Daily Update

Nicole Gelinas’ excellent column in today’s NY Post is a reminder that government just cannot do what private industry does best.  Think about that fact when voting in November for president.  Do you want a businessman who knows how to get things done or a career politician who tells you government can do it better.  Obamacare anyone?

Here are a few other things you should consider this when you vote:  Fresh proof the FBI’s Hillary email probe was a joke; The Immunized Five: Meet The People Covering For Hillary Hillary Cannot Be Trusted to Win the War Against TerroristsObama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal57% of Clinton Charitable Giving in 2015 Went to the Clinton FoundationTHE DEPRAVED FRAUD OF THE CLINTON FOUNDATION.

The American Thinker gives us a thorough review of Dr. Lisa Bardack’s Faustian Bargain and makes a very interesting read on the doctor who is Hillary’s personal physician. 

The Washington Post carried this article over the weekend:  Trump is headed for a win, says professor who has predicted 30 years of presidential outcomes correctly.  (I wonder how many Tums were taken by their readers?)

Eli Lake had this column in the NY Post:  The Pentagon is furious at Obama over the Iran ransom payment.  Imagine what a third Obama term would be like with Hillary at the helm. 

Then on the state level we still have a major corruption problem in Albany.  The Syracuse Standard opines that Cuomo cedes the high ground in fight against NY corruption

Bob McManus opines in the City Journal that Preet drops the other hammer.

And then there is this:  New York’s roads in deep rut, ranked 45th in nation.  Government wastes money and neglects the obligations it has. 

Meanwhile prayer is under attack again, this time at West Point.  Click here to sign Freedom Alliance’s petition to Superintendent Caslen.  

Sen. Orrin Hatch Slams Obama Admin’s New Report That Compares Religious Freedom to Slavery.

Rabbi Aryeh Spero opines in the Washington Timea about choosing Americanism over transnationalism. 

Monday’s with Robert Knight



Brooklyn, NY — Conservatives meet in Forest Hills (Queens County), NY Saturday (09/24/16) to reorganize, adopt rules and regulations and elect officers to serve for a two-year term as required by Election Law.

Michael R. Long (Kings County) was unanimously re-elected to serve as Chairman for the two-year term. Kings County Chairman Jerry Kassar accurately portrayed Mr. Long’s leadership when nominating Mr. Long when he said, “Mike Long has earned the respect of the political leadership throughout the state and in doing so he has caused each and everyone of us to be more respected as party leaders.” Frank A. Tinari, Suffolk County Chair described Long as a man who is able to bring sides together while he fights for his convictions when he seconded the nomination.

Chairman Long, in accepting, thanked the delegates for their support, their loyalty to the Party, the many years of service they have provided and the sacrifices they make doing the work necessary to keep the conservative voice strong in this blue state. “You are the pivotal part of promoting the Party — elected officials have come and gone — but the work you do keeps the Party vibrant and strong and able to make a difference in New York State politics.”

Also elected yesterday were Shaun Marie Levine (Albany County) as the Executive Vice-Chairman, Howard Lim, Jr. (Westchester County) as Secretary and Frances T. Vella-Marrone (Kings County) as Treasurer.

Eight State Vice-Chairmen, Daniel F. Donovan, Jr. (Nassau County), Gerard Kassar (Kings County), Thomas M. Long (Queens County), Ralph C. Lorigo (Erie County), James F. Quinn, Jr. (Wayne County), Gregory S. Rigby (Cayuga County), Allen Roth (Nassau County) and Frank A. Tinari (Suffolk County), and seven Regional Vice-Chairmen were also elected. The Regional Vice-Chairs are: In the Capital District – Brian Gardner (Columbia County), in the Northern Region — Hank Ford (St. Lawrence County), in the North Central Region — H. Leonard Schick (Oswego County), in the South Central Region – James M. Thomas (Broome County), in the Mid-Western Region — Jason McGuire (Livingston County), in the Western Region — Arthur Munger (Genesee County) and in the Hudson Valley — Hugh Fox, Jr. (Westchester County).

