Daily Update

How do you walk away from corruption charges when the District Attorney states that you “violated the “spirit” of the election law”?  How does that DA have any credibility to charge anyone with a misdemeanor/crime in the future?  It just boggles my mind how certain people get away with not abiding by the same rules that everyone else has to abide by.  

Mayor de Blasio continues to talk out of both sides of his mouth.; he takes credit for rent freezes in called for and made by the “independent” board he appointed.  

The Democrats sudden amnesia about Obamacare.  Noted economist Larry Kudlow points out the 13 tax cuts in the new Ryan health care bill that should unite republicans.  

Ryan Concedes: Yes, Things Need To Be Changed For Obamacare Replacement Bill To Pass The House

Politico Poll: Plurality Supports GOP Healthcare Plan, Trump Approval Hits 52 Percent.  

The Daily Signal says Trump’s skinny budget paves way for a leaner government.  Here is more on the Trump budget.  Education advocates will be disappointed.  

Investor’s Business Daily says Fed’s Rate Hikes Are Really A Bullish Validation Of Trumponomics.  

Sen. Schumer admits Obamacare needs help…and offer’s no real answers, says democrats can’t offer solutions if the republicans repeal it.  His interview with Bret Baier was quite an eye-opener that you can view here.

Ben Shapiro opines about more judicial overreach.  

Have you signed our petition to keep Doyle in prison?  Please do all that you can, have family and friends sign also, to keep Doyle in prison.  Click here to download petition.  Or click here for the Parole Board directly. Please sign today as he is due to come before the Parole Board in about two weeks.  




Daily Update

The National Weather Service is officially in the “fake news” entourage, but those who have worshiped their predictions will continue to defend what they did yesterday.  After all, the NWS has been on the doom and gloom of the “climate change is our fault train” for years.

Jimmy Vielkind is reporting in Politico that legislators are rejecting some of Governor Cuomo’s budget proposals., not enough to save taxpayer’s money as the Assembly democrats are with the Governor on extending the millionaire’s tax.   Today we learned that the Independent Democratic Conference in the State Senate has introduced its own budget resolution that includes the infamous extension of the millionaire’s tax.  It also includes raising the age of criminal responsibility — a concept that I find conflicts with many of the left’s issues —  and adopting the DREAM Act that seeks to allow illegals to obtain financial assistance for college.  A new budget is required by March 31, 2017.

Fresh signs that de Blasio’s discipline ‘reforms’ endanger kids, teachers.  

The Washington Times writes in its editorial about taking brickbats to the wall.

This gentleman takes on the snowflakes!  Good for him. 

A former Marine, Andrew McKenna,  gives his assessment of the GOP health care bill.  

Michael Goodwin has another insightful column in today’s NY Post, this one on Preet Bharara.  “But Bharara’s political grandstanding on the way out the door is doubly disappointing. In an instant, he went from white knight to a member of the Democrats’ anti-Trump resistance movement.”  Goodwin has years of experience and an acute understanding of how things work in the political world and truly gives an assessment of a situation like no one else can.  Unlike the upstate Post-Star editorial that paints Bharara as still being a “white knight” unjustly fired.  Governor Cuomo had people “in stitches” on Tuesday when he claimed that he completely missed the controversy.  (Maybe Gov. Cuomo was too busy talking to the National Weather Service.) 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams


Daily Update

The Board of Regents did it, they lowered the standards for teachers by eliminating the literacy exam for potential teachers.  I’m still trying to understand how they earned their teaching degree if they can’t pass a literacy exam.  Students deserve more.  Here is what Fox News is reporting on this absolutely outrageous action by the Board. Here is Ben Shapiro’s take on the decision.  

According to some female legislators in Albany, “early voting” would make it easier for more women to vote…and it lot more possible for voter fraud…but I guess that doesn’t matter to them.  

Judge Andrew Napolitano drops a bombshell on Fox and Friends this morning!  Read it here.  Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich lets you know that one should not dismiss President Trump’s claim of being “wire-tapped” without knowing all the details.   

