Weekly Wrap-Up

Today is Inauguration Day, and all Americans have reason to celebrate. The peaceful transfer of power is a time-honored American tradition, and “the inauguration is a picture of our Constitution, proof that we are a nation based on representation, not royalty.”


For me, it’s worth celebrating that our nation is no longer represented by Barack Obama – and that it’s not Hillary Clinton taking the oath of office.

What are you celebrating as we inaugurate a new President? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.  

Inauguration Day is a time for unity, but the press has declared war on President Trump and continues to level low blows against the Trump Administration. Investor’s Business Daily calls it “media malpractice,” and I agree.

President Trump’s inauguration is being boycotted by about a third of congressional Democrats (including a shameful seven from New York) are boycotting President Trump’s inauguration – but what they’re really mad about is their own party’s collapse.

Obama ended his reign by letting a terrorist walk free – and shades of what happened here in New York with Andrew Cuomo’s commutation of Judith Clark’s sentence for her role in the deadly Brink’s robbery of 1981 that took the lives of two police officers and a guard.

What word do you think best describes Cuomo’s commutation decision? That’s the second question of the new Weekly Poll.  I can think of plenty – including a few words I won’t list here – so you have a lot to choose from.

Law-enforcement officials are outraged, as they should be, and as are many right-minded New Yorkers. 

The Conservative Party refuses to let the Cuomo commutation be the last word, which is why we’re leading a petition drive to rename the new Tappan Zee Bridge the “Brown Paige O’Grady” Bridge after Judith Clark’s victims. 

What do you think is the BEST reason to name the bridge after these three men? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll – and if you haven’t already, make sure you sign the petition here.

I’m happy to say our campaign is drawing extensive media coverage. Thank you for being part of the Conservative Party and making efforts like this possible. 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

History will prove that President Obama did more for his left-wing agenda than he did for America’s citizens.  How sad, that a extremely charismatic, well-spoken, smart manput his own ego before the good of our nation.  Read this, this , this and this if you don’t agree, and these articlesare just some of what he has done in the last few days.   Add to this the unconscionable pardon of Oscar Lopez-Rivera, the almost-closed GITMO and one understands that the safety of our Nation has been on the back burner.  Noon Friday cannot come soon enough. 

Today’s NY Post editorial by Michael Rubin reflects, I believe, what most Americans think of Obama’s misguided commutation of Manning.  Here is Obama’s weak defense of his action to commute Manning’s sentence. 

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s budget is HUGE at $152.3 billion.  He proposes another increase in school aid.    Free college tuition, and while this headline says “tax relief” extending the millionaires tax is not tax relief.  But there is one iota of good news:  RIP Start-Up NY and reigning in some pork.

Maybe Gov. Cuomo should have his campaign pay for a few of the smaller items he is wishing for.  (Ethics requirements not with standing.)

The Conservative Party petition to rename the Tappan Zee Bridge the BROWN PAIGE O’GRADY Bridge is off to a good start with some good coverage in the New York Post and New York Daily News.  Please be sure to sign or petition and have others sign as well; New Yorkers understand how important it is to honor heroes.  Together we can get this done.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

The blog will be back on Friday.


Daily Update

John Fund opines online for National Review about Sen. Cory Booker in this article.   Vik Khanna, also writing for National Review writes about the phony “public-health crisis” of gun violence

Lawmakers have questions ahead of Gov. Cuomo’s budget reveal, as they should.  The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) points out that Governor’s move toward liberal leadership position clashes with push for fiscal restraint and tax cuts especially with the coming expiration of the millionaire’s tax.  He renewed it once already (in 2011) after initially saying he would let it die.  Pete DeMola writes that the Governor’s green visions score high marks from local environmental groups and points out that Governor Cuomo has an ambitious wish list even when the state is projected to have $3.5 billion spending gap declining personal income and sales tax receipts alongside the possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

The Daily Signal lets us know what will happen to consumers after Obamacare is repealed and gives us one example as to why repeal is so necessary.  The Daily Signal also shows how Obamacare’s 20 million number is so fake. 

Nicole Gelinas opines in today’s NY Post on how the poor pay the price for subway-worker benefits

Pew Poll shows that the ‘Ferguson effect’ is all too real. 

Dave Boyer writes in the Washington Times that under Obama, U.S. lost influence on world stage as relations with allies frayed.