The Officers above also serve as the officers of the State Executive Committee. The following are At-Large Members of the State Executive Committee: Vincent Arcuri (Queens County), Stuart Avrick (New York County), Carol Birkholtz (Warren County), Ross Brady (Kings County), Michael Buttino (Greene County), Thomas M. Casey (Queens County), Vincent Ciccolella (Nassau County), Louis DeCicco (Chemung County), John P. DeLessio (Orange County), Charles P. Duffy (Westchester County), James J. Duffy (Suffolk County), John Fanning (Nassau County), John E. Flynn (Suffolk County), Edward J. Gaddy (Ulster County), Eileen Johnson (Kings County), Nicholas G. Jonas (Allegany County), Christopher J. Kendall (Madison County), Paul Kennedy (Otsego County), Jim M. Kerr (New York County), Mark LaViolette (Schenectady County), Edward Magilton (Sullivan County), Charles R. Mancabelli (Onondaga County), Philip H. Mancini (Monroe County), James Maxwell (Putnam County), Donald S. Mazzullo (Monroe County), Liam McCabe (Kings County), M. Julie Miller (Oneida County), John Mulhall (Onondaga County), Maureen Natrella (Dutchess County), William Newmark (Bronx County), David H. Ryan (Kings County), Laura A. Schreiner (Suffolk County), Michael E. Torres (Suffolk County), Harold Wagner, Jr. (Richmond County), Anna M. Wilcox (Chautauqua County) and Robert Zordan (Saratoga County).

The Members of the State Executive Committee serve as the governing body when the full state committee is not convened. All members serve a two-year term. The Members of the State Executive Committee appointed Eileen Johnson as the Assistant Secretary and Shaun Marie Levine as the Executive Director for a term coterminous with the elected members.

Weekly Wrap-Up

“I really do hope there is a trial in this case so New Yorkers can see, in gory detail, what their state government has been up to,” said U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara as he announced massive corruption charges against Andrew Cuomo’s top aides and allies

I couldn’t agree more – Cuomo’s SolarCity “monument to corruption” needs to be completely exposed for the rotten-to-the-core enterprise it is. Cuomo vowed to clean up Albany – but in reality, his cronies have made out like bandits

What do you think will be the end result of these charges – plea bargains, actual trials… or do you think Cuomo’s cronies will get off scot-free? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Cuomo himself hasn’t been charged, but he’d have to have his head in the sand or just be dangerously naïve to not know what his closest associates were up to. What’s your take – do you think Cuomo is ultimately responsible for all the corruption surrounding him in Albany? 
That’s the second question in our Weekly Poll. 

And finally, what do you think is the BEST way to start ridding Albany of this endless corruption?  Do we need a new Governor? Term limits? More investigations? Do you think Albany can police itself? Let me know in the third and final question of this week’s Poll. 

These are corrupt times we’re living in – here in New York and of course in Washington. 

We have a President who is dead set on exploiting our badly broken immigration system to bring in people who will be Democratic voters, not Americans, first. 

We have public officials who are too obsessed with political correctness (and hatred of Donald Trump) to take meaningful steps to keep people safe. 

We have a President too blinded by ideology to see the terrorist threats facing America.

And of course we have Hillary Clinton, who is embroiled in endless scandal.

I’m looking forward to seeing Donald Trump raise these issues in next week’s presidential debate. Here is a “cheat sheet” from Rich Lowry – and I’m sure next week’s poll questions will focus on each candidate’s performance and the overall impact of this showdown. 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

The closer President Obama gets to November 8 and the end of his administration, the more radical he is becoming:  Obama Admin Seeks Pathway for Future ‘Ransom Payments’ to Iran

25 Obama Regulations Cost Taxpayers $348.7 Billion. 

Sen. Ted Cruz speaks up for keeping Internet under USA control; Donald J. Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz agree that the U.S. should not turn control of the Internet over to the United Nations and the international community.

Not one republican voted for Obamacare and yet the democrats are asking for their help.  What are they thinking?  Obamacare is bent on destroying our economy and they ask republicans to help?  The sad reality is they some may give in.  Let them know you are opposed to any bailout of Obamacare. 

The Daily Signal lets us know that every immigrant without a high school diploma cost taxpayers $640,000.  Then the Washington Times lets us know that DHS (Department of Homeland Security) admits that refuge fraud is easy to commit.  Newsmax tells us that pension funds are facing a $1.9 trillion shortfall due to lagging investment fund returns.   Is it any wonder Americans are looking to elect an outsider —  someone to take a fresh look at all the problems we are facing.

