Daily Update

Governor Cuomo wanted to change the name of Start-Up NY, but Governor Cuomo didn’t get his way.  The legislator’s extended the program for two years, despite its poor record.  There was, however,  a major change in the Start-Up NY program —  whether by design or rushed bill drafting —  reporting requirements for the participants in Governor Cuomo’s costly economic boondoggle are no longer required to file annual reports.  Will this be fixed when the legislators return to Albany?  

According to reports, Gov. Cuomo has all he wants from this legislative session.  The NY Post laments the fact that ethics reform wasn’t passed, to which we say…all of the ethics reform possible will not change people who do not have a moral compass.  True ethics reform is in the hands of the voters!  Since the Governor thinks all of the work in Albany was accomplished with the NYS budget, (especially since the NYS budget has incorporated policy along with fiscal issues) it is time to send the legislators home.  Think of the money taxpayers would save if the legislative session ended now.   

Bob Hardt writes in his NY1 Political ItCH column about family ties in Albany.  The last paragraph is priceless.  

Donald Devine explains how EPA Attack on ‘Little Guy’ Gas Stations Does Nothing for Environment.  

Is anyone surprised by this:  Labor Spent $1.7 Billion on Politics in 2016, Mostly for Dems.  

Or this:  More Than 70 Liberal Groups Partnered for Anti-Trump Tax Day Protests.  

Associate Justice Gorsuch marks his first day with humor, humility, irritation and a little of Justice Scalia’s sarcasm.  

Dennis Prager:  Two Weeks of Great Clarity.  

Daily Update

As more and more people have a chance to review the NYS Budget, there is increasingly more grumbling than in previous years.  You know you have problems with a “progressive” program when the NY Times questions if it was well thought out.  The Tribune Review called it an illusion, not a solution. The Sun says “free” tuition includes “golden handcuffs,.” while the Empire Center says “free” tuition police comes with strings and baggage.   Tom Precious writes in the Buffalo News how students react to the “free” tuition plan that locks them in New York for years.  

Another section of the NYS Budget will allow coverage of fertility services for low income women; one more section where experts say the language is “jumbled and confusing.”  Read what Chairman Mike Long had to say about the costly coverage.    

Mr. Mayor:  Seriously?  Another case of Mayor de Blasio not following his own advice.  

The citizens editorial board at Auburn.com says the Governor’s “middle class recovery act” is another state mandate that amounts to busywork that will costs taxpayers.   This is how the NY Post editorial explained it:  Cuomo’s phony win against a phantom menace.  

Jim Geraghty opines in NationalReview.com and send out a Morning Jolt.   The one he wrote for today has a very interesting section on American’s West and America’s Rest.  It is the second segment on the page and it does not have a permanent link.  Read it today to learn what could be happening in the main stream media.  

Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) says the corruption on Capitol Hill is worse than you think.  

Matt Vespa writes in Townhall.com about tin foil hat time.

Record intake in federal taxes, and we are still run a deficit.  

Pyongyang’s strategy could be a ticking time bomb.  

Weekly Wrap-Up

Andrew Cuomo claims that the state’s new budget rejects “the politics of division” – in a Daily News piece in which he accuses those who disagree with him of facilitating “a surge in bias-motivated threats, harassment and acts of violence,” opposing “diversity and inclusion,” attempting to “take a wrecking ball to our health care system,” and trying to “create a religious test for immigration.” He says that conservatives – you and I – are “committed to policies that will hurt the middle class and the most vulnerable among us.”

When Cuomo talks about “unity,” he lies. He hates conservatives and everything we stand for, and has made it clear that we “have no place in the state of New York.” 

And for the record, that “surge” in violence has proven to be a surge in liberal hoaxes; left-wing politicians like Cuomo define “hate” as “anything I disagree with”; “diversity and inclusion” do not extend to anyone who disagrees with Cuomo’s Democratic Party; Obamacare itself is the “wrecking ball”; the “Muslim ban” is fake news; liberal policies, and especially Andrew Cuomo’s, hurt the middle class; and the Cuomo Administration has been one long, drawn-out ambush on “the most vulnerable among us.” 

