Daily Update

The Investigative Post finalizes its series with an article lamenting how difficult it is to analyze the results of subsidies to companies.  In other words, government makes it difficult to assesses if the investment is a good one for taxpayers, probably because most times it isn’t. 

Governor Cuomo’s wants more of your money to spend the way he wants to…so one of the tax increases he is calling for is taxing and restricting the use of e-cigarettes using the guise it is harmful.  His conclusions are not based on sound science.  Read more here

No surprise here:  The Conflict of Interests Board rules AGAINST Mayor Bill de Blasio!  Calls his plant to pay for his defense illegal.  

The Mayor’s pandering to the progressives is an insult to all hard working citizens in New York city.  His plan to employ every inmate who served time in jail — to the tune of $10 million of YOUR money — is outrageous when there are people who have lived by the rules and cannot find a job.  What is he thinking?  Does he want to push all of the responsible people out of the greatest city in the nation?  And while he is employing former felons, he has no problem giving them a place to live also.  

Yesterday we told you about the 10,000 petitions signed by people who do not want Judith Clark released on parole… citizens like you and I that believe the cold-blood killing of two police officers and one guard requires the people responsible for the heinous crime should serve the maximum term.  Today we learn of a group of elected officials who want to parole Judith Clark. We though you should know who they are

The Empire Center explains defunding the NY SAFE Act actually does nothing to dismantle this ill-conceived idea.  

Take Two-and-a-Half Minutes to See How Hypocritical Democrats Are on Filibustering Supreme Court Nominees.  But it appears that isn’t going to stop the Senate republicans:   It’s On: GOP Appears Ready to Go ‘Nuclear’ if Democrats Mount Indefensible, Unpopular Filibuster of Gorsuch.  Robert W. Merry writes in the Washington Times about his concerns if the filibuster is used or “nuked” by the once prestigious US Senate. 

North Carolina’s democratic governor puts money over safety…republicans cave to pressure.  


Daily Update

The third installment of Investigative Post deals with the lackadaisical  manner of vetting subsidy seekers.  It is astonishing how many companies (that do well financially) manage to obtain taxpayer’s dollars to stay in New York.  I’ve yet to see the major studios listed, but we do have two more installments.  

If the taxes on businesses were not so exorbitant in New York, the companies listed in Investigative Post probably would not need subsidies.  Let’s think about this for a minute, government keeps the taxes high, companies must pay them so they charge patrons more in order to pay the taxes; then they ask for government subsidies to offset other costs.  Seems to me the taxpayer gets hit twice — is it any wonder why New Yorkers are leaving the state in droves?

Six US Senators are asking for an investigation into the numerous grants given over many years by the State Department and its subsidiary, the U.S. Agency for International Development, to groups funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros..  More of your tax money being spent unwisely.  Kudos to President Trump for recommending cuts to the Department of State budget.

A new undercover video appears to indicate that Planned Parenthood continues to harvest high-quality body parts and indicates possible cover-up of infanticide.. Your tax dollars are still funding Planned Parenthood.

The Daily Signal writes that Trump’s sweeping executive order on climate policy has been sorely needed, but  it appears that Governors Brown and Cuomo vow to fill the void left by President Trump’s action.  Is this the reason why Gov. Cuomo jumped on board so quickly?  

Do you think Gov. Cuomo has a benefactor to fix FDR’s old Packard?  He does — all of the taxpayers.  

The NY Post editorial believes that De Blasio’s ‘sanctuary’ stunts are bad for New York

Thousands oppose parole for Brinks robbery getaway driver.  And many others have signed our petition to name the new Tappan Zee bridge the Brown Paige O’Grady bridge after the 3 heroes gunned down during the robbery.  Click here to add your name.  

Sen. Schumer’s iron grip is purely political.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  

Daily Update

The Daily Signal gives us insight on how AG Jeff Sessions plans to fight sanctuary cities.   Here is how Fox News covers the plan.  Unfortunately, far too many city leaders across America will defy the very oath they took when they accepted the responsibility of elected office.  