The OMB director, Mick Mulvaney, explains the CBO assessment of the new proposed health care bill.  Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, is not a fan of this proposal as he explains in the Daily Signal.  Well all understand his concerns, yet we also know that former Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey is completely opposed to Obamacare (since the minute it was released) and sees the new proposal optimistically.  Newt Gingrich would eliminate the CBO if he could. 

What has happened to Sen. Gillibrand?  There was a time that Sen. Gillibrand understood the 2nd Amendment, however, lately, it seems as if she has tossed the 2nd Amendment out the window.  

The Washington Times opines on Gamesmanship in Gotham.  

The US Attorneys appointed by former president Obama have been fired, now it is time to fire IRS Commissioner John Koskinen.  





Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump is still winning – a new poll shows he leads Hillary Clinton by 20 points in favorability ratings, and a sociological experiment designed by liberals to show that sexism is rampant in our culture actually proved that Hillary would be even less likeable as a man.

And this week we learned that illegal border crossings decreased by 40 percent in January – that’s a win for America, and even liberal news outlets like The New York Times and CNN are being forced to admit that President Trump’s principled stand for secure borders is actually solving the illegal immigration problem. 

This is a great topic for our new Weekly Poll, so here’s the question I hope you’ll answer now: What do you think is the PRIMARY reason behind the drop in illegal border crossings under President Trump?

Meanwhile, it’s not just President Trump but also American workers who are winning as the newest jobs report crushes expectations.

Health care has also been in the news this week.  Biased media outlets have been peddling reports that Obamacare has somehow miraculously become very popular – and it seems that establishment Republicans have fallen for this hoax, as this week they introduced what Erik Erickson calls “Swampcare” in an utter betrayal of conservative values. 

Let’s bring back a dose of reality: What do you like LEAST about Obamacare? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

National Review says the Republican plan is pretty bad – but is it better than nothing? The Daily Signal outlines why the GOP’s Obamacare plan isn’t real repeal, but offers hope that conservatives have a willing negotiating partner in President Trump. 

It’s a day that ends in “Y” so of course Andrew Cuomo is pushing a tax increase – a so-called “millionaire’s tax” that will hurt more than just the wealthy. With our state already imposing one of the highest tax burdens in the nation, and with job creation and development hurting as a result, the last thing New York needs is another big tax hike. 

What do you think – how much will yet another massive tax hike hurt New York’s economy? That’s the third and final question in our latest Weekly Poll.

Other news I hope you didn’t miss this week: 

A liberal activist pled guilty to voter registration fraud – yet another case that exposes the liberals’ dishonest claims that voter fraud doesn’t exist.

The American Bar Association has given its highest possible rating to President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch – so of course “progressive” activists and Democrat Senators are stepping up their opposition.

And is this what’s behind all the intelligence leaks designed to undermine President Trump? 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

This is a must watch video: Lost Voices in the Transgender Debate: Liberals and Conservatives Unite.  

Bill Hammond explains, with straightforward reporting, how the new GOP health care proposal will effect New York State here and here.  The Heartland Institute (their  mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems) examines the GOP proposal for health care.  Congressman John Faso was a guest on the Fred Dicker radio show this morning and spoke very succinctly about the new health care bill.  

Assemblyman Francisco Moya, a Queens Democrat is trying to reward those who come to New York State ILLEGALLY by allowing them to have a driver’s license.  What part of ILLEGAL does he not understand?  New York State should adopt Recall so all of the elected officials who refuse to honor the oath they took when accepting the responsibility of being an elected official can be removed.  

WikiLeaks reveals CIA files describing hacking tools.  The Washington Times reports that U.S. spies fear WikiLeaks carried out biggest intelligence breach since Snowden.  Charles Hurt had this to say about the “leak”.  Joseph Curl has this to say about all that has happened recently:  We live in truly terrifying times.   Here is what Matt Vespa writes on Townhall.com.  Then there is this:  U.S. officials aware of CIA security breach in 2016, say WikiLeaks papers authentic. Feds launch criminal probe into Wikileaks dump of CIA docs.  