In that same article, Cuomo states that “Never has New York… produced more impactful legislation.” I guess he’s telling the truth about that – the impact will be everything from bigger-than-ever government that New Yorkers can’t afford to more “free” programs that ensure failure, to a new migration out of our state to more taxpayer-friendly locales. 

All three questions in our new Weekly Poll are focused on the Cuomo budget. They are: 

1)    What do you think will be the WORST IMPACT of this budget? 
2)    Which part of the New York state budget do you find MOST objectionable? 
3)    Overall, how would you describe the new Cuomo/Albany budget? 

I look forward to your responses – unfortunately, there are lots of bad apples to choose from in this budget.

As I’m sure you noticed, our Weekly Wrap-Up is a day early this week – tomorrow we’ll be observing Good Friday. We’ll see you back here Monday – until then, have a wonderful Easter weekend!

Daily Update

When Cuomo says ‘reform,’ he’s planning a power grab.  

Eva Moskowitz: State budget a ‘travesty’ for charter schools.  

Bob McManus writes in the NY Post:  With this year’s budget, Cuomo betrayed charter schools.  

The Daily Signal writes about the true costs of New York’s free college program.  

Kudos to university President Rita Cheng (Northern Arizona University) takes her responsibilities to heart — gives students the right message.  

David Keene takes us back in history in a  powerful column that looks at the foul fruits of Woodrow Wilson.  Mr. Keene also opines on the half-baked lies of Susan Rice.  

Speaking of Susan Rice, the more we know the more we need to know.  

Congressman Joe Crowley’s family is back to Queens Supreme Court…for jobs..

Sessions: The Border is Not Open, Do Not Come.  The Daily Signal has 5 takeaways from AG Sessions border trip.  

Tillerson says US-Russia relations at ‘low point,’ calls for improving ties after Putin meeting.  BREAKING NEWS:  Russia votes NO … UN resolution to condemn Syria  chemical attack fails.  

Grandparents and parents:  Be aware of the books you are buying for your young ones to read. Ben Shapiro writes about the insanity of the left’s child gender confusion agenda.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams and his excellent wisdom.  





Daily Update

E. J. McMahon has an excellent article on Gov. Cuomo’s thought-free tuition offer.  As always, he makes excellent points on the illusion of free college tuition.  The NY Post editorial on Gov. Cuomo’s headline grabbing idea will deepen the student-debt crisis.

Empire Center advises us that the latest NYS Budget spends at $5,169 per second.  For more on their analysis of the budget:  click here.  

Report: New York Gives Corporations More In Tax Breaks Than Any Other State.  

Donald Devine asks this question in the Imaginative Conservative:  Is capitalism the enemy of the family?  

Surprise: Trump’s calm, competent global leadership.  

Newt Gingrich: Three critical things everyone needs to know about Trump’s Syria airstrikes.  

Rich Lowry has this to say:  Turns out Obama was the real Russian stooge.  

Kudos to Peggy Noonan!  The Pulitzer for commentary is indeed a rare honor for a conservative.  

Maryland lawmakers come to their senses and withdraw a bill that would have made Maryland a sanctuary state.   

Is Barack Obama attempting to influence how Germany will vote in September?  

Cal Thomas, never one to mince words, has a few words of wisdom in this week’s column.  

Gillibrand criticizes Trump’s spending priorities.  Here is how Chairman Long’ responds to her criticism.   


Daily Update

It is Official: (Photo Credit:  AP Photo/Evan Vucci)  The judge becomes Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch!  Congratulations to Justice Gorsuch and to President Donald J. Trump who understood how important it is to have men of his stature on the US Supreme Court.  Chairman Long had this to say in a recent interview on Justice Gorsuch. Now that Associate Justice Gorsuch is settled, it is time to start filing other vacancies in the federal courts.  