Why does a company that had $1.5 billion in profits need state subsidies?  

The NY Post opines on money for nothing: Cuomo’s $25 billion upstate-jobs failure.  

Stephen Moore opines on the false compassion of liberalism and Brian M. Riedl opines in the NY Post on the fact that President Trump’s “heartless” budget doesn’t slash the safety net.  

Dan Profit has an excellent in depth podcast with David Keene that you can listen to here.  

Cal Thomas has some great advice for President Trump.  

Good news on climate change:  President Trump signs executive order to end most of President Obama’s climate change regulations.

More good news:  Dems unable to win seats in elections so far in 2017. 

Did the Democrats celebrate too soon?  The NY Times says the AHCA is back.  

Guy Benson writes in Townhall.com how Sen. Schumer is closing in on 41 votes to filibuster Judge Gorsuch.  Have you signed the petition yet to have Senator Schumer stop the politics?. Do it now, then call his office.   (Washington Office 1-202-224-6542 or the NYC office:  1-212-486-4430)

Tuesdays with Dennis Prager.  



Press Release regarding the NYS Budget

Brooklyn, NY – The following legislative memo has been sent to the Members of the Legislature regarding this year’s budget.

2017 Legislative Memo…

NYS Budget Items…

The looming budget deadline is fast approaching and the Conservative Party is deeply concerned that the NYS Budget will spend taxpayer’s money on programs that are a colossal waste of tax dollars while also facing cuts in federal monies coming into the state leaving New York in a deep fiscal quagmire.

Now is not the time to allow Governor Cuomo to have more control of economic development funds.
Now is not the time to offer tuition free college, especially when too many students in kindergarten through twelfth grade need the basic supplies required for a good foundation in education.
Now is not the time to extend the “millionaire’s tax” and push additional wealthy New Yorkers to states that do not punish success.
Now is not the time for the NYS Budget to Raise the Age of criminal responsibility. This is an issue that does not belong in budget negotiations.
Now is the time for education tax credits, expansion of charter schools and/or funding of the non-profit children’s education scholarship fund.
Now is the time to deliver on the promise of mandate relief.
Now is the time to reduce the burden of taxes.
Now is the time to let the free-market system work with entrepreneurial ideas like UBER.
Now is the time for government to invest in protecting its citizens with good roads, bridges, and water.

New York citizens do not need lofty ideals driving the budget that ultimately fail and leave taxpayers paying the bills well into the future.

New Yorkers need a responsible budget.

LM 2017-07

Daily Update

The NY Post opines that “sanctuary” policies shouldn’t protect thugs, we agree and go a step further to say “sanctuary” policies are against the US Constitution.  People who have come to American legally do not need “sanctuary” policies as there are numerous government agencies assisting legal immigrants and refugees.  Governor Cuomo just started another one called the Liberty Defense Fund on Friday. This is an update from news that broke on Friday:  AG Jeff Sessions says he will punish sanctuary cities, cities could lose billions of dollars.  Call the White House (202-456-1111)  and tell them Thank  You for doing what you can to keel us safe!  Before progressives lose their cool, they should understand this is a policy from the Obama Administration that he just didn’t administer.

America is a fierce defender of freedom of religion and a fiercer defender of our US Constitution. One of the concerns looming in our justice system is the need for some Muslim’s to have Sharia Law upheld in America…a door that when opened will fundamentally change our justice system. 

The Daily Signal enlightens us on the consequences of immigration on America’s public schools., and gives President Trump an “A” for doing this

The Daily Signal also writes that our favorite democrat, Sen. Zell Miller, could teach President Trump how to drain the swamp.  

Jim Heaney is the talk of Albany with his InvestigativePost.com article on the State of Subsidies.  Gov. Andrew Cuomo has sunk a lot of taxpayer money – $25 billion by his estimate – into recharging upstate’s moribund economy, according to the chart in the article, upstate’s job growth under the Cuomo administration grew a paltry 2.6%.  This year’s budget will waste more of your hard earned dollars.  