Robert Knight opines on restoring justice.

With all due respect to Congressman Lewis, his memory seems to be failing…or did he just want to raise funds? 

Thank you, Dennis Prager….A Guide to Basic Differences Between Left and Right.







Brooklyn, NY – Conservative Party State Chairman, Michael R. Long, announced today the launch of a petition drive to call the Tappan Zee bridge replacement the Brown Paige O’Grady Bridge to honor the 3 men brutally murdered on October 20, 1981 when members of the Weather Underground, the May 19th Communist Organization and the Black Liberation Army robbed $1.6 million at the Nanuet Mall in Nyack, New York.

“Brinks guard, Peter Paige, was shot and killed in cold blood, he never had a chance. Sgt. Edward O’Grady and Officer Waverly “Chipper” Brown, armed with sixshooters, were doing their job trying to stop the getaway car when they were gunned down with automatic weapons.

These 3 men went to work and never returned home to their loving families. It is unconscionable that any member of this gang of domestic terrorists should be allowed to resume a life outside of prison. The families of these 3 men continue to mourn their loss. Naming the new bridge in their honor is the very least we can do to honor their bravery and keep their heroism in our memories,” Long concluded.

The petition can be found at https://www.cpnys.org/petition/

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Obama gave his farewell address this week, and fittingly it was defined by dishonesty and “inconvenient truths,” as the Daily Signal puts it – from false claims that Obama revived the U.S. economy and created jobs to dishonest talking points about Obamacare to boasts about uniting the country after eight divisive years.

What do you think is the most outrageous falsehood being pushed by President Obama and his allies as he leaves the White House? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.  It’s unfortunate that there are so many choices.

Confirmation hearings for President-Elect Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees are now underway, and this has made it an interesting week, to put it mildly. 

Defense pick James Mattis is telling it like it is. Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson is winning support. Ben Carson was impressive during his testimony about how he will make HUD work better. Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos is being praised by those who know her and have worked with her. And Trump’s Health and Human Services pick Tom Price is already facing bizarre attacks from the (government-funded) left.

Which of President-Elect Trump’s cabinet nominees has you most excited? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll – and for this question, we are fortunate to have so many outstanding leaders to choose from!

Let’s Be Honest” – a refreshing theme from Rob Astorino, as he takes on Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his “fake news” style of leadership.  

Rob is one of our highly-anticipated special guests at the upcoming Conservative Party Political Action Conference that begins on January 29.  I hope you can join us – you can get more information and registration materials here.

We’re also excited that Kathleen Gallagher, an invaluable pro-life voice, will be joining us for CPPAC. This is one of her latest commentaries – it’s a powerful read. 

Also highly-anticipated is a strong conservative challenge to Andrew Cuomo in 2018. When Cuomo is up for reelection next year, what do you think will be the best issue for a conservative candidate to highlight? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll – I’m very interested to see what you think. 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Former Lt. Gov., Betsy McCaughey, opines on the ‘gag rule’ that keeps you in the dark on credit-card costs, in today’s NY Post.  We are pleased to let you know that Ms. McCaughey will be one of the speakers at our 50th Annual CPPAC on January 29 and 30 in the Radisson Hotel in Albany, NY.  Click here for more information. 

Professor Frank H. Buckley in the NY Post and on Fox News on how Trump can end brainwashing on US campuses. 

Michael Goodwin states in today’s column that it’s open war between the media and Donald Trump.

Republican-led Senate takes first steps to repeal Obamacare

Good News:  Mattis Waiver Confirmed by Senate

Larry Elder writes in Townhall.com that a living wage Is as wrongheaded as the minimum wage. 

Senator Michael Gianaris; you are so misguided on this proposal.  Discrimination is wrong, however, to protect those – under the guise of not discriminating against them –   who are in our country Illegally and are undocumented people who have broken our laws thereby showingno respect for our system of laws, must not become a protected class. 

Governor Cuomo, there you go again, pandering for more votes

Kudos to Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino:   Astorino has not raised the tax levy in Westchester County.  County Executive Astorino will also be a speaker at our upcoming CPPAC.  Be sure you register, space is limited.


Daily Update

The Daily Signal’s Genevieve Wood writes about the 12 inconvenient truths about Obama’s legacy.  Bill Whalen, a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute, opines on the hidden message in Obama’s speech.  In case you missed his speech, you can watch here.