The Federalist says toss the personalities and judge the candidates on these three things.  Peter Morici opines that the election is a choice between confidence in America and a dreary pessimism

White House weighs in on Charlotte unrest: Protesters have ‘legitimate’ complaints.  I can’t believe that Mr. Earnest said the president wants authorities to ensure the safety of protesters.  Safety of protesters?  What about the safety of everyone else?  Are protesters allowed to destroy stores?  Personally,  I think Hillary called the wrong group “deplorable.”

Do parents actually have to pay this University?  It is treating students as if they were still in kindergarten. 

Thursday’s with Gipperten.com



Daily Update

Democrats Have Set Themselves Up for Failure at the Debate, and They’re Panicking writes Rich Lowry. Will you watch “The Debates” beginning on Monday?  Here is a list of dates and times when they will be on. 

Victor Davis Hanson opines in National Review:  Never, Never Trump.  Supporters and especially detractors of Donald Trump…this is a must read. 

With all of the money being spent on the presidential campaign, democrats do not understand why their air war isn’t sinking Trump. 

Tammy Bruce writes in the Washington Times that The U.S. immigration system in chaos.  The Washington Times also informs us that Mass immigration costs govt (Taxpayers) . $296 billion a year, depresses wages according to the National Academy of Sciences.  The Daily Signal lets us know that Conservatives Aim to Block Obama’s (and Hillary’s)  Plan for More Refugees.    Charles Hurt reminds us of Hillary’s inability to truly fight terrorist.  Charles Krauthammer on the White House reluctance to call it terrorism. 

Hillary Clinton and Saul Alinsky

Piers Morgen understands the Trump phenomenon.  Joshua Mitchell writes in Politico how Donald Trump has ideas and we better pay attention to them. 

Number of those wrongly given citizenship higher than initially reported

Obamacare Imploding, Clinton Pushes For Complete Gov’t Take Over Of Health CareConservatives in Congress hope to stop Hillary. 

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen tries to save himself from being impeached. He should have been fired long ago!

Wendy Long Proposes Plans to Address Student Debt

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.



Everything you need to know about the presidential debate

A group advocating the rights of veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan are on the Hill this week to press lawmakers on issues ranging from disability care to high rates of unemployment.

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, the largest organization for veterans of the wars, will host a series of events as a part of their Storm the Hill campaign this week, culminating in Thursday’s release of their legislative agenda for 2010.

Top priorities include improving the claims processing system for disabled veterans, addressing the suicide epidemic among service members and improving the Veterans Affairs Department’s health care services for women.

This is the fifth annual trip for the group, which was founded in 2004. Starting Monday, the veterans will form teams named for the military alphabet — Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc. — and will meet with more than 100 lawmakers to discuss their issues.

The veterans were originally scheduled to meet with Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), a Marine veteran of the Vietnam War, who died Monday.

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial gives Gov. Andrew Cuomo kudos for calling Sunday’s bombing exactly what it was.   “A bomb exploding in New York is obviously an act of terrorism,” said the Governor, unlike others.  We also agree with the last sentence in the editorial, “We have our differences with Gov. Cuomo — but, boy, do his fellow Democrats make him look good.” 

Hillary, on the other hand, is rightfully excoriated by Rich Lowry.  

Brietbart covered Wendy Long’s statement issued yesterday.

President Obama is so out of touch with reality!  Our Commander-in-Chief called the bombings a “Narrative” fight with ISIS.  What is even more disconcerting is that Hillary thinks like him.  Conrad Black opines in the New York Sun how Hillary Clinton may snatch defeat from victory’s jaws. 

In his final presentation as President, Obama disses America 11 times!  And lectures us about refugees. 

How is that Syrian cease-fire doing Secretary Kerry

The Daily Signal reminds everyone that the weekend attacks across America shows need for renewed vigilance.  Mayor deBlasio calls for more Muslim migrants….maybe he is looking to cash in with George Soro’s money

Is there a “smoking-gun” in the Hillary email deletions of email?

How much did the Clinton Foundation spend on charitable grants in 2014

Smartphones help keep citizens aware of emergencies.