Jimmy Vielkind writes in PoliticoNY on the 7 things to watch during Albany’s budget crunch week.   Remember, it is an article in PoliticoNY and Mr. Vielkind, while he has good sources, he is not in the room during negotiations.  

Monday’s with Robert Knight.  


Statement by Chairman Michael R. Long On the passage by the House of Representatives of the American Health Care Act.

Brooklyn, NY — Since the very beginning of our Republic, different ideas have been discussed, dissected, and destroyed, then put back together to do what is best for the citizens. Today, the House of Representatives did just that. They took a health care failure – Obamacare – and took it apart to make it better for America’s citizens.

The House has sent the proposal to the US Senate to review, and make the changes they may deem necessary to further improve the American Health Care Act. A Conference Committee will finalize any changes and both bodies will adopt the American Health Care Act that President Trump will sign into law.

The American way is to elect a variety of people from various backgrounds to discuss what must be done to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

Today, the House of Representatives took the first step to regain the Liberty and Posterity that so many Americans fought and died for…the House Members did what was necessary to repeal and replace legislation that under minded what the Preamble to the Constitution clearly states and kept the Republic from withering from within.

Weekly Wrap-Up

The Conservative Party has launched a new petition drive telling Sen. Chuck Schumer to clear the way for Judge Neil Gorsuch ‘s confirmation.  Sen. Schumer needs to hear from as many New Yorkers as possible, because as it stands he is playing politics with Supreme Court.

Ironically, the Democrats’ blockade is a clear sign that they have lost their fight to block the Gorsuch nomination. 

How would you describe Chuck Schumer’s opposition to Judge Gorsuch? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

The Republicans’ response to a filibuster should be the Dirty Harry classic: “Go ahead, make my day” – especially after Gorsuch’s masterful performance during his confirmation hearings.  

The Democrats tried to bring Gorsuch down, but “nobody laid a glove on him,” as Wesley Pruden points out in The Washington Times. 

What did you find most impressive about Judge Gorsuch during his confirmation hearings? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

While some Democrats (especially “red state” Senators up for reelection in 2018) are desperate for a deal to get the confirmation over and done with, Sen. Lindsey Graham says that if there is a filibuster Republicans will have no choice but to “go nuclear” and eliminate that obstruction. 

What do you think will be the final outcome of Judge Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

The Democrats’ favorite narrative – that President Trump is somehow a Russian agent – continues to collapse. As White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer notes, there is more evidence that CNN colluded with the Clinton campaign.

Meanwhile it’s increasingly looking like there is more to the story behind concerns that Obama Administration officials had their eyes on President Trump.

The President has made clear his intention to end the U.S.-taxpayer-funded U.N. gravy train, and in the New York Post Betsy McCaughey says that horrific U.N. “peacekeepers” would be a good place to start with the funding cuts.

Remember how Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand pulled strings to help a man get around President Trump’s immigration order, and then he was charged with sexual abuse of a minor? 

Well, the Democrats’ “open borders” obsession continues to have devastating consequences, this time in a “sanctuary city” in Maryland. Border patrol experts say that the Obama Administration’s lax border enforcement set the stage for the attack – and the state’s Republican governor says that because of sanctuary policies, parents can no longer be assured that their children are safe in Maryland schools. 

The liberals’ response? Accusing outraged parents of “racism and xenophobia.” Unbelievable. 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

It is official:  Sen. Charles Schumer will lead filibuster AGAINST Judge Neil Gorsuch.    Sign our petition today then call his office:   Washington Office 1-202-224-6542 or the NYC office:  1-212-486-4430.  Do not let Sen. Schumer bork Judge Neil Gorsuch, a proven constitutionalist committed to the rule of law. Sen. Schumer’s statements in The Hill are so out of touch with reality it makes him look like the foolish partisan ideologue he is….all of a sudden Sen. Schumer is concerned about “executive overreach.” after 8 years of Obama’s executive overreach that even the current 8 Justices have ruled Obama overreached.   Stand up for America — Sen. Schumer NOW.