The Trump Administration is back to square one on tax reform, as they do not want the pitfalls encountered with health care.  

This judge is not making the decisions that will lead him to a seat on the US Supreme Court.  His decision to allow NYC to destroy personal records of those who applied for the NYCID card is misguided and should be overturned on appeal. 

For all the public employees counting on writing off their union dues, please read this., 

The recently passed budget will only encourage hard working New Yorkers to move out of state, where they will only have to work to pay their own children’s tuition and not the tuition of children they do not know, where the is no pork-barrel fund that gives away cash with no oversight, that does not have the most generous subsidies in the nation for film and TV,  and millionaires are not punished with additional taxes, among other ill-conceived policy — Raise the Age– that the budget contains.   

E. J. McMahon and Rob Astorino were both on Fred Dicker’s radio program this morning with more on the budget.  (E. J. begins at the 9:20 mark)

I’m really tired of being talked down to by Governor Cuomo.  Does his press release on his Easter Egg Hunt at the Governor’s Mansion, (remember he does not live there but apparently is already pretending to be president) have to include ” that weapons and controlled substances as well as bags, backpacks, luggage, parcels, briefcases and similar articles are strictly prohibited from the event.”  He must really think that he is the only intelligent person in NYS. 

Heather MacDonald speaks out for free speech, especially on college campuses.  

Stephen Moore opines on how government makes the poor poorer.  

So, The Obama Administration Knew Syria Didn’t Hand Over All Its Chemical Weapons, But Lied To Us Anyway?  





Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s up to President Trump to clean up President Obama’s mess in Syria, and the President has taken decisive action to do just that – and in doing so, he has struck a blow against the Obama Administration’s feckless foreign policy.

I’m sure you’ll all join me in praying for our nation as these tensions escalate, and especially for our men and women in uniform who sacrifice so much so America can lead the world. 

Obama Era foreign policy is still little more than a question mark, and it’s looking increasingly likely that Obama’s foreign affairs crew committed criminal acts – but we’re already seeing results from President Trump… whether it’s more aggressive U.S. leadership at the UN or a drop in illegal immigration now that would-be scofflaws know that President Trump means what he says.   

So here’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll: What do you like most so far about President Trump’s foreign policy?

Hillary is back with expert analysis of her election loss, and – surprise, surprise – she thinks it had very little to do with her own campaign.  She’s blaming the usual suspects: Sexism, misogyny, Russia, and on and on…. 

Of course this makes for a perfect question for our new Weekly Poll: What do you think is the REAL reason Hillary Clinton lost the White House? There are so many legitimate answers – none of them involving ridiculous claims of sexism. 

Today Judge Neil Gorsuch will be confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice by the U.S. Senate – yet another example of President Trump keeping his campaign promises (and of the Democrats continuing to earn the “Stupid Party” label). 

Baseball is finally back, and there is endless analysis of where the Mets and Yankees stand headed into the 2017 season.  The Yankees had an outstanding Spring Training, but I hear the Mets have some talented minor leaguers

So here’s the third and final question for our new Weekly Poll: Do you think the Mets or the Yankees will impress us the most this year? 

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Tom Precious, writing in the Buffalo News, has a good update as to what is and isn’t in the NYS Budget and what is still not resolved.   State of Politics reported on the NYS Budget this way in their morning memo.  The latest, according to Twitter, is that the Democrats are huddling with Speaker Heastie.  One thing is certain, Gov Cuomo and Sen. Jeff Klein want your tax dollars  to pay for immigration services.  Notice how the headline are article omit the word illegal!!   The NY Post headline appears to lay the blame for the lack of a budget on Charter Schools, thank the democrats for not wanting your children to have better opportunities in education.   Wait, the latest is that the democrats will accept the compromise on Charter Schools. and the other two “obstacles.”.  Here is the latest from State of Politics.  Just remember, we have been at this juncture before.  

