Daily Update

Two polls are out today — one New York poll and one national poll — have conflicting messages, which is why I believe professional political polling is overrated.  The Siena Poll states the people of New York thinks the legislators should focus on corruption, no argument from me on the fact that corruption is a problem, albeit, we do not fully agree on how to end corruption.  (Term limits vs full time legislature which is a discussion for another day.)  The national poll, by Rasmussen boggles my mind when it reports that 50% of respondents think Hillary Clinton should keep running even if indicted.  I do believe some people are indicted when totally innocent, but have the 50% that say she should still run been reading the news?  Benghazi, unsecured server, the Clinton Foundation, the scorched earth approach to Bill’s “friends”, just to name some of the attributed dubious actions in Hillary’s life.  So, it is okay to have a trail of corruption before being elected, but once elected, people are very concerned about corruption…and expect those very same people to put an end to corruption.  

The Mayor’s problems are not going away.  Obviously, he knows where there is smoke there is fire, probably why he is returning $32,200 in campaign funds

Mayor de Blasio’s is dooming our children to a life of failure.  Our children deserve more than this Mayor is willing to give to them;  it’s time to end the pandering to the teacher’s union.

It really is time we elect officials that treat public money as if it were their own. 

Here is George Marlin’s latest on New York’s fiscal mess.

Obama is the problem, not transgendered.   According to the Daily Signal, it isn’t only bathrooms that are subjected to Obama’s directive. 



Weekly Wrap-Up

Monday is Memorial Day – an observance with an interesting history, and New York roots.  Waterloo, the official birthplace of Memorial Day, is celebrating the 150th anniversary of this important commemoration. Let’s not forget the true meaning of Memorial Day.

As we remember those who have served and sacrificed, we mustn’t forget that this year we will select a new commander-in-chief. Hillary Clinton thinks she deserves the role – what do you think is her biggest disqualification? What do you see in Donald Trump’s leadership that you believe makes him qualified to lead our troops? And which word do you think best describes President Obama’s reign as commander-in-chief? 

Those are the questions in our new Weekly Poll. I hope you’ll vote now!

Is there any end to Clintonian corruption? We’re learning more about Hillary’s risky email setup. Here are six Clinton contradictions exposed by the new State Department audit. 

Did Hillary’s reckless behavior ruin counter-terrorism efforts?

There’s a new reek from “Clinton Inc.” – Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe is now under investigation for his dealings with a Clinton Foundation donor.

Rich Lowry recaps Hillary’s war on women.

With these never ending scandals, it’s no surprise that Hillary —can’t seem to close the deal— with Democrats. 

Meanwhile things are looking up for Donald Trump, who this week earned the delegates needed to clinch the GOP nomination. 

No surprise here – wasteful government spending has exploded under President Obama. 

And no surprise here, either – liberal Katie Couric’s anti-Second Amendment “documentary” was —rigged— against gun owners. 

Have a safe and happy Memorial Day. 

Daily Update

The report released by the State Department yesterday is even more devastating than first though.  Watch what Peter Johnson, Jr. said this morning on Fox and Friends

The NY Post editorial board has this to say about the report:  The 78-page document (by an Obama appointee, no less) concludes that Clinton’s server and e-mail practices as secretary of state violated department policy — and she and her team lied about it repeatedly. 

The Washington Times stresses she failed to report attempted hackings.

Eleven states (so far) are fighting the edict from the biggest bully in America — our do it my way or I’ll cut your funds because I can President — by filing suit against the Obama administration over its directive to U.S. public schools to let transgender students use the bathrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity.

From PoliticoNY:  De Blasio took unusually personal role in fundraising for nonprofit.

Seriously, the Governor just now wants to do something within weeks regarding the deadly addiction problem. 

Thursday’s with Gipperten…we all need to laugh a bit.  


Daily Update

Hillary can’t be happy about the State Department report faulting poorly managing email and other computer information and slowly responding to new cybersecurity risks.  It is unfortunate that it had to take an audit to prove what Americans already knew:  unsecured servers put Americans at risk. 

