Daily Update

Nicole Malliotakis talks about homeless, housing and drugs with the Staten Island Advance. 

Errol Lewis writes in today’s Daily News that school violence meets happy talk, Open your eyes, Mayor de Blasio.   It is regrettable when we have to cheer that a high school finally has metal detectors to protect their students. 

This is the America I know:  A community of heroes .  One maniac does the unthinkable for whatever reason, and the majority of Americans react like true humanitarians.  This is America, a country that comes together for each other, they portray the American ideals that this nation is built on, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”   Americans will always come together when evil shows its ugly, aggressive face; the difficulty is staying together when evil isn’t as recognizable and vicious.

The NY Post editorial reminds us to wait for the facts on the Vegas attack.

‘We Already Have Laws Against Murder’:  Gov. Matt Bevin Explains Why Gun Control Isn’t Answer.

Rich Lowry opines on the Passionate Non-Sequiturs of the Gun Debate.

Don’t let the ‘Ferguson effect’ take root in NYC.

The Manhattan Institute reminds New Yorkers we are the EMPIRE OF CORRUPTION.

Michael Grimm is hoping to con the voters again.  

A state model for federal tax relief.  

Do people really want this?  Socialized medicine at work: a 20-week wait

Walter E. Williams opines on Blacks vs. Police.

Daily Update

Pray for our nation, pray for the people and families of those viciously murdered in Las Vegas, pray for the first responders, and pray for those who have to live with the memory of living through this maniac’s carnage.  Here Are Ways You Can Help Las Vegas Victims.

This just boggles my mind:  CBS fires vice president who said Vegas victims didn’t deserve sympathy because country music fans ‘often are Republican’…CBS was absolutely right to fire her, the question is, how does someone with so much hatred become a vice president at CBS?  

It is troubling that NBC’s Chuck Todd and so many others believe that our Constitution excludes God-Given rights.  Did they miss the classes that taught American History and the reasons for the Declaration of Independence?  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. People who have a platform with a big megaphone really should have to understand the history of our Constitution and Declaration of Independence before they try to convince people who do understand them that our ideals are dangerous.  Todd Collins should listen to this:   “Bo Snerdley” takes on NFL protests and white privilege.  

The Supreme Court’s Next Term Will Be One for the Books. Here’s Why.

Gary Cohn breaks down the details of Trump’s tax reform framework.  Betsy McCaughey opines on  Exposing Democrats’ lies on the Trump tax-cut plan

‘Deregulation Day’ Spotlights Big Changes Trump Is Bringing to Washington.   

This Could Be Trump’s Most Popular Wave of Judicial Picks Yet.   

Other PR mayor lauds Trump, chides San Juan mayor.    The aftermath of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico  is the most logistically challenging event the United States has ever seen.   Charles Hurt opines on Puerto Rico the latest crisis Democrats see as too good to let go to waste

This will not surprise you one bit:  Colin Kaepernick Donated $25,000 to a Group Named in Honor of Cop-Killer Assata Shakur.   

Why We Stand.

Will this work:  A conservative approach to DACA.  Or will Democrats betray the dreamers just to score political point?  

Nicole Gelinas:  De Blasio is right to say no to an MTA bailout

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s been a tough week for the Republican Establishment and the party’s self-proclaimed leaders, and the one-and-only Rush Limbaugh let the party elites have it on Hannity this week.

What do you think is the Republican Establishment’s biggest problem heading into 2018? That is the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

President Trump set a winning path for the GOP in introducing his tax plan this week – and some are optimistic that tax relief will be an easier task than Obamacare repeal. The Trump plan has the power to spark economic growth and help all Americans. New York could take some lessons.

Here are ten key tax cuts in the President’s plan – will the GOP sabotage itself by buying into the liberals’ phony “fairness” arguments? Will tax relief be torpedoed by the Democrats’ “tax cuts for the rich” propaganda? Chuck Schumer is already cranking out the fake news.

What do you think is the biggest lie that Chuck Schumer and the Democrats will spread about President Trump’s tax relief plan over the next few weeks? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Speaking of fake news – here is a prime example. And you can file this under “Can You Imagine if President Trump Said That?”

Here in New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio refuses to get serious about school safety, and this is the result. Yet another reason for New York City to choose a different path.

