Daily Update

The Daily Signal says it all:  Obama’s Shameful Pivot to Gun Control After Orlando.  Ambassador John Bolton reacts to the tragedy.  Part of what he said is this, “We will, in the coming days, doubtless hear that the terrorist was a lone wolf, that he did not belong to any known terrorist organization, that there are no wider threats.  In particular, those who are blind to the terrorist threat will downplay even the incontrovertible fact that Mateen pledged loyalty to ISIS as he committed his murders.”  Here is what President Obama said today, “…it appears the Orlando nightclub shooter was inspired by extremist information disseminated over the internet,” after his FBI Chief Comey said this, “… it appears Mateen was a self-radicalized lone wolf with no apparent help from overseas forces.”  I have one question to President Obama and FBI Chief Comey:  Please explain to me the coincidence of James Wesley Howell’s arrest. 

After Orlando, can we finally take the gloves off?

John Podhortez had a swift reaction to the President’s words yesterday. 

Hillary wasn’t very different than Obama in her reaction. Hey Hillary if you truly believe “This is a time to stand together and resolve to do everything we can to defend our communities and country,” when are you going to acknowledge that America is under attack by Islamic terrorists?

Hillary must have been reading America’s reaction to the Orland tragedy, as she has broken with Obama and dared to say “radical Islamism” was fueled the massacre. This just proves that Hillary will say … or use any words … that will help get her elected.  That is what happens when you do not have a moral compass. 

  France has very strict gun control and that didn’t prevent an attack on Paris, did it Madam Secretary.  Forget the role of Secretary of State — diplomacy — and try standing as a Commander-in-Chief…if you know how.  So far you haven’t shown any American that you can accept the mantle of Commander-in-Chief…your husband couldn’t either.

Hillary and Bill certainly do know how to shake down groups for big pay checks. In case you missed Saturday’s NY Post editorial on Hillary’s selling the State Department, here it is.

Here is what Chairman Long said about fantasy sports in New York State last week.

Wendy Long and Laura Ingram refute character attacks on Donald J. Trump. 


2016 Senate Ratings

1. S5478 – Griffo/A 8044 – Dinowitz: CPNYS supports this agreement (making such provisions permanent) among the states to elect the president by national popular vote thereby making every state important and necessary in presidential campaigns.

2. S6403-D – Budget/A9003-D – Budget: CPNYS opposed this bill that contains Medicaid funding for abortions.

3. S6406-C – Budget/A9006-C – Budget: CPNYS opposed this bill that contains an increase in the minimum wage.

4. S6409-C Budget/A9009-C Budget: CPNYS supports this bill that contains certain specific tax cuts.

5. S6483-A Quart/A9042-A Savino: CPNYS supports this bill that clarifies the definition of certain knives to allow their possession when required for work purposes while upholding that certain knives continue to be very dangerous and are subject to section 265 of New York Penal Law.

6. S7485-B Golden/A10083-B Lentol: CPNYS opposes this bill that builds on the states’ money-losing subsidies for film and TV production by establishing the empire state music production credit and empire state digital gaming media production credit.

7. S7640-A Galvin/A10249-A Schimminger: CPNYS supports this bill that enacts the “charitable gaming act of 2016” that allows licensed charities additional means of advertising and additional payment methods.

8. S8114 DeFrancisco/A10706 – Rules: CPNYS supports this bill that requires state reimbursement to counties the full amount of expenditures for indigent legal services.

9. S8163 Croci/A10739-A Rules: CPNYS supports this bill that is the first passage of a Constitutional Amendment to provide for the
reduction or evocation of the public pension of a public officer.

10. S2295 – Griffo: CPNYS supports this bill that would mandate programs imposed on municipalities and school districts to be funded by the state.

11. S2720 – Griffo: CPNYS supports this bill that seeks to authorize the state board of parole to require a violent felony offender to serve their maximum term, if release would pose an imminent threat to society.

12. S3316 – Lanza: CPNYS supports this bill that seeks to exempt hospitals from the metropolitan commuter transportation mobility tax.

