Statement by Chairman Michel R. Long on Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order Prohibiting State Agencies from Inquiring about Immigration Status

Brooklyn, NY — By the stroke of his pen, Governor Andrew Cuomo, undermines the very essence of what made New York State the Empire State. The immigrants who contributed so much to our Empire State, came here legally. They stood in line and respected the rule of law. New York’s Ellis Island welcomed and processed almost
40% of the legal immigrants that have come to America.

We are proud of being a melting pot of legal immigration. It is illegal immigration that we oppose; when you enter illegally you make the statement that the rule of law does not apply to you.

Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order gives immigrants who have entered our beloved country illegally his blessing to disregard the rule of law and allows illegal immigrants to reap the benefits created by a society that is based on the rule of law.

/ In Press Release / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Statement by Chairman Michel R. Long on Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order Prohibiting State Agencies from Inquiring about Immigration Status

Weekly Wrap-Up

Immigration is front-and-center in this week’s news.

President Trump’s DACA negotiations with the Democrats have all sides scrambling.  Is this set to be the next big win for the Trump Administration and the country? Is it too problematic to proceed? Or is it President Trump’s “read my lips” moment?

Meanwhile in New York, Andrew Cuomo has signed an executive order prohibiting state agencies from inquiring about individuals’ immigration status – another sell-out to the left, and the latest step in Cuomo’s presidential campaign.

Here is our statement on this upending of the law. Now I want to know what you think – Just how destructive do you think Governor Cuomo’s executive order protecting illegal immigrants will be? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Meanwhile Democrats are stampeding to support Bernie Sanders’s disastrous “health care for all” plan and follow the old-school socialist right off the fiscal cliff. Does the left understand just how radical socialized health care really is? Or, to put it less charitably, what a joke it is? Even supporters of the Canadian version acknowledge the wait times involved. (There’ll be no waiting, of course, for taxpayer-funded abortions.)

What do you think is the WORST aspect of the Bernie Sanders-Democrats’ “Medicare for All” socialized health care plan?  That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Also this week, Hillary Clinton’s giant carousel of self-pity continued spinning out of control. Here is a pie-chart of blame – there’s plenty to go around. Between attacking the Constitution and showing Americans how to breathe, Hillary also arrogantly instructed President Trump to read her book “It Takes a Village.”

I’ve compiled a few titles that Hillary might do well to read over – from selfhelp works to accounts of true leadership to policy analysis and character studies, and even a work from the President himself. Which book do you think Hillary should be reading? Make your pick in the third question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

The woman only knows how to pour salt on an open wound.  I have said many times in this blog that Hillary should just go away, and I really so not want to cover anything she says or does.  But to imply that the tragic deaths of Ambassador Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Dougherty and Sean Smith hurt her politically is beyond outrageous.  Shame on you Hillary Clinton!  This pours more salt on our nation’s open wound.  

It’s Bad: New Emails Show Huma Abedin Mishandled Classified Info on Barrage of Sensitive Issues.    

He’s back!  Sen. Bernie Sanders wants single-payer health care.  When California dismisses its single=payer health care plan because of the expense, our advice to you, Sen. Sanders, is don’t hold your breath.  

The early morning headlines screamed —  Donald and the Dems have a deal on DACA.  Not so fast says The Donald — no DACA deal yet.  Talking about a DACA deal is good, at least everyone knows there is an elephant in the room and while tempers flare, at the very least, the discussion is serious.  If President Trump does not keep his word, it will be a very long and yes, ugly, three years.  Every person who has a heart, to quote President Trump,  also knows, any deal without an absolute end to illegal immigration — and all the perks illegals are handed — is the end of the Trump Administration.  If President Trump fails to negotiate the deal he promises his base, his base would not have left him, he would have left his base.  Mr. President:  The deal is in your court.  

Good advice from Betsy McCaughey:  Justices Should Toss Dems’ Phony Election Lawsuit.  

Less than 15% of eligible NYC voters participated in the democratic primary for mayor on Tuesday.  Assemblywoman Malliotakis takes that as a good sign.,  The fact that Nicole is getting this much coverage is also a good sign for her campaign and the fact that she is right on so many issues.  

