. 6012-Flanagan/A.8323-Heastie: CPNYS opposes this bill that incorporates many different issues that are unrelated and should be voted on individually, for example rent control, extending the tax cap, extending mayoral control of NY City schools and a Yonkers bailout as well as giving the Governor, current and former, the ability to solemnize marriages.

11. S. 447- Marcellino: CPNYS supports the bill that creates the crime of aggravated criminal conduct (aggravated criminal conduct is a class E felony) where an individual commits a misdemeanor and has been previously subjected to four or more qualifying misdemeanors.

12. S. 455 – Marcellino: CPNYS supports the bill that establishes, as a class C felony, the crime of terrorism recruitment.

13. S. 894 – Avella: CPNYS opposes the proposed amendment to the state constitution that would increase the terms of office of members of the legislature to four years without limiting the number of terms a legislator can serve.

14. S. 1460 – Golden: CPNYS supports the bill that seeks to create a “blue alert system” to aid in the apprehension of any individuals suspected of killing or seriously wounding any law enforcement officer.

15. S. 1483 – LaValle: CPNYS supports the bill that seeks to increase from twenty-four months to sixty months, the time for which reconsideration for parole for a violent felony offense shall be determined.

16. S. 1976 – Golden: CPNYS supports the bill that seeks to provide incentives (tax credit) for donations to public education entities, school improvement organizations, local education funds and educational scholarship organizations.

17. S. 2295 – Griffo: CPNYS supports the bill that requires any state mandated program imposed on municipalities and school districts to be funded by the state.

18. S. 2720 — Griffo: CPNYS supports the bill that authorizes the state board of parole to require that a violent felony offender serve their maximum term, if release would pose an imminent threat to society.

19. S. 2968 — Funke: CPNYS supports the bill that requires if a state mandate imposes a cost upon a school district that it may not be imposed after the adoption of a school budget.

20. S. 3438 – Young: CPNYS supports the bill that seeks to require that recipients of welfare benefits who do not have a high school or equivalency diploma to participate in good faith in an educational program to provide them with either.

21. S. 4163 – Amedore: CPNYS supports establishing the crime of homicide by sale of an opiate controlled substance.

22. S. 4505 – Lanza: CPNYS supports the bill that prohibits expenditure of state, local or public authority moneys relating to federal terrorism trials in the state of New York.

23. S. 4611 – Budget: CPNYS supports the proposed constitutional amendment to require forfeiture of legislator’s pension benefits, rights and privileges if convicted of a felony involving breach of public trust.

24. S. 5837 – Seward: CPNYS supports the bill that seeks to amend the NY SAFE Act through a series of reforms.

25. S. 5954 – Flanagan: CPNYS supports the bill that seeks to make needed reforms to ensure students are afforded a high quality education and that educators are provided with a fair and robust APPR system.