13. S4163 – Amedore: CPNYS supports this bill that would establish the crime of homicide by sale of opiate controlled substances.

14. S5507 – Robach: CPNYS supports this bill that seeks to establish an annual spending growth cap and increases the maximum capacity of the rainy day fund.

15. S5598 – Nozzolio: CPNYS supports this bill that seeks to establish a class D felony for the crime of inciting violence against a police officer.

16. S5947 – Marchione: CPNYS supports this bill that enhances the penalties for someone who renders assistance to a person who has
committed the crime of hindering prosecution and conspiring to do the same.

17. S6680 – Nozzolio: CPNYS supports this bill that seeks to increase criminal penalties for sexual contact between a minor and a person in a position of trust.

18. S6854 – LaValle: CPNYS supports this bill that provides that all members of the Board of Regents shall be elected by concurrent
resolution of the legislature on the second Tuesday of March. The resolution would require approval by a majority of members within
both houses of the Legislature.

19. S7336 – Felder: CPNYS supports this bill that establishes a prohibition of any tax, fee or local charge on carry out merchandise bags.

20. S8069 – Serino: CPNYS supports this concurrent resolution that proposes an amendment to the Constitution that would provide for
recall of elected officials.

The first 9 Bills passed both houses; the final 11 bills passed their own house only.

2016 Assembly Ratings

1. S5478 – Griffo/A 8044 – Dinowitz: CPNYS supports this agreement (making such provisions permanent) among the states to elect the president by national popular vote thereby making every state important and necessary in presidential campaigns.

2. S6403-D – Budget/A9003-D – Budget: CPNYS opposed this bill that contains Medicaid funding for abortions.

3. S6406-C – Budget/A9006-C – Budget: CPNYS opposed this bill that contains an increase in the minimum wage.

4. S6409-C Budget/A9009-C Budget: CPNYS supports this bill that contains certain specific tax cuts.

5. S6483-A Quart/A9042-A Savino: CPNYS supports this bill that clarifies the definition of certain knives to allow their possession when required for work purposes while upholding that certain knives continue to be very dangerous and are subject to section 265 of New York Penal Law.

6. S7485-B Golden/A10083-B Lentol: CPNYS opposes this bill that builds on the states’ money-losing subsidies for film and TV production by establishing the empire state music production credit and empire state digital gaming media production credit.

7. S7640-A Galvin/A10249-A Schimminger: CPNYS supports this bill that enacts the “charitable gaming act of 2016” that allows licensed charities additional means of advertising and additional payment methods.

8. S8114 DeFrancisco/A10706 Rules: CPNYS supports this bill that requires state reimbursement to counties the full amount of expenditures for indigent legal services.

9. S8163 Croci/A10739-A Rules: CPNYS supports this bill that is the first passage of a Constitutional Amendment to provide for the reduction or evocation of the public pension of a public officer.

10. A4737-A Rosenthal: CPNYS is opposed to this bill that seeks to implement the state policy of compensating state employees equally for work of equivalent value by eliminating wage inequality in job titles and position classifications.

11. A504 Cusick: CPNYS is opposed to amending the state Constitution to allow a person who will be 18 at the time of a presidential election to vote in the primary election if 17 at the time.

12. A1124-A Jaffee: CPNYS believes this bill is an unwarranted attack on businesses with strong religious beliefs that are protected by the First Amendment and therefore opposed the enactment of a bill that curbs those rights.

13. A3376 – Wright: CPNYS opposes this bill that seeks to included writer salaries and fees within production costs eligible for the empire state film production credit.

14. A4311-A – Peralta: CPNYS believes that citizenship has its privileges. We understand the necessity of education, however, providing scholarships and financial aid is an opportunity that must be reserved to those who live by our laws. We therefore opposed this bill that seeks to provide financial assistance to those who are not citizens of New York.

15. A4558-B – Gottfried: CPNYS is opposed to this Orwellian thought-crimes bill and strongly believes that when a person is discriminated against, there are current laws that those who harm others will be charged with.