The “nuclear option” is done.  And you can thank the democrats.  Now that they are not in control, they aren’t happy about the “nuclear option.”  It wasn’t that long ago when liberal pundits praised Harry Reid for going nuclear.  We shouldn’t be surprised, so many are hypocrites on far too many subjects.  

The Federalist is reporting that the Obama spying scandal started long before Trump.  And the latest on this is that the unmasking was not broad, rather it revealed personal details.  Here is what Investor’s Business Daily has to say on the subject.  Michael Goodwin thinks Ms. Rice’s record damages her credibility.  

The Heritage Foundation explains how big government actually hurts the poor.  

Daily Update

It appeared NYS has a budget, but, the details were still murky.  We know that the millionaires tax remains in place for two more years and that the Raise the Age issue was agreed to, but the latest information says Raise the Age is back on the table according to this report filed by State of Politics at 12:43 PM. The reality is that until the actual votes are taken, no one, including the members,  will really know what is and isn’t in the budget.  Zack Fink posted this on State of Politics at 1;59 PM, interesting background on the Raise the Age issue.  Here is what the NY Post had to say about the budget…note that it was written last night.  Here is another article on the budget, written by Tom Precious for the Buffalo News.  

Where does the NYC Council think the money they want to spend comes from?  NYC Council proposes millions for discount MetroCards for poor, Citi Bike expansion.  Council Members:  if you continue spending the only New Yorkers left in the City will be poor.  

Betsy McCaughey gives us some food for thought in her latest article: In America’s drug crisis, pandering pols emerge as big part of problem.  

New Yorkers’ initial reaction to Congressman Kevin Brady will most likely be that the tax overhaul being considered is unfair — and NY politicians will scream foul — however, the real problem is that New York State taxes are out of control, far too high and getting higher every day with proposals to take care issues that government should not be involved with.  It is no wonder that 1 million people have already left New York since 2010.  This, Governor Cuomo is your legacy.  USA Today confirms New York State has the highest tax burden….California is 10th!

Can we please let Catholic Schools stay Catholic?  

Oh my, Chris Cuomo goes off the deep end calling the Susan Rice story a “fake scandal.”   Meanwhile,  a former CIA analyst says Susan Rice’s NDA demasking denials don’t add up.  The Federalist opines on why Susan Rice’s role in the Obama spying story is a big deal  Charles Hurt writes in the Washington Times that Susan Rice somehow manages to make Benghazi cover-up seem minor.  

US Ambassador Condemns Syrian Gas Attacks, Urges United Nations to Act

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 



Daily Update

Even the NY Daily News editors reached a correct decision regarding the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch,  albeit some of their reasoning is faulty.  “Unwilling to register their disapproval of the eminently qualified Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch via a “no” vote on the Senate floor — a vote they’d lose, with some of their own voting “aye” — Democrats are hell-bent on launching an endless talkathon to filibuster his nomination to death.”  It isn’t often that we agree with the NY Daily News but they are right when the say “Wrong move, Chuck.”

If you haven’t signed our petition, please do so now.  

Rich Lowry’s article — Gorsuch filibuster will be the dumbest in US history — slams Sen. Schumer’s political stand as “an act of a sheer partisan pique against the wrong target, with the wrong method, at the wrong time.”  

Guy Benson writes in Townhall.com:  History Lesson: On Judicial Nominations, GOP Must Punish Democrats for Decades of Unprecedented Escalations.  

Susan Rice, Obama’s Hatchet Woman, Proves Lord Acton Right Again.   Apparently, Ms. Rice finds it difficult remembering the things she has done for her former boss and her BFF Valerie Jarrett.  Here is Bloomberg News’ coverage of the newest “gate”: Ricegate.  This is how Investor’s Business Daily is covering the explosive news regarding Ms. Rice.  

Some progressives want to ease voter registration…they are considering Europe’s registration at birth.  

NYC Council Wants $12 Million in Tax Dollars to Give Free Lawyers to Immigrants Facing Deportation.  It isn’t enough that immigrants are here illegally, but now they want our money to defend them!!