This democratic senator’s actions make it perfectly clear that as a political party they have learned nothing from the 2016 elections.  Townhall.com covered Sen. Booker’s remarks. 

This should be an interesting speech.  One can’t help but wonder how the Naval Cadets will respond. 

Governor Andrew Cuomo continues his State of the State around New York and while in Syracuse, it appears as if the Governor knows better than the Department of Transportation when it comes to building fixing transportation concerns.  Cuomo’s plan to have NYS at 50% renewable energy by 2030 appears to face stalled winds.  Governor Cuomo wants a trail throughout all of New York State for bikers, hikers and joggers and cross-country skiers.  So many plans for the money you earn!  Any wonder why New Yorkers’ are leaving New York…

George J. Marlin opines on Andrew Cuomo: NY’s Machiavellian Governor

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., opines in the New York Sun:  Are We All Whigs Now? Straight From the 1830s — A Heritage for Trump

Dr. Merrill Matthews, resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, writes about republicans’ biggest challenge: remaining small-government conservatives

The American Renewal Project opines on an article in a recent NY Times piece by Robert Leonard about why rural America voted for Trump.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Daily Update

John Fund writes in National Review that Obama Is Using the Russians as an Excuse to Expand Federal Power over Elections.

Gary Palmer makes the case for Sen. Jeff Sessions in theWashington Times.   The Hill states that Law enforcement sees Sessions as “police first” AG.  Sessions a racist?  No Way, say Pastors.

Dennis Prager opines on the Disturbing Lessons from the Chicago Beating

George J. Marlin opines on France to Experience the Next Populist Revolt?

Salena Zito introduces the nation to Kellyanne Conway, the first female campaign manager to win a presidential election and who will become “counselor to the president” on January 20th, in this Washington Examiner article.

Today’s NY Post editorial opines on the boom times for the teachers union, even as more schools fail. 

We posted this Politico article by Jimmy Vielkind earlier this morning on our mobile App.  If you don’t have our APP, you can download our free App at your smartphone’s App Store. 

E. J. McMahon’s Empire Center released a report on Albany’s secret healthcare taxes.   If you have attended CPPAC in the past, you know that he is a regular that attendees depend on to understand the New York State budget.  E. J. will be with us again this year — we hope you are also and that you bring a friend.  Use this form to register

Rest in Peace, NYPD Det. Steven McDonald.   Photo credit:  pix11.com

Daily Update

Reuters’ headline says it all, “New York Governor Andrew Cuomo stakes out progressive agenda.”   Stung by Zypher Teachout in the 2014 democratic primary, Governor Cuomo has shed the wolf’s clothing he wore to appeal to hard working taxpayers in New York State in 2010 when he promised to cap state spending, have a smaller government and bring jobs to New York State.  The only portions of Andrew Cuomo’s promises in 2010 are the ones made on social issues.  The proposals Gov. Cuomo is calling for in his 6 meet the people (that he wants) state of the state events increase state spending while increasing the size of government (one small example) and pushing jobs out of New YorkFree college is on his list of giveaways and so is this,  Governor Cuomo’s ill-conceived — progressive must have — proposals is early voting, automatic and same-day voter registration. .  Don’t you really want a person who has not taken the time to examine the issues and where the candidates stand to be casting a last minute vote?   Progressives/Liberals have their agenda, we, the taxpayers must be vigil to not let them achieve it. 

ICYMI:  Why Medicare isn’t actually going bankrupt appeared in the NY Post last week.  Another great article by former Lt. Governor Betsy McCaughey who will also be speaking at our 50th Annual CPPAC on Sunday, January 29 and Monday, January 30.  We hope you are planning on joining us at the Radisson Hotel in Albany, NY so you are prepared for the upcoming year.  Today is the last day for our special rate of $119 at the Radisson, be sure to make your reservations before you forget.  Then fill out our registration form for CPPAC and get it back to us as soon as possible. 

Walter A. McDougall writes about the Art of the Doge.  And Daniel Oliver opines on Donald J. Trump in this article: For Conservatives, Donald Trump Shifts The Window Of What’s Possible.

The Democrats’ new war. 

A gentleman and true American hero will be retiring from Congress in 2018.  Congressman Sam Johnson spoke a few years back at the Party’s annual dinner and touched every person who was privileged to hear him.  

Sen. Schumer and VP Biden have a difference of opinion. 