16. A5062-A – Gottfried: CPNYS is opposed to the establishment of the New York Health Plan that seeks to establish a universal single payer health plan for all New Yorkers.

17. A5955-B – Rosenthal: CPNYS is opposed to this bill that seeks to ban the use of electronic cigarettes in certain indoor areas which is misguided, and clouds the important benefits of the devices to help people quit smoking.

18. A6937 – Titus: CPNYS is opposed to this bill that seeks to establish that paying different wages between employees on the basis of sex, race or national origin is discriminate and an unlawful employment practice.

19. A8580 – Gunther: CPNYS is opposed to this bill that seeks to require all acute care facilities and nursing homes to meet standards for appropriate staffing rations of nursing and unlicensed direct care staff. CPNYS is concerned for all patients but the cost of this proposal at a time when health care costs are already skyrocketing must be considered and a compromise must be worked out.

20. A10370 – Cusick: CPNYS is opposed to the Voter Enfranchisement Modernization Act of 2016 on the grounds of the great potential for fraud.

The first 9 Bills passed both houses; the final 11 bills passed their own house only.

Weekly Wrap-Up

Barack Obama says that Hillary is more qualified to be President than he is. Talk about lowering the bar!

And the media is demanding that we all celebrate Hillary’s capture of the Democratic nomination. Let the identity politics begin…

Journalists are certainly debasing themselves giving “aid and comfort” to the Clinton campaign – and Google seems to be in her pocket as well (joining Facebook there, of course).

This leads me to our new Weekly Poll questions: Compared to Barack Obama, do you believe Hillary is more qualified to be President, less qualified, or equally qualified? How do you think liberal “journalists” will show their bias the MOST as Election Day nears? Do you believe reports that internet titans Facebook and Google are skewing the news in favor of Hillary? 

I look forward to seeing how everyone responds this week. 

Another week, another scandal for Hillary: how exactly did her big donor get appointed to an Intelligence Board for which he was completely unqualified?  (The key words here, of course, are “big donor.”)

And remember when exposing CIA agents was considered a crime against all humanity by the Washington press corps? But they’re fine with the possibility that Hillary did just that.

Meanwhile the White House assures us that President Obama’s endorsement of Hillary while she’s under investigation won’t influence the FBI at all.

Thanks to the “Obamaphone” program, we have 500 million more reasons why Obama is a terrible President – and thanks to Iran, we have 1.7 billion more.  

And stories like this show how Trump is a much-needed voice for the victims of “social justice warriors.” 



Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Unfortunately, it is beginning to look like Preet Bharara will never run out of corruption probes.  He continues to do an exceptional job in protecting citizens from corrupt leaders; it is, however, time for citizens to make certain that those we designate to lead are trustworthy. 

Corruption is not limited to elected officials, this video shows corruption in our education system and regrettably will leave a lasting impression on our youth. If anyone thinks the students do not know what is going on — we have a bridge to sell you.

JCOPE was hailed by Governor Cuomo, “This new ethics reform law brings an aggressive new approach to returning integrity to the halls of our Capitol…”  and now we learn that JCOPE’s policies allowed Joe Perocco to avoid disclosures.  Obviously,  the fox cannot guard the hen house.   The solution hypocrite Andrew Cuomo is promoting now is not the answer to the corruption wave…after benefiting from super PAC’s,  he now thinks the US Supreme Court decision is corrupting the system.  What is corrupting the system is an overall lack of moral values in some individuals.  And voter’s turning a blind eye.

More workers are losing their jobs due to the increase in the minimum wage increase.

Job creation is the number one concern of Americans…who better to put in charge than a man who has actually created jobs

Thursday’s with GipperTen.com — time for a break in a very serious world.

Daily Update

Chairman Long in an interview on Wednesday said he is opposed to the current daily fantasy sports proposal, saying the measure is an expansion of gambling in the state.  Read more here.