If anyone was going to partake in cheap symbolism, you’d think it would be Barack Obama, but at a recent golf event he stood with two of his fellow former Presidents for the national anthem. So why can’t pro football get the message?

Maybe the NFL is afraid of its players, as President Trump says.  The league should certainly be worried when players snub fans like this.

From lawmakers to race car drivers, people are explaining why they stand for the Star-Spangled Banner. Why do you stand? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Kudos to Sgt. Ed Mullins, President of the Sergeants Benevolent Association (the fourth largest police union in the country)  for taking out a full-page advertisement in today’s NY Daily News that essentially asks NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to join him at the table to talk about what law enforcement and the NFL can do to better protect and serve the communities we all care about.  Sgt. Mullins letter can be read here.   Simply put; Don’t take a knee, take a seat.” Credit Michael P. Ramirez with cartoon banner.  

Sgt. Mullins will be accepting our salute to those who keep us safe – the men and women who wear the blue — at our Fall Reception on Thursday, October 12, 2017 (Details here) and we hope you can attend to say thank you in person. 

Heather MacDonald writes in City Journal about Hard Data, Hollow Protests

The NY Post editorial says “Nice ‘framework,’ Republicans — now get the tax-cut job done.   E. J. McMahon, NY’s leading tax expert,  has this analysis.  Since the actual language has not been written yet, New Yorkers are in limbo not knowing if we will pay more or less.  One thing is certain…New York has to cut spending or the exodus of people will become a stampede of New Yorkers moving to less taxed states. 

The Daily Signal thinks it is great news for America.   

Governor, it isn’t only health funding that you should be worried about – and don’t forget that you were forewarned that changes would be taking place. 

Nicole Malliotakis, Always the Underdog, this Time Runs for Mayor.  WNYC will be airing the first mayoral debate live at 7 p.m. on Tues., Oct. 10, on 93.9 FM and 820 AM.

The Manhattan Institute has an important analysis on pension promise.  Everyone should read it and consider themselves forewarned and to prepare for the inevitable. 

Will the US Supreme Court change how unions acquire union dues

When conservatives live in a deep blue state like New York they sometimes think the overwhelming progressive left has won the battle for the soul of America…they haven’t and here are 3 major reasons to believe the conservative movement is alive and well

David Keene reminds us, once again, that the main stream media is biased in its reporting. 

The Gatestone Institute alerts us to this:  Florida Islamist’s “Human Rights” Organization Needs to Be Investigated for Possible Terrorism Ties

“As far as I’m concerned, any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice in a way…” said Michele Obama which is a typical statement of progressive left-wing women.  Ms. Obama, I voted with my intellect, my ability to understand that the America that voted for your husband, understood that he undermined every single principle that made America the only country able to bring freedom to the world by ending the despicable reign of Hitler’s Third Reich, tore down the Berlin Wall, spilled the blood of our young men and women defending your right speak out against our government and is still the most sought after county to live in–  I certainly did vote with my voice and said loud and clear, I will help make America Great Again! 

Daily Update

Michael Goodwin really should have a daily column to simplify the conundrums of the day.  His column today is a must read:  Here’s one more reason to be afraid of De Blasio 2.0.  

We all know George Soros likes to donate to liberal causes, but did you know his son, Alexander, is outpacing his father’s footsteps

I must admit, this is one of the most disappointing photos I have ever seen.  How do you defend the core values of America when you believe “communism will win?”  He, of course, is encouraged to have his own opinion; this is America and we try not to coerce people to think exactly the same, albeit, lately it certainly seems as if we do.  The vast majority of American’s love our country and our Flag and stand when singing the National Anthem, we truly appreciate the freedoms granted us by the US Constitution and defended for us by veterans, far too many of whom have given there all.  But there are those who don’t, like the man in the photo and those who are #takingtheknee; and we take offense.  Perhaps, those who don’t see it our way, will eventually learn that they live in a country that has supported their right to disrespect the symbol of freedom.  Try #takingtheknee in North Korea, Iran, China, Cuba, Russia.   Our freedoms will not protect you there; then maybe they would understand our disappointment in their disrespect. 

It is even more disappointing  to watch #takingtheknee  when Americans realize that the NFL is subsidized by our tax dollars!  Money that could be used for education, housing, or safer roads. 

Jason L. Riley writes about his own experiences and asks those who are #takingtheknee the larger question:  whether what is being protested has some basis in reality beyond anecdotes and viral videos on social media.