Gov. Cuomo has benefited from LLC’s but now he proposes 8 different bills to close them.  I guess once you have benefited from LLC’s, proposing an à la carte menu to chose from is your subtle way of keeping them open for your coffers. In the past Cuomo called it “one of the most egregious flaws in our campaign finance system,” yet had no problem accepting donations from LLC’s.   Immediate public disclosure should be required.  Let voters know where the money is coming from and if one really wants to end corruption, enact term limits and research whom you are voting for. 

With regard to the current Bharara probe into the Governor and COR development, Sen. John DeFrancisco told The Capitol Pressroom radio show, there’s a greater risk of corruption occurring in New York’s economic development projects because Cuomo exercises too much control, without enough checks and balances from the Legislature.

This is in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):  Since last month, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has pointed to his hiring of an internal investigator as evidence that his administration is taking seriously the U.S. attorney’s probe into one of its signature economic-development programs.  “The idea that someone brought in ex post facto, who the governor controls, is going to do an independent audit, belies belief,” said Eugene O’Donnell, a former state prosecutor who lectures on criminal law at the City University of New York.

Council Member James Oddo sounds off on the misguided “reforms” passed by the City Council

Senator Charles Schumer likes to have it both ways.  By slipping in n entirely new section to the original bill, giving the Justice and State departments the power to stay court action indefinitely is exactly what Paul Sperry calls it:  A cruel hoax.  Time for Schumer to be fired.  Support Wendy Long for US Senate.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.


Daily Update

Mayor de Blasio wants control of the NYC schools for all the wrong reasons.  Having a Mayor in control is actually good; when they are in control — and do not do what is right for the students — they will be voted out

How pathetic:  Scandal-plagued de Blasio begs City Council for public support.

NYC Council to End Criminal Penalties for Public Urination, Other Low-Level Offenses.  Supporters of these changes have long maintained that the NYPD disproportionately arrests and charges nonwhites for such infractions, often leaving young black and Latino men with damaging criminal records…enough said

Sen. James Lankford, R-OK, enlightens us about how the Zika virus has become a US budget emergency due to President Obama’s raiding of infectious disease money to fund….climate change!  Here is Betsy McCaughey’s take on Obama’s deadly globalism.

Wow, VA Secretary Robert McDonald just doesn’t understand the firestorm he created.  How does the head of such an important agency not understand the comparison of Disney wait lines and life or death wait lines.  This is the McDonald solution.

Rich Lowry opines on Hillary’s inability to explain why she should be president.

Obama’s regulation nation; 20,642 regulations…so far.

Hillary and Bill’s close friend, Gov. Terry McAuliffe, seems to have some pending problems with his campaign finances.

Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell.


Daily Update

Should we find it interesting that Governor Andrew Cuomo names Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown to lead the NYS Democratic Committee?  As chair, Brown works to help elect democrats at the local, state and national level.  Here is Fred Dicker’s take on the Governor’s announcement.

The other subject of attention in Buffalo is the brewing federal investigation surrounding Governor Cuomo’s major economic-development programs.  The Public Authorities Control Board, is set to meet Wednesday at the state Capitol to consider whether to approve spending nearly half a billion dollars to fund ongoing construction at a high-tech complex for solar panels currently under investigation.

NY’s 19th Congressional District’s republican primary makes national news.  John Gizzi, writting in NEWSMAX, gives readers important background information and explains how Chairman Mike Long made a rare salvo in the republican primary. 

Chairman Long also had this to say in today’s NY Daily News; GOPer ready to spend $10M of own money on 2018 gov race.

Did Governor Cuomo have a premonition?

Another day, another scandal for the Mayor.

The Veteran’s Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald said WHAT?  Most veteran’s may not have a long wait time, but still, to compare it to a wait time at Disney just boggles my mind. 


Conservative Party Says True Compassion Gives Aid to the Living

Brooklyn, NY — Chairman Michael R. Long is calling on the Legislative Members to have true compassion for those who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. “True compassion gives people aid in living. Today’s hospice and palliative care give comfort and do much to relieve pain to the terminally ill and gives them precious time with their families,” said Long in a memo distributed today. The full memo follows:

Medical Aid in Dying Act and related bills

A. 10059 – Paulin (on Health Committee Agenda) S. 7579 – Savino

Bill Purpose: To provide that a mentally competent, terminally ill patient may request medication to be self-administered for the purpose of hastening the patient’s death provided the requirements set forth in the act are met; provides certain protections and immunities to health care providers and other persons, including a physician who prescribes medication in compliance with the provisions of the article to the terminally ill patient to be self-administered by the patient.