It’s official:  Hillary has the delegates to become the first woman to run for president on a major party line.  I’ll paraphrase Hillary’s quote at the Benghazi Hearings, “What difference does it make?”  We are not talking about a woman with the principles of Margaret Thatcher.  They are hailing a woman who didn’t answer the 3:00 AM call to save Americans — saying how wonderful it is that history has been made.  Hillary Clinton is the presumptive nominee of a political party that has systematically and deliberately try to change the core values that made America the greatest nation in the world and tries to make government the answer to all of life’s problems.  She is part of America’s current Oligarchy…soon to be dismantled.  The press may be hailing Hillary, but America’s citizens know that this woman who exploited the goodness of America in every way possible to become the nominee is about to learn the difference it made was the presidency. 

Why is it that the press is not covering this?

The Obama Administration listens to unions and ignores reality when it comes to wages.  Hillary will continue keeping wages down. 

Former Lt. Governor, Betsy McCaughey, writes in the NY Post that if you want economic growth, pick the candidate who’s actually created jobs

Michael Goodwin has some fair observations in today’s column, Trump is doing a great job if he’s trying to lose

Oh my, Mayor de Blasio faces more questions

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

Chairman Mike Long sat down with The G Man and talked about the upcoming presidential race.  Listen or watch the interview here

Mayor de Blasio continues to increase spending on infrastructure despite criticism.  Infrastructure is essential and Mayor de Blasio, as noted in previous article, has few qualms about the increased spending.  Wouldn’t our limited tax dollars be better spent on necessary and essential items, rather than advertisements like this.

File Rich Lowry’s column in today’s NY Post under:  Common Sense.

More common sense:  The answer to Zika is obvious: Bring back DDT.

Be prepared:  Car Insurance rates are about to soar.

Socialist Venezuela newest problem:  Crime. Somebody let Bernie’s followers know the true cost of socialism.  Dennis Prager sounds off on Bernie.

Will we have to bail out union pensions?

Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell:  Part I of Is Personal Responsibility Obsolete? Part II is here.



Daily Update

What is Governor Cuomo thinking?  Why is he endangering citizens in upstate New York?  The transfer of 150 state police to New York City — where they would be duplicating the work of the NYPD and Port Authority Police — is a move that jeopardizes the lives and property of people who, in many places have no local police departments and are dependent on the state police.  

Jimmy Vielkind has a rather comprehensive article in today’s PoliticoNY, lamenting the lack of legislation to curb corruption by lawmakers.  Every proposal is window dressing!  And we have had a lot of window dressing in the past that has not ended the corruption.  Term limits is more than window dressing, it will get them out of office.  Sign our Term Limit petition .and return it to us(486 78th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11209) so we can let them know — corruption must end.  We need to present filled boxes, the more we present, the stronger the case to place Term Limits on the ballot.

President Obama lives in his own world.  Obama actually blamed the GOP for the poor jobs report.  The 20,642 regulations you forced on businesses had nothing to do with the lack of job creation, Mr. President.  As the Heritage Foundation notes, “The sheer cost of these regulations take a toll on the American economy. Businesses cannot be expected to thrive and expand in an economic climate that is plagued by doubt and uncertainty.”  Some even think the May jobs report is even worse than reported

When it isn’t your money, you don’t watch your pennies the way you should.

Michael J. Gaynor supports those who defend judicial impartiality.  Pillorying presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for demanding fairness from a federal judge of Mexican ancestry is in vogue now, but some who dared to stand up for judicial impartiality in both reality and appearance, like former White House Counsel and United States Attorney General under President George W. Bush Alberto Gonzales and former law clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas and current United States Senate candidate in New York Wendy Long.

US Senate candidate, Wendy Long, issues her contract with New Yorkers.  Read it here.

Rest in Peace all that gave their lives on June 6, 1944.  The heroism and bravery displayed by troops from the Allied countries on D-Day is an inspiration.  In today’s PC world it would be difficult to accomplish.

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another month, another report of a sluggish economy and disappointing job growth. President Obama continues to subject hard-working Americans to a “part-time” economy.

Yet it’s Obama who whines about criticism of the poor job he’s done as President – going so far as to single out VFW halls as bastions of ignorance and misinformation. The VFW is, of course, having none of that – and the Weekly Standard points out that it’s Obama, not veterans, who have a “warped” view of the economy.