A day late but still good.  Wednesdays with Walter E. Williams.  




Brooklyn, NY – Chairman Michael R. Long announced that at a meeting of the State Executive Committee held yesterday (09/13/2017), the Conservative Party recommends the following positions on the three statewide proposals New York State’s citizens will vote on November 7, 2017 and reminds voters to turn the ballot over as the statewide ballot questions are on the back of the ballot.

Vote NO on proposition number 1: Shall there be a Constitutional Convention?

The New York State Conservative Party has been a longtime outspoken organization against the idea of holding a Constitutional Convention. The Convention held in 1967, which Chairman Michael R. Long participated in, was a colossal waste of taxpayers’ money and if one was held now, it would cost taxpayers even more money and be controlled by the same special interests that already have a strong presence in the legislative process.

The fact that two additional proposals are on the ballot, reinforces our position that there is a process in place that allows the NYS Constitution to be amended, when necessary, without the added immense cost of holding a convention.

Vote YES on proposition number 2: Allows for the complete or partial forfeiture of a public officer’s pension if he or she is convicted of a certain type of felony that has a direct and actual relationship to the performance of the public officer’s existing duties.

New York’s Constitution now provides that the benefits of a public pension or retirement system cannot be reduced or impaired. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to allow a court to reduce or revoke the public pension of a public officer who is convicted of a felony that has a direct and actual relationship to the performance of the public officer’s existing duties. A Court could consider many factors, including undue hardship to the family and the seriousness of the crime. If approved, the Legislature will enact law that puts the proposal into effect. All public officials, elected and appointed, would be subject to the new law, including legislative, executive, or judicial employees who directly assist in the formulation of legislation, rules, regulations, policy, or judicial decision-making and who is designated by law as a policy-maker. The proposal would only apply to felony crimes committed after January 1, 2018.

Vote YES on proposition number 3: The proposed amendment will create a land account adding up to 250 acres of forest preserve land eligible for use by towns, villages, and counties that have no viable alternative to using forest preserve land to address specific public health and safety concerns.

New York State’s Constitution protects the State’s forest preserve as wild forest land and generally prohibits the lease, sale, exchange, or taking of any forest preserve land. The Conservative Party has long opposed the state arbitrarily taking land to increase acreage in a forest preserve, however, there are times when such action is necessary. Proposal number 3, creates a land account of up to 250 acres of forest preserve land, that a town, village, or county can apply to the land account if it has no viable alternative to using forest preserve land for specified health and safety purposes. These purposes could include making dangerous roads safer and other safety concerns, for example bridge repairs. It could also make it possible for rural areas to gain access to needed utility lines and safer bike paths.

Daily Update

Today is Primary Day, check your local Board of Elections to find out if you are eligible to vote.  If you are not registered in any political party, you can vote in a Reform Party primary if there is one in your district.  In NYC, you can vote for Nicole Mallitokas in the Reform Party Primary if you are not enrolled in a political party.  

Why New York is losing the ‘millionaires race’.  

In case you missed this:  Judge orders Maryland bar to investigate lawyers who helped Clinton delete emails.  Meanwhile, John Crudele writes in today’s NY Post that Hillary is not blaming the right people for her stunning election loss.   Please go away, Hillary, and take you lies with you

The strange odyssey of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz continues. and becomes stranger. 

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos does the right thing by standing up for due process rights in campus sexual assault cases.

Study: The Liberal Media’s Summer of Pummeling Trump.  

Disasters and dopes.  

More bad news for those on Obamacare:  Obamacare’s Out-of-Pocket Costs for Specialty Drugs Increases 16% in One Year.  

Here is Rich Lowry’s insight on the Trump, Nancy, Chuck alliance.  

Pray for Florida and please help if you can.  






Weekly Wrap-Up

Is Chuck Schumer now the most powerful man in America? That would be bad news for America, which is why many conservatives are deeply troubled by this week’s budget deal between President Trump, Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.