Party Position: To watch a loved one with a terminal illness wither in pain is the most heart wrenching experience family members bear, but the miracle of today’s medicines has done much to eliminate what patients and family members had to endure. Today’s hospice and palliative care give comfort and do much to relieve pain to the terminal ill patient and gives them precious time with their families.

True compassion does not cut short the lives of people who believe a diagnoses means an impending death; many have defied a doctor’s prognosis. True compassion gives people aid in living.

A patient given a diagnoses of a terminal illness is fearful; the unknown almost always brings fear. How can anyone who has been told they have a terminal illness be mentally competent to make a knowledgeable decision that they want to end their life?

While this bill seeks to prevent unscrupulous people and organizations from being a part of any action that helps the patient commit suicide, it is known that laws do not prevent such occurrences from taking place.

Why, in good conscience, would we allow a “Medical Aid in Dying Act” be enacted to allow unprincipled Dr. Kevorkian’s cover to encourage terminally ill patients to take their own lives.

In Vacco v. Quill, the US Supreme Court unanimously held that New York’s state ban on assisted suicide was both rational and constitutional.

A terminally ill patient can refuse medical treatment prolonging their life, but the fear of a painful death should not be the rational to hasten death.

All life is precious and must be protected — sometimes even from oneself.

The NYS Conservative Party urges the defeat of this proposal.

LM 2016-03

Weekly Wrap-Up

“Donald Trump took an important step Wednesday in his quest to convince conservatives that, if elected president, he will deliver on the issues they care about,” Fox News reports, sharing details of the list of 11 possible Supreme Court picks released this week by the Trump campaign. 

Some conservatives are giving the potential picks rave reviews, while Investor’s Business Daily says the list simply shows Trumps political skills – not his true principles. 

What do you think about this, and the other defining issues of the 2016 campaign such as the economy and national security? 

If Trump wins the White House, will he feel extra pressure to nominate a trusted conservative to the Supreme Court?  Do you trust Trump to actually support conservative economic policies if he wins in November? Are you confident that, should he win the White House, Trump will take meaningful steps to protect America? 

These are the questions I’ve selected for our new Weekly Poll – I hope you’ll vote today, and let me know what you think might happen during a Trump Administration. 

This week has brought good news for Trump, as new polling gives him a lead over Hillary Clinton. Byron York of the Washington Examiner gives his thoughts on how Trump’s lead changes the race.

Trump is also getting new support from GOP big donors who previously fought him tooth-and-nail – and his dominance of the media also poses a threat to the Clinton campaign.

Hillary, meanwhile, is confident that the Democratic nomination is hers – and she is refusing to debate Bernie Sanders, as she had promised. But her support within the Democratic Party is far from enthusiastic

It’s all part of what John Podhoretz describes as a “painfully stupid campaign” by Team Clinton.

Here in New York, the de Blasio spectacle continues, as the Mayor goes into Nixon mode with a massive cover-up

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Do you know who Lynne Patton is?  Ms. Patton is a powerful voice for Donald J. Trump.  Listen and watch this video; listen especially to her emotion as she talks about “The Donald”, the one rarely seen and hardly known.

The NY Post thinks “The Donald” is making an effort to unify the Republican Party with his short list of potential Supreme Court nominees.

Bill Hammond explains what is behind NY Health plan hikes

The Buffalo News editorial board has some concerns about the growing influence of the Teacher’s Union on school board elections, as well they should. 

Mayor de Blasio will produce proof to prove he has always acted in the public interest.  If you always act in the public interest, shouldn’t you know what your aides know?  Of course, the NY Post editorial board has its opinion regarding the mess.


Here is more on the new overtime rules and how it force small businesses to make hard choices.