Tucker Carlson discusses the controversy with Rev. Michel Faulkner (our candidate for NYC Comptroller) and Burgess Owens. 

Tucker Carlson takes on CNN’s Don Lemon…and it is typical Tucker dismantling Don.

The Supreme Court is slated to hear a case in its upcoming term over Ohio’s voter-culling practices and hopefully problems like this will be resolved

The Washington Times opines on another funeral for repeal and replace.  And Deroy Murdock states very clearly that the GOP dysfunction will paralyze the conservative base in 2018

Maybe there is hope… House Freedom Caucus Supports Trump’s Tax Plan.  Here are the some of the details of President Trump’s Tax Plan that is not finalized yet.    Yes, it looks like New York will lose the deduction for state and local taxes all the more reason to lower NY’s taxes! Governor Cuomo you must cut spending in order to cut taxes. 

Daily Update

The “#take a knee” controversy continued last night…apparently the Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals did not read Rich Lowry’s column yesterday.  Maybe the Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers will read this before Thursday night’s game.  Every NFL team, owner, commentator , political pundit, late-night talk show hosts, and left-wing zealots, should give some serious thought to the fact that calling Trump’s remarks on NFL anthem protesters racist is what drives people to himWesley Pruden  shares his thoughts on what is most likely a self-defeating phenomenon in his Washington Times column.   Dennis Prager wants to know Who’s Divisive — the President or the Players?

The far left progressives should read this editorial: Viewers voting with the remote control when it comes to mixing sports, entertainment and progressive politics and consider that they have been forewarned. 

George J. Marlin writes in Newsmax that global religious persecution ignored is unconscionable.  It is and so is Hate, Bernie style as explained by Robert Knight in the Washington Times.

Illegal voting takes place, just ask the Philadelphia election commissioners.

President Trump’s new travel ban is standard security policy

Cuomo says major budget changes may be needed if New York loses $2B in health care funding.  Really Governor Cuomo?  You didn’t plan for this? What kind of manager are you…you knew it was possible that it would happen.  Poor planning, Governor.  Like so many other things you plan…you would rather spend$100 million to improve the operations and appearance of MTA facilities, instead of helping the riders have a safer trip to work each day. 

By the way, Governor, you really need to study the definition of “immigrant”  — a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.  Doesn’t your birth certificate say you were born in New York City NY.  If so, please explain, why you say you are an immigrant.  Also, we are proud of the immigrants who have come to America to contribute to our way of life, we do not support those who come into our country illegally and flaunt the rule of law

Bill de Blasio Is America’s Most Irrelevant Mayor.    You can make a difference and elect Assemblywoman Nicole Mallitakis in November.  Share these articles with your family and friends:  Malliotakis hits de Blasio over Pan Am shelter;  Nicole Malliotakis Looks Forward To “Holding The Mayor Accountable” and ABC News – Up Close with Republican mayoral candidate Nicole Malliotakis.  Click here to donate and find more articles on Nicole. 

Walter E. Williams opines on Not a Day Care.

Daily Update

Nicole Gelinas reminds us of the help Puerto Rico needs and what it doesn’t need.  

In case you missed Michael Goodwin’s column over the weekend, we linked to it here.  As Mr. Goodwin does quite often, his column shines a light on why the swamp must be drained. 

Paul Sperry’s column informs us how Obama is funding the anti-Trump resistance.

Conrad Black opines in the NY Sun that Trump Will Call Kim’s Bluff Or World Will End Up With 30 A-Bomb States.  

Governor Cuomo, we told you this would happen:  Falling casino revenues are the latest sign Cuomo bet wrong for New York. 

Obviously, Judge Janet DiFiore, read the fine print when she was appointed Chief Judge by Governor Andrew Cuomo

Don’t Fall for Jimmy Kimmel’s Cheap Zero-Sum Emotionalism, especially when you learn Sen. Schumer coached Kimmel

Did you know these interesting stats on football players in general?   Taking a knee is making a big mistake.  Congressman Peter King has this to say about taking a knee.  For the record, Roger Goodell, is making a huge mistake by not following the rules of the National Football League, he is putting his agenda before the leagues rules and in doing so, will continue to lose fans. 




Weekly Wrap-Up

As Democrats play politics with America’s national security, President Trump gave the United Nations a much-needed dose of true straight talk

When everybody from Hillary Clinton to the President of Iran is outraged, you know Trump is doing something right.