But do House Republicans have any room to criticize, when the only thing they seem capable of doing is spending money?

For the first question in our new Weekly Poll, I want to know how concerned you are over the Trump/Schumer/Pelosi deal. I look forward to seeing the response on this one.

Our second Weekly Poll question deals with the upcoming statewide vote on the proposed Constitutional Convention. In his New York Post column, George Marlin outlines key reasons why the Conservative Party and other groups oppose the Constitutional Convention. Which potential outcome of the Convention alarms you the MOST?

Speaking of the upcoming elections, conservative mayoral candidate Nicole Malliotakis is out with her first campaign ad, and it is literally a hard-hitting piece. You can watch it here.

This week President Trump kept a campaign promise by ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) implemented unilaterally by Barack Obama for illegal alien “dreamers” that are celebrated by the left. The issue now goes to Congress for a proper legislative solution.

While there may be no such thing as a “deserving” dreamer, many believe that President Trump was right to make Congress resolve this issue through its legislative powers, combined with the checks-and-balances outlined in the Constitution.

What do you think is the BEST reason for eliminating the DACA program? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

As all this is going on, President Trump is doing a great job of nominating lower-level judges and reshaping the federal judiciary. Now if liberals in the Senate would stop their gridlock and end their religious tests and anti-Catholic bigotry. Could you imagine if a Muslim judicial nominee was attacked this way by a Republican?

Finally – we’ve been discussing the problem of voter fraud in recent weeks, and this week saw new evidence from New Hampshire that fake voters can decide an election.  We’ll be keeping an eye on this.

Have a great weekend!


Have a great weekend.

Daily Update

Good news for those of us who value life!  NY High Court Rejects Constitutional Right to Assisted Suicide.  New York’s highest court rejected the argument Wednesday that mentally competent, terminally ill patients have a constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, upholding lower court rulings.  The NY Law Journal has more on this here, but you will have to register (free) to access the article.  US News and World Reports has a shorter article here.  

From the Daily Signal:  House Republicans Unhappy That Trump Siding With Democrats on Debt Ceiling.  The Conservative Action Project issued a memo yesterday calling for no debt limit increase without fiscal reforms which Chairman Long signed onto.  It is imperative that Congress adopts fiscal reforms as noted in the memo: With Republicans in unified control of the government this time around, settling for minor reforms – or, worse, for a debt ceiling increase with no reforms – would be a squandered opportunity.  We cannot sustain, certainly not increase, the current 77 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  Here is our current national debt.  

Is this our future?  How many migrants in Europe are Jihadists? Will American courts mandate that we take in migrants?  If we fail at what President Trump promised campaigning and since taking office, there is the possibility that Sen. Schumer and Nancy Pelosi will return as leaders in 2018 and stifle any hope of making America great again.  Sen. Schumer refuses to understand why President Trump halted DACA for six months despite what he said in 2009.  Watch the video; what happened to the man speaking in it? (Politics and the lust to be the majority leader by pandering to those who have taken over the democratic party?)  Here is more on the biometric based federal employment verification system mentioned by Sen. Schumer.  Here is the Washington Times view of waking up from an impossible dream.  

Ben Shapiro’s op-ed in the NY Post lays out why the Republicans should get radical.  

Betsy McCaughey lets us know ObamaCare is making the middle class the new uninsured.  

Just when I thought she was reasonable, Sen. Feinstein does this:  Feinstein Attacks Catholic Judicial Nominee at Hearing.  I guess it only proved the old adage that even a clock is right twice a day.  

Why would anyone in New York City vote for Mayor de Bolshevik?   He despises capitalist and finds new ways to take their money, while turning a blind-eye to the real problems in New York City.  

Hillary, stop writing, or should that be stop whining.  You lost, get over it.  We already know What Happened, you were a terrible candidate and you lost it all on your own!








Daily Update

Progressive leftist have little or no respect for the rule of law, for example, Mayor de Blasio insists that NYC will continue to support people who rely on DACA even as Trump axes the program while Cuomo and Schneiderman vow New York will sue Trump over move to end DACA.  Even President Obama dumped on Trump despite knowing full well that his DACA Executive Order overstepped his presidential role…Congress makes laws, presidents sign or veto them.