Conservatives who have been in the trenches for a long time are familiar with Donald Devine, and if you do not know who he is click here.  He is a bonafide conservative who understands governing.  He wrote this article for the American Spectator on March 20 regarding the AHCA. Obamacare is a death knell; the Conservative Party, like Donald Devine, has some reservations, but the AHCA gives us the ability to escape from Obamacare.  Tell your Congressman to vote for it.

Here is more on what Congressman John Faso and Congressman Chris Collins are doing to reduce the costly burden of Medicaid  forced on New Yorkers by unfunded mandates.  The State of Politics recaps Congressman Faso’s statements and Congressman Chris Collins has an excellent interview with Fred Dicker on Talk 1300.  (If you missed the NY Times article, click here.)

Meanwhile, Governor Cuomo is acting as if this amendment would destroy New York’s economy and taxes would have to be raised.  Not true!  Gov. Cuomo will have until 2020 to find a solution…which should include eliminating some of the benefits covered by Medicaid that are not required by the federal government.  

Here is another way, Governor Cuomo.  Perhaps you whining because you may have to give up your shadowy-spending Santa gig.  

Actually, all you have managed to do with your extravagant spending, Governor, is push more people out of New York State.  

Say it isn’t so:  NY state is considering a statewide $.05 tax on plastic bag fee.  Just another tax on people so pols can continue wasteful spending.  

Cal Thomas writes about what the main stream media has ignored for a week.  






Daily Update

Governor Andrew Cuomo said yesterday that Congressmen John Faso and Chris Collins “declared war on NY” with their amendment to the American Health Care Act (AHCA).  And the lemmings in the Democratic Party followed suit stating that the Faso/Collins Amendment would be detrimental to the health of New York.  Politico NY has an extensive article, authored by Jimmy Vielkind, which tries to be straight reporting, but leaves a lot out.  It neglects to include certain very important facts; for example, the federal government only requires Medicaid to cover 16 health benefits, however New York State choses to cover 41!   NY’s Cadillac coverage now has the costs of a Rolls-Royce What is detrimental to the health of New York is the years of having a Medicaid program that costs more than twice the national average.  New York’s costs are so far out of line that the state sticks local governments with a substantial share—and that, in turn, is a major reason our property taxes are so high.  Governor Andrew Cuomo has a very weak argument against the Faso/Collins amendment, there are numerous ways the state can absorb the 1.5% it would lose from the counties and if NY just provided the required 16 benefits instead of the 41 it choses to, the state and counties would both benefit.  Governor Cuomo should also read what his father, Governor Mario Cuomo said in 1994 and the NY Times agreed with.   As we said yesterday, we stand with Congressman John Faso and Congressman Chris Collins — and thank them for standing up for New York’s citizens.

Here is another article in Politico on the simmering feud between Collins and Cuomo.  

Just remember that everything Andrew Cuomo’s every move is now about his 2020 hopes.  

Another colossal waste of taxpayer’s money!

The Wall Street Journal calls the upcoming vote on the AHCA a defining moment.  (The article was posted on Twitter, so everyone should be able to access it.)

The Supreme Court limits presidential appointment power.  

Kathleen Gallagher writes in The Tablet about teens being feed fake news by the secular media. Parents, if you teenage daughter reads Teen Vogue you must read Mrs. Gallagher’s article so you know what your daughter is being exposed to by the editors of the magazine.  We recommend Grandparents read the article also to know what the youngsters of today are reading.    



Daily Update

Congressmen John Faso and Chris Collins offered an amendment to the American Health Care Act designed to help New York State taxpayers by offering mandate relief to upstate counties.  Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s reaction is to call them “Conservative Zealots,”   Congressman John Faso was on the Fred Dicker radio show this morning to explain the necessity of the amendment.  Listen to it here.  And learn more about it here in Congressman Chris Collin’s press release.  The Conservative Party fully supports this amendment to give New Yorkers some much needed mandate relief.  