And he’s following up his words on North Korea with action.

What was your favorite line from President Trump’s United Nation’s speech? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll – and let me tell you, it was almost impossible to narrow it down to a reasonable number of choices. Here is a transcript: I encourage you to read the whole thing several times, to fully grasp how well our President defends our country.

I’m also wondering what you think is the biggest (and best) difference between President Trump and President Obama. That’s our second Poll question for the week.

And finally – what do you think is the biggest problem with the United Nations? The endless corruption? The exorbitant cost? The waste and mismanagement? The coddling of dictators and anti-Semites?

As President Trump continues to keep his conservative promises, Hillary’s sour grapes tour is going full-speed-ahead. She seems delusional, as do many of her supporters.

Right now the Democrats’ biggest health care thinkers are a Socialist, a late-night talk show host, and a dishonest ex-President. No wonder their party is in shambles.

There’s nothing the Democrats’ won’t exploit to save Obamacare, or to defend illegal immigration, for that matter.

Speaking of Obama and dishonesty – we could be reaching Nixon-levels of corruption here.

You’ve probably heard liberals talk endlessly about how this year’s hurricanes are the result of global warming.  Don’t believe them.

But this you can believe – Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio have made a mess of New York’s subways, among many other things. And if you ever hear Cuomo talk about health care for the “indigent” – remember the real story.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Good news is coming from Washington, DC:  At last, the GOP moves toward tax cuts.  The Daily Signal has more on the push for tax reform.   Even Obama’s Julia would have a better life because of tax reform.  

And, more good news, this from the White House:  Trump signs order targeting North Korea’s trade partners. Here is Fox News’ coverage of President Trump’s proposal and, of course, the North Korean response.   Marc A. Thiessen, explains why the left hated Trump’s U.N. speech.  Paul Kengor has a history lesson for those who have forgotten the response when President Bill Clinton threatened to “end” North Korea.  Here is Charles Hurt’s analysis on President Trump’s UN speech. 

Thank you Guy Benson, if you didn’t write this column, Pelosi: Let’s Face It, DREAMers’ Parents Did Something ‘Great’ By Breaking Our Laws, we would not know what lengths Congresswoman Pelosi would go to try justifying her position.  

Yes, Ronald Reagan was a labor hero.  

Malliotakis camp says private poll shows she still has a chance.  Nicole is campaigning all over the city and is certainly not being ignored by the media which helps her get her message out. Won’t you help her help NYC end the reign of Mayor de Blasio who, after being Mayor for almost 4 years still has to use a cheat sheet.  

When you control the membership, you get exactly what you want.  

Kudos to County Executive Rob Astorino!   He has a better understanding of the US Constitution than our current Governor.  John Testa, the County Board of Legislators Minority Leader, supports Mr. Astorino’s position.  

Our education system is failing America; it seems to be purposefully trying to destroy what makes America great…from within.  This poll is an eye-opener to those of us who thank God every day that we are born in America!  



Daily Update

Mayor Bill de Blasio is not looking out for you, but what else is new.   After almost four years in office, the Mayor and the City Council are rushing to pass a “construction safety” bill that in fact is just a gift to the building-trades unions. The Daily News also slams the proposal; “It is, rather, yet another quintessentially Council push to pile layer upon layer of unmanageable bureaucracy upon an industry that could instead use an intelligently focused reform.”  

Wasteful spending of your money!   On November 7, you can just say NO to his wasteful spending and elect Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis.  Assemblywoman Malliotakis is getting the attention of the national press, here is a Daily Caller article and an older one from USA Today.  

Yes, we agree, more people should be involved in public hearings, however, providing free babysitting is not the answer.  Considering the salaries “earned” by the members, shouldn’t they have public hearings at a time more convenient for the public?  Aren’t taxpayers soaked enough with the “good” ideas passed by NYC Council Members?  

Oh boy, put your seat-belts on!  Governor Cuomo, who has let his true progressive beliefs out of the closet he placed them in 2010, will be pouring them on in order to avoid a primary with Syracuse Mayor Miner who is cozy with the NY Progressive Action Network.

Sen. Joni Ernst has introduced a bill that makes complete sense.  Let’s see who votes for it, if it makes it to the floor.  The bill only has two sponsors as of now, neither being Sen. McConnell.  Of course, Sen. Schumer and Sen. Gillibrand are not on the bill either.  I’m going to call them and ask them to sponsor.  Will you call or email them also? 