Some honest liberals understand the rule of law.  Will Sen. Feinstein face backlash for speaking the truth that DACA is on shaky legal ground

Rich Lowry writes in today’s NY Post that Trump just took a giant step toward truly legalizing the Dreamers.  Investor’s Business Daily writes how President Trump upholds the Constitution by dumping DACA, and critics freak out.  National Review has an article by Fred Bauer that deals with the politics of the DACA fix.   We have all learned this week that Americans are a very generous and understanding society, yet, we also understand that we are a society that relies on the rule of law…and it is long past the time that progressive leftist learn that as a society who have created the greatest nation the rule of law prevails.  

How ironic:  Planned Parenthood president says “we firmly believe that every person has the right to live, work, and raise a family freely and without the threat of deportation or separation,” (Except, of course, the those whose lives are ripped from their mother’s womb.)

Michele Malkin puts DACA into perspective with her article on there is no such thing as a ‘Deserving DREAMer‘.  

Mayor de Blasio, the more you try to explain what you meant, the more people know how disingenuous you sound.  Even your fellow democrat, Michael Goodwin, is calling on democrats to vote for anyone but you.  We urge voters to cast their vote for Nicole Malliotakis, a clear alternative to the self-absorbed, egocentric occupant of Gracie Mansion.  

Governor Cuomo’s summer of hell is bringing him an autumn of frost.  

The last time taxpayers had to pay for a Constitutional Convention, it was turned down by a 3-1 vote; a colossal boondoggle.    Unfortunately, some think it is a good idea; but as they learn more about it, the support falls off.  

Here is a great book if you want to know about the rise of conservatism from the inside, and then some, in a political memoir for all seasons,   Whiplash! From JFK to Donald Trump: A Political Odyssey  is written by  Arnold L. Steinberg and anyone with just a passing interest in politics will enjoy this book.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  


Daily Update

Unbelievable!  All I will say is that pride comes before the fall and that the NY Post is correct in calling Mayor de Blasio a jerk.  

The NY Times calls Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis “a gutsy GOP challenger.”  The NY Times ends its article with this:  “What’s not clear is if she will raise enough money to qualify for city matching funds and for a place in a debate against Mr. de Blasio, assuming he wins his party’s nomination. Should she fall short, we’d encourage the mayor to debate her anyway. The city would be the better for it.  (emphasis added.)  If you want to help Nicole click here.  

Comptroller DiNapoli reports what upstate already knew:  upstate work force is dwindling.  

Strange bedfellows emerge as convention debate intensifies.  The Village Voice also gives some pros and cons to holding a Constitutional Convention.  We are urging a NO vote in November.  

Charles Hurt, writing in the Washington Times, has the best response to the left’s frantic DACA suspension, including Mayor de Blasio, and Governor Cuomo’s threat of litigation when President Trump ends DACA  pay attention Gentlemen, DACA is against the US Constitution. Guy Benson thinks President Trump may be bluffing on ending DACA, but is right to put the issue squarely on the shoulders of Congress.  

Dennis Prager opines on Conservatives in America – Like Marranos in Medieval Spain.  

Some reading material you may have missed over the Labor Day Weekend:

It Wasn’t Comey’s Decision to Exonerate Hillary – It Was Obama’s.  

Comey drafted announcement closing Hillary Clinton probe before key witnesses interviewed: Senators.

The case for a special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton.

Judge orders feds to release details of Clinton email probe after FBI refused request.  

Trump Rolls Back Onerous Diversity Regs.  

The Trump Administration Believes in the Dignity of Work.  

What It Means That The Right Is Animated By Principle And The Left By Power.  

Trump’s national security advisers give warning, hope to avoid ‘total annihilation’ of North Korea.

The Empire Center on pensions:  Still ticking, all the same.  

Americans are getting clobbered by their tax bills.   

Inside the NYC schools critics call ‘failure factories’. 