Michael Goodwin’s column in today’s NY Post could be Lord Acton quote “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” instead of FBI chief Comey asserting power like no one in history.  Director Comey isn’t concerned, he’s here for another six years.  

National Review editors call for transparency in the wiretap brouhaha.  

Under de Blasio’s Renewal-Schools program, consultants win – kids lose.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  



Daily Update

Jim Geraghty writes in National Review about GOP-amacare with a critical eye.  He’s right, the bill offered yesterday leaves a lot to be desired from the conservative perspective, but there is time to make some more substantial changes, however, it will never be a perfect bill.  Government does not belong in the health care business, but that ideal is long gone unfortunately, so we have to work together to eliminate some of the more objectionable aspects of the proposal.   Here is the  first quick article by the Heritage Foundation on the proposal.  The Washington Times has another quick assessment here.   

Mayor de Blasio will do almost anything to be re-elected.  While he is right to block the “Right to Know” act, everyone knows he would sign the bill on the day after he was re-elected.  Is it any wonder why politicians are not trusted?

Seriously?  Has the Board of Regents completely lost their purpose which according to the NYS Department of Education is “Our mission is to raise the knowledge, skill, and opportunity of all the people in New York. Our vision is to provide leadership for a system that yields the best educated people in the world., “How will they be able to do this if they cannot pass the Academic Literacy Skills Test, which is designed to measure prospective teachers’ reading and writing ability. I think the Board of Regents should hear from people concerned about the possibility of this passing on Monday.  Click here to let them know eliminating the Academic Literacy Skills Test is unacceptable.  

Mayor de Blasio’s questionable school consultants cost taxpayers millions.   Money that could go into actual student needs, might I add. 

New York is most unionized state – by far.  

Why do we need a $2000 credit to buy an electric car?  Aren’t you sick and tired of having government bribing you to do what they want?  If people see an advantage in buying an electric car, then buy it.  It seems to me lately that government is the only entity that gets away with bribing people. 

Why does government have to subsidize the cost of diapers?

Cal Thomas opines on the Trump effect.  

Conservative Party to State Officials: Don’t Tax E-Cigarettes!

Brooklyn, NY — The New York State Conservative Party issued the following legislative memo in opposition to Governor Cuomo’s budget proposal to tax electronic cigarettes.

S.2009 Budget                                 A.3009-Budget

Purpose: Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2017-2018 state fiscal year.

Party Position: Electronic cigarettes may well prove to be a significant tool as a harm reduction alternative for individuals who are currently using tobacco products. Unlike traditional tobacco products, these devices do not contain tobacco or emit smoke, rather they heat up liquid nicotine and flavorings while emitting water vapor. There are none of the second hand smoke concerns that are associated with  combustible tobacco products.

Many individuals who are attempting to stop smoking use e-cigarettes.

The most extensive study of e-cigarettes to date, Public Health England in 2015 found that these products are 95% less harmful than smoking and they can help smokers quit. In fact, Public Health England encourages smokers to immediately switch to e-cigarettes to reduce the health consequences of smoking.

If electronic cigarettes have the potential to reduce the addiction to combustible tobacco products then it would be contrary to sound public policy to tax these products. A tax on these products – regardless of the rate – will only serve to discourage the use of a potentially promising product for public health.

Electronic cigarettes offer all New Yorkers a cost effective way to potentially quit smoking. A regressive tax on these products will most adversely impact those lower income New Yorkers who might see these products as their best opportunity to quit.

The NYS Conservative Party does not condone or condemn the vaping of electronic cigarettes, and we believe that more information is becoming available daily for adults to make their own informed decisions.

E-cigarettes are not tobacco products. They are, quite the opposite. With a potential for a public health benefit, e-cigarettes need to be treated differently than combustible tobacco products and not subject to sin taxes.

LM 2017-04

Daily Update

If you read the papers about Obamacare, you would think that everyone who has signed up for Obamacare wants to keep it.  According to a survey by Black Book Market Research, only 22% of those on Obamacare rate the coverage as good or excellent.  Maybe they were the people who received  $21.8 million in Obamacare tax credits who were not eligible to receive them. and still get them due to the ACA’s “good faith” provision.  