Is this another Y2K problem or truly a serious problem.  We are so dependent on computers running on electricity, I do believe it falls into the potentially serious problem

Are “request for proposal” aka, RFP,  predetermined to help certain companies?  This article certainly makes it look that way.  But don’t worry, if it happened as stated, Gov. Cuomo has it under control.   “If we find out that someone did something wrong, I will be the first to throw the book at them, because public trust is crucially important to me,” Cuomo told reporters after an event in Rochester.  If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.

Thursday’s with some Giperten humor. 


Daily Update

Business will take another hit on their bottom line with this Obama edict

Facts matter and the latest info on GMO’s is that they are safe

The Real Cost of Academic Discrimination against Conservatives.

The 2nd Amendment had an unlikely friend this week

Larry Kudlow sounds off on the latest Facebook controversy. 

Betsy McCaughey opines in the Investor’s Business Daily how the Clinton’s cashed in.

Just what New Yorkers need; another task force

Here is another example of government by fiat.  When you can’t get it passed the legislature, just have an agency make a rule.

Here is another example of what happens when the camel’s nose gets inside the tent.  The left always manages to get the camel’s nose in (the press helps most of the time).  Yet when the right wants to make small changes in a variety of subjects they are always blocked because small changes on the right means the nose isn’t inside the tent, the whole body is.  There is no medicine in marihuana.

The Tax Cap worked again.

Michael Goodwin scores again.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams


Daily Update

Yesterday we asked why are these projects going forward now; today we are reporting that the red flags have slowed down the process of funding until more is known.  The Empire Center continues to look at some of the potential problems. 

The NY Post editorial board exposes the NY Times’ Trump exposé.

New York City has been on a hiring spree.  Mayor de Blasio believes reduced Medicaid costs will offset employees costs, but what about the long term costs of pensions and health care benefits?  As is his tendency, the Mayor is shortsighted.

The Mayor’s Progressive Agenda Committee had one donor:  The Campaign for One New York.  Strange. 

President Obama continues to lose in Court…yesterday,  the Little Sisters of the Poor essentially had a win.  More on the still pending permanent outcome from the NY Sun here.

Obama doesn’t think rapists, armed robbers, drug dealers are criminals, but opened the door to allow photographers, bakers and venues who do not support same-sex marriage to be charged with crimes.  Am I the only one who finds this “logic” incredulous?

This young woman learned a lot by sitting on the bench, something the parents in yesterday’s article would be appalled about as they paid strangers to “help” their children.

Ben Rhodes talked to the NY Times, but the President is preventing him from talking to Congress…why, Mr. President?  And a question for Congress: why was in “invited” and not subpoenaed? 

The Daily Signal:  A Former Transgender Person’s Take on Obama’s Bathroom Directive

Mr. President:  this is good advice for graduates.

Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell… (Maybe Mr. Trump and voters will learn something from Mr. Sowell’s harsh column.)

Daily Update

In case you missed Chairman Long on Fred Dicker’s Live from the State Capitol, you can listen to it here

Also in the breaking news category, John Gizzy, writes in Newsmax, that with the overwhelming support of the Conservative Party, New York State’s electoral votes could be in play.

The ramifications of the Bathroom Bill decree by the Obama Administration continues — the Daily Signal has two articles, one here and the other one here, the National Center for Public Policy Research has more here. Cal Thomas had this to say.

E. J. McMahon writing in the City Journal exposes the problems of Governor Cuomo’s clubby approach to economic development.   Jimmy Vielkind continues his investigative reporting on Joe Percocco here. 

Why are these projects going forward now

Mayor de Blasio can’t be happy with this NY Post article by Rich Calder or this one in yesterday’s NY Post by Michael Goodwin.

If isn’t only the Board of Education undermining the education of children, sometimes it is actually the parents — at least the last parent in the article came to her senses. 

More bad news for the economy in New York State.

Forbes says US Pension’s are funded at half the levels of other countries —  regular followers of E. J. McMahon already knew that our pensions are in trouble. 

Hillary hints that she will charge Bill Clinton with fixing the economy.  Hmmm, I thought she supports all that Obama did to fix the economy.  As a reminder to Hillary, Bill Clinton’s economy had help from Speaker Newt Gingrich, and will he run the economy the way he is running the Clinton Foundation

A feverish push back only brings to mind… “The Lady doth protest too much, methinks,”  Hamlet, Act 3.