Jimmy Vielkind writes in PoliticoNY that the Extender gives Cuomo nearly $1.8 billion for economic development projects.  (Even after START-UP NY continues to have less than stellar results.) It appears that Gov. Cuomo is no longer in a rush to finish the budget, but did say there is a conceptional agreement on it.  (We’ve been there before.)  The State of Politics has more on the current budget morass.  The Poughkeepsie Journal has even more on the conceptional agreement here that apparently agrees to extend the millionaires tax for two years.    Bill Hammond’s article explains how the two bills already passed are more than just extenders.  



Daily Update

This week is shaping up as a busy news week both in Washington and Albany.  Albany has no budget, not surprising, since so many components of the proposed NYS budget do not belong in it as they are policy issues.  Governor Cuomo has offered “an extender” budget bill to supposedly prevent a shutdown of government, however the extender bill contains over 1700 pages and seems to have more than budget issues in it daring the legislators to shut-down government.  Chaos reigns again.  (Could this turn into a good chaos if the members of the legislature insist that policy issues do not belong in the budget, ah, but I dream.)

One of the major reasons the NYS budget spends far too much is due to Medicaid costs.  George J. Marlin confirms ideas brought forward will contain, even trim back, some of NY’s costs.  Bill Hammond, writing in the NY Torch explains how some members of the legislature keep adding to Medicaid costs by introducing legislation that ultimately become unfunded mandates on taxpayers. His column really is a fascinating look into how the costs have become unsustainable.  

The Washington Free Beacon had a short column yesterday with this headline:   Schiff Can’t Say There’s Evidence of Trump Campaign Colluding With Russia.  Rest assured, if Congressman Schiff had come across a scintilla of evidence, he would be shouting from the mountain tops. The fact that he is reserved, should lead people to believe what he saw in the evidence that there is far more to this story.  We need Paul Harvey back.  Do you remember this gem that Paul Harvey delivered 52 years ago today

The US Senate Judiciary Committee is voting today to advance Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination, which will be filibustered by Sen. Charles Schumer.  Shame on him.  Does he not remember what he has said and done in the past?  Chris Cuomo is becoming more like his partisan brother every day.  Sen. Schumer picks up another misguided democrat.  

Did you see this on Fox and Friends this morning?  Explosive news that is breaking (despite the main stream media trying its best to suppress it) on the surveillance of Trump and his associates for a YEAR.  And this afternoon it is being reported that Susan Rice is the unmasker.!  Yes, the very same Susan Rice who outright lied about Benghazi.  

Paul Harvey warned us 52 years ago, many did not listen then, if we don’t do something now, it really will be a lost cause.  Begin by stopping Sen. Schumer from denying a good man, Judge Neil Gorsuch,  his place on the US Supreme Court.  Call his office, even if you have already called.  Washington Office 1-202-224-6542 or the NYC office:  1-212-486-4430

Weekly Wrap-Up

How do you think President Trump is doing? 

The Wall Street Journal is keeping track of the President’s first 100 days, and United Press International is also tracking the Administration’s actions so far – and I know Conservative Party supporters have followed the news themselves, weeded out real stories from “fake news,” and formed their own opinions. 

So here’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll: As we enter the third month of the Trump Administration, how satisfied are you with President Trump’s job performance so far? 

I’m very interested in seeing how the responses to this question shake out. 

One thing President Trump is doing is making American energy great again by bringing back the Keystone Pipeline and rolling back the Obama Administration’s phony “clean power” regulations.  Of course leftists are losing their minds and filing lawsuits – it’s what they do. 

What word do you think BEST describes the left’s environmental activists? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll – can you settle on just one?

With Nikki Haley representing US interests at the United Nations, there’s a tough new sheriff in town laying down the law – about time, if you ask me. President Trump has called for a major cut in U.S. funding for the UN, and those cuts are starting to take shape

Get our your scissors for the final Weekly Poll question: How much do you think U.S. funding for the United Nations should ultimately be cut? 

Have a great weekend!