Weekly Wrap-Up

This week President Trump confronted the first great challenge of his administration. I believe the President is rising to the challenge, and his words after visiting Texas are inspiring: 

“In difficult times such as these, we see the true character of the American people, their strength, their love and their resolve. We see friend helping friend, neighbor helping neighbor, and stranger helping stranger. And together, we will endure and we will overcome.”

Even the New York Times is giving Trump some credit for his leadership, but of course liberals who hate Trump are finding ways to criticize him and especially the First Lady. The Left can’t even resist the temptation to take swipes at the American people in general. Sad, indeed.

How would you BEST describe President Trump’s leadership during the Harvey disaster so far? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Hurricane Harvey’s wrath is revealing the worst of Mother Nature, but the best of America.

What has inspired you the most in the American people’s response to Hurricane Harvey?  And what do you feel is the most important thing you are doing to help victims of Hurricane Harvey? 

Those are the second and third questions in our new Weekly Poll. 

If you want to give, here are some options – and I imagine JJ Watt of the Houston Texans will be cheered wherever he plays this football season, after his Texas-sized fundraising effort that is still going strong. 

This unfolding disaster is also showing the perils of Big Government, and will soon be a test for Congress – can lawmakers pass an emergency bill that’s not littered with pork spending? 

Meanwhile even a disaster can’t stop the left’s fake news.

Some good news amid this week’s tragedy: The economy is growing at the fastest pace in more than two years, and President Trump is launching his tax reform plan to “Bring Back Main Street” and accelerate our economy. Can he close the deal with the American people? 

Speaking of fake news, be ready for the Democrats’ endless tax cut lies.

Finally, Christopher Columbus is under attack – literally here in New York, and figuratively in California. President Trump called it – where will the political correctness end? 

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Daily Update

The Washington Times reported this yesterday:  “Hillary Clinton’s case isn’t interesting enough to the public to justify releasing the FBI’s files on her, the bureau said this week in rejecting an open-records request by a lawyer seeking to have the former secretary of state punished for perjury.”  This struck me as a very strange statement by the FBI — “isn’t interesting enough” — since when does the FBI consider the public’s interest when it decides to reject an open-records request.  I checked the FBI website, and looked at the tab that said “What we Investigate”.   Public Corruption was front and center and if you scroll down, the FBI listed 8 cases under “Public Corruption News”… of the 8 listed, not one was familiar to me…(and believe me, I read a lot of public corruption news articles) yet, FBI records management section chief, David M. Hardey in denying the FOIA request stated, “It is incumbent upon the requester to provide documentation regarding the public’s interest in the operations and activities of the government before records can be processed pursuant to the FOIA.”  Very strange that he thinks the “public” has no interest in how Hillary handled her emails while Secretary of State, yet had press releases on the 8 listed.   I’m very surprised to learn that government transparency is not “interesting enough” to justify releasing the FBI’s files on her.  Maybe Hillary will tell us what happened when the FBI investigated her in her new book What Happened instead of blaming everyone but herself. 

As your children leave for college, consider the differences in how colleges educate our young: Berkeley and University of Tampa.  Even before going to college, parents must know what is being taught in their schools.  

Is this our future:  Vandals behead Christopher Columbus statue in Westchester.  Mayor de Blasio did not help the situation when he said  he would have a commission review New York’s statutes., albeit he is trying to walk that back a bit.   The NY Post editorial calls him out on his self-inflicted problem.  

Betsy McCaughey reminds us again about America’s deadly nursing homes. 

VOTE NO on the first ballot question in November’s election: Shall there be a Constitutional Convention?  Here are some articles on the Con-Con:  Davis: A Constitutional Convention would pander to special-interest groups and New York constitutional convention vote raises hopes, fears.  

Leopards never change their spots:  Linda Sarsour Criticized for Grifting for Fake Hurricane Harvey Charity.  Cruel and heartless and very un-American.

This is the true face of Americans! If you are in a position to do so; please donate to help Texas and Louisiana stand strong once again.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams:  Racial Lies and Racism.