The Daily Signal has more on President Obama’s plan to give away the internet. 

Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell….Our Political Predicament. As usual, an excellent column.  

Daily Update

President Obama did not address the nation when NYC and New Jersey were bombed Saturday, nor did he say anything on Sunday, but had no trouble being in campaign mode.   It took him until Noon on Monday to acknowledge that “terrorist want to instill fear in American’s.”   The hard work of police and the watchful eye of a business owner made it possible to catch the suspect.  We now know that New York was notified of a possible attack prior to the actual bombing.

Leave it to Gov. Andrew Cuomo to defend President Obama’s silence.  (Less time for you in the spotlight, Andrew?)

Today we also learned that more than 800 illegal immigrants from countries of concern who were set for deportation were granted citizenship!!  Perhaps President Obama didn’t want to address the nation about the bombings knowing this.  Or maybe he was afraid that the Administration’s money laundering would be revealed on national television, how foolish of me to think that the main stream media would expose his rather foolhardy foibles.    I know this much, Ronald Reagan would have talked to American citizens as soon as possible to reassure us that he “had our back.”  Of course, with a Peace through Strength attitude, it wouldn’t have happened.  

Hugh Hewitt on the New Sunday mornings.

Wendy Long: Political Correctness is Killing Us

President Obama’s arrogant audacity actually led him to say this to the Congressional Black Caucus on Friday evening. To which I say — What have you done for the Black community, Mr. President, except make race relations worse, keep people in poverty, gave them “affordable” health care they can’t afford and have done NOTHING to bring the murder rate in Chicago down.   In all honesty, Mr. President, the Black community owe you nothing. 

Larry Kudlow’s take on Donald Trump’s economic platform.

In case you missed this over the weekend:  Inside the scramble to cover up Clinton’s private email server (If you have our App on your smart phone, you would have read it already.)

U.S. District Judge Richard Leon is not happy with the State Department’s slow walking Hillary’s emails.

Is Hillary getting nervous about keeping NYS in her column?  A third office was opened in Westchester. 

Schneiderman may be in legal trouble for keeping documents from congress

Monday’s with Robert Knight.

Weekly Wrap-Up

“The best evidence that Hillary Clinton is lying about her health is that Hillary Clinton is lying about everything.”  That pretty much sums up the news this week, after Hillary’s frightening health scare during a 9/11 ceremony.

Could Hillary’s health lead to Bill Clinton’s third term? History tells us it could happen.

Her health may be failing, but Hillary’s lying instinct is as strong as ever.

This whole incident is one more reinforcement of Hillary’s reputation for dishonesty – though there was more than enough proof of that to begin with.

So what do you think is the real story behind Hillary’s bout with heat exhaustion/ dehydration/pneumonia/the flu?

Do you think the situation is WORSE than Hillary & Co. are letting on? Do you think they’re telling the truth? Or is this incident not a big deal, as far as you’re concerned?

That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

I’m also wondering, how important is it to you for the President of the United States to be in good health?  That’s the second Poll question for this week.

Meanwhile Hillary’s campaign looks like it has seen better days – “nothing short of a disaster,” according to one report.

 As a clear path to victory has emerged for Donald Trump, the Clinton campaign is facing sagging poll numbers, tight races in key swing states, and faltering support among young voters, as well as ongoing questions about Hillary’s corruption and incompetence.

How would you diagnose the “health” of Hillary’s campaign? That’s the third question in this week’s Poll – I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Have a great weekend!


Daily Update

New York Times:  Poll shows tight race for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  You know Hillary is in real trouble when the NY Times has an article on how tight the race has become.  MSNBC is frenetic with this headline:  New polls serve as a wake-up call: Trump could win presidency. CNN tries to undermine the numbers, but facts do not lie: Trump is on the upswing and Hillary’s constant lies, damage-control, comments and secrecy are taking their toll.   Yesterday’s Michael Goodwin column is a must read. 

Betsy McCaughey opines on how to break the teacher protection racket. 

File this under:  Governor Andrew Cuomo is stalling...the question is why?