Ben Woolfgang writes in the Washington Times — In U.N. address, Trump replaces Obama’s soft talk with big stick., isn’t that refreshing.  In case you missed his speech, here it is.  The NY Sun spines on Trump at Turtle Bay.  

Kudos to Congressman John Faso….looking out for all his constituents!  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  



Daily Update

President Donald J. Trump warns North Korea.  “The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea,” he said in his address to the UN General Assembly, prompting gasps from the assembled world leaders.  Personally, I am relieved that we have a President willing to stand up for America, and her allies,  in an arena that expects every nation to be meek, mild and timid when it comes to being bullied by miscreant leaders.  Leading conservative pundit, Donald Devine, opines that the best option we have is to build a missile defense wall, he may be 100% right, but in the meantime, let the bullying miscreant leader wonder what our President will do.  According to Governor Jerry Brown – the far left leader of a state that believes government solves all problems, I don’t have to worry because I dwell in deep, dark caves..  So, Gov. Moonbeam, when did America become part of Shaanxi province in China where people really do live in caves today?  By the way, Governor Moonbeam, when did you come out of your deep, dark cave to enslave the people of California?  Gov. Moonbeam, I will stand with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — who lives with the threat of terror every day — who said:  Trump’s UN Speech Was the Most Courageous in 30 Years.  

Trump hints at possible withdraw from Iran nuclear deal.  .  Isn’t it refreshing to have our President standing strong for America smack in the middle of an organization that would like to weaken the United States in the eyes of the nations that comprise the United Nations.? 

Does anyone feel sorry for Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi?  Apparently, in her long career of giving away our hard-earned tax dollars, it never occurred to her that the takes would demand more.  Obviously, Ms. Pelosi, discounts the old adage “give a person an inch, and they will take a mile.”  Larry Horist opines in Punching Bag Media, that Trumps position on DACA proves he is a constitutionalist.  

Is the Con-Con a Con?  As the article indicates, politics make strange bedfellows, all told, however, the Con-Con is a Con and we urge a NO vote on the back of the ballot you will cast in the November general election.  

Robert Knight writes in the Washington Times that vote fraudsters double their opportunities. 

Someone should tell Sen. Paul that the Investor’s Business Daily thinks the GOP’s last-ditch effort to repeal ObamaCare is surprisingly good 

ABC7NY’s Up Close interviews Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis.  City and State also has a lengthy interview of Assemblywoman Malliotakis..  (Fell free to send the links to your family and friends and, if possible, help her cause here.)  




Daily Update

Today’s NY Post editorial begins with this, “If Mayor de Blasio wins a second term this November, it’s a safe bet that he’ll spend even less of it doing his job than he has these last four years — and more of it chasing his out-of-town ambitions.”  Of course, the operative word is “if” and when voters  pay attention to the mayoral race, there is no way he will be re-elected!  Our candidate, Nicole Malliotakis, is at every possible event reaching out to all and giving them every sound reason to be elected in November.  New York City needs Nicole Malliotakis as Mayor, a woman dedicated to New York City not looking to parlay the position into being a national political icon who thinks local government would exercise direct control over all construction plans–determining who gets to live in which apartments

Mayor de Blasio isn’t the only elected official that admires oppressive nation, add Sen. Diane Savino to the list of people who admire nations that denies its citizens the freedoms found in America.  

This is shameful; rest assured, Assemblywoman Malliotakis would be a much better manager of the public education system.   

Apparently, the “smartest” woman in the world, does not know you really cannot destroy paper trails.   Wow:  Washington Post: No Hillary, Comey Didn’t Cost You the Election.  

Did you know 64% of Americans have positive views of police officers, while 16% offer a neutral assessment, and 18% view the police in negative terms.  We hope you will attend our 2017 Fall Reception (Thursday, October 12, 2017) that will honor the men and women who wear the blue.  For information on our event, click here.  

Conservatives Call for Tax Reform to ‘Put Small Businesses Back at the Heart of America’s Economy.’  

Analyst: DACA is temporary for good reason.  

Here are some things you should know about the Southern Poverty Law Center.  

Betsy McCaughey explains how BernieCare slams working people.  

Nicole Gelinas opines on how the city’s infrastructure woes set a park up to fail.