Mercedes Schlapp writes in the Washington Times how the democrats in Sessions obsessions break out ugly playbook.  

Robert Knight goes even further opining how the Democratic Party and ‘progressives’ of all types are mounting a dangerous ‘resistance.’  

Mark Levin appeared on Fox and Friends and broke down President Trump’s wiretapping claims. If you missed it, here is the video clip — well worth watching.  

Also worth watching is James Rosen explaining how the Obama Administration investigated him.

And this from Townhall.com — there may well be a paper trail to follow re wiretapping.  

Not unexpectedly, the Supreme Court returns case on transgender bathroom access to lower court.  Although the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals is considered to be conservative, the final decision may not be one that conservatives will support due to the fact that The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond sided with Grimm in April, saying the federal judge who previously dismissed Grimm’s Title IX discrimination claim ignored the Education Department’s guidance on bathroom use.

3 Different Ways State GOP Lawmakers Are Fighting Sanctuary Cities.  

Revised executive order by President Trump regarding travel ban becomes effective on March 16.   Here is what you need to know about it

George J. Marlin says N.Y. public schools pay more, get less.  

Did you miss this over the weekend?  Or this?  Or Michael Goodwin’s column?  We tweeted or posted on our mobile App. Get our App or follow us on Facebook and Twitter and we will keep you informed of all the hot topics over the weekend.  



Another week, another round of the Left’s meritless attacks on the Trump Administration – this time with Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the crosshairs

Make no mistake: The liberals’ goal is to destroy the Trump presidency, and if Republicans don’t stick together, the Democrats’ “new McCarthyism” (assisted by the media’s fake news) will succeed.

The Democrats’ hypocrisy (exemplified, of course, by New York’s very own Chuck Schumer) is galling – but it’s not surprising.

“This is how the Democrats are going to behave – to delegitimize the President,” says one Justice Department veteran. 

Rush Limbaugh makes no bones about it: “This story is about Barack Obama and the Democrat Party attempting to sabotage the Trump presidency and do everything they can to either render it meaningless and ineffective or to get him impeached or force him to resign.”

I want to put this question to friends of the Conservative Party today: How concerned are you that left-wing Democrats and the national news media are conspiring to delegitimize the Trump Administration and effectively overturn the 2016 presidential election? 

That’s question #1 in our new Weekly Poll.  Let me know what you think!

Regardless of the Democrats’ latest witch hunt, the biggest news this week is President Trump’s game-changing address to Congress on Tuesday.
“It was a great speech for Trump — optimistic, upbeat, bipartisan, but clear on what he hoped to accomplish,” Investor’s Business Daily says of the President’s address to Congress – and I couldn’t agree more.

What word do you think BEST describes President Trump’s speech this week? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll the results should be very interesting.

There’s optimism in Trump’s America, and many citizens are even more hopeful after the President’s address.  

How would you describe your level of optimism for the country right now? That’s the third and final question I’ve set for you in our new Weekly Poll. 

Two issues stood out for me.  First, President Trump signaled a renewed commitment to repealing Obamacare, and though this topic is yet another that’s littered with fake news, make no mistake: The facts are on our side. 

Also, reality supports President Trump’s commitment to securing the borders and protecting the nation from the myriad, devastating impacts of illegal immigration.  We’re seeing more evidence that the President is right to raise concerns about illegal alien voter fraud – and right here in our state, we’ve witnessed frightening proof that a lax immigration system (combined with inept and/or naïve public officials) can do real damage to individual Americans.  

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Cruz Defends Sessions Over Russia Report: It’s a ‘Nothing Burger’,  while, Sen. Schumer is going off the rails with his rants that Attorney General Sessions should resign. Where was he when AG Holder created havoc with our US Constitution?   And apparently, neither he nor former President Obama, are ready to give up the limelight — aka, the ability to raise money to use against the Trump administration who is determined to return America to We the People. 