Governor Cuomo:  Five years in office and Syracuse, Buffalo and Rochester are among the NATIONS poorest cities.  They need jobs and a governor that makes New York business friendly by elimination the burdens on businesses instead of phony START-UP NY policies. Here is an analysis by the Empire Center on the August Jobs report

Here is a very strong reason to vote for our US Senate Candidate Wendy Long.  If Sen. Schumer can achieve his number one goal, the soul of America — everything that makes American the shinning beacon to the world — will be overruled by his progressive Supreme Court justices.  Here is Wendy Long’s statement on Sen. Schumer’s goal. 

Elliott Management founder Paul Singer on CNBC says:  Low rates, radical monetary policy have not led to sustainable growth.  Do we really want another four years of the same under a possible Hillary presidency?

Why Kerry’s Syria cease-fire is already failing.

The Daily Signal tells us about the 15 facts about US poverty the federal government hides.

Ted Cruz’s plan to stop the Obama Administration desire to relinquish control of ICANN.

Here is a bonus Thomas Sowell column

And here is yesterday’s Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 

Thursday’s with GipperTen.com




Today is Primary Day, be sure to have your voice heard.  Call your local Board of Elections, to find out if there is a primary where you live. 

Hillary let a campaign operative override Secret Service protocol to avoid going to an emergency room on Sunday.  Yes, you read that right, a campaign operative was directing where Hillary went.  The Washington Times writes about the concerns many democrats have about the Clinton instinct to conceal, and Rich Lowry opines on how the Clinton’s lies vindicate the Hillary haters.

BREAKING: Employee Who Used BleachBit to Wipe Clinton’s Server Pleads the Fifth

No Show: Top Clinton Aide Who Set Up Hillary’s Private Server Refuses to Testify

Everyday Americans reject Hillary’s “basket of deplorable” label.  Here is Cal Thomas’s take on The Deplorables. 

What is going on at the Department of State?  Hillary used her influence to help the Clinton Foundation (and her family) and now the Daily Caller is reporting that John Kerry funneled millions to his daughter’s nonprofit.

Marc A. Thiessen opines in the Washington Post that Bill Clinton’s terrorism strategy led to 9/11. Hillary Clinton’s is the exact same thing.

Voter fraud is a concern, but letting the federal government oversee elections is a bigger concern.  The Daily Signal has a simple 3-step approach to defend voter ID laws.

What’s up with the NFL’s double standard on free speech?

Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell.

We will be back on Thursday. 


Daily Update

Welcome to the political world of Hillary, where it is permissible to insult thousands of people as being in a basket of deplorables, but, you cannot question her without being vilified for doing so.  Of course, Hillary did try to walk it by saying maybe “half” was wrong.  Hillary does have a long history of doing her best to destroy her (and Bill’s) enemies.  The Hill writes The media elites feel that shiver up the spine — and it’s not victory.  Fredric U. Dicker writes that Clinton’s ‘basket of deplorables’ gaffe stuns both parties.  

Hillary damaged herself on Friday by using a broad brush to paint Trump supporters as a “basket of deplorables”, which was minor compared to the video of her leaving the 911 Memorial early. As noted in many organizations — The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The NY Post, Fox News, TownHall — to name just a few, Hillary’s health problems are no longer what her campaign called a right-wing conspiracy .

Townhall.com writes about Donald J. Trump’s attendance at our 2016 reception.  So does Real Clear Politics.  While not believing Trump can win in New York, the New York Magazine gave him and us some ink.  (It will be interesting to see what he writes when Trump carries New York State.) 

Michael Barron wrote this for Saturday’s papers, before Hillary’s problems surfaced. 

The Conservative Party is truly concerned about Hillary’s health and the video that showed her not feeling well is quite disconcerting — obviously we do not support Hillary for president — however, we do sincerely hope that her health problems are minor and that forthwith she is honest in letting American’s citizens know if she is healthy enough to bear the stress of being president. 

Congressman Trey Gowdy isn’t finished

How heroes of 9/11 live on in St. Patrick’s Cathedral. 

Iran May Have Received as Much as $33.6 Billion in Cash, Gold Payments From U.S.

Brietbart dots the “i” between FBI Director Comey and the Clinton Foundation

In case you missed this on Saturday — Schneiderman’s a hypocrite for letting the Clinton Foundation slide

Monday’s with Robert Knight