And of course, Obama focused on his top priority right now – not creating jobs or protecting America, but bashing Donald Trump and his economic policies.

We have a new Weekly Poll posted, and this week I want to focus on the jobs and economic growth.  

So think about where you live in New York (or wherever you may be) – do you see signs that the economy is getting better or worse?  Overall, which liberal policy championed by President Obama and Hillary Clinton do you think is doing the most damage to the U.S. economy? And do you think Donald Trump has what it takes to get the economy back on track? 

I hope you will vote today – I always enjoy getting a glimpse at what friends of the Conservative Party are thinking.

Last week’s Poll was about Hillary’s incompetence and corruption, and we’re hearing even more about that this week. 

Investor’s Business Daily shares three problems that Hillary can’t escape as she tries to dodge her email scandal – and it turns out, the punishment could be harsh. 

Corruption continues at the State Department, where facts are being scrubbed to fit the Obama Administration’s Iran narrative. 

Hillary gave a supposedly “major” foreign policy speech this week – but like Obama, her main focus is on attacking Trump. The Post points out that with most of her attacks, Hillary is actually describing herself.

Are Hillary’s shortcomings about to hit her campaign hard in the California primary? 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet; that which we call legislative pork … is still taxpayer’s money being used to buy votes. 

Where is Valutek? And the jobs it promised.

This is not what upstate needs. 

Bill Hammond writes about a hidden costs of insuring immigrants.

Even when the federal government is right — seldom, for the record — the state Dept. of Health resisted its warnings.  Governments role is to protect her citizens…and in this case it certainly looks like it failed.

Mr. Kristol:  Making the analogy that David French can win the way Senator Buckley won in 1970 will not work as noted in this article by Ed Kilgore in the New Yorker Magazine

De Blasio just killed a quality pre-K program to please his paymasters.

The NYPD has banned use of the word “cut” in reports about slashings and stabbings — and laid out painfully obvious definitions for cops to rely on when recording the attacks, The Post has learned.  Seriously?  What is up with the NYPD Brass?  Before you know it, they will have our police armed with Zen recordings to make everyone calm. 

You must be registered to vote in the June 28, 2016 Congressional Primary.  Last day to register is tomorrow, June 3, 2016

MAIL REGISTRATION (N.Y. Election Law Section 5-210(3))
Application must be postmarked no later than June 3rd and received by a board of elections no later than June 8th to be eligible to vote in the Primary.

  IN PERSON REGISTRATION (N.Y. Election Law Sections 5-210, 5-211, 5-212)
You may register at your local board of elections or any state agency participating in the National Voter Registration Act, on any business day throughout the year but, to be eligible to vote in the Congressional Primary, your application must be received no later than June 3rd.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS (N.Y. Election Law Section 5-208(3))
Notices of change of address from registered voters received by June 8th by a county board of elections must be processed and entered in the records in time for the Congressional Primary.

Thursday’s with Gipperten…Number 1 is obviously a leftover from his Chicago days.




Daily Update

The Supreme Court deals another blow to the Obama Administration.  The unanimous ruling determined that the Clean Water Act “imposes substantial criminal and civil penalties for discharging any pollutant into waters” covered by federal regulations without a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The decision could weaken the Obama administration’s environmental agenda

Rep. Jim Jordan seeks to help impoverished families.

Start Up NY should be called Failure for New Yorker’s.  Their Report is 8 weeks overdue and Leslie Whatley, the executive vice president, will be taking a new job in July.  Pity the new place.

CNN news is report on the crisis occurring in Venezuela whose president,  Nicolás Maduro, shares Bernie Sander’s political views.  All Bernie supporters:  Is this what you want?  What am I thinking —  they certainly aren’t reading this blog.  More on Socialism from Thomas Sowell.

Fetal pain facts and falsehoods.

When will they — Mayor de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña — learn:  Students first.

Michael Goodwin on why no one likes Mayor de Blasio.

Hillary says “It was allowed” referring to email practices; PolitiFact says “False.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.