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has an insatiable appetite for taxes!  Gov. Cuomo continues to find new ways to  impose and collect increasingly more taxes from New Yorkers’ and never acknowledges that the more he demands, the more people and businesses leave.  Way to go Governor, your concern for your constituents is pure malarkey.  

Here is more malarkey from some of New York’s wealthiest residents.  If they truly wanted to pay more taxes, nothing is stopping them from writing a check to the NYS Department of Taxation instead of looking for every possible write-off they can find when filing their taxes.  Hey guys, take your gross income and pay the taxes due on that.  Leave the rest of us alone.

According to this Gov. Cuomo is getting ready to play Santa Clause again next year when he distributes up to 60 discretionary funding pots, up $2 billion from last year.  His insatiable appetite for taxes — your money — will most likely be distributed in an election year to buy your vote.  

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik was center state yesterday when questioning FBI Director James Comey.  

The long, sharp knives are out for Judge Neil Gorsuch, a gentleman deemed “well-qualified” unanimously by the American Bar Association.  Be sure you sign our petition telling Sen. Schumer to stop playing politics and confirm Judge Gorsuch now.  

Do you have children going off to college?  Read this before anyone signs for a student loan.  If attending college soon, one must be prepared for this and this.  

Dennis Prager opines on the most dangerous addiction of them all: Entitlements.  

Photo credit:  IBTimes.com



Daily Update

The NY Post editorial takes the opportunity to remind Sen. Schumer of his words in 2013.  For a smart man, Sen. Schumer seems to forget — or nefariously chooses not to remember — things he has said in the past.  

We are a government of laws, not men.  

There should be a way to hold judges who make very poor decisions responsible.  As long as the left leaning democrats in the Assembly are in control, there is no hope of passing Recall.  

One judge that will probably never need to be recalled is Judge Neil Gorsuch whose hearings kicked off today.  The Senate Judiciary Committee plan to vote by April 3rd, then the floor “fight” will begin in earnest.  Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times on Neil Gorsuch and the corpse flower.  

Another state suggests that non-citizens voted in past elections.  

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s other power grab.

National Review investigated the Meals on Wheels and found that the press was wrong.  

The Daily Signal explains that this isn’t fake news.  

Fox News has the latest on the FBI investigations of Russian ties.  FBI director, James Comey will not comment on the obvious leaks that the press have reported.  

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times on freeing religion from government’s grip. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

In a win for corrupt officials everywhere, this week we finally found something that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is good at – escaping prosecution for corruption.  The New York Post makes no bones about it – it’s too bad the Mayor is incompetent at everything else.

How would you describe the news that de Blasio will get off scot-free on these corruption charges? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

As you answer, consider the irony that de Blasio could now face a challenge from someone who’s even better at corruption. How likely is it, in your opinion, that Hillary Clinton will run for Mayor of New York City? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Meanwhile, President Trump this week continued his unheard-of-in-D.C. strategy of keeping his campaign promises by releasing a budget that scales back government’s size and scope and strengthens our defenses.  It’s a great start at putting Washington in its place – and it also puts Republican lawmakers on the spot as their promises of limited government are put to the test. 

The Washington Examiner has the winners and losers – what do you think is the most sensible cost-cutting measure in President Trump’s newly-released federal budget proposal? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

As President Trump follows through on the promises he’s made, many sense a more optimistic spirit in our economy… and many businesses are going back to hiring mode

Is it “un-American” for businesses and entrepreneurs to feel confident about the Trump economy? Chuck Schumer and the media elites may very well think so.

There are still reasons for concern – especially (as we’ve seen this week in the courts’ dangerous, “Twilight Zone”-style rulings on President Trump’s immigration orders) since activist judges are going above-and-beyond to defy the White House rather than simply apply the Constitution.

Have a great weekend!