Here is what Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi says: No, Sessions Scandal Is Not Like Loretta Lynch’s Meeting With Bill Clinton.  

Why couldn’t Sen. Schumer even listen to the “olive branches” offered to the democrats by President Trump on Tuesday?

Larry Kudlow opines on President Trump’s speech to the joint session of Congress. 

Is this surprising?  Press coverage of Trump in first month of office: 88 percent ‘hostile,’ says new study

A man from India, initially denied a visa to come to a snowshoe competition in upstate New York, has been arrested for sexual abuse.  He was denied a visa due to President Trump’s ban, but NY Senators Gillibrand and Schumer apparently helped the local mayor get him the visa.  

Just Because Liberals Call Something ‘Discrimination’ Doesn’t Mean It Actually Is.  

Rick Perry and Dr. Ben Carson are confirmed, finally.

Can President Trump slay the regulatory beast?  

This is not good:  NY Teamsters’ Pension Fund Goes Belly Up.  

De Blasio dodges questions about federal probe.   Meanwhile, De Blasio cronies are still making record amounts of cash.  





Daily Update

One may expect the NY Post editorial to state that President Donald J. Trump hit a grand slam last night when he addressed the joint session of Congress, but when Van Jones says Trump became president tonight and democrats should be worried, you know that President Trump’s sincere speech is one for the record books.  The Hill is reporting that media left and right give Trump’s speech thumbs up.  Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times that Trump’s speech leaves democrats befuddled, in ruins, with question marks.  

Sen. Charles Schumer, the Senate’s Minority Leader, apparently wants to remain MINORITY leader as he expressed that he didn’t hear anything he could support.  Leave it to Chuck, a fellow New Yorker, so biased that he cannot think straight; I wonder how the Dreamers will react to Sen. Schumer’s not hearing anything he could support.  

The Daily Signal points out what President Trump got right in the speech.  

The full speech is here, but grab your Kleenex for this tribute to Navel Seal Team member Ryan Owen, recently killed in Yemen.  President Trump was also able to make Carryn Owens smile — a true sign of a person who understands the emotion that transpired.   Not everyone was touched by the tribute, another indication that democrats will remain in the minority because We the People are tired of the empty political words they use to buy votes.  

This is a problem:  Pelosi: I’m ‘Proud’ of Democrats’ Decorum Last Night and another reason to enact TERM LIMITS.  This is another problem:  Democrats would not give Jamiel Shaw respect for the loss of his son when introduced by President Trump.  

Gov. John Kasich should just switch parties.   Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote In Ohio, Investigation Finds. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  




Daily Update

Deportation agency ignored 1.6 million visa overstays under Obama.  Overstays pose an increasingly prominent problem in illegal immigration, with estimates saying that as the border has become more secure, migrants are attempting to enter by getting legal passes and refusing to leave when their time is up.

One County saw a 27% drop in assaults after it helped enforce immigration law. The Daily Signal has the rest of the story.

Trump to propose military buildup, cuts in foreign aid in first address to Congress.  President Trump  hasn’t addressed the nation yet, but that hasn’t stopped some democrats from criticizing his expected remarks.  

Rich Lowry opines on the hidden heart of unaccountable big government..  

The Empire Center for Public Policy looks at the possibility of a softer Medicaid block grant.  

McAuliffe Vetoes Bill to Investigate Virginia Voter Rolls With More Registered Than Eligible Voters.  Gov. McAuliffe proves he is blind to voter fraud as it clearly exists in Virginia.  Meanwhile, in Texas, the Justice Department rescinds a key part of a Texas law seeking to enhance the integrity of votes cast.  Seriously, how is showing a photo ID discriminatory?  If it is so discriminatory, why is it required for so many other things, like getting on an airplane.  

Mayor de Blasio, you have so many problems.  But, don’t worry Mr. Mayor,  here are ten good reasons to re-elect you.    

Remember the idiom “Be careful of what you wish for, lest it come true?”  Well those who wanted a $15 minimum wage may want to rethink their demand after reading this.  

Dennis Prager’s words of wisdom