The New York State Conservative Party’s executive committee, at its first meeting of the new year, passed a resolution calling on voters to reject this November’s ballot question calling for a Constitutional Convention. “It is important for voters to understand that the history of holding Constitutional Conventions proves they
are a colossal waste of taxpayers’ money that fails to accomplish what supporters claim,” said Chairman Michael R. Long. The text of the resolution follows:

Resolution, in opposition to a Constitutional Convention, presented and adopted by the members of the State Executive Committee on Saturday, January 7, 2017:

Whereas the New York State Constitution, since 1846, requires that voters decide every twenty years if there should be a Constitutional Convention to amend the New York State Constitution;

Whereas voters will have the opportunity to decide in the upcoming November, 2017 general election if such a Constitutional Convention shall take place;

Whereas the last four Constitutional Conventions were a carbon copy of legislative sessions and the majority of delegates were influential legislators;

Whereas the delegates that were influential legislators were able to collect a salary as a delegate and a legislator;

Whereas the past Constitutional Conventions were driven by personal agendas and special interest groups;

Whereas voters have failed to pass 7 of the 9 Constitutional Conventions since the first Constitutional Convention in 1776-1777;

Whereas legislative members have and will continue to present voters another means of amending the New York State Constitution without the undo expense of holding a Constitutional Convention;

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the New York State Conservative Party urges the voters of New York State to vote NO to a Constitutional Convention that would convene in Albany beginning April of 2019.

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Obama has started the new year by bragging about all his fake accomplishments. What stands out to me are Obama’s countless failures as President. 

What do you think will go down as President Obama’s biggest policy failure? This is the first question in our first Weekly Poll of 2017, and I hope you will cast your vote today. And unfortunately, there are plenty to choose from, unfortunately – from Obamacare and overregulation to Israel and Aleppo.

I believe brighter days are ahead for our nation.  Investors Business Daily has a 2017 wish list that includes everything from a new Supreme Court justice to repealing Obamacare – all very real possibilities now.  

What is your biggest wish from the Trump Administration for 2017? That’s the second question from our new Weekly Poll, and I’m looking forward to everyone’s answers.

One 2017 Wish List item is to “drain the swamp” and fix Washington. What does this phrase mean to you – term limits? Tougher ethics rules? An end to Obama-style “midnight regulations” that empower Washington bureaucrats? Abolishing corporate welfare?  Make your pick today in this third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Between the GOP’s ill-advised ethics gambit this week and new stories of possible corruption in Washington (including one featuring New York’s very own Rep. Carolyn Maloney), it is clear that we as citizens are going to have to keep a close eye on the federal government this year.  

Thank you for helping the Conservative Party do just that – and have a great weekend!


Daily Update

Sen. Schumer just cannot help himself; he changes his opinion as often as the wind changes direction.  Today, Sen. Schumer plans to block SCOTUS nominees if he doesn’t think they are main stream (BTW, mainstream to Sen. Schumer is far left of center).

De Blasio’s Soviet-style propaganda machine hits a new low.  Mayor de Blasio’s administration is so filled with turmoil that some in the democratic party are urging an even bigger failure to challenge him for Mayor. 

John McLaughlin and Jim McLaughlin opine in the National Review how Trump can solidify a new majority coalition. 

The Daily Signal has some pointers on how to curb the UN’s power and what Obamacare Exectutive Orders Donald J. Trump can issue on day one.   The Daily Signal also reminds us that Obamacare is a policy failure

Heather R. Higgins and Phil Kerpen write in USA Today that the GOP needs to act fast on Obamacare. 

There he goes again, Gov. Andrew Cuomo warns of impact of Obamacare repeal.  Bill Hammond puts the Governor’s warning into context and Congressman Lee Zeldin also speaks out on the Governor’s warning and health care in New York.

Did you know that Congressman Lee Zeldin — often seen on Fox News — will be a presenter at our 50th Annual Conservative Party Political Action Conference (CPPAC)?  Don’t miss out on our exciting line up that also includes Congresswoman Elise Stefanik as a presenter, newly elected Congressional Members John Faso and Claudia Tenney as presenters also.  The first Congressman in the nation to endorse then candidate Donald J. Trump, Congressman Chris Collins, will be taking time from his very busy schedule in Congress and on the Trump Transition Team, to be our very special featured luncheon speaker. 

Register today with this form